Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_subsolvers_L2(rng, logger):
    pytest.importorskip('scipy', minversion='0.11')  # version for lsmr

    ref_solver = lstsq.Cholesky()
    solvers = [

    A, B = get_system(m=2000, n=1000, d=10, rng=rng)
    sigma = 0.1 * A.max()

    with Timer() as t0:
        x0, _ = ref_solver(A, B, sigma)

    xs = np.zeros((len(solvers), ) + x0.shape)
    for i, solver in enumerate(solvers):
        with Timer() as t:
            xs[i], info = solver(A, B, sigma)
        logger.info('solver: %r' % solver)
        logger.info('duration: %0.3f', t.duration)
        logger.info('duration relative to reference solver: %0.2f',
                    (t.duration / t0.duration))
        logger.info('info: %s', info)

    for solver, x in zip(solvers, xs):
        assert np.allclose(x0, x, atol=1e-5,
                           rtol=1e-3), ("Solver %s" % solver.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_subsolvers_L2(rng, allclose):
    pytest.importorskip("scipy", minversion="0.11")  # version for lsmr

    ref_solver = lstsq.Cholesky()
    solvers = [

    A, B = get_system(m=2000, n=1000, d=10, rng=rng)
    sigma = 0.1 * A.max()

    with Timer() as t0:
        x0, _ = ref_solver(A, B, sigma)

    xs = np.zeros((len(solvers), ) + x0.shape)
    for i, solver in enumerate(solvers):
        with Timer() as t:
            xs[i], info = solver(A, B, sigma)
        logging.info("solver: %r", solver)
        logging.info("duration: %0.3f", t.duration)
        logging.info("duration relative to reference solver: %0.2f",
                     (t.duration / t0.duration))
        logging.info("info: %s", info)

    for solver, x in zip(solvers, xs):
        assert allclose(x0, x, atol=1e-5,
                        rtol=1e-3), f"Solver {solver.__name__}"
def test_reset(ctx, rng):
    # Yshapes = [(100,), (10, 17), (3, 3)]
    Yshapes = [(1000000, ), (1000, 1700), (3, 3)]
    values = rng.uniform(size=len(Yshapes)).astype(np.float32)

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    clY = CLRA(queue, RA([np.zeros(shape) for shape in Yshapes]))
    clvalues = to_device(queue, values)

    plan = plan_reset(queue, clY, clvalues)
    with Timer() as t:


    # with Timer() as t:
    #     for i in range(len(clY)):
    #         cl.enqueue_fill_buffer(
    #             queue, clY.cl_buf.data, values[i],
    #             clY.starts[i], clY.shape0s[i] * clY.shape1s[i])
    #     queue.finish()

    # print(t.duration)

    for y, v in zip(clY, values):
        assert np.all(y == v)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_eval_points(Simulator, nl_nodirect, plt, seed, rng, logger):
    n = 100
    d = 5
    filter = 0.08

    eval_points = np.logspace(np.log10(300), np.log10(5000), 11)
    eval_points = np.round(eval_points).astype("int")
    max_points = eval_points.max()
    n_trials = 1

    rmses = np.nan * np.zeros((len(eval_points), n_trials))
    for j in range(n_trials):
        points = rng.normal(size=(max_points, d))
        points *= (rng.uniform(size=max_points) / norm(points, axis=-1))[:, None]

        rng_j = np.random.RandomState(348 + j)
        seed = 903824 + j

        # generate random input in unit hypersphere
        x = rng_j.normal(size=d)
        x *= rng_j.uniform() / norm(x)

        for i, n_points in enumerate(eval_points):
            model = nengo.Network(seed=seed)
            with model:
                model.config[nengo.Ensemble].neuron_type = nl_nodirect()
                u = nengo.Node(output=x)
                a = nengo.Ensemble(n * d, dimensions=d, eval_points=points[:n_points])
                nengo.Connection(u, a, synapse=0)
                up = nengo.Probe(u)
                ap = nengo.Probe(a)

            with Timer() as timer:
                sim = Simulator(model)
            sim.run(10 * filter)

            t = sim.trange()
            xt = nengo.Lowpass(filter).filtfilt(sim.data[up], dt=sim.dt)
            yt = nengo.Lowpass(filter).filtfilt(sim.data[ap], dt=sim.dt)
            t0 = 5 * filter
            t1 = 7 * filter
            tmask = (t > t0) & (t < t1)

            rmses[i, j] = rms(yt[tmask] - xt[tmask])
            logger.info("trial %d", j)
            logger.info("  n_points: %d", n_points)
            logger.info("  duration: %0.3f s", timer.duration)

    # subtract out mean for each model
    rmses_norm = rmses - rmses.mean(0, keepdims=True)

    mean = rmses_norm.mean(1)
    low = rmses_norm.min(1)
    high = rmses_norm.max(1)
    plt.semilogx(eval_points, mean, "k-")
    plt.semilogx(eval_points, high, "r-")
    plt.semilogx(eval_points, low, "b-")
    plt.xlim([eval_points[0], eval_points[-1]])
    plt.xticks(eval_points, eval_points)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_large(Simulator, seed, allclose):
    """Test with a lot of big probes. Can also be used for speed."""

    n = 10

    def input_fn(t):
        return list(range(1, 10))

    model = nengo.Network(label="test_large_probes", seed=seed)
    with model:
        probes = []
        for i in range(n):
            xi = nengo.Node(label=f"x{i}", output=input_fn)
            probes.append(nengo.Probe(xi, "output"))

    with Simulator(model) as sim:
        simtime = 2.483

        with Timer() as timer:
    logging.info("Ran %d probes for %f sec simtime in %0.3f sec", n, simtime,

    t = sim.trange()
    x = np.asarray([input_fn(ti) for ti in t])
    for p in probes:
        y = sim.data[p]
        assert allclose(y[1:], x[:-1])  # 1-step delay
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_subsolvers_L1(rng):

    A, B = get_system(m=2000, n=1000, d=10, rng=rng)

    l1 = 1e-4
    with Timer() as t:
        LstsqL1(l1=l1, l2=0)(A, B, rng=rng)
    logging.info("duration: %0.3f", t.duration)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_subsolvers_L1(rng, logger):

    A, B = get_system(m=2000, n=1000, d=10, rng=rng)

    l1 = 1e-4
    with Timer() as t:
        LstsqL1(l1=l1, l2=0)(A, B, rng=rng)
    logger.info('duration: %0.3f', t.duration)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def fit_svm(x, y, feature):
     svm = LinearSVC(random_state=self.seed)
     with Timer() as t:
         svm.fit(x, y)
     log("SVM fitting for %ss done in %.3f seconds" %
         (feature.upper(), t.duration))
     setattr(result, "%s_fit_time" % feature, t.duration)
     _, _, acc = test_svm(svm, x, y, "Training")
     setattr(result, "%s_train_acc" % feature, acc)
     return svm
def test_lif_speed(ctx, rng, heterogeneous):
    """Test the speed of the lif nonlinearity

    heterogeneous: if true, use a wide range of population sizes.
    dt = 1e-3
    ref = 2e-3
    tau = 20e-3
    amp = 1.0

    n_iters = 10
    if heterogeneous:
        n_neurons = [1.0e5] * 50 + [1e3] * 5000
        n_neurons = [1.1e5] * 50
    n_neurons = list(map(int, n_neurons))

    J = RA([rng.randn(n) for n in n_neurons], dtype=np.float32)
    V = RA([rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=n) for n in n_neurons],
    W = RA(
        [rng.uniform(low=-10 * dt, high=10 * dt, size=n) for n in n_neurons],
    OS = RA([np.zeros(n) for n in n_neurons], dtype=np.float32)

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(
        ctx, properties=cl.command_queue_properties.PROFILING_ENABLE)

    clJ = CLRA(queue, J)
    clV = CLRA(queue, V)
    clW = CLRA(queue, W)
    clOS = CLRA(queue, OS)

    for i, blockify in enumerate([False, True]):
        plan = plan_lif(queue,

        with Timer() as timer:
            for _ in range(n_iters):

        print("plan %d: blockify = %s, dur = %0.3f" %
              (i, blockify, timer.duration))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_conv2d(local, Simulator, rng):
    f = 4
    c = 2
    ni, nj = 30, 32
    si, sj = 5, 3

    # f = 64
    # c = 64
    # ni, nj = 32, 32
    # si, sj = 11, 11

    si2 = int((si - 1) / 2.)
    sj2 = int((sj - 1) / 2.)

    fshape = (f, ni, nj, c, si, sj) if local else (f, c, si, sj)
    filters = rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=fshape)
    biases = rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=f)
    image = rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=(c, ni, nj))

    model = nengo.Network()
    with model:
        u = nengo.Node(image.ravel())
        v = nengo.Node(Conv2d((c, ni, nj), filters, biases,
                              padding=(si2, sj2)))
        nengo.Connection(u, v, synapse=None)
        vp = nengo.Probe(v)

    with Simulator(model) as sim:
        with Timer() as timer:

    print("Conv2d(local=%s): %0.3e" % (local, timer.duration))

    # --- check result
    result = np.zeros((f, ni, nj))
    for i in range(ni):
        for j in range(nj):
            i0, i1 = i - si2, i + si2 + 1
            j0, j1 = j - sj2, j + sj2 + 1
            sli = slice(max(-i0, 0), min(ni + si - i1, si))
            slj = slice(max(-j0, 0), min(nj + sj - j1, sj))
            w = (filters[:, i, j, :, sli, slj] if local else filters[:, :, sli,
            xij = image[:, max(i0, 0):min(i1, ni), max(j0, 0):min(j1, nj)]
            result[:, i, j] += np.dot(xij.ravel(), w.reshape(f, -1).T)

    result += biases.reshape(-1, 1, 1)

    y = sim.data[vp][-1].reshape((f, ni, nj))
    assert np.allclose(result, y, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_subsolvers_L1(rng, allclose):

    A, B = get_system(m=2000, n=1000, d=10, rng=rng)

    l1 = 1e-4
    with Timer() as t:
        x, info = LstsqL1(l1=l1, l2=0)(A, B, rng=rng)
    logging.info("duration: %0.3f", t.duration)

    Ax = np.dot(A, x)
    assert rms(Ax - B) < 2e-2
    assert allclose(Ax, B, atol=0.2, record_rmse=False)
    assert np.max(info["rmses"]) < 3e-2
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_linearfilter(ctx, n_per_kind, rng):
    kinds = (
        nengo.synapses.LinearFilter((2.,), (1.,), analog=False),
    assert len(n_per_kind) == len(kinds)
    kinds_n = [(kind, n) for kind, n in zip(kinds, n_per_kind) if n > 0]

    dt = 0.001
    steps = [kind.make_step((n,), (n,), dt, None, dtype=np.float32)
             for kind, n in kinds_n]
    A = RA([step.den for step in steps])
    B = RA([step.num for step in steps])

    X = RA([rng.normal(size=n) for kind, n in kinds_n])
    Y = RA([np.zeros(n) for kind, n in kinds_n])
    Xbuf = RA([np.zeros(shape) for shape in zip(B.sizes, X.sizes)])
    Ybuf = RA([np.zeros(shape) for shape in zip(A.sizes, Y.sizes)])

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    clA = CLRA(queue, A)
    clB = CLRA(queue, B)
    clX = CLRA(queue, X)
    clY = CLRA(queue, Y)
    clXbuf = CLRA(queue, Xbuf)
    clYbuf = CLRA(queue, Ybuf)

    n_calls = 3
    plans = plan_linearfilter(queue, clX, clY, clA, clB, clXbuf, clYbuf)
    with Timer() as timer:
        for _ in range(n_calls):
            [plan() for plan in plans]


    for i, [kind, n] in enumerate(kinds_n):
        n = min(n, 100)
        step = kind.make_step((n, 1), (n, 1), dt, None, dtype=np.float32)

        x = X[i][:n]
        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        for _ in range(n_calls):
            y[:] = step(0, x)

        z = clY[i][:n]
        assert np.allclose(z, y, atol=1e-7, rtol=1e-5), kind
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _get_feature(self, feature, audio, result=None, n_frames=None):
        labels = sorted(list(audio))
        with Timer() as t:
            if feature == 'mfcc':
                # Default to zscoring for MFCCs
                zscore = True if self.zscore is None else self.zscore
                x = mfccs(self.model, audio, zscore)
            elif feature == 'ncc':
                # Default to not zscoring for NCCs
                zscore = False if self.zscore is None else self.zscore
                x = nccs(self.model, audio, zscore, self.seed, self.upsample)
                raise ValueError("Possible features: 'mfcc', 'ncc'")
        log("%ss generated in %.3f seconds" % (feature.upper(), t.duration))
        if result is not None:
            setattr(result, "%s_time" % feature, t.duration)

        if n_frames is None:
            n_frames = max(max(xx.shape[0] for xx in x[l]) for l in audio)
        x = normalize(x, n_frames)
        return np.vstack([np.vstack(x[l]) for l in labels])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_speed(ctx, rng):
        import pyopencl_blas
    except ImportError:
        pyopencl_blas = None

    # enable_out_of_order = (
    #     cl.command_queue_properties.OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE)

    k = 300
    # k = 100
    # k = 32
    # k = 16
    ms = [rng.randint(100, 1000) for i in range(k)]
    ns = [rng.randint(100, 1000) for i in range(k)]
    # ms = [4096 for i in range(k)]
    # ns = [4096 for i in range(k)]

    aa = [
        rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=(m, n)).astype('float32')
        for m, n in zip(ms, ns)
    xx = [rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=n).astype('float32') for n in ns]
    yy = [rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=m).astype('float32') for m in ms]
    ajs = [np.int32(i) for i in range(k)]
    xjs = [np.int32(i) for i in range(k)]
    # ajs = [rng.randint(k, size=p) for i in range(k)]
    # xjs = [rng.randint(k, size=p) for i in range(k)]

    # alpha = 0.5
    # beta = 0.1
    alpha = 1.0
    beta = 1.0

    # -- prepare initial conditions on device
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    # queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx, properties=enable_out_of_order)
    clA = CLRA.from_arrays(queue, aa)
    clX = CLRA.from_arrays(queue, xx)
    clY = CLRA.from_arrays(queue, yy)
    A_js = RA(ajs, dtype=np.int32)
    X_js = RA(xjs, dtype=np.int32)

    # -- run cl computation
    prog = plan_ragged_gather_gemv(queue, alpha, clA, A_js, clX, X_js, beta,
    plans = prog.choose_plans()

    print('-' * 5 + ' Plans ' + '-' * 45)
    for plan in plans:

    with Timer() as timer:
        for plan in plans:
    print("nengo_ocl: %0.3f" % timer.duration)

    # -- speed test in ocl blas
    if pyopencl_blas:

        def array(a):
            cla = cl.array.Array(queue, a.shape, a.dtype)
            return cla

        clAs = [array(a) for a in aa]
        clXs = [array(x.ravel()) for x in xx]
        clYs = [array(y.ravel()) for y in yy]

        queues = [cl.CommandQueue(ctx) for _ in range(k)]
        # queues = [cl.CommandQueue(ctx, properties=enable_out_of_order)
        #           for _ in range(k)]

        with Timer() as timer:
            if 0:
                # use a single queue
                for A, X, Y in zip(clAs, clXs, clYs):
                    pyopencl_blas.gemv(queue, A, X, Y)
                # use multiple parallel queues
                events = []
                for i, [A, X, Y] in enumerate(zip(clAs, clXs, clYs)):
                    q = queues[i % len(queues)]
                    e = pyopencl_blas.gemv(q, A, X, Y)
                for q in queues:
        print("clBLAS: %0.3f" % timer.duration)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def optimize(model, dg):
    """Optimizes the operator graph by merging operators.

    This reduces the number of iterators to iterate over in slow Python code
    (as opposed to fast C code). The resulting merged operators will also
    operate on larger chunks of sequential memory, making better use of CPU
    caching and prefetching.

    The optimization algorithm has worst case complexity :math:`O(n^2 + e)`,
    where :math:`n` is the number of operators and :math:`e` is the number
    of edges in the dependency graph. In practice the run time will be much
    better because not all :math:`n^2` pairwise combinations of operators
    will be evaluated. A grouping depending on the operator type and view
    bases is done with dictionaries. This grouping can be done in amortized
    linear time and reduces the actual worst-case runtime of the optimization
    algorithm to :math:`O(gm^2 + e)`, where :math:`g` is the number of groups
    and :math:`m` is the number of elements in a group. Moreover, information
    about memory alignment will be used to cut the inner loop short in
    many cases and gives a runtime much closer to linear in most cases.

    Note that this function modifies both ``model`` and ``dg``.

    model : `nengo.builder.Model`
        Builder output to optimize.
    dg : dict
        Dict of the form ``{a: {b, c}}`` where ``b`` and ``c`` depend on ``a``,
        specifying the operator dependency graph of the model.

    logger.debug("Optimizing model...")

    # We try first to merge operators with views only as these have a fixed
    # order for the memory alignment whereas operators without views could
    # be merged in a random order. Merging the views of operators will
    # propagate requirements in the memory ordering via the other
    # associated signals of the operator to other operators.

    # Once no more operators with views can be merged, we try to merge
    # operators without views and then try again merging views (because
    # each operator merge might generate new views).

    single_pass = OpMergePass(dg)

    n_initial_ops = len(dg)
    cum_duration = 0.0
    before, after = None, None
    only_merge_ops_with_view = True
    while only_merge_ops_with_view or after < before:
        only_merge_ops_with_view = before is None or before != after
        before = len(single_pass.dg.forward)

        with Timer() as t:

        after = len(single_pass.dg.forward)
            "[%s]: Reduced %i to %i operators in %fs.",
            "views" if only_merge_ops_with_view else "non-views",

        # Prevent optimizer from running too long if we get up diminishing
        # returns.
        # Note that we don't break if there was no reduction at all because
        # in that case we want to toggle only_merge_ops_with_view which might
        # still yield some significant reduction.
        cum_duration += t.duration
        mean_reduction_rate = float(n_initial_ops - after) / cum_duration
        last_reduction_rate = float(before - after) / t.duration
        threshold = 0.01
        scaled_rate = threshold * mean_reduction_rate
        if 0.0 < last_reduction_rate < scaled_rate:  # pragma: no cover
                "Operator reduction rate fell below threshold of %.3f. "
                "Stopping optimizer.",

    # Update model signals
    for sigdict in model.sig.values():
        for name in sigdict:
            while sigdict[name] in single_pass.sig_replacements:
                sigdict[name] = single_pass.sig_replacements[sigdict[name]]

    # Reinitialize the model's operator list
    del model.operators[:]
    for op in dg:
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_timer():
    with Timer() as timer:
        for i in range(1000):
            2 + 2
    assert timer.duration > 0.0
    assert timer.duration < 1.0  # Pretty bad worst case
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self,

        with Timer() as nengo_timer:
            if model is None:
                self.model = Model(dt=float(dt),
                                   label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
                self.model = model

            if network is not None:
                # Build the network into the model

        logger.info("Nengo build in %0.3f s" % nengo_timer.duration)

        # --- set seed
        seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
        self.seed = seed
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)

        self._step = Signal(np.array(0.0, dtype=np.float64), name='step')
        self._time = Signal(np.array(0.0, dtype=np.float64), name='time')

        # --- operators
        with Timer() as planner_timer:
            operators = list(self.model.operators)

            # convert DotInc, Reset, Copy, and ProdUpdate to MultiProdUpdate
            operators = list(map(MultiProdUpdate.convert_to, operators))
            operators = MultiProdUpdate.compress(operators)

            # plan the order of operations, combining where appropriate
            op_groups = planner(operators)
            assert len([typ for typ, _ in op_groups if typ is Reset
                        ]) < 2, ("All resets not planned together")

            # add time operator after planning, to ensure it goes first
            time_op = TimeUpdate(self._step, self._time)
            operators.insert(0, time_op)
            op_groups.insert(0, (type(time_op), [time_op]))

            self.operators = operators
            self.op_groups = op_groups

        logger.info("Planning in %0.3f s" % planner_timer.duration)

        with Timer() as signals_timer:
            # Initialize signals
            all_signals = signals_from_operators(operators)
            all_bases = stable_unique([sig.base for sig in all_signals])

            sigdict = SignalDict()  # map from Signal.base -> ndarray
            for op in operators:

            # Add built states to the probe dictionary
            self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

            # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
            self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

            self.all_data = RaggedArray(
                [sigdict[sb] for sb in all_bases],
                [getattr(sb, 'name', '') for sb in all_bases],

            builder = ViewBuilder(all_bases, self.all_data)
            self._AX_views = {}
            self._YYB_views = {}
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                self.setup_views(builder, op_type, op_list)
            for probe in self.model.probes:

            self.all_bases = all_bases
            self.sidx = builder.sidx


        logger.info("Signals in %0.3f s" % signals_timer.duration)

        # --- create list of plans
        with Timer() as plans_timer:
            self._plan = []
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                self._plan.extend(self.plan_op_group(op_type, op_list))

        logger.info("Plans in %0.3f s" % plans_timer.duration)

        self.n_steps = 0
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     with Timer() as t:
         old_f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     Simulator.build_time = t.duration
def test_linearfilter(ctx, n_per_kind, rng):
    kinds = (
        nengo.synapses.LinearFilter((2.0, ), (1.0, ), analog=False),
    assert len(n_per_kind) == len(kinds)
    kinds_n = [(kind, n) for kind, n in zip(kinds, n_per_kind) if n > 0]

    dt = 0.001
    steps = list()
    for kind, n in kinds_n:
        state = kind.make_state((n, ), (n, ), dt, dtype=np.float32)
        step = kind.make_step((n, ), (n, ), dt, rng=None, state=state)

    # Nengo 3 uses state space filters. For now, convert back to transfer function.
    # Getting rid of this conversion would require a new plan_linearfilter.
    dens = list()
    nums = list()
    for f in steps:
        if type(f).__name__ == "NoX":  # special case for a feedthrough
            den = np.array([1.0])
            num = f.D
            num, den = ss2tf(f.A, f.B, f.C, f.D)

        # This preprocessing copied out of nengo2.8/synapses.LinearFilter.make_step
        num = num.flatten()

        assert den[0] == 1.0
        num = num[1:] if num[0] == 0 else num
        den = den[1:]  # drop first element (equal to 1)
        num, den = num.astype(np.float32), den.astype(np.float32)

    A = RA(dens)
    B = RA(nums)

    X = RA([rng.normal(size=n) for kind, n in kinds_n])
    Y = RA([np.zeros(n) for kind, n in kinds_n])
    Xbuf = RA([np.zeros(shape) for shape in zip(B.sizes, X.sizes)])
    Ybuf = RA([np.zeros(shape) for shape in zip(A.sizes, Y.sizes)])

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    clA = CLRA(queue, A)
    clB = CLRA(queue, B)
    clX = CLRA(queue, X)
    clY = CLRA(queue, Y)
    clXbuf = CLRA(queue, Xbuf)
    clYbuf = CLRA(queue, Ybuf)

    n_calls = 3
    plans = plan_linearfilter(queue, clX, clY, clA, clB, clXbuf, clYbuf)
    with Timer() as timer:
        for _ in range(n_calls):
            for plan in plans:


    for i, [kind, n] in enumerate(kinds_n):
        n = min(n, 100)
        state = kind.make_state((n, ), (n, ), dt, dtype=np.float32)
        step = kind.make_step((n, ), (n, ), dt, rng=None, state=state)

        x = X[i][:n].T
        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        for _ in range(n_calls):
            y[:] = step(0, x)

        z = clY[i][:n].T
        assert np.allclose(z, y, atol=1e-7, rtol=1e-5), kind
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
     with Timer() as t:
         old_f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     Simulator.run_time = t.duration