def getPixels(self, n):
     # 'n' is 1-based
     # Target 2D array img to copy data into
     aimg = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(self.dimensions[0:2])
     # The number of slices of the 3D volume of a single timepoint
     nZ = self.img4d.dimension(2)
     # The slice_index if there was a single channel
     slice_index = int((n - 1) / 2)  # 0-based, of the whole 4D series
     local_slice_index = slice_index % nZ  # 0-based, of the timepoint 3D volume
     timepoint_index = int(slice_index / nZ)  # Z blocks
     if 1 == n % 2:
         # Odd slice index: image channel
         fixedT = Views.hyperSlice(self.img4d, 3, timepoint_index)
         fixedZ = Views.hyperSlice(fixedT, 2, local_slice_index)
         w.copy(fixedZ.cursor(), aimg.cursor())
         # Even slice index: spheres channel
         sd = SpheresData(self.kdtrees[timepoint_index], radius, inside,
         volume = Views.interval(Views.raster(sd), self.dimensions3d)
         plane = Views.hyperSlice(volume, 2, local_slice_index)
         w.copy(plane.cursor(), aimg.cursor())
     return aimg.update(None).getCurrentStorageArray()
Ejemplo n.º 2
                             "deltaFoF_somaDiameter%0.2f.csv" % somaDiameter)
peaks = peak_map[somaDiameter]

# Measure intensity over time, for every peak
# by averaging the signal within a radius of each peak.
measurement_radius_px = [
    (somaDiameter / calibration[d]) * 0.66 for d in xrange(3)
]  # NOTE: DIVIDING BY 3, not 2, to make the radius a bit smaller
spheres = [
                             for d in xrange(3)], measurement_radius_px)
    for peak in peaks
insides = [
    for sphere in spheres

count = float(Regions.countTrue(insides[0]))  # same for all

def measurePeaks(filename, retry=0):
    img3D = klb.readFull(os.path.join(srcDir, filename))
  mean_intensities = []
  print Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img3D)
  for inside, peak in zip(insides, peaks):
    samples = Regions.sample(inside, img3D)
    #print type(samples)
def as3DVolume(kdtree, dimensions3d):
    sd = SpheresData(kdtree, radius, inside, outside)
    vol3d = Views.interval(Views.raster(sd), dimensions3d)
    return vol3d
Ejemplo n.º 4
        self.kdtree = kdtree = NearestNeighborSearchOnKDTree(kdtree)
        self.radius = radius
        self.radius_sq = radius * radius
        self.inside = inside
        self.outside = outside

    def copyRealRandomAccess(self):
        return RRA(self.numDimensions(), self.kdtree, self.radius, self.inside,

    def get(self):  # hilariously symmetric
        if < self.radius_sq:
            return self.inside  # Same: self.kdtree.getSampler().get()
        return self.outside

# Partial implementation, methods not needed were not implemented
class Circles(RealRandomAccessible):
    def realRandomAccess(self):
        return RRA(2, kdtree, radius, inside, outside)

    def numDimensions(self):
        return 2

# 'img' here is used as the Interval within which the RRA is defined
circles = Views.interval(Views.raster(Circles()), img)
IL.wrap(circles, "Circles").show()
def measureFluorescence(series_name, img4D, mask=None):
    csv_fluorescence = os.path.join(srcDir,
                                    "%s_fluorescence.csv" % series_name)
    if not os.path.exists(csv_fluorescence):
        # Generate projection over time (the img3D) and extract peaks with difference of Gaussian using the params
        # (Will check if file for projection over time exists and just load it)
        img3D_filepath = os.path.join(
            srcDir, "" % series_name)
        img3D, peaks, spheresRAI, impSpheres = findNucleiByMaxProjection(
            img4D, params, img3D_filepath, show=True)
        comp = showAsComposite([wrap(img3D), impSpheres])
        # Measure intensity over time, for every peak
        # by averaging the signal within a radius of each peak.
        measurement_radius = somaDiameter / 3.0
        spheres = [
                                  for d in xrange(3)], measurement_radius)
            for peak in peaks
        insides = [
            for sphere in spheres

        count = float(Regions.countTrue(insides[0]))  # same for all
        measurements = []

        with open(csv_fluorescence, 'w') as csvfile:
            w = csv.writer(csvfile,
            # Header: with peak coordinates
            w.writerow(["timepoint"] + [
                "%.2f::%.2f::%.2f" %
                tuple(peak.getFloatPosition(d) for d in xrange(3))
                for peak in peaks
            # Each time point
            for t in xrange(img4D.dimension(3)):
                img3D = Views.hyperSlice(img4D, 3, t)
                mean_intensities = array(
                          for t in Regions.sample(inside, img3D)) / count)
                     for inside in insides), 'f')
                w.writerow([t] + mean_intensities.tolist())

        # Parse CSV file
        with open(csv_fluorescence, 'r') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
            header =
            # Parse header, containing peak locations
            peaks = [
                RealPoint.wrap(map(float, h.split("::")))
                for h in islice(header, 1, None)
            # Parse rows
            measurements = [map(float, islice(row, 1, None)) for row in reader]

    return peaks, measurements
# create an empty image
phantom = ops.create().img([xSize, ySize, zSize])

# make phantom an ImgPlus
phantom = ops.create().imgPlus(phantom)

location = Point(phantom.numDimensions())
location.setPosition([xSize / 2, ySize / 2, zSize / 2])

hyperSphere = HyperSphere(phantom, location, 10)

for value in hyperSphere:


affine = AffineTransform3D()
affine.scale(1, 1, 0.4)

interpolatedImg = Views.interpolate(Views.extendZero(phantom),

phantom = Views.interval(
    Views.raster(RealViews.affine(interpolatedImg, affine)),
    Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, 18, 255, 255, 82))

# make phantom an ImgPlus
phantom = ops.create().imgPlus(ops.copy().iterableInterval(
        self.outside = outside

    def copyRealRandomAccess(self):
        return Circles(self.numDimensions(), self.kdtree, self.radius,
                       self.inside, self.outside)

    def get(self):
        if < self.radius_squared:
            return self.inside
        return self.outside

# The RealRandomAccessible that wraps the Circles in 2D space, unbounded
# NOTE: partial implementation, unneeded methods were left unimplemented
class CircleData(RealRandomAccessible):
    def realRandomAccess(self):
        return Circles(2, kdtree, radius, inside, outside)

    def numDimensions(self):
        return 2

# An unbounded view of the Circles that can be iterated in a grid, with integers
raster = Views.raster(CircleData())

# A bounded view of the raster, within the bounds of the original 'img'
# I.e. 'img' here is used as the Interval within which the CircleData is defined
circles = Views.interval(raster, img)

IL.wrap(circles, "Circles").show()
        resultFileName = '%s/result.tif' % home.rstrip('/')
        imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap( result, 'result' )
        IJ.saveAsTiff(imp.duplicate(), resultFileName)

        relativeResult = result.copy()
        c = relativeResult.cursor()
        while c.hasNext():
            cur = c.get()
            val = cur.get()
            cur.set( val - c.getDoublePosition( 2 ) )

        relativeResultFileName = '%s/relativeResult.tif' % home.rstrip('/')
        imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap( relativeResult, 'relative result' )
        IJ.saveAsTiff(imp.duplicate(), relativeResultFileName)

        ratio = [ wrappedImage.dimension( 0 )*1.0/result.dimension( 0 ), wrappedImage.dimension( 1 )*1.0/result.dimension( 1 ) ]
        shift = [ 0.0, 0.0 ]
        lutField = SingleDimensionLUTGrid(3, 3, result, 2, ratio, shift )

        transformed = Views.interval( Views.raster( RealViews.transformReal( Views.interpolate( Views.extendBorder( wrappedImage ), NLinearInterpolatorFactory() ), lutField ) ), wrappedImage )
        imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap( transformed, 'transformed' )
        transformedFileName = '%s/transformed.tif' % home.rstrip('/')
        IJ.saveAsTiff( imp.duplicate(), transformedFileName )
        # result = inference.estimateZCoordinates( 0, 0, startingCoordinates, matrixTracker, options )