Ejemplo n.º 1
def subset_merra_data(url, llat=23., ulat=51., llon=-130., rlon=-65., year=2010):
       Function to slice MERRA Reanalysis Precipitation data over particular region 
       (default region is centered over the contiguous U.S.) for a specified year.
       It returns a monthly and summertime average daily rainfall for plotting purposes.   
    nc = Dataset(url)
    time = nc.variables['time']
    lon = nc.variables['lon'][:]
    lat = nc.variables['lat'][:]
    # indices for slicing the data over particular year and region
    strt_time = int(date2num(datetime(year,01,01),time.units) - time[0])
    stp_time = int(date2num(datetime(year,12,31),time.units) - time[0])
    dates = num2date(time[strt_time:stp_time],time.units)
    llat_ind = np.argwhere(lat == llat)[0,0]
    ulat_ind = np.argwhere(lat == ulat)[0,0]
    llon_ind = np.argwhere(lon >= llon)[0,0]
    rlon_ind = np.argwhere(lon >= rlon)[0,0]
    # downloading sliced rainfall data
    precip = nc.variables['prectot'][strt_time:stp_time+1, llat_ind:ulat_ind,llon_ind:rlon_ind]
    precip = 24*60*60*precip     # converting to mm/day
    lon = lon[llon_ind:rlon_ind] 
    lat = lat[llat_ind:ulat_ind]
    # computing monthly averages
    m_precip = []
    mm = [dd.month for dd in dates]
    for months in np.arange(1,13):
        m_precip.append(precip[np.argwhere(mm == months)].mean(axis=0)[0])
    m_precip = np.array(m_precip)   
    # summertime average daily rainfall for 2-D plotting over map 
    jja_precip = m_precip[5:8,:,:].mean(axis=0)
    return lat,lon,m_precip, jja_precip
    def dictionary_of_data_to_netcdf(self, ncFileName, dataDictionary, timeBounds, timeStamp = None, posCnt = None):

        rootgrp = nc.Dataset(ncFileName, 'a')

        lowerTimeBound = timeBounds[0]
        upperTimeBound = timeBounds[1]
        if timeStamp == None: timeStamp = lowerTimeBound + (upperTimeBound - lowerTimeBound) / 2

        # time
        date_time = rootgrp.variables['time']
        if posCnt == None: posCnt = len(date_time)
        date_time[posCnt] = nc.date2num(timeStamp, date_time.units, date_time.calendar)
        # time bounds
        time_bounds = rootgrp.variables['time_bounds']
        time_bounds[posCnt, 0] = nc.date2num(lowerTimeBound, date_time.units, date_time.calendar)
        time_bounds[posCnt, 1] = nc.date2num(upperTimeBound, date_time.units, date_time.calendar)

        shortVarNameList = dataDictionary.keys()
        for shortVarName in shortVarNameList:
            varField = dataDictionary[shortVarName]
            # flip variable if necessary (to follow cf_convention)
            if self.netcdf_y_orientation_follow_cf_convention: varField = np.flipud(varField)
            # the variable
            rootgrp.variables[shortVarName][posCnt,:,:] = varField

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_numtime(self, arr):
        :param arr: An array of ``datetime``-like objects to convert to numeric time.
        :type arr: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :returns: An array of numeric values with same shape as ``arr``.
        :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        arr = np.atleast_1d(arr)
            ret = nc.date2num(arr, str(self.units), calendar=self.calendar)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            # Special behavior for conversion of time units with months.
            if self._has_months_units:
                ret = get_num_from_months_time_units(arr, self.units, dtype=None)
                # Odd behavior in netcdftime objects? Try with datetime objects.
                flat_arr = arr.flatten()
                fill = np.zeros(flat_arr.shape, dtype=object)
                for idx, element in enumerate(flat_arr):
                    fill[idx] = datetime.datetime(element.year, element.month, element.day, element.hour,
                                                  element.minute, element.second, element.microsecond)
                fill = fill.reshape(arr.shape)
                ret = np.atleast_1d(nc.date2num(fill, str(self.units), calendar=self.calendar))
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _check_dates_outside(ifile, start_date, end_date):
    """ Checks if the comparison data is outside of the dates for the plot
        Returns True if the dates of the data are completely outside of the
        desired dates.
        Returns False if the dates overlap at all, but prints a warning if 
        it is only a subset.
    # Load data from file into Dataset object
    nc = Dataset(ifile, 'r')
    nc_time = nc.variables['time']
        cal = nc_time.calendar
        cal = 'standard'
    # convert dates to datetime object
    start = datetime.datetime(*year_mon_day(start_date))
    end = datetime.datetime(*year_mon_day(end_date))
    # convert datetime objects to integers
    start = date2num(start, nc_time.units, calendar=cal)
    end = date2num(end, nc_time.units, calendar=cal)
    # get start and end dates of file
    compstart = nc_time[:][0]
    compend = nc_time[:][-1]
    # make comparison
    if compstart > end or compend < start:
        return True
    elif compstart > start or compend < end:
        with open('logs/log.txt', 'a') as outfile:
            outfile.write('WARNING: Comparison data does not cover entire time period... Used subset\n')
    return False
def convert_osu_file(file, sheet_names):
    for s in sheet_names:
        name = str(s)
        print '\nConverting sheet name: %s' %name
        f = pd.read_excel(file, sheetname=name, skiprows=1)

        for i,j in f.iterrows():
            ctd_sn = int(j['SN'])
            ctd_uid = 'CGINS-CTDGVM-' + '{0:05d}'.format(ctd_sn)
            print ctd_uid
            ctd_inst = 'CTDGVM'
            ctd_caldate_str = str(j['Cal Date'])[0:10].replace('-','')
            ctd_caldate_num = int(nc.date2num(j['Cal Date'],'seconds since 1970-01-01'))*1000
            ctd_sdir = os.path.join(dir,ctd_inst)
            write_csv(ctd_uid, ctd_caldate_str, ctd_caldate_num, ctd_sn, ctd_sdir)

            do_sn = int(j['SN.3'])
            do_uid = 'CGINS-DOSTAM-' + '{0:05d}'.format(do_sn)
            print do_uid
            do_inst = 'DOSTAM'
            do_caldate_str = str(j['Cal Date.3'])[0:10].replace('-','')
            do_caldate_num = int(nc.date2num(j['Cal Date.3'],'seconds since 1970-01-01'))*1000
            do_sdir = os.path.join(dir,do_inst)
            write_csv(do_uid, do_caldate_str, do_caldate_num, do_sn, do_sdir)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def setUp(self):
        self.standardtime = self.TestTime(datetime(1950, 1, 1), 366, 24,
                                          'hours since 1900-01-01', 'standard')

        self.file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.nc', delete=False).name
        f = Dataset(self.file, 'w')
        f.createDimension('time', None)
        time = f.createVariable('time', float, ('time',))
        time.units = 'hours since 1900-01-01'
        time[:] = self.standardtime[:]
        f.createDimension('time2', 1)
        time2 = f.createVariable('time2', 'f8', ('time2',))
        time2.units = 'days since 1901-01-01'
        self.first_timestamp = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
        time2[0] = date2num(self.first_timestamp, time2.units)
        ntimes = 21
        f.createDimension("record", ntimes)
        time3 = f.createVariable("time3", numpy.int32, ("record", ))
        time3.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"
        date = datetime(2037,1,1,0)
        dates = [date]
        for ndate in range(ntimes-1):
            date += (ndate+1)*timedelta(hours=1)
        time3[:] = date2num(dates,time3.units)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def setUp(self):
        self.standardtime = self.TestTime(datetime(1950, 1, 1), 366, 24, "hours since 1900-01-01", "standard")

        self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".nc")
        f = Dataset(self.file, "w")
        f.createDimension("time", None)
        time = f.createVariable("time", float, ("time",))
        time.units = "hours since 1900-01-01"
        time[:] = self.standardtime[:]
        f.createDimension("time2", 1)
        time2 = f.createVariable("time2", "f8", ("time2",))
        time2.units = "days since 1901-01-01"
        self.first_timestamp = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
        time2[0] = date2num(self.first_timestamp, time2.units)
        ntimes = 21
        f.createDimension("record", ntimes)
        time3 = f.createVariable("time3", numpy.int32, ("record",))
        time3.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"
        date = datetime(2037, 1, 1, 0)
        dates = [date]
        for ndate in range(ntimes - 1):
            date += (ndate + 1) * timedelta(hours=1)
        time3[:] = date2num(dates, time3.units)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_select_nc(self):
        f = Dataset(self.file, 'r')
        nutime = f.variables['time']

        dates = [datetime(1950, 1, 2, 6), datetime(
            1950, 1, 3), datetime(1950, 1, 3, 18)]

        t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='before')
        assert_equal(t, [1, 2, 2])

        t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='after')
        assert_equal(t, [2, 2, 3])

        t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='nearest')
        assert_equal(t, [1, 2, 3])

        # Test dates outside the support with select
        t = date2index(datetime(1949, 12, 1), nutime, select='nearest')
        assert_equal(t, 0)

        t = date2index(datetime(1978, 1, 1), nutime, select='nearest')
        assert_equal(t, 365)

        # Test dates outside the support with before
            ValueError, date2index, datetime(1949, 12, 1), nutime, select='before')

        t = date2index(datetime(1978, 1, 1), nutime, select='before')
        assert_equal(t, 365)

        # Test dates outside the support with after
        t = date2index(datetime(1949, 12, 1), nutime, select='after')
        assert_equal(t, 0)

            ValueError, date2index, datetime(1978, 1, 1), nutime, select='after')
        # test microsecond and millisecond units
        unix_epoch = "milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        d = datetime(2038, 1, 19, 3, 14, 7)
        millisecs = int(
            date2num(d, unix_epoch, calendar='proleptic_gregorian'))
        assert_equal(millisecs, (2 ** 32 / 2 - 1) * 1000)
        unix_epoch = "microseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        microsecs = int(date2num(d, unix_epoch))
        assert_equal(microsecs, (2 ** 32 / 2 - 1) * 1000000)
        # test microsecond accuracy in date2num/num2date roundtrip
        # note: microsecond accuracy lost for time intervals greater
        # than about 270 years.
        units = 'microseconds since 1776-07-04 00:00:00-12:00'
        dates =\
            [datetime(1962, 10, 27, 6, 1, 30, 9001), datetime(
                1993, 11, 21, 12, 5, 25, 999), datetime(1995, 11, 25, 18, 7, 59, 999999)]
        times2 = date2num(dates, units)
        dates2 = num2date(times2, units)
        for date, date2 in zip(dates, dates2):
            assert_equal(date, date2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def fix_time(cgfile, time):
    times = cgfile.createVariable('time', 'double', ('time', ))
    times.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0'
    times.calendar = 'gregorian'
    times.standard_name = 'time'
    print "time here is"
    print time
    print netCDF4.date2num(time, units=times.units, calendar=times.calendar)
    times[0] = netCDF4.date2num(time, units=times.units,
    print times
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def setup_getfeatureinfo(self, ncd, variable_object, request, location=None):

        location = location or 'face'

            latitude = request.GET['latitude']
            longitude = request.GET['longitude']
            # Find closest cell or node (only node for now)
            if location == 'face':
                tree = rtree.index.Index(self.face_tree_root)
            elif location == 'node':
                tree = rtree.index.Index(self.node_tree_root)
                raise NotImplementedError("No RTree for location '{}'".format(location))
            nindex = list(tree.nearest((longitude, latitude, longitude, latitude), 1, objects=True))[0]
            closest_x, closest_y = tuple(nindex.bbox[2:])
            geo_index = nindex.object
        except BaseException:

        # Get time indexes
        time_var_name = find_appropriate_time(variable_object, ncd.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='time'))
        time_var = ncd.variables[time_var_name]
        if hasattr(time_var, 'calendar'):
            calendar = time_var.calendar
            calendar = 'gregorian'
        start_nc_num = round(nc4.date2num(request.GET['starting'], units=time_var.units, calendar=calendar))
        end_nc_num = round(nc4.date2num(request.GET['ending'], units=time_var.units, calendar=calendar))

        all_times = time_var[:]
        start_nc_index = bisect.bisect_right(all_times, start_nc_num)
        end_nc_index = bisect.bisect_right(all_times, end_nc_num)

        except IndexError:
            start_nc_index = all_times.size - 1
        except IndexError:
            end_nc_index = all_times.size - 1

        if start_nc_index == end_nc_index:
            if start_nc_index > 0:
                start_nc_index -= 1
            elif end_nc_index < all_times.size:
                end_nc_index += 1
        return_dates = nc4.num2date(all_times[start_nc_index:end_nc_index], units=time_var.units, calendar=calendar)

        return geo_index, closest_x, closest_y, start_nc_index, end_nc_index, return_dates
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def download_time(self, dataset):
        self.logger.debug("Downloading time")
        t = dataset['time'][:]
        if 't_ini' not in self.cfg['limits']:
            if 'd_ini' in self.cfg['limits']:
                assert type(self.cfg['limits']['d_ini']) == datetime, \
                        "limits:d_ini must be a datetime"
                d = date2num(self.cfg['limits']['d_ini'],
                self.cfg['limits']['t_ini'] = np.nonzero(t>=d)[0][0]
                self.cfg['limits']['t_ini'] = 0
                self.logger.debug("Setting t_ini: %s" % self.cfg['limits']['t_ini'])

        if 't_step' not in self.cfg['limits']:
            self.cfg['limits']['t_step'] = 1
            self.logger.debug("Setting t_step: %s" % self.cfg['limits']['t_step'])

        if 't_fin' not in self.cfg['limits']:
            if 'd_fin' in self.cfg['limits']:
                assert type(self.cfg['limits']['d_fin']) == datetime, \
                        "limits:d_ini must be a datetime"
                d = date2num(self.cfg['limits']['d_fin'],
                self.cfg['limits']['t_fin'] = np.nonzero(t>d)[0][0]
                self.cfg['limits']['t_fin'] = dataset['time'].shape[0]
                self.logger.debug("Setting t_fin: %s" % self.cfg['limits']['t_fin'])

        t_ini = self.cfg['limits']['t_ini']
        t_fin = self.cfg['limits']['t_fin']
        t_step = self.cfg['limits']['t_step']
        # ----
        #from coards import from_udunits
        #if (re.match('^hours since \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$',dataset_h['time'].attributes['units'])):
        #if (re.match('^hours since 1950-01-01',self.dataset['h']['time'].attributes['units'])):
        #    t = self.dataset['h']['time'][t_ini:t_fin:t_step].tolist()
        #    data['datetime'] = numpy.array([t0+timedelta(hours=h) for h in t])
        #    self.logger.error("Problems interpreting the time")

        t = dataset['time'][t_ini:t_fin:t_step].tolist()

        self.nc.createDimension('time', len(range(t_ini,t_fin,t_step)))
        nct = self.nc.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', ))
        nct[:] = t
        nct.units = dataset['time'].attributes['units']
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __next_update_out_data(self):
        """ Determine the count for when the next write should occur """
        # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
        # If monthly, write at (YYYY,MM,1,0,0)
        # b0 is first timestep of next period
        # b1 is end of last timestep of next period

        b0 = self._time_ord
        self._begtime = b0

        if self._nhtfrq == 0:
            if self._timestamp.month == 12:
                b1 = date2num(datetime(self._timestamp.year + 1, 2, 1),
                              TIMEUNITS, calendar=self._calendar)
                b1 = date2num(datetime(self._timestamp.year,
                                       self._timestamp.month + 1, 1),
                              TIMEUNITS, calendar=self._calendar)

        # If some hours in the future
        elif self._nhtfrq < 0:
            b1 = b0 - (self._nhtfrq / HOURSPERDAY)

        # If some dts in the future
            b1 = b0 + (self._nhtfrq * self._dt / SECSPERDAY)
        # ------------------------------------------------------------ #

        # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
        # Get the number of timesteps and datestamp for the next write
        # next_ord is the ord_time when the write will happen
        self._update_count = int(round((b1 - b0) / (self._dt / SECSPERDAY)))
        # ------------------------------------------------------------ #

        # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
        # Get next file names and timeord
        if self._avgflag == 'I':
            self._write_ord = b1
            self.filename = num2date(b1, TIMEUNITS,
            self._time_bnds = np.array([[b0, b1]])
            self._write_ord = np.average(self._time_bnds)
            self.filename = num2date(b0, TIMEUNITS,
        self.rest_filename = num2date(b1, TIMEUNITS,
        # ------------------------------------------------------------ #

        # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
        # Set the count to zero
        self._count = 0
def check_dates(beginDate,endDate):
    begin_DT = datetime.strptime(beginDate,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
    beginDT = int(nc.date2num(begin_DT,'seconds since 1970-01-01')*1000)
        end_DT = datetime.strptime(endDate,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        endDT = int(nc.date2num(end_DT,'seconds since 1970-01-01')*1000)
        if endDT >= beginDT:
            return beginDT, endDT
            raise Exception('beginDate (%s) is after endDate (%s)' %(begin_DT,end_DT))
    except ValueError:
        endDT = ''
        return beginDT, endDT
Ejemplo n.º 14
def read_variable(source_file, variable, date, date_to=None):
    """Gets images from a netCDF file.

    Reads the image for a specific date. If date_to is given, it will return
    multiple images in a multidimensional numpy.ndarray

    source_file : str
        Path to source file.
    variable : str
        Requested variable of image.
    date : datetime.datetime
        Date of the image, start date of data cube if date_to is set.
    date_to : datetime.date, optional
        End date of data cube to slice from NetCDF file.

    image : numpy.ndarray
        Image for a specific date.
    lon : numpy.array
        Longitudes of the image.
    lat : numpy.array
        Latgitudes of the image.
    metadata : dict of strings
        Metadata from source netCDF file.

    with Dataset(source_file, 'r', format='NETCDF4') as nc:
        times = nc.variables['time']
        lon = nc.variables['lon'][:]
        lat = nc.variables['lat'][:]
        var = nc.variables[variable]

        metadata = {}
        for attr in var.ncattrs():
            if attr[0] != '_' and attr != 'scale_factor':
                metadata[attr] = var.getncattr(attr)

        numdate = date2num(date, units=times.units, calendar=times.calendar)

        if date_to is None:
            image = var[np.where(times[:] == numdate)[0][0]]
            numdate_to = date2num(date_to, units=times.units,
            subset = np.where((times[:] >= numdate) & (times[:] <= numdate_to))
            image = var[subset]

    return image, lon, lat, metadata
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def plot_sta(self, ax, vname, station, date, label):
     print vname, station, date, label
     if label == 'Free':
         nc = self.free
         if self.t_free is None:
             ocean_time = nc.variables['ocean_time'][:]
             time = netCDF4.date2num(date, self.sta_JST)
             if type(time) == np.int64:
                 t = np.where(ocean_time == time)[0][0]
                 t0 = np.where(ocean_time == time[0])[0][0]
                 t1 = np.where(ocean_time == time[1])[0][0]
                 t = np.arange(t0, t1)
             self.t_free = t
             t = self.t_free
     elif label == 'Assi':
         nc = self.assi
         if self.t_assi is None:
             ocean_time = nc.variables['ocean_time'][:]
             time = netCDF4.date2num(date, self.sta_JST)
             t = np.where(ocean_time == time)[0][0]
             self.t_assi = t
             t = self.t_assi
     if vname == 'DIN':
         NH4 = nc.variables['NH4'][t,station-1,:]
         NO3 = nc.variables['NO3'][t,station-1,:]
         var = NH4 + NO3
     elif vname == 'PON':
         LDeN = nc.variables['LdetritusN'][t,station-1,:]
         SDeN = nc.variables['SdetritusN'][t,station-1,:]
         var = LDeN + SDeN
     elif vname == 'POP':
         LDeP = nc.variables['LdetritusP'][t,station-1,:]
         SDeP = nc.variables['SdetritusP'][t,station-1,:]
         var = LDeP + SDeP
         var = nc.variables[vname][t,station-1,:]
     line = {'Free': '--', 'Assi': '-'}
     if type(t) == np.int64:
         depth = self.calculate_depth(nc, t, station)
         ax.plot(var, depth, line[label], label=label)
         depth  = self.calculate_depth(nc, t[0], station)
         #ax.errorbar(np.mean(var, axis=0), depth, xerr=np.std(var, axis=0), fmt=line[label], label=label)
         mean = np.mean(var, axis=0)
         std = np.std(var, axis=0)
         #ax.fill_betweenx(depth, mean-std, mean+std, label=label)
         #ax.plot(mean, depth, line[label])
         special.errorfill(mean, depth, xerr=std, label=label, ax=ax, alpha_fill=0.1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
	def subset(self, **kwargs):

		newargs = {}

		for name, value in kwargs.items():
			if name in self.coords:

				coord = self.coords[name]
				#print "subset ", name, " using ", coord[:], coord._subset, value

				if type(value) == tuple:
					start, stop = value
					start = stop = value

				# try and coerce into datetimes
					start = netCDF4.date2num(parser.parse(start), coord.attributes['units'])

					stop = netCDF4.date2num(parser.parse(stop), coord.attributes['units'])

				print "subset start, stop ", start, stop

				# Get the actual coordinate values
				coord_vals = coord[:]

				# If we have dates then we try and convert coordinate values to dates:
				if type(start) == datetime.datetime:
						coord_vals = netCDF4.num2date(coord_vals, units=coord.units, calendar=coord.calendar)

				start_index = np.argmin(np.abs(coord_vals - start))
				stop_index = np.argmin(np.abs(coord_vals - stop))

				# We might need to swap around
				if stop_index < start_index:
					tmp = stop_index
					stop_index = start_index
					start_index = tmp

				newargs[name] = slice(start_index, stop_index+1)

#		print 'newargs = ', newargs
		return self.isubset_copy(**newargs)
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: manager.py Proyecto: guziy/RPN
    def get_climatologic_field(self,  varname = "mrro", gcm = "", rcm = "",
                                         start_year = None, end_year = None,
                                         months = None
             for time t: start_year <= t <= end_year

        mfds = MFDataset("{0}/{1}-{2}/current/{3}_*.nc".format(self.folder_with_nc_data, gcm, rcm, varname))

        self.lon2d = mfds.variables[self.lon_name][:].transpose()
        self.lat2d = mfds.variables[self.lat_name][:].transpose()

        cache_file = self._get_clim_cache_file_path(varname = varname, gcm=gcm, rcm = rcm,
            start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, months=months)

        cache_file = os.path.join(self.cache_files_folder, cache_file)

        if os.path.isfile(cache_file):
            f = open(cache_file)
            return pickle.load(f)

        t = mfds.variables["time"]
        t_units = t.units
        t_calendar = t.calendar

        t_start = date2num(datetime(start_year, 1,1), t_units, calendar=t_calendar)
        t_end = date2num(datetime(end_year+1, 1,1), t_units, calendar=t_calendar)

        t = t[:]
        t_sel = t[(t_start <= t) & (t < t_end)]
        dates_sel = num2date(t_sel, t_units, calendar=t_calendar)

        bool_vect = np.array( [x.month in months for x in dates_sel], dtype=np.bool )
        data_sel = mfds.variables[varname][ np.where( (t_start <= t) & (t < t_end) )[0],:,:]

        #save results to a cache file for reuse
        result = data_sel[bool_vect,:,:].mean(axis = 0).transpose()
        pickle.dump(result, open(cache_file,"w"))
        return result #because in the file the axes are inversed
Ejemplo n.º 18
def prepare_nc(trgFile, timeList, x, y, metadata, logger, units='Days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian',Format="NETCDF4",complevel=9,zlib=True,least_significant_digit=None):
    This function prepares a NetCDF file with given metadata, for a certain year, daily basis data
    The function assumes a gregorian calendar and a time unit 'Days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00'
    import datetime as dt

    logger.info('Setting up netcdf output: ' + trgFile)
    startDayNr = netCDF4.date2num(timeList[0].replace(tzinfo=None), units=units, calendar=calendar)
    endDayNr   = netCDF4.date2num(timeList[-1].replace(tzinfo=None), units=units, calendar=calendar)
    time       = arange(startDayNr,endDayNr+1)
    nc_trg     = netCDF4.Dataset(trgFile,'w',format=Format,zlib=zlib,complevel=complevel)

    logger.info('Setting up dimensions and attributes. Steps: ' + str(len(timeList)) + ' lat: ' + str(len(y))+ " lon: " + str(len(x)))
    if len(time) ==1:
        nc_trg.createDimension('time', 1)
        nc_trg.createDimension('time', 0) #NrOfDays*8
    nc_trg.createDimension('lat', len(y))
    nc_trg.createDimension('lon', len(x))
    DateHour = nc_trg.createVariable('time','f8',('time',),fill_value=-9999., zlib=zlib,complevel=complevel)
    DateHour.units = units
    DateHour.calendar = calendar
    DateHour.standard_name = 'time'
    DateHour.long_name = 'time'
    DateHour.axis = 'T'
    DateHour[:] = time
    y_var = nc_trg.createVariable('lat','f4',('lat',),fill_value=-9999., zlib=zlib,complevel=complevel)
    y_var.standard_name = 'latitude'
    y_var.long_name = 'latitude'
    y_var.units = 'degrees_north'
    y_var.axis = 'Y'
    x_var = nc_trg.createVariable('lon','f4',('lon',),fill_value=-9999., zlib=zlib,complevel=complevel)
    x_var.standard_name = 'longitude'
    x_var.long_name = 'longitude'
    x_var.units = 'degrees_east'
    x_var.axis = 'X'
    y_var[:] = y
    x_var[:] = x
    projection= nc_trg.createVariable('projection','c')
    projection.long_name = 'wgs84'
    projection.EPSG_code = 'EPSG:4326'
    projection.proj4_params = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
    projection.grid_mapping_name = 'latitude_longitude'

    # now add all attributes from user-defined metadata
    for attr in metadata:
        nc_trg.setncattr(attr, metadata[attr])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def add_time_bounds(self, delta=None, position=None):
        time_bounds = self.nc.createVariable('{}_bounds'.format(self.time_axis_name), "f8", ("time", "bounds",), chunksizes=(1000, 2,))
        time_bounds.units    = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        time_bounds.calendar = "gregorian"

        time_objs = netCDF4.num2date(self.time[:], units=self.time.units, calendar=self.time.calendar)
        bounds_kwargs = dict(units=time_bounds.units, calendar=time_bounds.calendar)

        if position == "start":
            time_bounds[:] = np.asarray(zip(self.time[:], netCDF4.date2num(time_objs + delta, **bounds_kwargs)))
        elif position == "middle":
            time_bounds[:] = np.asarray(zip(netCDF4.date2num(time_objs - delta/2, **bounds_kwargs), netCDF4.date2num(time_objs + delta/2, **bounds_kwargs)))
        elif position == "end":
            time_bounds[:] = np.asarray(zip(netCDF4.date2num(time_objs - delta, **bounds_kwargs), self.time[:]))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def date2num(python_datetime, tzinfo=None):
    tz = tzinfo or pytz.utc
    except TypeError:
        python_datetime = [python_datetime]
    return netCDF4.date2num([ d.astimezone(tz).replace(tzinfo=None) for d in python_datetime ], timevar_units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def read_values(self, fieldname, slices=None):
        Read the values of a field.

        `slices` is optional. When provided, give for each dimension the 
        corresponding python slice object to subset this dimension. Only the
        dimensions to be subsetted need to be provided, by default the full
        dilmension length is read.

        .. code-block:: python

            # extracting a subset of a field with slices
            data = fd.read_values('owiWindSpeed', slices={'row':slice(10,20), 'cell':slice(30, 40)})

        :param fieldname: name of the field
        :type fieldname: str
        :param slices: dimensions slices, when reading a subset only for some
        :type slices: Dict<str, slice>
        if fieldname == 'time':
            # accounts for virtual variable
            timeval = self.get_start_time()
            return numpy.ma.array([date2num(
            return super(SAFEOCNNCFile, self).read_values(fieldname,
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def write(self, f, idx, stid, date, meteo, ctx):
        Write single record to file
        f.variables['Time'][idx] = date2num(date, units=f.variables['Time'].units, calendar='standard')
        f.variables['STID'][idx] = int(stid)

        for key, val in meteo.items():
            f.variables[key][idx,:len(val)] = val
        for key, val in ctx.items():
            if key == 'SOBS':            
                f.variables[key][idx] = date2num(val, units=f.variables[key].units, calendar=f.variables[key].calendar)
                f.variables[key][idx] = val
Ejemplo n.º 23
def _unify_times_for_radars(radars):
    """ Return unified start times and units for a number of radars. """
    dates = [netCDF4.num2date(radar.time['data'][0], radar.time['units'])
             for radar in radars]
    units = make_time_unit_str(min(dates))
    times = netCDF4.date2num(dates, units)
    return times, units
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def get_tind_from_bounds(self, var, bounds, convert=False, use_cache=True):
     assert var in self._current_variables
     time = self.gettimevar(var, use_cache)
     if convert:
         bounds = netCDF4.date2num(bounds, time._units + " since " + time.origin.isoformat())
     inds = np.where(np.logical_and(time.dates >= bounds[0].replace(tzinfo=time.dates[0].tzinfo), time.dates <= bounds[1].replace(tzinfo=time.dates[0].tzinfo)))
     return inds
Ejemplo n.º 25
def BIL2netCDF(BILfile, BILdtype='uint16', outdir=os.getcwd(), theme_name='undefined',
               theme_unit='undefined', long_name='undefined'):
    Convenience function converting the given BIL file to netCDF.
    @param BILfile: Input BIl file.
    @param outdir: Output directory.
    @param theme_name: Short name for the theme.   
    @param theme_unit: Metric unit of the theme data.
    @param long_name: Descriptive name for the theme. 
    @return: netCDF file in the output directory.
    ncfilename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(BILfile))[0] + '.nc'
    bd = BILdata(BILfile, BILdtype)
    yy, mm, dd = "13", "09", "11"
    tstring = yy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd+' 06:00:00'
    secs = date2num(iso2datetime(tstring), timeunit)
    mask = flipud(senorge_mask())
    ncdata = flipud(int16(bd.data)) # array needs to be flipped ud-down and transposed to fit the coordinate system
    ncdata[mask] = get_FillValue(ncdata.dtype)
    ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, ncfilename))
#    ncfile.zip = True
    print ncdata.dtype.str
    ncfile.add_variable(theme_name, ncdata.dtype.str, theme_unit,
                        long_name, ncdata, lsd=1)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def read_osaka(csvfile):
    csvfile is from dbfile.
    global time_out

    data = pd.read_csv(csvfile, parse_dates=[['date', 'hour']], date_parser=_parse, 
    data = data.interpolate()
    data = data.fillna(method='bfill')
    data['mjd'] = data['date_hour'].apply(
        lambda t: netCDF4.date2num(t, 'days since 1968-05-23 09:00:00 GMT'))
    print data.describe()

    # set data
    nt = len(data)
    time_out = data.mjd.values
    tair_out = np.ndarray(shape=[nt, eta_rho, xi_rho])
    pair_out = np.ndarray(shape=[nt, eta_rho, xi_rho])
    qair_out = np.ndarray(shape=[nt, eta_rho, xi_rho])
    cloud_out = np.ndarray(shape=[nt, eta_rho, xi_rho])
    rain_out = np.ndarray(shape=[nt, eta_rho, xi_rho])
    swrad_out = np.ndarray(shape=[nt, eta_rho, xi_rho])

    for eta in xrange(eta_rho):
        for xi in xrange(xi_rho):
            tair_out[:, eta, xi] = data.temperature          # C
            pair_out[:, eta, xi] = data.air_pressure         # 1 millibar = 1 hPa
            qair_out[:, eta, xi] = data.humidity             # %
            cloud_out[:, eta, xi] = data.cloud/10.0           # 0-10
            rain_out[:, eta, xi] = data.precipitation/3600.0 # 1 kg/m2/s = 3600 mm/h
            swrad_out[:, eta, xi] = data.radiation*10**6/3600 # 1 W/m2 = 3600/(10**6) MJ/m2/h

    return tair_out, pair_out, qair_out, cloud_out, rain_out, swrad_out    
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def read_values(self, fieldname, slices=None):
        """Read the data of a field.

            fieldname (str): name of the field which to read the data from

            slices (list of slice, optional): list of slices for the field if
                subsetting is requested. A slice must then be provided for each
                field dimension. The slices are relative to the opened view
                (see :func:open) if a view was set when opening the file.

            MaskedArray: array of data read. Array type is the same as the
                storage type.
        if fieldname == 'time':
            dummy = datetime.datetime(2000,1,1)
#             dummy = datetime.datetime.max
            values = netCDF4.date2num(dummy,VIRTUALFIELD_UNITS[fieldname])
        elif fieldname =='landmask':
            values = super(LandMaskNCFile, self).read_values(VIRTUALFIELD_STDNAME[fieldname],
            #apply convention sea=-1 and land=0
            values[values==0] = -1
            values[values==1] = 0
            values = super(LandMaskNCFile, self).read_values(fieldname,
            values.mask = False
        return values
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def convertAllDataToNetcdf(self, pathToNetCDF='data/swe_ross_brown/swe.nc4'):

        ds = Dataset(pathToNetCDF, mode='w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')

        ds.createDimension('time', len(self.all_dates))
        ds.createDimension('lon', self.lons2d.shape[0])
        ds.createDimension('lat', self.lons2d.shape[1])

        lonVariable = ds.createVariable('longitude', 'f4', ('lon', 'lat'))
        latVariable = ds.createVariable('latitude', 'f4', ('lon', 'lat'))

        sweVariable = ds.createVariable('SWE', 'f4', ('time', 'lon', 'lat'))
        sweVariable.units = 'mm of equivalent water'

        timeVariable = ds.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('time',))
        ncSinceFormat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        timeVariable.units = 'hours since ' + self.getStartDate().strftime(ncSinceFormat)

        lonVariable[:] = self.lons2d
        latVariable[:] = self.lats2d

        nDates = len(self.all_dates)
        for i, theDate in enumerate(self.all_dates):
            filePath = os.path.join(self.root_path, theDate.strftime(self.file_name_format) + ".txt")
            data = self._readFromTxtFile(filePath)
            sweVariable[i, :, :] = data[:, :]
            print ' {0} / {1} '.format(i, nDates)

        timeVariable[:] = date2num(self.all_dates, units=timeVariable.units)

Ejemplo n.º 29
def encode_cf_datetime(dates, units=None, calendar=None):
    """Given an array of datetime objects, returns the tuple `(num, units,
    calendar)` suitable for a CF complient time variable.

    Unlike encode_cf_datetime, this function does not (yet) speedup encoding
    of datetime64 arrays. However, unlike `date2num`, it can handle datetime64

    See also
    import netCDF4 as nc4

    dates = np.asarray(dates)

    if units is None:
        units = guess_time_units(dates)
    if calendar is None:
        calendar = 'proleptic_gregorian'

    if np.issubdtype(dates.dtype, np.datetime64):
        # for now, don't bother doing any trickery like decode_cf_datetime to
        # convert dates to numbers faster
        # note: numpy's broken datetime conversion only works for us precision
        dates = dates.astype('M8[us]').astype(datetime)

    if hasattr(dates, 'ndim') and dates.ndim == 0:
        # unpack dates because date2num doesn't like 0-dimensional arguments
        dates = dates.item()

    num = nc4.date2num(dates, units, calendar)
    return (num, units, calendar)
Ejemplo n.º 30
Archivo: conf.py Proyecto: the-uli/oggm
    def create_monthly_climate_file(self, time, prcp, temp, grad, hgt):
        """Creates a netCDF4 file with climate data.

        See climate.distribute_climate_data"""

        nc = netCDF4.Dataset(self.get_filepath('climate_monthly'),
                             'w', format='NETCDF4')
        nc.ref_hgt = hgt

        dtime = nc.createDimension('time', None)

        nc.author = 'OGGM'
        nc.author_info = 'Open Global Glacier Model'

        timev = nc.createVariable('time','i4',('time',))
        timev.setncatts({'units':'days since 1801-01-01 00:00:00'})
        timev[:] = netCDF4.date2num([t for t in time],
                                 'days since 1801-01-01 00:00:00')

        v = nc.createVariable('prcp', 'f4', ('time',), zlib=True)
        v.units = 'kg m-2'
        v.long_name = 'total precipitation amount'
        v[:] = prcp

        v = nc.createVariable('temp', 'f4', ('time',), zlib=True)
        v.units = 'degC'
        v.long_name = '2m temperature at height ref_hgt'
        v[:] = temp

        v = nc.createVariable('grad', 'f4', ('time',), zlib=True)
        v.units = 'degC m-1'
        v.long_name = 'temperature gradient'
        v[:] = grad

Ejemplo n.º 31
    with Dataset(f_out, mode='w', format='NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET') as ds_dest:
        # Dimensions
        for name in ['latitude', 'longitude']:
            dim_src = ds_src.dimensions[name]
            ds_dest.createDimension(name, dim_src.size)
            var_src = ds_src.variables[name]
            var_dest = ds_dest.createVariable(name, var_src.datatype, (name, ))
            var_dest[:] = var_src[:]
            var_dest.setncattr('units', var_src.units)
            var_dest.setncattr('long_name', var_src.long_name)

        ds_dest.createDimension('time', None)
        var = ds_dest.createVariable('time', np.int32, ('time', ))
        time_units = 'hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00'
        time_cal = 'gregorian'
        var[:] = date2num([d], units=time_units, calendar=time_cal)
        var.setncattr('units', time_units)
        var.setncattr('long_name', 'time')
        var.setncattr('calendar', time_cal)

        # Variables
        var = ds_dest.createVariable(var_tp.name, np.double, var_tp.dimensions)
        var[0, :, :] = data
        var.setncattr('units', var_tp.units)
        var.setncattr('long_name', var_tp.long_name)

        # Attributes
        ds_dest.setncattr('Conventions', 'CF-1.6')
            '%s %s' % (datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), ' '.join(
Ejemplo n.º 32
    # Convert the profile data to standard units in TAMOC
    profile, units = ambient.convert_units(data, var_units)

    # Create an empty netCDF4-classic dataset to store this CTD data
    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__),
    nc_file = os.path.join(__location__, 'BM54.nc')
    summary = 'Dataset created by profile_from_ctd in the ./bin directory' \
              + ' of TAMOC'
    source = 'R/V Brooks McCall, station BM54'
    sea_name = 'Gulf of Mexico'
    p_lat = 28.0 + 43.945 / 60.0
    p_lon = 360 - (88.0 + 22.607 / 60.0)
    p_time = date2num(datetime(2010, 5, 30, 18, 22, 12),
                      units='seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00',
    nc = ambient.create_nc_db(nc_file, summary, source, sea_name, p_lat, p_lon,

    # Insert the CTD data into the netCDF dataset
    comments = ['measured'] * len(var_names)
    nc = ambient.fill_nc_db(nc, profile, var_names, units, comments, z_col)

    # Create an ambient.Profile object for this dataset
    bm54 = ambient.Profile(nc, chem_names=['oxygen'], err=0.00001)

    # Close the netCDF dataset

    # Since the netCDF file is now fully stored on the hard drive in the
Ejemplo n.º 33
# assign values to levels dimension variable.
levels[:] = [1000., 850., 700., 500., 300., 250., 200., 150., 100., 50.]
# fancy slicing
tempdat = temp[::2, [1, 3, 6], lats > 0, lons > 0]
print('shape of fancy temp slice = ', tempdat.shape)
print(temp[0, 0, [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]].shape)

# fill in times.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from netCDF4 import num2date, date2num, date2index
dates = [
    datetime(2001, 3, 1) + n * timedelta(hours=12)
    for n in range(temp.shape[0])
times[:] = date2num(dates, units=times.units, calendar=times.calendar)
print('time values (in units %s): ' % times.units + '\\n', times[:])
dates = num2date(times[:], units=times.units, calendar=times.calendar)
print('dates corresponding to time values:\\n', dates)


# create a series of netCDF files with a variable sharing
# the same unlimited dimension.
for nfile in range(10):
    f = Dataset('mftest' + repr(nfile) + '.nc', 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
    f.createDimension('x', None)
    x = f.createVariable('x', 'i', ('x', ))
    x[0:10] = numpy.arange(nfile * 10, 10 * (nfile + 1))
# now read all those files in at once, in one Dataset.
Ejemplo n.º 34
def remapBC(src_file,

    if src_varname == 'surf_el':
        pos = 't'
        Cpos = 'rho'
        Mp, Lp = dst_grd.hgrid.mask_rho.shape
        z = src_grd.z_t
        #wts_file = 'remap_weights_%s_to_%s_bilinear_t_to_rho.nc'%(src_name,dst_name)
        dst_varname = 'zeta'
        dimensions = ('ocean_time', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho')
        long_name = 'free-surface'
        dst_varname_north = 'zeta_north'
        dimensions_north = ('ocean_time', 'xi_rho')
        long_name_north = 'free-surface north boundary condition'
        field_north = 'zeta_north, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_south = 'zeta_south'
        dimensions_south = ('ocean_time', 'xi_rho')
        long_name_south = 'free-surface south boundary condition'
        field_south = 'zeta_south, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_east = 'zeta_east'
        dimensions_east = ('ocean_time', 'eta_rho')
        long_name_east = 'free-surface east boundary condition'
        field_east = 'zeta_east, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_west = 'zeta_west'
        dimensions_west = ('ocean_time', 'eta_rho')
        long_name_west = 'free-surface west boundary condition'
        field_west = 'zeta_west, scalar, series'
        units = 'meter'
    elif src_varname == 'water_temp':
        pos = 't'
        Cpos = 'rho'
        Mp, Lp = dst_grd.hgrid.mask_rho.shape
        z = src_grd.z_t
        #wts_file = 'remap_weights_%s_to_%s_bilinear_t_to_rho.nc'%(src_name,dst_name)
        dst_varname = 'temp'
        dst_varname_north = 'temp_north'
        dimensions_north = ('ocean_time', 's_rho', 'xi_rho')
        long_name_north = 'potential temperature north boundary condition'
        field_north = 'temp_north, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_south = 'temp_south'
        dimensions_south = ('ocean_time', 's_rho', 'xi_rho')
        long_name_south = 'potential temperature south boundary condition'
        field_south = 'temp_south, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_east = 'temp_east'
        dimensions_east = ('ocean_time', 's_rho', 'eta_rho')
        long_name_east = 'potential temperature east boundary condition'
        field_east = 'temp_east, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_west = 'temp_west'
        dimensions_west = ('ocean_time', 's_rho', 'eta_rho')
        long_name_west = 'potential temperature west boundary condition'
        field_west = 'temp_west, scalar, series'
        units = 'Celsius'
    elif src_varname == 'salinity':
        pos = 't'
        Cpos = 'rho'
        Mp, Lp = dst_grd.hgrid.mask_rho.shape
        z = src_grd.z_t
        #wts_file = 'remap_weights_%s_to_%s_bilinear_t_to_rho.nc'%(src_name,dst_name)
        dst_varname = 'salt'
        dst_varname_north = 'salt_north'
        dimensions_north = ('ocean_time', 's_rho', 'xi_rho')
        long_name_north = 'salinity north boundary condition'
        field_north = 'salt_north, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_south = 'salt_south'
        dimensions_south = ('ocean_time', 's_rho', 'xi_rho')
        long_name_south = 'salinity south boundary condition'
        field_south = 'salt_south, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_east = 'salt_east'
        dimensions_east = ('ocean_time', 's_rho', 'eta_rho')
        long_name_east = 'salinity east boundary condition'
        field_east = 'salt_east, scalar, series'
        dst_varname_west = 'salt_west'
        dimensions_west = ('ocean_time', 's_rho', 'eta_rho')
        long_name_west = 'salinity west boundary condition'
        field_west = 'salt_west, scalar, series'
        units = 'PSU'
        raise ValueError('Undefined src_varname')

    src_nc = Dataset(src_file)
    # read time and change units to 'days' for ROMS
    dtime = num2date(src_nc.variables['time'][0],
    time = date2num(dtime,
                    units='days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00',

    # get time
    nctime.long_name = 'time'
    nctime.units = 'days'  # for ROMS
    #nctime.calendar = 'gregorian'

    # create destination file
    print('==>Info: Creating file', dst_file)
    if os.path.exists(dst_file) is True: os.remove(dst_file)
    pyroms_toolbox.nc_create_roms_bdry_file(dst_file, dst_grd, nctime)

    # open BC file
    dst_nc = Dataset(dst_file, 'a', format='NETCDF3_64BIT')

    #load var & get missing value
    spval = src_nc[src_varname]._FillValue
    src_var = src_nc[src_varname][0]  # remove time

    # determine variable dimension
    #ndim = len(src_var.dimensions)
    ndim = len(src_var.shape)

    if ndim == 3:
        # build intermediate zgrid
        zlevel = -z[::-1, 0, 0]
        nzlevel = len(zlevel)
        dst_zcoord = pyroms.vgrid.z_coordinate(dst_grd.vgrid.h, zlevel,
        dst_grdz = pyroms.grid.ROMS_Grid(dst_file + '_Z', dst_grd.hgrid,

        src_var = src_var[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # remove 4 corners
        src_var = src_var[1:-1, 1:-1]  # remove 4 corners

    # create variable in boudary file
    if verbose: print('==>Info: Creating variable', dst_varname_north)
    _ = dst_nc.createVariable(dst_varname_north,
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_north].long_name = long_name_north
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_north].units = units
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_north].field = field_north

    if verbose: print('==>Info: Creating variable', dst_varname_south)
    _ = dst_nc.createVariable(dst_varname_south,
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_south].long_name = long_name_south
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_south].units = units
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_south].field = field_south

    if verbose: print('==>Info: Creating variable', dst_varname_east)
    _ = dst_nc.createVariable(dst_varname_east,
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_east].long_name = long_name_east
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_east].units = units
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_east].field = field_east

    if verbose: print('==>Info: Creating variable', dst_varname_west)
    _ = dst_nc.createVariable(dst_varname_west,
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_west].long_name = long_name_west
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_west].units = units
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_west].field = field_west

    # remapping
    if verbose: print('==>Info: remapping', dst_varname, ', time =', time)

    if ndim == 3:
        # flood the grid
        if verbose: print('==>Info: flood the grid.', src_var.shape)
        src_varz = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.flood_fast(src_var, src_grd, pos=pos, spval=spval, \
                                dxy=dxy, cdepth=cdepth, kk=kk, verbose=verbose)
        src_varz = src_var

    # horizontal interpolation using scrip weights
    if verbose:
        print('==>Info: horizontal interpolation using scrip weights\n',
              '         about to call remap %s\n' % wts_file, '         ',
    dst_varz = pyroms.remapping.remap(src_varz, wts_file, spval=spval)

    if ndim == 3:
        # vertical interpolation from standard z level to sigma
        if verbose:
                '==>Info: vertical interpolation from standard z level to sigma'
        dst_var_north = pyroms.remapping.z2roms(dst_varz[::-1, Mp-1:Mp, :], \
                                                dst_grdz, dst_grd, Cpos=Cpos, spval=spval, \
                                                flood=False, irange=(0,Lp), jrange=(Mp-1,Mp))
        dst_var_south = pyroms.remapping.z2roms(dst_varz[::-1, 0:1, :], \
                                                dst_grdz, dst_grd, Cpos=Cpos, spval=spval, \
                                                flood=False, irange=(0,Lp), jrange=(0,1))
        dst_var_east  = pyroms.remapping.z2roms(dst_varz[::-1, :, Lp-1:Lp], \
                                                dst_grdz, dst_grd, Cpos=Cpos, spval=spval, \
                                                flood=False, irange=(Lp-1,Lp), jrange=(0,Mp))
        dst_var_west  = pyroms.remapping.z2roms(dst_varz[::-1, :, 0:1], \
                                                dst_grdz, dst_grd, Cpos=Cpos, spval=spval, \
                                                flood=False, irange=(0,1), jrange=(0,Mp))
        dst_var_north = dst_varz[-1, :]
        dst_var_south = dst_varz[0, :]
        dst_var_east = dst_varz[:, -1]
        dst_var_west = dst_varz[:, 0]

    # write data in destination file
    if verbose: print('==>Info: write data in destination file')
    dst_nc.variables['ocean_time'][0] = time
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_north][0] = np.squeeze(dst_var_north)
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_south][0] = np.squeeze(dst_var_south)
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_east][0] = np.squeeze(dst_var_east)
    dst_nc.variables[dst_varname_west][0] = np.squeeze(dst_var_west)

    # close destination file

    if src_varname == 'surf_el':
        return dst_varz
Ejemplo n.º 35
    # pH
    ph_var = ds.createVariable('ph', 'f4', (
    ), fill_value=-99.)
    ph_var.long_name = "pH"
    ph_var.standard_name = "sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale"
    ph_var.units = "1"
    ph_var.coordinates = "time lat lon z"

    for idx, filename in enumerate(infiles):
        f = PFile(filename)

        time_var[idx] = date2num(f.meta['timestamp'], time_var.units)
        lat_var[idx] = f.meta['latitude']
        lon_var[idx] = f.meta['longitude']
        profile_var[idx] = f.meta['id']
        ship_var[idx] = f.meta['ship']
        trip_var[idx] = f.meta['trip']
        cast_var[idx] = f.meta['cast']

        mapping = {
            'temp': temp_var,
            'sal': sal_var,
            'cond': cond_var,
            'sigt': sigmat_var,
            'oxy': oxygen_var,
            'flor': flor_var,
            'par': par_var,
Ejemplo n.º 36
def write_group(b, dataset, sensor, day, logfile):
    """Write variables and attributes associated to each group."""

    # create group related with the sensor and associate with time
    grp = dataset.createGroup(sensor)

    # get sampling frequency and seconds per file
    N = b._getsecperfile(sensor)
    fs = b._getsampfreq(sensor)

    # compute the number of samples per day
    samples_per_day = int(fs * 60 * 60 * 24)
    samples_per_file = int(fs * N)

    # create time dimension and assing attributes
    grp.createDimension("time", samples_per_day)

    # write global attributes for each sensor
    for attr, val in b.metadata["sensors"][sensor].items():
        if attr not in ["variables", "seconds_per_file"]:
            grp.setncattr(attr, val)

    # create variables
    write_variables(b.metadata, sensor, grp)

    # loop for each data
    date, end = day, day + dt.timedelta(days=1, seconds=-N)
    i, j = 0, samples_per_file
    while date <= end:

        # progress bar
        progress = 100 - 100 * (end - date).total_seconds() / (3600 * 24)
        sys.stdout.write(f" {sensor:10s}: {progress:5.1f}%  ---> {date}\r")

        # load data
        dic = b.read(sensor, date, logfile=open(logfile, "a"))

        # assign data to netctd variable
        for name, value in dic.items():

            # write variables
            if name not in ["time"]:

                # check if variables is 2d or 1d array
                if value.ndim == 1:
                    grp[name][i:j] = value
                    grp[name][i:j, :] = value

            # time variable
                grp["time"][i:j] = nc.date2num(value, global_time_units)

        # update counter
        i, j = j, j + samples_per_file

        # update date
        date += dt.timedelta(seconds=N)

    # new line in the progress bar
Ejemplo n.º 37
def from_roms(roms_file,
    Given a ROMS history, average, or climatology file, generate
    boundary conditions on the same grid.

    roms_file : string or list,
        ROMS source (history, average, climatology file)
    bry_file : string,
        output boundary file,
    grid : seapy.model.grid or string, optional,
        ROMS grid for boundaries
    records : array, optional,
        record indices to put into the boundary
    clobber: bool, optional
        If True, clobber any existing files and recreate. If False, use
        the existing file definition
    cdl: string, optional,
        Use the specified CDL file as the definition for the new
        netCDF file.


    if grid is None:
        grid = seapy.model.asgrid(roms_file)
        grid = seapy.model.asgrid(grid)
    ncroms = seapy.netcdf(roms_file)
    src_ref, time = seapy.roms.get_reftime(ncroms)
    records = np.arange(0, len(ncroms.variables[time][:])) \
        if records is None else records

    # Create the boundary file and fill up the descriptive data
    ncbry = seapy.roms.ncgen.create_bry(bry_file,
                                        title="generated from " + roms_file)
    brytime = seapy.roms.get_timevar(ncbry)
    ncbry.variables["bry_time"][:] = netCDF4.date2num(

    for var in seapy.roms.fields:
        if var in ncroms.variables:
            for bry in sides:
                ndim = seapy.roms.fields[var]["dims"]
                if ndim == 3:
                    ncbry.variables["_".join((var, bry))][:] = \
                        ncroms.variables[var][records, :,
                elif ndim == 2:
                    ncbry.variables["_".join((var, bry))][:] = \
Ejemplo n.º 38
# Save outputs to netCDF files

out_nc.createDimension(x_coords_lab, krige_x_coords.shape[0])
out_nc.createDimension(y_coords_lab, krige_y_coords.shape[0])
out_nc.createDimension(time_dim_lab, fin_date_range.shape[0])

x_coords_nc = out_nc.createVariable(x_coords_lab, 'd', dimensions=x_coords_lab)
x_coords_nc[:] = krige_x_coords

y_coords_nc = out_nc.createVariable(y_coords_lab, 'd', dimensions=y_coords_lab)
y_coords_nc[:] = krige_y_coords

time_nc = out_nc.createVariable(time_dim_lab, 'd', dimensions=time_dim_lab)
time_nc[:] = nc.date2num(fin_date_range.to_pydatetime(),
time_nc.units = nc_time_units
time_nc.calendar = nc_calendar
if ord_krige_flag:
    ok_nc = out_nc.createVariable('OK',
                                  dimensions=(time_dim_lab, y_coords_lab,

    ok_nc[:] = ord_krige_flds
    ok_nc.units = var_units
    ok_nc.standard_name = var_name + ' (ordinary kriging)'

if sim_krige_flag:
    sim_nc = out_nc.createVariable('SK',
Ejemplo n.º 39
def gen_nc_bom_wave_dm_deployment(filepath, metadata, output_path):
    generate a FV01 NetCDF file of current data.
    :param filepath: the path to a wave file to parse
    :param metadata: metadata output from metadata_info function
    :param output_path: NetCDF file output path
    :return: output file path

    wave_df = parse_bom_wave(filepath)  # only one file

    # subtract timezone to be in UTC
    wave_df['datetime'] = wave_df['datetime'].dt.tz_localize(None).astype('O').values - \

    var_mapping = param_mapping_parser(BOM_WAVE_PARAMETER_MAPPING)
    site_code = metadata['site_code']
    nc_file_name = 'BOM_W_{date_start}_{site_code}_WAVERIDER_FV01_END-{date_end}.nc'.format(

    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    nc_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, nc_file_name)

        with Dataset(nc_file_path, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as nc_file_obj:
            nc_file_obj.createDimension("TIME", wave_df.datetime.shape[0])
            nc_file_obj.createDimension("station_id_strlen", 30)

            nc_file_obj.createVariable("LATITUDE", "d", fill_value=99999.)
            nc_file_obj.createVariable("LONGITUDE", "d", fill_value=99999.)
            nc_file_obj.createVariable("STATION_ID", "S1", ("TIME", "station_id_strlen"))

            nc_file_obj["LATITUDE"][:] = metadata['latitude']
            nc_file_obj["LONGITUDE"][:] = metadata['longitude']
            nc_file_obj["STATION_ID"][:] = [stringtochar(np.array(metadata['site_name'], 'S30'))] * wave_df.shape[0]

            var_time = nc_file_obj.createVariable("TIME", "d", "TIME")

            # add gatts and variable attributes as stored in config files
            generate_netcdf_att(nc_file_obj, NC_ATT_CONFIG, conf_file_point_of_truth=True)

            time_val_dateobj = date2num(wave_df.datetime.dt.to_pydatetime(), var_time.units, var_time.calendar)

            var_time[:] = time_val_dateobj

            df_varname_ls = list(wave_df[list(wave_df.keys())].columns.values)

            for df_varname in df_varname_ls:
                df_varname_mapped_equivalent = df_varname
                mapped_varname = var_mapping.loc[df_varname_mapped_equivalent]['VARNAME']

                dtype = wave_df[df_varname].values.dtype
                if dtype == np.dtype('int64'):
                    dtype = np.dtype('int16')  # short
                    dtype = np.dtype('f')

                nc_file_obj.createVariable(mapped_varname, dtype, "TIME")
                set_var_attr(nc_file_obj, var_mapping, mapped_varname, df_varname_mapped_equivalent, dtype)
                setattr(nc_file_obj[mapped_varname], 'coordinates', "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE")

                nc_file_obj[mapped_varname][:] = wave_df[df_varname].values

            set_glob_attr(nc_file_obj, wave_df, metadata)

        # we do this for pipeline v2
        os.chmod(nc_file_path, 0o664)
        shutil.move(nc_file_path, output_path)

    except Exception as err:


    return os.path.join(output_path, os.path.basename(nc_file_path))
Ejemplo n.º 40
# Setting Dimensions based on template file
for dName, dSize in template.dimensions.items():
                           (None if dSize.isunlimited() else len(dSize)))

# Setting Variable Attributes and Setting values for Latitude and Longitude
for vName, vValue in template.variables.items():
    ref = pacman.createVariable(vName, vValue.datatype, vValue.dimensions)
    if vName in ["lat", "lon"]:
        pacman[vName][:] = template[vName][:]

# Concatenating values for Canint, SWE, and time
count = 0
for target in targets:
    pellet = Dataset(target, 'r', format="netCDF4")
    for vName in pellet.variables.keys():
        if vName in ["Canint", "SWE"]:
            pacman[vName][count] = pellet[vName][:]
        if vName == "time":
            pelletTime = num2date(pellet[vName][:], pellet[vName].units,
            pacman[vName][count] = date2num(pelletTime, pacman[vName].units,
    count += 1


# Done
Ejemplo n.º 41
def netcdf_writer(profile_data, output_dir):
    Create a NetCDF from a parsed BUFR csv file
    :param profile_data:
    :param output_dir:

    template = ImosTemplate.from_json(NC_JSON_TEMPLATE_BUFR)

    time_val_dateobj = date2num(profile_data['profile_geotime']['date_utc'],

    template.variables['TIME']['_data'] = time_val_dateobj
    template.variables['LATITUDE']['_data'] = profile_data['profile_geotime'][
    template.variables['LONGITUDE']['_data'] = profile_data['profile_geotime'][

    template.variables['TEMP']['_data'] = profile_data['profile_data'][
    template.variables['DEPTH']['_data'] = profile_data['profile_data'][

    template.variables['TEMP_quality_control']['_data'] = np.int8(
    template.variables['DEPTH_quality_control']['_data'] = np.int8(

    _, _, coef_a, coef_b = get_fallrate_eq_coef(profile_data)
        {'fallrate_equation_coefficient_a': coef_a})
        {'fallrate_equation_coefficient_b': coef_b})

    # issue with the python-aodntools NetCDF writer package not updating some attributes to the correct type.
    # The following does this manually
    att_to_convert = ["flag_values", "valid_min", "valid_max"]
    for att in att_to_convert:
        for var in ['TEMP_quality_control', 'DEPTH_quality_control']:
            template.variables[var][att] = np.int8(


    if get_info_xbt_config(
            profile_data['profile_metadata']['XBT_line'].replace('-', '/')):
        info_xbt_config = get_info_xbt_config(
            profile_data['profile_metadata']['XBT_line'].replace('-', '/'))
        abstract = info_xbt_config.get('abstract', 'No abstract')
        title = info_xbt_config.get('title', 'No title')
        raise MissingConfigParameterError(
            'No XBT line info found for {line} from {config}'.format(

        "{date_created}: file created".format(

    # dealing with dirty files missing info
    if not 'imo_number' in profile_data['profile_metadata']:
        nc_filename = 'IMOS_SOOP-XBT_T_{date_start}_{xbt_line}_FV00.nc'.format(
                profile_data['profile_geotime']['date_utc'], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ'),
        nc_filename = 'IMOS_SOOP-XBT_T_{date_start}_{xbt_line}_FV00_ID_{imo_number}.nc'.format(
                profile_data['profile_geotime']['date_utc'], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ'),

    netcdf_path = os.path.join(output_dir, nc_filename)
    return netcdf_path
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def runTest(self):
        """testing netcdftime"""
        # test mixed julian/gregorian calendar
        # check attributes.
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_mixed.units == 'hours')
            repr(self.cdftime_mixed.origin) == '   1-01-01 00:00:00')
            self.cdftime_mixed.unit_string == 'hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_mixed.calendar == 'standard')
        # check date2num method. (date before switch)
        d = datetime(1582, 10, 4, 23)
        t1 = self.cdftime_mixed.date2num(d)
        assert_almost_equal(t1, 13865687.0)
        # check num2date method.
        d2 = self.cdftime_mixed.num2date(t1)
        self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(d2))
        # this is a non-existant date, should raise ValueError.
        d = datetime(1582, 10, 5, 0)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.cdftime_mixed.date2num, d)
        # check date2num/num2date with date after switch.
        d = datetime(1582, 10, 15, 0)
        t2 = self.cdftime_mixed.date2num(d)
        assert_almost_equal(t2, 13865688.0)
        d2 = self.cdftime_mixed.num2date(t2)
        self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(d2))
        # check day of year.
        ndayr = d.timetuple()[7]
        self.assertTrue(ndayr == 288)
        # test using numpy arrays.
        t = numpy.arange(t2, t2 + 240.0, 12.)
        t = numpy.reshape(t, (4, 5))
        d = self.cdftime_mixed.num2date(t)
        self.assertTrue(d.shape == t.shape)
        d_check = "1582-10-15 00:00:001582-10-15 12:00:001582-10-16 00:00:001582-10-16 12:00:001582-10-17 00:00:001582-10-17 12:00:001582-10-18 00:00:001582-10-18 12:00:001582-10-19 00:00:001582-10-19 12:00:001582-10-20 00:00:001582-10-20 12:00:001582-10-21 00:00:001582-10-21 12:00:001582-10-22 00:00:001582-10-22 12:00:001582-10-23 00:00:001582-10-23 12:00:001582-10-24 00:00:001582-10-24 12:00:00"
        d2 = [str(dd) for dd in d.flat]
        self.assertTrue(d_check == ''.join(d2))
        # test julian calendar with numpy arrays
        d = self.cdftime_julian.num2date(t)
        self.assertTrue(d.shape == t.shape)
        d_check = "1582-10-05 00:00:001582-10-05 12:00:001582-10-06 00:00:001582-10-06 12:00:001582-10-07 00:00:001582-10-07 12:00:001582-10-08 00:00:001582-10-08 12:00:001582-10-09 00:00:001582-10-09 12:00:001582-10-10 00:00:001582-10-10 12:00:001582-10-11 00:00:001582-10-11 12:00:001582-10-12 00:00:001582-10-12 12:00:001582-10-13 00:00:001582-10-13 12:00:001582-10-14 00:00:001582-10-14 12:00:00"
        d2 = [str(dd) for dd in d.flat]
        self.assertTrue(d_check == ''.join(d2))
        # test proleptic gregorian calendar.
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_pg.units == 'seconds')
        self.assertTrue(repr(self.cdftime_pg.origin) == '   1-01-01 00:00:00')
            self.cdftime_pg.unit_string == 'seconds since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_pg.calendar == 'proleptic_gregorian')
        # check date2num method.
        d = datetime(1990, 5, 5, 2, 17)
        t1 = numpy.around(self.cdftime_pg.date2num(d))
        self.assertTrue(t1 == 62777470620.0)
        # check num2date method.
        d2 = self.cdftime_pg.num2date(t1)
        self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(d2))
        # check day of year.
        ndayr = d.timetuple()[7]
        self.assertTrue(ndayr == 125)
        # check noleap calendar.
        # this is a non-existant date, should raise ValueError.
            ValueError, utime, 'days since 1600-02-29 00:00:00', calendar='noleap')
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_noleap.units == 'days')
            repr(self.cdftime_noleap.origin) == '1600-02-28 00:00:00')
            self.cdftime_noleap.unit_string == 'days since 1600-02-28 00:00:00')
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_noleap.calendar == 'noleap')
            self.cdftime_noleap.date2num(self.cdftime_noleap.origin), 0.0)
        # check date2num method.
        d1 = datetime(2000, 2, 28)
        d2 = datetime(1600, 2, 28)
        t1 = self.cdftime_noleap.date2num(d1)
        t2 = self.cdftime_noleap.date2num(d2)
        assert_almost_equal(t1, 400 * 365.)
        assert_almost_equal(t2, 0.)
        t12 = self.cdftime_noleap.date2num([d1, d2])
        assert_almost_equal(t12, [400 * 365., 0])
        # check num2date method.
        d2 = self.cdftime_noleap.num2date(t1)
        self.assertTrue(str(d1) == str(d2))
        # check day of year.
        ndayr = d2.timetuple()[7]
        self.assertTrue(ndayr == 59)
        # non-existant date, should raise ValueError.
        date = datetime(2000, 2, 29)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.cdftime_noleap.date2num, date)
        # check all_leap calendar.
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_leap.units == 'days')
            repr(self.cdftime_leap.origin) == '1600-02-29 00:00:00')
            self.cdftime_leap.unit_string == 'days since 1600-02-29 00:00:00')
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_leap.calendar == 'all_leap')
            self.cdftime_leap.date2num(self.cdftime_leap.origin), 0.0)
        # check date2num method.
        d1 = datetime(2000, 2, 29)
        d2 = datetime(1600, 2, 29)
        t1 = self.cdftime_leap.date2num(d1)
        t2 = self.cdftime_leap.date2num(d2)
        assert_almost_equal(t1, 400 * 366.)
        assert_almost_equal(t2, 0.)
        # check num2date method.
        d2 = self.cdftime_leap.num2date(t1)
        self.assertTrue(str(d1) == str(d2))
        # check day of year.
        ndayr = d2.timetuple()[7]
        self.assertTrue(ndayr == 60)
        # double check date2num,num2date methods.
        d = datetime(2000, 12, 31)
        t1 = self.cdftime_mixed.date2num(d)
        d2 = self.cdftime_mixed.num2date(t1)
        self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(d2))
        ndayr = d2.timetuple()[7]
        self.assertTrue(ndayr == 366)
        # check 360_day calendar.
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_360day.units == 'days')
            repr(self.cdftime_360day.origin) == '1600-02-30 00:00:00')
            self.cdftime_360day.unit_string == 'days since 1600-02-30 00:00:00')
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_360day.calendar == '360_day')
            self.cdftime_360day.date2num(self.cdftime_360day.origin), 0.0)
        # check date2num,num2date methods.
        # use datetime from netcdftime, since this date doesn't
        # exist in "normal" calendars.
        d = datetimex(2000, 2, 30)
        t1 = self.cdftime_360day.date2num(d)
        assert_almost_equal(t1, 360 * 400.)
        d2 = self.cdftime_360day.num2date(t1)
        assert_equal(str(d), str(d2))
        # check day of year.
        d = datetime(2001, 12, 30)
        t = self.cdftime_360day.date2num(d)
        assert_almost_equal(t, 144660.0)
        date = self.cdftime_360day.num2date(t)
        self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(date))
        ndayr = date.timetuple()[7]
        self.assertTrue(ndayr == 360)
        # Check fraction
        d = datetime(1969, 12, 30, 12)
        t = self.cdftime_360day.date2num(d)
        date = self.cdftime_360day.num2date(t)
        assert_equal(str(d), str(date))
        # test proleptic julian calendar.
        d = datetime(1858, 11, 17, 12)
        t = self.cdftime_jul.date2num(d)
        assert_almost_equal(t, 7528932.0)
        d1 = datetime(1582, 10, 4, 23)
        d2 = datetime(1582, 10, 15, 0)
            self.cdftime_jul.date2num(d1) + 241.0, self.cdftime_jul.date2num(d2))
        date = self.cdftime_jul.num2date(t)
        self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(date))
        # test julian day from date, date from julian day
        d = datetime(1858, 11, 17)
        mjd = JulianDayFromDate(d)
        assert_almost_equal(mjd, 2400000.5)
        date = DateFromJulianDay(mjd)
        self.assertTrue(str(date) == str(d))
        # test iso 8601 units string
        d = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1)
        t = self.cdftime_iso.date2num(d)
        assert_equal(numpy.around(t), 3600)
        # test fix for issue 75 (seconds hit 60 at end of month,
        # day goes out of range).
        t = 733499.0
        d = num2date(t, units='days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
        dateformat =  '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        assert_equal(d.strftime(dateformat), '2009-04-01 00:00:00')
        # test edge case of issue 75 for numerical problems
        for t in (733498.999, 733498.9999, 733498.99999, 733498.999999, 733498.9999999):
            d = num2date(t, units='days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
            t2 = date2num(d, units='days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
            assert(abs(t2 - t) < 1e-5)  # values should be less than second
        # Check equality testing
        d1 = datetimex(1979, 6, 21, 9, 23, 12)
        d2 = datetime(1979, 6, 21, 9, 23, 12)
        assert(d1 == d2)
        # check timezone offset
        d = datetime(2012, 2, 29, 15)
        # mixed_tz is -6 hours from UTC, mixed is UTC so
        # difference in elapsed time is 6 hours.
            d) - self.cdftime_mixed.date2num(d) == 6)

        # Check comparisons with Python datetime types
        d1 = num2date(0, 'days since 1000-01-01', 'standard')
        d2 = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
        d3 = num2date(0, 'days since 3000-01-01', 'standard')
        assert d1 < d2
        assert d2 < d3

        # check all comparisons
        assert d1 != d2
        assert d1 <= d2
        assert d2 > d1
        assert d2 >= d1

        # check datetime hash
        d1 = datetimex(1995, 1, 1)
        d2 = datetime(1995, 1, 1)
        d3 = datetimex(2001, 2, 30)
        assert hash(d1) == hash(d1)
        assert hash(d1) == hash(d2)
        assert hash(d1) != hash(d3)
        assert hash(d3) == hash(d3)

        # check datetime immutability
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.year = 1999
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.month = 6
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.day = 5
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.hour = 10
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.minute = 33
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.second = 45
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.dayofwk = 1
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.dayofyr = 52
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            d1.format = '%Y'

        # Check leading white space
            repr(self.cdftime_leading_space.origin), ' 850-01-01 00:00:00')

        #issue 330
        units = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        t = utime(units)
        for n in range(10):
            assert n == int(round(t.date2num(t.num2date(n))))

        #issue 344
        units = 'hours since 2013-12-12T12:00:00'
        assert(1.0 == date2num(num2date(1.0, units), units))

        # test rountrip accuracy
        # also tests error found in issue #349
        calendars=['standard', 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian', 'noleap', 'julian',\
                   'all_leap', '365_day', '366_day', '360_day']
        dateformat =  '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        dateref = datetime(2015,2,28,12)
        ntimes = 1001
        for calendar in calendars:
            eps = 100.
            units = 'microseconds since 1800-01-30 01:01:01'
            microsecs1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
            for n in range(ntimes):
                microsecs1 += 1.
                date1 = num2date(microsecs1, units, calendar=calendar)
                microsecs2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
                date2 = num2date(microsecs2, units, calendar=calendar)
                err = numpy.abs(microsecs1 - microsecs2)
                assert(err < eps)
                assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
            units = 'milliseconds since 1800-01-30 01:01:01'
            eps = 0.1
            millisecs1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
            for n in range(ntimes):
                millisecs1 += 0.001
                date1 = num2date(millisecs1, units, calendar=calendar)
                millisecs2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
                date2 = num2date(millisecs2, units, calendar=calendar)
                err = numpy.abs(millisecs1 - millisecs2)
                assert(err < eps)
                assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
            eps = 1.e-4
            units = 'seconds since 0001-01-30 01:01:01'
            secs1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
            for n in range(ntimes):
                secs1 += 0.1
                date1 = num2date(secs1, units, calendar=calendar)
                secs2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
                date2 = num2date(secs2, units, calendar=calendar)
                err = numpy.abs(secs1 - secs2)
                assert(err < eps)
                assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
            eps = 1.e-5
            units = 'minutes since 0001-01-30 01:01:01'
            mins1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
            for n in range(ntimes):
                mins1 += 0.01
                date1 = num2date(mins1, units, calendar=calendar)
                mins2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
                date2 = num2date(mins2, units, calendar=calendar)
                err = numpy.abs(mins1 - mins2)
                assert(err < eps)
                assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
            eps = 1.e-5
            units = 'hours since 0001-01-30 01:01:01'
            hrs1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
            for n in range(ntimes):
                hrs1 += 0.001
                date1 = num2date(hrs1, units, calendar=calendar)
                hrs2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
                date2 = num2date(hrs2, units, calendar=calendar)
                err = numpy.abs(hrs1 - hrs2)
                assert(err < eps)
                assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
            eps = 1.e-5
            units = 'days since 0001-01-30 01:01:01'
            days1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
            for n in range(ntimes):
                days1 += 0.00001
                date1 = num2date(days1, units, calendar=calendar)
                days2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
                date2 = num2date(days2, units, calendar=calendar)
                err = numpy.abs(days1 - days2)
                assert(err < eps)
                assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))

        # issue 353
        assert (num2date(0, 'hours since 2000-01-01 0') ==

        # issue 354
        num1 = numpy.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
        num2 = numpy.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
        dates1 = num2date(num1, 'days since 0001-01-01')
        dates2 = num2date(num2, 'days since 2001-01-01')
        assert( dates1.shape == (2,2) )
        assert( dates2.shape == (2,2) )
        num1b = date2num(dates1, 'days since 0001-01-01')
        num2b = date2num(dates2, 'days since 2001-01-01')
        assert( num1b.shape == (2,2) )
        assert( num2b.shape == (2,2) )

        # issue 357 (make sure time zone offset in units done correctly)
        # Denver time, 7 hours behind UTC
        units = 'hours since 1682-10-15 -07:00 UTC'
        # date after gregorian switch, python datetime used
        date = datetime(1682,10,15) # assumed UTC
        num = date2num(date,units)
        # UTC is 7 hours ahead of units, so num should be 7
        assert (num == 7)
        assert (num2date(num, units) == date)
        units = 'hours since 1482-10-15 -07:00 UTC'
        # date before gregorian switch, netcdftime datetime used
        date = datetime(1482,10,15)
        num = date2num(date,units)
        date2 = num2date(num, units)
        assert (num == 7)
        assert (date2.year == date.year)
        assert (date2.month == date.month)
        assert (date2.day == date.day)
        assert (date2.hour == date.hour)
        assert (date2.minute == date.minute)
        assert (date2.second == date.second)

        # issue 362: case insensitive calendars
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_mixed_capcal.calendar == 'standard')
        self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_noleap_capcal.calendar == 'noleap')
        d = datetime(2015, 3, 4, 12, 18, 30)
        units = 'days since 0001-01-01'
        for cap_cal, low_cal in (('STANDARD', 'standard'),
                                 ('NoLeap', 'noleap'),
                                 ('Gregorian', 'gregorian'),
                                 ('ALL_LEAP', 'all_leap')):
            d1 = date2num(d, units, cap_cal)
            d2 = date2num(d, units, low_cal)
            self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
            self.assertEqual(num2date(d1, units, cap_cal),
                             num2date(d1, units, low_cal))
        # issue 415
        t = datetimex(2001, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4)
        self.assertEqual(t, copy.deepcopy(t))

        # issue 442
        units = "days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00"
        # this should fail (year zero not allowed with real-world calendars)
            date2num(datetime(1, 1, 1), units, calendar='standard')
        except ValueError:
        # this should not fail (year zero allowed in 'fake' calendars)
        t = date2num(datetime(1, 1, 1), units, calendar='360_day')
        self.assertEqual(t, 360)
        d = num2date(t, units, calendar='360_day')
        self.assertEqual(d, datetimex(1,1,1))
        d = num2date(0, units, calendar='360_day')
        self.assertEqual(d, datetimex(0,1,1))

        # list around missing dates in Gregorian calendar
        # scalar
        units = 'days since 0001-01-01 12:00:00'
        t1 = date2num(datetime(1582, 10, 4), units, calendar='gregorian')
        t2 = date2num(datetime(1582, 10, 15), units, calendar='gregorian')
        self.assertEqual(t1+1, t2)
        # list
        t1, t2 = date2num([datetime(1582, 10, 4), datetime(1582, 10, 15)], units, calendar='gregorian')
        self.assertEqual(t1+1, t2)
        t1, t2 = date2num([datetime(1582, 10, 4), datetime(1582, 10, 15)], units, calendar='standard')
        self.assertEqual(t1+1, t2)
        # this should fail: days missing in Gregorian calendar
            t1, t2, t3 = date2num([datetime(1582, 10, 4), datetime(1582, 10, 10), datetime(1582, 10, 15)], units, calendar='standard')
        except ValueError:
Ejemplo n.º 43
def calc_moy(ddirout,ncfile,fshape,deb,fin,pays,niveau,types,sat,prod,res_temp,res,varname,level):
    # traitement des dates
    datedeb = datetime.strptime(deb,"%Y-%m-%d")
    datefin = datetime.strptime(fin,"%Y-%m-%d")
    ddirin = os.path.join(ddirDB, types, sat, prod, res)
    geodf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(fshape)
    nbdist = len(geodf[geodf.columns[1]]) # nombre de districts/aires
    listdist='//'.join(geodf[geodf.columns[1]].tolist())# liste des districts/aires de santé qui sera chargée dans le .nc comme attribut de la dimension index   
    ############################ CREATION NETCDF ##################################################################

    output = os.path.join(ddirout, varname + '_' + os.path.basename(ncfile)[:-5] + '_' + niveau + '_' + pays + '_' + deb.replace('-','') + fin.replace('-','')  + '_' + res_temp + '.nc')
    ncnew = Dataset(output, 'w')
    # dimensions#####
    ncnew.createDimension('time', None)
    ncnew.createDimension('index_dist', nbdist)
    # variables#####
    tp = ncnew.createVariable('time','f8',('time',))
    index = ncnew.createVariable('index_dist','f4',('index_dist',))
    index[:] = range(nbdist)
    nbpx = ncnew.createVariable('count','f4',('time','index_dist'))
    vmin = ncnew.createVariable('min','f4',('time','index_dist'))
    vmax = ncnew.createVariable('max','f4',('time','index_dist'))
    vmean = ncnew.createVariable('mean','f4',('time','index_dist'))
    vstd = ncnew.createVariable('std','f4',('time','index_dist'))
    #vmed = ncnew.createVariable('median','f4',('time','index_dist'))
    # attributs#####
    ncnew.Convention ='CF-1.5'
    ncnew.description = 'moyenne districts pour la variable :',varname
    ncnew.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time())
    ncnew.source = ' '
    index.standard_name = listdist
    tp.standard_name = 'time'
    tp.calendar = 'gregorian'
    #fillvalue = np.nan
    # initialisation des listes pour les variables, augmentées après chaque tour de boucle
    nbpx_tmp = []
    vmin_tmp = []
    vmax_tmp = []
    vmean_tmp = []
    vstd_tmp = []
    vmed_tmp = []
    nc = Dataset(ncfile, 'r')
    var_in = nc.variables[varname]
    dates = nc.variables['time']
    # definition des dates de début et fin en format numérique, à partir de l'unité de temps du .nc
    ndatedeb = date2num(datedeb,dates.units)
    ndatefin = date2num(datefin,dates.units)
    if datetime.strftime(num2date(dates[0],dates.units),"%H") != "0": # condition qui vérifie l'heure de la donnée(0h, 3h,6h,...)
        ndatedeb += 24-int(datetime.strftime(num2date(dates[0],dates.units),"%H"))
        ndatefin += 24-int(datetime.strftime(num2date(dates[0],dates.units),"%H"))
    # détermination des indices des dates debut et fin dans la matrice
    iddeb = np.abs(dates[:]-ndatedeb).argmin()
    idfin = np.abs(dates[:]-ndatefin).argmin()-1
    # extraction du bloc de dates et ajout à la variable time(tp) du newnc
    serie_dates = dates[iddeb:idfin+1]

    if level == -1:
        var = np.array(var_in[iddeb:idfin+1,...])
        var = np.array(var_in[iddeb:idfin+1,level,...])
    # traitement de la matrice avec fillvalue, scalefactor et addoffset
    if sat == 'toms':
    if "scale_factor" in var_in.ncattrs():
        var = (var[:]-var_in.add_offset)*var_in.scale_factor
    # définition des caractéristiques géographiques transform,resolution spatiale, lat max et lon min
    lat = nc.variables['latitude'][:]
    lon = nc.variables['longitude'][:]
    xo = min(lon)
    yo = max(lat)
    resx = np.abs(np.mean(np.diff(lon)))
    resy = np.abs(np.mean(np.diff(lat)))
    transform = [xo, 0.01, 0.0, yo, 0.0, -0.01]

    idt = len(serie_dates)//8
    if idt == 0:
        idt = 1
    ndt = range(0,len(serie_dates),idt)
    nb_mat_in = [var[ix:ix+(idt),...] for ix in ndt]# decoupage de la matrice en blocs de 26 jours
    res = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(calc_stats)(resx,resy,geodf,nbdist,transform,temps_x) for temps_x in nb_mat_in)# appel de la fonction calc_stats avec parallélisation
    # chargement des calculs dans les variables temporaires
    nbpx_tmp.append(np.concatenate([res[n][0] for n in range(0,len(ndt))], axis=0))
    vmax_tmp.append(np.concatenate([res[n][1] for n in range(0,len(ndt))], axis=0))
    vmean_tmp.append(np.concatenate([res[n][2] for n in range(0,len(ndt))], axis=0))
    vmed_tmp.append(np.concatenate([res[n][3] for n in range(0,len(ndt))], axis=0))
    vmin_tmp.append(np.concatenate([res[n][4] for n in range(0,len(ndt))], axis=0))
    vstd_tmp.append(np.concatenate([res[n][5] for n in range(0,len(ndt))], axis=0))

    # chargement des variables dans le .nc
    tp[:] = np.append(tp[:],serie_dates)
    tp.units = dates.units
    nbpx[:] = np.concatenate([nbpx_tmp[d_t] for d_t in range(0,len(nbpx_tmp))], axis=0)
    vmax[:] = np.concatenate([vmax_tmp[d_t] for d_t in range(0,len(vmax_tmp))], axis=0)
    vmean[:] = np.concatenate([vmean_tmp[d_t] for d_t in range(0,len(vmean_tmp))], axis=0)
    vmin[:] = np.concatenate([vmin_tmp[d_t] for d_t in range(0,len(vmin_tmp))], axis=0)
    vstd[:] = np.concatenate([vstd_tmp[d_t] for d_t in range(0,len(vstd_tmp))], axis=0)
    index = [num2date(d,dates.units).date() for d in serie_dates]
    columns_name = geodf.name.values.tolist()
    tmpvar_dict = {"nbpx":nbpx_tmp,"vmax":vmax_tmp,"vmean":vmean_tmp,"vmin":vmin_tmp,"vstd":vstd_tmp}
    list_df = {}
    for n in tmpvar_dict:
        list_df[n] = pd.DataFrame (np.concatenate([tmpvar_dict[n][d_t] for d_t in range(0,len(tmpvar_dict[n]))], axis=0), index=index, columns=columns_name).round(4)
        #df.to_csv(ddirout+'/'+output[:-3]+'_'+n+'.csv', header=True)
    return list_df, output
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def ToPyartRadar(self):

        dts = self.get_scan_time()
        units = make_time_unit_str(min(dts))
        time = get_metadata('time')
        time['units'] = units
        time['data'] = date2num(dts, units).astype('float32')

        # range
        _range = get_metadata('range')
        # assume that the number of gates and spacing from the first ray is
        # representative of the entire volume
        _range['data'] = self.range
        _range['meters_to_center_of_first_gate'] = self.CC.header['CutConfig'][
            'usBindWidth'][0] * 2
        _range['meters_between_gates'] = self.CC.header['CutConfig'][
            'usBindWidth'][0] * 2

        latitude = get_metadata('latitude')
        longitude = get_metadata('longitude')
        altitude = get_metadata('altitude')
        latitude['data'] = np.array([self.latitude], dtype='float64')
        longitude['data'] = np.array([self.longitude], dtype='float64')
        altitude['data'] = np.array([self.altitude], dtype='float64')

        metadata = get_metadata('metadata')
        metadata['original_container'] = 'CINRAD/CC'
        metadata['site_name'] = self.sitename
        metadata['radar_name'] = "CINRAD/CC"

        sweep_start_ray_index = get_metadata('sweep_start_ray_index')
        sweep_end_ray_index = get_metadata('sweep_end_ray_index')
        sweep_start_ray_index['data'] = self.sweep_start_ray_index
        sweep_end_ray_index['data'] = self.sweep_end_ray_index

        sweep_number = get_metadata('sweep_number')
        sweep_number['data'] = np.arange(self.nsweeps, dtype='int32')

        scan_type = self.scan_type

        sweep_mode = get_metadata('sweep_mode')
        if self.scan_type == "ppi":
            sweep_mode['data'] = np.array(self.nsweeps *
        elif self.scan_type == "rhi":
            sweep_mode['data'] = np.array(self.nsweeps * ['rhi'], dtype='S')
            sweep_mode['data'] = np.array(self.nsweeps * ['sector'], dtype='S')

        # elevation
        elevation = get_metadata('elevation')
        elevation['data'] = self.elevation

        # azimuth
        azimuth = get_metadata('azimuth')
        azimuth['data'] = self.azimuth

        # fixed_angle
        fixed_angle = get_metadata('fixed_angle')
        fixed_angle['data'] = self.get_fixed_angle()

        # instrument_parameters
        instrument_parameters = self._get_instrument_parameters()

        # fields
        fields = {}
        for field_name_abbr in self.fields.keys():
            field_name = CINRAD_field_mapping[field_name_abbr]
            if field_name is None:
            field_dic = get_metadata(field_name)
            field_dic['data'] = np.ma.masked_array(self.fields[field_name_abbr],\
                                mask=np.isnan(self.fields[field_name_abbr]), fill_value=get_fillvalue())
            field_dic['_FillValue'] = get_fillvalue()
            fields[field_name] = field_dic
        return Radar(time,
Ejemplo n.º 45
def smooth(files):
    output_names = []

    now = datetime.utcnow()

    for filepath in files:

        fn_new = filepath
        dirname = os.path.dirname(fn_new)
        basename = os.path.basename(fn_new)
        if basename.startswith("IMOS"):
            fn_split = basename.split('_')

            # IMOS_ABOS-SOTS_CPT_20090922_SOFS_FV01_Pulse-6-2009-SBE37SM-RS232-6962-100m_END-20100323_C-20200227.nc
            # 0    1         2   3        4    5    6                                    7            8
            # rename the file FV00 to FV01
            fn_split[6] = fn_split[6] + "-Smooth"

            # Change the creation date in the filename to today
            fn_split[8] = now.strftime("C-%Y%m%d.nc")
            fn_new = os.path.join(dirname, "_".join(fn_split))

        # Add the new file name to the list of new file names

        print("output", fn_new)

        ds = Dataset(filepath, 'r')

        # deal with TIME
        var_time = ds.variables["TIME"]

        date_time_start = datetime.strptime(
            ds.getncattr('time_deployment_start'), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        date_time_end = datetime.strptime(ds.getncattr('time_deployment_end'),

        time = var_time[:]
        # create mask for deployment time
        msk = (time > date2num(date_time_start, units=var_time.units)) & (
            time < date2num(date_time_end, units=var_time.units))

        t_dt = num2date(time, units=var_time.units)
        time_masked = var_time[msk]

        t0 = time_masked[0]
        t1 = time_masked[1]
        tend = time_masked[-1]

        sample_rate = np.round(24 * 3600 * (tend - t0) / len(time_masked))
        print('dt ', (t1 - t0) * 24 * 3600, 'sec, sample_rate', sample_rate)

        # fine number of samples to make 3 hrs of data
        i = 0
        while time_masked[i] < (t0 + 3 / 24):
            i = i + 1

        window = np.max([i, 3])
        print('window (points)', window)

        # create a new time array to sample to
        d0 = np.ceil(t0 * 24) / 24
        dend = np.floor(tend * 24) / 24
        d = np.arange(d0, dend, 1 / 24)
        d_dt = num2date(d, units=var_time.units)

        # output data to new file
        ds_new = Dataset(fn_new, 'w')

        #  copy global vars
        attr_dict = {}
        for a in ds.ncattrs():
            attr_dict[a] = ds.getncattr(a)

        #  copy dimension
        ds_new.createDimension(ds.dimensions['TIME'].name, len(d_dt))

        #  create new time
        time_var = ds_new.createVariable('TIME',

        # variable to smooth

        degree = 3
        in_vars = set([x for x in ds.variables])
        # print('input file vars', in_vars)
        z = in_vars.intersection(['TEMP', 'PSAL', 'DENSITY', 'DOX2'])
        print('vars to smooth', z)
        for smooth_var in z:

            var_to_smooth_in = ds.variables[smooth_var]

            smooth_in = var_to_smooth_in[msk]


            # do the smoothing
            loess = Loess.Loess(np.array(time_masked), np.array(smooth_in))
            y = [
                               degree=degree) for x in d

            print(t0, t1)

            #y = loess.estimate(t_msk, window=7, use_matrix=False, degree=1)


            #   copy times attributes
            attr_dict = {}
            for a in var_time.ncattrs():
                attr_dict[a] = var_time.getncattr(a)
            time_var[:] = d

            #  create output variables
            var_smooth_out = ds_new.createVariable(smooth_var,
            attr_dict = {}
            for a in var_to_smooth_in.ncattrs():
                attr_dict[a] = var_to_smooth_in.getncattr(a)
            var_smooth_out[:] = y

        #  create history
        ds_new.history += '\n' + now.strftime(
            "%Y-%m-%d : ") + 'resampled data created from ' + os.path.basename(
                filepath) + ' window=' + str(window) + ' degree=' + str(degree)



    return output_names
Ejemplo n.º 46
for i in range(len(outvar)):
    vkey = outvar[i]
    var = outnc.createVariable(vkey,np.float32,("time","level","lat","lon"))
    var.standard_name = stname[i]
    var.units = unit[i]
    outvar_dict[vkey] = var

in_scl = netCDF4.Dataset(datadir/nc,'r')
outvar_dict["level"][:] = in_scl.variables["level"][:]
outvar_dict["lat"][:] = in_scl.variables["latitude"][:]
outvar_dict["lon"][:] = in_scl.variables["longitude"][:]
for t in range(len(in_scl.variables["time"][:])):
    date = netCDF4.num2date(in_scl.variables["time"][t],in_scl.variables["time"].units)
    t0 = netCDF4.date2num(date,outvar_dict["time"].units)
    outvar_dict["time"][t] = t0
    for name in in_scl.variables.keys():
        if(name == "time" or name == "latitude" \
           or name == "longitude" or name == "level"):
        if(name in outvar_dict):
            outvar_dict[name][t,:] = in_scl.variables[name][t,:]
            if(int(name[-5:-2]) < 850):
Ejemplo n.º 47
def get_ctd_profile():
    Load the ASCII CTD Data into an 'ambient.Profile' object.
    This function performs the steps in ./profile_from_ctd.py to read in the
    CTD data and create a Profile object.  This is the data set that will be
    used to demonstrate how to append data to a Profiile object.
    # Get the path to the input file
    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__),
    dat_file = os.path.join(__location__, 'ctd_BM54.cnv')

    # Load in the data using numpy.loadtxt
    raw = np.loadtxt(dat_file,
                     usecols=(0, 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12))

    # Describe the organization of the data in raw.
    var_names = [
        'temperature', 'pressure', 'wetlab_fluorescence', 'z', 'salinity',
        'density', 'oxygen'
    var_units = ['deg C', 'db', 'mg/m^3', 'm', 'psu', 'kg/m^3', 'mg/l']
    z_col = 3

    # Clean the profile to remove reversals in the depth coordinate
    data = ambient.extract_profile(raw, z_col, 50.0)

    # Convert the profile data to standard units in TAMOC
    profile, units = ambient.convert_units(data, var_units)

    # Create an empty netCDF4-classic dataset to store this CTD data
    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__),
    nc_file = os.path.join(__location__, 'BM54.nc')
    summary = 'Dataset created by profile_from_ctd in the ./bin directory' \
              + ' of TAMOC'
    source = 'R/V Brooks McCall, station BM54'
    sea_name = 'Gulf of Mexico'
    p_lat = 28.0 + 43.945 / 60.0
    p_lon = 360 - (88.0 + 22.607 / 60.0)
    p_time = date2num(datetime(2010, 5, 30, 18, 22, 12),
                      units='seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00',
    nc = ambient.create_nc_db(nc_file, summary, source, sea_name, p_lat, p_lon,

    # Insert the CTD data into the netCDF dataset
    comments = ['measured'] * len(var_names)
    nc = ambient.fill_nc_db(nc, profile, var_names, units, comments, z_col)

    # Create an ambient.Profile object for this dataset
    bm54 = ambient.Profile(nc, chem_names=['oxygen'])

    # Return the Profile object
    return bm54
Ejemplo n.º 48
def pack_fmc(hdf_file, date, mean_arr, std_arr, q_mask, dest):

    with netCDF4.Dataset(dest, 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC') as ds:
        with open('nc_metadata.json') as data_file:
            attrs = json.load(data_file)
            for key in attrs:
                setattr(ds, key, attrs[key])
        setattr(ds, "date_created", datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"))

        rast = gdal.Open(
        proj_wkt = rast.GetProjection()
        geot = rast.GetGeoTransform()

        t_dim = ds.createDimension("time", 1)
        x_dim = ds.createDimension("x", rast.RasterXSize)
        y_dim = ds.createDimension("y", rast.RasterYSize)

        var = ds.createVariable("time", "f8", ("time", ))
        var.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0"
        var.calendar = "standard"
        var.long_name = "Time, unix time-stamp"
        var.standard_name = "time"
        var[:] = netCDF4.date2num([date],
                                  units="seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0",

        var = ds.createVariable("x", "f8", ("x", ))
        var.units = "m"
        var.long_name = "x coordinate of projection"
        var.standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate"
        var[:] = np.linspace(geot[0], geot[0] + (geot[1] * rast.RasterXSize),

        var = ds.createVariable("y", "f8", ("y", ))
        var.units = "m"
        var.long_name = "y coordinate of projection"
        var.standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate"
        var[:] = np.linspace(geot[3], geot[3] + (geot[5] * rast.RasterYSize),

        var = ds.createVariable("lfmc_mean",
                                'f4', ("time", "y", "x"),
        var.long_name = "LFMC Arithmetic Mean"
        var.units = '%'
        var.grid_mapping = "sinusoidal"
        var[:] = mean_arr[None, ...]

        var = ds.createVariable("lfmc_stdv",
                                'f4', ("time", "y", "x"),
        var.long_name = "LFMC Standard Deviation"
        var.units = '%'
        var.grid_mapping = "sinusoidal"
        var[:] = std_arr[None, ...]

        var = ds.createVariable("quality_mask",
                                'i1', ("time", "y", "x"),
        var.long_name = "Combined Bands Quality Mask"
        var.units = 'Cat'
        var.grid_mapping = "sinusoidal"
        var[:] = q_mask.astype(np.int8)[None, ...]

        var = ds.createVariable("sinusoidal", 'S1', ())
        var.grid_mapping_name = "sinusoidal"
        var.false_easting = 0.0
        var.false_northing = 0.0
        var.longitude_of_central_meridian = 0.0
        var.longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0.0
        var.semi_major_axis = 6371007.181
        var.inverse_flattening = 0.0
        var.spatial_ref = proj_wkt
        var.GeoTransform = "{} {} {} {} {} {} ".format(
            *[geot[i] for i in range(6)])
Ejemplo n.º 49
def pack_flammability_mosaic(date, flam, anom, q_mask, dest):
    lat0 = -10.
    lat1 = -44.
    lon0 = 113.
    lon1 = 154.
    res = 0.005

    x_size = int((lon1 - lon0) / res)
    y_size = int((lat1 - lat0) / (-1 * res))
    geot = [lon0, res, 0., lat0, 0., -1 * res]

    with netCDF4.Dataset(dest, 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC') as ds:
        with open('nc_metadata.json') as data_file:
            attrs = json.load(data_file)
            for key in attrs:
                setattr(ds, key, attrs[key])
        setattr(ds, "date_created", datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"))

        t_dim = ds.createDimension("time", 1)
        x_dim = ds.createDimension("longitude", flam.shape[1])
        y_dim = ds.createDimension("latitude", flam.shape[0])

        var = ds.createVariable("time", "f8", ("time", ))
        var.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0"
        var.calendar = "standard"
        var.long_name = "Time, unix time-stamp"
        var.standard_name = "time"
        var[:] = netCDF4.date2num([date],
                                  units="seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0",

        var = ds.createVariable("longitude", "f8", ("longitude", ))
        var.units = "degrees"
        var.long_name = "longitude"
        var.standard_name = "longitude"
        var[:] = np.linspace(lon0, lon1 - res, num=x_size)

        var = ds.createVariable("latitude", "f8", ("latitude", ))
        var.units = "degrees"
        var.long_name = "latitude"
        var.standard_name = "latitude"
        var[:] = np.linspace(lat0, lat1 + res, num=y_size)

        var = ds.createVariable("flammability",
                                'f4', ("time", "latitude", "longitude"),
        var.long_name = "Flammability Index"
        var.units = '%'
        var[:] = flam[None, ...]

        var = ds.createVariable("anomaly",
                                'f4', ("time", "latitude", "longitude"),
        var.long_name = "FMC Anomaly"
        var.units = '%'
        var[:] = anom[None, ...]

        var = ds.createVariable("quality_mask",
                                'i1', ("time", "latitude", "longitude"),
        var.long_name = "Quality Mask"
        var.units = 'Cat'
        var[:] = q_mask[None, ...]
Ejemplo n.º 50
def aggregate(files, varNames):
    # split this into   createCatalog - copy needed information into structure
    #                   createTimeArray (1D, OBS) - from list of structures
    #                   createNewFile
    #                   copyAttributes
    #                   updateAttributes
    #                   copyData

    # createCatalog - copy needed information into structure

    # look over all files, create a time array from all files
    # TODO: maybe delete files here without variables we're not interested in
    # TODO: Create set of variables in all files

    files_to_process = []
    for path_file in files:
        nc = Dataset(path_file, mode="r")

        if varNames[0] in nc.variables:

    filen = 0
    for path_file in files_to_process:

        print("input file %s" % path_file)

        nc = Dataset(path_file, mode="r")

        ncTime = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='time')

        time_deployment_start = nc.time_deployment_start
        time_deployment_end = nc.time_deployment_end

        tStart = parse(time_deployment_start)
        tEnd = parse(time_deployment_end)

        tStartnum = date2num(tStart.replace(tzinfo=None), units=ncTime[0].units)
        tEndnum = date2num(tEnd.replace(tzinfo=None), units=ncTime[0].units)

        maTime = ma.array(ncTime[0][:])
        #msk = (maTime < tStartnum) | (maTime > tEndnum)
        #maTime.mask = msk
        maTime.mask = 0

        timeLen = 1
        if len(ncTime[0].shape) > 0:
            timeLen = ncTime[0].shape[0]

        if filen == 0:
            maTimeAll = maTime
            instrumentIndex = ma.ones(timeLen) * filen
            maTimeAll = ma.append(maTimeAll, maTime)
            instrumentIndex = ma.append(instrumentIndex, ma.ones(timeLen) * filen)

        filen += 1

    instrumentIndex.mask = maTimeAll.mask  # same mask for instrument index

    idx = maTimeAll.argsort(0)  # sort by time dimension

    # createTimeArray (1D, OBS) - from list of structures

    dsTime = Dataset(files_to_process[0], mode="r")
    ncTime = dsTime.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='time')
    dates = num2date(maTimeAll[idx].compressed(), units=ncTime[0].units, calendar=ncTime[0].calendar)

    # createNewFile

    # create a new filename
    # IMOS_<Facility-Code>_<Data-Code>_<Start-date>_<Platform-Code>_FV<File-Version>_ <Product-Type>_END-<End-date>_C-<Creation_date>_<PARTX>.nc

    # TODO: what to do with <Data-Code> with a reduced number of variables
    ncTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"

    file_name = os.path.basename(files_to_process[0])
    if file_name.startswith('IMOS'):
        splitParts = file_name.split("_") # get the last path item (the file nanme), split by _

        tStartMaksed = num2date(maTimeAll[idx].compressed()[0], units=ncTime[0].units, calendar=ncTime[0].calendar)
        tEndMaksed = num2date(maTimeAll[idx].compressed()[-1], units=ncTime[0].units, calendar=ncTime[0].calendar)

        fileProductTypeSplit = splitParts[6].split("-")
        fileProductType = fileProductTypeSplit[0]

        # could use the global attribute site_code for the product type

        fileTimeFormat = "%Y%m%d"
        outputName = splitParts[0] + "_" + splitParts[1] + "_" + splitParts[2] \
                     + "_" + tStartMaksed.strftime(fileTimeFormat) \
                     + "_" + splitParts[4] \
                     + "_" + "FV02" \
                     + "_" + fileProductType + "-Aggregate-" + varNames[0] \
                     + "_END-" + tEndMaksed.strftime(fileTimeFormat) \
                     + "_C-" + datetime.utcnow().strftime(fileTimeFormat) \
                     + ".nc"
        outputName = '_'.join(varNames) + '-Aggregate.nc'

    print("output file : %s" % outputName)

    ncOut = Dataset(outputName, 'w', format='NETCDF4')

    # create additional dimensions needed

    # for d in nc.dimensions:
    #     print("Dimension %s " % d)
    #     ncOut.createDimension(nc.dimensions[d].name, size=nc.dimensions[d].size)

    tDim = ncOut.createDimension("OBS", len(maTimeAll.compressed()))
    iDim = ncOut.createDimension("instrument", len(files_to_process))
    strDim = ncOut.createDimension("strlen", 256) # netcdf4 allow variable length strings, should we use them, probably not

    # copyAttributes

    # some of these need re-creating from the combined source data
    globalAttributeBlackList = ['time_coverage_end', 'time_coverage_start',
                                'time_deployment_end', 'time_deployment_start',
                                'compliance_checks_passed', 'compliance_checker_version', 'compliance_checker_imos_version',
                                'history', 'netcdf_version']

    # global attributes
    # TODO: get list of variables, global attributes and dimensions from first pass above
    dsIn = Dataset(files_to_process[0], mode='r')
    for a in dsIn.ncattrs():
        if not (a in globalAttributeBlackList):
            #print("Attribute %s value %s" % (a, dsIn.getncattr(a)))
            ncOut.setncattr(a, dsIn.getncattr(a))

    for d in dsIn.dimensions:
        if not(d in 'TIME'):
            ncOut.createDimension(d, dsIn.dimensions[d].size)

    varList = dsIn.variables

    # add the ancillary variables for the ones requested
    for v in dsIn.variables:
        if v in varNames:
            if hasattr(dsIn.variables[v], 'ancillary_variables'):
                varNames.extend(dsIn.variables[v].ancillary_variables.split(" "))

    ncOut.setncattr("data_mode", "A")  # something to indicate its an aggregate

    # TIME variable
    # TODO: get TIME attributes from first pass above
    ncTimesOut = ncOut.createVariable("TIME", ncTime[0].dtype, ("OBS",))

    #  copy TIME variable attributes
    for a in ncTime[0].ncattrs():
        if a not in ('comment',):
            print("TIME Attribute %s value %s" % (a, ncTime[0].getncattr(a)))
            ncTimesOut.setncattr(a, ncTime[0].getncattr(a))

    ncTimesOut[:] = maTimeAll[idx].compressed()

    ncOut.setncattr("time_coverage_start", dates[0].strftime(ncTimeFormat))
    ncOut.setncattr("time_coverage_end", dates[-1].strftime(ncTimeFormat))
    ncOut.setncattr("date_created", datetime.utcnow().strftime(ncTimeFormat))
    ncOut.setncattr("history", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC : Create Aggregate"))

    # instrument index
    indexVarType = "i1"
    if len(files_to_process) > 128:
        indexVarType = "i2"
        if len(files_to_process) > 32767: # your really keen then
            indexVarType = "i4"

    # create new variables needed

    ncInstrumentIndexVar = ncOut.createVariable("instrument_index", indexVarType, ("OBS",))
    ncInstrumentIndexVar.setncattr("long_name", "which instrument this obs is for")
    ncInstrumentIndexVar.setncattr("instance_dimension", "instrument")
    ncInstrumentIndexVar[:] = instrumentIndex[idx].compressed()

    # create a variable with the source file name
    ncFileNameVar = ncOut.createVariable("source_file", "S1", ("instrument", "strlen"))
    ncFileNameVar.setncattr("long_name", "source file for this instrument")

    ncInstrumentTypeVar = ncOut.createVariable("instrument_id", "S1", ("instrument", "strlen"))
    ncInstrumentTypeVar.setncattr("long_name", "source instrument make, model, serial_number")

    filen = 0
    data = numpy.empty(len(files_to_process), dtype="S256")
    instrument = numpy.empty(len(files_to_process), dtype="S256")
    for path_file in files_to_process:
        data[filen] = path_file
        ncType = Dataset(path_file, mode='r')
        instrument[filen] = ncType.deployment_code + " ; " + ncType.instrument + ' ; ' + ncType.instrument_serial_number
        filen += 1

    ncFileNameVar[:] = stringtochar(data)
    ncInstrumentTypeVar[:] = stringtochar(instrument)

    # create a list of variables needed

    filen = 0

    # variables we want regardless

    # remove any duplicates
    varNamesOut = set(varNames)

    # copyData

    # copy variable data from all files_to_process into output file

    # should we add uncertainty to variables here if they don't have one from a default set

    for v in varNamesOut:
        varOrder = -1
        filen = 0

        if (v != 'TIME') & (v in varList):

            # TODO: need to deal with files_to_process that don't have v variable in it
            for path_file in files_to_process:
                print("%d : %s file %s" % (filen, v, path_file))

                nc1 = Dataset(path_file, mode="r")

                maVariable = nc1.variables[v][:]
                varDims = varList[v].dimensions
                varOrder = len(varDims)

                if len(varDims) > 0:
                    # need to replace the TIME dimension with the now extended OBS dimension
                    # should we extend this to the CTD case where the variables have a DEPTH dimension and no TIME
                    if varList[v].dimensions[0] == 'TIME':
                        if filen == 0:
                            maVariableAll = maVariable

                            dim = ('OBS',) + varDims[1:len(varDims)]
                            ncVariableOut = ncOut.createVariable(v, varList[v].dtype, dim)
                            maVariableAll = ma.append(maVariableAll, maVariable, axis=0) # add new data to end along OBS axis
                        if filen == 0:
                            maVariableAll = maVariable
                            maVariableAll.shape = (1,) + maVariable.shape

                            dim = ('instrument',) + varDims[0:len(varDims)]
                            varOrder += 1
                            ncVariableOut = ncOut.createVariable(v, varList[v].dtype, dim)
                            vdata = maVariable
                            vdata.shape = (1,) + maVariable.shape
                            maVariableAll = ma.append(maVariableAll, vdata, axis=0)

                    if filen == 0:
                        maVariableAll = maVariable

                        dim = ('instrument',) + varDims[0:len(varDims)]
                        ncVariableOut = ncOut.createVariable(v, varList[v].dtype, dim)
                        maVariableAll = ma.append(maVariableAll, maVariable)

                # copy the variable attributes
                # this is ends up as the super set of all files_to_process
                for a in varList[v].ncattrs():
                    if a not in ('comment', '_FillValue') and not re.match(r"calibration.*", a):
                        #print("%s Attribute %s value %s" % (v, a, varList[v].getncattr(a)))
                        ncVariableOut.setncattr(a, varList[v].getncattr(a))

                filen += 1

            # write the aggregated data to the output file
            if varOrder == 2:
                maVariableAll.mask = maTimeAll.mask  # apply the time mask
                ncVariableOut[:] = maVariableAll[idx][:].compressed()
            elif varOrder == 1:
                maVariableAll.mask = maTimeAll.mask  # apply the time mask
                ncVariableOut[:] = maVariableAll[idx].compressed()
            elif varOrder == 0:
                ncVariableOut[:] = maVariableAll

                # create the output global attributes
                if hasattr(ncVariableOut, 'standard_name'):
                    if ncVariableOut.standard_name == 'latitude':
                        laMax = maVariableAll.max(0)
                        laMin = maVariableAll.max(0)
                        ncOut.setncattr("geospatial_lat_max", laMax)
                        ncOut.setncattr("geospatial_lat_min", laMin)
                    if ncVariableOut.standard_name == 'longitude':
                        loMax = maVariableAll.max(0)
                        loMin = maVariableAll.max(0)
                        ncOut.setncattr("geospatial_lon_max", loMax)
                        ncOut.setncattr("geospatial_lon_min", loMin)
                    if ncVariableOut.standard_name == 'depth':
                        dMax = maVariableAll.max(0)
                        dMin = maVariableAll.max(0)
                        ncOut.setncattr("geospatial_vertical_max", dMax)
                        ncOut.setncattr("geospatial_vertical_min", dMin)

    dsIn.close()  # we're done with the varList now

    return outputName
Ejemplo n.º 51
def eco_parse(files, model='FLNTUS', serial='1215'):
    time = []
    value = []

    if not model:
        model = 'FLNTUS'
    if not serial:
        serial = '1215'

    filepath = files[0]
    number_samples = 0

    with open(filepath, 'r', errors='ignore') as fp:
        hdr_line = fp.readline().replace("\n", "")
        hdr_split = hdr_line.split("\t")
        hdr = [re.sub("\(.*\)\n?", "", x) for x in hdr_split[3:]]
        print (hdr)

        line = fp.readline()
        while line:

            line_split = line.split("\t")

            t = line_split[1][0:4] + " 20" + line_split[1][4:] + " " + line_split[2]
                ts = datetime.strptime(t, "%m%d %Y %H%M%S")
                v = [float(x) for x in line_split[3:]]
                if len(v) == len(hdr):
                    number_samples += 1
            except ValueError:
            line = fp.readline()

    print("nSamples %d " % number_samples)

    # build the netCDF file

    ncTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"

    outputName = filepath + ".nc"

    print("output file : %s" % outputName)

    ncOut = Dataset(outputName, 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')

    ncOut.instrument = "WetLABs ; " + model
    ncOut.instrument_model = model
    ncOut.instrument_serial_number = serial

    #     TIME:axis = "T";
    #     TIME:calendar = "gregorian";
    #     TIME:long_name = "time";
    #     TIME:units = "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC";

    tDim = ncOut.createDimension("TIME", number_samples)
    ncTimesOut = ncOut.createVariable("TIME", "d", ("TIME",), zlib=True)
    ncTimesOut.long_name = "time"
    ncTimesOut.units = "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
    ncTimesOut.calendar = "gregorian"
    ncTimesOut.axis = "T"
    ncTimesOut[:] = date2num(time, calendar=ncTimesOut.calendar, units=ncTimesOut.units)

    for i in range(0, len(hdr)):
        print(i, hdr[i], len(value[-1]))
        ncVarOut = ncOut.createVariable(hdr[i], "f4", ("TIME",), zlib=True)
        ncVarOut[:] = [v[i] for v in value]

    # add timespan attributes
    ncOut.setncattr("time_coverage_start", num2date(ncTimesOut[0], units=ncTimesOut.units, calendar=ncTimesOut.calendar).strftime(ncTimeFormat))
    ncOut.setncattr("time_coverage_end", num2date(ncTimesOut[-1], units=ncTimesOut.units, calendar=ncTimesOut.calendar).strftime(ncTimeFormat))

    # add creating and history entry
    ncOut.setncattr("date_created", datetime.utcnow().strftime(ncTimeFormat))
    ncOut.setncattr("history", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " created from file " + filepath)


    return outputName
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def _create_tst_data_set(self, tmp_handle, tmp_name, key):
        ds = Dataset(tmp_name, 'w')
        time = ds.createDimension('time', None)
        lat = ds.createDimension('lat', 80)
        lon_len = 60
        if key is "DS_DIM_SIZE_CHANGED":
            lon_len = 70

        time_len = 10
        if key is "DS_ADDITIONAL_TIMES":
            time_len = 12

        lon = ds.createDimension('lon', lon_len)

        ds.creator = "ocean observing initiative"
        if key is "DS_GLOBAL_ATT_CHANGED":
            ds.history = "first history entry; second history entry"
            ds.history = "first history entry"

        if key is "DS_TIME_DIM_VAR_DIFFER":
            time = ds.createVariable('record', 'i8', ('time', ), fill_value=-1)
            time = ds.createVariable('time', 'i8', ('time', ), fill_value=-1)
        time.standard_name = "time"
        time.long_name = "time"
        time.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"
        time.calendar = "gregorian"
        time.comment = "estimated time of observation"

        latitudes = ds.createVariable('latitude', 'f4', ('lat', ))
        latitudes.standard_name = "latitude"
        if key is "DS_VAR_ATT_CHANGED":
            latitudes.long_name = "latitude has changed"
            latitudes.long_name = "latitude"
        latitudes.units = "degrees_north"
        latitudes[:] = numpy.arange(10, 50, 0.5)

        longitudes = ds.createVariable('longitude', 'f4', ('lon', ))
        longitudes.standard_name = "longitude"
        longitudes.long_name = "longitude"
        longitudes.units = "degrees_east"
        if key is "DS_DIM_SIZE_CHANGED":
            longitudes[:] = numpy.arange(-90, -55, 0.5)
            longitudes[:] = numpy.arange(-90, -60, 0.5)

        byte_data = ds.createVariable('bytedata', 'i1', (
        byte_data.standard_name = "bytes"
        byte_data.long_name = "byte_data"
        byte_data.units = "byte"

        array_data = numpy.array(
                time_len * len(ds.dimensions["lat"]) *
        byte_data[0:time_len, :, :] = numpy.reshape(
            (time_len, len(ds.dimensions["lat"]), len(ds.dimensions["lon"])))

        short_data = ds.createVariable('shortdata', 'i2', (
        short_data.standard_name = "shorts"
        short_data.long_name = "short_data"
        short_data.units = "short"
        short_data[0:time_len, :, :] = numpy.reshape(
            (time_len, len(ds.dimensions["lat"]), len(ds.dimensions["lon"])))

        int_data = ds.createVariable('intdata', 'i4', (
        int_data.standard_name = "integers"
        int_data.long_name = "integer_data"
        int_data.units = "int"
        int_data[0:time_len, :, :] = numpy.reshape(
            (time_len, len(ds.dimensions["lat"]), len(ds.dimensions["lon"])))

        array_data = numpy.linspace(start=0,
                                    num=time_len * len(ds.dimensions["lat"]) *

        float_data = ds.createVariable('floatdata', 'f4', (
        float_data.standard_name = "floats"
        float_data.long_name = "float_data"
        float_data.units = "flt"
        float_data[0:time_len, :, :] = numpy.reshape(
            (time_len, len(ds.dimensions["lat"]), len(ds.dimensions["lon"])))

        double_data = ds.createVariable('doubledata', 'f8', (
        double_data.standard_name = "doubles"
        double_data.long_name = "double_data"
        double_data.units = "dbl"
        double_data[0:time_len, :, :] = numpy.reshape(
            (time_len, len(ds.dimensions["lat"]), len(ds.dimensions["lon"])))

        # fill in the temporal data
        from datetime import datetime, timedelta
        from netCDF4 import date2num
        dates = [
            datetime(2011, 12, 1) + n * timedelta(hours=1)
            for n in range(float_data.shape[0])
        time[:] = date2num(dates, units=time.units, calendar=time.calendar)


Ejemplo n.º 53
 longitude = era5_file.variables["longitude"][:]
 lat_resolution = abs(latitude[-1] - latitude[0]) / (len(latitude) - 1)
 lon_resolution = abs(longitude[-1] - longitude[0]) / (len(longitude) - 1)
 # get the time and convert to Python datetime object
 era5_time = era5_file.variables["time"][:]
 time_units = getattr(era5_file.variables["time"], "units")
 dt_era5 = netCDF4.num2date(era5_time, time_units)
 start_date_era5 = dt_era5[0]
 end_date_era5 = dt_era5[-1]
 hour_utc = numpy.array([dt.hour for dt in dt_era5])
 # get the datetime in the middle of the accumulation period
 era5_offset = datetime.timedelta(minutes=float(era5_timestep) / 2)
 dt_era5_cor = [x - era5_offset for x in dt_era5]
 # get a series of time, corrected for the offset
 # NOTE: netCDF4.date2num doesn't handle timezone-aware datetimes
 era5_time_1hr = netCDF4.date2num(dt_era5_cor, time_units)
 # make utc_dt timezone aware so we can generate local times later
 dt_era5_utc_cor = [x.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) for x in dt_era5_cor]
 #site_list = ["Tumbarumba"]
 # now loop over the sites
 for site_name in site_list:
     # get the output file name
     out_site_path = os.path.join(out_base_path, site_name, "Data", "ERA5")
     if not os.path.exists(out_site_path):
     out_file_name = site_name + "_ERA5_" + start_date_era5.strftime(
     out_file_name = out_file_name + "_" + end_date_era5.strftime(
         "%Y%m%d") + ".nc"
     out_file_path = os.path.join(out_site_path, out_file_name)
     # get the metadata from the control file
fileOutName = "ndw_speed_intensity.nc"

latvar = []
lonvar = []
timevardata = []
station = np.array([], dtype='object')

for loc in measurements:
    inputdate = measurements[loc]['time'] + 'CEST'
    date = dateutil.parser.parse(inputdate)  #,"%Y-%m-%d %M:%H:%S")
    utctimestring = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
    netcdfDate = netCDF4.date2num(dateutil.parser.parse(utctimestring),
                                  "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00")
    station = np.append(station, loc)

numpoints = len(station)

ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(fileOutName, 'w')
obs_dim = ncfile.createDimension('obs', numpoints)  # latitude axis
time_dim = ncfile.createDimension('time', 1)

lat = ncfile.createVariable('lat', 'd', ('obs'))
lat.units = 'degrees_north'
lat.standard_name = 'latitude'
lon = ncfile.createVariable('lon', 'd', ('obs'))
lon.units = 'degrees_east'
lon.standard_name = 'longitude'
Ejemplo n.º 55
def append_to_netcdf(fn, data_list, metadata_list):
    """Append RADOLAN data and metadata to existing NetCDF


    Does currently only work for RADOLAN RW data

    if type(data_list) != list:
        data_list = [
    if type(metadata_list) != list:
        metadata_list = [
    with netCDF4.Dataset(fn, "a") as nc_fh:
        current_length = len(nc_fh["time"][:])
        for i, (data, metadata) in enumerate(zip(data_list, metadata_list)):
            i_new = i + current_length
            nc_fh["time"][i_new] = netCDF4.date2num(

            product_name = metadata["producttype"]
            product_config_dict = radolan_product_netcdf_config[product_name]

            if product_name != nc_fh.producttype:
                raise ValueError("RADOLAN product of data is `%s` and "
                                 "is `%s` in existing NetCDF" %
                                 (product_name, nc_fh.producttype))

            variable_names = list(product_config_dict["variables"].keys())
            if len(variable_names) != 1:
                raise NotImplementedError("Writting the actual RADOLAN data "
                                          "to NetCDF is only supported for "
                                          "one `variable`.")

            variable_name = variable_names[0]
            variable_config = product_config_dict["variables"][variable_name]

            if "fill_value" in variable_config["variable_parameters"]:
                fill_value = variable_config["variable_parameters"][
                offset = variable_config["attributes"]["add_offset"]
                scale_factor = variable_config["attributes"]["scale_factor"]

                fill_value_float = fill_value * scale_factor + offset

                temp_data = data.copy()
                temp_data[np.isnan(temp_data)] = fill_value_float
                temp_data = data
            nc_fh[variable_name][i_new, :, :] = temp_data

            # TODO: Remove this hardcoding of writing `secondary` and `nodatamask`
            secondary = np.zeros_like(data, dtype="bool").flatten()
            secondary[metadata["secondary"]] = True
            nc_fh["secondary"][i_new, :, :] = secondary.reshape(data.shape)

            nodatamask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype="bool").flatten()
            nodatamask[metadata["nodatamask"]] = True
            nc_fh["nodatamask"][i_new, :, :] = nodatamask.reshape(data.shape)

            cluttermask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype="bool").flatten()
            cluttermask[metadata["cluttermask"]] = True
            nc_fh["cluttermask"][i_new, :, :] = cluttermask.reshape(data.shape)

            # TODO make this more flexible and also test for it !!!
            nc_fh["maxrange"][i_new] = int(metadata["maxrange"].split(" ")[0])
            nc_fh["radarlocations"][i_new] = " ".join(
Ejemplo n.º 56
def process_ccsm_data(gdir, PI_path):
        First attempt at a method to process the CCSM data into temperature/precip anomalies.


    #Put this in the function def (see process_cesm_data)

    if not (('climate_file' in cfg.PATHS) and
        raise IOError('Custom climate file not found')

    #open dataset for precp use
    fpath = cfg.PATHS['climate_file']
    xr_ccsm = xr.open_dataset(fpath, decode_times=False)
    #open dataset for tmp use
    xr_ccsm_ts = xr.open_dataset(fpath)
    #repeating for pi
    xr_pi = xr.open_dataset(PI_path, decode_times=False)

    # selecting location
    lon = gdir.cenlon
    lat = gdir.cenlat
    #Setting the longitude to a 0-360 grid [I think...] "CESM files are in 0-360"
    if lon <= 0:
        lon += 360
    #"take the closest"
    #"TODO: consider GCM interpolation?"
    precp = xr_ccsm.PRECC.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest') + xr_ccsm.PRECL.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest')
    temp = xr_ccsm_ts.TS.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest')
    precp_pi = xr_pi.PRECC.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest') + xr_pi.PRECL.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest')
    temp_pi = xr_pi.TS.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest')

    #convert temp from K to C
    temp = temp - 273.15
    temp_pi = temp_pi - 273.15

    #Take anomaly for CCSM data (with preindustrial control)
    for i in range(12):
        temp.values[i] = temp.values[i] - temp_pi.values[i]
    for i in range(12):
        precp.values[i] = precp.values[i] - precp_pi.values[i]

    #from normal years to hydrological years
    sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_'+gdir.hemisphere]
    em = sm - 1 if (sm > 1) else 12
    y0 = int(pd.to_datetime(str(temp.time.values[0])).strftime('%Y'))
    y1 = int(pd.to_datetime(str(temp.time.values[-1])).strftime('%Y'))
    #time string for temp/precip (hydro years)
    time = pd.period_range('{}-{:02d}'.format(y0, sm),'{}-{:02d}'.format(y1, em), freq='M')

    #reorder single year of equil data & add correct time
    #calculate place in array to concat from (2 for ccsm data)
    conc_start = sm-2
    conc_end = sm-14

    temp_hydro = xr.concat([temp[conc_start:],temp[:conc_end]],dim="time")
    precp_hydro = xr.concat([precp[conc_start:],precp[:conc_end]],dim="time")
    temp_hydro['time'] = time
    precp_hydro['time'] = time

    temp = temp_hydro
    precp = precp_hydro

    # Workaround for https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/1565
    temp['month'] = ('time', time.month)
    precp['month'] = ('time', time.month)
    temp['year'] = ('time', time.year)
    temp['year'] = ('time', time.year)
    ny, r = divmod(len(temp.time), 12)
    assert r == 0

    #Convert m s-1 to mm mth-1 (for precp)
    ndays = np.tile(cfg.DAYS_IN_MONTH, y1-y0)
    precp = precp * ndays * (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)

    #"Get CRU to apply the anomaly to"
    fpath = gdir.get_filepath('climate_monthly')
    ds_cru = xr.open_dataset(fpath)

    #"Add the climate anomaly to CRU clim"
    dscru = ds_cru.sel(time=slice('1961', '1990'))

    # temp
    loc_temp = dscru.temp.groupby('time.month').mean()
    #Oct-Sept format preserved
    ts_tmp = temp.groupby(temp.month) + loc_temp

    #for prcp
    loc_pre = dscru.prcp.groupby('time.month').mean()
    ts_pre = precp.groupby(precp.month) + loc_pre

    #load dates into save format
    fpath = cfg.PATHS['climate_file']
    dsindex = salem.GeoNetcdf(fpath, monthbegin=True)
    time1 = dsindex.variables['time']

    #weird recursive way to getting the dates in the correct format to save 
    #only nessisary for 1 year of data, in order to rearrange the months and 
    #get the correct year.
    time_array = [datetime(temp.time.year[i], temp.time.month[i],1) for i in range(12)]
    time_nums = netCDF4.date2num(time_array, time1.units, calendar='noleap')
    time2 = netCDF4.num2date(time_nums[:], time1.units, calendar='noleap')

    assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_pre.values))
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_tmp.values))

    #"back to -180 - 180"
    loc_lon = precp.lon if precp.lon <= 180 else precp.lon - 360

    #write to netcdf
    gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(time2, ts_pre.values, ts_tmp.values, 
                                    float(dscru.ref_hgt), loc_lon, 

Ejemplo n.º 57
def from_stations(station_file, bry_file, grid=None):
    Construct a boundary forcing file from a stations file generated by a parent-grid.
    The stations.in file must have been generated by the seapy.roms.gen_stations method;
    otherwise, the order will be incorrect.

    station_file : string
        Filename of the stations file that is the source for the boundary data
    bry_file : string
        Filename of the boundary conditions file to generate
    grid : string or seapy.model.grid
        Grid that the boundary conditions are created for


    grid = seapy.model.asgrid(grid)
    ncstation = netCDF4.Dataset(station_file)
    src_ref, time = seapy.roms.get_reftime(ncstation)

    # Create the boundary file and fill up the descriptive data
    ncbry = seapy.roms.ncgen.create_bry(bry_file,
                                        title="generated from " + station_file)

    # Load the times: we need to see if the times are duplicated
    # because if using assimilation, they may be duplicated for every
    # outer-loop. Currently, it overwrites the first one each time (this
    # will need to be fixed if ROMS is fixed).
    statime = ncstation.variables[time][:]
    dup = np.where(statime[1:] == statime[0])[0]
    rng = np.s_[:]
    if dup.size > 0:
        rng = np.s_[0:np.min(dup)]
        statime = statime[rng]
    brytime = seapy.roms.get_timevar(ncbry)
    ncbry.variables["bry_time"][:] = netCDF4.date2num(
        netCDF4.num2date(statime, ncstation.variables[time].units),

    # Set up the indices
    bry = {
        "south": range(0, grid.lm),
        "north": range(grid.lm, 2 * grid.lm),
        "west": range(2 * grid.lm, 2 * grid.lm + grid.ln),
        "east": range(2 * grid.lm + grid.ln, 2 * (grid.lm + grid.ln))

    # Get the information to construct the depths of the station data
    sta_vt = ncstation.variables["Vtransform"][:]
    sta_hc = ncstation.variables["hc"][:]
    sta_s_rho = ncstation.variables["s_rho"][:]
    sta_cs_r = ncstation.variables["Cs_r"][:]
    sta_h = ncstation.variables["h"][:]
    sta_angle = ncstation.variables["angle"][:]
    sta_lon = ncstation.variables["lon_rho"][:]
    sta_lat = ncstation.variables["lat_rho"][:]
    sta_mask = np.ones(sta_lat.shape)
    sta_mask[sta_lon * sta_lat > 1e10] = 0

    # Load the station data as we need to manipulate it
    sta_zeta = np.ma.masked_greater(ncstation.variables["zeta"][rng], 100)
    sta_ubar = np.ma.masked_greater(ncstation.variables["ubar"][rng], 100)
    sta_vbar = np.ma.masked_greater(ncstation.variables["vbar"][rng], 100)
    sta_temp = np.ma.masked_greater(ncstation.variables["temp"][rng], 100)
    sta_salt = np.ma.masked_greater(ncstation.variables["salt"][rng], 100)
    sta_u = np.ma.masked_greater(ncstation.variables["u"][rng], 100)
    sta_v = np.ma.masked_greater(ncstation.variables["v"][rng], 100)

    # Create the true positions and mask
    grid_h = np.concatenate(
        [grid.h[0, :], grid.h[-1, :], grid.h[:, 0], grid.h[:, -1]])
    grid_lon = np.concatenate([
        grid.lon_rho[0, :], grid.lon_rho[-1, :], grid.lon_rho[:, 0],
        grid.lon_rho[:, -1]
    grid_lat = np.concatenate([
        grid.lat_rho[0, :], grid.lat_rho[-1, :], grid.lat_rho[:, 0],
        grid.lat_rho[:, -1]
    grid_mask = np.concatenate([
        grid.mask_rho[0, :], grid.mask_rho[-1, :], grid.mask_rho[:, 0],
        grid.mask_rho[:, -1]
    grid_angle = np.concatenate([
        grid.angle[0, :], grid.angle[-1, :], grid.angle[:, 0], grid.angle[:,

    # Search for bad stations due to child grid overlaying parent mask.
    # Unfortunately, ROMS will give points that are not at the locations
    # you specify if those points conflict with the mask. So, these points
    # are simply replaced with the nearest.
    dist = np.sqrt((sta_lon - grid_lon)**2 + (sta_lat - grid_lat)**2)
    bad_pts = np.where(np.logical_and(dist > 0.001, grid_mask == 1))[0]
    good_pts = np.where(np.logical_and(dist < 0.001, grid_mask == 1))[0]
    for i in bad_pts:
        didx = np.sqrt((sta_lon[i] - sta_lon[good_pts])**2 +
                       (sta_lat[i] - sta_lat[good_pts])**2).argmin()
        index = good_pts[didx]
        sta_h[i] = sta_h[index]
        sta_angle[i] = sta_angle[index]
        sta_lon[i] = sta_lon[index]
        sta_lat[i] = sta_lat[index]
        sta_zeta[:, i] = sta_zeta[:, index]
        sta_ubar[:, i] = sta_ubar[:, index]
        sta_vbar[:, i] = sta_vbar[:, index]
        sta_temp[:, i, :] = sta_temp[:, index, :]
        sta_salt[:, i, :] = sta_salt[:, index, :]
        sta_u[:, i, :] = sta_u[:, index, :]
        sta_v[:, i, :] = sta_v[:, index, :]

    # Construct the boundaries: a dictionary of boundary side and two element
    # array whether the u[0] or v[1] dimensions need to be averaged
    sides = {
        "north": [True, False],
        "south": [True, False],
        "east": [False, True],
        "west": [False, True]
    delta_angle = sta_angle - grid_angle
    sta_ubar, sta_vbar = seapy.rotate(sta_ubar, sta_vbar, delta_angle)
    sta_u, sta_v = seapy.rotate(sta_u, sta_v,
                                np.tile(delta_angle, (sta_u.shape[-1], 1)).T)

    # Set up the parameters for depth-interpolated
    wght = 5
    nx = 3
    ny = 9

    # Build a non-extrapolating field to interpolate. Generate the
    # position and depth
    def __expand_field(x):
        shp = x.shape
        y = np.zeros((shp[0] + 2, shp[1] + 2))
        y[1:-1, 1:-1] = x
        y[1:-1, 0] = x[:, 0]
        y[1:-1, -1] = x[:, -1]
        y[0, :] = y[1, :]
        y[-1, :] = y[-2, :]
        return y

    for side in sides:

        # Masks
        sta_ocean = np.where(sta_mask[bry[side]] == 1)[0]
        ocean = np.where(grid_mask[bry[side]] == 1)[0]

        # If we have a masked boundary, skip it
        if not np.any(ocean):

        # 1) Zeta
        ncbry.variables["zeta_" + side][:, ocean] = sta_zeta[:,

        # 2) Ubar
        if sides[side][0]:
            ncbry.variables["ubar_" +
                            side][:] = 0.5 * (sta_ubar[:, bry[side][0:-1]] +
                                              sta_ubar[:, bry[side][1:]])
            ncbry.variables["ubar_" + side][:] = sta_ubar[:, bry[side]]

        # 3) Vbar
        if sides[side][1]:
            ncbry.variables["vbar_" +
                            side][:] = 0.5 * (sta_vbar[:, bry[side][0:-1]] +
                                              sta_vbar[:, bry[side][1:]])
            ncbry.variables["vbar_" + side][:] = sta_vbar[:, bry[side]]

        # For 3D variables, we need to loop through time and interpolate
        # onto the child grid. Construct the distances
        x = np.zeros(len(bry[side]))
        x[1:] = np.cumsum(
        sta_x = seapy.adddim(x, len(sta_s_rho))
        x = seapy.adddim(x, len(grid.s_rho))

        for n, t in seapy.progressbar.progress(enumerate(statime),
            sta_depth = seapy.roms.depth(sta_vt, sta_h[bry[side]], sta_hc,
                                         sta_s_rho, sta_cs_r,
                                         sta_zeta[n, bry[side]])
            depth = seapy.roms.depth(grid.vtransform, grid_h[bry[side]],
                                     grid.hc, grid.s_rho, grid.cs_r,
                                     sta_zeta[n, bry[side]])

            in_x = __expand_field(sta_x[:, sta_ocean])
            in_x[:, 0] = in_x[:, 0] - 3600
            in_x[:, -1] = in_x[:, -1] + 3600
            in_depth = __expand_field(sta_depth[:, sta_ocean])
            in_depth[0, :] = in_depth[0, :] - 1000
            in_depth[-1, :] = in_depth[-1, :] + 10

            # 4) Temp
            in_data = __expand_field(
                np.transpose(sta_temp[n, bry[side], :][sta_ocean, :]))
            ncbry.variables["temp_" + side][n, :] = 0.0
            ncbry.variables["temp_" + side][n, :,
                                            ocean], pmap = seapy.oa.oasurf(
                                                x[:, ocean],
                                                depth[:, ocean],

            # 5) Salt
            in_data = __expand_field(
                np.transpose(sta_salt[n, bry[side], :][sta_ocean, :]))
            ncbry.variables["salt_" + side][n, :] = 0.0
            ncbry.variables["salt_" + side][n, :,
                                            ocean], pmap = seapy.oa.oasurf(
                                                x[:, ocean],
                                                depth[:, ocean],

            # 6) U
            in_data = __expand_field(
                np.transpose(sta_u[n, bry[side], :][sta_ocean, :]))
            data = np.zeros(x.shape)
            data[:, ocean], pmap = seapy.oa.oasurf(in_x,
                                                   x[:, ocean],
                                                   depth[:, ocean],
            if sides[side][0]:
                ncbry.variables["u_" + side][n, :] = 0.5 * (data[:, 0:-1] +
                                                            data[:, 1:])
                ncbry.variables["u_" + side][n, :] = data

            # 7) V
            in_data = __expand_field(
                np.transpose(sta_v[n, bry[side], :][sta_ocean, :]))
            data = data * 0
            data[:, ocean], pmap = seapy.oa.oasurf(in_x,
                                                   x[:, ocean],
                                                   depth[:, ocean],
            if sides[side][1]:
                ncbry.variables["v_" + side][n, :] = 0.5 * (data[:, 0:-1] +
                                                            data[:, 1:])
                ncbry.variables["v_" + side][n, :] = data
Ejemplo n.º 58
def getTime(confM2R, year, month, day, ntime):
    Create a date object to keep track of Julian dates etc.
    Also create a reference date starting at 1948/01/01.
    Go here to check results:http://lena.gsfc.nasa.gov/lenaDEV/html/doy_conv.html
    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODA':
        filename = fc.getSODAfilename(confM2R, year, month, None)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODA3':
        filename = fc.getSODA3filename(confM2R, year, month, None)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        filename = fc.getSODAMONTHLYfilename(confM2R, year, month, None)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        filename = fc.getGLORYSfilename(confM2R, year, month, "S")

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY':
        filename = fc.getWOAMONTHLYfilename(confM2R, year, month,

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NORESM':
        filename = fc.getNORESMfilename(confM2R, year, month, "salnlvl")

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        filename = fc.getNS8KMfilename(confM2R, year, month, "salt")

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        filename, readFromOneFile = fc.getNS8KMZfilename(
            confM2R, year, month, "salt")

    # Now open the input file and get the time
    cdf = Dataset(filename)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NORESM':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
                         units="days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00",
    elif confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
                         units="days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00",
    elif confM2R.indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
    elif confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
    elif confM2R.indatatype == 'SODA3':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
                         units="days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00",
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        # Find the day and month that the SODAMONTHLY file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each SODA file represents a 1 month average.

        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODA3':
        # Each SODA file represents 12 month averages.

        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate,
                      units="days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00",

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time_counter"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time_counter"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["ocean_time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["ocean_time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar="gregorian")
        print("Days:", jd, currentdate, year, month, day)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NORESM':
        # Find the day and month that the NORESM file. We need to use the time modules from
        # netcdf4 for python as they handle calendars that are no_leap.
        # http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/people/jeffrey.s.whitaker/python/netcdftime.html#datetime
        mydays = cdf.variables["time"][ntime]
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        # For NORESM we switch from in-units of 1800-01-01 to outunits of 1948-01-01
        currentdate = num2date(mydays, units=myunits, calendar=mycalendar)
        jd = date2num(currentdate,
                      'days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00',

    confM2R.grdROMS.time = (jd - jdref)
    confM2R.grdROMS.reftime = jdref
    confM2R.grdROMS.timeunits = myunits
    print('\nCurrent time of %s file : %s' % (confM2R.indatatype, currentdate))
Ejemplo n.º 59
# fetch NCEP NARR data
grid_date = num2date(grid.time['data'], grid.time['units'])[0]
y_m_d = grid_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')
y_m = grid_date.strftime('%Y%m')
url = ('http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/dods/NCEP_NARR_DAILY/' + y_m + '/' +
       y_m_d + '/narr-a_221_' + y_m_d + '_0000_000')
# Use a local copy of the online NCEP NARR data, this file can be created with
# the command:
# nccopy http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/dods/NCEP_NARR_DAILY/201105/20110520/narr-a_221_20110520_0000_000?lon,lat,time,prmsl narr-a_221_20110520_0000_000.nc
# comment out the next line to retrieve the data from the OPeNDAP server.
url = 'narr-a_221_20110520_0000_000.nc'
data = Dataset(url)

# extract data at correct time
data_time = data.variables['time']
t_idx = abs(data_time[:] - date2num(grid_date, data_time.units)).argmin()
prmsl = 0.01 * data.variables['prmsl'][t_idx]

# plot the reanalysis on the basemap
lons, lats = np.meshgrid(data.variables['lon'], data.variables['lat'][:])
x, y = display.basemap(lons, lats)
clevs = np.arange(900, 1100., 1.)
display.basemap.contour(x, y, prmsl, clevs, colors='k', linewidths=1.)

# colorbar
cbax = fig.add_axes(colorbar_panel_axes)

# panel 2, longitude slice.
ax2 = fig.add_axes(x_cut_panel_axes)
Ejemplo n.º 60
tunit = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
# Write ensemble forecast to netcdf
with Dataset(outfile, 'w') as dset:
    dset.createDimension('time', None)
    dset.createDimension('lat', state.ny())
    dset.createDimension('lon', state.nx())
    dset.createDimension('ens', state.nmems())
    dset.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('time', ))
    dset.createVariable('lat', 'f8', ('lat', ))
    dset.createVariable('lon', 'f8', ('lon'))
    dset.createVariable('ens', 'i4', ('ens', ))
    dset.variables['time'].units = tunit
    dset.variables['lat'].units = 'degrees_north'
    dset.variables['lon'].units = 'degrees_east'
    dset.variables['ens'].units = 'member_number'
    dset.variables['time'][:] = date2num(state.ensemble_times(), tunit)
    dset.variables['lat'][:] = state['lat'].values[:, 0]
    dset.variables['lon'][:] = state['lon'].values[0, :]
    dset.variables['ens'][:] = state['mem'].values
    for var in state.vars():
        print('Writing variable {}'.format(var))
        dset.createVariable(var, 'f8', (
        dset.variables[var].units = ut.get_units(var)
        dset.variables[var][:] = state[var].values

#Get the required packages