Ejemplo n.º 1
class Simulator(nengo.Simulator):
    """MPI simulator for nengo 2.0."""

    # Only one instance of nengo_mpi.Simulator can be unclosed at any time
    _open_simulators = []

    def __init__(
            self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None, model=None,
            partitioner=None, assignments=None, save_file=""):
        """ A simulator that can be executed in parallel using MPI.

        network : nengo.Network
            A network object to be built and then simulated.
        dt : float
            The length of a simulator timestep, in seconds.
        seed : int
            A seed for all stochastic operators used in this simulator.
            Note that there are not stochastic operators implemented
            currently, so this parameters does nothing.
        model : nengo.builder.Model
            A model object that contains build artifacts to be simulated.
            Usually the simulator will build this model for you; however,
            if you want to build the network manually, or to inject some
            build artifacts in the Model before building the network,
            then you can pass in an instance of ``MpiModel`` instance
            or a ``nengo.builder.Model`` instance. If the latter, it
            will be converted into an ``MpiModel``.
        partitioner: Partitioner
            Specifies how to assign nengo objects to MPI processes.
            ``partitioner`` and ``assignment`` cannot both be supplied.
        assignments: dict
            Dictionary mapping from nengo objects to indices of
            partition components. ``partitioner`` and ``assignment``
            cannot both be supplied.
        save_file: string
            Name of file that will store all data added to the simulator.
            The simulator can later be reconstructed from this file. If
            equal to the empty string, then no file is created.

        print("Beginning build of MPI model...")
        then = time.time()

        self.runnable = not save_file

        if self.runnable and self._open_simulators:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Attempting to create active instance of nengo_mpi.Simulator "
                "while another instance exists that has not been "
                "closed. Call `close` on existing instances before "
                "creating new ones.")

        if partitioner is not None and assignments is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot supply both ``assignments'' and ``partitioner'' to "

        if assignments is not None:
            p = verify_assignments(network, assignments)
            if partitioner is None:
                partitioner = Partitioner()

            print("    Partitioning network...")
            p = partitioner.partition(network)

        self.n_components, self.assignments = p

        dt = float(dt)
        self.model = MpiModel(
            self.n_components, self.assignments, dt=dt,
            label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),

        print("    Calling build...")
        MpiBuilder.build(self.model, network)


        print("    Finalizing build...")

        # probe -> list
        self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

        self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

        if self.runnable:

            seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed

        print("Building network took %f seconds." % (time.time() - then))

    def native_sim(self):
        if not self.model.runnable:
            raise Exception(
                "Cannot access C++ simulator of MpiModel, MpiModel is "
                "not in a runnable state. Either in save-file mode, "
                "or the MpiModel instance has not been finalized.")

        return self.model.native_sim

    def n_steps(self):
        """(int) The current time step of the simulator."""
        return self.model.get_value(self.model.step)[0]

    def time(self):
        """(float) The current time of the simulator."""
        return self.model.get_value(self.model.time)[0]

    def closed(self):
        return self not in self._open_simulators

    def close(self):
        if self.runnable:
            except ValueError:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Attempting to close a runnable instance of "
                    "nengo_mpi.Simulator that has already been closed.")

    def reset(self, seed=None):
        if self.closed:
            raise SimulatorClosed("Cannot reset closed MpiSimulator.")

        if seed is not None:
            self.seed = seed

        if self.runnable:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Attempting to reset a non-runnable instance of "

        for pk in self.model.probe_keys:
            self._probe_outputs[pk] = []

    def run(self, time_in_seconds, progress_bar=True, log_filename=""):
        """ Simulate for the given length of time. """

        steps = int(np.round(float(time_in_seconds) / self.dt))
        self.run_steps(steps, progress_bar, log_filename)

    def run_steps(self, steps, progress_bar=True, log_filename=""):
        """ Simulate for the given number of `dt` steps. """
        print("Running MPI simulation...")

        if self.closed:
            raise SimulatorClosed(
                "MpiSimulator cannot run because it is closed.")

        self.native_sim.run_n_steps(steps, progress_bar, log_filename)

        if not log_filename:
            for probe, probe_key in self.model.probe_keys.items():
                data = self.native_sim.get_probe_data(probe_key)

                # The C++ code doesn't always exactly preserve the shape
                true_shape = self.model.sig[probe]['in'].shape
                if data[0].shape != true_shape:
                    data = map(
                        partial(np.reshape, newshape=true_shape), data)

                if probe not in self._probe_outputs:
                    self._probe_outputs[probe] = data

    def step(self):
        """ Advance the simulator by `self.dt` seconds. """

    def trange(self, dt=None):
        dt = self.dt if dt is None else dt
        n_steps = int(self.n_steps * (self.dt / dt))
        return dt * np.arange(1, n_steps + 1)

    def close_simulators():
        for sim in Simulator._open_simulators:

    def all_closed():
        return Simulator._open_simulators == []
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TestSimulator(nengo_mpi.Simulator):
    Simulator for testing C++ operators. Note that this Simulator
    does not need to be closed as nengo_mpi.Simulator does.

    operators: list
        List of python operators.
    signal_probes: list
        List of SignalProbes.

    def __init__(
            self, operators, signal_probes, dt=0.001, seed=None):

        self.runnable = True
        self.dt = dt

        assignments = defaultdict(int)

        print "Building MPI model..."
        self.model = MpiModel(1, assignments, dt=dt, label="TestSimulator")

        self.model.assign_ops(0, operators)

        for probe in signal_probes:
            self.model.sig[probe]['in'] = probe.signal

        self.model.probes = signal_probes

        print "Finalizing MPI model..."

        # probe -> python list
        self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

        self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

        print "TestSimulator ready."
        seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed

    def run_steps(self, steps, progress_bar=False, log_filename=""):
        """Simulate for the given number of `dt` steps."""

        if progress_bar:
            raise Exception(
                "TestSimulator does not allow showing the progress bar.")

        if log_filename:
            raise Exception("TestSimulator cannot use log-files.")

        super(TestSimulator, self).run_steps(steps, False, "")

    def run(self, time_in_seconds, progress_bar=False, log_filename=""):
        """Simulate for the given length of time."""

        if progress_bar:
            raise Exception(
                "TestSimulator does not allow showing the progress bar.")

        if log_filename:
            raise Exception("TestSimulator cannot use log-files.")

        super(TestSimulator, self).run(time_in_seconds, False, "")