Ejemplo n.º 1
 class TwoItemsConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName',
     last_name = StringOption('LastName',
Ejemplo n.º 2
class MyConfig(DummyMemoryConfig):
    name = StringOption('Name', allow_empty=False, default='Pheoktist')
    surname = StringOption('Surname', env_name='SURNAME')
    test_string = StringOption('TestString',
                               choices=['str1', 'str2'],
    empty_string = StringOption('EmptyString')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_value_option_must_be_instance_of_base_option(self):
     with self.assertRaises(InitializationError):
         c = MyConfig.get_instance()
         c.array_option = self.OPTION_TYPE('DictOption', value_option=str)
     c = MyConfig.get_instance()
     c.array_option = self.OPTION_TYPE('DictOption',
Ejemplo n.º 4
 class MyConfigMixin2:
     last_name = StringOption('LastName', default='Kulakov')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 class MyConfigMixin1:
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName', default='Ilya')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 class MyConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     test_dict = DictOption('TestDict', value_option=StringOption('_'))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 class MyConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName',
                               choices=['Ilya', 'Artem'])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 class MyConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     lucky_number = IntOption('LuckyNumber', default=42)
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName')
     last_name = StringOption('LastName')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 class MyConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName',
Ejemplo n.º 10
class BaseConfig(Mapping, metaclass=_OrderedClass):
    Base class for all configs.

    Methods that work with options by name does not fail explicitly but use warnings.warn

    Back end can be accessed by 2 groups of methods: thread safe and lock free. Context management
    is also implemented so you can lock once for multiple accesses.

    @cvar ALLOW_CACHE: Whether options by default will allow cache.
    @cvar CONFIG_VERSION: Version of the config. Used during migrations and usually should be identical to app's __version__.
    @cvar CONFIG_VERSION_OPTION_NAME: Name of the option that represents config version in backend.

    @ivar _ordered_options: Ordered dict of options defined in the order of definition from base class to subclasses.
    ALLOW_CACHE = False
    CONFIG_VERSION = '1.0'

    _instances = {}
    _instances_events = {}
    _instances_lock = threading.Lock()

    def get_instance(cls):
        Return singleton for current config subclass.

        @rtype: BaseConfig
        with cls._instances_lock:
            instance_event = cls._instances_events.get(cls, threading.Event())

            if not instance_event.is_set():
                    cls._instances[cls] = cls()
                    cls._instances_events[cls] = instance_event

        return cls._instances.get(cls, None)

    def instance(cls):
        Shortcut for get_instance.

        @see: get_instance
        return cls.get_instance()

    def validate(cls):
        Validate config options.

        @raise AttributeError: Raised if properties are duplicated.
        properties = set()

        for attribute_name, attribute_value in inspect.getmembers(
                cls, inspect.isdatadescriptor):
            if isinstance(attribute_value, BaseOption):
                if attribute_value.name in properties:
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "duplication of option named '{}'".format(

    def __init__(self):

        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self._cache = self.make_cache()


    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError):

    #{ Default options

    config_version = StringOption(CONFIG_VERSION_OPTION_NAME,
                                  doc="Version of the config.")

    #{ Access options by name

    def get_value_for_option_name(self, name):
        Get option's Python Value by its name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @rtype: str

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            return attribute.fget(self)
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def get_raw_value_for_option_name(self, name):
        Get option's Raw Value by its name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @rtype: str

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            return attribute.serialize(attribute.fget(self))
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def get_json_value_for_option_name(self, name):
        Get option's JSON Value by its name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @rtype: str

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            return attribute.serialize_json(attribute.fget(self))
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def set_value_for_option_name(self, name, python_value):
        Set option's Raw Value by its name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param python_value: Python Value.
        @type python_value: object or None

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            attribute.fset(self, python_value)
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def set_raw_value_for_option_name(self, name, raw_value):
        Set option's Raw Value by its name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param raw_value: Raw Value.
        @type raw_value: str

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            attribute.fset(self, attribute.deserialize(raw_value))
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def set_json_value_for_option_name(self, name, json_value):
        Set option's JSON Value by its name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str or None

        @param json_value: JSON Value. If 'null', value will be deleted.
        @type json_value: str

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            attribute.fset(self, attribute.deserialize_json(json_value))
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def set_one_shot_value_for_option_name(self, name, python_value):
        Set One Shot Value for a given name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param python_value: Python Value.
        @type python_value: object or None

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def set_one_shot_raw_value_for_option_name(self, name, raw_value):
        Set One Shot Value for a given name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param raw_value: Raw Value.
        @type raw_value: str

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def set_one_shot_json_value_for_option_name(self, name, json_value):
        Set One Shot Value for a given name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param json_value: JSON Value.
        @type json_value: str

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def del_value_for_option_name(self, name):
        Delete option by its name.

        Issues a warning if option with a given name does not exist.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def validate_value_for_option_name(self, name, python_value):
        Validate Python Value for an option with a given name.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param python_value: Python Value.
        @type python_value: object or None

        @raise ValidationError: Raised if value is invalid.
        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            return attribute.validate(python_value)
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def validate_raw_value_for_option_name(self, name, raw_value):
        Validate Raw Value for an option with a given name.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param raw_value: Raw Value.
        @type raw_value: str

        @raise ValidationError: Raised if value is invalid.
        @raise DeserializationError: Raised if value cannot be deserialized.
        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            return attribute.validate(attribute.deserialize(raw_value))
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    def validate_json_value_for_option_name(self, name, json_value):
        Validate Raw Value for an option with a given name.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param json_value: JSON Value.
        @type json_value: str

        @raise ValidationError: Raised if value is invalid.
        @raise DeserializationError: Raised if value cannot be deserialized.
        @raise KeyError: Raised if there is no option with given name.
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            return attribute.validate(attribute.deserialize_json(json_value))
            raise KeyError("no option named '{}'".format(name))

    #{ Enumeration

    def options(self):
        Generator to enumerate options.
        for o in self._ordered_options:
            yield o

    def option_names(self):
        Generator to enumerate option names.
        for o in self._ordered_options:
            yield o.name

    def python_items(self):
        Generator to enumerate options and their Python Values.

        Yields (option name, (Python Value, value's source)).
        for o in self.options():
            python_value, source = o.read_value(self)
            yield o.name, (python_value, source)

    def raw_items(self):
        Generator to enumerate options and their Raw Values.

        Yields (option name, (Raw Value, value's source)).
        for o in self.options():
            python_value, source = o.read_value(self)
            yield o.name, (o.serialize(python_value), source)

    def json_items(self):
        Generator to enumerate options and their JSON Values.

        Yields (option name, (JSON Value, value's source)).
        for o in self.options():
            python_value, source = o.read_value(self)
            yield o.name, (o.serialize_json(python_value), source)

    #{ Snapshots

    def snapshot(self, option_names=None):
        Get snapshot of current config.

        @return: Ordered JSON dict of json-serialized options.
        @rtype: str
        items = []

        for name, (value, source) in self.json_items():
            if option_names is None or name in option_names:
                items.append('{}: {}'.format(json.dumps(name), value))

        return '{' + ', '.join(items) + '}'

    def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot):
        Set config values for older snapshot.

        If option represented in snapshot does not exist, warning will be raised.

        @param snapshot: Snapshot as returned by BaseConfig.snapshot
        for k, v in json.loads(snapshot).items():
            # Additional quotes are needed, because values will be loaded into python strings,
            # but set_value_for_option_name expects JSON.
            self.set_json_value_for_option_name(k, json.dumps(v))

    #{ Introspection

    def option_for_name(self, name):
        Return option (property object) for name.

        @param name: Name of an option.
        @type name: str

        @rtype: BaseOption or None
        for o in self.options():
            if o.name == name:
                return o
            return None

    #{ Recovery and migrations

    def resolve_value(self, exc_info, name, raw_or_json_value, source):
        Resolve Raw Value that cannot be deserialized or re-raise exception.

        Default implementation logs an exception and returns default value.

        @param exc_info: Exception info extracted in the handler of either DeserializationError or ValidationError.
        @type exc_info: tuple

        @param name: Name of the option that cannot be deserialized.
        @type name: str

        @param raw_or_json_value: Raw value that cannot be deserialized.
        @type raw_or_json_value: str

        @param source: Source where value originated from.
        @type source: ValueSource

        @return: Value to be used based on Raw Value.
        LOG.error("Unable to deserialize value of \"%s\" from \"%s\":\n%s.",
                  name, raw_or_json_value,
        return self.option_for_name(name)._default

    def migrate(self, version):
        Migrate options in backend from a given version to current one.

        @param version: Version to migrate. Can be None if config does not exist or does not contain value for that option.

        @note: Called even when versions match.
        self.set_value(self.CONFIG_VERSION_OPTION_NAME, self.CONFIG_VERSION)

    def reset(self):
        Reset config be deleting
        for o in self.options():

    def rename_option(self, old_name, new_name, transform=None):
        Rename option by preserving its value and optionally transforming it.

        You should call this method during migration in migrate.

        @param old_name: Old name of the option.
        @type old_name: str

        @param new_name: New name of the option.
        @type new_name: str

        @param transform: Optional callable that accepts current raw value and returns new raw value.
        @type transform: Callable or None

        value = self.get_value(old_name)

        if value is not None:
            self.set_value(new_name, transform(value) if transform else value)


    #{ Cache

    def make_cache(self):
        Make new cache.

        Subclasses may override this method, if they support fast means
        to cache config into RAM like JSONConfig.
        return {}

    #{ Backend access

    def get_value(self, name, *, allow_cache=False):
        Extract Raw Value for a given name from the backend.

        @param name: Name of the option to get.
        @type name: str

        @param allow_cache: If True, config will return cached copy if any.
            If value is not known, it will be read from the backend and cached.
        @type allow_cache: bool

        @rtype: str or None
        with self._lock:
            return self.get_value_lock_free(name, allow_cache=allow_cache)

    def set_value(self, name, raw_value, *, allow_cache=False):
        Store Raw Value for a given name in the backend.

        @param name: Name of the option to set.
        @type name: str

        @param allow_cache: If True, value will only be written to the backend if it's different
            than cached copy.
        @type allow_cache: bool

        @param raw_value: Value to set.
        @type raw_value: str
        with self._lock:
            self.set_value_lock_free(name, raw_value, allow_cache=allow_cache)

    def del_value(self, name, *, allow_cache=False):
        Remove value for a given name from the backend.

        @param name: Name of the option to delete.
        @type name: str

        @param allow_cache: If True, value will only be deleted if it exists is known to not exist to cache.
        @type allow_cache: bool
        with self._lock:
            self.del_value_lock_free(name, allow_cache=allow_cache)

    def get_array_value(self, name, *, allow_cache=False):
        Extract an array of Raw Values for a given name from the backend.

        @param name: Name of the array option to get.
        @type name: str

        @param allow_cache: See get_value.
        @type allow_cache: bool

        @rtype: [str] or None
        with self._lock:
            return self.get_array_value_lock_free(name,

    def set_array_value(self, name, value, *, allow_cache=False):
        Store new value which is an array of Raw Values for a given name in the backend.

        @param name: Name of the array option to set.
        @type name: str

        @param value:  Value to set.
        @type value: [str]

        @param allow_cache: See set_value.
        @type allow_cache: bool
        with self._lock:

    def get_dict_value(self, name, *, allow_cache=False):
        Extract a dict of Raw Values for a given name from the backend.

        @param name: Name of the dict option to get.
        @type name: str

        @param allow_cache: See get_value.
        @type allow_cache: bool

        @rtype: {str: str} or None
        with self._lock:
            return self.get_dict_value_lock_free(name, allow_cache=allow_cache)

    def set_dict_value(self, name, value, *, allow_cache=False):
        Store new value which is a dict of Raw Values for a given name in the backend.

        @param name: Name of the dict option to set.
        @type name: str

        @param value:  Value to set. Must be a dict of serialized values.
        @type value: {str: str}

        @param allow_cache: See set_value.
        @type allow_cache: bool
        with self._lock:
            self.set_dict_value_lock_free(name, value, allow_cache=allow_cache)

    #{ Lock-free backend access

    def get_value_lock_free(self, name, *, allow_cache=False):
        Lock-free version of get_value.

        @see: get_value
        if allow_cache and name in self._cache:
            return self._cache[name]
            v = self.get_value_cache_free(name)
            self._cache[name] = v
            return v

    def set_value_lock_free(self, name, raw_value, *, allow_cache=False):
        Lock-free version of set_value.

        @see: set_value
        if not allow_cache or name not in self._cache or self._cache[
                name] != raw_value:
            self.set_value_cache_free(name, raw_value)
            self._cache[name] = raw_value
            LOG.debug("Value of \"%s\" is set to \"%s\".", name, raw_value)

    def del_value_lock_free(self, name, *, allow_cache=False):
        Lock-free version of del_value.

        @see: del_value
        if not allow_cache or name not in self._cache or self._cache[
                name] is not None:
            self._cache[name] = None
            LOG.debug("Delete value of \"%s\".", name)

    def get_array_value_lock_free(self, name, *, allow_cache=False):
        Lock-free version of get_array_value.

        @see: get_array_value
        if allow_cache and name in self._cache:
            return self._cache[name]
            v = self.get_array_value_cache_free(name)
            self._cache[name] = v
            return v

    def set_array_value_lock_free(self, name, value, *, allow_cache=False):
        Lock-free version of set_array_value.

        @see: set_array_value
        if not allow_cache or name not in self._cache or self._cache[
                name] != value:
            self.set_array_value_cache_free(name, value)
            self._cache[name] = value
            LOG.debug("Array value of \"%s\" is set to \"%s\".", name, value)

    def get_dict_value_lock_free(self, name, *, allow_cache=False):
        Lock-free version of get_dict_value.

        @see: get_dict_value
        if allow_cache and name in self._cache:
            return self._cache[name]
            v = self.get_dict_value_cache_free(name)
            self._cache[name] = v
            return v

    def set_dict_value_lock_free(self, name, value, *, allow_cache=False):
        Lock-free version of set_dict_value.

        @see: set_dict_value
        if not allow_cache or name not in self._cache or self._cache[
                name] != value:
            self.set_dict_value_cache_free(name, value)
            self._cache[name] = value
            LOG.debug("Dict value of \"%s\" is set to \"%s\".", name, value)

    #{ Cache-free backend access

    def get_value_cache_free(self, name):
        Cache-free version of get_value.

        @see: get_value

    def set_value_cache_free(self, name, raw_value):
        Cache-free version of set_value.

        @see: set_value

    def del_value_cache_free(self, name):
        Cache-free version of del_value.

        @see: del_value

    def get_array_value_cache_free(self, name):
        Cache-free version of get_array_value.

        @see: get_array_value

    def set_array_value_cache_free(self, name, value):
        Cache-free version of set_array_value.

        @see: set_array_value

    def get_dict_value_cache_free(self, name):
        Cache-free version of get_dict_value.

        @see: get_dict_value

    def set_dict_value_cache_free(self, name, value):
        Cache-free version of set_dict_value.

        @see: set_dict_value

    #{ Dict magic methods

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._ordered_options)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.get_value_for_option_name(key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.set_value_for_option_name(key, value)

    def __delitem__(self, key):

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.option_names()
Ejemplo n.º 11
 class MyConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     second_name = StringOption('SecondName', default='Kulakov')
     age = IntOption('Age', default=42)
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName', default='Ilya')
Ejemplo n.º 12
class BaseConfig(metaclass=_OrderedClass):
    Base class for all configs.

    Methods that work with options by name does not fail explicitly but use warnings.warn.

    @cvar CONFIG_VERSION: Version of the config. Used during migrations and usually should be identical to app's __version__.
    @cvar CONFIG_VERSION_OPTION_NAME: Name of the option that represents config version in backend.
    CONFIG_VERSION = '1.0'

    _instances = {}
    _instances_events = {}
    _instances_lock = threading.Lock()

    def get_instance(cls):
        Return singleton for current config subclass.

        @rtype: type(cls)
        with cls._instances_lock:
            instance_event = cls._instances_events.get(cls, threading.Event())

            if not instance_event.is_set():
                    cls._instances[cls] = cls()
                    cls._instances_events[cls] = instance_event

        return cls._instances.get(cls, None)

    def validate(cls):
        Validate config options.

        @raise AttributeError: Raised if properties are duplicated.
        properties = set()

        for attribute_name, attribute_value in inspect.getmembers(
                cls, inspect.isdatadescriptor):
            if isinstance(attribute_value, BaseOption):
                if attribute_value._name in properties:
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "Duplication of option named \"{}\"!".format(

    def __init__(self):

#{ Default options

    config_version = StringOption(CONFIG_VERSION_OPTION_NAME,

    #{ Access options by name

    def get_value_for_option_name(self, name):
        Get option's Raw Value by its name in backend.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @return: JSON Value. None if such option does not exist.
        @rtype: str or dict or list or None
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            return attribute.serialize_json(attribute.fget(self))
            warn("No option named \"{}\".".format(name))
            return None

    def set_value_for_option_name(self, name, json_value):
        Set option by its name in backend.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str or dict or list or None

        @param json_value: JSON value. If 'null', value will be deleted.
        @type json_value: str
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            attribute.fset(self, attribute.deserialize_json(json_value))
            warn("No option named \"{}\".".format(name))

    def set_one_shot_value_for_option_name(self, name, json_value):
        Set One Shot Value for a given name.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str

        @param json_value: JSON value.
        @type json_value: str or dict or list or None
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            attribute.fset(self, attribute.deserialize_json(json_value))
            warn("No option named \"{}\".".format(name))

    def del_value_for_option_name(self, name):
        Delete option by its name in backend.

        @param name: Name of the option.
        @type name: str
        attribute = self.option_for_name(name)

        if attribute:
            warn("No option named \"{}\".".format(name))

    def snapshot(self):
        Get snapshot of current config.

        @return: Dict of option: value format.
        @rtype: OrderedDict
        options = OrderedDict()

        for option in self._ordered_options:
            options[option._name] = self.get_value_for_option_name(

        return options

#{ Introspection

    def option_for_name(self, name):
        Return option (property object) for name.

        @param name: Name of an option.
        @type name: str

        @rtype: BaseOption or None
        for option in self._ordered_options:
            if option._name == name:
                return option
            return None

#{ Recovery and migrations

    def resolve_value(self, exception, name, raw_value):
        Resolve Raw Value that cannot be deserialized or re-raise exception.

        Default implementation logs an exception and returns default value.

        @param exception: Exception that was raised during serialization.
        @type exception: DeserializationError

        @param name: Name of the option that cannot be deserialized.
        @type name: str

        @param raw_value: Raw value that cannot be deserialized.
        @type raw_value: str

        @return: Value to be used based on raw value.
        LOG.error("Unable to deserialize value of \"%s\" from \"%s\": %s.",
                  name, raw_value, exception)
        return self.option_for_name(name)._default

    def migrate(self, version):
        Migrate options in backend from a given version to current one.

        @param version: Version to migrate. Can be None if config does not exist or does not contain value for that option.

        @note: Called even when versions match.
        self.set_value(self.CONFIG_VERSION_OPTION_NAME, self.CONFIG_VERSION)

#{ Access backend

    def get_value(self, name):
        Return Raw Value for a given name or None if no value exists and default should be used.

        @param name: Name of the option to get.
        @type name: str

        @rtype: str or None

    def set_value(self, name, raw_value):
        Set new Raw Value for a given name.

        @param name: Name of the option to set.
        @type name: str

        @param raw_value: Value to set. Must be serialized.
        @type raw_value: str

    def del_value(self, name):
        Remove value for a given name.

        @param name: Name of the option to delete.
        @type name: str

    def get_array_value(self, name):
        Return an array of Raw Values for a given name.

        @param name: Name of the array option to get.
        @type name: str

        @rtype: list or None

    def set_array_value(self, name, value):
        Set new value which is an array of Raw Values for a given name.

        @param name: Name of the array option to set.
        @type name: str

        @param value:  Value to set. Must be a list of serialized values.
        @type value: list

    def get_dict_value(self, name):
        Return a dict of Raw Values for a given name.

        @param name: Name of the dict option to get.
        @type name: str

        @rtype: dict or None

    def set_dict_value(self, name, value):
        Set new value which is a dict of Raw Values for a given name.

        @param name: Name of the dict option to set.
        @type name: str

        @param value:  Value to set. Must be a dict of serialized values.
        @type value: dict
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_choices_cannot_be_empty(self):
     c = MyConfig.get_instance()
     with self.assertRaises(InitializationError):
         c.empty_choices = StringOption('EmptyChoices', choices=[])
Ejemplo n.º 14
 class StringOptions(DummyMemoryConfig):
     string_option = StringOption('StringOption',
                                  choices=["String 1", "String 2"],
                                  default="String 1")
Ejemplo n.º 15
 class MyConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName', allow_cache=True)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 class DisallowCacheConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     ALLOW_CACHE = False
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName', default='Ilya')
Ejemplo n.º 17
 class AllowCacheConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     ALLOW_CACHE = True
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName',
Ejemplo n.º 18
 class MyConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     first_name = StringOption('Name')
     last_name = StringOption('Name')
Ejemplo n.º 19
 class OneItemConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName',
Ejemplo n.º 20
 class MyConfig(self.CONFIG_TYPE):
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName', default='Ilya')
Ejemplo n.º 21
 class MyConfig(MyRegistryConfig):
     first_name = StringOption('FirstName', default='Ilya')