Ejemplo n.º 1
def natsort_values(df, col, inplace=False):
    df = df if inplace else df.copy()
    if type(col) is str:
        idx = np.array(natsort.index_natsorted(df[col]))
        idx = np.array(natsort.index_natsorted(col))
    df["__natsort_key__"] = np.argsort(idx)
    df.sort_values("__natsort_key__", inplace=True)
    df.drop("__natsort_key__", axis=1, inplace=True)
    return df
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_data(label, max_items):
    # generate some random data
    items = ['%s_%d' % (label, i + 1) for i in list(range(max_items))]
    x1 = np.random.randint(low=1, high=100, size=max_items).tolist()
    x2 = np.random.randint(low=1, high=100, size=max_items).tolist()
    x3 = np.random.randint(low=1, high=100, size=max_items).tolist()

    # insert NAs to the first row
    items.insert(0, NA_ID)
    x1.insert(0, NA_TEXT)
    x2.insert(0, NA_TEXT)
    x3.insert(0, NA_TEXT)

    # create pandas dataframe
    colname = '%s_pk' % label
    data = {colname: items, 'x1': x1, 'x2': x2, 'x3': x3}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29580978/naturally-sorting-pandas-dataframe
    df = df.reindex(
        index=order_by_index(df.index, index_natsorted(df[colname])))

    # create bokeh ColumnDataSource and DataTable
    columns = [
        TableColumn(field=colname, title='ID'),
        TableColumn(field='x1', title='x1'),
        TableColumn(field='x2', title='x2'),
        TableColumn(field='x3', title='x3'),
    ds = ColumnDataSource(df)
    dt = DataTable(source=ds, columns=columns, width=300, height=300)
    return df, ds, dt
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_index_natsorted_returns_integer_list_of_sort_order_for_input_list():
    a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
    b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
    index = index_natsorted(a)
    assert index == [2, 0, 1]
    assert [a[i] for i in index] == ['num2', 'num3', 'num5']
    assert [b[i] for i in index] == ['baz', 'foo', 'bar']
Ejemplo n.º 4
def buscar(busqueda, categoria):
    if not busqueda == "":
        todos_los_productos = []
        driver.get(mercados.select_market + busqueda)
        df = pd.DataFrame(todos_los_productos)
        orden = "producto"
        ordenado = df.sort_values(
            key=lambda x: np.argsort(index_natsorted(df[str(orden)])))
        today = str(datetime.date.today())
        localdir = os.getcwd()
        #time = str(datetime.datetime.now()).replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-")
        if not os.path.isdir(localdir + "/tablas/select_market/" + today):
            os.mkdir(localdir + "/tablas/select_market/" + today)

        if not os.path.isfile(
            f = open(
        busqueda = ""
        orden = ""
        print("busqueda finalizada")
def test_index_natsorted_returns_integer_list_of_sort_order_for_input_list():
    given = ["num3", "num5", "num2"]
    other = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    index = index_natsorted(given)
    assert index == [2, 0, 1]
    assert [given[i] for i in index] == ["num2", "num3", "num5"]
    assert [other[i] for i in index] == ["baz", "foo", "bar"]
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def prepare(df):
     # Sort columns
     df = df.sort_index(axis=1)
     # Natsort all rows
     df = df.reindex(index=order_by_index(df.index, index_natsorted(zip(df.to_numpy()))))
     # Recreate index for comparison later
     return df
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_index_natsorted_returns_integer_list_of_sort_order_for_input_list():
    a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
    b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
    index = index_natsorted(a)
    assert index == [2, 0, 1]
    assert [a[i] for i in index] == ['num2', 'num3', 'num5']
    assert [b[i] for i in index] == ['baz', 'foo', 'bar']
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_index_natsorted_returns_integer_list_of_sort_order_for_input_list():
    given = ["num3", "num5", "num2"]
    other = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    index = index_natsorted(given)
    assert index == [2, 0, 1]
    assert [given[i] for i in index] == ["num2", "num3", "num5"]
    assert [other[i] for i in index] == ["baz", "foo", "bar"]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_index_natsorted_returns_integer_list_of_sort_order_for_input_list():
    a = ["num3", "num5", "num2"]
    b = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    index = index_natsorted(a)
    assert index == [2, 0, 1]
    assert [a[i] for i in index] == ["num2", "num3", "num5"]
    assert [b[i] for i in index] == ["baz", "foo", "bar"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def prepare(self, df):
     # Sort columns
     df = df.sort_index(axis=1)
     # Natsort all rows
     df = df.reindex(index=order_by_index(df.index, index_natsorted(zip(df.to_numpy()))))
     # Recreate index for comparison later
     df.reset_index(level=0, drop=True, inplace=True)
     return df
def test_index_natsorted():

    # Return the indexes of how the iterable would be sorted.
    a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
    b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
    index = index_natsorted(a)
    assert index == [2, 0, 1]
    assert [a[i] for i in index] == ['num2', 'num3', 'num5']
    assert [b[i] for i in index] == ['baz', 'foo', 'bar']

    # It accepts a key argument.
    c = [('a', 'num3'), ('b', 'num5'), ('c', 'num2')]
    assert index_natsorted(c, key=itemgetter(1)) == [2, 0, 1]

    # It can avoid "unorderable types" on Python 3
    a = [46, '5a5b2', 'af5', '5a5-4']
    assert index_natsorted(a) == [3, 1, 0, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _nat_order_labels(self, mat, labels):
        # get the natural order indices
        natindices = index_natsorted(labels)

        # order the matrix
        ordered_mat = np.array(order_by_index(mat, natindices))
        ordered_labels = np.array(order_by_index(labels, natindices))
        return ordered_mat, ordered_labels
def natural_sort(df, by='id', index=False):
    Sort a pandas dataframe "naturally" by column or by index.
    if index:
        return df.reindex(index=natsorted(df.index))

    return df.reindex(index=order_by_index(df.index, index_natsorted(df[by])))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def bar_plot_mmgbsa_results(excel_file, sort=True, titles=None):
    Load data from an Excel file with the summary of the MMGBSA results, in a sheet which has to be called "MMGBSA".
    Create a plot for each ligand that is found under the 'Ligand' column in the table.
    :param excel_file: str, Name of the Excel file with the data
    :param sort: bool, Whether to sort the plot by increasing MMGBSA values
    :param titles: list, Name for each of the plots (as many as there are ligands in the table)
    :return f_list: list, A list of matplotlib figures
    # sns.set_style('whitegrid')
    df = pd.read_excel(excel_file, sheetname="MMGBSA")
    df = df.reindex(index=order_by_index(df.index, index_natsorted(df.Run)))
    ligands = df.Ligand.unique()
    f_list = []
    if titles is None:
        titles = [None for _ in ligands]
    elif len(titles) != len(ligands):
        raise ValueError('len of ligands and titles is not equal.')
    for lig, title in zip(ligands, titles):
        lig_df = df[df.Ligand == lig]
        if sort:
            lig_df.sort_values(by='MMGBSA (mean)', inplace=True)
        ax = lig_df.plot(x="Run", y="MMGBSA (mean)", yerr='MMGBSA (Std)', kind='bar',
                         legend=False, figsize=figure_dims(1400), title=title)
        overall_mean = lig_df['MMGBSA (mean)'].mean()
        overall_std = lig_df['MMGBSA (mean)'].std()
        print("{} {:02f} {:02f}".format(lig, overall_mean, overall_std))
        xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
        # Mean line
            [xmin, xmax], [overall_mean, overall_mean],
        # Upper std bar
            [xmin, xmax],
            [overall_mean + overall_std, overall_mean + overall_std],
        # Lower std bar
            [xmin, xmax],
            [overall_mean - overall_std, overall_mean - overall_std],
        ax.set_ylabel(ylabel=r'$\Delta$G binding (kcal/mol)', size=14)
        ax.set_xlabel(xlabel='Run', size=14)
        f = pp.gcf()
    return f_list
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __order_feats(self, feats_path, feats):

        video_name = feats_path.split('/')[-1]
        video_name = utils.remove_extension(video_name)

        frames_names = self.__annotation_dict[video_name]
        idx = natsort.index_natsorted(frames_names)
        feats = feats[idx]

        return feats
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def sort(self, column, order):
        if order == 0:
            self._dataframe = self._dataframe.reindex(index=order_by_index(
                    eval('self._dataframe.%s' %
            self._dataframe = self._dataframe.reindex(index=order_by_index(
                        eval('self._dataframe.%s' %

        self._dataframe.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def avgPrefs(prefsfiles):
    """Gets average of site-specific preferences.

        `prefsfiles` (list)
            List of CSV files containing preferences, must all be
            for same sites and characters.

        A `pandas.DataFrame` containing the average of the
        preferences in `prefsfiles`. In this returned
        data frame, `site` is the index

    >>> tf1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
    >>> tf2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
    >>> with tf1(mode='w') as file1, tf2(mode='w') as file2:
    ...     x = file1.write('site,A,C,G,T\\n'
    ...                 '10,0.2,0.2,0.5,0.1\\n'
    ...                 '2a,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.1')
    ...     file1.flush()
    ...     x = file2.write('site,A,C,G,T\\n'
    ...                 '10,0.4,0.1,0.1,0.4\\n'
    ...                 '2a,0.3,0.4,0.1,0.2')
    ...     file2.flush()
    ...     avg = avgPrefs([file1.name, file2.name])
    >>> (avg['site'] == ['2a', '10']).all()
    >>> numpy.allclose(avg['A'], [0.3, 0.3])
    >>> numpy.allclose(avg['C'], [0.35, 0.15])
    >>> numpy.allclose(avg['G'], [0.2, 0.3])
    >>> numpy.allclose(avg['T'], [0.15, 0.25])
    assert len(prefsfiles) >= 1
    prefs = [
        pandas.read_csv(f, index_col='site').sort_index() for f in prefsfiles

    # make sure all have the same columns in the same order
    cols = prefs[0].columns
    for i in range(len(prefs)):
        assert set(cols) == set(prefs[i].columns)
        prefs[i] = prefs[i][cols]

    avgprefs = pandas.concat(prefs).groupby('site').mean().reset_index()

    # natural sort by site: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29582718
    avgprefs = avgprefs.reindex(index=natsort.order_by_index(
        avgprefs.index, natsort.index_natsorted(avgprefs.site, signed=True)))

    return avgprefs
Ejemplo n.º 18
def natsort_values(df, cols, ascending=True):
    """Substitute for pd.DataFrame.sort_values
    from natsort import index_natsorted
    if not isinstance(cols, list):
        cols = [cols]
    values = np.array([np.argsort(index_natsorted(df[c])) for c in cols]).T
    ix = (pd.DataFrame(values, columns=cols)
          .sort_values(cols, ascending=ascending)
    return df.iloc[list(ix)].copy()
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def rebuild_dataframes(self, metabolite):
        Function to assemble datas after calculations into final dataframe
        with a natural sort on index level "sources"

        :param metabolite: metabolite to process
        :type metabolite: str

        :return data_df: dataframe ccntaining calculated concentrations
        :rtype: class: 'Pandas.Dataframe'
        :return cal_df: dataframe containing data used for calibration curves
        :rtype cal_df: class: 'Pandas.Dataframe'

        self._logger.debug("Rebuilding dataframes\n")

        data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
            "Linear Concentrations (µM)":
            self.tmp_sample_dict["Linear result"],
            "Quadratic Concentrations (µM)":
            self.tmp_sample_dict["Quadratic result"]
        cal_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.tmp_cal_dict)

        # We sort values naturally by sources before putting in dfs
        data_df = data_df.sort_values(
            by="sources", key=lambda x: np.argsort(index_natsorted(x)))

        cal_df = cal_df.sort_values(
            by="sources", key=lambda x: np.argsort(index_natsorted(x)))

        # We need to insert the metabolite name before returning the dfs
        data_df = data_df.assign(metabolite=metabolite)
        cal_df = cal_df.assign(metabolite=metabolite)

        data_df.set_index(['metabolite', 'sources'], inplace=True)
        cal_df.set_index(['metabolite', 'sources'], inplace=True)

        return data_df, cal_df
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_index_natsorted():

    # Return the indexes of how the iterable would be sorted.
    a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
    b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
    index = index_natsorted(a)
    assert index == [2, 0, 1]
    assert [a[i] for i in index] == ['num2', 'num3', 'num5']
    assert [b[i] for i in index] == ['baz', 'foo', 'bar']
    assert index_natsorted(a, reverse=True) == [1, 0, 2]

    # It accepts a key argument.
    c = [('a', 'num3'), ('b', 'num5'), ('c', 'num2')]
    assert index_natsorted(c, key=itemgetter(1)) == [2, 0, 1]

    # It can avoid "unorderable types" on Python 3
    a = [46, '5a5b2', 'af5', '5a5-4']
    assert index_natsorted(a) == [3, 1, 0, 2]

    # It can sort lists of lists.
    data = [['a1', 'a5'], ['a1', 'a40'], ['a10', 'a1'], ['a2', 'a5']]
    assert index_natsorted(data) == [0, 1, 3, 2]

    # It can sort paths too
    a = ['/p/Folder (10)/',
         '/p/Folder (1)/']
    assert index_natsorted(a, alg=ns.PATH) == [1, 2, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _get1d_neighbors(self, electrodechans, chanlabel):
        # naturally sort the gridlayout
        natinds = index_natsorted(electrodechans)
        sortedelec = electrodechans[natinds]

        # get the channel index - ijth index
        chanindex = sortedelec.index(chanlabel)

        # get the neighboring indices and channels
        nbrinds = [chanindex + 1, chanindex - 1]
        nbrchans = [chanlabel[ind] for ind in nbrinds]

        return nbrchans, nbrinds
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_index_versorted():

    a = ['1.9.9a', '1.11', '1.9.9b', '1.11.4', '1.10.1']
    assert index_versorted(a) == index_natsorted(a, alg=ns.VERSION)
    assert index_versorted(a, reverse=True) == index_versorted(a)[::-1]
    a = [('a', '1.9.9a'), ('a', '1.11'), ('a', '1.9.9b'),
         ('a', '1.11.4'), ('a', '1.10.1')]
    assert index_versorted(a) == [0, 2, 4, 1, 3]

    # It can sort paths too
    a = ['/p/Folder (10)/file1.1.0.tar.gz',
         '/p/Folder (1)/file1.1.0 (1).tar.gz',
         '/p/Folder (1)/file1.1.0.tar.gz']
    assert index_versorted(a, alg=ns.PATH) == [1, 3, 2, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def main():
    """Main function for pyim-annotate."""
    args = parse_args()

    insertions = Insertion.from_csv(args.insertions, sep='\t')

    annotator = args.caller.from_args(args)
    annotated = list(annotator.annotate(insertions))

    annotated_frame = Insertion.to_frame(annotated)

    annotated_frame = annotated_frame.reindex(index=order_by_index(
        annotated_frame.index, index_natsorted(annotated_frame.id)))

    annotated_frame.to_csv(str(args.output), sep='\t', index=False)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def checkdf(self, p, x):
        :return: merged dataframes
        labels = x.keys()
        colnames = ['standard_hue', 'ntrial', 'all_intensities', 'all_responses', 'reversal value']
        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames, index=labels)

        for label in labels:
            sheet = x[label]
            df.loc[label, colnames[0]] = float(p[p['label'] == label]['standard'])
            df.loc[label, colnames[1]] = len(sheet)
            df.loc[label, colnames[2]] = np.array((sheet['All Intensities']))
            df.loc[label, colnames[3]] = np.array((sheet['All Responses']))
            df.loc[label, colnames[4]] = np.array((sheet['Reversal Intensities']))
            df = df.reindex(index=order_by_index(df.index, index_natsorted(df.index, reverse=False)))
        return df
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def sumxrl(self):

        par, xls, count = self.readxrl()

        dfs = pd.concat([self.checkdf(p, x) for p, x in zip(par, xls)], axis=0)

        summary = dfs.groupby(level=0).agg({
            lambda x: sum(x) / count,
            'reversal value': [self.meanvalue, self.stdvalue],
            'all_responses': [self.meanvalue, self.stdvalue]
        summary = summary.reindex(index=order_by_index(
            summary.index, index_natsorted(summary.index, reverse=False)))

        return dfs, summary
Ejemplo n.º 26
def takeMinLineMmap(linesList, outputFile, mapping, writePos, actualFilePos,
                    mapSize, rFileSize):
    Writes the smallest line from linesList to outputFile using the
    mapped approach.
    minRow = natsort.index_natsorted(linesList, key=lambda x: (x is None, x))
    bufferListIndex = int(minRow[0])
    minLine = natsort.natsorted(linesList, key=lambda x: (x is None, x))
    minBytes = bytes(minLine[0][1], 'utf-8')

    mapping, writePos, actualFilePos = writeln_mmap(mapping, writePos,
                                                    actualFilePos, mapSize,
                                                    rFileSize, outputFile,

    linesList[bufferListIndex] = [None, None]

    return bufferListIndex, mapping, writePos, actualFilePos
Ejemplo n.º 27
def _get_stranded_f(self, half_entries, f, sort=False):

    counter = 0
    dfs = []

    chromosomes = self.chromosomes

    if f == "tail":
        chromosomes = reversed(chromosomes)

    default = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.columns)
    for chromosome in chromosomes:
        plus = self.dfs.get((chromosome, "+"), default)
        minus = self.dfs.get((chromosome, "-"), default)

        if sort:
            plus = plus.sort_values(sort_cols)
            minus = minus.sort_values(sort_cols)

        plus = getattr(plus, f)(half_entries)
        minus = getattr(minus, f)(half_entries)

        df = pd.concat([plus, minus])
        if sort:
            df = df.sort_values(sort_cols)

        counter += len(df)


        if counter >= half_entries:

    df = pd.concat(dfs)
    # got twice as many entries as needed before sort. Halve here:
    df = getattr(df, f)(half_entries)

    # dfs = {df.Chromosome.iloc[0]: df for df in}
    df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
    df = df.reindex(index=natsort.order_by_index(
        df.index, natsort.index_natsorted(zip(df.Chromosome))))

    return df
Ejemplo n.º 28
def main(options):
    # open all files
    # read all headers
    fnames = options.inbw
    bw = {}
    header = {}
    chroms = {}
    for fname in fnames:
        print("opening file for input: " + os.path.split(fname)[1])
        bw[fname] = pyBigWig.open(fname)
        header[fname] = bw[fname].chroms()
        chroms[fname] = list(header[fname].keys())[0]

    # define order based on chromosome names extracted from headers
    idx = natsort.index_natsorted(chroms)
    fnames = natsort.order_by_index(fnames, idx)

    # open bigwig for output
    print("opening bigwig file for output (%s)" % options.outfname)
    out_bw = pyBigWig.open(options.outfname, "w")
    assert (out_bw is not None)
    # construct sorted header and write to output
    header = [list(header[f].items())[0] for f in fnames]

    # loop over sorted chromosome-names/file-names
    ## import data from input bw
    ## add read data to output bw
    for fname in fnames:
        print("exporting data from chrom; " + chroms[fname] + " (file: " +
              fname + ")")
        ints = bw[fname].intervals(chroms[fname])
        chrs = [chroms[fname]] * len(ints)
        out_bw.addEntries(chrs, [i[0] for i in ints],
                          ends=[i[1] for i in ints],
                          values=[i[2] for i in ints])

    print("closing bigwig file for output (%s)" % options.outfname)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 29
def summary_table(table):
    # generate summary by adding all values by piovote table
    summary = table.pivot_table(values=ps.DOSE_MSV,
                                index=[ps.POINT_NAME, ps.OCCUPANCY_FACTOR],

    # get sort order, natsorted gives 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8, 10 instead of
    # 0, 1, 10,2, 20 etc.
    new_index = index_natsorted(summary.index)

    # sort table by point name
    summary = summary.iloc[new_index]


    # add corrected dose for occupancy
    summary[ps.DOSE_OCCUPANCY_MSV] = summary[ps.DOSE_MSV] * \

    return summary
def convert_clusters(clusters, cluster_size_min, cluster_size_max, out_path, normalise):
        clusters(Object): Clusters object
        cluster_size_min(int): minimum size of cluster (more than or equal to int)
        cluster_size_max(int): maximum size of cluster (less than or equal to int)
        out_path(str): Out file path
    assert cluster_size_min > 1, 'Minimum cluster size needs to be > 1'

    all_clusters = []
    for barcode, cluster in clusters.get_items():
        cs = cluster.size('DPM')
        if cs >= cluster_size_min and cs <= cluster_size_max:
            all_clusters.extend(cluster2sfws(cluster, 'DPM', normalise))

    column_names=['str1', 'chr1', 'pos1', 'frag1', 'str2', 'chr2', 'pos2','frag2', 'score']
    df = pd.DataFrame(all_clusters, columns=column_names) 
    df_out = df.reindex(index=order_by_index(df.index, index_natsorted(zip(df.chr1, df.chr2, df.pos1, df.pos2))))
    df_out.to_csv(out_path, sep=' ', index=False, header=False)
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def natsort_contacts(self) -> Tuple:
        Naturally sort the contacts.

        Keeps the applied indices in self.naturalinds

        if self.naturalinds == None:
            self.naturalinds = index_natsorted(self.chanlabels)
            self.chanlabels = np.array(
                order_by_index(self.chanlabels, self.naturalinds))
                "Already naturally sorted contacts! Extract channel labels naturally sorted by calling "
                "chanlabels, and apply ordering to other channel level data with naturalinds."
        return self.naturalinds
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def write_click_csv(self, n_frames):

        out = pd.DataFrame(self.mouse_clicks)
        out = out.reindex(index=order_by_index(
            out.index, index_natsorted(out['frame'], reverse=False)))

        out = out.assign(time=[0]*out.shape[0])
        out = out.assign(visible=[1]*out.shape[0])

        cols = ['frame', 'time', 'visible', 'x', 'y']
        out = out[cols]

        # reindex or change the order of columns
        str_ = out.to_csv(sep=';', index=False)
        h, w = self.frames[0].shape[:2]
        header = 'VideoWidth:{}\nVideoHeight:{}\nDisplayWidth:0\nDisplayHeight:0\n'.format(w, h)
        str_ = header + str_
        text_file = open(self.out_csv, 'w')
        n = text_file.write(str_)
        print('written {}'.format(self.out_csv))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def list_of_names(fname='SavedData/searchResult.php'):
    names = []
    ulist = []
    bs = BeautifulSoup(open(fname), features='lxml')
    pbar = ProgressBar()
    for species in pbar(bs.findAll('i')):
        for parents in species.parents:
            if parents.name == 'td':
                [names.append(name) for name in species.contents]

    [ulist.append(x) for x in names
     if x not in ulist]  # deleting double values

    df = pd.DataFrame()  # create dataframe
    df['name'] = ulist

    df = df.reindex(index=order_by_index(
        df.index, index_natsorted(df['name'],
                                  reverse=False)))  # sort alphabetically
    df = df.reset_index(drop=True)  # fix index
    return df
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_index_natsorted_returns_reversed_integer_list_of_sort_order_for_input_list_with_reverse_option():
    a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
    assert index_natsorted(a, reverse=True) == [1, 0, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 35
                              else "\\newline" if len(x) <= 1
                              else x[0],
                              x[1:].strip()) for x in

postbl = Table([Column(data=names, name='Source Name'),
                Column(data=coords.ra.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=':', precision=2), name='RA'),
                Column(data=coords.dec.to_string(unit=u.deg, sep=':', precision=1), name='Dec'),
                Column(data=radii, name='Radius'),
                Column(data=(radii*5.1*u.kpc).to(u.pc, u.dimensionless_angles()), name='Phys. Radius'),

import natsort
postbl = postbl[natsort.index_natsorted(postbl['Source Name'])]

latexdict['header_start'] = '\label{tab:positions}'
latexdict['caption'] = 'Source Positions'
latexdict['tablefoot'] = ('\par\nObjects with name e\#d are the diffuse '
                          'counterparts to point sources.  '
                          'The absolute positional accuracy is '
                          '$\sim0.2\\arcsec$.  '
                          'Sources with no radius are unresolved, '
                          'with '
                          'upper limits of 0.3\\arcsec (0.007 pc).'
                          'Source names correspond to the labels in Figures '
                          '\\ref{fig:coverview_pointsrcs} and '
                          '\\\\\n' +
Ejemplo n.º 36
def test_index_versorted_returns_results_identical_to_index_natsorted():
    a = ["1.9.9a", "1.11", "1.9.9b", "1.11.4", "1.10.1"]
    # index_versorted is retained for backwards compatibility
    assert index_versorted(a) == index_natsorted(a)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def prof_str_index_key(a):
    print('*** Basic Index Call With Key ***')
    for _ in py23_range(1000):
        index_natsorted(a, key=lambda x: x.upper())
Ejemplo n.º 38
def test_index_humansorted_returns_results_identical_to_index_natsorted_with_LOCALE():
    a = ['Apple', 'corn', 'Corn', 'Banana', 'apple', 'banana']
    assert index_humansorted(a) == index_natsorted(a, alg=ns.LOCALE)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_index_versorted_returns_results_identical_to_index_natsorted():
    a = ['1.9.9a', '1.11', '1.9.9b', '1.11.4', '1.10.1']
    # index_versorted is retained for backwards compatibility
    assert index_versorted(a) == index_natsorted(a)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def test_index_natsorted_returns_integer_list_of_nested_input_list():
    data = [['a1', 'a5'], ['a1', 'a40'], ['a10', 'a1'], ['a2', 'a5']]
    assert index_natsorted(data) == [0, 1, 3, 2]
def test_index_realsorted_is_identical_to_index_natsorted_with_real_alg(float_list):
    assert index_realsorted(float_list) == index_natsorted(float_list, alg=ns.REAL)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def test_index_realsorted_returns_results_identical_to_index_natsorted_with_REAL():
    a = ["a50", "a51.", "a50.31", "a-50", "a50.4", "a5.034e1", "a50.300"]
    assert index_realsorted(a) == index_natsorted(a, alg=ns.REAL)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def test_index_humansorted_returns_results_identical_to_index_natsorted_with_LOCALE():
    a = ["Apple", "corn", "Corn", "Banana", "apple", "banana"]
    assert index_humansorted(a) == index_natsorted(a, alg=ns.LOCALE)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def test_index_natsorted_applies_key_function_before_sorting():
    c = [("a", "num3"), ("b", "num5"), ("c", "num2")]
    assert index_natsorted(c, key=itemgetter(1)) == [2, 0, 1]
Ejemplo n.º 45
def test_index_natsorted_handles_unorderable_types_error_on_Python3():
    a = [46, "5a5b2", "af5", "5a5-4"]
    assert index_natsorted(a) == [3, 1, 0, 2]
from astropy.table import Table, Column
from astropy import units as u
from latex_info import latexdict, format_float, round_to_n, strip_trailing_zeros
import natsort

tbl = Table.read('core_continuum_and_line.ipac', format='ascii.ipac')
inds = natsort.index_natsorted(tbl['SourceID'])
tbl = tbl[inds]

tbl_towrite = tbl['SourceID', 'RA', 'Dec', 'cont_flux0p2arcsec',

for row in tbl_towrite:
    if '_' in row['SourceID']:
        row['SourceID'] = row['SourceID'].replace("_"," ")

new_names = {'SourceID': 'Source ID',
             'cont_flux0p2arcsec': '$S_{\\nu}(0.2\\arcsec)$',
             'cont_flux0p4arcsec': '$S_{\\nu}(0.4\\arcsec)$',
             #'BrightestFittedPeakPixBrightness': '$T_{B,max}(\mathrm{line})$',
             'BrightestFittedPeakPixBrightnessWithcont': '$T_{B,max}$',#(\mathrm{line+cont})$',
             'T_corrected_0p2aperturemass': 'M$(T_B, 0.2\\arcsec)$',
Ejemplo n.º 47
def prof_str_index(a):
    print('*** Basic Index Call ***')
    for _ in py23_range(1000):
Ejemplo n.º 48
def test_index_natsorted_applies_key_function_before_sorting():
    c = [('a', 'num3'), ('b', 'num5'), ('c', 'num2')]
    assert index_natsorted(c, key=itemgetter(1)) == [2, 0, 1]
Ejemplo n.º 49
def test_index_natsorted_handles_unorderable_types_error_on_Python3():
    a = [46, '5a5b2', 'af5', '5a5-4']
    assert index_natsorted(a) == [3, 1, 0, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 50
def control_timetable(timetable, header):
	print(Fore.YELLOW + '{:-^30}'.format(header))
	start_order_details = []
	for i in range(1, 4):
		start_order_details.append([j[1] for j in timetable if j[0] == i])

	# разбиваем интервалы по деталям, выйдет 4 списка, использ.
	# для подсчета ожидания
	order_by_details = []
	for i in start_order_details[0]:
		order_by_details.append([j for j in timetable if j[1] == i])

	# для подсчета простоев сорт. наше расписание по ГВМ
	timetable = ordered_timetable(timetable)

	# список порядка запуска деталей на ГВМ, убираем номер операции
	# и ГВМ со списка интервалов, для обсчета ожидания
	start_order_gvm = []
	order_by_details_norm = []
	for i in order_by_details:
		start_order_gvm.append([j[:1][0] for j in i])
		order_by_details_norm.append([j[2:] for j in i])

	# считаем послеоперационные простои ГВМ
	timetable = downtime(timetable)
	for i in range(3):
		index = natsort.index_natsorted(start_order_details[i])
		timetable[i] = natsort.order_by_index(timetable[i], index)

	print(Fore.WHITE + "\nDowntime: " + Fore.CYAN +
		'{}'.format(min([sum(i) for i in timetable])))
	for i in timetable:
		print(Fore.WHITE + '{!s:>18s}'.format(i))

	# считаем ожидание деталей перед обработкой
	order_by_details = waiting(order_by_details_norm)
	# упорядочиваем ожидание для каждой детали по ГВМ: 1 2 3
	index = natsort.index_natsorted(start_order_details[0])
	order_by_details = natsort.order_by_index(order_by_details, index)
	start_order_gvm = natsort.order_by_index(start_order_gvm, index)
	for i in range(4):
		index = natsort.index_natsorted(start_order_gvm[i])
		order_by_details[i] = natsort.order_by_index(order_by_details[i],

	for i in order_by_details:
		print(Fore.WHITE + '{!s:>16s}'.format(i))

	#считаем локальний резерв
	order_by_details = numpy.transpose(order_by_details)
	print('\nLocal resource:\n')
	for i in range(3):
		for j in range(4):
			first = timetable[i][j]
				second = order_by_details[i+1][j]
			except IndexError:
				second = float('inf')
			print("      L({0}, {1}) = min({2}, {3}) = {4}".format( \
				i+1, j+1, first, second, min(first, second)))
Ejemplo n.º 51
def test_index_natsorted_returns_integer_list_in_proper_order_for_input_paths_with_PATH():
    a = ['/p/Folder (10)/',
         '/p/Folder (1)/']
    assert index_natsorted(a, alg=ns.PATH) == [1, 2, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 52
def test_index_natsorted_returns_integer_list_of_nested_input_list():
    data = [["a1", "a5"], ["a1", "a40"], ["a10", "a1"], ["a2", "a5"]]
    assert index_natsorted(data) == [0, 1, 3, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 53
def test_index_realsorted_returns_results_identical_to_index_natsorted_with_REAL():
    a = ['a50', 'a51.', 'a50.31', 'a-50', 'a50.4', 'a5.034e1', 'a50.300']
    assert index_realsorted(a) == index_natsorted(a, alg=ns.REAL)
def test_index_natsorted_reverse():
    given = ["num3", "num5", "num2"]
    assert index_natsorted(given, reverse=True) == index_natsorted(given)[::-1]
Ejemplo n.º 55
    nirassociations = {x[:split1].strip():x[split2:split3].strip() for x in lines[1:]}
    goldaderassociations = {x[:split1].strip():x[split3:].strip() for x in lines[1:]}
    names = sorted(xrayassociations.keys())
    keep = [name for name in names if not (xrayassociations[name]=='-' and nirassociations=='-')]
    xrayassociations_column = Column(data=[xrayassociations[x] for x in keep],
    nirassociations_column = Column(data=[nirassociations[x] for x in keep],
    goldaderassociations_column = Column(data=[goldaderassociations[x] for x in keep],
                                    name="Goldader 1994")
    names_column = Column(data=keep, name='Source Name')

tbl = Table([names_column, xrayassociations_column, nirassociations_column,

OK = (tbl['X-ray'] != '-') | (tbl['NIR'] != '-') | (tbl['Goldader 1994'] != '-')

import natsort
tbl = tbl[natsort.index_natsorted(tbl['Source Name'])]

latexdict['header_start'] = '\label{tab:associations}'
latexdict['caption'] = 'Source Associations'
latexdict['tablefoot'] = ('')
latexdict['col_align'] = 'l'*len(tbl.colnames)
#latexdict['tabletype'] = 'longtable'
#latexdict['tabulartype'] = 'longtable'
tbl.write(paths.tpath('associations.tex'), format='ascii.latex',
          latexdict=latexdict, formats={},)

Ejemplo n.º 56
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
import paths
from latex_info import latexdict, exp_to_tex, format_float
import natsort

tbl = Table.read("../tables/obs_meta.tbl", format="ascii", delimiter="|")

tbl = tbl[natsort.index_natsorted(tbl["Date"])]

latexdict["header_start"] = "\label{tab:obs_meta}"
latexdict["caption"] = "Observation Metadata"
latexdict["tablefoot"] = ""
latexdict["col_align"] = "l" * 8
# latexdict['tabletype'] = 'longtable'
# latexdict['tabulartype'] = 'longtable'
tbl.write(paths.tpath("obs_meta.tex"), format="ascii.latex", latexdict=latexdict, formats={}, overwrite=True)
Ejemplo n.º 57
    data,error = zip(*dataerror)
    #data = [sp.specfit.parinfo[ii].value
    #        for sp in spectra]
    #error = [sp.specfit.parinfo[ii].error
    #        for sp in spectra]
    column = table.Column(data=data,
    column = table.Column(data=error,
# sort such that e10 comes after e9
tbl = tbl[natsort.index_natsorted(tbl['ObjectName'])]

detection_note = ['-' if name in detections else
                  'weak' if name in weakdetections else
                  for name in tbl['ObjectName']]
tbl.add_column(table.Column(data=detection_note, name='DetectionStatus'))

ok = np.array([row['ObjectName'] in detections+weakdetections
               for row in tbl])

tbl[ok].write(paths.tpath('H77a_spectral_fits.ipac'), format='ascii.ipac')

for old,new in [('ObjectName','Object Name'),
                ('H77a_amplitude', 'Amplitude',),
def test_index_natsorted_applies_key_function_before_sorting():
    given = [("a", "num3"), ("b", "num5"), ("c", "num2")]
    expected = [2, 0, 1]
    assert index_natsorted(given, key=itemgetter(1)) == expected
Ejemplo n.º 59
def test_index_versorted_returns_results_identical_to_index_natsorted_with_VERSION():
    a = ['1.9.9a', '1.11', '1.9.9b', '1.11.4', '1.10.1']
    assert index_versorted(a) == index_natsorted(a, alg=ns.VERSION)
        + list(
            (rounded(thisspec.specfit.parinfo.AMPLITUDE0.value, thisspec.specfit.parinfo.AMPLITUDE0.error) * u.Jy).to(
        + list(rounded(thisspec.specfit.parinfo.SHIFT0.value, thisspec.specfit.parinfo.SHIFT0.error) * u.km / u.s)
        + list(rounded(thisspec.specfit.parinfo.WIDTH0.value, thisspec.specfit.parinfo.WIDTH0.error) * u.km / u.s)
        + [np.round(r_eff, 1) * u.arcsec]
        # [np.round(thisspec.header['APAREA']*(np.pi/180.)**2, int(np.ceil(-np.log10(thisspec.header['APAREA']*(np.pi/180.)**2)))+1)*u.sr]

# sort such that e10 comes after e9
import natsort

tbl = tbl[natsort.index_natsorted(tbl["Object Name"])]

detection_note = [
    "-" if name in detections else "ambig" if name in ambiguousdetections else "none" for name in tbl["Object Name"]
tbl.add_column(table.Column(data=detection_note, name="Detection Status"))

ok = np.array([row["Object Name"] in detections + ambiguousdetections for row in tbl])

tbl[ok].write(paths.tpath("H2CO22_hiiregion_spectral_fits.ecsv"), format="ascii.ecsv")

for row in tbl:
    if "_" in row["Object Name"]:
        row["Object Name"] = row["Object Name"].replace("_", "\_")

latexdict["header_start"] = "\label{tab:absorption22}"