Ejemplo n.º 1
def findpiece(a, b, q):
    found = None
    for (a1, b1) in pieces:
        (l, _) = pieces[(a1, b1)]
        l = [a1] + l + [b1]
        if a in l and b in l:
            ia = l.index(a)
            ib = l.index(b)
            d = 0
            if ia < ib:
                lastn = l[0]
                for n in l[1:]:
                    if lastn == a:
                        d += q * distances[(lastn, n)]
                    d += distances[(lastn, n)]
                    lastn = n
                found = ((a1, b1), d)
                l = rev(l)
                lastn = l[0]
                for n in l[1:]:
                    if lastn == a:
                        d += q * distances[(lastn, n)]
                    d += distances[(lastn, n)]
                    lastn = n
                found = ((b1, a1), d)
    return found
Ejemplo n.º 2
def extendpath_p(p, goaln, d0, n2, nz, acc):
    nlast1 = p[-1]

    if nlast1 == goaln:
        if nz == None or p[-2] == nz:
            #print("%f %s" % (d0, str(p)))
            return acc + [(d0, p)]

    for (n, d) in neighbours_p(nlast1):
        # Here, we should not look for only p, but for the sequence
        # [p[-1], n]
        if n in p:

        if len(p) == 1 and n2 != None and n != n2:

        sharpturns = [[6, 23, 5], [34, 23, 35], [5, 6, 23], [34, 35, 23],
                      [35, 34, 23], [6, 5, 23], [3, 4, 34]]

        newp = p + [n]
        if len(newp) >= 3:
            newp3 = newp[-3:]
            if newp3 in sharpturns or rev(newp3) in sharpturns:

        acc = extendpath_p(p + [n], goaln, d0 + d, n2, nz, acc)

    return acc
Ejemplo n.º 3
def extendpath_p(p, goaln, d0, n2, nz, acc):
    nlast1 = p[-1]

    if nlast1 == goaln:
        if nz == None or p[-2] == nz:
            #print("%f %s" % (d0, str(p)))
            return acc + [(d0, p)]

    for (n, d) in neighbours_p(nlast1):
        # Here, we should not look for only p, but for the sequence
        # [p[-1], n]
        if n in p:

        if len(p) == 1 and n2 != None and n != n2:

        sharpturns = [[6, 23, 5],
                      [34, 23, 35],
                      [5, 6, 23],
                      [34, 35, 23],
                      [35, 34, 23],
                      [6, 5, 23],
                      [3, 4, 34]]

        newp = p + [n]
        if len(newp) >= 3:
            newp3 = newp[-3:]
            if newp3 in sharpturns or rev(newp3) in sharpturns:

        acc = extendpath_p(p + [n], goaln, d0 + d,
                           n2, nz, acc)

    return acc
Ejemplo n.º 4
def findpiece(a, b, q):
    found = None
    for (a1, b1) in eight.pieces:
        (l, _) = eight.pieces[(a1, b1)]
        l = [a1] + l + [b1]
        if a in l and b in l:
            ia = l.index(a)
            ib = l.index(b)
            d = 0
            if ia < ib:
                lastn = l[0]
                for n in l[1:]:
                    if lastn == a:
                        d += q * eight.distances[(lastn,n)]
                    d += eight.distances[(lastn,n)]
                    lastn = n
                found = ((a1, b1), d)
                l = rev(l)
                lastn = l[0]
                for n in l[1:]:
                    if lastn == a:
                        d += q * eight.distances[(lastn,n)]
                    d += eight.distances[(lastn,n)]
                    lastn = n
                found = ((b1, a1), d)
    return found
Ejemplo n.º 5
def eightinit():
    global distances, neighbours, pieces

    eightpath(19.2, 15.4, 12.5)

    neighbours = dict()

    piecelist = [
        [6] + piece1 + [35],
        [5] + rev(piece4) + [34],
        piece2a + [23],
        [23] + piece2b,
        piece3a + [23],
        [23] + piece3b,
        [35, 34],  # piece5
        [5, 6],  # piece6
        [3, 4]
    ]  # piece7

    distances = dict()
    pieces = dict()

    for piece in piecelist:
        piece2pathpoints(piece, 0.35)

        dtot = 0
        lastn = None
        for n in piece:
            if lastn != None:
                if not n in neighbours:
                    neighbours[n] = []
                neighbours[n] = neighbours[n] + [lastn]
                if not lastn in neighbours:
                    neighbours[lastn] = []
                neighbours[lastn] = neighbours[lastn] + [n]
                d = dist(nodes[n][0], nodes[n][1], nodes[lastn][0],
                distances[(n, lastn)] = d
                distances[(lastn, n)] = d
                dtot += d
            lastn = n

        pieces[(piece[0], piece[-1])] = (piece[1:-1], dtot)
        pieces[(piece[-1], piece[0])] = (rev(piece[1:-1]), dtot)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: eight.py Proyecto: parai/moped
def eightinit():
    global distances, neighbours, pieces


    neighbours = dict()

    piecelist = [[6] + piece1 + [35],
                 [5] + rev(piece4) + [34],
                 piece2a + [23],
                 [23] + piece2b,
                 piece3a + [23],
                 [23] + piece3b,
                 [35, 34], # piece5
                 [5, 6], # piece6
                 [3, 4]] # piece7

    distances = dict()
    pieces = dict()

    for piece in piecelist:
        piece2pathpoints(piece, 0.35)

        dtot = 0
        lastn = None
        for n in piece:
            if lastn != None:
                if not n in neighbours:
                    neighbours[n] = []
                neighbours[n] = neighbours[n] + [lastn]
                if not lastn in neighbours:
                    neighbours[lastn] = []
                neighbours[lastn] = neighbours[lastn] + [n]
                d = dist(nodes[n][0], nodes[n][1],
                         nodes[lastn][0], nodes[lastn][1])
                distances[(n, lastn)] = d
                distances[(lastn, n)] = d
                dtot += d
            lastn = n

        pieces[(piece[0],piece[-1])] = (piece[1:-1], dtot)
        pieces[(piece[-1],piece[0])] = (rev(piece[1:-1]), dtot)