Ejemplo n.º 1
 async def auth(self, initialize=False):
     # https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow
     url = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token'
     data = {
         'client_id': OD_CLIENT,
         'client_secret': OD_SECRET,
         'refresh_token': self.refresh_token,
         'grant_type': 'refresh_token'
     async with Request() as request:
         async with request.post(url, data=data) as response:
             response = await response.json()
     self.access_token = response['access_token']
     self.refresh_token = response['refresh_token']
     self.expires_at = time.time() + response['expires_in']
     credentials = {
         'access_token': response['access_token'],
         'refresh_token': response['refresh_token'],
         'expires_at': self.expires_at
     if initialize:
         await self.collection.insert(OD_DOCUMENT, credentials)
         logger.info('OneDrive logged in')
         await self.document.update(credentials)
         logger.info('OneDrive access token updated')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    async def getPost(self, post_id: int):
        url = 'https://' + self.url + '/post/show/' + str(post_id)
        async with Request() as request:
            async with request.get(url) as response:
                except ClientResponseError as err:
                    raise NazurinError(err) from None
                response = await response.text()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
        tag = soup.find(id="post-view").find(recursive=False)
        if tag.name == 'script':
            content = str.strip(tag.string)
        elif tag.name == 'div' and ('status-notice' in tag['class']):
            raise NazurinError(tag.get_text(strip=True))
            raise NazurinError('Unknown error')

        info = content[19:-2]
            info = json.loads(info)
            post = info['posts'][0]
            tags = info['tags']
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err:
        return post, tags
Ejemplo n.º 3
 async def download(self, **kwargs):
     async with Request(**kwargs) as session:
         tasks = []
         for file in self.all_files:
             if not file.url:
         await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 async def getDynamic(self, dynamic_id: int):
     """Get dynamic data from API."""
     api = 'https://api.vc.bilibili.com/dynamic_svr/v1/dynamic_svr/get_dynamic_detail?dynamic_id=' + str(
     async with Request() as request:
         async with request.get(api) as response:
             source = await response.json()
     card = json.loads(source['data']['card']['card'])
     return card
Ejemplo n.º 5
 async def getPost(self, post_id: str):
     """Fetch an post."""
     api = f"https://www.artstation.com/projects/{post_id}.json"
     async with Request() as request:
         async with request.get(api) as response:
             if not response.status == 200:
                 raise NazurinError('Post not found')
             post = await response.json()
             return post
Ejemplo n.º 6
 async def getPost(self, post_id: str):
     """Fetch an post."""
     api = f"https://m.weibo.cn/detail/{post_id}"
     async with Request() as request:
         async with request.get(api) as response:
             if not response.status == 200:
                 raise NazurinError('Post not found')
             html = await response.text()
             post = self.parseHtml(html)
             return post
Ejemplo n.º 7
 async def getPost(self, post_id: int):
     """Fetch an post."""
     api = 'https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&id=' + str(
     async with Request() as request:
         async with request.get(api) as response:
             response = await response.json()
             if 'post' not in response.keys():
                 raise NazurinError('Post not found')
             post = response['post'][0]
             return post
Ejemplo n.º 8
 async def getTweet(self, status_id: int):
     """Get a tweet from API."""
     # Old: 'https://syndication.twitter.com/tweets.json?ids='+ status_id +'&lang=en'
     api = 'https://cdn.syndication.twimg.com/tweet?id=' + str(
         status_id) + '&lang=en'
     async with Request() as request:
         async with request.get(api) as response:
             if response.status == 404:
                 raise NazurinError('Tweet not found or unavailable.')
             tweet = await response.json()
             return tweet
Ejemplo n.º 9
    async def size(self) -> int:
        self._size = self._size or await super().size()
        if self._size:
            return self._size
        async with Request(
                headers={'Referer': 'https://www.pixiv.net/'}) as request:
            async with request.head(self.url) as response:
                headers = response.headers

        if 'Content-Length' in headers.keys():
            self._size = int(headers['Content-Length'])
            logger.info('Got image size: %s', self._size)
            logger.info('Failed to get image size')
        return self._size
Ejemplo n.º 10
 async def _request(self, method, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
     # make a request with access token
     _headers = {
         'Accept': 'application/json',
         'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.access_token,
     if headers:
     if 'data' not in kwargs:
         _headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
     async with Request(headers=_headers) as session:
         async with session.request(method, url, **kwargs) as response:
             if 'application/json' in response.headers['Content-Type']:
                 return await response.json()
             return await response.text()
Ejemplo n.º 11
 async def viewUgoira(self, illust) -> Ugoira:
     """Download ugoira zip file, store animation data and convert ugoira to mp4."""
     metadata = await Pixiv.ugoira_metadata(illust.id)
     frames = metadata.ugoira_metadata
     url = illust.meta_single_page.original_image_url
     zip_url = url.replace('/img-original/', '/img-zip-ugoira/')
     zip_url = zip_url.split('_ugoira0')[0] + '_ugoira1920x1080.zip'
     filename = str(illust.id) + '_ugoira1920x1080.zip'
     metafile = File(str(illust.id) + '_ugoira.json')
     gif_zip = File(filename, zip_url)
     files = [gif_zip, metafile]
     async with Request(headers=HEADERS) as session:
         await gif_zip.download(session)
     async with aiofiles.open(metafile.path, 'w') as f:
         await f.write(json.dumps(frames))
     video = await self.ugoira2Mp4(gif_zip, frames)
     caption = self.buildCaption(illust)
     return Ugoira(video, caption, illust, files)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    async def getPost(self, post_id: int):
        async with Request() as request:
            async with request.get('https://www.zerochan.net/' +
                                   str(post_id)) as response:
                except ClientResponseError as err:
                    raise NazurinError(err) from None

                # Override post_id if there's a redirection TODO: Check
                if response.history:
                    post_id = response.url.path[1:]
                response = await response.text()

        soup = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
        info = soup.find("script", {"type": "application/ld+json"}).contents
        info = json.loads(''.join(info).replace('\\\'', '\''))

        name = info['name'].split(' #')[0]
        created_at = int(
        size = int(info['contentSize'][:-2]) * 1024
        tags = dict()
        for tag in soup.find('ul', id='tags').find_all('li'):
            tag_name, tag_type = tag.contents
            tag_name = unquote(tag_name['href'][1:]).replace('+', '_')
            tag_type = tag_type[1:]
            tags[tag_name] = tag_type
        post = {
            'id': int(post_id),
            'name': name,
            'created_at': created_at,
            'image_width': info['width'][:-3],
            'image_height': info['height'][:-3],
            'tags': tags,
            'file_ext': info['encodingFormat'],
            'file_size': size,
            'file_url': info['contentUrl'],
            'preview_file_url': info['thumbnail'],
            'uploader': info['author']
        return post