Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_direct_mode_simple(self):
     model = Model('Runtime Test', seed=123, backend='numpy')
     model.make_node('in', output=np.sin)
     res = model.run(0.01)
     data = res['in']
     print data.dtype
     print data
     assert np.allclose(data.flatten(), np.sin(np.arange(0, 0.0095, .001)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_basic_1(self, N=1000):
        Create a network with sin(t) being represented by
        a population of spiking neurons. Assert that the
        decoded value from the population is close to the
        true value (which is input to the population).

        Expected duration of test: about .7 seconds

        model = Model('Runtime Test', seed=123, backend='numpy')

        model.make_node('in', output=np.sin)
        model.make_ensemble('A', LIF(N), 1)
        model.connect('in', 'A')
        model.probe('A', sample_every=0.01, pstc=0.001)  # 'A'
        model.probe('A', sample_every=0.01, pstc=0.01)  # 'A_1'
        model.probe('A', sample_every=0.01, pstc=0.1)  # 'A_2'
        model.probe('in', sample_every=0.01, pstc=0.01)

        res = model.run(1.0)

        target = np.sin(np.arange(0, 1000, 10) / 1000.)
        target.shape = (100, 1)

        for A, label in (('A', 'fast'), ('A_1', 'med'), ('A_2', 'slow')):
            data = np.asarray(res[A]).flatten()
            plt.plot(data, label=label)

        in_data = np.asarray(res['in']).flatten()

        plt.plot(in_data, label='in')
        plt.legend(loc='upper left')

        #print in_probe.get_data()
        #print net.sim.sim_step

        if self.show:

        # target is off-by-one at the sampling frequency of dt=0.001
        print rmse(target, res['in'])
        assert rmse(target, res['in']) < .001
        print rmse(target, res['A'])
        assert rmse(target, res['A']) < .3
        print rmse(target, res['A_1'])
        assert rmse(target, res['A_1']) < .03
        print rmse(target, res['A_2'])
        assert rmse(target, res['A_2']) < 0.1
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_matrix_mul(self):
        # Adjust these values to change the matrix dimensions
        #  Matrix A is D1xD2
        #  Matrix B is D2xD3
        #  result is D1xD3
        D1 = 1
        D2 = 2
        D3 = 3
        seed = 123
        N = 50

        model = Model('Matrix Multiplication', seed=seed, backend='numpy')

        # values should stay within the range (-radius,radius)
        radius = 1

        # make 2 matrices to store the input
        model.make_ensemble('A', LIF(N), D1*D2, radius=radius)
        model.make_ensemble('B', LIF(N), D2*D3, radius=radius)

        # connect inputs to them so we can set their value
        model.make_node('input A', [0] * D1 * D2)
        model.make_node('input B', [0] * D2 * D3)
        model.connect('input A', 'A')
        model.connect('input B', 'B')

        # the C matrix holds the intermediate product calculations
        #  need to compute D1*D2*D3 products to multiply 2 matrices together
        model.make_ensemble('C', LIF(4 * N), D1 * D2 * D3, # dimensions=2,
                            # encoders=[[1,1], [1,-1], [-1,1], [-1,-1]])

        #  determine the transformation matrices to get the correct pairwise
        #  products computed.  This looks a bit like black magic but if
        #  you manually try multiplying two matrices together, you can see
        #  the underlying pattern.  Basically, we need to build up D1*D2*D3
        #  pairs of numbers in C to compute the product of.  If i,j,k are the
        #  indexes into the D1*D2*D3 products, we want to compute the product
        #  of element (i,j) in A with the element (j,k) in B.  The index in
        #  A of (i,j) is j+i*D2 and the index in B of (j,k) is k+j*D3.
        #  The index in C is j+k*D2+i*D2*D3, multiplied by 2 since there are
        #  two values per ensemble.  We add 1 to the B index so it goes into
        #  the second value in the ensemble.
        transformA = [[0] * (D1 * D2) for i in range(D1 * D2 * D3 * 2)]
        transformB = [[0] * (D2 * D3) for i in range(D1 * D2 * D3 * 2)]
        for i in range(D1):
            for j in range(D2):
                for k in range(D3):
                    ix = (j + k * D2 + i * D2 * D3) * 2
                    transformA[ix][j + i * D2] = 1
                    transformB[ix + 1][k + j * D3] = 1

        model.connect('A', 'C', transform=transformA)
        model.connect('B', 'C', transform=transformB)

        # now compute the products and do the appropriate summing
        model.make_ensemble('D', LIF(N), D1 * D3, radius=radius)

        def product(x):
            return x[0] * x[1]
        # the mapping for this transformation is much easier, since we want to
        # combine D2 pairs of elements (we sum D2 products together)
        model.connect('C', 'D', index_post=[i / D2 for i in range(D1*D2*D3)],

        model.get('input A').origin['X'].decoded_output.set_value(
            np.asarray([.5, -.5]).astype('float32'))
        model.get('input B').origin['X'].decoded_output.set_value(
            np.asarray([0, 1, -1, 0]).astype('float32'))


        Dprobe = model.probe('D')


        net_data = Dprobe.get_data()
        print net_data.shape
        plt.plot(net_data[:, 0])
        plt.plot(net_data[:, 1])
        if self.show:

        nose.SkipTest('test correctness')