Ejemplo n.º 1
def build_graph(boundary: List[Location], stat_obstacles: List[Obstacle],
                params) -> nx.Graph:
    """Builds a space-filling graph within flight boundaries and removes nodes in obstacles.
        boundary: the gps locations of the polygon defining the flight boundary
        stat_obstacles: the locations and sizes of the stationary obstacles
        params: algorithm parameters dictionary
        graph: a graph filling the space, whose nodes are Locations
    # space filling graph
    min_boundary = Location(*(min(coord) for coord in zip(*boundary)))
    max_boundary = Location(*(max(coord) for coord in zip(*boundary)))
    graph_size = Location.granularity_diff(max_boundary, min_boundary,

    graph = xgrid_graph(*graph_size)

    # removes nodes in obstacles
    graph_origin = min_boundary
    for obs in stat_obstacles:
        to_remove = set()
        for node in graph:
            loc = Location.from_grid(node, graph_origin, params["granularity"])
            if loc in obs:
        for node in to_remove:

    # TODO remove nodes outside boundary

    return graph, graph_origin
Ejemplo n.º 2
def build(boundary: List[Location], stat_obstacles: List[Obstacle],
          granularity: float) -> nx.Graph:
    """Builds a space-filling graph within flight boundaries and removes nodes in obstacles.
        boundary: the gps locations of the polygon defining the flight boundary
        stat_obstacles: the locations and sizes of the stationary obstacles
        granularity: the distance between graph nodes for (lat, lon)
        graph: a graph filling the space, whose nodes are Locations
    # space filling graph
    min_boundary = Location(*(min(coord) for coord in zip(*boundary)))
    max_boundary = Location(*(max(coord) for coord in zip(*boundary)))
    graph_size = Location.granularity_diff(max_boundary, min_boundary,

    graph = xgrid_graph(*graph_size)

    # TODO remove nodes in obstacles
    graph_origin = min_boundary
    for obs in stat_obstacles:
        to_remove = set()
        for node in graph:
            loc = Location.from_grid(node, graph_origin, granularity)
            if loc in obs:
        for node in to_remove:

    # TODO return mapping from location to node, node to location?

    return graph, graph_origin
Ejemplo n.º 3
def plan(waypoints: List[Location], graph: nx.Graph, origin,
         granularity) -> np.ndarray:
    """Builds a path to the next waypoint(s)
        graph: inside flight boundaries and outside obstacles
        waypoints: location waypoints to fly
        path: a list of locations corresponding to nodes in the graph path
    # waypoints to nodes
    nodes = [point.to_grid(origin, granularity) for point in waypoints]

    # nodes to graph path
    paths = [
        nx.bidirectional_dijkstra(graph, source, target, weight='weight')[1]
        for source, target in zip(nodes[0:-1], nodes[1:])

    path = []
    for p in paths:
        path += p[:-1]
    path += [paths[-1][-1]]

    path_coords = [
        list(Location.from_grid(node, origin, granularity)) for node in path
    rn_path = np.array(path_coords).T

    return path, rn_path
Ejemplo n.º 4
def quantize_graph_path(path: list, origin, params) -> np.ndarray:
    """Quantizes a given graph path -> a path in Rn. Guaranteed that endpoints are included
        path: Contains a list of vertex names in order of the path.
        rn_path: A numpy array of points in r3 of each vertex in path, where the columns are each point.
        params: the algorithm parameters
    path_coords = [
        list(Location.from_grid(node, origin, params["granularity"]))
        for node in path
    rn_path = np.array(path_coords).T

    if rn_path.shape[1] <= 1:
        raise ValueError('A path must have at least two points')

    dist_mat = linalg.norm(rn_path[:, :-1] - rn_path[:, 1:], axis=0)
    total_norm = sum(dist_mat)

    quantization_distance = params["quantization_distance"]
    if total_norm <= quantization_distance:
        raise ValueError(
            'A path\'s total distance must be larger than the quantization distance'

    curr_path_len = 0  # ∆(dist) between current quantization path and last node explored

    full_path = np.zeros(
        (rn_path.shape[0], int(ceil(total_norm / quantization_distance))))
    curr_idx = 0

    for v_idx, edge_len in enumerate(dist_mat):
        curr_vertex, next_vertex = rn_path[:, v_idx], rn_path[:, v_idx + 1]
        conv_comb = curr_path_len / edge_len
        n_iter = int(ceil((edge_len - curr_path_len) / quantization_distance))

        for _ in range(n_iter):
            assert conv_comb <= 1
            full_path[:, curr_idx] = (
                1 - conv_comb) * curr_vertex + conv_comb * next_vertex
            conv_comb += quantization_distance / edge_len
            curr_idx += 1

        curr_path_len += n_iter * quantization_distance - edge_len
        assert curr_path_len >= 0.0

    return full_path
Ejemplo n.º 5
                "optim_cooling_schedule": [1.0005, 1.0001],
                "optim_fast_cooling_schedule": [1.1, 1.3],
                "optim_init_constraint_hardness": [1, 2],
                "optim_init_spring_hardness": [.1, .2, .4],
                "optim_max_time_increase": [10], # what does this do?
                "optim_init_momentum":  [.99],
                "optim_momentum_change": [.1, .2],
                "optim_scale": [1.0]}

results_grid = []
score_grid = []
params_grid = [dict(zip(params_values, v)) for v in product(*params_values.values())]

# Set problem variables
((x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max)) = problem.area
boundary = [Location(x_min, y_min), Location(x_min, y_max),
            Location(x_max, y_min), Location(x_max, y_max)]

((wx_min, wy_min), (wx_max, wy_max)) = problem.waypoints
waypoints = [Location(wx_min, wy_min), Location(wx_max, wy_max)]

for pn, params in enumerate(params_grid):
    print("trying params {} of {}".format(pn, len(params_grid)))
    envs = environments.generate(ENVIRONMENT_COUNT, ENVIRONMENT_ID)
    flight_paths = []
    for i, env in enumerate(envs):
        print("env {}".format(i))
        stat_obstacles = []
        for obs in env:
            cx, cy, r = obs
            stat_obstacles.append(Obstacle(Location(cx, cy), r))
Ejemplo n.º 6
        for node in graph:
            loc = Location.from_grid(node, graph_origin, granularity)
            if loc in obs:
        for node in to_remove:

    # TODO return mapping from location to node, node to location?

    return graph, graph_origin

# test if run as main
if __name__ == "__main__":
    boundary = [
        Location(-50.0, -50.0),
        Location(-50.0, 150.0),
        Location(150.0, -50.0),
        Location(150.0, 150.0)
    stat_obstacles = [
        Obstacle(Location(0.0, 0.0), 20),
        Obstacle(Location(30.0, 30.0), 10)
    granularity = 20.0

    initial_graph, _ = build(boundary, stat_obstacles, granularity)
    pos = nx.get_node_attributes(initial_graph, 'pos')
    nx.draw(initial_graph, pos, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold')
Ejemplo n.º 7
from nav.graph import initial_graph
from nav.graph import graph_path
from nav.utility.classes import Location, Obstacle

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

boundary = [
    Location(-50.0, -50.0),
    Location(-50.0, 150.0),
    Location(150.0, -50.0),
    Location(150.0, 150.0)
stat_obstacles = [
    Obstacle(Location(15.0, -15.0), 10),
    Obstacle(Location(30.0, 40.0), 20),
    Obstacle(Location(80.0, 70.0), 15)
granularity = 7.0
waypoints = [Location(0.0, 0.0), Location(100.0, 100.0)]

initial_graph, origin = initial_graph.build(boundary, stat_obstacles,
path, rn_path = graph_path.plan(waypoints, initial_graph, origin, granularity)
pos = nx.get_node_attributes(initial_graph, 'pos')
nx.draw(initial_graph, pos, nodelist=path, font_weight='bold')

quantization_distance = 1.5
quantized_path = graph_path.quantize(path, rn_path, quantization_distance)
Ejemplo n.º 8
from nav.graph import initial as initial_graph
from nav.graph import path as graph_path
from nav.utility.classes import Location, Obstacle

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

boundary = [Location(-50.0, -50.0), Location(-50.0, 150.0),
            Location(150.0, -50.0), Location(150.0, 150.0)]
obstacles = [
    ((15.0, -15.0), 10),
    ((30.0, 40.0), 20),
    ((80.0, 70.0), 15),
stat_obstacles = [Obstacle(Location(*o[0]), o[1]) for o in obstacles]
# stat_obstacles = [Obstacle(Location(15.0, -15.0), 10),
#                   Obstacle(Location(30.0, 40.0), 20),
#                   Obstacle(Location(80.0, 70.0), 15)]
granularity = 7.0
waypoints = [Location(0.0, 0.0), Location(100.0, 100.0)]

initial_graph, origin = initial_graph.build(boundary, stat_obstacles, granularity)
path, rn_path = graph_path.plan(waypoints, initial_graph, origin, granularity)
# print(path)
pos = nx.get_node_attributes(initial_graph, 'pos')
nx.draw(initial_graph, pos, nodelist=path, font_weight='bold')

quantization_distance = 1.5 
quantized_path = graph_path.quantize(path, rn_path, quantization_distance)
# print(quantized_path.shape)
# print(quantized_path)