Ejemplo n.º 1
def hashtag(algo, lib=False):
    def inner(value):
        return hexd(algo, value)
    return filter(function(inner),
        doc='Returns %s hexadecimal hash of the value. %s' % \
            (algo.upper(), lib and 'Requires the :mod:`hashlib` module' or ''),
        name=algo, test={'args':('wtf',),'result':hexd(algo, 'wtf')})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def hashtag(algo, lib=False):
    def inner(value):
        return hexd(algo, value)
    return filter(function(inner),
        doc='Returns %s hexadecimal hash of the value. %s' % \
            (algo.upper(), lib and 'Requires the :mod:`hashlib` module' or ''),
        name=algo, test={'args':('wtf',),'result':hexd(algo, 'wtf')})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def codectag(encoding, codec=True):
    codec = 'b%d%s' % (encoding, codec and 'encode' or 'decode')
    def inner(s, *args, **kwargs):
        return getattr(base64, codec)(s, *args, **kwargs)
    inner.__name__ = codec 
    inner.__doc__ = getattr(base64, codec).__doc__ + """

    {%% %s [string] [options] %%}
    """ % codec
    return filter(function(inner))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def codectag(encoding, codec=True):
    codec = 'b%d%s' % (encoding, codec and 'encode' or 'decode')

    def inner(s, *args, **kwargs):
        return getattr(base64, codec)(s, *args, **kwargs)

    inner.__name__ = codec
    inner.__doc__ = getattr(base64, codec).__doc__ + """

    {%% %s [string] [options] %%}
    """ % codec
    return filter(function(inner))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def func_factory(method):
        func = getattr(math, method)
    except AttributeError:
    def inner(arg1, arg2=None):
            return func(arg1, arg2)
        except TypeError:
            return func(arg1)
    inner.__name__ = method
    doc = func.__doc__.splitlines()
    if len(doc) > 1 and not doc[1]:
        doc = doc[2:]
    inner.__doc__ = '\n'.join(doc)
    if method.startswith('is'):
        return comparison(inner)
    return filter(function(inner))
Ejemplo n.º 6
import re

from native_tags.decorators import comparison, function

def matches(pattern, text):
    'String comparison. True if string ``text`` matches regex ``pattern``'
    return re.compile(str(pattern)).match(text)
matches = comparison(matches)

def substitute(search, replace, text):
    'Regex substitution function. Replaces regex ``search`` with ``replace`` in ``text``'
    return re.sub(re.compile(str(search)), replace, text)
substitute = function(substitute)

def search(pattern, text):
    'Regex pattern search. Returns match if ``pattern`` is found in ``text``'
    return re.compile(str(pattern)).search(str(text))
search = function(search)
Ejemplo n.º 7

def is_not(a):
    return operator.is_not(a)

is_not = comparison(is_not, doc=operator.is_not.__doc__)

# Mathematical and bitwise operators

def abs(a):
    return operator.abs(a)

abs = function(comparison(abs), doc=operator.abs.__doc__)

def add(a, b):
    return operator.add(a, b)

add = function(add, doc=operator.add.__doc__)

def and_(a, b):
    return operator.and_(a, b)

and_ = function(comparison(and_, name='and'), doc=operator.and_.__doc__)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    Returns the CSS from the ``HtmlFormatter``.
    ``cssclass`` is the name of the ``div`` css class to use


            {% highlight_style [cssclass] [formatter options] %}


            {% highlight_style code linenos=true %}
    if highlighter is None:
        return ''
    return HtmlFormatter(**kwargs).get_style_defs('.%s' % cssclass)
highlight_style = function(highlight_style)

def highlight(code, lexer, **kwargs):
    Returns highlighted code ``div`` tag from ``HtmlFormatter``
    Lexer is guessed by ``lexer`` name
    arguments are passed into the formatter


            {% highlight [source code] [lexer name] [formatter options] %}


            {% highlight 'print "Hello World"' python linenos=true %}
Ejemplo n.º 9
import datetime
from datetime import date, timedelta
import random

def get_last_day_of_month(year, month):
    if (month == 12):
        year += 1
        month = 1
        month += 1
    return date(year, month, 1) - timedelta(1)

def get_users_last_accepted_events(user, count=3, template_name="events/latest_accepted_events.html"):
    accepted_events = Event.objects.filter(guests=user).order_by('-end_date')[0:count]
    return render_to_string(template_name, {"events": accepted_events})
get_users_last_accepted_events = function(get_users_last_accepted_events)
def month_cal(year, month, calendar_type="invitations", current_day=None):
    event_list = Event.objects.filter(\
                    Q(status=2)&(Q(start_date__month=month) \
                      & Q(start_date__year=year))|(Q(end_date__month=month) \
                      & Q(end_date__year=year))  )

    if calendar_type=="invitations":
        event_list = event_list.filter(type=1)\
        event_list = event_list.filter(type=0)

    first_day_of_month = date(year, month, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    assert watchable and isinstance(watchable, Watchable)
    assert by_bit == 'by'
    assert user
    return watchable.is_watched(user)
is_watched.function = True

def annotate_content(context, filenode, **options):

       {% annotate_content filenode cssclass="code-highlight" %}
    def annotate_changeset(changeset):
        template_name = "projector/project/repository/"\

        context['line_changeset'] = changeset
        out = render_to_string(template_name, context)
        return out

    order = ['annotate', 'ls', 'code']
    headers = {}
        return annotate_highlight(filenode, order=order, headers=headers,
            annotate_from_changeset_func=annotate_changeset, **options)
    except VCSError:
        raise Http404
annotate_content = function(annotate_content, is_safe=True, takes_context=True)

Ejemplo n.º 11
    """ % {'field_id': field_id, 'options': options}

    return script_body
autocomplete_field.function = True

def do_get_code_style(context):
    user = context.get('user', None)
    if user and user.is_authenticated():
        style = getattr(user.get_profile(),
        style = richtemplates_settings.DEFAULT_CODE_STYLE
    return style
get_code_style = function(do_get_code_style, takes_context=True,

def richicon_src(icon):
    Returns link to the icon.
    src = richtemplates_settings.ICONS_URL + icon
    return src
richicon_src.function = True

def richicon(icon, **opts):
    Returns html's ``img`` tag with message icon.
    src = richicon_src(icon)
    tag = '<img src="%s"' % src
Ejemplo n.º 12
import re

from native_tags.decorators import comparison, function

def matches(pattern, text):
    'String comparison. True if string ``text`` matches regex ``pattern``'
    return re.compile(str(pattern)).match(text)

matches = comparison(matches)
matches.test = {'args': ('\d', '_'), 'result': None}

def substitute(search, replace, text):
    'Regex substitution function. Replaces regex ``search`` with ``replace`` in ``text``'
    return re.sub(re.compile(str(search)), replace, text)

substitute = function(substitute)
substitute.test = {'args': ('w', 'f', 'wtf'), 'result': 'ftf'}

def search(pattern, text):
    'Regex pattern search. Returns match if ``pattern`` is found in ``text``'
    return re.compile(str(pattern)).search(str(text))

search = function(search)
search.test = {'args': ('\d', 'asdfasdfwe'), 'result': None}
Ejemplo n.º 13
from video.models import Video
from video.forms import VideoForm
register = Library()

def show_video_teaser(video):
    return {"video": video}

def show_video_content(video):
    return {"video": video}

def add_video_dialog(request, container_id, callback_function=None, content_object=None, template_name="video/add_video_dialog.html"):
    return render_to_string(template_name, {
        "callback_function": callback_function,
        "container_id": container_id,
        "video_form": VideoForm(),
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
add_video_dialog = function(add_video_dialog)

def video_selector_list(request, callback_function=None, template_name="video/video_selector_list.html"):
    user = request.user
    videos = Video.objects.filter(creator=user).order_by("-date_added")
    return render_to_string(template_name, {
        "viewed_user": user,
        "videos": videos,
        "callback_function": callback_function,
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
video_selector_list = function(video_selector_list)
Ejemplo n.º 14
from native_tags.decorators import function, comparison, filter
from datetime import datetime

def dynamic(*a, **kw):
    return list(a) + sorted(kw.items())

dynamic = function(dynamic)

def no_render(*a, **kw):
    return list(a) + sorted(kw.items())

no_render = function(no_render, resolve=False)

def myfilter(value, arg):
    return value + arg

myfilter = filter(myfilter, test={'args': (1, 1), 'result': 2})

def adder(x, y):
    return x + y

adder = function(adder, name='add', test={'args': (1, 1), 'result': 2})
Ejemplo n.º 15
from calendar import HTMLCalendar
from native_tags.decorators import function

def calendar(format, *args, **kwargs):
    Creates a formatted ``HTMLCalendar``. 
    Argument ``format`` can be one of ``month``, ``year``, or ``yearpage``
    Keyword arguments are collected and passed into ``HTMLCalendar.formatmonth``, 
    ``HTMLCalendar.formatyear``, and ``HTMLCalendar.formatyearpage``
            {% calendar month [year] [month] %}
            {% calendar year [year] %}
            {% calendar yearpage [year] %}
            {% calendr month 2009 10 %}
    cal = HTMLCalendar(kwargs.pop("firstweekday", 0))
    return getattr(cal, "format%s" % format)(*args, **kwargs)

calendar = function(calendar)
Ejemplo n.º 16
import re
from django import template
from photos.models import Image
#from photologue.utils import EXIF
register = template.Library()
from misc.utils import safetylevel_filter
from native_tags.decorators import function, comparison, filter
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.template.loader import render_to_string

def add_photos_dialog(request, container_id, callback_function, content_object=None, template_name="photos/photo_add_dialog.html"):
    return render_to_string(template_name, {
        "callback_function": callback_function,
        "container_id": container_id,
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
add_photos_dialog = function(add_photos_dialog)

def do_print_exif(parser, token):
        tag_name, exif = token.contents.split()
    except ValueError:
        msg = '%r tag requires a single argument' % token.contents[0]
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(msg)

    exif = parser.compile_filter(exif)
    return PrintExifNode(exif)

class PrintExifNode(template.Node):

    def __init__(self, exif):
Ejemplo n.º 17
    elif len(args) == 1:
        # template_name
        num_items, template_name = None, args[0]
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'include_feed' tag takes either two or three arguments")
    num_items = int(num_items) or len(feed['entries'])
    for i in range(num_items):
        pub_date = feed['entries'][i].updated_parsed
        published = datetime.date(pub_date[0], pub_date[1], pub_date[2])
        items.append({ 'title': feed['entries'][i].title,
                       'summary': feed['entries'][i].summary,
                       'link': feed['entries'][i].link,
                       'date': published })
    return template_name, { 'items': items, 'feed': feed }
include_feed = function(include_feed, inclusion=True)

def parse_feed(feed_url):
    Parses a given feed and returns the result in a given context
    It is **highly** recommended that you use `Django's template
    fragment caching`_ to cache the output of this tag for a
    reasonable amount of time (e.g., one hour); polling a feed too
    often is impolite, wastes bandwidth and may lead to the feed
    provider banning your IP address.
    .. _Django's template fragment caching: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/cache/#template-fragment-caching
    Arguments should be:
Ejemplo n.º 18
            "'include_feed' tag takes either two or three arguments")

    num_items = int(num_items) or len(feed['entries'])
    for i in range(num_items):
        pub_date = feed['entries'][i].updated_parsed
        published = datetime.date(pub_date[0], pub_date[1], pub_date[2])
            'title': feed['entries'][i].title,
            'summary': feed['entries'][i].summary,
            'link': feed['entries'][i].link,
            'date': published
    return template_name, {'items': items, 'feed': feed}

include_feed = function(include_feed, inclusion=True)

def parse_feed(feed_url):
    Parses a given feed and returns the result in a given context
    It is **highly** recommended that you use `Django's template
    fragment caching`_ to cache the output of this tag for a
    reasonable amount of time (e.g., one hour); polling a feed too
    often is impolite, wastes bandwidth and may lead to the feed
    provider banning your IP address.
    .. _Django's template fragment caching: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/cache/#template-fragment-caching
Ejemplo n.º 19
### -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ####################################################

import urlparse

from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ugettext_lazy as _

from native_tags.decorators import function

from .models import get_group, get_second_level
from .utils import alphabetic_setup, term_lookup, ALPHABET_SECOND_INDEX_NAME, alphabetic_setup_second, ALPHABET_SECOND_FILTER_COUNT

PARAM_NAME = 'firstletter'

alphabetic_term = function(term_lookup, takes_request=True, name="get_alphabetic_term")
alphabetic_setup = function(alphabetic_setup, takes_request=True)

class Group:
    label = ''
    key = '' #Unique identifier
    letters = ()
    def __init__(self, label, key, letters):
        self.label = label
        self.key = key
        self.letters = letters

    Group(u'A-Z', "eng", (
Ejemplo n.º 20
### -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ####################################################

from django.conf import settings
from native_tags.decorators import function

from ..models import Banner

def get_banner(slug, width, height, queryset=Banner.objects.all()):
    banner = queryset.get_or_create(slug=slug.encode('utf-8'))[0]
    return "banner_source.html", {
                'banner': banner, 'size': "%ix%i" % (width, height), 
                'width': width, 'height': height, 
                'STATIC_URL': settings.STATIC_URL,

get_banner = function(get_banner, inclusion=True, cache=60)
Ejemplo n.º 21
from geo.forms import LocationInputForm
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response
from native_tags.decorators import function, comparison, filter
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from geo.models import GeoAbstractModel, GeoPointTag
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
from django.core.cache import cache
from misc.utils import get_target_contenttype
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models import Avg, Max, Min, Count
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.template import RequestContext

def items_in_area():
    return "ddddddd"
items_in_area = function(items_in_area)

def get_users_tracks(user):
    return MGPXTrack.objects.filter(creator=user).order_by("-creation_date")
get_users_tracks = function(get_users_tracks)    

def show_users_clustermap(user, content_type=None, request=None):
    return render_to_string("geo/user_cluster_widget.html", {
        "user": user,
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
show_users_clustermap = function(show_users_clustermap)

def list_countries(template_name="geo/country_list.html"):
Ejemplo n.º 22
from native_tags.decorators import function, comparison, filter
from datetime import datetime

def dynamic(*a, **kw):
    return list(a) + sorted(kw.items())
dynamic = function(dynamic)

def no_render(*a, **kw):
     return list(a) + sorted(kw.items())
no_render = function(no_render, resolve=False)

def myfilter(value, arg):
    return value + arg
myfilter = filter(myfilter, test={'args':(1,1),'result':2})
def adder(x, y):
    return x + y
adder = function(adder, name='add', test={'args':(1,1),'result':2})
def cmp_kwargs(**kw):
    return len(kw)
cmp_kwargs = comparison(cmp_kwargs)

def myinc(noun):
    return 'unittest.html', {'noun': noun}
myinc = function(myinc, inclusion=True)

def ifsomething():
    return True
ifsomething = comparison(ifsomething)
Ejemplo n.º 23
from native_tags.decorators import function, comparison, filter
from datetime import datetime

def dynamic(*a, **kw):
    return list(a) + sorted(kw.items())
dynamic = function(dynamic)    

def no_render(*a, **kw):
     return list(a) + sorted(kw.items())
no_render = function(no_render, resolve=False)

def myfilter(value, arg):# a, b, c):
    return value + arg
myfilter = filter(myfilter)
def adder(x, y):
    return x + y
adder = function(adder, name='add')    
def cmp_kwargs(**kw):
    return len(kw)
cmp_kwargs = comparison(cmp_kwargs)

def myinc(noun):
    return 'unittest.html', {'noun': noun}
myinc = function(myinc, inclusion=True)

def ifsomething():
    return True
ifsomething = comparison(ifsomething)
Ejemplo n.º 24
from calendar import HTMLCalendar
from native_tags.decorators import function

def calendar(format, *args, **kwargs):
    Creates a formatted ``HTMLCalendar``. 
    Argument ``format`` can be one of ``month``, ``year``, or ``yearpage``
    Keyword arguments are collected and passed into ``HTMLCalendar.formatmonth``, 
    ``HTMLCalendar.formatyear``, and ``HTMLCalendar.formatyearpage``
            {% calendar month [year] [month] %}
            {% calendar year [year] %}
            {% calendar yearpage [year] %}
            {% calendr month 2009 10 %}
    cal = HTMLCalendar(kwargs.pop('firstweekday', 0))
    return getattr(cal, 'format%s' % format)(*args, **kwargs)
calendar = function(calendar)

Ejemplo n.º 25
    return operator.not_(a)
not_ = comparison(not_, name='not', doc=operator.not_.__doc__)

def is_(a):
    return operator.is_(a)
is_ = comparison(is_, name='is', doc=operator.is_.__doc__)

def is_not(a):
    return operator.is_not(a)
is_not = comparison(is_not, doc=operator.is_not.__doc__)

# Mathematical and bitwise operators

def abs(a):
    return operator.abs(a)
abs = function(comparison(abs), doc=operator.abs.__doc__)

def add(a, b):
    return operator.add(a, b)
add = function(add, doc=operator.add.__doc__)
def and_(a, b):
    return operator.and_(a, b)
and_ = function(comparison(and_, name='and'), doc=operator.and_.__doc__)

def div(a, b):
    return operator.div(a, b)
div = function(comparison(div), doc=operator.div.__doc__)
def floordiv(a, b):
    return operator.floordiv(a, b)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def officer_only(context, nodelist, user):
    return Compas.objects.filter(officers=user).exists() and nodelist.render(context) or ''

def sync_compas_form(compas, user):
    return { 
        'access_granted': user.is_superuser or Compas.objects.filter(pk=compas.pk, officers__pk=user.pk).exists(),
        'station': compas,
        'base_locked': compas.is_locked(base=True),
        'update_locked': compas.is_locked(base=False),

def user_compases(user):
    return get_compases(user).values_list('pk', flat=True)
user_compases = function(user_compases, cache=3600)

def get_last_update(user):
    """dummy function, just a wrapper"""
    failed = False
    compases = get_compases(user)
    for c in compases:
            if c.get_last_attempt().status == ImportLogger.FAILURE:
                failed = True
        except (ImportLogger.DoesNotExist, IndexError):
Ejemplo n.º 27
from native_tags.decorators import function, block, filter
from django.template import Template, Context

def document(o):
    'Returns the docstring for a given object'
        return o.__doc__ or ''
    except AttributeError:
        return ''
document = filter(function(document))

def do_set(context, **kwargs):
    'Updates the context with the keyword arguments'
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        context[k] = v
    return ''
do_set = function(do_set, takes_context=1, name='set')

def do_del(context, *args):
    'Deletes template variables from the context'
    for name in args:
        del context[name]
    return ''
do_del = function(do_del, resolve=0, takes_context=1, name='del')

def render_block(context, nodelist):
    'Simply renders the nodelist with the current context'
    return nodelist.render(context)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    if (month == 12):
        year += 1
        month = 1
        month += 1
    return date(year, month, 1) - timedelta(1)

def get_users_last_accepted_events(
        user, count=3, template_name="events/latest_accepted_events.html"):
    accepted_events = Event.objects.filter(
    return render_to_string(template_name, {"events": accepted_events})

get_users_last_accepted_events = function(get_users_last_accepted_events)

def month_cal(year, month, calendar_type="invitations", current_day=None):
    event_list = Event.objects.filter(\
                    Q(status=2)&(Q(start_date__month=month) \
                      & Q(start_date__year=year))|(Q(end_date__month=month) \
                      & Q(end_date__year=year))  )

    if calendar_type == "invitations":
        event_list = event_list.filter(type=1)\
        event_list = event_list.filter(type=0)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    For example::
        {% map sha1 hello world %}
        [sha1(hello), sha1(world)]


    if len(sequence) == 1:
        sequence = sequence[0]
    return map(get_func(func_name, False), sequence)

do_map = function(do_map, name="map")

def do_reduce(func_name, *sequence):
    Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence,
    from left to right, so as to reduce the sequence to a single value.
    Functions may be registered with ``native_tags`` 
    or can be ``builtins`` or from the ``operator`` module
        {% reduce [function] [sequence] %}        
        {% reduce [function] [item1 item2 ...] %}
Ejemplo n.º 30
    Retrieves the latest object from a given model, in that model's
    default ordering, and stores it in a context variable.
    The optional field argument specifies which field to get_latest_by, otherwise the model's default is used
        {% get_latest_object [app_name].[model_name] [field] as [varname] %}
        {% get_latest_object comments.freecomment submitted_date as latest_comment %}
    return _get_model(model)._default_manager.latest(field)
get_latest_object = function(get_latest_object)    

def get_latest_objects(model, num, field='?'):
    Retrieves the latest ``num`` objects from a given model, in that
    model's default ordering, and stores them in a context variable.
    The optional field argument specifies which field to get_latest_by, otherwise the model's default is used
        {% get_latest_objects [app_name].[model_name] [num] [field] as [varname] %}
        {% get_latest_objects comments.freecomment 5 submitted_date as latest_comments %}
Ejemplo n.º 31
from django.template import Library
from django.core import urlresolvers
from native_tags.decorators import function, comparison, filter

register = Library()

import datetime
import time

def admin_url(app, model, action, id=None):
            return urlresolvers.reverse('admin:%s_%s_%s'%(app, model, action), args=(id,))
            return urlresolvers.reverse('admin:%s_%s_%s'%(app, model, action))
        return "";

admin_url = function(admin_url)

def main_admin_url():
        return urlresolvers.reverse('admin:index')
        return "";
main_admin_url = function(main_admin_url)
    Retrieves the latest object from a given model, in that model's
    default ordering, and stores it in a context variable.
    The optional field argument specifies which field to get_latest_by, otherwise the model's default is used
        {% get_latest_object [app_name].[model_name] [field] as [varname] %}
        {% get_latest_object comments.freecomment submitted_date as latest_comment %}
    return _get_model(model)._default_manager.latest(field)
get_latest_object = function(get_latest_object)    

def get_latest_objects(model, num, field='?'):
    Retrieves the latest ``num`` objects from a given model, in that
    model's default ordering, and stores them in a context variable.
    The optional field argument specifies which field to get_latest_by, otherwise the model's default is used
        {% get_latest_objects [app_name].[model_name] [num] [field] as [varname] %}
        {% get_latest_objects comments.freecomment 5 submitted_date as latest_comments %}
Ejemplo n.º 33
register = template.Library()

def show_profile_preview(user):
    return {"user": user}

def show_profile_header(viewed_user, user, title=""):
    return {"viewed_user": viewed_user, "user":user, "title":title}

def count_of_votes(viewed_user):
    from voting.models import Vote
    return Vote.objects.filter(user=viewed_user).count()
count_of_votes = function(count_of_votes)

def show_contact_select(viewed_user, element_id, callback, count=20):
    users = get_people_i_follow(viewed_user, count)
    return {"viewed_user":viewed_user,
            "element_id": element_id,
            "callback": callback,
            "count": count,
            "users": users}

def are_friends(user, user2):
    if user.is_authenticated():
        are_friend = Friendship.objects.are_friends(user, user2)
Ejemplo n.º 34
autocomplete_field.function = True

def do_get_code_style(context):
    user = context.get('user', None)
    if user and user.is_authenticated():
        style = getattr(user.get_profile(),
        style = richtemplates_settings.DEFAULT_CODE_STYLE
    return style

get_code_style = function(do_get_code_style,

def richicon_src(icon):
    Returns link to the icon.
    src = richtemplates_settings.ICONS_URL + icon
    return src

richicon_src.function = True

def richicon(icon, **opts):
Ejemplo n.º 35
import random as _random
from native_tags.decorators import function

def randrange(*args,**kwargs):
    if len(args)==1:
        args = (0,args[0])
    return _random.randrange(*args,**kwargs)
randrange = function(randrange)
randrange.__doc__ = _random.randrange.__doc__ + """

        {% randrange [stop] [options] %}
        {% randrange [start] [stop] [step] [options] %}

def randint(a, b):
    return _random.randint(a, b)
randint = function(randint)
randint.__doc__ = _random.randint.__doc__ + """

        {% randint [a] [b] %}

def randchoice(*seq):
    if len(seq)==1:
        seq = seq[0]
    return _random.choice(seq)
randchoice = function(randchoice)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def hashtag(algo, lib=False):
    def inner(value):
        return hexd(algo, value)
    return filter(function(inner),doc='Returns %s hexadecimal hash of the value. %s' % (algo.upper(), lib and 'Requires the :mod:`hashlib` module' or ''),name=algo)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    For example::
        {% map sha1 hello world %}
        [sha1(hello), sha1(world)]


    if len(sequence) == 1:
        sequence = sequence[0]
    return map(get_func(func_name, False), sequence)

do_map = function(do_map, name='map')
do_map.test = {'args': ('ord', 'wtf'), 'result': [119, 116, 102]}

def do_reduce(func_name, *sequence):
    Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence,
    from left to right, so as to reduce the sequence to a single value.
    Functions may be registered with ``native_tags`` 
    or can be ``builtins`` or from the ``operator`` module
        {% reduce [function] [sequence] %}        
        {% reduce [function] [item1 item2 ...] %}
Ejemplo n.º 38

def annotate_content(context, filenode, **options):

       {% annotate_content filenode cssclass="code-highlight" %}
    def annotate_changeset(changeset):
        template_name = "projector/project/repository/"\

        context['line_changeset'] = changeset
        out = render_to_string(template_name, context)
        return out

    order = ['annotate', 'ls', 'code']
    headers = {}
        return annotate_highlight(
    except VCSError:
        raise Http404

annotate_content = function(annotate_content, is_safe=True, takes_context=True)
Ejemplo n.º 39
### -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ####################################################

from native_tags.decorators import function
from paypal.standard.conf import TEST

from paypal_standard_ext.forms import PayPalPaymentsForm
from paypal_standard_ext.utils import collect_params

def paypal_shortcut(request, obj, return_url='/', cancel_url='/', form_class=PayPalPaymentsForm):
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        form = form_class(initial=collect_params(request, obj, return_url, cancel_url))
        return form.sandbox() if TEST else form.render()
        return ''
paypal_shortcut = function(paypal_shortcut, takes_request=True)
Ejemplo n.º 40
        {% map [function] [item1 item2 ...] %}

    For example::
        {% map sha1 hello world %}
        [sha1(hello), sha1(world)]


    if len(sequence)==1:
        sequence = sequence[0]
    return map(get_func(func_name, False), sequence)
do_map = function(do_map, name='map')
do_map.test = {'args':('ord','wtf'),'result':[119, 116, 102]}

def do_reduce(func_name, *sequence):
    Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence,
    from left to right, so as to reduce the sequence to a single value.
    Functions may be registered with ``native_tags`` 
    or can be ``builtins`` or from the ``operator`` module
        {% reduce [function] [sequence] %}        
        {% reduce [function] [item1 item2 ...] %}
Ejemplo n.º 41
### -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ####################################################

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

from native_tags.decorators import function

from cart.cart import Cart

def add_to_cart_url(obj, quantity):
    ct_pk = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj).pk
    return reverse('add_to_cart', current_app='cart', kwargs={
        'content_type_pk': ct_pk, 
        'object_pk': obj.pk, 
        'quantity': quantity

def get_cart_count(request):
    return Cart(request).get_count()

get_cart_count = function(get_cart_count, takes_request=1)

def get_cart_amount(request):
    return Cart(request).cart.get_amount()

get_cart_amount = function(get_cart_amount, takes_request=1)
Ejemplo n.º 42
from story.models import Story, StoryLineItemMedia
from native_tags.decorators import function, comparison, filter
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.template import RequestContext

register = Library()

def show_storyline(story, template_name="storyline.html"):
    storyline = story.storyline.order_by("position").all()
    return render_to_string(template_name, {
        "story": story,
        "storyline": storyline,
show_storyline = function(show_storyline)

def show_storyline_slider(story, select_callback=None, finished_callback=None, template_name="story/storyline_slider.html"):
    storyline = story.storyline.order_by("position").all()
    return render_to_string(template_name, {
        "story": story,
        "select_callback": select_callback,
        "finished_callback": finished_callback,
show_storyline_slider = function(show_storyline_slider)

def put_story_on_map(story, editable, template_name="story/put_story_on_map.html"):
    return render_to_string(template_name, {
        "story": story,