Ejemplo n.º 1
def process_received_packet(data, address, sock):
    from natpmp_operation.natpmp_logic_common import received_bytes_to_request, process_request

        # If the sender is in the TLS-enabled IPs, try to decipher the packet
        if address[0] in security_module.TLS_IPS:
            # Decipher the data and check the packet signature
                ip_tls = security_module.TLS_IPS[address[0]]
                data = security_module.decipher_and_check_signature_and_nonce(
                    data, security_module.ROOT_KEY,
                    ip_tls['cert'].public_key(), ip_tls['nonce'])
            except ValueError:
                raise MalformedPacketException("Malformed secure packet")

        # Convert the received UDP data to a Python object representing the client request
        request = received_bytes_to_request(data)

        # Add data to the request regarding the client IP/port and the socket in which it was received
        request.address = address
        request.sock = sock

        # Send the request to be processed

    except (MalformedPacketException, InvalidPacketSignatureException) as e:
        printlog("Ignoring anomalous packet from %s: %s" %
                 (str(address), str(e)))
        if address[0] in security_module.TLS_IPS:
    except Exception as e:
        printerr("Uncaught exception processing a packet: %s" % str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def initialize_network_sockets():
    private_ips = settings.PRIVATE_INTERFACES
    sockets = []

    for ip in private_ips:
        # Iterate over the private interfaces to provide a UDP socket for each one
            udp_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            udp_sock.bind((ip, NATPMP_PORT))
        except Exception as err:
            printerr("Error while creating socket on %s:%d" %
                     (ip, NATPMP_PORT))
            raise err

        printlog("Created socket on %s:%d" % (ip, NATPMP_PORT))

    from natpmp_daemon import DAEMON_START_TIME
    printlog("Daemon started at timestamp %s" % DAEMON_START_TIME)

    # Send the gratuitous multicast info at startup

    # Infinite network loop to attend requests
    while True:
        # Blocking call that will wait until a socket becomes available with data
        ready_sockets, _, _ = select.select(sockets, [], [])
        for sock in ready_sockets:
            data, address = sock.recvfrom(65536)
            process_received_packet(data, address, sock)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def remove_ip_from_tls_enabled(ip_addr, auto=False):
    if ip_addr in TLS_IPS:
        if not auto:
        del TLS_IPS[ip_addr]

        logtext = "Removing %s from secure IPs" % ip_addr
        if auto:
            logtext += " (timed out)"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def init_tables():
        "nft add chain %s prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority 0 ; }"
        "nft add chain %s postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 ; }"

    printlog("Table '%s' initialized on nftables." % NATPMP_TABLE_NAME)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_ip_to_tls_enabled(ip_addr, cert, nonce):
    autoremoval_trigger = DateTrigger(get_future_date(CERT_CACHE_TIME))

    # If it's already in the dict, update the removal time
    if ip_addr in TLS_IPS:
        printlog("Renewing %s as a secure IP" % ip_addr)
        job = enabled_ips_scheduler.add_job(remove_ip_from_tls_enabled,
                                            args=(ip_addr, True))
        TLS_IPS[ip_addr] = {'cert': cert, 'job': job, 'nonce': nonce}
        printlog("Adding %s to secure IPs" % ip_addr)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def initialize_root_certificate():

    global ROOT_KEY

    root_cert_path = os.path.join(
    root_pk_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(root_cert_path), "root.key")

    if os.path.exists(root_cert_path) and os.path.exists(root_pk_path):

        # Both the cert and the private key exist, load them
        ROOT_KEY = load_private_key_asking_for_password(
            "Please, input the password for the root private key:")
        ROOT_CERTIFICATE = load_certificate(root_cert_path)

        # Must create a new cert-key pair
            "Root certificate and/or private key not found, creating new ones..."

        # Ask the user for a password to encode the private key
        while True:
                "Please enter a password for the root private key (leave blank for no password)",
            pass1 = getpass()
            print("Please repeat your password", flush=True)
            pass2 = getpass()

            if pass1 == pass2:
                print("Passwords do not match, please try again\n")

        # Generate the private key first
        privkey = rsa.generate_private_key(

        key_encr_algo = serialization.BestAvailableEncryption(
                "utf-8")) if len(pass1) > 0 else serialization.NoEncryption()

        # Now create the server's cert
        subject = issuer = x509.Name([
            x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, u"ES"),
            x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME, u"SE"),
            x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.LOCALITY_NAME, u"Sevilla"),
            x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, u"ACME"),
            x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, u"NAT-PMP Daemon"),

        root_cert = x509.CertificateBuilder() \
            .subject_name(subject) \
            .issuer_name(issuer) \
            .public_key(privkey.public_key()) \
            .serial_number(x509.random_serial_number()) \
            .not_valid_before(datetime.utcnow()) \
            .not_valid_after(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=365)) \
        ).sign(privkey, hashes.SHA256(), default_backend())

        # Save the cert with 644 permissions
        with open(root_cert_path, "wb") as f:

        os.chmod(root_cert_path, 0o644)

        # Save the private key with 600 permissions
        with open(root_pk_path, "wb") as f:

        os.chmod(root_pk_path, 0o600)

        # Load both into the module
        ROOT_CERTIFICATE = root_cert
        ROOT_KEY = privkey
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def handle_sigterm(signal, frame):
         "Daemon terminating, flushing NAT-PMP mappings in nftables...")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def init_web_interface(host):

    flask_app = Flask(__name__, static_folder="webapp/static", template_folder="webapp/templates")
    flask_app.secret_key = os.urandom(16)
    interface_port = settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PORT

    # Supress flask logging unless debug mode is on
    if not settings.DEBUG:
        import logging
        log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')

    # Create the routers

    @flask_app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def index_handler():
        if request.method == "GET":
            # GET request, display the password input form if there's a password set
            if settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD:
                return render_template("index.html", message=None)
                return redirect("/dashboard")
            # POST request
            if "password" in request.form and request.form["password"] == settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD:
                session["allowed"] = True
                return redirect("/dashboard")
                return render_template("index.html", message="The password is not correct.")

    @flask_app.route("/dashboard", methods=["GET"])
    def dashboard_handler():
        # Ensure that the user has introduced the correct pasword
        if settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD and not session.get("allowed", False):
            return redirect("/")

        from natpmp_operation import natpmp_logic_common
        mappings = natpmp_logic_common.get_mappings_dicts()

        # Send the datetime objects for the lifetime of every mapping
        # (not included by default since it's implicit in the job)
        for mapping in mappings:
            mapping['expiration_date'] = str(mapping['job'].next_run_time)[:19]

        return render_template("dashboard.html", mappings=mappings)

    @flask_app.route("/delete-mapping", methods=["GET"])
    def delete_mapping_handler():
        # Ensure that the user has introduced the correct pasword
        if settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD and not session.get("allowed", False):
            return redirect("/")

        ip = request.args.get('ip', None)
        port = int(request.args.get('port', None))
        proto = request.args.get('proto', None)

        # If it exists, remove it
        from natpmp_operation import natpmp_logic_common
        mappings = natpmp_logic_common.CURRENT_MAPPINGS

        if ip in mappings and port in mappings[ip] and proto in mappings[ip][port]:
            natpmp_logic_common.remove_mapping(ip, port, proto, "Deleted via web interface")
            flash("Mapping successfully deleted.", "success")
            flash("Could not delete mapping.", "danger")

        return redirect("/dashboard")

    @flask_app.route("/create-mapping", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def create_mapping_handler():
        # Ensure that the user has introduced the correct pasword
        if settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD and not session.get("allowed", False):
            return redirect("/")

        # Auxiliary function
        def mapping_view(message, form):
            return render_template("create-mapping.html", public_ips=settings.PUBLIC_INTERFACES, message=message, form=form)

        if request.method == "GET":
            return mapping_view(None, {'public_ip': '', 'public_port': 1, 'private_ip': '', 'private_port': 1, 'proto': '', 'lifetime': 3600})
            # Check that all params are there
            if not all(k in request.form for k in ['public_ip', 'public_port', 'private_ip', 'private_port', 'proto', 'lifetime']):
                return mapping_view("At least one mandatory field wasn't provided.", request.form)

            # Check that they are all OK
            public_ip = request.form['public_ip']
            if not is_valid_ip_string(public_ip) or public_ip not in settings.PUBLIC_INTERFACES:
                return mapping_view("The public interface is not valid.", request.form)

            public_port = request.form['public_port']
                public_port = int(public_port)
                if not 1 <= public_port <= 65535:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return mapping_view("The public port must be between 1 and 65535.", request.form)

            if public_port in settings.EXCLUDED_PORTS or not settings.MIN_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT <= public_port <= settings.MAX_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT:
                return mapping_view("That public port is excluded per configuration settings, please select another one.", request.form)

            private_ip = request.form['private_ip']
            if not is_valid_ip_string(private_ip):
                return mapping_view("The client address is not valid.", request.form)

            private_port = request.form['private_port']
                private_port = int(private_port)
                if not 1 <= private_port <= 65535:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return mapping_view("The private port must be between 1 and 65535.", request.form)

            proto = request.form['proto']
            if proto not in ["TCP", "UDP"]:
                return mapping_view("The protocol is not recognized", request.form)

            lifetime = request.form['lifetime']
                lifetime = int(lifetime)
                if not 1 <= lifetime <= 65535:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return mapping_view("The lifetime must be between 1 and 65535.", request.form)

            from natpmp_operation import natpmp_logic_common
            lifetime = natpmp_logic_common.get_acceptable_lifetime(lifetime)

            # Parameters are correct, check that the mapping can actually be made

            # Check that the client doesn't have another mapping for that public IP and private port
            cur_mappings = natpmp_logic_common.get_mappings_client([public_ip], [private_port], [proto], private_ip)
            if cur_mappings and cur_mappings[0]['public_port'] != public_port:
                return mapping_view("That client already has another mapping for the desired private port, public IP and protocol.", request.form)
            elif cur_mappings and cur_mappings[0]['public_port'] == public_port:
                # The client already has this mapping, refresh it
                natpmp_logic_common.create_mapping(public_ip, public_port, proto, private_ip, private_port, lifetime)
                flash("Mapping successfully created.", "success")
                return redirect("/dashboard")

            # Check that the mapping can be made and do it if so
            if natpmp_logic_common.is_new_mapping_available(public_ip, public_port, proto, private_ip):
                natpmp_logic_common.create_mapping(public_ip, public_port, proto, private_ip, private_port, lifetime)
                flash("Mapping successfully created.", "success")
                return redirect("/dashboard")
                return mapping_view("That mapping cannot be created because it's already asigned to another client.", request.form)

    @flask_app.route("/edit-settings", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def edit_settings_handler():
        # Ensure that the user has introduced the correct pasword
        if settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD and not session.get("allowed", False):
            return redirect("/")

        # Auxiliary function
        def settings_view(message, form):
            return render_template("edit-settings.html", message=message, form=form, pass_enabled=bool(settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD))

        if request.method == "GET":
            return settings_view(None, {'allow_v0': settings.ALLOW_VERSION_0, 'allow_v1': settings.ALLOW_VERSION_1, 'allow_tls': settings.ALLOW_SECURITY_IN_V1,
                                        'force_tls': settings.FORCE_SECURITY_IN_V1, 'strict_tls': settings.STRICT_CERTIFICATE_CHECKING,
                                        'max_port': settings.MAX_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT, 'min_port': settings.MIN_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT, 'excluded_ports': str(settings.EXCLUDED_PORTS)[1:-1],
                                        'max_lifetime': settings.MAX_ALLOWED_LIFETIME, 'min_lifetime': settings.MIN_ALLOWED_LIFETIME, 'fixed_lifetime': settings.FIXED_LIFETIME,
                                        'blacklist_mode': settings.BLACKLIST_MODE, 'whitelist_mode': settings.WHITELIST_MODE, 'blacklisted_ips': str(settings.BLACKLISTED_IPS)[1:-1].replace("'", "").replace('"', ""),
                                        'whitelisted_ips': str(settings.WHITELISTED_IPS)[1:-1].replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), 'debug': settings.DEBUG})
            form = request.form
            # Check that the password is there if it's set
            if settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD and ("password" not in form or form["password"] != settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD):
                return settings_view("The password is not correct.", form)

            # Check that all of the required params are there
            if not all(param in form for param in ["max_port", "min_port", "excluded_ports", "max_lifetime", "min_lifetime", "fixed_lifetime", "blacklisted_ips", "whitelisted_ips"]):
                return settings_view("At least one mandatory field wasn't provided.", form)

            # Dump them into variables
            allow_v0 = "allow_v0" in form and form["allow_v0"]
            allow_v1 = "allow_v1" in form and form["allow_v1"]
            allow_tls = "allow_tls" in form and form["allow_tls"]
            force_tls = "force_tls" in form and form["force_tls"]
            strict_tls = "strict_tls" in form and form["strict_tls"]
            max_port = form["max_port"]
            min_port = form["min_port"]
            excluded_ports = form["excluded_ports"]
            max_lifetime = form["max_lifetime"]
            min_lifetime = form["min_lifetime"]
            fixed_lifetime = form["fixed_lifetime"]
            blacklist_mode = "blacklist_mode" in form and form["blacklist_mode"]
            whitelist_mode = "whitelist_mode" in form and form["whitelist_mode"]
            blacklisted_ips = form["blacklisted_ips"]
            whitelisted_ips = form["whitelisted_ips"]
            debug = "debug" in form and form["debug"]

            # Check that they are all OK
            if not allow_v0 and not allow_v1:
                return settings_view("At least either version must be enabled", form)

            if allow_tls and not allow_v1:
                return settings_view("TLS can only be enabled if v1 is enabled.", form)

            if (force_tls or strict_tls) and not allow_tls:
                return settings_view("TLS settings require that TLS is enabled.", form)

                max_port = int(max_port)
                if not 1 <= max_port <= 65535:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return settings_view("The maximum port must be between 1 and 65535.", form)

                min_port = int(min_port)
                if not 1 <= min_port <= 65535:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return settings_view("The minimum port must be between 1 and 65535.", form)

            if not excluded_ports:
                excluded_ports = []
                tmp = []
                for spl in excluded_ports.split(","):
                    spl = spl.strip()
                        spl = int(spl)
                        if not 1 <= spl <= 65535:
                            raise ValueError
                    except ValueError:
                        return settings_view("Port %s from excluded ports is not a valid port." % spl, form)
                excluded_ports = tmp

                max_lifetime = int(max_lifetime)
                if not max_lifetime >= 1:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return settings_view("The maximum lifetime must be greater than 1.", form)

                min_lifetime = int(min_lifetime)
                if not min_lifetime >= 1:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return settings_view("The maximum lifetime must be greater than 1.", form)

            if fixed_lifetime:
                    fixed_lifetime = int(fixed_lifetime)
                    if not fixed_lifetime >= 1:
                        raise ValueError
                except ValueError:
                    return settings_view("The fixed lifetime must be greater than 1.", form)
                fixed_lifetime = None

            if blacklist_mode and whitelist_mode:
                return settings_view("Blacklist and whitelist mode cannot be both active at once.", form)

            if not blacklisted_ips:
                blacklisted_ips = []
                tmp = []
                for spl in blacklisted_ips.split(","):
                    spl = spl.strip()
                    if not is_valid_ip_string(spl):
                        return settings_view("IP %s from the blacklist is not a valid address." % spl, form)
                blacklisted_ips = tmp

            if not whitelisted_ips:
                whitelisted_ips = []
                tmp = []
                for spl in whitelisted_ips.split(","):
                    spl = spl.strip()
                    if not is_valid_ip_string(spl):
                        return settings_view("IP %s from the whitelist is not a valid address." % spl, form)
                    whitelisted_ips = tmp

            # All settings are valid by now, dump them into the settings module
            settings.ALLOW_VERSION_0 = allow_v0
            settings.ALLOW_VERSION_1 = allow_v1
            settings.ALLOW_SECURITY_IN_V1 = allow_tls
            settings.FORCE_SECURITY_IN_V1 = force_tls
            settings.STRICT_CERTIFICATE_CHECKING = strict_tls
            settings.MAX_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT = max_port
            settings.MIN_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT = min_port
            settings.EXCLUDED_PORTS = excluded_ports
            settings.MAX_ALLOWED_LIFETIME = max_lifetime
            settings.MIN_ALLOWED_LIFETIME = min_lifetime
            settings.FIXED_LIFETIME = fixed_lifetime
            settings.BLACKLIST_MODE = blacklist_mode
            settings.BLACKLISTED_IPS = blacklisted_ips
            settings.WHITELIST_MODE = whitelist_mode
            settings.WHITELISTED_IPS = whitelisted_ips
            settings.DEBUG = debug

            # Perform some additional changes if needed
            from natpmp_operation import natpmp_logic_common
            if allow_tls and natpmp_logic_common.NATPMP_OPCODE_SENDCERT not in natpmp_logic_common.SUPPORTED_OPCODES[1]:
            elif not allow_tls and natpmp_logic_common.NATPMP_OPCODE_SENDCERT in natpmp_logic_common.SUPPORTED_OPCODES[1]:

            import logging
            log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')

            if debug:

            printlog("Settings changed via web interface.")
            flash("Settings updated.", "success")
            return redirect("/dashboard")


    # Run the app
    printlog("Web interface up and running at %s:%s" % (host, interface_port))
    flask_app.run(port=int(interface_port), host=host)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def edit_settings_handler():
        # Ensure that the user has introduced the correct pasword
        if settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD and not session.get("allowed", False):
            return redirect("/")

        # Auxiliary function
        def settings_view(message, form):
            return render_template("edit-settings.html", message=message, form=form, pass_enabled=bool(settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD))

        if request.method == "GET":
            return settings_view(None, {'allow_v0': settings.ALLOW_VERSION_0, 'allow_v1': settings.ALLOW_VERSION_1, 'allow_tls': settings.ALLOW_SECURITY_IN_V1,
                                        'force_tls': settings.FORCE_SECURITY_IN_V1, 'strict_tls': settings.STRICT_CERTIFICATE_CHECKING,
                                        'max_port': settings.MAX_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT, 'min_port': settings.MIN_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT, 'excluded_ports': str(settings.EXCLUDED_PORTS)[1:-1],
                                        'max_lifetime': settings.MAX_ALLOWED_LIFETIME, 'min_lifetime': settings.MIN_ALLOWED_LIFETIME, 'fixed_lifetime': settings.FIXED_LIFETIME,
                                        'blacklist_mode': settings.BLACKLIST_MODE, 'whitelist_mode': settings.WHITELIST_MODE, 'blacklisted_ips': str(settings.BLACKLISTED_IPS)[1:-1].replace("'", "").replace('"', ""),
                                        'whitelisted_ips': str(settings.WHITELISTED_IPS)[1:-1].replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), 'debug': settings.DEBUG})
            form = request.form
            # Check that the password is there if it's set
            if settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD and ("password" not in form or form["password"] != settings.WEB_INTERFACE_PASSWORD):
                return settings_view("The password is not correct.", form)

            # Check that all of the required params are there
            if not all(param in form for param in ["max_port", "min_port", "excluded_ports", "max_lifetime", "min_lifetime", "fixed_lifetime", "blacklisted_ips", "whitelisted_ips"]):
                return settings_view("At least one mandatory field wasn't provided.", form)

            # Dump them into variables
            allow_v0 = "allow_v0" in form and form["allow_v0"]
            allow_v1 = "allow_v1" in form and form["allow_v1"]
            allow_tls = "allow_tls" in form and form["allow_tls"]
            force_tls = "force_tls" in form and form["force_tls"]
            strict_tls = "strict_tls" in form and form["strict_tls"]
            max_port = form["max_port"]
            min_port = form["min_port"]
            excluded_ports = form["excluded_ports"]
            max_lifetime = form["max_lifetime"]
            min_lifetime = form["min_lifetime"]
            fixed_lifetime = form["fixed_lifetime"]
            blacklist_mode = "blacklist_mode" in form and form["blacklist_mode"]
            whitelist_mode = "whitelist_mode" in form and form["whitelist_mode"]
            blacklisted_ips = form["blacklisted_ips"]
            whitelisted_ips = form["whitelisted_ips"]
            debug = "debug" in form and form["debug"]

            # Check that they are all OK
            if not allow_v0 and not allow_v1:
                return settings_view("At least either version must be enabled", form)

            if allow_tls and not allow_v1:
                return settings_view("TLS can only be enabled if v1 is enabled.", form)

            if (force_tls or strict_tls) and not allow_tls:
                return settings_view("TLS settings require that TLS is enabled.", form)

                max_port = int(max_port)
                if not 1 <= max_port <= 65535:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return settings_view("The maximum port must be between 1 and 65535.", form)

                min_port = int(min_port)
                if not 1 <= min_port <= 65535:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return settings_view("The minimum port must be between 1 and 65535.", form)

            if not excluded_ports:
                excluded_ports = []
                tmp = []
                for spl in excluded_ports.split(","):
                    spl = spl.strip()
                        spl = int(spl)
                        if not 1 <= spl <= 65535:
                            raise ValueError
                    except ValueError:
                        return settings_view("Port %s from excluded ports is not a valid port." % spl, form)
                excluded_ports = tmp

                max_lifetime = int(max_lifetime)
                if not max_lifetime >= 1:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return settings_view("The maximum lifetime must be greater than 1.", form)

                min_lifetime = int(min_lifetime)
                if not min_lifetime >= 1:
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                return settings_view("The maximum lifetime must be greater than 1.", form)

            if fixed_lifetime:
                    fixed_lifetime = int(fixed_lifetime)
                    if not fixed_lifetime >= 1:
                        raise ValueError
                except ValueError:
                    return settings_view("The fixed lifetime must be greater than 1.", form)
                fixed_lifetime = None

            if blacklist_mode and whitelist_mode:
                return settings_view("Blacklist and whitelist mode cannot be both active at once.", form)

            if not blacklisted_ips:
                blacklisted_ips = []
                tmp = []
                for spl in blacklisted_ips.split(","):
                    spl = spl.strip()
                    if not is_valid_ip_string(spl):
                        return settings_view("IP %s from the blacklist is not a valid address." % spl, form)
                blacklisted_ips = tmp

            if not whitelisted_ips:
                whitelisted_ips = []
                tmp = []
                for spl in whitelisted_ips.split(","):
                    spl = spl.strip()
                    if not is_valid_ip_string(spl):
                        return settings_view("IP %s from the whitelist is not a valid address." % spl, form)
                    whitelisted_ips = tmp

            # All settings are valid by now, dump them into the settings module
            settings.ALLOW_VERSION_0 = allow_v0
            settings.ALLOW_VERSION_1 = allow_v1
            settings.ALLOW_SECURITY_IN_V1 = allow_tls
            settings.FORCE_SECURITY_IN_V1 = force_tls
            settings.STRICT_CERTIFICATE_CHECKING = strict_tls
            settings.MAX_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT = max_port
            settings.MIN_ALLOWED_MAPPABLE_PORT = min_port
            settings.EXCLUDED_PORTS = excluded_ports
            settings.MAX_ALLOWED_LIFETIME = max_lifetime
            settings.MIN_ALLOWED_LIFETIME = min_lifetime
            settings.FIXED_LIFETIME = fixed_lifetime
            settings.BLACKLIST_MODE = blacklist_mode
            settings.BLACKLISTED_IPS = blacklisted_ips
            settings.WHITELIST_MODE = whitelist_mode
            settings.WHITELISTED_IPS = whitelisted_ips
            settings.DEBUG = debug

            # Perform some additional changes if needed
            from natpmp_operation import natpmp_logic_common
            if allow_tls and natpmp_logic_common.NATPMP_OPCODE_SENDCERT not in natpmp_logic_common.SUPPORTED_OPCODES[1]:
            elif not allow_tls and natpmp_logic_common.NATPMP_OPCODE_SENDCERT in natpmp_logic_common.SUPPORTED_OPCODES[1]:

            import logging
            log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')

            if debug:

            printlog("Settings changed via web interface.")
            flash("Settings updated.", "success")
            return redirect("/dashboard")