Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: io.py Proyecto: nadoss/nems_db
def load_recording(batch=None,

    options = {
        'cellid': cellid,
        'batch': batch,
        'rasterfs': 100,
        'includeprestim': 1,
        'stimfmt': 'ozgf',
        'chancount': 18,
        'pupil': 0,
        'stim': 1,
        'pertrial': 1,
        'runclass': 'RDT',
        'recache': False,

    if recording_uri is None:
        recording_uri = baphy_data_path(**options)

    log.info('Loading recording from %s', recording_uri)
    rec = nems.recording.load_recording(recording_uri)

    if reformat:
        rec = reformat_RDT_recording(rec)

    if by_sequence:
        rec = average_away_epoch_occurrences(rec, '^SEQUENCE')

    return {'rec': rec}
Ejemplo n.º 2
def average_away_stim_occurrences(est, val, epoch_regex='^STIM_', **context):
    est = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(est, epoch_regex=epoch_regex)
    val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex=epoch_regex)

    # mask out nan periods
    #    d=np.isfinite(est['resp'].as_continuous()[[0],:])
    #    log.info('found %d non-nans in est', np.sum(d))
    #    est=est.create_mask()
    #    est['mask']=est['mask']._modified_copy(d)
    #    d=np.isfinite(val['resp'].as_continuous()[[0],:])
    #    log.info('found %d non-nans  in val', np.sum(d))
    #    val=val.create_mask()
    #    val['mask']=val['mask']._modified_copy(d)

    return {'est': est, 'val': val}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_average_away_epoch_occurrences(recording):
    averaged_recording = average_away_epoch_occurrences(recording, '^stim')
    as1 = averaged_recording['stim'].extract_epoch('stim1')
    as2 = averaged_recording['stim'].extract_epoch('stim2')
    s1 = recording['stim'].extract_epoch('stim1')
    s2 = recording['stim'].extract_epoch('stim2')

    assert as1.shape == (1, 3, 49)
    assert s1.shape == (2, 3, 49)
    assert np.all(as1[0] == np.mean(s1, axis=0))
    assert np.all(as2[0] == np.mean(s2, axis=0))

    epochs = averaged_recording['stim'].epochs[['name', 'start', 'end']]
    assert epochs.iat[0, 0] == 'stim1'
    assert epochs.iat[1, 0] == 'stim2'
    assert epochs.iat[0, 2] == 0.98
    assert epochs.iat[1, 2] == 1.96
Ejemplo n.º 4
def plot_linear_and_weighted_psths_(batch, cellid, weights=None, subset=None):
    rec_file = nw.generate_recording_uri(cellid, batch, loadkey='env.fs100')
    rec = recording.load_recording(rec_file)
    rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].extract_channels([cellid])
    rec['resp'].fs = 200

    SR = get_SR(rec)

    #COMPUTE ALL FOLLOWING metrics using smoothed driven rate
    est, val = rec.split_using_epoch_occurrence_counts(epoch_regex='^STIM_')
    val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex='^STIM_')

    val['resp'] = add_condition_epochs(val['resp'])

    fh, w_corrs, l_corrs = plot_linear_and_weighted_psths(val,
    return fh, w_corrs, l_corrs
Ejemplo n.º 5

# get the name of the cached recording
uri = nb.baphy_load_recording_uri(cellid=cellid, batch=batch, **options)
rec = load_recording(uri)

# convert to rasterized signals from PointProcess and TiledSignal
rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].rasterize()
rec['stim'] = rec['stim'].rasterize()

rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].extract_channels([cellid])
rec.meta["cellid"] = cellid

#est, val = estimation, validation data sets
est, val = rec.split_using_epoch_occurrence_counts(epoch_regex="^STIM_")
est = average_away_epoch_occurrences(est, epoch_regex="^STIM_")
val = average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex="^STIM_")

# get matrices for fitting:
X_est = est['stim'].apply_mask().as_continuous()  # frequency x time
Y_est = est['resp'].apply_mask().as_continuous()  # neuron x time

# get matrices for testing model predictions:
X_val = val['stim'].apply_mask().as_continuous()
Y_val = val['resp'].apply_mask().as_continuous()

# find a stimulus to display
epoch_regex = '^STIM_'
epochs_to_extract = ep.epoch_names_matching(val.epochs, epoch_regex)
epoch = epochs_to_extract[0]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def load_TwoStim(batch,
    # load into a recording object
    if not get_stim:
        loadkey = 'ns.fs100'
        raise RuntimeError('Put stimuli in batch')
    manager = BAPHYExperiment(cellid=cellid, batch=batch)

    options = {'rasterfs': 100, 'stim': False, 'resp': True}
    rec = manager.get_recording(**options)

    rec['resp'].fs = fs
    rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].extract_channels([cellid])
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # GOAL: Split your data into estimation and validation sets so that you can
    #       know when your model exhibits overfitting.

    # Method #1: Find which stimuli have the most reps, use those for val
    #    if not get_stim:
    #        del rec.signals['stim']

    ##Added Greg 9/22/21 for

    stim_epochs = ep.epoch_names_matching(rec['resp'].epochs, 'STIM_')

    val = rec.copy()
    val['resp'] = val['resp'].rasterize()
    val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex='^STIM_')

    if get_est:
        raise RuntimeError('Fix me')
        df0 = est['resp'].epochs.copy()
        df2 = est['resp'].epochs.copy()
        df0['name'] = df0['name'].apply(parse_stim_type)
        df0 = df0.loc[df0['name'].notnull()]
        df3 = pd.concat([df0, df2])

        est['resp'].epochs = df3
        est_sub = copy.deepcopy(est)
        est_sub['resp'] = est_sub['resp'].select_epochs(fit_epochs)
        est_sub = None

    df0 = val['resp'].epochs.copy()
    df2 = val['resp'].epochs.copy()
    # df0['name'] = df0['name'].apply(ts.parse_stim_type)
    df0['name'] = df0['name'].apply(ohel.label_ep_type)
    df0 = df0.loc[df0['name'].notnull()]
    df3 = pd.concat([df0, df2])

    val['resp'].epochs = df3
    val_sub = copy.deepcopy(val)
    val_sub['resp'] = val_sub['resp'].select_epochs(fit_epochs)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if modelspec_name is None:
        return None, [est_sub], [val_sub]
        fit_epochs_str = "+".join([str(x) for x in fit_epochs])
        mn = loader + '_subset_' + fit_epochs_str + '.' + modelspec_name
        an_ = modelspecs_dir + '/' + cellid + '/' + mn
        an = glob.glob(an_ + '*')
        if len(an) > 1:
            warnings.warn('{} models found, loading an[0]:{}'.format(
                len(an), an[0]))
            an = [an[0]]
        if len(an) == 1:
            filepath = an[0]
            modelspecs = [ms.load_modelspec(filepath)]
            modelspecs[0][0]['meta']['modelname'] = mn
            modelspecs[0][0]['meta']['cellid'] = cellid
            raise RuntimeError('not fit')
        # generate predictions
        est_sub, val_sub = nems.analysis.api.generate_prediction(
            est_sub, val_sub, modelspecs)
        est_sub, val_sub = nems.analysis.api.generate_prediction(
            est_sub, val_sub, modelspecs)

        return modelspecs, est_sub, val_sub
Ejemplo n.º 7
def calc_psth_metrics(batch, cellid, parmfile=None, paths=None):
    start_win_offset = 0  # Time (in sec) to offset the start of the window used to calculate threshold, exitatory percentage, and inhibitory percentage
    if parmfile:
        manager = BAPHYExperiment(parmfile)
        manager = BAPHYExperiment(cellid=cellid, batch=batch)

    options = ohel.get_load_options(
        batch)  #gets options that will include gtgram if batch=339
    rec = manager.get_recording(**options)

    area_df = db.pd_query(
        f"SELECT DISTINCT area FROM sCellFile where cellid like '{manager.siteid}%%'"
    area = area_df.area.iloc[0]

    if rec['resp'].epochs[rec['resp'].epochs['name'] ==
                          'PASSIVE_EXPERIMENT'].shape[0] >= 2:
        rec = ohel.remove_olp_test(rec)

    rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].extract_channels([cellid])
    resp = copy.copy(rec['resp'].rasterize())
    rec['resp'].fs = 100

    norm_spont, SR, STD = ohel.remove_spont_rate_std(resp)
    params = ohel.get_expt_params(resp, manager, cellid)

    epcs = rec['resp'].epochs[rec['resp'].epochs['name'] ==
    ep2 = rec['resp'].epochs[rec['resp'].epochs['name'] ==
    params['prestim'], params['poststim'] = epcs.iloc[0][
        'end'], ep2['end'] - ep2['start']
    params['lenstim'] = ep2['end']

    stim_epochs = ep.epoch_names_matching(resp.epochs, 'STIM_')

    if paths and cellid[:3] == 'TBR':
        print(f"Deprecated, run on {cellid} though...")
        stim_epochs, rec, resp = ohel.path_tabor_get_epochs(
            stim_epochs, rec, resp, params)

    epoch_repetitions = [resp.count_epoch(cc) for cc in stim_epochs]
    full_resp = np.empty((max(epoch_repetitions), len(stim_epochs),
                          (int(params['lenstim']) * rec['resp'].fs)))
    full_resp[:] = np.nan
    for cnt, epo in enumerate(stim_epochs):
        resps_list = resp.extract_epoch(epo)
        full_resp[:resps_list.shape[0], cnt, :] = resps_list[:, 0, :]

    #Calculate a few metrics
    corcoef = ohel.calc_base_reliability(full_resp)
    avg_resp = ohel.calc_average_response(full_resp, params)
    snr = compute_snr(resp)

    #Grab and label epochs that have two sounds in them (no null)
    presil, postsil = int(params['prestim'] * rec['resp'].fs), int(
        params['poststim'] * rec['resp'].fs)
    twostims = resp.epochs[resp.epochs['name'].str.count('-0-1') == 2].copy()
    ep_twostim = twostims.name.unique().tolist()

    ep_names = resp.epochs[resp.epochs['name'].str.contains('STIM_')].copy()
    ep_names = ep_names.name.unique().tolist()
    ep_types = list(map(ohel.label_ep_type, ep_names))
    ep_df = pd.DataFrame({'name': ep_names, 'type': ep_types})

    cell_df = []
    for cnt, stimmy in enumerate(ep_twostim):
        kind = ohel.label_pair_type(stimmy)
        seps = (stimmy.split('_')[1], stimmy.split('_')[2])
        BG, FG = seps[0].split('-')[0][2:], seps[1].split('-')[0][2:]

        Aepo, Bepo = 'STIM_' + seps[0] + '_null', 'STIM_null_' + seps[1]

        rAB = resp.extract_epoch(stimmy)
        rA, rB = resp.extract_epoch(Aepo), resp.extract_epoch(Bepo)

        fn = lambda x: np.atleast_2d(sp.smooth(x.squeeze(), 3, 2) - SR)
        rAsm = np.squeeze(np.apply_along_axis(fn, 2, rA))
        rBsm = np.squeeze(np.apply_along_axis(fn, 2, rB))
        rABsm = np.squeeze(np.apply_along_axis(fn, 2, rAB))

        rA_st, rB_st = rAsm[:, presil:-postsil], rBsm[:, presil:-postsil]
        rAB_st = rABsm[:, presil:-postsil]

        rAm, rBm = np.nanmean(rAsm, axis=0), np.nanmean(rBsm, axis=0)
        rABm = np.nanmean(rABsm, axis=0)

        AcorAB = np.corrcoef(
            rAm, rABm)[0, 1]  # Corr between resp to A and resp to dual
        BcorAB = np.corrcoef(
            rBm, rABm)[0, 1]  # Corr between resp to B and resp to dual

        A_FR, B_FR, AB_FR = np.nanmean(rA_st), np.nanmean(rB_st), np.nanmean(

        min_rep = np.min(
             rB.shape[0]))  #only will do something if SoundRepeats==Yes
        lin_resp = np.nanmean(rAsm[:min_rep, :] + rBsm[:min_rep, :], axis=0)
        supp = np.nanmean(lin_resp - AB_FR)

        AcorLin = np.corrcoef(
            rAm, lin_resp)[0, 1]  # Corr between resp to A and resp to lin
        BcorLin = np.corrcoef(
            rBm, lin_resp)[0, 1]  # Corr between resp to B and resp to lin

        Apref, Bpref = AcorAB - AcorLin, BcorAB - BcorLin
        pref = Apref - Bpref

        # if params['Binaural'] == 'Yes':
        #     dA, dB = ohel.get_binaural_adjacent_epochs(stimmy)
        #     rdA, rdB = resp.extract_epoch(dA), resp.extract_epoch(dB)
        #     rdAm = np.nanmean(np.squeeze(np.apply_along_axis(fn, 2, rdA))[:, presil:-postsil], axis=0)
        #     rdBm = np.nanmean(np.squeeze(np.apply_along_axis(fn, 2, rdB))[:, presil:-postsil], axis=0)
        #     ABcordA = np.corrcoef(rABm, rdAm)[0, 1]  # Corr between resp to AB and resp to BG swap
        #     ABcordB = np.corrcoef(rABm, rdBm)[0, 1]  # Corr between resp to AB and resp to FG swap

            'epoch': stimmy,
            'kind': kind,
            'BG': BG,
            'FG': FG,
            'AcorAB': AcorAB,
            'BcorAB': BcorAB,
            'AcorLin': AcorLin,
            'BcorLin': BcorLin,
            'Apref': Apref,
            'Bpref': Bpref,
            'pref': pref,
            'combo_FR': AB_FR,
            'bg_FR': A_FR,
            'fg_FR': B_FR,
            'supp': supp

    cell_df = pd.DataFrame(cell_df)
    cell_df['SR'], cell_df['STD'] = SR, STD
    # cell_df['corcoef'], cell_df['avg_resp'], cell_df['snr'] = corcoef, avg_resp, snr
    cell_df.insert(loc=0, column='area', value=area)

    return cell_df

    # COMPUTE ALL FOLLOWING metrics using smoothed driven rate
    # est, val = rec.split_using_epoch_occurrence_counts(rec,epoch_regex='^STIM_')
    val = rec.copy()
    val['resp'] = val['resp'].rasterize()
    val['stim'] = val['stim'].rasterize()
    val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex='^STIM_')

    # smooth and subtract SR
    fn = lambda x: np.atleast_2d(sp.smooth(x.squeeze(), 3, 2) - SR)
    val['resp'] = val['resp'].transform(fn)
    val['resp'] = ohel.add_stimtype_epochs(val['resp'])

    if val['resp'].count_epoch('REFERENCE'):
        epochname = 'REFERENCE'
        epochname = 'TRIAL'
    sts = val['resp'].epochs['start'].copy()
    nds = val['resp'].epochs['end'].copy()
    sts_rec = rec['resp'].epochs['start'].copy()
    val['resp'].epochs['end'] = val['resp'].epochs['start'] + params['prestim']
    ps = val['resp'].select_epochs([epochname]).as_continuous()
    ff = np.isfinite(ps)
    SR_av = ps[ff].mean() * resp.fs
    SR_av_std = ps[ff].std() * resp.fs

    # Compute max over single-voice trials
    val['resp'].epochs['end'] = nds
    val['resp'].epochs['start'] = sts
        'start'] = val['resp'].epochs['start'] + params['prestim']
    TotalMax = np.nanmax(val['resp'].as_continuous())
    ps = np.hstack((val['resp'].extract_epoch('10').flatten(),
    SinglesMax = np.nanmax(ps)

    # Compute threshold, exitatory percentage, and inhibitory percentage
    prestim, poststim = params['prestim'], params['poststim']
    val['resp'].epochs['end'] = nds
    val['resp'].epochs['start'] = sts
        'start'] = val['resp'].epochs['start'] + prestim + start_win_offset
    val['resp'].epochs['end'] = val['resp'].epochs['end'] - poststim
    thresh = np.array(((SR + SR_av_std) / resp.fs, (SR - SR_av_std) / resp.fs))
    thresh = np.array((SR / resp.fs + 0.1 * (SinglesMax - SR / resp.fs),
                       (SR - SR_av_std) / resp.fs))
    # SR/resp.fs - 0.5 * (np.nanmax(val['resp'].as_continuous()) - SR/resp.fs)]

    types = ['10', '01', '20', '02', '11', '12', '21', '22']
    excitatory_percentage = {}
    inhibitory_percentage = {}
    Max = {}
    Mean = {}
    for _type in types:
        if _type in val['resp'].epochs.name.values:
            ps = val['resp'].extract_epoch(_type).flatten()
            ff = np.isfinite(ps)
            excitatory_percentage[_type] = (ps[ff] >
                                            thresh[0]).sum() / ff.sum()
            inhibitory_percentage[_type] = (ps[ff] <
                                            thresh[1]).sum() / ff.sum()
            Max[_type] = ps[ff].max() / SinglesMax
            Mean[_type] = ps[ff].mean()

    # Compute threshold, exitatory percentage, and inhibitory percentage just over onset time
    # restore times
    val['resp'].epochs['end'] = nds
    val['resp'].epochs['start'] = sts
    # Change epochs to stimulus onset times
    val['resp'].epochs['start'] = val['resp'].epochs['start'] + prestim
    val['resp'].epochs['end'] = val['resp'].epochs['start'] + prestim + .5
    excitatory_percentage_onset = {}
    inhibitory_percentage_onset = {}
    Max_onset = {}
    for _type in types:
        ps = val['resp'].extract_epoch(_type).flatten()
        ff = np.isfinite(ps)
        excitatory_percentage_onset[_type] = (ps[ff] >
                                              thresh[0]).sum() / ff.sum()
        inhibitory_percentage_onset[_type] = (ps[ff] <
                                              thresh[1]).sum() / ff.sum()
        Max_onset[_type] = ps[ff].max() / SinglesMax

        # find correlations between double and single-voice responses
    val['resp'].epochs['end'] = nds
    val['resp'].epochs['start'] = sts
    val['resp'].epochs['start'] = val['resp'].epochs['start'] + prestim
    rec['resp'].epochs['start'] = rec['resp'].epochs['start'] + prestim
    # over stim on time to end + 0.5
    val['linmodel'] = val['resp'].copy()
    val['linmodel']._data = np.full(val['linmodel']._data.shape, np.nan)
    types = ['11', '12', '21', '22']
    epcs = val['resp'].epochs[val['resp'].epochs['name'].str.contains(
    epcs['type'] = epcs['name'].apply(ohel.label_ep_type)
    names = [[n.split('_')[1], n.split('_')[2]] for n in epcs['name']]
    EA = np.array([n[0] for n in names])
    EB = np.array([n[1] for n in names])

    r_dual_B, r_dual_A, r_dual_B_nc, r_dual_A_nc = {}, {}, {}, {}
    r_dual_B_bal, r_dual_A_bal = {}, {}
    r_lin_B, r_lin_A, r_lin_B_nc, r_lin_A_nc = {}, {}, {}, {}
    r_lin_B_bal, r_lin_A_bal = {}, {}

    N_ac = 200
    full_resp = rec['resp'].rasterize()
    full_resp = full_resp.transform(fn)
    for _type in types:
        inds = np.nonzero(epcs['type'].values == _type)[0]
        rA_st, rB_st, r_st, rA_rB_st = [], [], [], []
        init = True
        for ind in inds:
            # for each dual-voice response
            r = val['resp'].extract_epoch(epcs.iloc[ind]['name'])
            if np.any(np.isfinite(r)):
                # Find the indicies of single-voice responses that match this dual-voice response
                indA = np.where((EA[ind] == EA) & (EB == 'null'))[0]
                indB = np.where((EB[ind] == EB) & (EA == 'null'))[0]
                if (len(indA) > 0) & (len(indB) > 0):
                    # from pdb import set_trace
                    # set_trace()
                    rA = val['resp'].extract_epoch(epcs.iloc[indA[0]]['name'])
                    rB = val['resp'].extract_epoch(epcs.iloc[indB[0]]['name'])
                                                                        0, :])
                    rA_st_ = full_resp.extract_epoch(
                        epcs.iloc[indA[0]]['name'])[:, 0, :]
                    rB_st_ = full_resp.extract_epoch(
                        epcs.iloc[indB[0]]['name'])[:, 0, :]
                    minreps = np.min((rA_st_.shape[0], rB_st_.shape[0]))
                    rA_rB_st.append(rA_st_[:minreps, :] + rB_st_[:minreps, :])
                    if init:
                        rA_ = rA.squeeze()
                        rB_ = rB.squeeze()
                        r_ = r.squeeze()
                        rA_rB_ = rA.squeeze() + rB.squeeze()
                        init = False
                        rA_ = np.hstack((rA_, rA.squeeze()))
                        rB_ = np.hstack((rB_, rB.squeeze()))
                        r_ = np.hstack((r_, r.squeeze()))
                        rA_rB_ = np.hstack(
                            (rA_rB_, rA.squeeze() + rB.squeeze()))
                    val['linmodel'] = val['linmodel'].replace_epoch(
                        epcs.iloc[ind]['name'], rA + rB, preserve_nan=False)
        ff = np.isfinite(r_) & np.isfinite(rA_) & np.isfinite(
            rB_)  # find places with data
        r_dual_A[_type] = np.corrcoef(rA_[ff], r_[ff])[
            0, 1]  # Correlation between response to A and response to dual
        r_dual_B[_type] = np.corrcoef(rB_[ff], r_[ff])[
            0, 1]  # Correlation between response to B and response to dual
        r_lin_A[_type] = np.corrcoef(
            rA_[ff], rA_rB_[ff]
          1]  # Correlation between response to A and response to linear 'model'
        r_lin_B[_type] = np.corrcoef(
            rB_[ff], rA_rB_[ff]
          1]  # Correlation between response to B and response to linear 'model'

        # correlations over single-trial data
        minreps = np.min([x.shape[0] for x in r_st])
        r_st = [x[:minreps, :] for x in r_st]
        r_st = np.concatenate(r_st, axis=1)
        rA_st = [x[:minreps, :] for x in rA_st]
        rA_st = np.concatenate(rA_st, axis=1)
        rB_st = [x[:minreps, :] for x in rB_st]
        rB_st = np.concatenate(rB_st, axis=1)
        rA_rB_st = [x[:minreps, :] for x in rA_rB_st]
        rA_rB_st = np.concatenate(rA_rB_st, axis=1)

        r_lin_A_bal[_type] = np.corrcoef(rA_st[0::2, ff].mean(axis=0),
                                         rA_rB_st[1::2, ff].mean(axis=0))[0, 1]
        r_lin_B_bal[_type] = np.corrcoef(rB_st[0::2, ff].mean(axis=0),
                                         rA_rB_st[1::2, ff].mean(axis=0))[0, 1]
        r_dual_A_bal[_type] = np.corrcoef(rA_st[0::2, ff].mean(axis=0),
                                          r_st[:, ff].mean(axis=0))[0, 1]
        r_dual_B_bal[_type] = np.corrcoef(rB_st[0::2, ff].mean(axis=0),
                                          r_st[:, ff].mean(axis=0))[0, 1]

        r_dual_A_nc[_type] = ohel.r_noise_corrected(rA_st, r_st)
        r_dual_B_nc[_type] = ohel.r_noise_corrected(rB_st, r_st)
        r_lin_A_nc[_type] = ohel.r_noise_corrected(rA_st, rA_rB_st)
        r_lin_B_nc[_type] = ohel.r_noise_corrected(rB_st, rA_rB_st)

        if _type == '11':
            r11 = nems.metrics.corrcoef._r_single(r_st, 200, 0)
        elif _type == '12':
            r12 = nems.metrics.corrcoef._r_single(r_st, 200, 0)
        elif _type == '21':
            r21 = nems.metrics.corrcoef._r_single(r_st, 200, 0)
        elif _type == '22':
            r22 = nems.metrics.corrcoef._r_single(r_st, 200, 0)
        # rac = _r_single(X, N)
        # r_ceiling = [nmet.r_ceiling(p, rec, 'pred', 'resp') for p in val_copy]

    # Things that used to happen only for _type is 'C' but still seem valid
    r_A_B = np.corrcoef(rA_[ff], rB_[ff])[0, 1]
    r_A_B_nc = r_noise_corrected(rA_st, rB_st)
    rAA = nems.metrics.corrcoef._r_single(rA_st, 200, 0)
    rBB = nems.metrics.corrcoef._r_single(rB_st, 200, 0)
    Np = 0
    rAA_nc = np.zeros(Np)
    rBB_nc = np.zeros(Np)
    hv = int(minreps / 2)
    for i in range(Np):
        inds = np.random.permutation(minreps)
        rAA_nc[i] = sp.r_noise_corrected(rA_st[inds[:hv]], rA_st[inds[hv:]])
        rBB_nc[i] = sp.r_noise_corrected(rB_st[inds[:hv]], rB_st[inds[hv:]])
    ffA = np.isfinite(rAA_nc)
    ffB = np.isfinite(rBB_nc)
    rAAm = rAA_nc[ffA].mean()
    rBBm = rBB_nc[ffB].mean()
    mean_nsA = rA_st.sum(axis=1).mean()
    mean_nsB = rB_st.sum(axis=1).mean()
    min_nsA = rA_st.sum(axis=1).min()
    min_nsB = rB_st.sum(axis=1).min()

    # Calculate correlation between linear 'model and dual-voice response, and mean amount of suppression, enhancement relative to linear 'model'
    r_fit_linmodel = {}
    r_fit_linmodel_NM = {}
    r_ceil_linmodel = {}
    mean_enh = {}
    mean_supp = {}
    EnhP = {}
    SuppP = {}
    DualAboveZeroP = {}
    resp_ = copy.deepcopy(rec['resp'].rasterize())
    resp_.epochs['start'] = sts_rec
    fn = lambda x: np.atleast_2d(
        sp.smooth(x.squeeze(), 3, 2) - SR / val['resp'].fs)
    resp_ = resp_.transform(fn)
    for _type in types:
        val_copy = copy.deepcopy(val)
        #        from pdb import set_trace
        #        set_trace()
        val_copy['resp'] = val_copy['resp'].select_epochs([_type])
        # Correlation between linear 'model' (response to A plus response to B) and dual-voice response
        r_fit_linmodel_NM[_type] = nmet.corrcoef(val_copy, 'linmodel', 'resp')
        # r_ceil_linmodel[_type] = nems.metrics.corrcoef.r_ceiling(val_copy,rec,'linmodel', 'resp',exclude_neg_pred=False)[0]
        # Noise-corrected correlation between linear 'model' (response to A plus response to B) and dual-voice response
        r_ceil_linmodel[_type] = nems.metrics.corrcoef.r_ceiling(
            val_copy, rec, 'linmodel', 'resp')[0]

        pred = val_copy['linmodel'].as_continuous()
        resp = val_copy['resp'].as_continuous()
        ff = np.isfinite(pred) & np.isfinite(resp)
        # cc = np.corrcoef(sp.smooth(pred[ff],3,2), sp.smooth(resp[ff],3,2))
        cc = np.corrcoef(pred[ff], resp[ff])
        r_fit_linmodel[_type] = cc[0, 1]

        prdiff = resp[ff] - pred[ff]
        mean_enh[_type] = prdiff[prdiff > 0].mean() * val['resp'].fs
        mean_supp[_type] = prdiff[prdiff < 0].mean() * val['resp'].fs

        # Find percent of time response is suppressed vs enhanced relative to what would be expected by a linear sum of single-voice responses
        # First, jacknife to find...
    #        Njk=10
    #        if _type is 'C':
    #            stims=['STIM_T+si464+si464','STIM_T+si516+si516']
    #        else:
    #            stims=['STIM_T+si464+si516', 'STIM_T+si516+si464']
    #        T=int(700+prestim*val['resp'].fs)
    #        Tps=int(prestim*val['resp'].fs)
    #        jns=np.zeros((Njk,T,len(stims)))
    #        for ns in range(len(stims)):
    #            for njk in range(Njk):
    #                resp_jn=resp_.jackknife_by_epoch(Njk,njk,stims[ns])
    #                jns[njk,:,ns]=np.nanmean(resp_jn.extract_epoch(stims[ns]),axis=0)
    #        jns=np.reshape(jns[:,Tps:,:],(Njk,700*len(stims)),order='F')
    #        lim_models=np.zeros((700,len(stims)))
    #        for ns in range(len(stims)):
    #            lim_models[:,ns]=val_copy['linmodel'].extract_epoch(stims[ns])
    #        lim_models=lim_models.reshape(700*len(stims),order='F')
    #        ff=np.isfinite(lim_models)
    #        mean_diff=(jns[:,ff]-lim_models[ff]).mean(axis=0)
    #        std_diff=(jns[:,ff]-lim_models[ff]).std(axis=0)
    #        serr_diff=np.sqrt(Njk/(Njk-1))*std_diff
    #        thresh=3
    #        dual_above_zero = (jns[:,ff].mean(axis=0) > std_diff)
    #        sig_enh = ((mean_diff/serr_diff) > thresh) & dual_above_zero
    #        sig_supp = ((mean_diff/serr_diff) < -thresh)
    #        DualAboveZeroP[_type] = (dual_above_zero).sum()/len(mean_diff)
    #        EnhP[_type] = (sig_enh).sum()/len(mean_diff)
    #        SuppP[_type] = (sig_supp).sum()/len(mean_diff)

    #        time = np.arange(0, lim_models.shape[0])/ val['resp'].fs
    #        plt.figure();
    #        plt.plot(time,jns.mean(axis=0),'.-k');
    #        plt.plot(time,lim_models,'.-g');
    #        plt.plot(time[sig_enh],lim_models[sig_enh],'.r')
    #        plt.plot(time[sig_supp],lim_models[sig_supp],'.b')
    #        plt.title('Type:{:s}, Enh:{:.2f}, Sup:{:.2f}, Resp_above_zero:{:.2f}'.format(_type,EnhP[_type],SuppP[_type],DualAboveZeroP[_type]))
    #        from pdb import set_trace
    #        set_trace()
    #        a=2
    # thrsh=5
    #        EnhP[_type] = ((prdiff*val['resp'].fs) > thresh).sum()/len(prdiff)
    #        SuppP[_type] = ((prdiff*val['resp'].fs) < -thresh).sum()/len(prdiff)
    #    return val
    #    return {'excitatory_percentage':excitatory_percentage,
    #            'inhibitory_percentage':inhibitory_percentage,
    #            'r_fit_linmodel':r_fit_linmodel,
    #            'SR':SR, 'SR_std':SR_std, 'SR_av_std':SR_av_std}
    return {
        'thresh': thresh * val['resp'].fs,
        'EP_A': excitatory_percentage['A'],
        'EP_B': excitatory_percentage['B'],
        #            'EP_C':excitatory_percentage['C'],
        'EP_I': excitatory_percentage['I'],
        'IP_A': inhibitory_percentage['A'],
        'IP_B': inhibitory_percentage['B'],
        #            'IP_C':inhibitory_percentage['C'],
        'IP_I': inhibitory_percentage['I'],
        'OEP_A': excitatory_percentage_onset['A'],
        'OEP_B': excitatory_percentage_onset['B'],
        #            'OEP_C':excitatory_percentage_onset['C'],
        'OEP_I': excitatory_percentage_onset['I'],
        'OIP_A': inhibitory_percentage_onset['A'],
        'OIP_B': inhibitory_percentage_onset['B'],
        #            'OIP_C':inhibitory_percentage_onset['C'],
        'OIP_I': inhibitory_percentage_onset['I'],
        'Max_A': Max['A'],
        'Max_B': Max['B'],
        #            'Max_C':Max['C'],
        'Max_I': Max['I'],
        'Mean_A': Mean['A'],
        'Mean_B': Mean['B'],
        #            'Mean_C':Mean['C'],
        'Mean_I': Mean['I'],
        'OMax_A': Max_onset['A'],
        'OMax_B': Max_onset['B'],
        #            'OMax_C':Max_onset['C'],
        'OMax_I': Max_onset['I'],
        'TotalMax': TotalMax * val['resp'].fs,
        'SinglesMax': SinglesMax * val['resp'].fs,
        #            'r_lin_C':r_fit_linmodel['C'],
        'r_lin_I': r_fit_linmodel['I'],
        #            'r_lin_C_NM':r_fit_linmodel_NM['C'],
        'r_lin_I_NM': r_fit_linmodel_NM['I'],
        #            'r_ceil_C':r_ceil_linmodel['C'],
        'r_ceil_I': r_ceil_linmodel['I'],
        #            'MEnh_C':mean_enh['C'],
        'MEnh_I': mean_enh['I'],
        #            'MSupp_C':mean_supp['C'],
        'MSupp_I': mean_supp['I'],
        #            'EnhP_C':EnhP['C'],
        #        'EnhP_I':EnhP['I'],
        #            'SuppP_C':SuppP['C'],
        #        'SuppP_I':SuppP['I'],
        #            'DualAboveZeroP_C':DualAboveZeroP['C'],
        #        'DualAboveZeroP_I':DualAboveZeroP['I'],
        #            'r_dual_A_C':r_dual_A['C'],
        'r_dual_A_I': r_dual_A['I'],
        #            'r_dual_B_C':r_dual_B['C'],
        'r_dual_B_I': r_dual_B['I'],
        #            'r_dual_A_C_nc':r_dual_A_nc['C'],
        'r_dual_A_I_nc': r_dual_A_nc['I'],
        #            'r_dual_B_C_nc':r_dual_B_nc['C'],
        'r_dual_B_I_nc': r_dual_B_nc['I'],
        #            'r_dual_A_C_bal':r_dual_A_bal['C'],
        'r_dual_A_I_bal': r_dual_A_bal['I'],
        #            'r_dual_B_C_bal':r_dual_B_bal['C'],
        'r_dual_B_I_bal': r_dual_B_bal['I'],
        #            'r_lin_A_C':r_lin_A['C'],
        'r_lin_A_I': r_lin_A['I'],
        #            'r_lin_B_C':r_lin_B['C'],
        'r_lin_B_I': r_lin_B['I'],
        #            'r_lin_A_C_nc':r_lin_A_nc['C'],
        'r_lin_A_I_nc': r_lin_A_nc['I'],
        #            'r_lin_B_C_nc':r_lin_B_nc['C'],
        'r_lin_B_I_nc': r_lin_B_nc['I'],
        #            'r_lin_A_C_bal':r_lin_A_bal['C'],
        'r_lin_A_I_bal': r_lin_A_bal['I'],
        #            'r_lin_B_C_bal':r_lin_B_bal['C'],
        'r_lin_B_I_bal': r_lin_B_bal['I'],
        'r_A_B': r_A_B,
        'r_A_B_nc': r_A_B_nc,
        'rAAm': rAAm,
        'rBBm': rBBm,
        'rAA': rAA,
        'rBB': rBB,
        'rII': rII,
        #           'rCC':rCC
        'rAA_nc': rAA_nc,
        'rBB_nc': rBB_nc,
        'mean_nsA': mean_nsA,
        'mean_nsB': mean_nsB,
        'min_nsA': min_nsA,
        'min_nsB': min_nsB,
        'SR': SR,
        'SR_std': SR_std,
        'SR_av_std': SR_av_std,
        'norm_spont': norm_spont,
        'spont_rate': spont_rate,
        'params': params,
        'corcoef': corcoef,
        'avg_resp': avg_resp,
        'snr': snr,
        'pair_names': twostims,
        'suppression': supp_array,
        'FR': FR_array,
        'rec': rec,
        'animal': cellid[:3]
Ejemplo n.º 8
        site_name, modelname))
    recons_args = {'batch': 310, 'cellid_list': cells, 'modelname': modelname}
    recons_cache = ccache.make_cache(
    reconstituted_recording = ccache.get_cache(recons_cache)
    # rasterizes and takes the PSTH of full length signals (containing multiple contex probes)
    reconstituted_recording.signals = {
        key: val.rasterize()
        for key, val in reconstituted_recording.signals.items()
    reconstituted_recording = npre.average_away_epoch_occurrences(
    pop_recs[site_name][modelname] = reconstituted_recording

# removese the flat response of BRT057b todo solve the bug
del (pop_recs['BRT057b'])

# reorders in dictionary of signals, including only the response and the prediction of each mode
# reformats the epochs

pop_sigs = col.defaultdict(dict)
for site_key, model_recs in pop_recs.items():
    for modelname, rec in model_recs.items():
        rec = cep.set_recording_subepochs(rec, set_pairs=False)
        pop_sigs[site_key][modelname] = rec['pred'].rasterize()
    pop_sigs[site_key]['resp'] = rec['resp'].rasterize()
Ejemplo n.º 9
epoch = stim_epochs[11]

stim = rec['stim']
resp = rec['resp']

# get big stimulus and response matrices. Note that "time" here is real
# experiment time, so repeats of the test stimulus show up as single-trial
# stimuli.
X = stim.rasterize().as_continuous()
Y = resp.as_continuous()

print('Single-trial stim/resp extracted to matrices X=({},{}) / Y=({},{})'.
      format(X.shape[0], X.shape[1], Y.shape[0], Y.shape[1]))

# average responses across repetitions to get shorter time series
rec_avg = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(rec, epoch_regex='^STIM_')

Xa = rec_avg['stim'].as_continuous()
Ya = rec_avg['resp'].as_continuous()

print('Trial-averaged stim/resp extracted to matrices Xa=({},{}) / Ya=({},{})'.
      format(Xa.shape[0], Xa.shape[1], Ya.shape[0], Ya.shape[1]))

# here's how you get rasters aligned to each stimulus:
# define regex for stimulus epochs
epoch_regex = '^STIM_'
epochs_to_extract = ep.epoch_names_matching(rec.epochs, epoch_regex)
folded_resp = resp.extract_epochs(epochs_to_extract)

print('Response to each stimulus extracted to folded_resp dictionary')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def split_val_and_average_reps(rec, epoch_regex='^STIM_', **context):
    est, val = rec.split_using_epoch_occurrence_counts(epoch_regex=epoch_regex)
    est = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(est, epoch_regex=epoch_regex)
    val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex=epoch_regex)

    return {'est': est, 'val': val}
Ejemplo n.º 11
def average_away_stim_occurrences_rec(rec, epoch_regex='^STIM_', **context):
    rec = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(rec, epoch_regex=epoch_regex)
    return {'rec': rec}
Ejemplo n.º 12
    ctrans1 = context_transitions.index(ct1)
    ctrans2 = context_transitions.index(ct2)
    CT_pool.append(diff_arr[:, ctrans1, ctrans2, cell, :, 1])

CT_pool = np.stack(CT_pool, axis=0)
toplot = np.sum(np.sum(CT_pool, axis=1), axis=0)  # cumulative sum across

# there  is a lot of  on reponsive cells, since we are using PSTHs and single cells, it is reasobale to do the analyss
# over the PCs

# averages away repetitios of STIM

loaded_rec['resp'] = loaded_rec['resp'].rasterize()
psth_rec = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(loaded_rec, epoch_regex='^STIM_')
# defines subepochs
psth_rec = cpe.set_recording_subepochs(psth_rec, set_pairs=True)
# signal PCA
sig_pcs, stats = cpca.signal_PCA(psth_rec['resp'])
# check explained variance
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
toplot = np.cumsum(stats.explained_variance_ratio_)
ax.plot(toplot, '.-', color='black')
ax.set_xlabel('Principal Component')
ax.set_ylabel('cumulative variance explained')
ax.set_title('PSTH PCA site {}'.format(site))

# check how the PCs look
# response to sound. there is something in PC3
Ejemplo n.º 13
# load into a recording object
rec = recording.load_recording(signals_dir + "/TAR010c-18-1.tgz")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# GOAL: Split your data into estimation and validation sets so that you can
#       know when your model exhibits overfitting.

logging.info('Splitting into estimation and validation data sets...')

# Method #1: Find which stimuli have the most reps, use those for val
est, val = rec.split_using_epoch_occurrence_counts(epoch_regex='^STIM_')

# Optional: Take nanmean of ALL occurrences of all signals
est = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(est, epoch_regex='^STIM_')
val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex='^STIM_')

# Method #1: Split based on time, where the first 80% is estimation data and
#            the last, last 20% is validation data.
# est, val = rec.split_at_time(0.8)

# Method #2: Split based on repetition number, rounded to the nearest rep.
# est, val = rec.split_at_rep(0.8)

# Method #3: Use the whole data set! (Usually for doing n-fold cross-val)
# est = rec
# val = rec

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 14
def average_away_stim_occurrences(est, val, **context):
    est = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(est, epoch_regex='^STIM_')
    val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex='^STIM_')
    return {'est': est, 'val': val}
Ejemplo n.º 15
def fit_model(cellid, batch=289, spec=[4, 8]):

    loadkey = "ozgf.fs100.ch18"
    recording_uri = nw.generate_recording_uri(cellid, batch, loadkey)

    rec = load_recording(recording_uri)
    rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].rasterize()

    est, val = rec.split_using_epoch_occurrence_counts(epoch_regex='^STIM_')

    # Optional: Take nanmean of ALL occurrences of all signals
    est = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(est, epoch_regex='^STIM_')
    val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(val, epoch_regex='^STIM_')

    X_tr = est['stim'].as_continuous()
    Y_tr = est['resp'].as_continuous()
    X_te = val['stim'].as_continuous()
    Y_te = val['resp'].as_continuous()

    goodbins = np.isfinite(Y_tr[0, :])
    Y_tr = Y_tr[:, goodbins]
    X_tr = X_tr[:, goodbins]
    goodbins = np.isfinite(Y_te[0, :])
    Y_te = Y_te[:, goodbins]
    X_te = X_te[:, goodbins]

    #    maxx=np.nanmax(X_tr)
    #    maxy=np.nanmax(Y_tr)
    #    X_tr /= maxx
    #    X_te /= maxx
    #    Y_tr /= maxy
    #    Y_te /= maxy

    X_te = windowed(X_te)
    X_tr = windowed(X_tr)
    Y_te = Y_te.T
    Y_tr = Y_tr.T

    print('X_te :=', X_te.shape)
    print('Y_te :=', Y_te.shape)
    print('X_tr :=', X_tr.shape)
    print('Y_tr :=', Y_tr.shape)

    num_channels = Y_tr.shape[1]

    model = Sequential()
        Conv2D(spec[0], (3, 4),
    # model.add(Conv2D(4,3,activation='relu',padding='valid',kernel_initializer='he_normal',kernel_regularizer='l2'))
    # model.add(Dropout(.3))

    # Save model configuration
    model_json = model.to_json()

    print('Training model for cell %s) ----------------' % (cellid))

    # Training options
    modelstring = "{}_{}".format(spec[0], spec[1])

    filepath = 'models2/model_%s_%s.hdf5' % (modelstring, cellid)
    checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath,
    early_stop = EarlyStopping(mode='min', monitor='val_loss', patience=5)
    callbacks = [checkpoint, early_stop]

    # Train model
    model = model_from_json(model_json)
    model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='rmsprop')

    good_start = False
    c = 0
    while (c < 10) and not good_start:
        print('Initialization {}'.format(c))
        Z_tr = model.predict(X_tr)
        tr_corr = np.corrcoef(Z_tr.T, Y_tr.T)[0, 1]
        print("Initial cc: {}".format(tr_corr))
        Z_tr = model.predict(X_tr)
        tr_corr = np.corrcoef(Z_tr.T, Y_tr.T)[0, 1]
        print("Training cc after 3 epochs: {}".format(tr_corr))
        if np.isfinite(tr_corr) and (tr_corr > 0):
            good_start = True
        c += 1


    # Check test set prediction
    Z_te = model.predict(X_te)
    corr = np.corrcoef(Z_te.T, Y_te.T)[0, 1]

    return corr
Ejemplo n.º 16

with open(datafile, 'rb') as f:
    cellid, recname, fs, X, Y, epochs = pickle.load(f)

stimchans = [str(x) for x in range(X.shape[0])]
# borrowed from recording.load_recording_from_arrays

resp = RasterizedSignal(fs, Y, 'resp', recname, epochs=epochs, chans=[cellid])
stim = RasterizedSignal(fs, X, 'stim', recname, epochs=epochs, chans=stimchans)
signals = {'resp': resp, 'stim': stim}
rec = recording.Recording(signals)

#est, val = rec.split_at_time(0.2)
est, val = rec.split_using_epoch_occurrence_counts(epoch_regex="^STIM_")
est = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(
    est, epoch_regex="^STIM_").apply_mask()
val = preproc.average_away_epoch_occurrences(
    val, epoch_regex="^STIM_").apply_mask()

sr_Hz = est['resp'].fs
time_win_sec = 0.1

n_feats = est['stim'].shape[0]
n_tps_per_stim = 550
n_stim = int(est['stim'].shape[1] / n_tps_per_stim)
n_resp = 1
feat_dims = [n_stim, n_tps_per_stim, n_feats]
data_dims = [n_stim, n_tps_per_stim, n_resp]
v_feat_dims = [3, n_tps_per_stim, n_feats]
v_data_dims = [3, n_tps_per_stim, n_resp]