def init_gui(self):
        Do changes to the GUI while entering this command. This includes opening
        the property manager, updating the command toolbar , connecting widget
        slots (if any) etc. Note: The slot connection in property manager and
        command toolbar is handled in those classes.

        Called once each time the command is entered; should be called only
        by code in

        @see: L{self.restore_gui}

        if self.flyoutToolbar is None:
            self.flyoutToolbar = DnaFlyout(, self.propMgr)

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def init_gui(self):
        Do changes to the GUI while entering this command. This includes opening
        the property manager, updating the command toolbar , connecting widget
        slots (if any) etc. Note: The slot connection in property manager and
        command toolbar is handled in those classes.

        Called once each time the command is entered; should be called only
        by code in

        @see: L{self.restore_gui}

        if self.flyoutToolbar is None:
            self.flyoutToolbar = DnaFlyout(, self.propMgr)

Ejemplo n.º 3
class BuildDna_EditCommand(EditCommand):
    BuildDna_EditCommand provides a convenient way to edit or create
    a DnaGroup object
    cmd              =  greenmsg("Build DNA: ")
    sponsor_keyword  =  'DNA'
    prefix           =  'DnaGroup'   # used for gensym
    cmdname          = "Build Dna"
    commandName       = 'BUILD_DNA'
    featurename       = 'Build_Dna'

    GraphicsMode_class = BuildDna_GraphicsMode

    command_should_resume_prevMode = False
    command_has_its_own_gui = True
    command_can_be_suspended = True

    # Generators for DNA, nanotubes and graphene have their MT name
    # generated (in GeneratorBaseClass) from the prefix.
    create_name_from_prefix  =  True

    #The following class constant is used in creating dynamic menu items (using self.makeMenus)
    #if this flag is not defined, the menu doesn't get created
    #or use of self.graphicsMode in self.makeMenus throws errors.
    #See also other examples of its use in older Commands such as
    #BuildAtoms_Command (earlier depositmode)
    call_makeMenus_for_each_event = True

    def __init__(self, commandSequencer, struct = None):
        Constructor for BuildDna_EditCommand

        EditCommand.__init__(self, commandSequencer)
        self.struct = struct

    def init_gui(self):
        Do changes to the GUI while entering this command. This includes opening
        the property manager, updating the command toolbar , connecting widget
        slots (if any) etc. Note: The slot connection in property manager and
        command toolbar is handled in those classes.

        Called once each time the command is entered; should be called only
        by code in

        @see: L{self.restore_gui}

        if self.flyoutToolbar is None:
            self.flyoutToolbar = DnaFlyout(, self.propMgr)


    def resume_gui(self):
        Called when this command, that was suspended earlier, is being resumed.
        The temporary command (which was entered by suspending this command)
        might have made some changes to the model which need to be reflected
        while resuming command.

        Example: A user enters BreakStrands_Command by suspending
        BuildDna_EditCommand, then breaks a few strands, thereby creating new
        strand chunks. Now when the user returns to the BuildDna_EditCommand,
        the command's property manager needs to update the list of strands
        because of the changes done while in BreakStrands_Command.
        @see: Command.resume_gui
        @see: Command._enterMode where this method is called.
        #NOTE: Doing command toolbar updates in this method doesn't alwayswork.
        #consider this situation : You are in a) BuildDna_EditCommand, then you
        #b) enter DnaDuplex_EditCommand(i.e. Dna line) and from this temporary
        #command, you directly c) enter BreakStrands_Command
        #-- During b to c, 1) it first exits (b) , 2) resumes (a)
        #and then 3)enters (c)
        #This method is called during operation #2 and any changes to flyout
        #toolbar are reset during #3  --- Ninad 2008-01-14
        if self.propMgr:

        if self.flyoutToolbar:

    def restore_gui(self):
        Do changes to the GUI while exiting this command. This includes closing
        this mode's property manager, updating the command toolbar ,
        Note: The slot connection/disconnection in property manager and
        command toolbar is handled in those classes.
        @see: L{self.init_gui}
        if self.flyoutToolbar:

    def StateDone(self):
        @see: Command.StateDone
        return None

    def StateCancel(self):
        @see Command.StateCancel
        return None

    def runCommand(self):
        Overrides EditCommand.runCommand
        self.struct = None
        self.existingStructForEditing = False

    def keep_empty_group(self, group):
        Returns True if the empty group should not be automatically deleted.
        otherwise returns False. The default implementation always returns
        False. Subclasses should override this method if it needs to keep the
        empty group for some reasons. Note that this method will only get called
        when a group has a class constant autdelete_when_empty set to True.
        (and as of 2008-03-06, it is proposed that dna_updater calls this method
        when needed.
        @see: Command.keep_empty_group() which is overridden here.

        bool_keep = EditCommand.keep_empty_group(self, group)

        if not bool_keep:
            if group is self.struct:
                bool_keep = True

        return bool_keep

    def create_and_or_show_PM_if_wanted(self, showPropMgr = True):
        Create the property manager object if one doesn't already exist
        and then show the propMgr if wanted by the user.
        @param showPropMgr: If True, show the property manager
        @type showPropMgr: boolean
            showPropMgr = showPropMgr)

        self.propMgr.updateMessage("Use appropriate command in the command "\
                                   "toolbar to create or modify a DNA Object"\

    def createStructure(self, showPropMgr = True):
        Overrides superclass method. It doesn't do anything for this type
        of editcommand

        self.preview_or_finalize_structure(previewing = True)

    def editStructure(self, struct = None):
        Overrides EditCommand.editStructure method. Provides a way to edit an
        existing structure. This implements a topLevel command that the client
        can execute to edit an existing object(i.e. self.struct) that it wants.

        Example: If its a plane edit controller, this method will be used to
                edit an object of class Plane.

        This method also creates a propMgr objects if it doesn't exist and
        shows this property manager

        @see: L{self.createStructure} (another top level command that
              facilitates creation of a model object created by this
        @see: L{Plane.edit} and L{Plane_EditCommand._createPropMgrObject}

        if struct is not None:
            #Should we always unpick the structure while editing it?
            #Makes sense for editing a Dna. If this is problematic, the
            #following should be done in the subclasses that need this.
            if hasattr(struct, 'picked') and struct.picked:

        EditCommand.editStructure(self, struct)

    def _getStructureType(self):
        Subclasses override this method to define their own structure type.
        Returns the type of the structure this editCommand supports.
        This is used in isinstance test.
        @see: EditCommand._getStructureType() (overridden here)
        @see: self.hasValidStructure()

    def _createPropMgrObject(self):
        Creates a property manager  object (that defines UI things) for this
        assert not self.propMgr
        propMgr =
        return propMgr

    def _createStructure(self):
        creates and returns the structure (in this case a L{Group} object that
        contains the DNA strand and axis chunks.
        @return : group containing that contains the DNA strand and axis chunks.
        @rtype: L{Group}
        @note: This needs to return a DNA object once that model is implemented

        # needed for done message
        if self.create_name_from_prefix:
            # create a new name
            name = = gensym(self.prefix, # (in _build_struct)
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = (self.prefix, name)
            # use externally created name
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = None
                # (can't reuse name in this case -- not sure what prefix it was
                #  made with)
            name =

        # Create the model tree group node.
        # Make sure that the 'topnode'  of this part is a Group (under which the
        # DNa group will be placed), if the topnode is not a group, make it a
        # a 'Group' (applicable to Clipboard parts).See
        # --Part.ensure_toplevel_group method. This is an important line
        # and it fixes bug 2585

        dnaGroup = DnaGroup(,
                            editCommand = self)


            return dnaGroup

        except (PluginBug, UserError):
            # Why do we need UserError here? Mark 2007-08-28
            raise PluginBug("Internal error while trying to create DNA duplex.")

    def _gatherParameters(self):
        Return the parameters needed to build this structure

        @return: A list of all DnaSegments present withing the self.struct
                 (which is a dna group) or None if self.structure doesn't exist
        @rtype:  tuple

        #Passing the segmentList as a parameter is not implemented
        ##if self.struct:
            ##segmentList = []
            ##for segment in self.struct.members:
                ##if isinstance(segment, DnaSegment):

            ##if segmentList:
                ##return (segmentList)

        return None

    def _modifyStructure(self, params):
        Modify the structure based on the parameters specified.
        Overrides EditCommand._modifystructure. This method removes the old
        structure and creates a new one using self._createStructure. This
        was needed for the structures like this (Dna, Nanotube etc) . .
        See more comments in the method.
        assert self.struct
        # parameters have changed, update existing structure

        # needed for done message
        if self.create_name_from_prefix:
            # create a new name
            name = = gensym(self.prefix, # (in _build_struct)
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = (self.prefix, name)
            # use externally created name
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = None
                # (can't reuse name in this case -- not sure what prefix it was
                #  made with)
            name =

        #@NOTE: Unlike editcommands such as Plane_EditCommand, this
        #editCommand actually removes the structure and creates a new one
        #when its modified. We don't yet know if the DNA object model
        # will solve this problem. (i.e. reusing the object and just modifying
        #its attributes.  Till that time, we'll continue to use
        #what the old GeneratorBaseClass use to do ..i.e. remove the item and
        # create a new one  -- Ninad 2007-10-24

        self.previousParams = params

        self.struct = self._createStructure()

    def _finalizeStructure(self):
        Overrides EditCommand._finalizeStructure.
        This method also makes sure that the DnaGroup is not empty ..if its
        empty it deletes it.
        @see: dna_model.DnaGroup.isEmpty
        @see: EditCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure
        if self.struct is not None:
            if self.struct.isEmpty():
                #Don't keep empty DnaGroup Fixes bug 2603.

        if self.struct is not None:
            #Make sure that he DnaGroup in the Model Tree is in collapsed state
            #after finalizing the structure.
            #DON'T DO = False in the above conditional
            #because the EditCommand._finalizeStructure may have assigned
            #'None' for 'self.struct'!
   = False

    def cancelStructure(self):
        Cancel the structure
        if self.struct is not None:
            if self.struct.isEmpty():

    def provideParamsForTemporaryMode(self, temporaryModeName):
        NOTE: This needs to be a general API method. There are situations when
        user enters a temporary mode , does something there and returns back to
        the previous mode he was in. He also needs to send some data from
        previous mode to the temporary mode .
        @see: B{DnaLineMode}
        @see: self.acceptParamsFromTemporaryMode

        @see DnaDuplex_EditCommand._createSegment(),
        @see: DnaDuplex_EditCommand.createStructure()
        @see: DnaDuplex_EditCommand.restore_gui()
        params = None

        if temporaryModeName == 'DNA_DUPLEX':
            #Pass the self.struct to the DnaDuplex_EdiCommand
            #This deprecates use of self.callback_addSegments (in which
            #segments created while in DnaDuplex command are added after
            #returning to BuildDna mode) The new implementation provides the
            #DnaGroup to the DnaDuplex command and then adds the created
            #segments directly to it.
            #See: DnaDuplex_EditCommand._createSegment(),
            #    DnaDuplex_EditCommand.createStructure(), and
            #    DnaDuplex_EditCommand.restore_gui()

            #following condition (hasValidStructure) fixes bug 2815.Earlier
            #ondition was just checking if self.struct is None.
            #self.hasValidStructure checks if the structure is killed etc
            #--Ninad 2008-04-21

            if not self.hasValidStructure():
                self.struct = self._createStructure()
            params = (self.callback_addSegments, self.struct)

        return params

    def callback_addSegments(self, segmentList):
        Call back method supplied to the temporary command DnaDuplex_EditCommand.
        The DnaDuplex_EditCommand gives it a list of segments created
        while that command was active.
        To be revised and renamed.

        @see: DnaDuplex_EditCommand.restore_gui

        @TODO: Remove this method when safe. DEPRECATED AS OF 2008-02-24
               See self.provideParametersForTemporaryMode which pass on
               self.struct (a DnaGroup) to be used in DnaDuplex_EditCommand
               (which adds created DnaSegments to it )

        if self.struct is None:
            self.struct = self._createStructure()

        assert self.struct is not None
        for segment in segmentList:

        self.previousParams = self._gatherParameters()

    def makeMenus(self):
        Create context menu for this command. (Build Dna mode)
        @see: chunk.make_glpane_context_menu_items
        @see: DnaSegment_EditCommand.makeMenus
        if not hasattr(self, 'graphicsMode'):

        selobj = self.glpane.selobj

        if selobj is None:

        self.Menu_spec = []

        highlightedChunk = None
        if isinstance(selobj, Chunk):
            highlightedChunk = selobj
        if isinstance(selobj, Atom):
            highlightedChunk = selobj.molecule
        elif isinstance(selobj, Bond):
            chunk1 = selobj.atom1.molecule
            chunk2 = selobj.atom2.molecule
            if chunk1 is chunk2 and chunk1 is not None:
                highlightedChunk = chunk1

        if highlightedChunk is not None:
                                                            command = self)
class BuildDna_EditCommand(EditCommand):
    BuildDna_EditCommand provides a convenient way to edit or create
    a DnaGroup object
    cmd = greenmsg("Build DNA: ")
    sponsor_keyword = 'DNA'
    prefix = 'DnaGroup'  # used for gensym
    cmdname = "Build Dna"
    commandName = 'BUILD_DNA'
    featurename = 'Build_Dna'

    GraphicsMode_class = BuildDna_GraphicsMode

    command_should_resume_prevMode = False
    command_has_its_own_gui = True
    command_can_be_suspended = True

    # Generators for DNA, nanotubes and graphene have their MT name
    # generated (in GeneratorBaseClass) from the prefix.
    create_name_from_prefix = True

    #The following class constant is used in creating dynamic menu items (using self.makeMenus)
    #if this flag is not defined, the menu doesn't get created
    #or use of self.graphicsMode in self.makeMenus throws errors.
    #See also other examples of its use in older Commands such as
    #BuildAtoms_Command (earlier depositmode)
    call_makeMenus_for_each_event = True

    def __init__(self, commandSequencer, struct=None):
        Constructor for BuildDna_EditCommand

        EditCommand.__init__(self, commandSequencer)
        self.struct = struct

    def init_gui(self):
        Do changes to the GUI while entering this command. This includes opening
        the property manager, updating the command toolbar , connecting widget
        slots (if any) etc. Note: The slot connection in property manager and
        command toolbar is handled in those classes.

        Called once each time the command is entered; should be called only
        by code in

        @see: L{self.restore_gui}

        if self.flyoutToolbar is None:
            self.flyoutToolbar = DnaFlyout(, self.propMgr)


    def resume_gui(self):
        Called when this command, that was suspended earlier, is being resumed.
        The temporary command (which was entered by suspending this command)
        might have made some changes to the model which need to be reflected
        while resuming command.

        Example: A user enters BreakStrands_Command by suspending
        BuildDna_EditCommand, then breaks a few strands, thereby creating new
        strand chunks. Now when the user returns to the BuildDna_EditCommand,
        the command's property manager needs to update the list of strands
        because of the changes done while in BreakStrands_Command.
        @see: Command.resume_gui
        @see: Command._enterMode where this method is called.
        #NOTE: Doing command toolbar updates in this method doesn't alwayswork.
        #consider this situation : You are in a) BuildDna_EditCommand, then you
        #b) enter DnaDuplex_EditCommand(i.e. Dna line) and from this temporary
        #command, you directly c) enter BreakStrands_Command
        #-- During b to c, 1) it first exits (b) , 2) resumes (a)
        #and then 3)enters (c)
        #This method is called during operation #2 and any changes to flyout
        #toolbar are reset during #3  --- Ninad 2008-01-14
        if self.propMgr:

        if self.flyoutToolbar:

    def restore_gui(self):
        Do changes to the GUI while exiting this command. This includes closing
        this mode's property manager, updating the command toolbar ,
        Note: The slot connection/disconnection in property manager and
        command toolbar is handled in those classes.
        @see: L{self.init_gui}
        if self.flyoutToolbar:

    def StateDone(self):
        @see: Command.StateDone
        return None

    def StateCancel(self):
        @see Command.StateCancel
        return None

    def runCommand(self):
        Overrides EditCommand.runCommand
        self.struct = None
        self.existingStructForEditing = False

    def keep_empty_group(self, group):
        Returns True if the empty group should not be automatically deleted.
        otherwise returns False. The default implementation always returns
        False. Subclasses should override this method if it needs to keep the
        empty group for some reasons. Note that this method will only get called
        when a group has a class constant autdelete_when_empty set to True.
        (and as of 2008-03-06, it is proposed that dna_updater calls this method
        when needed.
        @see: Command.keep_empty_group() which is overridden here.

        bool_keep = EditCommand.keep_empty_group(self, group)

        if not bool_keep:
            if group is self.struct:
                bool_keep = True

        return bool_keep

    def create_and_or_show_PM_if_wanted(self, showPropMgr=True):
        Create the property manager object if one doesn't already exist
        and then show the propMgr if wanted by the user.
        @param showPropMgr: If True, show the property manager
        @type showPropMgr: boolean

        self.propMgr.updateMessage("Use appropriate command in the command "\
                                   "toolbar to create or modify a DNA Object"\

    def createStructure(self, showPropMgr=True):
        Overrides superclass method. It doesn't do anything for this type
        of editcommand


    def editStructure(self, struct=None):
        Overrides EditCommand.editStructure method. Provides a way to edit an
        existing structure. This implements a topLevel command that the client
        can execute to edit an existing object(i.e. self.struct) that it wants.

        Example: If its a plane edit controller, this method will be used to
                edit an object of class Plane.

        This method also creates a propMgr objects if it doesn't exist and
        shows this property manager

        @see: L{self.createStructure} (another top level command that
              facilitates creation of a model object created by this
        @see: L{Plane.edit} and L{Plane_EditCommand._createPropMgrObject}

        if struct is not None:
            #Should we always unpick the structure while editing it?
            #Makes sense for editing a Dna. If this is problematic, the
            #following should be done in the subclasses that need this.
            if hasattr(struct, 'picked') and struct.picked:

        EditCommand.editStructure(self, struct)

    def _getStructureType(self):
        Subclasses override this method to define their own structure type.
        Returns the type of the structure this editCommand supports.
        This is used in isinstance test.
        @see: EditCommand._getStructureType() (overridden here)
        @see: self.hasValidStructure()

    def _createPropMgrObject(self):
        Creates a property manager  object (that defines UI things) for this
        assert not self.propMgr
        propMgr =
        return propMgr

    def _createStructure(self):
        creates and returns the structure (in this case a L{Group} object that
        contains the DNA strand and axis chunks.
        @return : group containing that contains the DNA strand and axis chunks.
        @rtype: L{Group}
        @note: This needs to return a DNA object once that model is implemented

        # needed for done message
        if self.create_name_from_prefix:
            # create a new name
            name = = gensym(self.prefix,
                              # (in _build_struct)
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = (self.prefix, name)
            # use externally created name
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = None
            # (can't reuse name in this case -- not sure what prefix it was
            #  made with)
            name =

        # Create the model tree group node.
        # Make sure that the 'topnode'  of this part is a Group (under which the
        # DNa group will be placed), if the topnode is not a group, make it a
        # a 'Group' (applicable to Clipboard parts).See
        # --Part.ensure_toplevel_group method. This is an important line
        # and it fixes bug 2585

        dnaGroup = DnaGroup(,


            return dnaGroup

        except (PluginBug, UserError):
            # Why do we need UserError here? Mark 2007-08-28
            raise PluginBug(
                "Internal error while trying to create DNA duplex.")

    def _gatherParameters(self):
        Return the parameters needed to build this structure

        @return: A list of all DnaSegments present withing the self.struct
                 (which is a dna group) or None if self.structure doesn't exist
        @rtype:  tuple

        #Passing the segmentList as a parameter is not implemented
        ##if self.struct:
        ##segmentList = []
        ##for segment in self.struct.members:
        ##if isinstance(segment, DnaSegment):

        ##if segmentList:
        ##return (segmentList)

        return None

    def _modifyStructure(self, params):
        Modify the structure based on the parameters specified.
        Overrides EditCommand._modifystructure. This method removes the old
        structure and creates a new one using self._createStructure. This
        was needed for the structures like this (Dna, Nanotube etc) . .
        See more comments in the method.
        assert self.struct
        # parameters have changed, update existing structure

        # needed for done message
        if self.create_name_from_prefix:
            # create a new name
            name = = gensym(self.prefix,
                              # (in _build_struct)
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = (self.prefix, name)
            # use externally created name
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = None
            # (can't reuse name in this case -- not sure what prefix it was
            #  made with)
            name =

        #@NOTE: Unlike editcommands such as Plane_EditCommand, this
        #editCommand actually removes the structure and creates a new one
        #when its modified. We don't yet know if the DNA object model
        # will solve this problem. (i.e. reusing the object and just modifying
        #its attributes.  Till that time, we'll continue to use
        #what the old GeneratorBaseClass use to do ..i.e. remove the item and
        # create a new one  -- Ninad 2007-10-24

        self.previousParams = params

        self.struct = self._createStructure()

    def _finalizeStructure(self):
        Overrides EditCommand._finalizeStructure.
        This method also makes sure that the DnaGroup is not empty ..if its
        empty it deletes it.
        @see: dna_model.DnaGroup.isEmpty
        @see: EditCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure
        if self.struct is not None:
            if self.struct.isEmpty():
                #Don't keep empty DnaGroup Fixes bug 2603.

        if self.struct is not None:
            #Make sure that he DnaGroup in the Model Tree is in collapsed state
            #after finalizing the structure.
            #DON'T DO = False in the above conditional
            #because the EditCommand._finalizeStructure may have assigned
            #'None' for 'self.struct'!
   = False

    def cancelStructure(self):
        Cancel the structure
        if self.struct is not None:
            if self.struct.isEmpty():

    def provideParamsForTemporaryMode(self, temporaryModeName):
        NOTE: This needs to be a general API method. There are situations when
        user enters a temporary mode , does something there and returns back to
        the previous mode he was in. He also needs to send some data from
        previous mode to the temporary mode .
        @see: B{DnaLineMode}
        @see: self.acceptParamsFromTemporaryMode

        @see DnaDuplex_EditCommand._createSegment(),
        @see: DnaDuplex_EditCommand.createStructure()
        @see: DnaDuplex_EditCommand.restore_gui()
        params = None

        if temporaryModeName == 'DNA_DUPLEX':
            #Pass the self.struct to the DnaDuplex_EdiCommand
            #This deprecates use of self.callback_addSegments (in which
            #segments created while in DnaDuplex command are added after
            #returning to BuildDna mode) The new implementation provides the
            #DnaGroup to the DnaDuplex command and then adds the created
            #segments directly to it.
            #See: DnaDuplex_EditCommand._createSegment(),
            #    DnaDuplex_EditCommand.createStructure(), and
            #    DnaDuplex_EditCommand.restore_gui()

            #following condition (hasValidStructure) fixes bug 2815.Earlier
            #ondition was just checking if self.struct is None.
            #self.hasValidStructure checks if the structure is killed etc
            #--Ninad 2008-04-21

            if not self.hasValidStructure():
                self.struct = self._createStructure()
            params = (self.callback_addSegments, self.struct)

        return params

    def callback_addSegments(self, segmentList):
        Call back method supplied to the temporary command DnaDuplex_EditCommand.
        The DnaDuplex_EditCommand gives it a list of segments created
        while that command was active.
        To be revised and renamed.

        @see: DnaDuplex_EditCommand.restore_gui

        @TODO: Remove this method when safe. DEPRECATED AS OF 2008-02-24
               See self.provideParametersForTemporaryMode which pass on
               self.struct (a DnaGroup) to be used in DnaDuplex_EditCommand
               (which adds created DnaSegments to it )

        if self.struct is None:
            self.struct = self._createStructure()

        assert self.struct is not None
        for segment in segmentList:

        self.previousParams = self._gatherParameters()

    def makeMenus(self):
        Create context menu for this command. (Build Dna mode)
        @see: chunk.make_glpane_context_menu_items
        @see: DnaSegment_EditCommand.makeMenus
        if not hasattr(self, 'graphicsMode'):

        selobj = self.glpane.selobj

        if selobj is None:

        self.Menu_spec = []

        highlightedChunk = None
        if isinstance(selobj, Chunk):
            highlightedChunk = selobj
        if isinstance(selobj, Atom):
            highlightedChunk = selobj.molecule
        elif isinstance(selobj, Bond):
            chunk1 = selobj.atom1.molecule
            chunk2 = selobj.atom2.molecule
            if chunk1 is chunk2 and chunk1 is not None:
                highlightedChunk = chunk1

        if highlightedChunk is not None: