Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: wm.py Proyecto: parai/moped
def readmarker0():

    recentmarkers = []

    markertime = None
    goodmarkertime = None
    markerage = None

    while True:
        p = subprocess.Popen("tail -1 /tmp/marker0", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True);
        res = p.communicate()
        m = res[0].decode('ascii')
        m = m.split('\n')[0]
        if m == g.lastmarker0:
            tolog0("no new marker0")

        g.lastmarker0 = m

        if g.ignoremarkers:

        m1 = m.split(" ")
        if len(m1) != 7:
            print("bad marker line")
        if m1 == "":
            t = time.time()

            doadjust = False


            g.markerno = int(m1[0])
            x = float(m1[1])
            y = float(m1[2])
            quality = float(m1[4])
            ori = float(m1[3])
            odiff = ori - (g.ang%360)
            if odiff > 180:
                odiff -= 360
            if odiff < -180:
                odiff += 360
            accepted = False
#            if g.angleknown and abs(odiff) > 45.0 and g.markerno != -1:
#                tolog("wrong marker %d %f" % (g.markerno, odiff))
#                g.markerno = -1

#            if markertime == None or t-markertime > 5:
            if markertime == None:
                #markertime = t
                skipmarker = False
                skipmarker = True

            x += g.shiftx

            minq = g.minquality

            # g.ang here below should be thenang, I think
            badmarker = False
            for (badm, bada) in g.badmarkers:
                if g.markerno == badm:
                    if bada == 'all':
                        bada = g.ang
                    angm = (g.ang - bada)%360
                    if angm > 180:
                        angm -= 360
                    if abs(angm) < 25:
                        badmarker = True

            if g.goodmarkers != None:
                goodmarker = False
                for (goodm, gooda, goodq) in g.goodmarkers:
                    if g.markerno == goodm:
                        if gooda == 'all':
                            gooda = g.ang
                        angm = (g.ang - gooda)%360
                        minq = goodq
                        if angm > 180:
                            angm -= 360
                        if abs(angm) < 25:
                            goodmarker = True
                goodmarker = True

            if (g.markerno > -1
                and goodmarker
                and ((x > -0.3 and x < 3.3 and y > 0 and y < 19.7)
                     or (x > 3.0 and x < 30 and y > 2.3 and y < 5.5))):
                    tolog0("marker0 %s %f" % (m, quality))

            # complain somewhere if good and bad overlap

            if ((pbool(g.markerno > -1) and pbool(quality > minq)
                 #and abs(g.steering) < 30
                 #and (x < 1.0 or x > 2.0)
                 and pbool(goodmarkertime == None or
                      t-goodmarkertime > g.markertimesep)
                 and pbool(not badmarker)
                 and pbool(goodmarker)
                 and ((x > -0.3 and x < 3.3 and y > 0 and y < 19.7)
                      or (x > 3.0 and x < 30 and y > 2.3 and y < 5.5)))
                and not skipmarker):

                close = True
                if not g.angleknown:
                    g.ang = ori
                    g.ppx = x
                    g.ppy = y
                    g.oldpos = dict()
                g.angleknown = True

                mdist = -1
                if g.markerno in mp:
                    mdist = dist(x, y, mp[g.markerno][0], mp[g.markerno][1])
                    if mdist > g.maxmarkerdist:
                        #print("dist = %f" % mdist)

                it0 = float(m1[5])
                it1 = float(m1[6])
                now = time.time()
                delay1 = it1 - it0
                delay2 = now - it1
                #tolog0("delay %f delay2 %f" % (delay1, delay2))
                # Since the Optipos client runs on the same machine,
                # we can simply add the delays
                delay = delay1 + delay2

                it0_10 = int(it0*10)/10.0
                if g.adjust_t and it0 < g.adjust_t and False:
                    tolog0("POS: picture too old, we already adjusted %f %f" % (
                            it0, g.adjust_t))
                    send_to_ground_control("mpos %f %f %f %f 0 %f" % (x,y,g.ang,time.time()-g.t0, g.inspeed))
                elif g.oldpos != None and it0_10 in g.oldpos:
                    (thenx, theny, thenang) = g.oldpos[it0_10]
                    doadjust = True
                    tolog0("POS: position then: %f %f %f" % (thenx, theny,
                elif g.oldpos != None:
                    tolog0("POS: can't use oldpos")                    

                if True:
                    if g.lastpos != None:
                        (xl, yl) = g.lastpos
                        dst = dist(thenx, theny, xl, yl)
                        tolog0("local speed %f" % (dst/(t-g.lastpost)))
                        if dst/(t-g.lastpost) > TOOHIGHSPEED:
                            close = False

                dst = dist(g.ppx, g.ppy, x, y)
                # even if somewhat correct: it causes us to lose
                # position when we reverse
                if dst > 2.0 and g.markercnt > 10:
                    close = False
                tolog0("marker dist %f" % dst)

                if not close:
                    msg = "bad marker %d not close" % g.markerno
                    if msg != g.markermsg:
                        g.markermsg = msg
                    accepted = True

                    goodmarkertime = t

                    g.markercnt += 1
                    tolog0("marker1 %s %f %f %f %f %f %f" % (m, g.ang, ori, thenx, theny, quality, mdist))
                    if doadjust:
                        doadjust_n = 1
                        doadjust_n = 0
                    send_to_ground_control("mpos %f %f %f %f %d %f" % (x,y,g.ang,time.time()-g.t0, doadjust_n, g.inspeed))
                    nav_mqtt.send_to_mqtt(x, y, ori)
                    g.lastpos = (thenx,theny)
                    g.px = x
                    g.py = y
                    if True:
#                    if g.markercnt % 10 == 1:
#                    if g.markercnt == 1:
                        if doadjust:
                            g.adjust_t = time.time()
                            tolog0("adjusting pos %f %f -> %f %f" % (g.ppx, g.ppy,
                                                                     x, y))
                        if g.markercnt != 1:
                            g.angdiff = (ori-g.ang)%360
                            if True:
                                if doadjust:
                                    tolog0("old pp diff %f %f" % (
                                            g.ppxdiff, g.ppydiff))
                                    ppxdiff1 = x-g.ppx
                                    ppydiff1 = y-g.ppy

                                    ppxdiff1 = x-thenx
                                    ppydiff1 = y-theny
                                    angdiff1 = (ori-thenang)%360

# Unclear to me whether we should halve or not: after a long time, we should
# treat the marker as the truth, but when markers come soon after one
# another, one is not more likely than the other to be right, so we go to the
# middle point.
                                    #ppxdiff1 /= 2
                                    #ppydiff1 /= 2
                                    #angdiff1 /= 2
                                    if True:
                                        g.ppxdiff = ppxdiff1
                                        g.ppydiff = ppydiff1
                                    #print("3 ppydiff := %f" % g.ppydiff)
                                    g.angdiff = angdiff1

                                    adjdist = sqrt(
                                        ppxdiff1*ppxdiff1 +
                                    if g.maxadjdist < adjdist:
                                        g.maxadjdist = adjdist
#                                        print("new maxadjdist %f"
#                                              % g.maxadjdist)
                                    if g.adjdistlimit != None and adjdist > g.adjdistlimit:
                                        g.poserror = True
                                g.ppx = x
                                g.ppy = y
                                #print("1 ppy := %f" % g.ppy)
                            g.angdiff = g.angdiff % 360
                            if g.angdiff > 180:
                                g.angdiff -= 360
                            g.ppx = x
                            g.ppy = y
                            #print("2 ppy := %f" % g.ppy)
                    #g.vx = sin(g.ang*pi/180)*g.inspeed/100
                    #g.vy = cos(g.ang*pi/180)*g.inspeed/100
                    g.lastpost = it0
                    #g.ang = ori
                if g.adjust_t != None:
                    markerage = time.time() - g.adjust_t
                    if markerage > 10:
                        tolog("marker age %f" % markerage)

            if False:
                print("marker good=%s %d = (%f,%f) (%f, %f) %f %f" % (
                        str(accepted), g.markerno, x, y,
                        g.ppx, g.ppy, g.finspeed, g.inspeed))
            if accepted:
                recentmarkers = [str(g.markerno)] + recentmarkers
                recentmarkers = ['x'] + recentmarkers
            if len(recentmarkers) > 10:
                recentmarkers = recentmarkers[0:10]
            send_to_ground_control("markers %s" % " ".join(recentmarkers))

            if not accepted:
                send_to_ground_control("badmarker %f %f" % (x,y))
                tolog0("marker5 %s %f %f" % (m, g.ang, ori))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def readmarker0():

    recentmarkers = []

    markertime = None

    while True:
        p = subprocess.Popen("tail -1 /tmp/marker0", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True);
        res = p.communicate()
        m = res[0].decode('ascii')
        m = m.split('\n')[0]
        if m == g.lastmarker0:
            tolog0("no new marker0")

        g.lastmarker0 = m

        if g.ignoremarkers:

        m1 = m.split(" ")
        if len(m1) != 7:
            print("bad marker line")
        if m1 == "":
            t = time.time()

            doadjust = False


            g.markerno = int(m1[0])
            x = float(m1[1])
            y = float(m1[2])
            quality = float(m1[4])
            ori = float(m1[3])
            odiff = ori - (g.ang%360)
            if odiff > 180:
                odiff -= 360
            if odiff < -180:
                odiff += 360
            accepted = False
#            if g.angleknown and abs(odiff) > 45.0 and g.markerno != -1:
#                tolog("wrong marker %d %f" % (g.markerno, odiff))
#                g.markerno = -1

#            if markertime == None or t-markertime > 5:
            if markertime == None:
                #markertime = t
                skipmarker = False
                skipmarker = True

            if ((g.markerno > -1 and quality > g.minquality
                 and g.markerno not in g.badmarkers
                 and (g.goodmarkers == None or g.markerno in g.goodmarkers)
                 and ((x > -0.3 and x < 3.3 and y > 0 and y < 19.7)
                      or (x > 3.0 and x < 30 and y > 2.3 and y < 5.5)))
                and not skipmarker):
                close = True
                if not g.angleknown:
                    g.ang = ori
                    g.ppx = x
                    g.ppy = y
                    g.oldpos = dict()
                g.angleknown = True

                if g.markerno in mp:
                    mdist = dist(x, y, mp[g.markerno][0], mp[g.markerno][1])
                    if mdist > g.maxmarkerdist:

                it0 = float(m1[5])
                it1 = float(m1[6])
                now = time.time()
                delay1 = it1 - it0
                delay2 = now - it1
                #tolog0("delay %f delay2 %f" % (delay1, delay2))
                # Since the Optipos client runs on the same machine,
                # we can simply add the delays
                delay = delay1 + delay2

                it0_10 = int(it0*10)/10.0
                if g.adjust_t and it0 < g.adjust_t and False:
                    tolog0("POS: picture too old, we already adjusted %f %f" % (
                            it0, g.adjust_t))
                    send_to_ground_control("mpos %f %f %f %f 0 %f" % (x,y,g.ang,time.time()-g.t0, g.inspeed))
                elif g.oldpos != None and it0_10 in g.oldpos:
                    (thenx, theny, thenang) = g.oldpos[it0_10]
                    doadjust = True
                    tolog0("POS: position then: %f %f" % (thenx, theny))
                elif g.oldpos != None:
                    tolog0("POS: can't use oldpos")                    

                if True:
                    if g.lastpos != None:
                        (xl, yl) = g.lastpos
                        dst = dist(thenx, theny, xl, yl)
                        tolog0("local speed %f" % (dst/(t-g.lastpost)))
                        if dst/(t-g.lastpost) > TOOHIGHSPEED:
                            close = False

                dst = dist(g.ppx, g.ppy, x, y)
                # even if somewhat correct: it causes us to lose
                # position when we reverse
                if dst > 2.0 and g.markercnt > 10:
                    close = False
                tolog0("marker dist %f" % dst)

                if not close:
                    msg = "bad marker %d not close" % g.markerno
                    if msg != g.markermsg:
                        g.markermsg = msg
                    accepted = True
                    g.markercnt += 1
                    tolog0("marker1 %s %f %f" % (m, g.ang, ori))
                    if doadjust:
                        doadjust_n = 1
                        doadjust_n = 0
                    send_to_ground_control("mpos %f %f %f %f %d %f" % (x,y,g.ang,time.time()-g.t0, doadjust_n, g.inspeed))
                    #nav_mqtt.send_to_mqtt(x, y)
                    g.lastpos = (thenx,theny)
                    g.px = x
                    g.py = y
                    if True:
#                    if g.markercnt % 10 == 1:
#                    if g.markercnt == 1:
                        if doadjust:
                            g.adjust_t = time.time()
                            tolog0("adjusting pos %f %f -> %f %f" % (g.ppx, g.ppy,
                                                                     x, y))
                        if g.markercnt != 1:
                            g.angdiff = (ori-g.ang)%360
                            if True:
                                if doadjust:
                                    tolog0("old pp diff %f %f" % (
                                            g.ppxdiff, g.ppydiff))
                                    ppxdiff1 = x-g.ppx
                                    ppydiff1 = y-g.ppy

                                    ppxdiff1 = x-thenx
                                    ppydiff1 = y-theny
                                    angdiff1 = (ori-thenang)%360

                                    ppxdiff1 /= 2
                                    ppydiff1 /= 2
                                    #angdiff1 /= 2
                                    if True:
                                        g.ppxdiff = ppxdiff1
                                        g.ppydiff = ppydiff1
                                    #print("3 ppydiff := %f" % g.ppydiff)
                                    g.angdiff = angdiff1

                                    adjdist = sqrt(
                                        ppxdiff1*ppxdiff1 +
                                    if g.maxadjdist < adjdist:
                                        g.maxadjdist = adjdist
#                                        print("new maxadjdist %f"
#                                              % g.maxadjdist)
                                    if g.adjdistlimit != None and adjdist > g.adjdistlimit:
                                        g.poserror = True
                                g.ppx = x
                                g.ppy = y
                                #print("1 ppy := %f" % g.ppy)
                            g.angdiff = g.angdiff % 360
                            if g.angdiff > 180:
                                g.angdiff -= 360
                            g.ppx = x
                            g.ppy = y
                            #print("2 ppy := %f" % g.ppy)
                    #g.vx = sin(g.ang*pi/180)*g.inspeed/100
                    #g.vy = cos(g.ang*pi/180)*g.inspeed/100
                    g.lastpost = it0
                    #g.ang = ori
                if g.adjust_t != None:
                    markerage = time.time() - g.adjust_t
#                    if markerage > 1.0:
#                        print("marker age %f" % markerage)

            if False:
                print("marker good=%s %d = (%f,%f) (%f, %f) %f %f" % (
                        str(accepted), g.markerno, x, y,
                        g.ppx, g.ppy, g.finspeed, g.inspeed))
            if accepted:
                recentmarkers = [str(g.markerno)] + recentmarkers
                recentmarkers = ['x'] + recentmarkers
            if len(recentmarkers) > 10:
                recentmarkers = recentmarkers[0:10]
            send_to_ground_control("markers %s" % " ".join(recentmarkers))

            if not accepted:
                send_to_ground_control("badmarker %f %f" % (x,y))
                tolog0("marker5 %s %f %f" % (m, g.ang, ori))
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: wm.py Proyecto: zoizer/moped
def readmarker0():

    recentmarkers = []

    markertime = None
    goodmarkertime = None
    markerage = None

    while True:
        p = subprocess.Popen("tail -1 /tmp/marker0",
        res = p.communicate()
        m = res[0].decode('ascii')
        m = m.split('\n')[0]
        if m == g.lastmarker0:
            tolog0("no new marker0")

        g.lastmarker0 = m

        if g.ignoremarkers:

        m1 = m.split(" ")
        if len(m1) != 7:
            print("bad marker line")
        if m1 == "":
            t = time.time()

            doadjust = False


            g.markerno = int(m1[0])
            x = float(m1[1])
            y = float(m1[2])
            quality = float(m1[4])
            ori = float(m1[3])
            odiff = ori - (g.ang % 360)
            if odiff > 180:
                odiff -= 360
            if odiff < -180:
                odiff += 360
            accepted = False
            #            if g.angleknown and abs(odiff) > 45.0 and g.markerno != -1:
            #                tolog("wrong marker %d %f" % (g.markerno, odiff))
            #                g.markerno = -1

            #            if markertime == None or t-markertime > 5:
            if markertime == None:
                #markertime = t
                skipmarker = False
                skipmarker = True

            x += g.shiftx

            minq = g.minquality

            # g.ang here below should be thenang, I think
            badmarker = False
            for (badm, bada) in g.badmarkers:
                if g.markerno == badm:
                    if bada == 'all':
                        bada = g.ang
                    angm = (g.ang - bada) % 360
                    if angm > 180:
                        angm -= 360
                    if abs(angm) < 25:
                        badmarker = True

            if g.goodmarkers != None:
                goodmarker = False
                for (goodm, gooda, goodq) in g.goodmarkers:
                    if g.markerno == goodm:
                        if gooda == 'all':
                            gooda = g.ang
                        angm = (g.ang - gooda) % 360
                        minq = goodq
                        if angm > 180:
                            angm -= 360
                        if abs(angm) < 25:
                            goodmarker = True
                goodmarker = True

            if (g.markerno > -1 and goodmarker
                    and ((x > -0.3 and x < 3.3 and y > 0 and y < 19.7) or
                         (x > 3.0 and x < 30 and y > 2.3 and y < 5.5))):
                tolog0("marker0 %s %f" % (m, quality))

            # complain somewhere if good and bad overlap

            if ((
                    pbool(g.markerno > -1) and pbool(quality > minq)
                    #and abs(g.steering) < 30
                    #and (x < 1.0 or x > 2.0)
                    and pbool(goodmarkertime == None
                              or t - goodmarkertime > g.markertimesep) and
                    pbool(not badmarker) and pbool(goodmarker) and
                ((x > -0.3 and x < 3.3 and y > 0 and y < 19.7) or
                 (x > 3.0 and x < 30 and y > 2.3 and y < 5.5)))
                    and not skipmarker):

                close = True
                if not g.angleknown:
                    g.ang = ori
                    g.ppx = x
                    g.ppy = y
                    g.oldpos = dict()
                g.angleknown = True

                mdist = -1
                if g.markerno in mp:
                    mdist = dist(x, y, mp[g.markerno][0], mp[g.markerno][1])
                    if mdist > g.maxmarkerdist:
                        #print("dist = %f" % mdist)

                it0 = float(m1[5])
                it1 = float(m1[6])
                now = time.time()
                delay1 = it1 - it0
                delay2 = now - it1
                #tolog0("delay %f delay2 %f" % (delay1, delay2))
                # Since the Optipos client runs on the same machine,
                # we can simply add the delays
                delay = delay1 + delay2

                it0_10 = int(it0 * 10) / 10.0
                if g.adjust_t and it0 < g.adjust_t and False:
                    tolog0("POS: picture too old, we already adjusted %f %f" %
                           (it0, g.adjust_t))
                        "mpos %f %f %f %f 0 %f" %
                        (x, y, g.ang, time.time() - g.t0, g.inspeed))
                elif g.oldpos != None and it0_10 in g.oldpos:
                    (thenx, theny, thenang) = g.oldpos[it0_10]
                    doadjust = True
                    tolog0("POS: position then: %f %f %f" %
                           (thenx, theny, thenang))
                elif g.oldpos != None:
                    tolog0("POS: can't use oldpos")

                if True:
                    if g.lastpos != None:
                        (xl, yl) = g.lastpos
                        dst = dist(thenx, theny, xl, yl)
                        tolog0("local speed %f" % (dst / (t - g.lastpost)))
                        if dst / (t - g.lastpost) > TOOHIGHSPEED:
                            close = False

                dst = dist(g.ppx, g.ppy, x, y)
                # even if somewhat correct: it causes us to lose
                # position when we reverse
                if dst > 2.0 and g.markercnt > 10:
                    close = False
                tolog0("marker dist %f" % dst)

                if not close:
                    msg = "bad marker %d not close" % g.markerno
                    if msg != g.markermsg:
                        g.markermsg = msg
                    accepted = True

                    goodmarkertime = t

                    g.markercnt += 1
                    tolog0("marker1 %s %f %f %f %f %f %f" %
                           (m, g.ang, ori, thenx, theny, quality, mdist))
                    if doadjust:
                        doadjust_n = 1
                        doadjust_n = 0
                    send_to_ground_control("mpos %f %f %f %f %d %f" %
                                           (x, y, g.ang, time.time() - g.t0,
                                            doadjust_n, g.inspeed))
                    nav_mqtt.send_to_mqtt(x, y, ori)
                    g.lastpos = (thenx, theny)
                    g.px = x
                    g.py = y
                    if True:
                        #                    if g.markercnt % 10 == 1:
                        #                    if g.markercnt == 1:
                        if doadjust:
                            g.adjust_t = time.time()
                            tolog0("adjusting pos %f %f -> %f %f" %
                                   (g.ppx, g.ppy, x, y))
                        if g.markercnt != 1:
                            g.angdiff = (ori - g.ang) % 360
                            if True:
                                if doadjust:
                                    tolog0("old pp diff %f %f" %
                                           (g.ppxdiff, g.ppydiff))
                                    ppxdiff1 = x - g.ppx
                                    ppydiff1 = y - g.ppy

                                    ppxdiff1 = x - thenx
                                    ppydiff1 = y - theny
                                    angdiff1 = (ori - thenang) % 360

                                    # Unclear to me whether we should halve or not: after a long time, we should
                                    # treat the marker as the truth, but when markers come soon after one
                                    # another, one is not more likely than the other to be right, so we go to the
                                    # middle point.
                                    #ppxdiff1 /= 2
                                    #ppydiff1 /= 2
                                    #angdiff1 /= 2
                                    if True:
                                        g.ppxdiff = ppxdiff1
                                        g.ppydiff = ppydiff1
                                    #print("3 ppydiff := %f" % g.ppydiff)
                                    g.angdiff = angdiff1

                                    adjdist = sqrt(ppxdiff1 * ppxdiff1 +
                                                   ppydiff1 * ppydiff1)
                                    if g.maxadjdist < adjdist:
                                        g.maxadjdist = adjdist
#                                        print("new maxadjdist %f"
#                                              % g.maxadjdist)
                                    if g.adjdistlimit != None and adjdist > g.adjdistlimit:
                                        g.poserror = True
                                g.ppx = x
                                g.ppy = y
                                #print("1 ppy := %f" % g.ppy)
                            g.angdiff = g.angdiff % 360
                            if g.angdiff > 180:
                                g.angdiff -= 360
                            g.ppx = x
                            g.ppy = y
                            #print("2 ppy := %f" % g.ppy)
                    #g.vx = sin(g.ang*pi/180)*g.inspeed/100
                    #g.vy = cos(g.ang*pi/180)*g.inspeed/100
                    g.lastpost = it0
                    #g.ang = ori
                if g.adjust_t != None:
                    markerage = time.time() - g.adjust_t
                    if markerage > 10:
                        tolog("marker age %f" % markerage)

            if False:
                print("marker good=%s %d = (%f,%f) (%f, %f) %f %f" %
                      (str(accepted), g.markerno, x, y, g.ppx, g.ppy,
                       g.finspeed, g.inspeed))
            if accepted:
                recentmarkers = [str(g.markerno)] + recentmarkers
                recentmarkers = ['x'] + recentmarkers
            if len(recentmarkers) > 10:
                recentmarkers = recentmarkers[0:10]
            send_to_ground_control("markers %s" % " ".join(recentmarkers))

            if not accepted:
                send_to_ground_control("badmarker %f %f" % (x, y))
                tolog0("marker5 %s %f %f" % (m, g.ang, ori))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def from_ground_control():
    lastreportclosest = False

    prevl = None

    while True:
        if g.ground_control:
            for data in linesplit(g.ground_control):
                l = data.split(" ")

                g.tctime = time.time()

                if l[0] == "go":
                    x = float(l[1])
                    y = float(l[2])
                    print(("goto is not implemented", x, y))
                elif l[0] == "path":
                    path = ast.literal_eval(data[5:])
                    print("Received path from traffic control:")
                    # currently, we don't do anything with this path
                elif l[0] == "continue":
                    g.paused = False
                elif l[0] == "carpos":
                    carname = l[1]
                    x = float(l[2])
                    y = float(l[3])
                    g.posnow[carname] = (x, y)
                    if carname not in g.otherpos:
                        g.otherpos[carname] = queue.Queue(100000)
                    g.otherpos[carname].put((x, y))
                elif l[0] == "carsinfront":
                    if l != prevl:
                        #print("traffic %s" % str(l[1:]))
                    prevl = l
                    n = int(l[1])
                    closest = None
                    for i in range(0, n):
                        relation = l[6 * i + 2]
                        dist = float(l[6 * i + 3])
                        #x = float(l[6*i+4])
                        #y = float(l[6*i+5])
                        othercar = l[6 * i + 6]
                        onlyif = float(l[6 * i + 7])
                        if closest == None or closest > dist:
                            closest = dist
                    if closest != None:
                        if (onlyif != 0 and g.nextdecisionpoint != 0
                                and onlyif != g.nextdecisionpoint):
                            tolog("onlyif %d %d" %
                                  (onlyif, g.nextdecisionpoint))
                        # a car length
                        closest = closest - 0.5
                        closest0 = closest
                        # some more safety:
                        closest = closest - 0.5
                        if closest < 0:
                            closest = 0
                        # 4 is our safety margin and should make for
                        # a smoother ride
                        if g.limitspeed == None:
                            #print("car in front")
                        tolog("car in front")
                        #g.limitspeed = 100*closest/0.85/4
                        g.limitspeed = 100 * closest / 0.85
                        if g.limitspeed < 11:
                            #print("setting limitspeed to 0")
                            g.limitspeed = 0
                            if g.outspeedcm != None and g.outspeedcm != 0:
                            #print("reduced limitspeed")

                        if g.limitspeed < g.outspeedcm:
                                g, "%s %s %.2f m speed %.1f -> %.1f (%.1f)" %
                                (relation, othercar, closest0, g.finspeed,
                                 g.limitspeed, g.outspeedcm))
                        if "crash" in relation and g.simulate:
                            g.crash = True
                            g.simulmaxacc = 0.0

                        ff = tolog
                        if g.finspeed != 0 and g.finspeed >= g.limitspeed:
                            if relation == "givewayto":
                                ff = tolog2
                                ff = tolog
                        ff("closest car in front2: %s dist %f limitspeed %f" %
                           (relation, closest, g.limitspeed))
                        lastreportclosest = True
                        if not g.crash:
                            g.limitspeed = None
                            if lastreportclosest:
                                tolog0("no close cars")
                            lastreportclosest = False
                    if g.outspeedcm:
                        # neither 0 nor None
                        if g.limitspeed == 0:
                                "message stopping for obstacle")
                        elif g.limitspeed != None and g.limitspeed < g.outspeedcm:
                                "message slowing for obstacle %.1f" %
                            send_to_ground_control("message ")
                        send_to_ground_control("message ")
                elif l[0] == "parameter":
                    g.parameter = int(l[1])
                    print("parameter %d" % g.parameter)
                # control be used so we don't have to stop if the next
                # section is free
                elif l[0] == "waitallcarsdone":
                elif l[0] == "cargoto":
                    x = float(l[2])
                    y = float(l[3])
                    nav2.goto(x, y, l[4])
                elif l[0] == "sync":
                    flag = int(l[1])
                    if flag == 1:
                        tctime = float(l[2])
                        print("syncing to %f" % (tctime))
                        g.t0 = time.time() - tctime
                elif l[0] == "heartecho":
                    t1 = float(l[1])
                    t2 = float(l[2])
                    g.heartn_r = int(l[3])
                    #print("heartecho %.3f %.3f %.3f %d" % (time.time() - g.t0, t1, t2, g.heartn_r))
                    print("unknown control command %s" % data)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def readgyro0():
    #gscale = 32768.0/250
    gscale = 32768.0 / 1000
    ascale = 1670.0

    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    x0 = 0.0
    y0 = 0.0
    z0 = 0.0
    rx = 0.0
    ry = 0.0

    count = 0
    countt = time.time()


        tlast = time.time()
        t1 = time.time()

        while True:
            count += 1
            if count % 1000 == 0:
                newt = time.time()
                #print("readgyro0 1000 times = %f s" % (newt-countt))
                countt = newt

            w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x47, 2)
            high = w[0]
            low = w[1]
            r = make_word(high, low)

            r -= g.rbias

            if True:
                high = g.bus.read_byte_data(imuaddress, 0x45)
                low = g.bus.read_byte_data(imuaddress, 0x46)
                ry = make_word(high, low)
                ry -= g.rybias

                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x43, 2)
                high = w[0]
                low = w[1]
                rx = make_word(high, low)
                rx -= g.rxbias

            if False:
                if rx > 120 and g.finspeed != 0 and g.dstatus != 2:
                    g.dstatus = 2
                    cmd = "/home/pi/can-utils/cansend can0 '101#%02x%02x'" % (
                        246, 0)
                    #                dodrive(0, 0)

            # make the steering and the angle go in the same direction
            # now positive is clockwise
            r = -r

            t2 = time.time()
            dt = t2 - t1
            if dt > 0.5:
                # pretend we crashed
                g.crash = 10.0
                nav_log.tolog("readgyro0 paused for %f s" % dt)

            t1 = t2

            angvel = r / gscale
            g.dang = angvel * dt
            anghalf = g.ang + g.dang / 2
            g.ang += g.dang

            if True:
                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x3b, 6)
                x = make_word(w[0], w[1])
                x -= g.xbias
                y = make_word(w[2], w[3])
                y -= g.ybias
                z = make_word(w[4], w[5])
                z -= g.zbias

                x /= ascale
                y /= ascale
                z /= ascale

                g.acc = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
                if g.acc > g.crashlimit and g.detectcrashes:
                    g.crash = g.acc

                x0 = -x
                y0 = -y
                z0 = z

                # the signs here assume that x goes to the right and y forward

                x = x0 * cos(pi / 180 * anghalf) - y0 * sin(pi / 180 * anghalf)
                y = x0 * sin(pi / 180 * anghalf) + y0 * cos(pi / 180 * anghalf)

                g.vx += x * dt
                g.vy += y * dt
                g.vz += z * dt

                g.px += g.vx * dt
                g.py += g.vy * dt
                g.pz += g.vz * dt

            g.realspeed = (g.finspeed + g.fleftspeed) / 2

            # ad hoc constant, which made pleftspeed close to fleftspeed
            corrleft = 1 + angvel / 320.0
            # p for pretend
            pleftspeed = g.finspeed * corrleft

            if True:
                usedspeed = pleftspeed
                usedspeed = g.realspeed

            vvx = usedspeed / 100.0 * sin(pi / 180 * g.ang)
            vvy = usedspeed / 100.0 * cos(pi / 180 * g.ang)

            ppxi = vvx * dt
            ppyi = vvy * dt

            if True:
                ds = sqrt(ppxi * ppxi + ppyi * ppyi)
                g.totals += ds

            g.ppx += ppxi
            g.ppy += ppyi

            if g.oldpos != None:
                t2_10 = int(t2 * 10) / 10.0
                g.oldpos[t2_10] = (g.ppx, g.ppy, g.ang)

            # don't put too many things in this thread

            if False:
                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x4c, 6)
                mx0 = make_word(w[1], w[0])
                my0 = make_word(w[3], w[2])
                mz0 = make_word(w[5], w[4])

                mx = float((mx0 - g.mxmin)) / (g.mxmax - g.mxmin) * 2 - 1
                my = float((my0 - g.mymin)) / (g.mymax - g.mymin) * 2 - 1
                mz = mz0

                quot = (mx + my) / sqrt(2)
                if quot > 1.0:
                    quot = 1.0
                if quot < -1.0:
                    quot = -1.0
                mang = (asin(quot)) * 180 / pi + 45
                if mx < my:
                    mang = 270 - mang
                    mang = mang % 360

                mang = -mang
                mang = mang % 360

            if True:
                dtup = (x, y, g.vx, g.vy, g.px, g.py, x0, y0, vvx, vvy, g.ppx,
                        g.ppy, g.ang % 360, angvel, g.can_steer, g.can_speed,
                        g.inspeed, g.outspeed, g.odometer, z0, r, rx, ry,
                        g.acc, g.finspeed, g.fodometer, t2 - g.t0, pleftspeed,
                        g.leftspeed, g.fleftspeed, g.realspeed, g.can_ultra,
                fstr = "%f" + " %f" * (len(dtup) - 1) + "\n"
                if False:
                    g.accf.write(fstr % dtup)
                    if g.qlen > 0.9 * g.accfqsize:
                        g.droppedlog += 1
                        if True:
                            g.accfq.put(fstr % dtup, False)
                            g.droppedlog = 0
                            g.qlen += 1
                                g.accfq.put(fstr % dtup, False)
                                g.droppedlog = 0
                                g.qlen += 1
                            except Exception as a:
                                print("queue exception")

            if (t2 - tlast > 0.1):
                tlast = t2

            j = g.angdiff / g.angdifffactor
            g.ang += j
            g.angdiff -= j

            #print("pp diff %f %f" % (g.ppxdiff, g.ppydiff))

            j = g.ppxdiff / g.xydifffactor
            if abs(j) > 0.01:
                #print("ppx %f->%f j %f xdiff %f" % (g.ppx, g.ppx+g.ppxdiff,
            g.ppx += j
            g.ppxdiff -= j

            j = g.ppydiff / g.xydifffactor
            g.ppy += j
            g.ppydiff -= j

            if False:
                if ((abs(g.ang % 360 - 270) < 1.0 and g.ppy > 18.0)
                        or (abs(g.ang % 360 - 90) < 1.0 and g.ppy < 14.0)):
                    nav_log.tolog("ang %f ppx %f ultra %f" %
                                  (g.ang % 360, g.ppx, g.can_ultra))


    except Exception as e:
        nav_log.tolog("exception in readgyro: " + str(e))
        print("exception in readgyro: " + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def readgyro0():
    #gscale = 32768.0/250
    gscale = 32768.0 / 1000
    ascale = 1670.0

    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    x0 = 0.0
    y0 = 0.0
    z0 = 0.0
    rx = 0.0
    ry = 0.0
    acc = 0.0


        tlast = time.time()
        t1 = time.time()

        while True:
            w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x47, 2)
            high = w[0]
            low = w[1]
            r = make_word(high, low)

            r -= g.rbias

            if True:
                high = g.bus.read_byte_data(imuaddress, 0x45)
                low = g.bus.read_byte_data(imuaddress, 0x46)
                ry = make_word(high, low)
                ry -= g.rybias

                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x43, 2)
                high = w[0]
                low = w[1]
                rx = make_word(high, low)
                rx -= g.rxbias

            if False:
                if rx > 120 and g.finspeed != 0 and g.dstatus != 2:
                    g.dstatus = 2
                    cmd = "/home/pi/can-utils/cansend can0 '101#%02x%02x'" % (
                        246, 0)
                    #                dodrive(0, 0)

            # make the steering and the angle go in the same direction
            # now positive is clockwise
            r = -r

            t2 = time.time()
            dt = t2 - t1
            t1 = t2

            angvel = r / gscale
            g.dang = angvel * dt
            g.ang += g.dang

            if True:
                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x3b, 6)
                x = make_word(w[0], w[1])
                x -= g.xbias
                y = make_word(w[2], w[3])
                y -= g.ybias
                z = make_word(w[4], w[5])
                z -= g.zbias

                x /= ascale
                y /= ascale
                z /= ascale

                acc = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
                if acc > 9.0 and g.detectcrashes:
                    g.crash = acc

                x0 = -x
                y0 = -y
                z0 = z

                # the signs here assume that x goes to the right and y forward

                x = x0 * cos(pi / 180 * g.ang) - y0 * sin(pi / 180 * g.ang)
                y = x0 * sin(pi / 180 * g.ang) + y0 * cos(pi / 180 * g.ang)

                g.vx += x * dt
                g.vy += y * dt
                g.vz += z * dt

                g.px += g.vx * dt
                g.py += g.vy * dt
                g.pz += g.vz * dt

            corr = 1.0

            vvx = g.inspeed * corr / 100.0 * sin(pi / 180 * g.ang)
            vvy = g.inspeed * corr / 100.0 * cos(pi / 180 * g.ang)

            ppxi = vvx * dt
            ppyi = vvy * dt

            if True:
                ds = sqrt(ppxi * ppxi + ppyi * ppyi)
                g.totals += ds

            g.ppx += ppxi
            g.ppy += ppyi

            if g.oldpos != None:
                t2_10 = int(t2 * 10) / 10.0
                g.oldpos[t2_10] = (g.ppx, g.ppy, g.ang)

            # don't put too many things in this thread

            if False:
                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x4c, 6)
                mx0 = make_word(w[1], w[0])
                my0 = make_word(w[3], w[2])
                mz0 = make_word(w[5], w[4])

                mx = float((mx0 - g.mxmin)) / (g.mxmax - g.mxmin) * 2 - 1
                my = float((my0 - g.mymin)) / (g.mymax - g.mymin) * 2 - 1
                mz = mz0

                quot = (mx + my) / sqrt(2)
                if quot > 1.0:
                    quot = 1.0
                if quot < -1.0:
                    quot = -1.0
                mang = (asin(quot)) * 180 / pi + 45
                if mx < my:
                    mang = 270 - mang
                    mang = mang % 360

                mang = -mang
                mang = mang % 360

            if True:
                    "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n"
                    % (x, y, g.vx, g.vy, g.px, g.py, x0, y0, vvx, vvy, g.ppx,
                       g.ppy, g.ang % 360, angvel, g.can_steer, g.can_speed,
                       g.inspeed, g.outspeed, g.odometer, z0, r, rx, ry, acc,
                       g.finspeed, g.fodometer, t2 - g.t0, g.can_ultra))

            if (t2 - tlast > 0.1):
                tlast = t2

            j = g.angdiff / 1000
            g.ang += j
            g.angdiff -= j

            #print("pp diff %f %f" % (g.ppxdiff, g.ppydiff))

            j = g.ppxdiff / 100
            g.ppx += j
            g.ppxdiff -= j

            j = g.ppydiff / 100
            g.ppy += j
            g.ppydiff -= j


    except Exception as e:
        nav_log.tolog("exception in readgyro: " + str(e))
        print("exception in readgyro: " + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def readgyro0():
    #gscale = 32768.0/250
    gscale = 32768.0/1000
    ascale = 1670.0

    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    x0 = 0.0
    y0 = 0.0
    z0 = 0.0
    rx = 0.0
    ry = 0.0

    count = 0
    countt = time.time()

    g.pauseimu = 0.0


        tlast = time.time()
        t1 = time.time()

        while True:
            count += 1
            if count%1000 == 0:
                newt = time.time()
                #print("readgyro0 1000 times = %f s" % (newt-countt))
                countt = newt
#                if g.pauseimu == 0.0:
#                    g.pauseimu = 1.5

            if g.pauseimu > 0.0:
                g.pauseimu = 0.0

            w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x47, 2)
            high = w[0]
            low = w[1]
            r = make_word(high, low)

            r -= g.rbias

            if True:
                high = g.bus.read_byte_data(imuaddress, 0x45)
                low = g.bus.read_byte_data(imuaddress, 0x46)
                ry = make_word(high, low)
                ry -= g.rybias

                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x43, 2)
                high = w[0]
                low = w[1]
                rx = make_word(high, low)
                rx -= g.rxbias

            if False:
                if rx > 120 and g.finspeed != 0 and g.dstatus != 2:
                    g.dstatus = 2
                    cmd = "/home/pi/can-utils/cansend can0 '101#%02x%02x'" % (
                        246, 0)
    #                dodrive(0, 0)

            # make the steering and the angle go in the same direction
            # now positive is clockwise
            r = -r

            t2 = time.time()
            dt = t2-t1
            if dt > g.dtlimit:
                print("%f dt %f" % (t2-g.t0, dt))
            if dt > 0.5:
                nav_log.tolog("readgyro0 paused for %f s" % dt)
                if dt > 1.5:
                    # we ought to stop and wait

            t1 = t2

            angvel = r/gscale
            g.dang = angvel*dt
            anghalf = g.ang + g.dang/2
            g.ang += g.dang

            if True:
                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x3b, 6)
                x = make_word(w[0], w[1])
                x -= g.xbias
                y = make_word(w[2], w[3])
                y -= g.ybias
                z = make_word(w[4], w[5])
                z -= g.zbias

                x /= ascale
                y /= ascale
                z /= ascale

                g.acc = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
                if g.acc > g.crashlimit and g.detectcrashes:
                    g.crash = g.acc

                x0 = -x
                y0 = -y
                z0 = z

                # the signs here assume that x goes to the right and y forward

                x = x0*cos(pi/180*anghalf) - y0*sin(pi/180*anghalf)
                y = x0*sin(pi/180*anghalf) + y0*cos(pi/180*anghalf)

                g.vx += x*dt
                g.vy += y*dt
                g.vz += z*dt

                g.px += g.vx*dt
                g.py += g.vy*dt
                g.pz += g.vz*dt

            g.realspeed = (g.finspeed + g.fleftspeed)/2

            # ad hoc constant, which made pleftspeed close to fleftspeed
            corrleft = 1+angvel/320.0
            # p for pretend
            pleftspeed = g.finspeed*corrleft

            if True:
                usedspeed = pleftspeed
                usedspeed = g.realspeed

            vvx = usedspeed/100.0*sin(pi/180*g.ang)
            vvy = usedspeed/100.0*cos(pi/180*g.ang)

            ppxi = vvx*dt
            ppyi = vvy*dt

            if True:
                ds = sqrt(ppxi*ppxi+ppyi*ppyi)
                g.totals += ds

            g.ppx += ppxi
            g.ppy += ppyi

            if g.oldpos != None:
                t2_10 = int(t2*10)/10.0
                g.oldpos[t2_10] = (g.ppx, g.ppy, g.ang)

            # don't put too many things in this thread

            if False:
                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(imuaddress, 0x4c, 6)
                mx0 = make_word(w[1], w[0])
                my0 = make_word(w[3], w[2])
                mz0 = make_word(w[5], w[4])

                mx = float((mx0-g.mxmin))/(g.mxmax-g.mxmin)*2 - 1
                my = float((my0-g.mymin))/(g.mymax-g.mymin)*2 - 1
                mz = mz0

                quot = (mx+my)/sqrt(2)
                if quot > 1.0:
                    quot = 1.0
                if quot < -1.0:
                    quot = -1.0
                mang = (asin(quot))*180/pi+45
                if mx < my:
                    mang = 270-mang
                    mang = mang%360

                mang = -mang
                mang = mang%360

            if True:
                dtup = (x, y, g.vx, g.vy, g.px,
                        g.py, x0, y0, vvx, vvy,
                        g.ppx, g.ppy, g.ang%360, angvel, g.can_steer,
                        g.can_speed, g.inspeed, g.outspeed, g.odometer, z0,
                        r, rx, ry, g.acc, g.finspeed,
                        g.fodometer, t2-g.t0, pleftspeed, g.leftspeed, g.fleftspeed,
                        g.realspeed, g.can_ultra, g.droppedlog)
                fstr = "%f" + " %f"*(len(dtup)-1) + "\n"
                if False:
                    g.accf.write(fstr % dtup)
                    if g.qlen> 0.9*g.accfqsize:
                        g.droppedlog += 1
                        if True:
                            g.accfq.put(fstr % dtup, False)
                            g.droppedlog = 0
                            g.qlen += 1
                                g.accfq.put(fstr % dtup, False)
                                g.droppedlog = 0
                                g.qlen += 1
                            except Exception as a:
                                print("queue exception")

            if (t2-tlast > 0.1):
                tlast = t2

            j = g.angdiff/g.angdifffactor
            g.ang += j
            g.angdiff -= j

            #print("pp diff %f %f" % (g.ppxdiff, g.ppydiff))

            j = g.ppxdiff/g.xydifffactor
            if abs(j) > 0.01:
                #print("ppx %f->%f j %f xdiff %f" % (g.ppx, g.ppx+g.ppxdiff,
            g.ppx += j
            g.ppxdiff -= j

            j = g.ppydiff/g.xydifffactor
            g.ppy += j
            g.ppydiff -= j

            if False:
                if ((abs(g.ang%360 - 270) < 1.0 and
                    g.ppy > 18.0) or
                    (abs(g.ang%360 - 90) < 1.0 and
                    g.ppy < 14.0)):
                    nav_log.tolog("ang %f ppx %f ultra %f" % (
                            g.ang%360, g.ppx, g.can_ultra))


    except Exception as e:
        nav_log.tolog("exception in readgyro: " + str(e))
        print("exception in readgyro: " + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def readgyro0():
    #gscale = 32768.0/250
    gscale = 32768.0/1000
    ascale = 1670.0

    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    x0 = 0.0
    y0 = 0.0
    z0 = 0.0
    rx = 0.0
    ry = 0.0
    acc = 0.0


        tlast = time.time()
        t1 = time.time()

        while True:
            w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(g.imuaddress, 0x47, 2)
            high = w[0]
            low = w[1]
            r = make_word(high, low)

            r -= g.rbias

            if True:
                high = g.bus.read_byte_data(g.imuaddress, 0x45)
                low = g.bus.read_byte_data(g.imuaddress, 0x46)
                ry = make_word(high, low)
                ry -= g.rybias

                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(g.imuaddress, 0x43, 2)
                high = w[0]
                low = w[1]
                rx = make_word(high, low)
                rx -= g.rxbias

            if False:
                if rx > 120 and g.finspeed != 0 and g.dstatus != 2:
                    g.dstatus = 2
                    cmd = "/home/pi/can-utils/cansend can0 '101#%02x%02x'" % (
                        246, 0)
    #                dodrive(0, 0)

            # make the steering and the angle go in the same direction
            # now positive is clockwise
            r = -r

            t2 = time.time()
            dt = t2-t1
            t1 = t2

            angvel = r/gscale
            g.dang = angvel*dt
            g.ang += g.dang

            if True:
                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(g.imuaddress, 0x3b, 6)
                x = make_word(w[0], w[1])
                x -= g.xbias
                y = make_word(w[2], w[3])
                y -= g.ybias
                z = make_word(w[4], w[5])
                z -= g.zbias

                x /= ascale
                y /= ascale
                z /= ascale

                acc = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
                if acc > 9.0 and g.detectcrashes:
                    g.crash = acc

                x0 = -x
                y0 = -y
                z0 = z

                # the signs here assume that x goes to the right and y forward

                x = x0*cos(pi/180*g.ang) - y0*sin(pi/180*g.ang)
                y = x0*sin(pi/180*g.ang) + y0*cos(pi/180*g.ang)

                g.vx += x*dt
                g.vy += y*dt
                g.vz += z*dt

                g.px += g.vx*dt
                g.py += g.vy*dt
                g.pz += g.vz*dt

            corr = 1.0

            vvx = g.inspeed*corr/100.0*sin(pi/180*g.ang)
            vvy = g.inspeed*corr/100.0*cos(pi/180*g.ang)

            ppxi = vvx*dt
            ppyi = vvy*dt

            if True:
                ds = sqrt(ppxi*ppxi+ppyi*ppyi)
                g.totals += ds

            g.ppx += ppxi
            g.ppy += ppyi

            if g.oldpos != None:
                t2_10 = int(t2*10)/10.0
                g.oldpos[t2_10] = (g.ppx, g.ppy, g.ang)

            # don't put too many things in this thread

            if False:
                w = g.bus.read_i2c_block_data(g.imuaddress, 0x4c, 6)
                mx0 = make_word(w[1], w[0])
                my0 = make_word(w[3], w[2])
                mz0 = make_word(w[5], w[4])

                mx = float((mx0-g.mxmin))/(g.mxmax-g.mxmin)*2 - 1
                my = float((my0-g.mymin))/(g.mymax-g.mymin)*2 - 1
                mz = mz0

                quot = (mx+my)/sqrt(2)
                if quot > 1.0:
                    quot = 1.0
                if quot < -1.0:
                    quot = -1.0
                mang = (asin(quot))*180/pi+45
                if mx < my:
                    mang = 270-mang
                    mang = mang%360

                mang = -mang
                mang = mang%360

            if True:
                g.accf.write("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n" % (
                        x, y, g.vx, g.vy, g.px, g.py, x0, y0, vvx, vvy, g.ppx, g.ppy, g.ang,
                        angvel, g.can_steer, g.can_speed, g.inspeed, g.outspeed, g.odometer,
                        z0, r, rx, ry, acc, g.finspeed, g.fodometer, t2-g.t0, g.can_ultra))

            if (t2-tlast > 0.1):
                tlast = t2

            j = g.angdiff/1000
            g.ang += j
            g.angdiff -= j

            #print("pp diff %f %f" % (g.ppxdiff, g.ppydiff))

            j = g.ppxdiff/100
            g.ppx += j
            g.ppxdiff -= j

            j = g.ppydiff/100
            g.ppy += j
            g.ppydiff -= j


    except Exception as e:
        nav_log.tolog("exception in readgyro: " + str(e))
        print("exception in readgyro: " + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def from_ground_control():
    lastreportclosest = False

    prevl = None

    while True:
        if g.ground_control:
            for data in linesplit(g.ground_control):
                l = data.split(" ")

                g.tctime = time.time()

                if l[0] == "go":
                    x = float(l[1])
                    y = float(l[2])
                    print(("goto is not implemented", x, y))
                elif l[0] == "path":
                    path = ast.literal_eval(data[5:])
                    print("Received path from traffic control:")
                    # currently, we don't do anything with this path
                elif l[0] == "continue":
                    g.paused = False
                elif l[0] == "carpos":
                    carname = l[1]
                    x = float(l[2])
                    y = float(l[3])
                    g.posnow[carname] = (x, y)
                    if carname not in g.otherpos:
                        g.otherpos[carname] = queue.Queue(100000)
                    g.otherpos[carname].put((x, y))
                elif l[0] == "carsinfront":
                    if l != prevl:
                        #print("traffic %s" % str(l[1:]))
                    prevl = l
                    n = int(l[1])
                    closest = None
                    for i in range(0, n):
                        relation = l[6*i+2]
                        dist = float(l[6*i+3])
                        #x = float(l[6*i+4])
                        #y = float(l[6*i+5])
                        othercar = l[6*i+6]
                        onlyif = float(l[6*i+7])
                        if closest == None or closest > dist:
                            closest = dist
                    if closest != None:
                        if (onlyif != 0
                            and g.nextdecisionpoint != 0
                            and onlyif != g.nextdecisionpoint):
                            tolog("onlyif %d %d" % (
                                    onlyif, g.nextdecisionpoint))
                        # a car length
                        closest = closest - 0.5
                        closest0 = closest
                        # some more safety:
                        closest = closest - 0.5
                        if closest < 0:
                            closest = 0
                        # 4 is our safety margin and should make for
                        # a smoother ride
                        if g.limitspeed == None:
                            #print("car in front")
                        tolog("car in front")
                        #g.limitspeed = 100*closest/0.85/4
                        g.limitspeed = 100*closest/0.85
                        if g.limitspeed < 11:
                            #print("setting limitspeed to 0")
                            g.limitspeed = 0
                            if g.outspeedcm != None and g.outspeedcm != 0:
                            #print("reduced limitspeed")

                        if g.limitspeed < g.outspeedcm:
                            print1(g, "%s %s %.2f m speed %.1f -> %.1f (%.1f)" % (
                                    othercar, closest0,
                        if "crash" in relation and g.simulate:
                            g.crash = True
                            g.simulmaxacc = 0.0

                        ff = tolog
                        if g.finspeed != 0 and g.finspeed >= g.limitspeed:
                            if relation == "givewayto":
                                ff = tolog2
                                ff = tolog
                        ff("closest car in front2: %s dist %f limitspeed %f" % (
                                relation, closest, g.limitspeed))
                        lastreportclosest = True
                        if not g.crash:
                            g.limitspeed = None
                            if lastreportclosest:
                                tolog0("no close cars")
                            lastreportclosest = False
                    if g.outspeedcm:
                        # neither 0 nor None
                        if g.limitspeed == 0:
                            send_to_ground_control("message stopping for obstacle")
                        elif g.limitspeed != None and g.limitspeed < g.outspeedcm:
                            send_to_ground_control("message slowing for obstacle %.1f" % g.limitspeed)
                            send_to_ground_control("message ")
                        send_to_ground_control("message ")
                elif l[0] == "parameter":
                    g.parameter = int(l[1])
                    print("parameter %d" % g.parameter)
                # can be used so we don't have to stop if the next
                # section is free
                elif l[0] == "waitallcarsdone":
                elif l[0] == "cargoto":
                    x = float(l[2])
                    y = float(l[3])
                    nav2.goto(x, y, l[4])
                elif l[0] == "sync":
                    flag = int(l[1])
                    if flag == 1:
                        tctime = float(l[2])
                        print("syncing to %f" % (tctime))
                        g.t0 = time.time() - tctime
                elif l[0] == "heartecho":
                    t1 = float(l[1])
                    t2 = float(l[2])
                    g.heartn_r = int(l[3])
                    #print("heartecho %.3f %.3f %.3f %d" % (time.time() - g.t0, t1, t2, g.heartn_r))
                    print("unknown control command %s" % data)