Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_config_basic():
    model = nengo.Network()
                                           Parameter("something", None))
                                           Parameter("other", default=0))
                                             Parameter("something_else", None))

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match="'fails' is not a parameter"):
        model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("fails", 1.0)

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match="'bias' is already a parameter in"):
        model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("bias", Parameter("bias", None))

    with model:
        a = nengo.Ensemble(50, dimensions=1)
        b = nengo.Ensemble(90, dimensions=1)
        a2b = nengo.Connection(a, b, synapse=0.01)

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError,
                       match="Cannot set parameters on an instance"):
        model.config[a].set_param("thing", Parameter("thing", None))

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError,
                       match="Cannot get parameters on an instance"):

    assert model.config[a].something is None
    assert model.config[b].something is None
    assert model.config[a].other == 0
    assert model.config[b].other == 0
    assert model.config[a2b].something_else is None

    model.config[a].something = "hello"
    assert model.config[a].something == "hello"
    model.config[a].something = "world"
    assert model.config[a].something == "world"
    del model.config[a].something
    assert model.config[a].something is None

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        model.config[a].something_else = 1
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        model.config[a2b].something = 1

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError,
                       match="'str' is not set up for configuration"):
    with pytest.raises(ConfigError,
                       match="'NoneType' is not set up for configuration"):
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_reuse_parameters_configerror(request):
    """test that exception is raised when
    reusing parameters"""
    def finalizer():
        del nengo.Ensemble.same


    model = nengo.Network()
    nengo.Ensemble.same = Parameter("param_a")
    with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match="'same' is already a parameter in"):
        model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("same", Parameter("param_b"))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_unconfigurable_configerror():
    """Tests exception when using settattr on something that is not configurable"""
    model = nengo.Network()
    model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("prm", Parameter("prm", Unconfigurable))

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match="'prm' is not configurable"):
        model.config[nengo.Ensemble].prm = "other"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_instance_fallthrough():
    """If the class default is set, instances should use that."""
    class A:

    inst1 = A()
    inst2 = A()
    config = nengo.Config(A)
    config[A].set_param("amount", Parameter("amount", default=1))
    assert config[A].amount == 1
    assert config[inst1].amount == 1
    assert config[inst2].amount == 1
    # Value can change for instance
    config[inst1].amount = 2
    assert config[A].amount == 1
    assert config[inst1].amount == 2
    assert config[inst2].amount == 1
    # If value to A is changed, unset instances should also change
    config[A].amount = 3
    assert config[A].amount == 3
    assert config[inst1].amount == 2
    assert config[inst2].amount == 3
    # If class default is deleted, unset instances go back
    del config[A].amount
    assert config[A].amount == 1
    assert config[inst1].amount == 2
    assert config[inst2].amount == 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_params(network):
    """Add nengo_loihi config option to *network*.

    The following options will be added:

      * ``on_chip``: Whether the ensemble should be simulated
        on a Loihi chip. Marking specific ensembles for simulation
        off of a Loihi chip can help with debugging.


    >>> with nengo.Network() as model:
    ...     ens = nengo.Ensemble(10, dimensions=1)
    ...     # By default, ens will be placed on a Loihi chip
    ...     nengo_loihi.add_params(model)
    ...     model.config[ens].on_chip = False
    ...     # Now it will be simulated with Nengo

    config = network.config

    ens_cfg = config[nengo.Ensemble]
    if 'on_chip' not in ens_cfg._extra_params:
                          Parameter('on_chip', default=None, optional=True))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_config_pickle(tmp_path):
    # --- test ClassParams
    clsconfig = ClassParams(nengo.Ensemble)
    clsconfig.max_rates = nengo.dists.Choice([0])

    picklefile = str(tmp_path / "config0.pkl")
    with open(picklefile, "wb") as fh:
        pickle.dump(clsconfig, fh)

    del fh

    with open(picklefile, "rb") as fh:
        clsconfig2 = pickle.load(fh)

    assert clsconfig2.max_rates == nengo.dists.Choice([0])

    # --- test InstanceParams
    clsconfig.set_param("dummy", Parameter("dummy",

    ens = nengo.Ensemble(10, 1, add_to_container=False)
    insconfig = InstanceParams(ens, clsconfig)
    insconfig.dummy = nengo.dists.Choice([3])

    picklefile = str(tmp_path / "config1.pkl")
    with open(picklefile, "wb") as fh:
        pickle.dump(insconfig, fh)

    del fh

    with open(picklefile, "rb") as fh:
        insconfig2 = pickle.load(fh)

    assert insconfig2.dummy == nengo.dists.Choice([3])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def add_params(network):
    """Add nengo_loihi config option to *network*.

    The following options will be added:

      * ``on_chip``: Whether the ensemble should be simulated
        on a Loihi chip. Marking specific ensembles for simulation
        off of a Loihi chip can help with debugging.
      * ``block_shape``: Specifies how this ensemble should be split across
        Loihi neuron cores. See `.BlockShape` for more details.
      * ``pop_type``: The axon format when using population spikes, which are only
        used for convolutional connections. Must be either the integer 16 or 32.
        By default, we use ``pop_type`` 32. Using 16 reduces the number of axons
        required by a factor of two, but has more constraints, including on the
        number of channels allowed per block. When using ``pop_type`` 16, we
        recommend to use ``channels_last=True`` and have ``n_filters`` (as well as
        the number of channels per block) be a multiple of 4 on your
        convolutional connections; this will reduce the required synapse memory.


    >>> with nengo.Network() as model:
    ...     ens = nengo.Ensemble(10, dimensions=1)
    ...     # By default, ens will be placed on a Loihi chip
    ...     nengo_loihi.add_params(model)
    ...     model.config[ens].on_chip = False
    ...     # Now it will be simulated with Nengo

    config = network.config

    ens_cfg = config[nengo.Ensemble]
    if "on_chip" not in ens_cfg._extra_params:
                          Parameter("on_chip", default=None, optional=True))
    if "block_shape" not in ens_cfg._extra_params:
            BlockShapeParam("block_shape", default=None, optional=True))

    conn_cfg = config[nengo.Connection]
    if "pop_type" not in conn_cfg._extra_params:
                           Parameter("pop_type", default=32, optional=True))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_get_param_on_instance_configerror():
    """test that exception is raised when getting params on instance"""
    model = nengo.Network()
    model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("something", Parameter("something", None))
    with model:
        a = nengo.Ensemble(50, dimensions=1)

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match="Cannot get parameters on an instance"):
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_classparams_str_repr():
    """tests the repr function in classparams class"""
    clsparams = nengo.Network().config[nengo.Ensemble]
    clsparams.set_param("test", Parameter("test", None))
    assert repr(clsparams) == "<ClassParams[Ensemble]{test: None}>"
    assert str(clsparams) == "No parameters configured for Ensemble."

    clsparams.test = "val"
    assert str(clsparams) == "Parameters configured for Ensemble:\n  test: val"
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_config_basic():
    model = nengo.Network()
                                           Parameter('something', None))
                                           Parameter('other', default=0))
                                             Parameter('something_else', None))

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
        model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param('fails', 1.0)

    with model:
        a = nengo.Ensemble(50, dimensions=1)
        b = nengo.Ensemble(90, dimensions=1)
        a2b = nengo.Connection(a, b, synapse=0.01)

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
        model.config[a].set_param('thing', Parameter('thing', None))

    assert model.config[a].something is None
    assert model.config[b].something is None
    assert model.config[a].other == 0
    assert model.config[b].other == 0
    assert model.config[a2b].something_else is None

    model.config[a].something = 'hello'
    assert model.config[a].something == 'hello'
    model.config[a].something = 'world'
    assert model.config[a].something == 'world'
    del model.config[a].something
    assert model.config[a].something is None

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        model.config[a].something_else = 1
        model.config[a2b].something = 1

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_config_basic():
    model = nengo.Network()
    model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("something", Parameter("something", None))
    model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("other", Parameter("other", default=0))
        "something_else", Parameter("something_else", None)

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
        model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("fails", 1.0)

    with model:
        a = nengo.Ensemble(50, dimensions=1)
        b = nengo.Ensemble(90, dimensions=1)
        a2b = nengo.Connection(a, b, synapse=0.01)

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
        model.config[a].set_param("thing", Parameter("thing", None))

    assert model.config[a].something is None
    assert model.config[b].something is None
    assert model.config[a].other == 0
    assert model.config[b].other == 0
    assert model.config[a2b].something_else is None

    model.config[a].something = "hello"
    assert model.config[a].something == "hello"
    model.config[a].something = "world"
    assert model.config[a].something == "world"
    del model.config[a].something
    assert model.config[a].something is None

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        model.config[a].something_else = 1
        model.config[a2b].something = 1

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
Ejemplo n.º 12
def add_params(network):
    """Add nengo_loihi config option to *network*.

    The following options will be added:

      * ``on_chip``: Whether the ensemble should be simulated
        on a Loihi chip. Marking specific ensembles for simulation
        off of a Loihi chip can help with debugging.
      * ``block_shape``: Specifies how this ensemble should be split across
        Loihi neuron cores. See `.BlockShape` for more details.
      * ``pop_type``: The axon format when using population spikes, which are only
        used for convolutional connections. Must be an int between 16 and 32.
        By default, we use ``pop_type`` 32.


    >>> with nengo.Network() as model:
    ...     ens = nengo.Ensemble(10, dimensions=1)
    ...     # By default, ens will be placed on a Loihi chip
    ...     nengo_loihi.add_params(model)
    ...     model.config[ens].on_chip = False
    ...     # Now it will be simulated with Nengo

    config = network.config

    ens_cfg = config[nengo.Ensemble]
    if "on_chip" not in ens_cfg._extra_params:
                          Parameter("on_chip", default=None, optional=True))
    if "block_shape" not in ens_cfg._extra_params:
            BlockShapeParam("block_shape", default=None, optional=True))

    conn_cfg = config[nengo.Connection]
    if "pop_type" not in conn_cfg._extra_params:
                           Parameter("pop_type", default=32, optional=True))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_instanceparams_contains():
    """tests the contains function in InstanceParams class"""
    model = nengo.Network()
    model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("test", Parameter("test", None))
    with model:
        a = nengo.Ensemble(5, 1)
        b = nengo.Ensemble(5, 1)
        model.config[b].test = 3

    assert "test" not in model.config[a]
    assert "test" in model.config[b]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_unconfigurable_default_configerror(request):
    """test exception when using `Config.default` with a unconfigurable parameter"""
    def finalizer():
        del nengo.Ensemble.something2


    model = nengo.Network()
    nengo.Ensemble.something2 = Parameter("something2", Unconfigurable)

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError,
                       match="Unconfigurable parameters have no defaults"):
        model.config.default(nengo.Ensemble, "something2")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_external_class():
    class A(object):
        thing = Parameter(default='hey')

    inst = A()
    config = nengo.Config(A)
    config[A].set_param('amount', Parameter(default=1))

    # Extra param
    assert config[inst].amount == 1

    # Default still works like Nengo object
    assert inst.thing == 'hey'
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_contains():
    class A:

    cfg = nengo.Config(A)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Cannot check if .* is in a config"):
        A in cfg

    net = nengo.Network()

    net.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("test", Parameter("test", None))
    assert "test" not in net.config[nengo.Ensemble]

    net.config[nengo.Ensemble].test = "testval"
    assert "test" in net.config[nengo.Ensemble]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_external_class():
    class A:
        thing = Parameter("thing", default="hey")

    inst = A()
    config = nengo.Config(A)
    config[A].set_param("amount", Parameter("amount", default=1))

    # Extra param
    assert config[inst].amount == 1

    # Default still works like Nengo object
    assert inst.thing == "hey"
    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_classparams_del():
    """tests ClassParams.__delattr__"""
    net = nengo.Network()
    clsparams = net.config[nengo.Ensemble]

    # test that normal instance param can be added/deleted
    clsparams.set_param("test", Parameter("test", None))
    clsparams.test = "val"
    assert "test" in clsparams
    del clsparams.test
    assert "test" not in clsparams

    # test that we can set/get/delete underscore attributes regularly
    clsparams._test = 3
    assert hasattr(clsparams, "_test") and clsparams._test == 3
    del clsparams._test
    assert not hasattr(clsparams, "_test")
Ejemplo n.º 19
def add_spinnaker_params(config):
    """Add SpiNNaker specific parameters to a configuration object."""
    # Add simulator parameters

    config[Simulator].set_param("placer", CallableParameter(default=par.place))
    config[Simulator].set_param("placer_kwargs", DictParam(default={}))

    config[Simulator].set_param("allocater_kwargs", DictParam(default={}))

    config[Simulator].set_param("router", CallableParameter(default=par.route))
    config[Simulator].set_param("router_kwargs", DictParam(default={}))

    config[Simulator].set_param("node_io", Parameter(default=Ethernet))
    config[Simulator].set_param("node_io_kwargs", DictParam(default={}))

    # Add function_of_time parameters to Nodes
    config[nengo.Node].set_param("function_of_time", BoolParam(default=False))
                                 NumberParam(default=None, optional=True))

    # Add multiple-core options to Nodes
        IntParam(default=None, low=1, high=16, optional=True))
                                 IntParam(default=None, low=1, optional=True))
    # Add optimisation control parameters to (passthrough) Nodes. None means
    # that a heuristic will be used to determine if the passthrough Node should
    # be removed.
                                 BoolParam(default=None, optional=True))

    # Add profiling parameters to Ensembles
    config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("profile", BoolParam(default=False))
                                     NumberParam(default=None, optional=True))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_instanceparams_del():
    """tests built in params on the delattr function in InstanceParams class"""
    model = nengo.Network()
    with model:
        a = nengo.Ensemble(5, dimensions=1)

    # test that normal instance param can be added/deleted
    model.config[nengo.Ensemble].set_param("test", Parameter("test", None))
    model.config[a].test = "val"
    assert "test" in model.config[a]
    del model.config[a].test
    assert "test" not in model.config[a]

    # test that built-in parameter cannot be deleted
    with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match="Cannot configure the built-in parameter"):
        del model.config[a].bias

    # test that we can set/get/delete underscore attributes regularly
    model.config[a]._test = 3
    assert hasattr(model.config[a], "_test") and model.config[a]._test == 3
    del model.config[a]._test
    assert not hasattr(model.config[a], "_test")
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_config_str():
    """Ensure that string representations are nice."""
    with nengo.Network() as net1:
        assert net1.config[nengo.Ensemble].params == list(

        net1.config[nengo.Ensemble].radius = 3.0
        net1.config[nengo.Ensemble].seed = 10
        assert str(
            net1.config[nengo.Ensemble]) == ("All parameters for Ensemble:\n"
                                             "  radius: 3.0\n"
                                             "  seed: 10")

        ens = nengo.Ensemble(10, 1, radius=2.0, label="A")
        assert str(net1.config[ens]) == ("Parameters set for Ensemble: A:")

        with nengo.Network() as net2:
            assert str(net2.config[nengo.Ensemble]) == (
                "All parameters for Ensemble:")
            net2.config[nengo.Ensemble].radius = 5.0
            assert str(net2.config[nengo.Ensemble]) == (
                "All parameters for Ensemble:\n"
                "  radius: 5.0")

            with nengo.Network() as net3:
                net3.config[nengo.Ensemble].seed = 20
                assert str(net3.config[nengo.Ensemble]) == (
                    "All parameters for Ensemble:\n"
                    "  seed: 20\n"
                    "  extra: 20")
                net3.config[ens].extra = 50
                assert str(
                    net3.config[ens]) == ("Parameters set for Ensemble: A:\n"
                                          "  extra: 50")
Ejemplo n.º 22
def configure_settings(**kwargs):
    Pass settings to ``nengo_dl`` by setting them as parameters on the
    top-level Network config.

    The settings are passed as keyword arguments to ``configure_settings``;
    e.g., to set ``trainable`` use ``configure_settings(trainable=True)``.

    trainable : bool or None
        Adds a parameter to Nengo Ensembles/Connections that controls
        whether or not they will be optimized by `.Simulator.fit`.
        Passing ``None`` will use the default ``nengo_dl`` trainable settings,
        or True/False will override the default for all objects.  In either
        case trainability can be further configured on a per-object basis (e.g.
        ``net.config[my_ensemble].trainable = True``.  See `the documentation
        for more details.
    planner : graph planning algorithm
        Pass one of the `graph planners
        <https://www.nengo.ai/nengo-dl/reference.html#graph-optimization>`_ to change
        the default planner.
    sorter : signal sorting algorithm
        Pass one of the `sort algorithms
        <https://www.nengo.ai/nengo-dl/reference.html#graph-optimization>`_ to change
        the default sorter.
    simplifications: list of graph simplification functions
        Pass a list of `graph simplification functions
        <https://www.nengo.ai/nengo-dl/reference.html#graph-optimization>`_ to change
        the default simplifications applied.  The default list of simplifications
        can be found in ``nengo_dl.graph_optimizer.default_simplifications``.
    inference_only : bool
        Set to True if the network will only be run in inference mode (i.e.,
        no calls to `.Simulator.fit`).  This may result in a small
        increase in the inference speed.
    lif_smoothing : float
        If specified, use the smoothed `~.neurons.SoftLIFRate` neuron
        model, with the given smoothing parameter (``sigma``),
        to compute the gradient for `~nengo.LIF` neurons (as
        opposed to using `~nengo.LIFRate`).
    dtype : ``tf.DType``
        Set the floating point precision for simulation values.
    keep_history : bool
        Adds a parameter to Nengo Probes that controls whether or not they
        will keep the history from all simulation timesteps or only the last
        simulation step.  This can be further configured on a per-probe basis
        (e.g., ``net.config[my_probe].keep_history = False``).
    stateful : bool
        If True (default), the Simulator will be built to support stateful execution
        (where internal simulation state is preserved between simulator functions such
        as `.Simulator.predict`).  Otherwise all operations will be stateless. Note that
        this can also be configured individually through the ``stateful`` parameter on
        individual functions.
    use_loop : bool
        If True (default), use a symbolic while loop to run the simulation. Otherwise,
        simulation iterations are explicitly built into the model, avoiding the
        while loop. This can improve performance, but the simulation can only run
        for exactly ``Simulator.unroll_simulation`` iterations.

    # get the toplevel network
    if len(Network.context) > 0:
        config = Network.context[0].config
        raise NetworkContextError(
            "`configure_settings` must be called within a Network context "
            "(`with nengo.Network(): ...`)")

        params = config[Network]
    except ConfigError:
        params = config[Network]

    for attr, val in kwargs.items():
        if attr == "trainable":
            # for trainable, we set it on the nearest containing network (rather than
            # the top-level)
            sub_config = Network.context[-1].config
            for obj in (Ensemble, Connection, ensemble.Neurons):
                    obj_params = sub_config[obj]
                except ConfigError:
                    obj_params = sub_config[obj]

                    "trainable", BoolParam("trainable", val, optional=True))
        elif attr == "keep_history":
                                    BoolParam("keep_history", val))
        elif attr in (
            params.set_param(attr, Parameter(attr, val))
            raise ConfigError("%s is not a valid config parameter" % attr)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 class A:
     thing = Parameter('thing', default='hey')
Ejemplo n.º 24
    class MyParent(SupportDefaultsMixin):
        p = Parameter("p", default="baba")

        def __init__(self, p=Default):
            self.p = p
Ejemplo n.º 25
 class A:
     thing = Parameter("thing", default="hey")
Ejemplo n.º 26
def configure_settings(**kwargs):
    Pass settings to ``nengo_dl`` by setting them as parameters on the
    top-level Network config.

    The settings are passed as keyword arguments to ``configure_settings``;
    e.g., to set ``trainable`` use ``configure_settings(trainable=True)``.

    trainable : bool or None
        Adds a parameter to Nengo Ensembles/Connections/Networks that controls
        whether or not they will be optimized by :meth:`.Simulator.train`.
        Passing ``None`` will use the default ``nengo_dl`` trainable settings,
        or True/False will override the default for all objects.  In either
        case trainability can be further configured on a per-object basis (e.g.
        ``net.config[my_ensemble].trainable = True``.  See `the documentation
        for more details.
    planner : graph planning algorithm
        Pass one of the `graph planners
        <https://www.nengo.ai/nengo-dl/graph_optimizer.html>`_ to change the
        default planner.
    sorter : signal sorting algorithm
        Pass one of the `sort algorithms
        <https://www.nengo.ai/nengo-dl/graph_optimizer.html>`_ to change the
        default sorter.
    simplifications: list of graph simplification functions
        Pass a list of functions that transform the list of operators in the
        model (see https://www.nengo.ai/nengo-dl/graph_optimizer.html).
    session_config: dict
        Config options passed to ``tf.Session`` initialization (e.g., to change
        the `GPU memory allocation method
        pass ``{"gpu_options.allow_growth": True}``).

    # get the toplevel network
    if len(Network.context) > 0:
        config = Network.context[0].config
        raise NetworkContextError(
            "`configure_settings` must be called within a Network context "
            "(`with nengo.Network(): ...`)")

        params = config[Network]
    except ConfigError:
        params = config[Network]

    for attr, val in kwargs.items():
        if attr == "trainable":
            for obj in (Ensemble, Connection, ensemble.Neurons, Network):
                    obj_params = config[obj]
                except ConfigError:
                    obj_params = config[obj]

                obj_params.set_param("trainable", BoolParam("trainable", val,
        elif attr in ("planner", "sorter", "simplifications",
            params.set_param(attr, Parameter(attr, val))
            raise ConfigError("%s is not a valid config parameter" % attr)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    class MyClass(SupportDefaultsMixin):
        p = Parameter("p", default="baba", readonly=True)

        def __init__(self, p=Default):
            self.p = p
Ejemplo n.º 28
 class A(object):
     thing = Parameter(default='hey')