Ejemplo n.º 1
def alloc(requests, logstream = None, nonseparable = False, saveinteresting = None, backtracklim = 100000000, verbose = True, sample = random.sample):
    Takes an iterable over requests, which are iterables of candidate node ids,
    and returns a specific node id for each request (if successful).
    If it cannot, it will raise an ResourceAllocationError.
    # First, materialize the request iterable
    requests = map(set,requests)
    # Classify all candidates
    universe = reduce(operator.or_, requests, set())
    partition = setclusters.disjoint_partition(*requests)
    # Classify requests
    c_reqlist = classify.classify(requests, partition)
    c_req = dict(
        for c,r in c_reqlist.iteritems()
    # Classify universe
    c_uni = map(len, partition)
    # Perform invariant sanity checks
    if multicardinal(c_req) > sum(c_uni):
        raise ResourceAllocationError, "Insufficient resources to grant request"
    for c,nreq in c_req.iteritems():
        if nreq > len(avail(c, partition)):
            raise ResourceAllocationError, "Insufficient resources to grant request, empty categories %s" % (
                filter(lambda i : classify.classContains(c,i), xrange(len(c))),

    # Test for separability
    if nonseparable:
        components = clusters = []
        components = [
            classify.classMembers(c, partition)
            for c in c_req
        clusters = setclusters.disjoint_sets(*components)
    if len(clusters) > 1:
        if verbose:
            _log(logstream, "\nDetected %d clusters", len(clusters))
        # Requests are separable
        # Solve each part separately, then rejoin them
        # Build a class for each cluster
        clustermaps = []
        compmap = dict([(pid,idx) for idx,pid in enumerate(map(id,components))])
        for cluster in clusters:
            cluster_class = classify.getClass(
                reduce(operator.or_, cluster, set()),
                partition )
        # Build a plan: assign a cluster to each request
        plan = []
        for cluster_class in clustermaps:
            plan_reqs = []
            for c, c_requests in c_reqlist.iteritems():
                if classify.isSubclass(cluster_class, c):
        # Execute the plan
        partial_results = []
        for i,plan_req in enumerate(plan):
            if verbose:
                _log(logstream, "Solving cluster %d/%d", i+1, len(plan))
                nonseparable = True,
                saveinteresting = saveinteresting,
                backtracklim = backtracklim,
                verbose = verbose))
        # Join results
        if verbose:
            _log(logstream, "Joining partial results")
        reqmap = dict([(pid,idx) for idx,pid in enumerate(map(id,requests))])
        joint = [None] * len(requests)
        for partial_result, partial_requests in zip(partial_results, plan):
                for assignment, partial_request in zip(partial_result, partial_requests):
                    joint[reqmap[id(partial_request)]] = assignment
        return joint
        # Non-separable request, solve
        #_log(logstream, "Non-separable request")
        # Solve
        partial = collections.defaultdict(list)
        Pavail = list(c_uni)
        Gavail = dict([
            (c, len(avail(c, partition)))
            for c in c_req
        req = dict(c_req)
        # build a cardinality map
        cardinality = dict([
            (c, [classify.classCardinality(c,partition), -nreq])
            for c,nreq in req.iteritems()
        classContains = classify.classContains
        isSubclass = classify.isSubclass
        stats = [
            0, # ops
            0, # back tracks
            0, # skipped branches
        def recursive_alloc():
            # Successful termination condition: all requests satisfied
            if not req:
                return True
            # Try in cardinality order
            if quickstage:
                order = heapq.nsmallest(2, req, key=Gavail.__getitem__)
                order = sorted(req, key=Gavail.__getitem__)
            # Do backtracking on those whose cardinality leaves a choice
            # Force a pick when it does not
            if order and (Gavail[order[0]] <= 1
                          or classify.classCardinality(order[0]) <= 1):
                order = order[:1]
            for c in order:
                nreq = req[c]
                #carditem = cardinality[c]
                for i,bit in enumerate(c):
                    if bit == "1" and Pavail[i]:
                        stats[0] += 1 # ops+1
                        subreq = min(Pavail[i], nreq)
                        # branch sanity check
                        skip = False
                        for c2,navail in Gavail.iteritems():
                            if c2 != c and classContains(c2, i) and (navail - subreq) < req.get(c2,0):
                                # Fail branch, don't even try
                                skip = True
                        if skip:
                            stats[2] += 1 # skipped branches + 1
                        # forward track
                        Pavail[i] -= subreq
                        #carditem[1] -= subreq
                        for c2 in Gavail:
                            if classContains(c2, i):
                                Gavail[c2] -= subreq
                        if subreq < nreq:
                            req[c] -= subreq
                            del req[c]
                        # Try to solve recursively
                        success = recursive_alloc()
                        if success:
                            return success
                        # Back track
                        del partial[c][-1]
                        Pavail[i] += subreq
                        #carditem[1] += subreq
                        for c2 in Gavail:
                            if classContains(c2, i):
                                Gavail[c2] += subreq
                        if subreq < nreq:
                            req[c] += subreq
                            req[c] = subreq
                        stats[1] += 1 # backtracks + 1
                        if (logstream or (saveinteresting is not None)) and (stats[1] & 0xffff) == 0:
                            _log(logstream, "%r\n%r\n... stats: ops=%d, backtracks=%d, skipped=%d", Gavail, req,
                            if stats[1] == 0x1400000:
                                # Interesting case, log it out
                                _log(logstream, "... interesting case: %r", requests)
                                if saveinteresting is not None:
                if stats[1] > backtracklim:
            # We tried and tried... and failed
            return False
        # First try quickly (assign most selective first exclusively)
        quickstage = True
        success = recursive_alloc()
        if not success:
            # If it fails, retry exhaustively (try all assignment orders)
            quickstage = False
            success = recursive_alloc()
        if verbose or (not success or stats[1] or stats[2]):
            _log(logstream, "%s with stats: ops=%d, backtracks=%d, skipped=%d",
                ("Succeeded" if success else "Failed"),
        if not success:
            raise ResourceAllocationError, "Insufficient resources to grant request"
        # Perform actual assignment
        Pavail = map(set, partition)
        solution = {}
        for c, partial_assignments in partial.iteritems():
            psol = set()
            for i, nreq in partial_assignments:
                part = Pavail[i]
                if len(part) < nreq:
                    raise AssertionError, "Cannot allocate resources for supposedly valid solution!"
                assigned = set(sample(part, nreq))
                psol |= assigned
                part -= assigned
            solution[c] = psol
        # Format solution for the caller (return a node id for each request)
        reqmap = {}
        for c,reqs in c_reqlist.iteritems():
            for req in reqs:
                reqmap[id(req)] = c
        req_solution = []
        for req in requests:
            c = reqmap[id(req)]
        return req_solution
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def recursive_alloc():
     # Successful termination condition: all requests satisfied
     if not req:
         return True
     # Try in cardinality order
     if quickstage:
         order = heapq.nsmallest(2, req, key=Gavail.__getitem__)
         order = sorted(req, key=Gavail.__getitem__)
     # Do backtracking on those whose cardinality leaves a choice
     # Force a pick when it does not
     if order and (Gavail[order[0]] <= 1
                   or classify.classCardinality(order[0]) <= 1):
         order = order[:1]
     for c in order:
         nreq = req[c]
         #carditem = cardinality[c]
         for i,bit in enumerate(c):
             if bit == "1" and Pavail[i]:
                 stats[0] += 1 # ops+1
                 subreq = min(Pavail[i], nreq)
                 # branch sanity check
                 skip = False
                 for c2,navail in Gavail.iteritems():
                     if c2 != c and classContains(c2, i) and (navail - subreq) < req.get(c2,0):
                         # Fail branch, don't even try
                         skip = True
                 if skip:
                     stats[2] += 1 # skipped branches + 1
                 # forward track
                 Pavail[i] -= subreq
                 #carditem[1] -= subreq
                 for c2 in Gavail:
                     if classContains(c2, i):
                         Gavail[c2] -= subreq
                 if subreq < nreq:
                     req[c] -= subreq
                     del req[c]
                 # Try to solve recursively
                 success = recursive_alloc()
                 if success:
                     return success
                 # Back track
                 del partial[c][-1]
                 Pavail[i] += subreq
                 #carditem[1] += subreq
                 for c2 in Gavail:
                     if classContains(c2, i):
                         Gavail[c2] += subreq
                 if subreq < nreq:
                     req[c] += subreq
                     req[c] = subreq
                 stats[1] += 1 # backtracks + 1
                 if (logstream or (saveinteresting is not None)) and (stats[1] & 0xffff) == 0:
                     _log(logstream, "%r\n%r\n... stats: ops=%d, backtracks=%d, skipped=%d", Gavail, req,
                     if stats[1] == 0x1400000:
                         # Interesting case, log it out
                         _log(logstream, "... interesting case: %r", requests)
                         if saveinteresting is not None:
         if stats[1] > backtracklim:
     # We tried and tried... and failed
     return False