Ejemplo n.º 1
def launch_user_instance(user, config):
    Launches an IPython Notebook for a specified user in an environment defined
    by config.

    user: `dict`
        A dictionary as parsed from the database describing a user.
    config: `dict`
        A dictionary as parsed from the configuration file.
    # must not fail, should have been taken care of by setup script
    pw_entry = pwd.getpwnam(user["username"])
    # assume student user status and launch notebook
    # because the notebook kernel runs inside of screen we cannot catch errors
    # (unless we pipe the output into a file or we could pipe the commands and
    # then detach, TODO)
    args = ["screen", "-dmS", user["username"],
            "ipython", "notebook",
            "--ip", "'*'",
            "--port", user["port"],
            "--certfile", config["certificate"],
            "--profile", config["profile"],
#            "--pylab", "inline",
    cwd = os.path.join(pw_entry.pw_dir, config["launch dir"])
    # should not fail
    gutil.launch_as(pw_entry, args, cwd)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_user_environment(user, config):
    Sets up the user working directories as needed.

    Creates a user account if necessary, creates a password for it, adds it to
    a general usergroup, creates an IPython profile, and makes the user the
    owner of those files and directories.

    user: `dict`
        A dictionary as parsed from the database describing a user.
    config: `dict`
        A dictionary as parsed from the configuration file.
    # check for existance of user
        pw_entry = pwd.getpwnam(user["username"])
    except KeyError:
        # add a new user
        rc = usrt.add_user(user["username"], [config["group"]])
        if rc != 0:
            return rc
        # set the (weak) password using numbers, letters, and the exclamation
        # mark
        if not user["sys-pass"]:
            user["sys-pass"] = u"".join(random.choice(config["passwd selection"])\
                    for x in range(config["passwd length"]))
            rc = usrt.add_password(user["username"], user["sys-pass"])
            if rc != 0:
                return rc
    # should not fail now
    pw_entry = pwd.getpwnam(user["username"])
    # potentially add the user to the desired (supplementary) group
    grp_entry = grp.getgrnam(config["group"])
    if not user["nb-pass"]:
        user["nb-pass"] = u"".join(random.choice(config["passwd selection"])\
                for x in range(config["passwd length"]))
    if not user["username"] in grp_entry.gr_mem:
        usrt.append_to_group(config["group"], user["username"])
    # create the ipython config
    cmd = ["ipython", "profile", "create", config["profile"]]
        gutil.launch_as(pw_entry, cmd, pw_entry.pw_dir)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
        LOGGER.debug(u"pssst:", exc_info=True)
        return err.returncode
    # location of the ipython directory created with the profile
    # get_ipython_dir currently returns different results for other users :S
    cmd = ["ipython_dir"]
    user_ipython_dir = gutil.launch_as(pw_entry, cmd, os.getcwd()).strip()
    # if the specified profile exists we copy the contents
    profile = "profile_{0}".format(config["profile"])
    prfl_loc = os.path.join(get_ipython_dir(), profile)
    usr_prfl_loc = os.path.join(user_ipython_dir, profile)
    if os.path.exists(prfl_loc):
        # copy profile files
        for filename in glob(os.path.join(prfl_loc, "*.py")):
            shutil.copy2(filename, usr_prfl_loc)
            dst_file = os.path.join(usr_prfl_loc, os.path.basename(filename))
            os.chown(dst_file, pw_entry.pw_uid, pw_entry.pw_gid)
        # copy startup files
        for filename in glob(os.path.join(prfl_loc, "startup", "*.py")):
            shutil.copy2(filename, usr_prfl_loc)
            dst_file = os.path.join(usr_prfl_loc, os.path.basename(filename))
            os.chown(dst_file, pw_entry.pw_uid, pw_entry.pw_gid)
    password = passwd(user["nb-pass"])
    location = os.path.join(usr_prfl_loc, u"ipython_notebook_config.py")
    with codecs.open(location, "rb", encoding="utf-8") as file_handle:
        content = file_handle.readlines()
    if content:
        i = 0
        for (i, line) in enumerate(content):
            if line.find(u"c.NotebookApp.password") > -1:
        content[i] = u"c.NotebookApp.password = u'{0}'".format(password)
    with codecs.open(location, "wb", encoding="utf-8") as file_handle: