def test_CSA_OneToOne_subnet_1d(self): """One-to-one connectivity with 1-dim subnets""" nest.ResetKernel() n = 4 # number of neurons pop0 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [n]) pop1 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [n]) cg = csa.cset(csa.oneToOne) nest.CGConnect(pop0, pop1, cg) sources = nest.GetLeaves(pop0)[0] targets = nest.GetLeaves(pop1)[0] for i in range(n): conns = nest.GetStatus(nest.FindConnections([sources[i]]), 'target') self.assertEqual(len(conns), 1) self.assertEqual(conns[0], targets[i]) conns = nest.GetStatus(nest.FindConnections([targets[i]]), 'target') self.assertEqual(len(conns), 0)
def test_PlotTargets(self): """Test plotting targets.""" ldict = {'elements': ['iaf_neuron', 'iaf_psc_alpha'], 'rows': 3, 'columns': 3, 'extent': [2., 2.], 'edge_wrap': True} cdict = {'connection_type': 'divergent', 'mask': {'grid': {'rows': 2, 'columns': 2}}} nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer(ldict) ian = [gid for gid in nest.GetLeaves(l)[0] if nest.GetStatus([gid], 'model')[0] == 'iaf_neuron'] ipa = [gid for gid in nest.GetLeaves(l)[0] if nest.GetStatus([gid], 'model')[0] == 'iaf_psc_alpha'] # connect ian -> all using static_synapse cdict.update({'sources': {'model': 'iaf_neuron'}, 'synapse_model': 'static_synapse'}) topo.ConnectLayers(l, l, cdict) for k in ['sources', 'synapse_model']: cdict.pop(k) # connect ipa -> ipa using stdp_synapse cdict.update({'sources': {'model': 'iaf_psc_alpha'}, 'targets': {'model': 'iaf_psc_alpha'}, 'synapse_model': 'stdp_synapse'}) topo.ConnectLayers(l, l, cdict) for k in ['sources', 'targets', 'synapse_model']: cdict.pop(k) ctr = topo.FindCenterElement(l) fig = topo.PlotTargets(ctr, l) fig.gca().set_title('Plain call') self.assertTrue(True)
def test_CSA_OneToOne_params(self): """One-to-one connectivity""" nest.ResetKernel() n = 4 # number of neurons pop0 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [n]) pop1 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [n]) cs = csa.cset(csa.oneToOne, 10000.0, 1.0) nest.CGConnect(pop0, pop1, cs, {"weight": 0, "delay": 1}) sources = nest.GetLeaves(pop0)[0] targets = nest.GetLeaves(pop1)[0] for i in xrange(n): conns = nest.GetStatus(nest.FindConnections([sources[i]]), 'target') self.assertEqual(len(conns), 1) self.assertEqual(conns[0], targets[i]) conns = nest.GetStatus(nest.FindConnections([targets[i]]), 'target') self.assertEqual(len(conns), 0)
def csa_example(): cs = csa.cset(csa.random(0.1), 10000.0, 1.0) pop1 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [16]) pop2 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [16]) nest.PrintNetwork(10) nest.CGConnect(pop1, pop2, cs, {"weight": 0, "delay": 1}) pg = nest.Create("poisson_generator", params={"rate": 80000.0}) nest.DivergentConnect(pg, nest.GetLeaves(pop1)[0], 1.2, 1.0) vm_params = { "record_to": ["memory"], "withgid": True, "withtime": True, "interval": 0.1 } vm = nest.Create("voltmeter", params=vm_params) nest.DivergentConnect(vm, nest.GetLeaves(pop2)[0]) nest.Simulate(50.0) from nest import visualization allnodes = pg + nest.GetLeaves(pop1)[0] + nest.GetLeaves(pop2)[0] + vm visualization.plot_network(allnodes, "test_csa.png") if havePIL: im ="test_csa.png") from nest import voltage_trace voltage_trace.from_device(vm)
def test_GetTargetNodesPositions(self): """Interface check for finding targets.""" ldict = {'elements': ['iaf_neuron', 'iaf_psc_alpha'], 'rows': 3, 'columns':3, 'extent': [2., 2.], 'edge_wrap': True} cdict = {'connection_type': 'divergent', 'mask': {'grid': {'rows':2, 'columns':2}}} nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer(ldict) ian = [gid for gid in nest.GetLeaves(l)[0] if nest.GetStatus([gid], 'model')[0] == 'iaf_neuron'] ipa = [gid for gid in nest.GetLeaves(l)[0] if nest.GetStatus([gid], 'model')[0] == 'iaf_psc_alpha'] # connect ian -> all using static_synapse cdict.update({'sources': {'model': 'iaf_neuron'}, 'synapse_model': 'static_synapse'}) topo.ConnectLayers(l, l, cdict) for k in ['sources', 'synapse_model']: cdict.pop(k) # connect ipa -> ipa using stdp_synapse cdict.update({'sources': {'model': 'iaf_psc_alpha'}, 'targets': {'model': 'iaf_psc_alpha'}, 'synapse_model': 'stdp_synapse'}) topo.ConnectLayers(l, l, cdict) for k in ['sources', 'targets', 'synapse_model']: cdict.pop(k) t = topo.GetTargetNodes(ian[:1], l) self.assertEqual(len(t), 1) p = topo.GetTargetPositions(ian[:1], l) self.assertEqual(len(p), 1) self.assertTrue(all([len(pp)==2 for pp in p[0]])) t = topo.GetTargetNodes(ian, l) self.assertEqual(len(t), len(ian)) self.assertTrue(all([len(g)==8 for g in t])) # 2x2 mask x 2 neurons / element -> eight targets p = topo.GetTargetPositions(ian, l) self.assertEqual(len(p), len(ian)) t = topo.GetTargetNodes(ian, l, tgt_model='iaf_neuron') self.assertEqual(len(t), len(ian)) self.assertTrue(all([len(g)==4 for g in t])) # 2x2 mask -> four targets t = topo.GetTargetNodes(ian, l, tgt_model='iaf_psc_alpha') self.assertEqual(len(t), len(ian)) self.assertTrue(all([len(g)==4 for g in t])) # 2x2 mask -> four targets t = topo.GetTargetNodes(ipa, l) self.assertEqual(len(t), len(ipa)) self.assertTrue(all([len(g)==4 for g in t])) # 2x2 mask -> four targets t = topo.GetTargetNodes(ipa, l, syn_model='static_synapse') self.assertEqual(len(t), len(ipa)) self.assertTrue(all([len(g)==0 for g in t])) # no static syns t = topo.GetTargetNodes(ipa, l, syn_model='stdp_synapse') self.assertEqual(len(t), len(ipa)) self.assertTrue(all([len(g)==4 for g in t])) # 2x2 mask -> four targets
def lgn_to_v1_connections(l_exc, l_inh, sd_exc, sd_inh, l_poiss, self_orientation): tp.ConnectLayers(l_poiss, l_exc, dict_poiss_to_v1) tp.ConnectLayers(l_poiss, l_inh, dict_poiss_to_v1) leaves_exc = nest.GetLeaves(l_exc, local_only=True)[0] nest.Connect(leaves_exc, sd_exc) leaves_inh = nest.GetLeaves(l_inh, local_only=True)[0] nest.Connect(leaves_inh, sd_inh)
def start_simulation(self): nest.Simulate(self.parameters['Time before stimulation']) nest.SetStatus(self.stim2_i, {'rate': self.parameters['Stimulus rate']}) nest.Simulate(self.parameters['Time of stimulation']) nest.SetStatus(self.stim2_i, {'rate': 0.0}) nest.Simulate(self.parameters['Time after Stimulation']) rec_ex_true = nest.GetLeaves(self.rec_ex, local_only=True)[0] rec_in_true = nest.GetLeaves(self.rec_in, local_only=True)[0] self.events_ex = nest.GetStatus(rec_ex_true, "events")[0] self.events_in = nest.GetStatus(rec_in_true, "events")[0] # self.events_ex = nest.GetStatus(self.rec_ex, "events")[0] # self.events_in = nest.GetStatus(self.rec_in, "events")[0] self.df_ex = makePandas(self.events_ex, tp.FindCenterElement(self.l)[0]) self.df_in = makePandas(self.events_in, tp.FindCenterElement(self.l)[0])
def _degrees(self): '''Return list of degrees.''' connections = nest.GetConnections(source=nest.GetLeaves(self._ls)[0]) i = 0 if self._degree == 'out' else 1 connections = [conn[i] for conn in connections] return self._counter(connections)
def wd_fig(fig, loc, ldict, cdict, what, rpos=None, xlim=[-1, 51], ylim=[0, 1], xticks=range(0, 51, 5), yticks=np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.2), clr='blue', label=''): nest.ResetKernel() l = tp.CreateLayer(ldict) tp.ConnectLayers(l, l, cdict) ax = fig.add_subplot(loc) if rpos is None: rn = nest.GetLeaves(l)[0][:1] # first node else: rn = tp.FindNearestElement(l, rpos) conns = nest.GetConnections(rn) cstat = nest.GetStatus(conns) vals = np.array([sd[what] for sd in cstat]) tgts = [sd['target'] for sd in cstat] locs = np.array(tp.GetPosition(tgts)) ax.plot(locs[:, 0], vals, 'o', mec='none', mfc=clr, label=label) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_yticks(yticks)
def _positions(self): '''Return positions of all nodes.''' return [ tuple(pos) for pos in topo.GetPosition(nest.GetLeaves(self._lt)[0]) ]
def pn_fig(fig, loc, ldict, cdict, xlim=[0., .5], ylim=[0, 3.5], xticks=range(0, 51, 5), yticks=np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.2), clr='blue', label=''): nest.ResetKernel() l = tp.CreateLayer(ldict) tp.ConnectLayers(l, l, cdict) ax = fig.add_subplot(loc) rn = nest.GetLeaves(l)[0] conns = nest.GetConnections(rn) cstat = nest.GetStatus(conns) srcs = [sd['source'] for sd in cstat] tgts = [sd['target'] for sd in cstat] dist = np.array(tp.Distance(srcs, tgts)) ax.hist(dist, bins=50, histtype='stepfilled', normed=True) r = np.arange(0., 0.51, 0.01) plt.plot(r, 2 * np.pi * r * (1 - 2 * r) * 12 / np.pi, 'r-', lw=3, zorder=-10) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) """ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_yticks(yticks)""" # ax.set_aspect(100, 'box') ax.set_xlabel('Source-target distance d') ax.set_ylabel('Connection probability pconn(d)')
def generate_recorders(p,layers): # Function for creating and connecting recorders to the network # Input: input parameters from YML files # Output: list of recorders recorders = [] for i in p["network"]["recorders"]["types"]: i["params"]["to_file"] = True if "file" in i["params"]["record_to"] else False i["params"]["to_memory"] = True if "memory" in i["params"]["record_to"] else False nest.CopyModel(i["type"],i["name"],i["params"]) for i in p["network"]["recorders"]["record_from"]: r = nest.Create(i["recorder"]) a = p["network"]["recorders"]["types"] b=None for z in a: b = z["params"]["record_from"] if z["name"] == i["recorder"] else b if not b: print("Recordername not recognized. Check the recorders of the input files for consistency.") sys.exit() recorders.append([r, i["layer"],i["population"],b]) nest.Connect(r,nest.GetLeaves(layers[i["layer"]][0],properties={"model":i["population"]})[0]) return recorders
def test_Distance(self): """Interface check on distance calculations.""" ldict = {'elements': 'iaf_neuron', 'rows': 4, 'columns': 5} nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer(ldict) n = nest.GetLeaves(l)[0] # gids -> gids, all displacements must be zero here d = topo.Distance(n, n) self.assertEqual(len(d), len(n)) self.assertTrue(all([dd == 0. for dd in d])) # single gid -> gids d = topo.Distance(n[:1], n) self.assertEqual(len(d), len(n)) self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(dd, float) for dd in d])) # gids -> single gid d = topo.Distance(n, n[:1]) self.assertEqual(len(d), len(n)) self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(dd, float) for dd in d])) from numpy import array # position -> gids d = topo.Distance(array([0.0, 0.0]), n) self.assertEqual(len(d), len(n)) self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(dd, float) for dd in d])) # positions -> gids d = topo.Distance([array([0.0, 0.0])] * len(n), n) self.assertEqual(len(d), len(n)) self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(dd, float) for dd in d]))
def intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, starting_neuron, rows, cols, starting_pos, total_time): #keiko pos = starting_pos counter = 0 for population, model in recorded_models: l = [ nd for nd in np.arange(0, len(recorders)) if (recorders[nd][1] == population and recorders[nd][2] == model) ][0] data = nest.GetStatus(recorders[l][0], keys='events') pop = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] senders = data[0]['senders'] selected_senders = np.where(senders == pop[starting_neuron]) Vax = plt.subplot2grid((rows, cols), (pos, 0), colspan=cols) Vax.plot((data[0]['V_m'])[selected_senders[0]]) if (counter != (len(recorded_models) - 1)): Vax.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) plt.setp(Vax, yticks=[-80, 0], yticklabels=['-80', '0']) Vax.set_ylabel(model) Vax.set_xlabel('time (ms)') pos += 1 counter += 1 # keiko #min_x = np.min(data[0]['times']) #max_x = np.max(data[0]['times']) plt.xlim(0, total_time)
def synaptic_currents(recorders, recorded_models, starting_neuron): fig = plt.figure() counter = 0 for population, model in recorded_models: l = [ nd for nd in np.arange(0, len(recorders)) if (recorders[nd][1] == population and recorders[nd][2] == model) ][0] data = nest.GetStatus(recorders[l][0], keys='events') pop = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] senders = data[0]['senders'] selected_senders = np.where(senders == pop[starting_neuron]) Vax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0), colspan=1) Vax.plot((data[0]['I_syn_AMPA'])[selected_senders[0]], label='AMPA') Vax.plot((data[0]['I_syn_NMDA'])[selected_senders[0]], label='NMDA') Vax.plot((data[0]['I_syn_GABA_A'])[selected_senders[0]], label='GABA_A') Vax.plot((data[0]['I_syn_GABA_B'])[selected_senders[0]], label='GABA_B') Vax.legend(fancybox=True) Vax.set_ylabel(model) Vax.set_xlabel('time (ms)')
def runSimulation(self, recorded_models, recorded_spikes): nest.CopyModel( 'multimeter', 'RecordingNode', { 'interval': self.Params['resolution'], 'record_from': ['V_m'], 'record_to': ['memory'], 'withgid': True, 'withtime': False }) recorders = [] for population, model in recorded_models: rec = nest.Create('RecordingNode') recorders.append([rec, population, model]) tgts = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] nest.Connect(rec, tgts) nest.CopyModel('spike_detector', 'RecordingSpikes', { "withtime": True, "withgid": True, "to_file": False }) spike_detectors = [] for population, model in recorded_spikes: rec = nest.Create('RecordingSpikes') spike_detectors.append([rec, population, model]) tgts = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] nest.Connect(tgts, rec) print("\n--- Simulation ---\n") nest.SetStatus([0], {'print_time': True}) nest.Simulate(self.Params['simtime']) return recorders, spike_detectors
def geometryFunction(topologyLayer): positions = topo.GetPosition(nest.GetLeaves(topologyLayer)[0]) def geometry_function(idx): return positions[idx] return geometry_function
def _connect(self): '''Connect populations.''' g1 = self._geometryFunction(self._ls) g2 = self._geometryFunction(self._lt) d = csa.euclidMetric2d(g1, g2) sigma = self._params['sigma'] cutoff = self._max_dist cs = csa.cset( csa.cross([0], xrange(self._N - 1)) * (csa.random * (csa.gaussian(sigma, cutoff) * d)), 1.0, 1.0) nest.CGConnect( nest.GetLeaves(self._ls)[0], nest.GetLeaves(self._lt)[0], cs, { 'weight': 0, 'delay': 1 })
def MyConnectLayers(pre, post, projections): if 'n_cluster' in projections.keys(): n_cluster = projections['n_cluster'] k = projections['kernel'] syn_model = projections['synapse_model'] k_new = k * 1 / (1 - 1 / n_cluster) pre_ids = nest.GetLeaves(pre)[0] post_ids = nest.GetLeaves(post)[0] sources, targets = misc.cluster_connections(pre_ids, post_ids, k_new, n_cluster) nest.Connect(list(sources), list(targets), model=syn_model) else: ConnectLayers(pre, post, projections)
def test_CreateLayer(self): """Creating a single layer from dict.""" nr = 4 nc = 5 nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer({'elements': 'iaf_neuron', 'rows': nr, 'columns': nc}) self.assertEqual(len(l), 1) self.assertEqual(len(nest.GetLeaves(l)[0]), nr*nc)
def potential_raster(fig, recorders, recorded_models, starting_neuron, number_cells, simtime, resolution, rows, cols, starting_pos): pos = starting_pos rec_from = ["rate", "V_m"] for population, model in recorded_models: l = [ nd for nd in np.arange(0, len(recorders)) if (recorders[nd][1] == population and recorders[nd][2] == model) ][0] data = nest.GetStatus(recorders[l][0], keys='events') pop = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] # Retina layer always the first (l=0) if l == 0: rf = rec_from[0] else: rf = rec_from[1] raster = np.zeros( (number_cells, round((simtime - resolution) / resolution))) senders = data[0]['senders'] for neuron in range(0, len(raster)): selected_senders = np.where(senders == pop[neuron + starting_neuron]) raster[neuron, :] = (data[0][rf])[selected_senders[0]] Vax = plt.subplot2grid((rows, cols), (pos, 0), colspan=cols) if l > 0: cax = Vax.matshow(raster, aspect='auto', vmin=-70.0, vmax=-45.0) Vax.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) else: # cax = Vax.matshow(raster,aspect='auto') # original cax = Vax.matshow(raster, aspect='auto', vmin=0.0, vmax=200.0) # keiko fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=[0.0, 100.0, 200.0], orientation='horizontal') # keiko Vax.xaxis.tick_top() plt.setp(Vax, yticks=[0, number_cells], yticklabels=['0', str(number_cells - 1)]) Vax.set_ylabel(model) pos += 1 fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=[-70.0, -57.5, -45.0], orientation='horizontal')
def csa_example(): cs = csa.cset(csa.random(0.1), 10000.0, 1.0) # This does not work yet, as the implementation does not yet # support nested subnets. # #pop1 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [4,4]) #pop2 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [4,4]) pop1 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [16]) pop2 = nest.LayoutNetwork("iaf_neuron", [16]) nest.PrintNetwork(10) nest.CGConnect(pop1, pop2, cs, {"weight": 0, "delay": 1}) pg = nest.Create("poisson_generator", params={"rate": 80000.0}) nest.DivergentConnect(pg, nest.GetLeaves(pop1)[0], 1.2, 1.0) vm = nest.Create("voltmeter", params={ "record_to": ["memory"], "withgid": True, "withtime": True, "interval": 0.1 }) nest.DivergentConnect(vm, nest.GetLeaves(pop2)[0]) nest.Simulate(50.0) # Not yet supported in NEST #from nest import visualization #allnodes = [pg, nest.GetLeaves(pop1)[0], nest.GetLeaves(pop2)[0], vm] #visualization.plot_network(allnodes, "test_csa.png", "png", plot_modelnames=True #if havePIL: # im ="test_csa.png") # from nest import voltage_trace voltage_trace.from_device(vm)
def test_CreateLayerN(self): """Creating multiple layers from tuple of dicts.""" nr = 4 nc = 5 ldict = {'elements': 'iaf_neuron', 'rows': nr, 'columns': nc} nlayers = 3 nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer((ldict, ) * nlayers) self.assertEqual(len(l), nlayers) self.assertEqual([len(lvs) for lvs in nest.GetLeaves(l)], [nr * nc] * nlayers)
def test_GetLeaves(self): """GetLeaves""" nest.ResetKernel() model = 'iaf_neuron' l = nest.LayoutNetwork(model, [2, 3]) allLeaves = [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9] # test all self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l), [allLeaves]) # test all with empty dict self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l, properties={}), [allLeaves]) # test iteration over subnets self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l + l), [allLeaves, allLeaves]) # children of l are not leaves, should yield empty self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l, properties={'parent': l[0]}), [[]]) # local id of middle nodes self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l, properties={'local_id': 2}), [[4, 8]]) # selection by model type self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l, properties={'model': model}), [allLeaves])
def test_GetLeaves(self): """GetLeaves""" nest.ResetKernel() model = 'iaf_psc_alpha' l = nest.LayoutNetwork(model, (2, 3)) allLeaves = (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9) # test all self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l), (allLeaves, )) # test all with empty dict self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l, properties={}), (allLeaves, )) # test iteration over subnets self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves(l + l), (allLeaves, allLeaves)) # children of l are not leaves, should yield empty self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves( l, properties={'parent': l[0]}), (tuple(), )) # local id of middle nodes self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves( l, properties={'local_id': 2}), ((4, 8), )) # selection by model type self.assertEqual(nest.GetLeaves( l, properties={'model': model}), (allLeaves, ))
def test_GetPosition(self): """Check if GetPosition returns proper positions.""" pos = [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [3.5, 1.5]] ldict = { 'elements': 'iaf_neuron', 'extent': [20., 20.], 'positions': pos } nlayers = 2 nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer((ldict, ) * nlayers) nodepos = [topo.GetPosition(node) for node in nest.GetLeaves(l)] self.assertEqual([pos] * nlayers, nodepos)
def makeMovie(fig, recorders, recorded_models, labels, number_cells, simtime, resolution): counter = 0 print "creating movies..." for population, model in recorded_models: fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlabel('neuron ID') ax.set_ylabel('neuron ID') im = ax.matshow(np.zeros((number_cells, number_cells)), vmin=-70.0, vmax=-45.0) if counter == 0: plt.subplot(111) cbar = fig.colorbar(im) os.system("rm -r movies/" + labels[counter] + "/*") os.system("mkdir movies/" + labels[counter]) l = [ nd for nd in np.arange(0, len(recorders)) if (recorders[nd][1] == population and recorders[nd][2] == model) ][0] data = nest.GetStatus(recorders[l][0], keys='events') pop = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] senders = data[0]['senders'] for t in np.arange(0.0, simtime - resolution, resolution): mult_pos = 0 raster = np.zeros((number_cells, number_cells)) for x in range(0, number_cells): for y in range(0, number_cells): selected_senders = np.where(senders == pop[mult_pos]) ind_rec = (data[0]['V_m'])[selected_senders[0]] raster[y, x] = ind_rec[int(t)] mult_pos += 1 im = ax.matshow(raster, vmin=-70.0, vmax=-45.0) plt.savefig('movies/' + labels[counter] + '/' + str(t) + '.png') counter += 1
def test_GetLayer(self): """Check if GetLayer returns correct information.""" nr = 4 nc = 5 ldict = {'elements': 'iaf_neuron', 'rows': nr, 'columns': nc} nlayers = 3 nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer((ldict, ) * nlayers) # obtain list containing list of results from GetLayer for all # nodes in layers leavelayers = [topo.GetLayer(node) for node in nest.GetLeaves(l)] # the list comprehension builds a list of lists of layer gids, # each list containing nr*nc copies of the layer gid self.assertEqual([list(t) for t in zip(*([l] * (nr * nc)))], leavelayers)
def test_GetPosition(self): """Check if GetPosition returns proper positions.""" pos = ((1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (3.5, 1.5)) ldict = {'elements': 'iaf_neuron', 'extent': (20., 20.), 'positions': pos} nlayers = 2 nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer((ldict,)*nlayers) nodepos_ref = (pos, ) * nlayers nodepos_exp = (topo.GetPosition(node) for node in nest.GetLeaves(l)) for npe, npr in zip(nodepos_exp, nodepos_ref): self.assertEqual(npe, npr)
def topographic_representation(fig, recorders, recorded_models, labels, number_cells, simtime, resolution, rows, cols, start, stop, starting_pos, col_paint): col_ind = col_paint pos = starting_pos counter = 0 for population, model in recorded_models: l = [ nd for nd in np.arange(0, len(recorders)) if (recorders[nd][1] == population and recorders[nd][2] == model) ][0] data = nest.GetStatus(recorders[l][0], keys='events') pop = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] raster = np.zeros((number_cells, number_cells)) mult_pos = 0 senders = data[0]['senders'] for x in range(0, number_cells): for y in range(0, number_cells): selected_senders = np.where(senders == pop[mult_pos]) ind_rec = (data[0]['V_m'])[selected_senders[0]] raster[y, x] = np.sum( ind_rec[int(start / resolution):int(stop / resolution)]) / ( (stop - start) / resolution) mult_pos += 1 Iax = plt.subplot2grid((rows, cols), (pos, col_ind), colspan=1) cax2 = Iax.matshow(raster, aspect='auto', vmin=-70.0, vmax=-45.0) Iax.xaxis.tick_bottom() Iax.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) Iax.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) Iax.set_ylabel(model) Iax.set_xlabel(labels[counter]) counter += 1 col_ind += 1 fig.colorbar(cax2, ticks=[-70.0, -57.5, -45.0])