Ejemplo n.º 1
    def publish_og(self):
        og = self.cleaningManager.mapManager.occupancy_grid
        OG = OccupancyGrid()
        altered_og = []
        i = 0
        for val in og:
            if val == -1:
                altered_og.append(int(val * 100))
            i = i + 1
        OG.data = altered_og
        OG.info.width = int(math.sqrt(len(og)))
        OG.info.height = int(math.sqrt(len(og)))
        OG.info.resolution = (2 * X_MAX) / OG_WIDTH

        visible_corners = self.cleaningManager.mapManager.get_visible_area_corners(
        og_origin = Pose()
        og_origin.position.x = visible_corners[3][0]
        og_origin.position.y = visible_corners[3][1]
        euler = self.quaternion_to_euler(
        euler[0] = 0
        euler[1] = 0
        new_quat = self.euler_to_quaternion(euler[0], euler[1], euler[2])
        og_origin.orientation.x = new_quat[0]
        og_origin.orientation.y = new_quat[1]
        og_origin.orientation.z = new_quat[2]
        og_origin.orientation.w = new_quat[3]

        OG.info.origin = og_origin

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot', anonymous=True)

        # initialize a publisher for occupancy grid
        self.occupancy_pub = rospy.Publisher('/map',
        # rospy.loginfo("got into initializaytion")
        self.occupancy_grid = OccupancyGrid()
        metadata = MapMetaData()
        # metadata.map_load_time = None
        metadata.resolution = resolution = 0.1
        metadata.width = 250
        metadata.height = 250
        pos = np.array([
            -metadata.width * resolution / 2,
            -metadata.height * resolution / 2, 0
        metadata.origin = Pose()
        metadata.origin.position.x, metadata.origin.position.y = pos[:2]
        self.conversion_m_to_xy = metadata.width / 30 + 10
        #self.conversion_m_to_y = self.

        self.map_metadata = metadata
        self.occupancy_grid.info = self.map_metadata
        self.occupancy_grid.data = np.ones(
            metadata.height * metadata.width).astype(int) * O_0
        self.laser_data = None
        self.position = None
        self.orientation = None
        self.covariance = None

        # initialize a subscriber to receive the estimated pose and the map
        rospy.Subscriber("/scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback)

        # initialize a subscriber to receiver estimated posiition from the kalman filter output
        rospy.Subscriber('/indoor_pos', PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def publish_Q_table(self, table):
        costmap = OccupancyGrid()
        costmap.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        costmap.header.frame_id = '/map'

        costmap.info.width = 16
        costmap.info.height = 16 + 1  # Last one line is for extra information
        costmap.info.resolution = fieldScale / 16
        costmap.info.origin.position.x = fieldScale / math.sqrt(2)
        costmap.info.origin.position.y = 0
        costmap.info.origin.position.z = 0.01
        q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(math.pi / 4, 0, 0)
        #q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0)
        costmap.info.origin.orientation.x = q[1]
        costmap.info.origin.orientation.y = q[2]
        costmap.info.origin.orientation.z = q[3]
        costmap.info.origin.orientation.w = q[0]

        # Scale Q table
        q_min = np.min(table)
        q_max = np.max(table)
        data = np.flipud(table).reshape(-1)
        costmap.data = (data - q_min) / (
            q_max - q_min
        ) * 99.0 + 1.5  # 1 to 100. 0(transparent), 1(blue) to 98(red), 99(cyan), 100(pink)
        #costmap.data = data * 50.0 + 50.0

        # Add min and max to costmap
        costmap.data = np.hstack([costmap.data, np.zeros(16)])
        costmap.data[256] = q_min * 50.0 + 50.5
        costmap.data[257] = q_max * 50.0 + 50.5

        # Cast float to int8
        costmap.data = np.array(costmap.data, dtype='int8')

        # Publish
        rospy.loginfo('Q(min,max)=(%.3f, %.3f)' % (q_min, q_max))
def talker():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('fake_occupancy_grid', OccupancyGrid, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('fake_occupancy_grid', anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 10hz
    grid = OccupancyGrid()
    # see if you can change metadata to calling on a parameter of rviz?
    grid.info.height = 20
    grid.info.width = 20
    values = [-1] * (20 * 20)
    # do some stuff to values here
    grid.data = values
    time_up = rospy.get_time() + 3
    height = 5
    width = 3
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if rospy.get_time() > time_up:
            known_cells = []
            for i in range(height):
                for j in range(width):
                    known_cells.append(10 + i * 20 + j - 1)
                    known_cells.append(10 + i * 20 - j)
            for c in known_cells:
                if values[c] < 0:
                    if (c == 32 or c == 31 or c == 53 or c == 52 or c == 103
                            or c == 104 or c == 124 or c == 125 or c == 146
                            or c == 145 or c == 144 or c == 333 or c == 334
                            or c == 353 or c == 335 or c == 222 or c == 223
                            or c == 224 or c == 243 or c == 263):
                        values[c] = 80
                        values[c] = 20
            if height < 20:
                height += 1
            if width < 11:
                width += 1
            time_up = rospy.get_time() + 1
    def update_map(self):
        background_image = self.canvas.pilimage.copy()
        draw = PILImageDraw.Draw(background_image)
        item_list = self.canvas.find_all()
        for item in item_list:
            tag = self.canvas.gettags(item)[0]
            if tag.startswith('wall_'):
                coords = self.canvas.coords(item)
                params = ['fill', 'width']
                opt = dict()
                for p in params:
                    opt[p] = self.canvas.itemcget(item, p)

        if self.map_resolution != self.gui_resolution:
            factor = self.gui_resolution / self.map_resolution
            width = int(np.ceil(factor * background_image.size[0]))
            height = int(np.ceil(factor * background_image.size[1]))
            background_image = background_image.resize(
                (width, height), resample=PILImage.NEAREST)

        width, height = background_image.size
        map_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        map_pose = Pose(Point(0.0, height * self.map_resolution, 0.0),
        map_metadata = MapMetaData(rospy.Time.now(), self.map_resolution,
                                   width, height, map_pose)

        og_header = Header(0, rospy.Time.now(), 'map_frame')
        og_data = np.array(background_image)
        og_data = (100 - (og_data / 255.0) * 100).astype(np.uint8)
        og_data = og_data.reshape(height * width)
        occupancy_grid = OccupancyGrid(og_header, map_metadata,
    def receive_point_cloud(self, msg):
        Processes the pointcloud into a costmap
        xyz_arr = ros_numpy.point_cloud2.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(msg)

        # Flatten the points onto a grid
        obs_grid = self.project_point_cloud_onto_plane(xyz_arr)

        obs_grid[obs_grid != 0] = 1

        header = Header()
        header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
        header.frame_id = 'base_link'  # local grid is in base_link frame

        map_meta_data = MapMetaData()
        map_meta_data.map_load_time = header.stamp
        map_meta_data.resolution = self.resolution
        map_meta_data.width = self.grid_size
        map_meta_data.height = self.grid_size
        map_meta_data.origin = Pose(
                  self.grid_size * self.resolution / 2 + self.camera_y_offset,
                  0), Quaternion(0, 0, -sqrt(2) / 2,
                                 sqrt(2) / 2))  # 90 degree rotation

        grid_msg = OccupancyGrid()
        grid_msg.header = header
        grid_msg.info = map_meta_data
        grid_msg.data = list(
            np.int8(obs_grid.flatten() *
                    100))  # occupany grid message requires values 0-100

        except rospy.ROSInterruptException as e:
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, range_x, range_y, frame_id, resolution=1.5):
        Set up the occupancy grid generator object.

        - range_x (float): Total range of the occupancy grid width
                           (the x-origin is at the center of this range).
        - range_y (float): Total range of the occupancy grid height
                           (the y-origin is 0).
        - frame_id (str): The ROS frame ID at which the occupancy grid origin is aligned with.
        - resolution (float): The size of each cell in the occupancy grid (in meters).

        Return: None.
        self.info = MapMetaData()
        self.info.resolution = resolution  # Meters
        self.info.height = int(range_x / self.info.resolution)  # Meters
        self.info.width = int(range_y / self.info.resolution)  # Meters
        self.x_offset = range_x / 2  # Center left-right about ego vehicle
        self.info.origin = self.numpy_to_position([0, -self.x_offset, -0.1],

        self.occupancy_grid = OccupancyGrid()
        self.occupancy_grid.info = self.info
        self.occupancy_grid.header.frame_id = frame_id

        self.bins_x = np.linspace(-range_x / 2, range_x / 2, self.info.height)
        self.bins_y = np.linspace(0, range_y, self.info.width)

        # Meshgrid for Gaussians.
        Y = np.linspace(-range_x // 2, range_x // 2, self.info.height)
        X = np.linspace(0, range_y, self.info.width)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

        # Pack X and Y into a single 3-dimensional array.
        self.meshgrid = np.empty(X.shape + (2, ))
        self.meshgrid[:, :, 0] = X
        self.meshgrid[:, :, 1] = Y
Ejemplo n.º 8
def config_space_callback(event):

    if last_vision is None and last_lidar is None:

    # Reset the hidden layer
    config_space = [0] * (200 * 200)

    combined_maps = None
    if last_vision is not None and last_lidar is not None:
        combined_maps = [x+y for x,y in zip(last_lidar.data, last_vision)]
    elif last_vision is not None:
        combined_maps = last_vision
        combined_maps = last_lidar.data

    # Update the hidden layer before applying the new map to the current configuration space
    for x in range(200):
        for y in range(200):
            if combined_maps[x + y * 200] > 0:
                for x_i, y_i, dist in circle_around_indicies:
                        index = (x + x_i) + 200 * (y + y_i)

                        if 0 <= (x + x_i) < 200 and 0 <= (y + y_i) < 200:
                            val_at_index = config_space[index]
                            linear_t = max_range**2 - ((dist - no_go_range) / (max_range - no_go_range) * max_range**2)

                            if dist <= no_go_range:
                                # obstacle expansion
                                config_space[index] = 100
                            elif dist <= 100 and val_at_index <= linear_t:
                                # linearly decay
                                config_space[index] = int(linear_t)

    # Publish the configuration space
    header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    config_msg = OccupancyGrid(header=header, info=metadata, data=config_space)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def make_grid(width=100, height=100, resolution=0.05):
    # Configure the Header message file
    h = Header()
    h.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    h.frame_id = 'map'
    map_load_time = rospy.Time(0)

    # resolution is in unit m/cell
    # width      is in unit cells
    # height     is in unit cells
    q = quaternion_from_euler(0, np.pi, -np.pi /
                              2)  # (rot about x, rot about y, rot about z)
    xq = q[0]
    yq = q[1]
    zq = q[2]
    wq = q[3]
    orientation = Quaternion(xq, yq, zq, wq)
    origin = Pose(Point(0, 0, 0), orientation)
    info = MapMetaData(map_load_time, resolution, width, height, origin)
    n = width * height
    data = np.zeros(n)

    return OccupancyGrid(h, info, data)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def to_message(self):

        grid_msg = OccupancyGrid()

        # Set up the header
        grid_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        grid_msg.header.frame_id = "map"

        # info is a nav_msgs/MapMetaData message
        grid_msg.info.resolution = self.resolution
        grid_msg.info.width = self.width
        grid_msg.info.height = self.height

        # Rotated maps are not supported.. quaternion represents no rotation
        grid_msg.info.origin = Pose(Point(self.origin_x, self.origin_y, 0),
                                    Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))

        # Flatten the numpy array into a list of integers from 0-100
        # This assumes that the grid entries are probabilities in the range 0-1
        flat_grid = self.grid.reshape((self.grid.size, )) * 100
        grid_msg.data = list(np.round(flat_grid))

        return grid_msg
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, footprint):
        #----- Global path -------#
        self.global_path = Path()
        #----- Current Pose ------#
        self.current_position = Pose2D()
        #------ Goal ---------#
        self.navi_goal = None  # idx
        #------- A* -------#
        # self.state = "stand_by" # "planning" , "finish" , "unreachable", "timeout"
        self.pq = heapdict()  # pq[index] = cost
        self.came_from = {}  # came_from['index'] = index of predesessusor
        self.is_need_pub = False
        #----- Parameter (Subject to .launch file) ------#
        self.DEBUG_DRAW_DEBUG_MAP = True
        self.TIME_ANALYSE = False
        self.EXPLORE_ANIMATE_INTERVEL = 0  # 0 means dont show animation
        self.USE_DIJKSTRA = False
        self.OBSTACLE_FACTOR = 0.1  # bigger

        #------- Debug draw -------#
        if self.DEBUG_DRAW_DEBUG_MAP:
            self.costs = {}
            self.debug_map = OccupancyGrid()
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self,mav):
        self.mav = mav
        self.map_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/map", OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback, queue_size=1)
        self.pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/slam_out_pose", PoseStamped, self.pose_callback, queue_size=1)
        self.map_data = OccupancyGrid()
        self.pose_data = PoseStamped()
        self.inflated_grid = []
        self.grid_2d = []

        self.rectangle_point1 = [5,-5.25]
        self.rectangle_point2 = [17.5,-5.25]
        self.rectangle_point3 = [5,5.25]
        self.rectangle_point4 = [17.5,5.25]

        #drone radius
        self.r = 0.4
        #safety parameter
        self.safety = 1
        #speed parameters
        self.speed_multiplier = 5

        rospy.wait_for_message("/map", OccupancyGrid)
        self.n = int((self.r + self.safety)/self.map_data.info.resolution)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self):
     self.ID = 0
     self.listener = tf.TransformListener()
     self.PCD = PointCloud()
     # occupancyGrid is a row major 1D list, loc = width * Y(Row) + X(Col)
     self.mapWidth = 500
     self.mapHeight = 500
     self.RES = 1
     self.grid_pub = rospy.Publisher(
     "OccupancyGrid_ANM", OccupancyGrid, queue_size=1)  # queue size of length 1 i.e. hold only one object and process it
     self.grid = OccupancyGrid()
     self.grid.info.height = self.mapWidth
     self.grid.info.width = self.mapHeight
     self.grid.info.origin.position.x = -self.mapWidth / (2 * self.RES)
     self.grid.info.origin.position.y = -self.mapHeight / (2 * self.RES)
     self.grid.info.origin.position.z = 0
     self.grid.info.origin.orientation.x = 0
     self.grid.info.origin.orientation.y = 0
     self.grid.info.origin.orientation.z = 0
     self.grid.info.origin.orientation.w = 1
     self.grid.info.resolution = 1.0 / self.RES
     self.grid.header.frame_id = "world_ned"
Ejemplo n.º 14
def voronoi():
    global newData
    global width
    newNewData = list(newData)
    global pub_voro
    pub_voro = rospy.Publisher('/voronoi_grid', OccupancyGrid, queue_size=10)

    for i in range(0, width * width):
        if localMax(i):
            newNewData[i] = 0
            newNewData[i] = 127

    banana = OccupancyGrid()
    banana.data = newNewData
    banana.info.width = width
    banana.info.height = width
    banana.info.resolution = .05
def send_map_ros_msg(landmarks, empty_landmarks, publisher, resolution = 0.01, width = 2048, height = 2048):
    map_msg = OccupancyGrid()
    map_msg.header.frame_id = 'map'
    map_msg.info.resolution = resolution
    map_msg.info.width = width
    map_msg.info.height = height

    data = -np.ones(shape = (width,height))
    for ii in range(len(landmarks)):
        on_x = landmarks[ii,0] // resolution + width  // 2
        on_y = landmarks[ii,1] // resolution + height // 2
        if on_x < width and on_x > 0 and on_y < height and on_y > 0:
            data[int(on_x), int(on_y)] = 100

    for ii in range(len(empty_landmarks)):
        off_x = empty_landmarks[ii,0] // resolution + width  // 2
        off_y = empty_landmarks[ii,1] // resolution + height // 2
        if off_x < width and off_x > 0 and off_y < height and off_y > 0:
            data[int(off_x), int(off_y)] = 0

    data_out = data.reshape((-1))
    map_msg.data = data_out
 def dynamic_map_visual(self):
     # tell imshow about color map so that only set colors are used
     # pyplot.close()
     # cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(['grey', 'white','black'])
     # bounds=[-2,0,90,120]
     # norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
     # img = pyplot.imshow(self.dynamic_map,cmap = cmap,norm=norm)
     # pyplot.show(block=False)
     map_dyn = OccupancyGrid()
     map_dyn.info.width = self.width
     map_dyn.info.height = self.height
     map_dyn.info.origin.position.x = -10.0
     map_dyn.info.origin.position.y = -10.0
     map_dyn.info.origin.position.z =   0.0
     map_dyn.info.origin.orientation.x = 0.0
     map_dyn.info.origin.orientation.y = 0.0
     map_dyn.info.origin.orientation.z = 0.0
     map_dyn.info.origin.orientation.w = 1.0
     map_dyn.info.resolution = self.resolution
     dyn = (self.dynamic_map.T).astype(int)
     map_dyn.data = np.reshape(dyn.tolist(), (self.width * self.height))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def costMapUpdateCallback(msg):
    global costMap
    global costMapWidthUpdate
    global costMapHeightUpdate
    global costMapOrigin
    global newCostMap
    costMapPub = OccupancyGrid()
    costMapUpdateData = []
    costMap = list(costMap)
    costMapWidthUpdate = msg.width
    costMapHeightUpdate = msg.height
    costMapUpdateData = msg.data
    startX = msg.x
    startY = msg.y
    index = 0
    # print "costMap update x: %f y: %f" % (startX,startY)
    # print "costMap origin is at x: %f y:: %f" %(costMapOrigin.position.x,costMapOrigin.position.y)
    # print "costMapWidth %f costMapHeight %f" % (costMapWidth,costMapHeight)

    for y in range(startY, startY + costMapHeightUpdate):
        for x in range(startX, startX + costMapWidthUpdate):
            #print "%f %f %f %f" % (len(costMap),costMapWidth*y + x,len(costMapUpdateData),index)
            if (index < len(costMapUpdateData)):
                costMap[costMapWidth * y + x] = costMapUpdateData[index]
                index = index + 1
                #print" %f  %f" %(len(costMapUpdateData),index)
    costMapPub.header.frame_id = '/map'
    costMapPub.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    costMapPub.info.resolution = costMapRes
    costMapPub.info.origin = costMapOrigin
    costMapPub.info.width = costMapWidth
    costMapPub.info.height = costMapHeight
    costMapPub.data = costMap
    newCostMap = True
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def map_callback(self, msg):
        # Convert the map data into an opencv image
        img_width = msg.info.width
        img_height = msg.info.height
        img = np.asarray(msg.data, dtype='uint8')
        # Convert all of the -1 spaces (value = 255 when a 'uint8') into obstacle value 100
        img[np.where(img == 255)[0]] = 100
        img = np.reshape(img, [img_height, img_width, 1])

        # Decrease the resolution of the map
        img_rescaled = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=self.rescale, fy=self.rescale)

        # Show the image for debugging
        # cv2.namedWindow('cartographer_map', 2)
        # cv2.imshow('cartographer_map', img_rescaled)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)

        # Convert image back into an occupancy grid message
        rescaled_height, rescaled_width = img_rescaled.shape
        rescaled_data = img_rescaled.flatten('C')
        new_map = OccupancyGrid()
        new_map.info.width = rescaled_width
        new_map.info.height = rescaled_height
        new_map.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
        new_map.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
        new_map.info.map_load_time = msg.info.map_load_time
        new_map.info.resolution = msg.info.resolution / self.rescale
        new_map.info.origin.position.x = self.rescale * msg.info.origin.position.x
        new_map.info.origin.position.y = self.rescale * msg.info.origin.position.y
        new_map.info.origin.orientation.x = msg.info.origin.orientation.x
        new_map.info.origin.orientation.y = msg.info.origin.orientation.y
        new_map.info.origin.orientation.z = msg.info.origin.orientation.z
        new_map.info.origin.orientation.w = msg.info.origin.orientation.w
        new_map.data = rescaled_data.astype('int8').tolist()

        # Publish new map
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def generateFrontierDebugMap(self, frontier_msg_list, current_map):
        local_map_dw = current_map.info.width
        local_map_dh = current_map.info.height
        frontiers_index_list_w = []
        frontiers_index_list_h = []

        # for f_connect in local_frontiers_cell:
        #     for f_cell in f_connect:
        #         frontiers_index_list.append(f_cell[1]*local_map_dw + f_cell[0])
        for f_connect_msg in frontier_msg_list:
            for f_pt in f_connect_msg.frontier:
                f_cell = ((int)(
                    (f_pt.point.x - current_map.info.origin.position.x) /
                    current_map.info.resolution), (int)(
                        (f_pt.point.y - current_map.info.origin.position.y) /

        frontier_debug_map = OccupancyGrid()
        frontier_debug_map.header = copy.deepcopy(current_map.header)
        frontier_debug_map.info = copy.deepcopy(current_map.info)

        temp_array = np.asarray(current_map.data,
        temp_array[:] = (int)(-1)
        temp_array[frontiers_index_list_h, frontiers_index_list_w] = 0
        # temp_array = np.zeros((1, local_map_dw*local_map_dh), dtype=np.int8)
        frontier_debug_map.data = temp_array.ravel().tolist()
        # for idx in frontiers_index_list:
        #     if int(idx) < 0 or int(idx) > len(frontier_debug_map.data)-1:
        #         continue
        #     frontier_debug_map.data[int(idx)] = 0
        # frontier_map_width = frontier_debug_map.info.width
        # frontier_map_height = frontier_debug_map.info.height
        return frontier_debug_map
 def _receive_message(self, message):
     global my
     rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + " Message type %s ",
         rospy.get_caller_id() + " Time from previous message %s ",
         (rospy.get_time() - my))
     my = rospy.get_time()
     msg = OccupancyGrid()
     msg.header.seq = message['header']['seq']
     msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now(
     )  #.secs=message['header']['stamp']['secs']
     msg.header.frame_id = message['header']['frame_id']  #type unicode
     msg.info.map_load_time.secs = message['info']['map_load_time']['secs']
     msg.info.map_load_time.nsecs = message['info']['map_load_time'][
     msg.info.resolution = message['info']['resolution']
     msg.info.width = message['info']['width']
     msg.info.height = message['info']['height']
     msg.info.origin.position.x = message['info']['origin']['position']['x']
     msg.info.origin.position.y = message['info']['origin']['position']['y']
     msg.info.origin.position.z = message['info']['origin']['position']['z']
     msg.info.origin.orientation.x = message['info']['origin'][
     msg.info.origin.orientation.y = message['info']['origin'][
     msg.info.origin.orientation.z = message['info']['origin'][
     msg.info.origin.orientation.w = message['info']['origin'][
     msg.data = message['data']
     self._rosPub = rospy.Publisher(self._local_topic_name,
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self):
        # Have ROS initialize this script as a node in rqt.
        rospy.init_node('camp_map', anonymous=False)

        # Subscribe to LiDAR.
        rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.updateLidarScan)

        # Subscribe to odometry.
        rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.updateOdom)

        # This will publish the computed map information.
        self.map_publisher = rospy.Publisher('map',

        # Initialize important data types. For this script, we need access to the OccupancyGrid produced
        # by SLAM. We need the Lidar for obstacle detection. We need the odometry for positional data.
        self.map = OccupancyGrid()
        self.lidar = LaserScan()
        self.odom = Odometry()
        self.map.header.frame_id = "map"
        self.map.header.seq = 0
        self.map.info.resolution = 0.05
        self.map.info.width = 100
        self.map.info.height = 100
        self.map.info.origin.position.x = -self.map.info.width / 2 * self.map.info.resolution
        self.map.info.origin.position.y = -self.map.info.height / 2 * self.map.info.resolution
        self.map.info.origin.position.z = 0
        self.map.info.origin.orientation.x = 0
        self.map.info.origin.orientation.y = 0
        self.map.info.origin.orientation.z = 0
        self.map.info.origin.orientation.w = 0
        data = []
        data = [
            50 for i in range(0, self.map.info.width * self.map.info.height)
        self.map.data = data
Ejemplo n.º 22
def image2map(image):
    img_size = image.shape
    rows = img_size[0]
    cols = img_size[1]


    grid_map = OccupancyGrid()
    grid_map.header.frame_id = "map"
    grid_map.info.width = img_size[0]
    grid_map.info.height = img_size[1]
    grid_map.info.resolution = 0.05

    width = grid_map.info.width * grid_map.info.resolution
    height = grid_map.info.height * grid_map.info.resolution

    grid_map.info.origin.position.x = -width / 2
    grid_map.info.origin.position.y = -height / 2
    grid_map.info.origin.position.z = 0.0
    grid_map.info.origin.orientation.x = 0.0
    grid_map.info.origin.orientation.y = 0.0
    grid_map.info.origin.orientation.z = 0.0
    grid_map.info.origin.orientation.w = 1.0

    grid_map.data = [0] * (img_size[0] * img_size[1])
    for col in range(cols):
        for row in range(rows):
            index = col * rows + row
            val = image[row, col]
            if (val == 0):
                grid_map.data[index] = 100  #occupy
            elif (val == 127):
                grid_map.data[index] = -1  #unkown
            elif (val == 255):
                grid_map.data[index] = 0  #idle

    return grid_map
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialization
        self.map_topic = rospy.get_param('~map_topic', '/map')
        self.info_radius = rospy.get_param('~info_radius', 0.2)
        self.frontiers_topic = rospy.get_param('~frontiers_topic',
        self.n_robots = rospy.get_param('~n_robots')
        self.delay_after_assignement = rospy.get_param(
            '~delay_after_assignement', 0.2)
        self.rateHz = rospy.get_param('~rate', 1)
        self.robot_number = rospy.get_param('~robot_number')
        self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.rateHz)

        self.frontiers = PointArray()
        # Subscribers
        rospy.Subscriber(self.map_topic, OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber(self.frontiers_topic, PointArray,

        # Initialization
        self.mapData = OccupancyGrid()
        self.move_base_error_point = {}
        # Current goals for all robots
        self.current_goals = {}


        # Get the name of the robot and creat robots
        # Rosservice definition and wait for availability
        self.mission_service = rospy.Service(
            'startmission' + str(self.robot_number), RobotService,

        print("Services are ready!")
Ejemplo n.º 24
def publish_map_image():
    grid_msg = OccupancyGrid()
    grid_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    grid_msg.header.frame_id = "map"

    grid_msg.info.resolution = gp_map.map_res
    grid_msg.info.width = gp_map.width
    grid_msg.info.height = gp_map.height

    grid_msg.info.origin = Pose(
        Point(gp_map.map_limit[0], gp_map.map_limit[2], 0),
        Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))

    flat_grid = gp_map.map.copy()
    flat_grid = flat_grid.reshape((gp_map.map_size, ))
    for i in range(gp_map.map_size):
        if flat_grid[i] > 0.65:
            flat_grid[i] = 100
        elif flat_grid[i] < 0.4:
            flat_grid[i] = 0
            flat_grid[i] = -1

    flat_grid[np.where(flat_grid < 0.4)] = 0
    flat_grid[np.where(flat_grid > 0.65)] = -100
    flat_grid[np.where(flat_grid > 0.4)] = 1

    #flat_grid = gp_map.threshold(flat_grid)

    flat_grid = -flat_grid  #np.round(-flat_grid)
    flat_grid = flat_grid.astype(int)

    grid_msg.data = flat_grid.tolist()

Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('RosGridMapping', anonymous=True)
        self.is_gridmapping_initialized = False
        self.map_last_publish = rospy.Time()
        self.prev_robot_x = -99999999
        self.prev_robot_y = -99999999

        self.sensor_model_p_occ = rospy.get_param('~sensor_model_p_occ', 0.75)
        self.sensor_model_p_free = rospy.get_param('~sensor_model_p_free',
        self.sensor_model_p_prior = rospy.get_param('~sensor_model_p_prior',
        self.robot_frame = rospy.get_param('~robot_frame', 'base_link')
        self.map_frame = rospy.get_param('~map_frame', 'map')
        self.map_center_x = rospy.get_param('~map_center_x', -1.0)
        self.map_center_y = rospy.get_param('~map_center_y', -1.0)
        self.map_size_x = rospy.get_param('~map_size_x', 32.0)
        self.map_size_y = rospy.get_param('~map_size_y', 12.0)
        self.map_resolution = rospy.get_param('~map_resolution', 0.1)
        self.map_publish_freq = rospy.get_param('~map_publish_freq', 1.0)
        self.update_movement = rospy.get_param('~update_movement', 0.1)

        # Creata a OccupancyGrid message template
        self.map_msg = OccupancyGrid()
        self.map_msg.header.frame_id = self.map_frame
        self.map_msg.info.resolution = self.map_resolution
        self.map_msg.info.width = int(self.map_size_x / self.map_resolution)
        self.map_msg.info.height = int(self.map_size_y / self.map_resolution)
        self.map_msg.info.origin.position.x = self.map_center_x
        self.map_msg.info.origin.position.y = self.map_center_y

        self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber("scan",
        self.map_pub = rospy.Publisher('map', OccupancyGrid, queue_size=2)
        self.tf_sub = tf.TransformListener()
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def cb_map(self, msg):
        Omap = OccupancyGrid()
        Omap.header = msg.header
        Omap.info = msg.info
        tmp_map = [0] * 2500

        for i in range(2500):
            tmp_map[i] = msg.data[i]
            if i % 50 < 25:
                tmp_map[i] = 100

        for y in range(25):
            x = y / math.atan(math.radians(40))
            for i in range(2500):
                if i < 1250:
                    for xx in range(int(x) + 24):
                        tmp_map[50 * abs(y - 25) + xx] = 100
                    for xx in range(int(x) + 24):
                        tmp_map[50 * abs(y + 24) + xx] = 100

        Omap.data = tmp_map
        print('Pub Omap')
def publish_map():
    # If continuous publishing is needed:
    # Init publisher (to topic modified_occupancy_grid)
    pub = rospy.Publisher('modified_occupancy_grid',
                          OccupancyGrid, queue_size=100)
    ) + "\tMap transformer publisher (to modified_occupancy_grid topic) initialized")
    # Setup grid type, which can be understood by ROS
    ros_map = OccupancyGrid()
    first_time = True
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if new_map:  # Only when a new map exists:
            ros_map.data = new_map
            # Edit meta data of new_map
            ros_map.info = MapMetaData()
            ros_map.info.map_load_time = rospy.Time.now()
            ros_map.info.resolution = SIZE
            ros_map.info.height = HEIGHT
            ros_map.info.width = WIDTH
            ros_map.info.origin = ORIGIN
            # Edit header
            ros_map.header = Header()
            ros_map.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            # Publish new generated map
            if PRINT_ON:
                rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() +
                              "\tModified occupancy map was published")

            # Outputs every new map once for the first time:
            if first_time:
                first_time = False

Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, robot_name):
        super().__init__(robot_name + '_robot_map_node')
        self.publisher_ = self.create_publisher(OccupancyGrid,
                                                robot_name + '/robot_map', 10)
        timer_period = 1  # seconds
        self.timer = self.create_timer(timer_period, self.timer_callback)
        self.i = 0
        self.robot_name = robot_name
        self.received_merged_map_yet_ = False
        # self.navigation_map_pub_ = self.create_publisher(OccupancyGrid, 'robot_map', 10)
        self.merged_map_sub_ = self.create_subscription(
            OccupancyGrid, self.robot_name + '/merged_map_debug',
            self.mergedMapCallback, 10)
        self.merged_map_sub_  # prevent unused variable warning

        self.single_map_sub_ = self.create_subscription(
            OccupancyGrid, self.robot_name + '/inflated_map_debug',
            self.singleMapCallback, 10)
        self.single_map_sub_  # prevent unused variable warning

        self.merged_map_update_ = False
        self.local_map_update_ = False
        self.merged_map_msg_ = OccupancyGrid()
        self.map_merger = MapAndFrontierMerger(self.robot_name)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self):
     rospy.loginfo('Mapping node started, getting parameters')
     # subscribe to laser scanner reading
     rospy.Subscriber('~scan', LaserScan, self.laserCallback, queue_size=1)
     # to publish the map
     self.pub_map = rospy.Publisher('~map', OccupancyGrid, queue_size=1)
     # flag to indicate that a topic msg was received
     self.scan_received = False
     # to control the frequency at which the node will run
     self.loop_rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('~loop_rate', 10.0))
     # the msg to publish the updated map
     self.updated_map_msg = OccupancyGrid()
     # to store incomming laser scaner data
     self.scan_msg = None
     # flag used to enable/disable laser scanner updates
     self.lock_scan = False
     # to store object of inverse range sensor model
     self.irsm_object = None
     # map parameters
     self.map_resolution = None
     self.map_width = None
     # to store the sensor pose(query from tf)
     self.sensor_pose = None
     # to get and store the pose of the sensor(query from tf)
     self.listener = tf.TransformListener()
     self.wait_for_transform = rospy.get_param('~sensor_pose_transform_tolerance', 0.1)
     # inverse range sensor model params
     self.obstacle_thickness = rospy.get_param('~obstacle_thickness', 0.08)
     # nan laser scanner ranges will be replaced with this number
     self.replace_nan_with = rospy.get_param('~replace_laser_nan_with', 1000.0)
     # perform map setup one time only, get params, etc.(check function documentation)
     # compute the length of the map in array
     self.map_length = self.map_width * self.map_height
     # sleep to give some time for publishers ans subscribers to register into the network
Ejemplo n.º 30
def publishMapArray(msg):
    global mapMetaData, header, oldMap
    processedMap = OccupancyGrid()
    data =[]
    for i in range(len(msg)):
        for j in range(len(msg[i])):
    processedMap.info = mapMetaData
    processedMap.header = header
    pub = rospy.Publisher('ProcessedMap', OccupancyGrid, queue_size = 10)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz
    while (not rospy.is_shutdown() and oldMap):
        str_log = "message sent at: %s" % rospy.get_time()
    print "publishing..."