Ejemplo n.º 1
testcase.args.worker_password = testcase.args.worker_password or testcase.args.password
testcase.args.worker_keypath = testcase.args.worker_keypath or testcase.args.keypair

if not testcase.args.upload_manifest and not testcase.args.bundle_manifest:
    if (not testcase.args.url and not testcase.args.filepath) or (testcase.args.url and testcase.args.filepath):
        raise Exception('If manifest not provieded, either a URL or FILE path is required to create image ')

def make_image_public():
    emi = image_utils.tester.test_resources['images'][0]
    testcase.debug('\n---------------------------\nCreated EMI:' + str(emi) +'\n---------------------------')

#Create an ImageUtils helper from the arguments provided in this testcase...
image_utils = testcase.do_with_args(ImageUtils)

#Create a single testcase to wrap and run the EMI creation task. Note by default all the overlapping args from
# this testcase are fed to the testunit method when ran.
test1 = testcase.create_testunit_from_method(image_utils.create_emi)
test2 = testcase.create_testunit_from_method(make_image_public)

result = testcase.run_test_case_list([test1, test2], eof=True, clean_on_exit=False, printresults=True)

#By default created resources are stored in the eucaops/tester object's test_resources dict. See if our image is
#prsent. If so print it out...
if image_utils.tester.test_resources['images']:
    emi = image_utils.tester.test_resources['images'][0]
    testcase.debug('\n---------------------------\nCreated EMI:' + str(emi) +'\n---------------------------')

Ejemplo n.º 2
                   'due to EOF(End On Failure) set for a failed testcase'
    testcase.debug('This test should show a failure of a test which never gets to run'
                   'due to EOF(End On Failure) set for a failed testcase')

# Create our test list of test units...                                                          #
# this can be done by using a method or the name of a method within the testcase class...        #
# by passing a method.                                                                           #
#                                                                                                #
#                                                                                                #
# First test is a vanilla passing testcase, created by adding a 'method' from above              #
# This first test case is using autoarg=True, this will populate the test method using           #
# any args/kwargs from  testcase.args which match the methods(*args, **kwargs).                  #
test0 = testcase.create_testunit_from_method(my_first_test_method)

# Next run the same method disabling autoarg. Set end of failure flag to false to continue       #
# Running the test suite upon failure                                                            #
test1 = testcase.create_testunit_from_method(my_first_test_method, autoarg=False, eof=False)

# Add Another test by method
test2 = testcase.create_testunit_from_method(too_lazy_to_run)

# Create this testunit obj by passing a name of a method local to the testcase object.           #
# Setting eof to True here will abort any remaining nephoria_unit_tests if this unit fails. This can also be   #
# set globally for all test units                                                                #
# during run_test_case_list()                                                                    #