Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_write_dataset(h5file):
    slices1 = write_dataset(h5file, 'test_data',
                            np.ones((2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )))
    slices2 = write_dataset(
        h5file, 'test_data',
            2 * np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),
            2 * np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),
            3 * np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),

    assert slices1 == {
        (Slice(0 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):
        (Slice(1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):
    assert slices2 == {
        (Slice(0 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):
        (Slice(1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):
        (Slice(2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):

    ds = h5file['/_version_data/test_data/raw_data']
    assert ds.shape == (3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )
    assert_equal(ds[0:1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 1.0)
    assert_equal(ds[1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE:2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 2.0)
    assert_equal(ds[2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE:3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 3.0)
    assert_equal(ds[3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE:4 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 0.0)
    assert ds.dtype == np.float64
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_write_dataset_compression(h5file):
    slices1 = write_dataset(h5file,
                            np.ones((2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),
        ValueError, lambda: write_dataset(h5file,
                                          np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),
        ValueError, lambda: write_dataset(h5file,
                                          np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),

    assert slices1 == {
        (Slice(0 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):
        (Slice(1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):

    ds = h5file['/_version_data/test_data/raw_data']
    assert ds.shape == (1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )
    assert_equal(ds[0:1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 1.0)
    assert ds.dtype == np.float64
    assert ds.compression == 'gzip'
    assert ds.compression_opts == 3
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def resize(self, size, axis=None):
        if axis is not None:
            if not (axis >= 0 and axis < self.ndim):
                raise ValueError("Invalid axis (0 to %s allowed)" %
                                 (self.ndim - 1))
                newlen = int(size)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Argument must be a single int if axis is specified")
            size = list(self.shape)
            size[axis] = newlen

        old_shape = self.shape
        size = tuple(size)
        if all(new <= old for new, old in zip(size, old_shape)):
            # Don't create a new array if the old one can just be sliced in
            # memory.
            idx = tuple(slice(0, i) for i in size)
            self.array = self.array[idx]
            old_shape_idx = Tuple(*[Slice(0, i) for i in old_shape])
            new_shape_idx = Tuple(*[Slice(0, i) for i in size])
            new_array = np.full(size, self.fillvalue, dtype=self.dtype)
                new_shape_idx).raw] = self.array[new_shape_idx.as_subindex(
            self.array = new_array
Ejemplo n.º 4
def spaceid_to_slice(space):
    Convert an h5py spaceid object into an ndindex index

    The resulting index is always a Tuple index.

    from h5py import h5s

    sel_type = space.get_select_type()

    if sel_type == h5s.SEL_ALL:
        return Tuple()
    elif sel_type == h5s.SEL_HYPERSLABS:
        slices = []
        starts, strides, counts, blocks = space.get_regular_hyperslab()
        for _start, _stride, count, block in zip(starts, strides, counts, blocks):
            start = _start
            if not (block == 1 or count == 1):
                raise NotImplementedError("Nontrivial blocks are not yet supported")
            end = _start + (_stride*(count - 1) + 1)*block
            stride = _stride if block == 1 else 1
            slices.append(Slice(start, end, stride))
        return Tuple(*slices)
    elif sel_type == h5s.SEL_NONE:
        return Tuple(Slice(0, 0),)
        raise NotImplementedError("Point selections are not yet supported")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_create_virtual_dataset(h5file):
    with h5file as f:
        slices1 = write_dataset(f, 'test_data',
                                np.ones((2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )))
        slices2 = write_dataset(
            f, 'test_data',
            np.concatenate((2 * np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )), 3 * np.ones(
                (DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )))))

        virtual_data = create_virtual_dataset(
            f, 'test_version', 'test_data',
            (3 *
             DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, ), {
                     Slice(2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):
                 slices2[(Slice(1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
                                1), )]

        assert virtual_data.shape == (3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )
        assert_equal(virtual_data[0:2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 1.0)
            virtual_data[2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE:3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 3.0)
        assert virtual_data.dtype == np.float64
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_write_dataset_offset_chunk_size(h5file):
    chunk_size = 2**10
    chunks = (chunk_size, )
    slices1 = write_dataset(h5file,
                            1 * np.ones((2 * chunk_size, )),
    slices2 = write_dataset(
        h5file, 'test_data',
        np.concatenate((2 * np.ones(chunks), 2 * np.ones(chunks), 3 * np.ones(
            (chunk_size - 2, )))))

    assert slices1 == {
        Tuple(Slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size),
        Tuple(Slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size),
    assert slices2 == {
        Tuple(Slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size),
        Tuple(Slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size),
        Tuple(Slice(2 * chunk_size, 3 * chunk_size - 2, 1)):
        slice(2 * chunk_size, 3 * chunk_size - 2),

    ds = h5file['/_version_data/test_data/raw_data']
    assert ds.shape == (3 * chunk_size, )
    assert_equal(ds[0 * chunk_size:1 * chunk_size], 1.0)
    assert_equal(ds[1 * chunk_size:2 * chunk_size], 2.0)
    assert_equal(ds[2 * chunk_size:3 * chunk_size - 2], 3.0)
    assert_equal(ds[3 * chunk_size - 2:4 * chunk_size], 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_create_virtual_dataset_attrs(h5file):
    with h5file as f:
        slices1 = write_dataset(f, 'test_data',
                                np.ones((2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )))
        slices2 = write_dataset(
            f, 'test_data',
            np.concatenate((2 * np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )), 3 * np.ones(
                (DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )))))

        attrs = {"attribute": "value"}
        virtual_data = create_virtual_dataset(
            (3 *
             DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, ), {
                     Slice(2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1), ):
                 slices2[(Slice(1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
                                1), )]

        assert dict(virtual_data.attrs) == {
            **attrs, "raw_data": '/_version_data/test_data/raw_data',
            "chunks": np.array([DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def split_chunks(shape, chunks):
    Yield a set of ndindex indices for chunks over shape

    If the shape is not a multiple of the chunk size, some chunks will be

    For example, if a has shape (10, 19) and is chunked into chunks
    of shape (5, 5):

    >>> from versioned_hdf5.slicetools import split_chunks
    >>> for i in split_chunks((10, 19), (5, 5)):
    ...     print(i)
    Tuple(slice(0, 5, 1), slice(0, 5, 1))
    Tuple(slice(0, 5, 1), slice(5, 10, 1))
    Tuple(slice(0, 5, 1), slice(10, 15, 1))
    Tuple(slice(0, 5, 1), slice(15, 19, 1))
    Tuple(slice(5, 10, 1), slice(0, 5, 1))
    Tuple(slice(5, 10, 1), slice(5, 10, 1))
    Tuple(slice(5, 10, 1), slice(10, 15, 1))
    Tuple(slice(5, 10, 1), slice(15, 19, 1))

    if len(shape) != len(chunks):
        raise ValueError("chunks shape must equal the array shape")
    if len(shape) == 0:
        raise NotImplementedError("Scalar datasets")

    d = [math.ceil(i/c) for i, c in zip(shape, chunks)]
    for c in product(*[range(i) for i in d]):
        # c = (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), ...
        yield Tuple(*[Slice(chunk_size*i, min(chunk_size*(i + 1), n), 1) for
    n, chunk_size,
                      i in zip(shape, chunks, c)])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def inverse(self):
        Return a dictionary mapping Slice: array_of_hash.

        The Slices are all `reduce()`\d.
        return {Slice(*s).reduce(): h for h, s in self.hash_table}
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if not isinstance(key, bytes):
            raise TypeError("key must be bytes")
        if len(key) != self.hash_size:
            raise ValueError("key must be %d bytes" % self.hash_size)
        if isinstance(value, Tuple):
            if len(value.args) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Chunking in more other than the first dimension")
            value = value.args[0]
        if not isinstance(value, (slice, Slice)):
            raise TypeError("value must be a slice object")
        if value.step not in [1, None]:
            raise ValueError("only step-1 slices are supported")

        kv = (list(key), (value.start, value.stop))
        if key in self._d:
            if bytes(self.hash_table[self._indices[key]])[0] != key:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The key %s is already in the hashtable under another index."
            self.hash_table[self._indices[key]] = kv
            self.hash_table[self.largest_index] = kv
            self._indices[key] = self.largest_index
            self.largest_index += 1
            if self.largest_index >= self.hash_table.shape[0]:
                    (self.hash_table.shape[0] + self.chunk_size, ))
        self._d[key] = Slice(value)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def write_dataset(f,
    if name not in f['_version_data']:
        return create_base_dataset(f,

    ds = f['_version_data'][name]['raw_data']
    if isinstance(chunks, int) and not isinstance(chunks, bool):
        chunks = (chunks, )
    if chunks is None:
        chunks = tuple(ds.attrs['chunks'])
        if chunks != tuple(ds.attrs['chunks']):
            raise ValueError(
                "Chunk size specified but doesn't match already existing chunk size"

    if compression or compression_opts:
        raise ValueError(
            "Compression options can only be specified for the first version of a dataset"
    if fillvalue is not None and fillvalue != ds.fillvalue:
        raise ValueError(
            f"fillvalues do not match ({fillvalue} != {ds.fillvalue})")
    if data.dtype != ds.dtype:
        raise ValueError(f"dtypes do not match ({data.dtype} != {ds.dtype})")
    # TODO: Handle more than one dimension
    old_shape = ds.shape
    hashtable = Hashtable(f, name)
    slices = {}
    slices_to_write = {}
    chunk_size = chunks[0]
    for s in split_chunks(data.shape, chunks):
        idx = hashtable.largest_index
        data_s = data[s.raw]
        raw_slice = Slice(idx * chunk_size, idx * chunk_size + data_s.shape[0])
        data_hash = hashtable.hash(data_s)
        raw_slice2 = hashtable.setdefault(data_hash, raw_slice)
        if raw_slice2 == raw_slice:
            slices_to_write[raw_slice] = s
        slices[s] = raw_slice2

    ds.resize((old_shape[0] + len(slices_to_write) * chunk_size, ) +
    for raw_slice, s in slices_to_write.items():
        data_s = data[s.raw]
        idx = Tuple(raw_slice, *[slice(0, i) for i in data_s.shape[1:]])
        ds[idx.raw] = data[s.raw]
    return slices
Ejemplo n.º 12
def write_dataset(f, name, data, chunks=None, dtype=None, compression=None,
                  compression_opts=None, fillvalue=None):

    if name not in f['_version_data']:
        return create_base_dataset(f, name, data=data, dtype=dtype,
                                   chunks=chunks, compression=compression,
                                   compression_opts=compression_opts, fillvalue=fillvalue)

    ds = f['_version_data'][name]['raw_data']
    if isinstance(chunks, int) and not isinstance(chunks, bool):
        chunks = (chunks,)
    if chunks is None:
        chunks = tuple(ds.attrs['chunks'])
        if chunks != tuple(ds.attrs['chunks']):
            raise ValueError("Chunk size specified but doesn't match already existing chunk size")

    if dtype is not None:
        if dtype != ds.dtype:
            raise ValueError("dtype specified but doesn't match already existing dtype")

    if compression and compression != ds.compression or compression_opts and compression_opts != ds.compression_opts:
        raise ValueError("Compression options can only be specified for the first version of a dataset")
    if fillvalue is not None and fillvalue != ds.fillvalue:
        dtype = ds.dtype
        if dtype.metadata and ('vlen' in dtype.metadata or 'h5py_encoding' in dtype.metadata):
            # Variable length string dtype. The ds.fillvalue will be None in
            # this case (see create_virtual_dataset() below)
            raise ValueError(f"fillvalues do not match ({fillvalue} != {ds.fillvalue})")
    if data.dtype != ds.dtype:
        raise ValueError(f"dtypes do not match ({data.dtype} != {ds.dtype})")
    # TODO: Handle more than one dimension
    old_shape = ds.shape
    slices = {}
    slices_to_write = {}
    chunk_size = chunks[0]

    with Hashtable(f, name) as hashtable:
        if len(data.shape) != 0:
            for s in ChunkSize(chunks).indices(data.shape):
                idx = hashtable.largest_index
                data_s = data[s.raw]
                raw_slice = Slice(idx*chunk_size, idx*chunk_size + data_s.shape[0])
                data_hash = hashtable.hash(data_s)
                raw_slice2 = hashtable.setdefault(data_hash, raw_slice)
                if raw_slice2 == raw_slice:
                    slices_to_write[raw_slice] = s
                slices[s] = raw_slice2

            ds.resize((old_shape[0] + len(slices_to_write)*chunk_size,) + chunks[1:])
            for raw_slice, s in slices_to_write.items():
                # idx = raw_slice.expand(ds.shape[:1] + s.newshape(data.shape)[1:])
                data_s = data[s.raw]
                idx = Tuple(raw_slice, *[slice(0, i) for i in data_s.shape[1:]])
                ds[idx.raw] = data[s.raw]
    return slices
Ejemplo n.º 13
def split_slice(s, chunk):
    Split a slice into multiple slices along 0:chunk, chunk:2*chunk, etc.

    Yields tuples, (i, slice), where i is the chunk that should be sliced.
    start, stop, step = s.args
    for i in range(math.floor(start/chunk), math.ceil(stop/chunk)):
        yield i, s.as_subindex(Slice(i*chunk, (i + 1)*chunk))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def setup(self):
     from ndindex import (Slice, Tuple, Integer, ellipsis, Newaxis,
                          IntegerArray, BooleanArray)
     self.slice = Slice(0, 4, 2)
     self.integer = Integer(1)
     self.tuple = Tuple(self.slice, ..., 0)
     self.ellipsis = ellipsis()
     self.newaxis = Newaxis()
     self.integer_array = IntegerArray([[1, 2], [-1, 2]])
     self.boolean_array = BooleanArray([[True, False], [False, False]])
Ejemplo n.º 15
def write_dataset_chunks(f, name, data_dict):
    data_dict should be a dictionary mapping chunk_size index to either an
    array for that chunk, or a slice into the raw data for that chunk

    if name not in f['_version_data']:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Use write_dataset() if the dataset does not yet exist")

    ds = f['_version_data'][name]['raw_data']
    chunks = tuple(ds.attrs['chunks'])
    chunk_size = chunks[0]

    shape = tuple(
        max(c.args[i].stop for c in data_dict) for i in range(len(chunks)))
    all_chunks = list(split_chunks(shape, chunks))
    for c in all_chunks:
        if c not in data_dict:
            raise ValueError(f"data_dict does not include all chunks ({c})")
    for c in data_dict:
        if c not in all_chunks:
            raise ValueError(f"data_dict contains extra chunks ({c})")

    hashtable = Hashtable(f, name)
    slices = {i: None for i in data_dict}
    data_to_write = {}
    for chunk, data_s in data_dict.items():
        if not isinstance(
            (slice, tuple, Tuple, Slice)) and data_s.dtype != ds.dtype:
            raise ValueError(
                f"dtypes do not match ({data_s.dtype} != {ds.dtype})")

        idx = hashtable.largest_index
        if isinstance(data_s, (slice, tuple, Tuple, Slice)):
            slices[chunk] = ndindex(data_s)
            raw_slice = Slice(idx * chunk_size,
                              idx * chunk_size + data_s.shape[0])
            data_hash = hashtable.hash(data_s)
            raw_slice2 = hashtable.setdefault(data_hash, raw_slice)
            if raw_slice2 == raw_slice:
                data_to_write[raw_slice] = data_s
            slices[chunk] = raw_slice2

    assert None not in slices.values()
    old_shape = ds.shape
    ds.resize((old_shape[0] + len(data_to_write) * chunk_size, ) + chunks[1:])
    for raw_slice, data_s in data_to_write.items():
        c = (raw_slice.raw, ) + tuple(slice(0, i) for i in data_s.shape[1:])
        ds[c] = data_s
    return slices
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _load_hashtable(self):
     hash_table = self.f['_version_data'][self.name]['hash_table']
     largest_index = hash_table.attrs['largest_index']
     hash_table_arr = hash_table[:largest_index]
     hashes = bytes(hash_table_arr['hash'])
     shapes = hash_table_arr['shape']
     self._d = {
         hashes[i * self.hash_size:(i + 1) * self.hash_size]:
         for i in range(largest_index)
     self._indices = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(self._d)}
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if isinstance(key, np.ndarray):
            key = key.tobytes()
        if not isinstance(key, bytes):
            raise TypeError(f"key must be bytes, got {type(key)}")
        if len(key) != self.hash_size:
            raise ValueError("key must be %d bytes" % self.hash_size)
        if isinstance(value, Tuple):
            if len(value.args) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Chunking in more other than the first dimension")
            value = value.args[0]
        if not isinstance(value, (slice, Slice)):
            raise TypeError("value must be a slice object")
        value = Slice(value)
        if value.isempty():
        if value.step not in [1, None]:
            raise ValueError("only step-1 slices are supported")

        kv = (list(key), (value.start, value.stop))
        if key in self._indices:
            if bytes(self.hash_table[self._indices[key]])[0] != key:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The key %s is already in the hashtable under another index."
            self.hash_table[self._indices[key]] = kv
            if self.largest_index >= self.hash_table.shape[0]:
                newshape = (self.hash_table.shape[0] + self.chunk_size, )
                new_hash_table = np.zeros(newshape,
                new_hash_table[:self.hash_table.shape[0]] = self.hash_table
                self.hash_table = new_hash_table
            self.hash_table[self.largest_index] = kv
            self._indices[key] = self.largest_index
            self.largest_index += 1
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def resize(self, size, axis=None):
        """ Resize the dataset, or the specified axis.

        The rank of the dataset cannot be changed.

        "Size" should be a shape tuple, or if an axis is specified, an integer.

        BEWARE: This functions differently than the NumPy resize() method!
        The data is not "reshuffled" to fit in the new shape; each axis is
        grown or shrunk independently.  The coordinates of existing data are
        # This boilerplate code is based on h5py.Dataset.resize
        if axis is not None:
            if not (axis >= 0 and axis < self.id.rank):
                raise ValueError("Invalid axis (0 to %s allowed)" %
                                 (self.id.rank - 1))
                newlen = int(size)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Argument must be a single int if axis is specified")
            size = list(self.shape)
            size[axis] = newlen

        size = tuple(size)
        # === END CODE FROM h5py.Dataset.resize ===

        old_shape = self.shape
        data_dict = self.id.data_dict
        chunks = self.chunks

        old_shape_idx = Tuple(*[Slice(0, i) for i in old_shape])
        new_data_dict = {}
        for c in set(split_chunks(size, chunks)):
            if c in data_dict:
                new_data_dict[c] = data_dict[c]
                a = self[c.raw]
                data = np.full(c.newshape(size),
                data[old_shape_idx.as_subindex(c).raw] = a
                new_data_dict[c] = data

        self.id.data_dict = new_data_dict
        self.id.shape = size
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_split_slice():
    chunk = 10
    for start in range(20):
        for stop in range(30):
            for step in range(1, 10):
                s = Slice(start, stop, step)
                slices = list(split_slice(s, chunk))
                base = list(range(100)[s.raw])
                assert sum([len(s_) for i, s_ in slices]) ==\
                    len(s), (s, slices)
                pieces = [
                    list(range(i * chunk, (i + 1) * chunk)[s_.raw])
                    for i, s_ in slices
                extended = []
                for p in pieces:
                assert base == extended, (s, slices)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def spaceid_to_slice(space):
    Convert an h5py spaceid object into an ndindex index

    The resulting index is always a Tuple index.

    from h5py import h5s

    sel_type = space.get_select_type()

    if sel_type == h5s.SEL_ALL:
        return Tuple()
    elif sel_type == h5s.SEL_HYPERSLABS:
        slices = []
        starts, strides, counts, blocks = space.get_regular_hyperslab()
        for start, stride, count, block in zip(starts, strides, counts,
            slices.append(hyperslab_to_slice(start, stride, count, block))
        return Tuple(*slices)
    elif sel_type == h5s.SEL_NONE:
        return Tuple(Slice(0, 0), )
        raise NotImplementedError("Point selections are not yet supported")
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def setup(self):
     self.s1 = Slice(0, 30)
     self.s2 = Slice(0, 1, 10)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_write_dataset_chunk_size(h5file):
    chunk_size = 2**10
    chunks = (chunk_size, )
    slices1 = write_dataset(h5file,
                            np.ones((2 * chunk_size, )),
        ValueError, lambda: write_dataset(
            h5file, 'test_data', np.ones(chunks), chunks=(2**9, )))
    slices2 = write_dataset_chunks(
        h5file, 'test_data', {
            Tuple(Slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size, 1)):
            slices1[Tuple(Slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size, 1))],
            Tuple(Slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size, 1)):
            2 * np.ones((chunk_size, )),
            Tuple(Slice(2 * chunk_size, 3 * chunk_size, 1)):
            2 * np.ones((chunk_size, )),
            Tuple(Slice(3 * chunk_size, 4 * chunk_size, 1)):
            3 * np.ones((chunk_size, )),

    assert slices1 == {
        Tuple(Slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size),
        Tuple(Slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size),
    assert slices2 == {
        Tuple(Slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(0 * chunk_size, 1 * chunk_size),
        Tuple(Slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size),
        Tuple(Slice(2 * chunk_size, 3 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(1 * chunk_size, 2 * chunk_size),
        Tuple(Slice(3 * chunk_size, 4 * chunk_size, 1)):
        slice(2 * chunk_size, 3 * chunk_size),

    ds = h5file['/_version_data/test_data/raw_data']
    assert ds.shape == (3 * chunk_size, )
    assert_equal(ds[0:1 * chunk_size], 1.0)
    assert_equal(ds[1 * chunk_size:2 * chunk_size], 2.0)
    assert_equal(ds[2 * chunk_size:3 * chunk_size], 3.0)
    assert_equal(ds[3 * chunk_size:4 * chunk_size], 0.0)
    assert ds.dtype == np.float64
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def time_constructor_ints(self):
     Slice(0, 1, 10)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_write_dataset_offset_multidimension(h5file):
    chunks = ChunkSize(3 * (CHUNK_SIZE_3D, ))
    shape = (2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D)
    data = np.zeros(shape)
    slices1 = write_dataset(h5file, 'test_data', data, chunks=chunks)
    shape2 = (2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2,
              2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2)
    data2 = np.empty(shape2)
    for n, c in enumerate(chunks.indices(shape)):
        data2[c.raw] = n

    slices2 = write_dataset(h5file, 'test_data', data2, chunks=chunks)

    assert slices1 == {
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),

    assert slices2 == {
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
        slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 3 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
        slice(3 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 4 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(4 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 5 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
        slice(5 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 6 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(6 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 7 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2, 1),
        slice(7 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 8 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D - 2),

    ds = h5file['/_version_data/test_data/raw_data']
    assert ds.shape == (8 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, CHUNK_SIZE_3D, CHUNK_SIZE_3D)
    for n, c in enumerate(chunks.indices(shape2)):
        a = np.zeros(chunks)
        a[Tuple(*[slice(0, i) for i in shape2]).as_subindex(c).raw] = n
        assert_equal(ds[n * CHUNK_SIZE_3D:(n + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE_3D], a)
    assert ds.dtype == np.float64
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_write_dataset_chunks(h5file):
    slices1 = write_dataset(h5file, 'test_data',
                            np.ones((2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )))
    slices2 = write_dataset_chunks(
        h5file, 'test_data', {
            Tuple(Slice(0 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
                Slice(0 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1))],
            Tuple(Slice(1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
            2 * np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),
            Tuple(Slice(2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
            2 * np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),
            Tuple(Slice(3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 4 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
            3 * np.ones((DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )),

    assert slices1 == {
        Tuple(Slice(0 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
        Tuple(Slice(1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
    assert slices2 == {
        Tuple(Slice(0 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
        Tuple(Slice(1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
        Tuple(Slice(2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):
        Tuple(Slice(3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 4 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 1)):

    ds = h5file['/_version_data/test_data/raw_data']
    assert ds.shape == (3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, )
    assert_equal(ds[0:1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 1.0)
    assert_equal(ds[1 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE:2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 2.0)
    assert_equal(ds[2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE:3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 3.0)
    assert_equal(ds[3 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE:4 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE], 0.0)
    assert ds.dtype == np.float64
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def time_constructor_invalid(self):
     except TypeError:
Ejemplo n.º 27
class TimeSlice:
    def setup(self):
        self.s1 = Slice(0, 30)
        self.s2 = Slice(0, 1, 10)

    def time_constructor_slice(self):
        Slice(slice(0, 30))

    def time_constructor_ints(self):
        Slice(0, 1, 10)

    def time_constructor_invalid(self):
        except TypeError:

    def time_reduce(self):

    def time_reduce_shape(self):

    def time_newshape(self):
        self.s1.newshape((10, 5))
        self.s2.newshape((10, 5))

    def time_isempty(self):

    def time_isempty_shape(self):
        self.s1.isempty((10, 5))
Ejemplo n.º 28
def hyperslab_to_slice(start, stride, count, block):
    if not (block == 1 or count == 1):
        raise NotImplementedError("Nontrivial blocks are not yet supported")
    end = start + (stride * (count - 1) + 1) * block
    stride = stride if block == 1 else 1
    return Slice(start, end, stride)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_write_dataset_multidimension(h5file):
    chunks = 3 * (CHUNK_SIZE_3D, )
    data = np.zeros((2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D))
    slices1 = write_dataset(h5file, 'test_data', data, chunks=chunks)
    data2 = data.copy()
    for n, (i, j, k) in enumerate(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=3)):
        data2[i * CHUNK_SIZE_3D:(i + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE_3D,
              j * CHUNK_SIZE_3D:(j + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE_3D,
              k * CHUNK_SIZE_3D:(k + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE_3D] = n

    slices2 = write_dataset(h5file, 'test_data', data2, chunks=chunks)

    assert slices1 == {
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
    assert slices2 == {
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 3 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(3 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 4 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(4 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 5 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(5 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 6 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(0 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(6 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 7 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
            Slice(1 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 2 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 1),
        slice(7 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, 8 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D),

    ds = h5file['/_version_data/test_data/raw_data']
    assert ds.shape == (8 * CHUNK_SIZE_3D, CHUNK_SIZE_3D, CHUNK_SIZE_3D)
    for n in range(8):
        assert_equal(ds[n * CHUNK_SIZE_3D:(n + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE_3D], n)
    assert ds.dtype == np.float64
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def time_constructor_slice(self):
     Slice(slice(0, 30))