Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_classes_from_filter(self):
        """Test the get_classes_from_filter() method."""
        filter_genera = {'class': 'genus'}

        filter_sections = {'class': 'section'}

        filter_mexi_section = {
            'class': 'section',
            'where': {
                'genus': 'Mexipedium'

        filter_trigo = {
            'class': 'species',
            'where': {
                'genus': 'Cypripedium',
                'section': 'Trigonopedia'

        with db.session_scope(META_FILE) as (session, metadata):
            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata,
                    'Cypripedium', 'Mexipedium', 'Paphiopedilum',
                    'Selenipedium', 'Phragmipedium'

            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata,
                    'Obtusipetala', 'Arietinum', 'Trigonopedia',
                    'Brachypetalum', 'Micropetalum', None

            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata,
            self.assertEqual(classes, set([None]))

            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata,
            self.assertEqual(classes, set(['sichuanense', 'fargesii']))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def batch_train(self, data_dir, output_dir):
        """Batch train neural networks.

        Training data is obtained from the directory `data_dir` and the
        neural networks are saved to the directory `output_dir`. Which training
        data to train on is set in the classification hierarchy of the
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        # Must not be loaded in the constructor, in case set_photo_count_min()
        # is used.

        # Get the name of each level in the classification hierarchy.
        levels = [l.name for l in self.class_hr]

        # Train an ANN for each path in the classification hierarchy.
        for filter_ in classification_hierarchy_filters(levels, self.taxon_hr):
            level = levels.index(filter_.get('class'))
            train_file = os.path.join(data_dir, self.class_hr[level].train_file)
            ann_file = os.path.join(output_dir, self.class_hr[level].ann_file)
            if 'ann' not in self.class_hr[level]:
                config = None
                config = self.class_hr[level].ann

            # Replace any placeholders in the paths.
            where = filter_.get('where', {})
            for key, val in where.items():
                val = val if val is not None else '_'
                train_file = train_file.replace("__%s__" % key, val)
                ann_file = ann_file.replace("__%s__" % key, val)

            # Get the classification categories from the database.
            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
            assert len(classes) > 0, \
                "No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_

            # Skip train data export if there is only one class for this filter.
            if not len(classes) > 1:
                logging.debug("Only one class for this filter. Skipping " \
                    "training of %s" % ann_file)

            # Train the ANN.
            logging.info("Training network `%s` with training data " \
                "from `%s` ..." % (ann_file, train_file))
                self.train(train_file, ann_file, config)
            except FileExistsError as e:
                # Don't train if the file already exists.
                logging.warning("Skipping: %s" % e)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def batch_train(self, data_dir, output_dir):
        """Batch train neural networks.

        Training data is obtained from the directory `data_dir` and the
        neural networks are saved to the directory `output_dir`. Which training
        data to train on is set in the classification hierarchy of the
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        # Must not be loaded in the constructor, in case set_photo_count_min()
        # is used.

        # Get the name of each level in the classification hierarchy.
        levels = [l.name for l in self.class_hr]

        # Train an ANN for each path in the classification hierarchy.
        for filter_ in classification_hierarchy_filters(levels, self.taxon_hr):
            level = levels.index(filter_.get('class'))
            train_file = os.path.join(data_dir, self.class_hr[level].train_file)
            ann_file = os.path.join(output_dir, self.class_hr[level].ann_file)
            if 'ann' not in self.class_hr[level]:
                config = None
                config = self.class_hr[level].ann

            # Replace any placeholders in the paths.
            where = filter_.get('where', {})
            for key, val in where.items():
                val = val if val is not None else '_'
                train_file = train_file.replace("__%s__" % key, val)
                ann_file = ann_file.replace("__%s__" % key, val)

            # Get the classification categories from the database.
            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
            assert len(classes) > 0, \
                "No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_

            # Skip train data export if there is only one class for this filter.
            if not len(classes) > 1:
                logging.debug("Only one class for this filter. Skipping " \
                    "training of %s" % ann_file)

            # Train the ANN.
            logging.info("Training network `%s` with training data " \
                "from `%s` ..." % (ann_file, train_file))
                self.train(train_file, ann_file, config)
            except FileExistsError as e:
                # Don't train if the file already exists.
                logging.warning("Skipping: %s" % e)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_trainer_ad(self):
        """Test the `classify` subcommands."""
        filter_ = self.config.classification.filter.as_dict()
        image = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR,

        with db.session_scope(META_FILE) as (session, metadata):
            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
            if not classes:
                raise ValueError("No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_)
            codewords = get_codewords(classes)

            classifier = ImageClassifier(self.config)
            codeword = classifier.classify_image(image, self.ann_file,
            classification = get_classification(codewords, codeword, 0.001)

        class_ = [class_ for mse,class_ in classification]
        print "Image is classified as {0}".format(", ".join(class_))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_with_hierarchy(self, test_data_dir, ann_dir, max_error=0.001):
        """Test each ANN in a classification hierarchy and export results.

        Returns a 2-tuple ``(correct,total)``.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        logging.info("Testing the neural networks hierarchy...")

        self.classifications = {}
        self.classifications_expected = {}

        # Get the taxonomic hierarchy from the database.
        self.taxon_hr = db.get_taxon_hierarchy(session, metadata)

        # Get the classification hierarchy from the configurations.
            self.class_hr = self.config.classification.hierarchy
            raise ConfigurationError("classification hierarchy not set")

        # Get the name of each level in the classification hierarchy.
        levels = [l.name for l in self.class_hr]

        # Get the prefix for the classification columns.
            dependent_prefix = self.config.data.dependent_prefix
            dependent_prefix = OUTPUT_PREFIX

        # Get the expected and recognized classification for each sample in
        # the test data.
        for filter_ in classification_hierarchy_filters(levels, self.taxon_hr):
            logging.info("Classifying on %s" % readable_filter(filter_))

            level_name = filter_.get('class')
            level_n = levels.index(level_name)
            level = self.class_hr[level_n]
            test_file = os.path.join(test_data_dir, level.test_file)
            ann_file = os.path.join(ann_dir, level.ann_file)

            # Set the maximum error for classification.
                max_error = level.max_error

            # Replace any placeholders in the paths.
            where = filter_.get('where', {})
            for key, val in where.items():
                val = val if val is not None else '_'
                test_file = test_file.replace("__%s__" % key, val)
                ann_file = ann_file.replace("__%s__" % key, val)

            # Get the class names for this filter.
            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
            assert len(classes) > 0, \
                "No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_

            # Get the codeword for each class.
            codewords = get_codewords(classes)

            # Load the ANN.
            if len(classes) > 1:
                ann = libfann.neural_net()

            # Load the test data.
            test_data = TrainData()
            test_data.read_from_file(test_file, dependent_prefix)

            # Test each sample in the test data.
            for label, input_, output in test_data:
                assert len(codewords) == len(output), \
                    "Codeword size mismatch. Codeword has {0} bits, but the " \
                    "training data has {1} output bits.".\
                    format(len(codewords), len(output))

                # Obtain the photo ID from the label.
                if not label:
                    raise ValueError("Test sample is missing a label with " \
                        "photo ID")

                    photo_id = self.re_photo_id.search(label).group(1)
                    photo_id = int(photo_id)
                    raise RuntimeError("Failed to obtain the photo ID from " \
                        "the sample label")

                # Skip classification if there is only one class for this
                # filter.
                if not len(classes) > 1:
                    logging.debug("Not enough classes for filter. Skipping " \
                        "testing of %s" % ann_file)

                    self.classifications[photo_id][level_name] = ['']
                    self.classifications_expected[photo_id][level_name] = ['']

                # Set the expected class.
                class_expected = get_classification(codewords, output,
                class_expected = [class_ for mse,class_ in class_expected]

                assert len(class_expected) == 1, \
                    "Class codewords must have one positive bit, found {0}".\

                # Get the recognized class.
                codeword = ann.run(input_)
                class_ann = get_classification(codewords, codeword,
                class_ann = [class_ for mse,class_ in class_ann]

                # Save the classification at each level.
                if level_n == 0:
                    self.classifications[photo_id] = {}
                    self.classifications_expected[photo_id] = {}

                self.classifications[photo_id][level_name] = class_ann
                self.classifications_expected[photo_id][level_name] = class_expected


        return self.get_correct_count()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def export_results(self, filename, filter_, error=0.01):
        """Export the classification results to a TSV file.

        Export the test results to a tab separated file `filename`. The class
        name for a codeword is obtained from the database `db_path`, using the
        classification filter `filter_`. A bit in a codeword is considered on
        if the mean square error for a bit is less or equal to `error`.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        if self.test_data is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Test data is not set")

        # Get the classification categories from the database.
        classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
        assert len(classes) > 0, \
            "No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_

        # Get the codeword for each class.
        codewords = get_codewords(classes)

        # Write results to file.
        with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
            # Write the header.
            fh.write( "%s\n" % "\t".join(['ID','Class','Classification','Match']) )

            total = 0
            correct = 0
            for label, input, output in self.test_data:
                total += 1
                row = []

                if label:

                if len(codewords) != len(output):
                    raise ValueError("Codeword length ({0}) does not " \
                        "match output length ({1}). Is the classification " \
                        "filter correct?".format(len(codewords), len(output))

                class_expected = get_classification(codewords, output, error)
                class_expected = [class_ for mse,class_ in class_expected]
                assert len(class_expected) == 1, \
                    "The codeword for a class can only have one positive value"

                codeword = self.ann.run(input)
                class_ann = get_classification(codewords, codeword, error)
                class_ann = [class_ for mse,class_ in class_ann]

                row.append(", ".join(class_ann))

                # Assume a match if the first items of the classifications match.
                if len(class_ann) > 0 and class_ann[0] == class_expected[0]:
                    correct += 1

                fh.write( "%s\n" % "\t".join(row) )

            # Calculate fraction correctly classified.
            fraction = float(correct) / total

            # Write correctly classified fraction.
            fh.write( "%s\n" % "\t".join(['','','',"%.3f" % fraction]) )

        print "Correctly classified: %.1f%%" % (fraction*100)
        print "Testing results written to %s" % filename
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def export(self, filename, filter_, config=None):
        """Write the training data to `filename`.

        Images to be processed are obtained from the database. Which images are
        obtained and with which classes is set by the filter `filter_`. Image
        fingerprints are obtained from cache, which must have been created for
        configuration `config` or `self.config`.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        if not conf.force_overwrite and os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise FileExistsError(filename)

        # Get the classification categories from the database.
        classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
        assert len(classes) > 0, \
            "No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_

        # Get the photos and corresponding classification using the filter.
        images = db.get_filtered_photos_with_taxon(session, metadata, filter_)
        images = images.all()

        if not images:
            logging.info("No images found for the filter `%s`", filter_)

        if self.get_photo_count_min():
            assert len(images) >= self.get_photo_count_min(), \
                "Expected to find at least photo_count_min={0} photos, found " \
                "{1}".format(self.get_photo_count_min(), len(images))

        # Calculate the number of images that will be processed, taking into
        # account the subset.
        photo_ids = np.array([photo.id for photo, _ in images])

        if self.subset:
            n_images = len(np.intersect1d(list(photo_ids), list(self.subset)))
            n_images = len(images)

        logging.info("Going to process %d photos...", n_images)

        # Make a codeword for each class.
        codewords = get_codewords(classes)

        # Construct the header.
        header_data, header_out = self.__make_header(len(classes))
        header = ["ID"] + header_data + header_out

        # Get the configurations.
        if not config:
            config = self.config

        # Load the fingerprint cache.
        self.cache.load_cache(self.cache_path, config)

        # Generate the training data.
        with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
            # Write the header.
            fh.write( "%s\n" % "\t".join(header) )

            # Set the training data.
            training_data = TrainData(len(header_data), len(classes))

            for photo, class_ in images:
                # Only export the subset if an export subset is set.
                if self.subset and photo.id not in self.subset:

                logging.info("Processing `%s` of class `%s`...",
                    photo.path, class_)

                # Get phenotype for this image from the cache.
                phenotype = self.cache.get_phenotype(photo.md5sum)

                assert len(phenotype) == len(header_data), \
                    "Fingerprint size mismatch. According to the header " \
                    "there are {0} data columns, but the fingerprint has " \
                    "{1}".format(len(header_data), len(phenotype))

                training_data.append(phenotype, codewords[class_],


            if not training_data:
                raise ValueError("Training data cannot be empty")

            # Round feature data.

            # Write data rows.
            for photo_id, input_, output in training_data:
                row = [str(photo_id)]
                fh.write("%s\n" % "\t".join(row))

        logging.info("Training data written to %s", filename)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def export(self, filename, filter_, config=None, codebook_file=None):
        """Write the training data to `filename`.

        Images to be processed are obtained from the database. Which images are
        obtained and with which classes is set by the filter `filter_`. Image
        fingerprints are obtained from cache, which must have been created for
        configuration `config` or `self.config`.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        if not conf.force_overwrite and os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise FileExistsError(filename)

        # Get the classification categories from the database.
        classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
        assert len(classes) > 0, \
            "No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_

        # Get the photos and corresponding classification using the filter.
        images = db.get_filtered_photos_with_taxon(session, metadata, filter_)
        images = images.all()

        if not images:
            logging.info("No images found for the filter `%s`", filter_)

        if self.get_photo_count_min():
            assert len(images) >= self.get_photo_count_min(), \
                "Expected to find at least photo_count_min={0} photos, found " \
                "{1}".format(self.get_photo_count_min(), len(images))

        # Calculate the number of images that will be processed, taking into
        # account the subset.
        photo_ids = np.array([photo.id for photo, _ in images])

        if self.subset:
            n_images = len(np.intersect1d(list(photo_ids), list(self.subset)))
            n_images = len(images)

        logging.info("Going to process %d photos...", n_images)

        # Make a codeword for each class.
        codewords = get_codewords(classes)

        # Construct the header.
        header_data, header_out = self.__make_header(len(classes))
        header = ["ID"] + header_data + header_out

        # Get the configurations.
        if not config:
            config = self.config

        # Load the fingerprint cache.
        self.cache.load_cache(self.cache_path, config)

        # Check if the BagOfWords alogrithm needs to be applied.
        use_bow = getattr(self.config.features['surf'], 'bow_clusters', False)
        if use_bow and codebook_file == None:
            codebook = self.__make_codebook(images, filename)
        elif use_bow:
            with open(codebook_file, "rb") as cb:
                codebook = load(cb)

        # Generate the training data.
        with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
            # Write the header.
            fh.write("%s\n" % "\t".join(header))

            # Set the training data.
            training_data = TrainData(len(header_data), len(classes))

            for photo, class_ in images:
                # Only export the subset if an export subset is set.
                if self.subset and photo.id not in self.subset:

                logging.info("Processing `%s` of class `%s`...", photo.path,

                # Get phenotype for this image from the cache.
                phenotype = self.cache.get_phenotype(photo.md5sum)

                # If the BagOfWords algorithm is applied,
                # convert phenotype to BOW-code.
                if use_bow:
                    phenotype = get_bowcode_from_surf_features(
                        phenotype, codebook)

                assert len(phenotype) == len(header_data), \
                    "Fingerprint size mismatch. According to the header " \
                    "there are {0} data columns, but the fingerprint has " \
                    "{1}".format(len(header_data), len(phenotype))



            if not training_data:
                raise ValueError("Training data cannot be empty")

            # Round feature data only if BOW is not applied.
            if not use_bow:

            # Write data rows.
            for photo_id, input_, output in training_data:
                row = [str(photo_id)]
                fh.write("%s\n" % "\t".join(row))

        logging.info("Training data written to %s", filename)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_with_hierarchy(self, test_data_dir, ann_dir, max_error=0.001):
        """Test each ANN in a classification hierarchy and export results.

        Returns a 2-tuple ``(correct,total)``.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        logging.info("Testing the neural networks hierarchy...")

        self.classifications = {}
        self.classifications_expected = {}

        # Get the taxonomic hierarchy from the database.
        self.taxon_hr = db.get_taxon_hierarchy(session, metadata)

        # Get the classification hierarchy from the configurations.
            self.class_hr = self.config.classification.hierarchy
            raise ConfigurationError("classification hierarchy not set")

        # Get the name of each level in the classification hierarchy.
        levels = [l.name for l in self.class_hr]

        # Get the prefix for the classification columns.
            dependent_prefix = self.config.data.dependent_prefix
            dependent_prefix = OUTPUT_PREFIX

        # Get the expected and recognized classification for each sample in
        # the test data.
        for filter_ in classification_hierarchy_filters(levels, self.taxon_hr):
            logging.info("Classifying on %s" % readable_filter(filter_))

            level_name = filter_.get('class')
            level_n = levels.index(level_name)
            level = self.class_hr[level_n]
            test_file = os.path.join(test_data_dir, level.test_file)
            ann_file = os.path.join(ann_dir, level.ann_file)

            # Set the maximum error for classification.
                max_error = level.max_error

            # Replace any placeholders in the paths.
            where = filter_.get('where', {})
            for key, val in where.items():
                val = val if val is not None else '_'
                test_file = test_file.replace("__%s__" % key, val)
                ann_file = ann_file.replace("__%s__" % key, val)

            # Get the class names for this filter.
            classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
            assert len(classes) > 0, \
                "No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_

            # Get the codeword for each class.
            codewords = get_codewords(classes)

            # Load the ANN.
            ann = libfann.neural_net()
            if len(classes) > 1:

            # Load the test data.
            test_data = TrainData()
            test_data.read_from_file(test_file, dependent_prefix)

            # Test each sample in the test data.
            for label, input_, output in test_data:
                assert len(codewords) == len(output), \
                    "Codeword size mismatch. Codeword has {0} bits, but the " \
                    "training data has {1} output bits.".\
                    format(len(codewords), len(output))

                # Obtain the photo ID from the label.
                if not label:
                    raise ValueError("Test sample is missing a label with " \
                        "photo ID")

                    photo_id = self.re_photo_id.search(label).group(1)
                    photo_id = int(photo_id)
                    raise RuntimeError("Failed to obtain the photo ID from " \
                        "the sample label")
                # Save the classification at each level.
                if level_n == 0:
                    self.classifications[photo_id] = {}
                    self.classifications_expected[photo_id] = {}

                # Skip classification if there is only one class for this
                # filter.
                if not len(classes) > 1:
                    logging.debug("Not enough classes for filter. Skipping " \
                        "testing of %s" % ann_file)

                    self.classifications[photo_id][level_name] = ['']
                    self.classifications_expected[photo_id][level_name] = ['']

                # Set the expected class.
                class_expected = get_classification(codewords, output,
                class_expected = [class_ for mse,class_ in class_expected]

                assert len(class_expected) == 1, \
                    "Class codewords must have one positive bit, found {0}".\

                # Get the recognized class.
                codeword = ann.run(input_)
                class_ann = get_classification(codewords, codeword,
                class_ann = [class_ for mse,class_ in class_ann]

                # Save the classification at each level.
                self.classifications[photo_id][level_name] = class_ann
                self.classifications_expected[photo_id][level_name] = class_expected


        return self.get_correct_count()
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def export_results(self, filename, filter_, error=0.01):
        """Export the classification results to a TSV file.

        Export the test results to a tab separated file `filename`. The class
        name for a codeword is obtained from the database `db_path`, using the
        classification filter `filter_`. A bit in a codeword is considered on
        if the mean square error for a bit is less or equal to `error`.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        if self.test_data is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Test data is not set")

        # Get the classification categories from the database.
        classes = db.get_classes_from_filter(session, metadata, filter_)
        assert len(classes) > 0, \
            "No classes found for filter `%s`" % filter_

        # Get the codeword for each class.
        codewords = get_codewords(classes)

        # Write results to file.
        with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
            # Write the header.
            fh.write( "%s\n" % "\t".join(['ID','Class','Classification','Match']) )

            total = 0
            correct = 0
            for label, input, output in self.test_data:
                total += 1
                row = []

                if label:

                if len(codewords) != len(output):
                    raise ValueError("Codeword length ({0}) does not " \
                        "match output length ({1}). Is the classification " \
                        "filter correct?".format(len(codewords), len(output))

                class_expected = get_classification(codewords, output, error)
                class_expected = [class_ for mse,class_ in class_expected]
                assert len(class_expected) == 1, \
                    "The codeword for a class can only have one positive value"

                codeword = self.ann.run(input)
                class_ann = get_classification(codewords, codeword, error)
                class_ann = [class_ for mse,class_ in class_ann]

                row.append(", ".join(class_ann))

                # Assume a match if the first items of the classifications match.
                if len(class_ann) > 0 and class_ann[0] == class_expected[0]:
                    correct += 1

                fh.write( "%s\n" % "\t".join(row) )

            # Calculate fraction correctly classified.
            fraction = float(correct) / total

            # Write correctly classified fraction.
            fh.write( "%s\n" % "\t".join(['','','',"%.3f" % fraction]) )

        print "Correctly classified: %.1f%%" % (fraction*100)
        print "Testing results written to %s" % filename