Ejemplo n.º 1
class Card(Gdtstruct):
        ('ModuleName', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Type', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('IoPort', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('IoPort1', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('IoPort2', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Options', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Mem', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('IRQ', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('DMA0', Gdtint, "Test doc string"),
        ('DMA1', Gdtint, "Test doc string"),
        ('ChannelProtocol', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Firmware', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('DriverId', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('VendorId', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('DeviceId', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Card, self).__init__()
        self.ModuleName = None
        self.Type = None
        self.IoPort = None
        self.IoPort1 = None
        self.IoPort2 = None
        self.Mem = None
        self.IRQ = None
        self.DMA0 = None
        self.DMA1 = None
        self.ChannelProtocol = None
        self.Firmware = None
        self.DriverId = None
        self.VendorId = None
        self.DeviceId = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Wireless_base(Gdtstruct):
        ('Mode', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('EssId', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Channel', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Rate', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Key', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Device_base(Gdtstruct):
        ('DeviceId', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('NMControlled', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('Device', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Alias', Gdtint, "Test doc string"),
        ('Type', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('SubType', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('OnBoot', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('OnParent', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('AllowUser', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('BootProto', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('IP', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Netmask', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Gateway', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('IPv6Init', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('Hostname', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Domain', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('AutoDNS', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('HardwareAddress', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Mtu', Gdtint, "Test doc string"),
        ('Slave', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('StaticRoutes', StaticRoutes, "test"),
        ('PrimaryDNS', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('SecondaryDNS', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Device_base, self).__init__()
        self.DeviceId = None
        self.NMControlled = None
        self.Device = None
        self.Alias = None
        self.Type = None
        self.SubType = None
        self.OnBoot = None
        self.OnParent = None
        self.AllowUser = None
        self.BootProto = None
        self.IP = None
        self.Netmask = None
        self.Gateway = None
        self.IPv6Init = None
        self.Hostname = None
        self.Domain = None
        self.AutoDNS = None
        self.HardwareAddress = None
        self.Mtu = None
        self.Slave = None
        self.StaticRoutes = None
        self.PrimaryDNS = None
        self.SecondaryDNS = None

    def createStaticRoutes(self):
        if not self.StaticRoutes:
            self.StaticRoutes = StaticRoutes()
        return self.StaticRoutes
Ejemplo n.º 4
class DevADSL(Device):
        ('Dialup', DslDialup, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(DevADSL, self).__init__()
        self.Type = DSL
        self.Dialup = DslDialup()

    def load(self, name):
        super(DevADSL, self).load(name)
        conf = ConfDevice(name)
        self.Dialup.load(conf, self)

    def save(self):
        super(DevADSL, self).save()
        conf = ConfDevice(self.DeviceId)
        self.Dialup.save(conf, self.DeviceId, self.oldname)

    def createDialup(self):
        if (self.Dialup == None) \
               or not isinstance(self.Dialup, DslDialup):
            self.Dialup = DslDialup()
        return self.Dialup

    def getDialog(self):
        if not _devADSLDialog:
            return None
        dialog = _devADSLDialog(self)
        if hasattr(dialog, "xml"):
            return dialog.xml.get_widget("Dialog")

        return dialog

    def getWizard(self):
        return _devADSLWizard

    def isType(self, device):
        if device.Type == DSL:
            return True
        if getDeviceType(device.Device) == DSL:
            return True
        return False

    def getHWDevice(self):
        if self.Dialup:
            return self.Dialup.EthDevice
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Route_base(Gdtstruct):
        ('Address', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Netmask', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Gateway', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('GatewayDevice', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Route_base, self).__init__()
        self.Address = None
        self.Netmask = None
        self.Gateway = None
        self.GatewayDevice = None
Ejemplo n.º 6
class HwModem(Hardware):
        ('Modem', Modem, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(HwModem, self).__init__()
        self.Modem = Modem()
        self.Type = MODEM

    def createModem(self):
        return self.Modem

    def getDialog(self):
        if _hwModemDialog == None:
            return None
        return _hwModemDialog(self).xml.get_widget("Dialog")

    def getWizard(self):
        return _hwModemWizard

    def isType(self, hardware):
        if hardware.Type == MODEM:
            return True
        if getHardwareType(hardware.Hardware) == MODEM:
            return True
        return False

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
        from netconfpkg.NCHardwareList import getMyWvDial

        wvdial = getMyWvDial(create_if_missing=True)
        wvdial[self.Name]['Modem'] = self.Modem.DeviceName
        if self.Modem.BaudRate:
            wvdial[self.Name]['Baud'] = str(self.Modem.BaudRate)
        if not self.Modem.ModemVolume:
            self.Modem.ModemVolume = 0
        wvdial[self.Name]['SetVolume'] = str(self.Modem.ModemVolume)
        if self.Modem.DialCommand:
            wvdial[self.Name]['Dial Command'] = str(self.Modem.DialCommand)
        if not self.Modem.InitString:
            self.Modem.InitString = 'ATZ'
        wvdial[self.Name]['Init1'] = str(self.Modem.InitString)
        if self.Modem.ModemVolume == 0:
            wvdial[self.Name]['Init3'] = 'ATM0'
            wvdial[self.Name]['Init3'] = 'ATM1L' + str(self.Modem.ModemVolume)

        if self.Modem.FlowControl:
            wvdial[self.Name]['FlowControl'] = str(self.Modem.FlowControl)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Host_base(Gdtstruct):
        ('IP', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Hostname', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('AliasList', AliasList, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Host_base, self).__init__()
        self.IP = None
        self.Hostname = None
        self.AliasList = AliasList()

    def createAliasList(self):
        if not self.AliasList:
            self.AliasList = AliasList()
        return self.AliasList
Ejemplo n.º 8
class DevWireless(Device):
        ('Wireless', Wireless, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(DevWireless, self).__init__()
        self.Type = WIRELESS
        self.Wireless = Wireless()

    def load(self, name):
        super(DevWireless, self).load(name)
        conf = ConfDevice(name)
        self.Wireless.load(conf, self.DeviceId)
        del conf

    def save(self):
        super(DevWireless, self).save()
        conf = ConfDevice(self.DeviceId)
        self.Wireless.save(conf, self.DeviceId)
        del conf

    def createWireless(self):
        return self.Wireless

    def getDialog(self):
        if not _devWirelessDialog:
            return None

        dialog = _devWirelessDialog(self)
        if hasattr(dialog, "xml"):
            return dialog.xml.get_widget("Dialog")

        return dialog

    def getWizard(self):
        return _devWirelessWizard

    def isType(self, device):
        if device.Type == WIRELESS:
            return True
        if getDeviceType(device.Device) == WIRELESS:
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Modem(Gdtstruct):
        ('DeviceName', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('BaudRate', Gdtint, "Test doc string"),
        ('FlowControl', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('ModemVolume', Gdtint, "Test doc string"),
        ('DialCommand', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('InitString', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Modem, self).__init__()
        self.DeviceName = None
        self.BaudRate = None
        self.FlowControl = None
        self.ModemVolume = None
        self.DialCommand = None
        self.InitString = None
Ejemplo n.º 10
class IPsec_base(Gdtstruct):
                          ('IPsecId', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Address', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('ConnectionType', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('EncryptionMode', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('LocalNetwork', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('LocalNetmask', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('LocalGateway', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('RemoteNetwork', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('RemoteNetmask', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('RemoteGateway', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('RemoteIPAddress', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('SPI_AH_IN', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('SPI_AH_OUT', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('SPI_ESP_IN', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('SPI_ESP_OUT', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('AHKey', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('ESPKey', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('IKEKey', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('OnBoot', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
    def __init__(self):
        super(IPsec_base, self).__init__()
        self.IPsecId = None
        self.Address = None
        self.ConnectionType = None
        self.EncryptionMode = None
        self.LocalNetwork = None
        self.LocalNetmask = None
        self.LocalGateway = None
        self.RemoteNetwork = None
        self.RemoteNetmask = None
        self.RemoteGateway = None
        self.RemoteIPAddress = None
        self.SPI_AH_IN = None
        self.SPI_AH_OUT = None
        self.SPI_ESP_IN = None
        self.SPI_ESP_OUT = None
        self.AHKey = None
        self.ESPKey = None
        self.IKEKey = None
        self.OnBoot = None
Ejemplo n.º 11
class DNS(Gdtstruct):
    "DNS setup of a profile"
        ('Hostname', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Domainname', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('PrimaryDNS', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('SecondaryDNS', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('TertiaryDNS', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('SearchList', SearchList, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(DNS, self).__init__()
        self.Hostname = None
        self.Domainname = None
        self.PrimaryDNS = None
        self.SecondaryDNS = None
        self.TertiaryDNS = None
        self.SearchList = SearchList()
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Compression_base(Gdtstruct):
    "Compression structure"
        ('VJTcpIp', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('VJID', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('AdressControl', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('ProtoField', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('BSD', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('CCP', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Compression_base, self).__init__()
        self.VJTcpIp = None
        self.VJID = None
        self.AdressControl = None
        self.ProtoField = None
        self.BSD = None
        self.CCP = None
Ejemplo n.º 13
class Callback_base(Gdtstruct):
    "Callback structure"
        ('Delay', Gdtint, 'VALUE="3"'),
        ('Hup', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('Compression', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('Type', Gdtstr, 'VALUE="on"'),
        ('MSN', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Callback_base, self).__init__()
        #        self.Delay = 3
        self.Delay = None
        self.Hup = None
        self.Compression = None
        #        self.Type = "on"
        self.Type = None
        self.MSN = None
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Profile(Gdtstruct):
    "Profile for s-c-network"
        ('ProfileName', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Active', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
        ('ActiveDevices', ActiveDevices, "Test doc string"),
        ('ActiveIPsecs', ActiveIPsecs, "Test doc string"),
        ('DNS', DNS, "Test doc string"),
        ('HostsList', HostsList, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Profile, self).__init__()
        self.ProfileName = None
        self.Active = None
        self.DNS = DNS()
        self.ActiveDevices = ActiveDevices()
        self.ActiveIPsecs = ActiveIPsecs()
        self.HostsList = HostsList()
Ejemplo n.º 15
class Hardware_base(Gdtstruct):
        ('Name', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Description', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Type ', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Status', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('MacAddress', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
        ('Card', Card, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Hardware_base, self).__init__()
        self.Name = None
        self.Description = None
        self.Type = None
        self.Card = None
        self.Status = HW_INACTIVE

    def createCard(self):
        if self.Card == None:
            self.Card = Card()
        return self.Card
Ejemplo n.º 16
class DevModem(Device):
        ('Dialup', ModemDialup, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(DevModem, self).__init__()
        self.Type = MODEM
        self.Dialup = ModemDialup()

    def load(self, name):  # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
        load a modem definition
        conf = ConfDevice(name)
        Device.load(self, name)
        self.Dialup.load(conf, self)

    def save(self):
        super(DevModem, self).save()
        conf = ConfDevice(self.DeviceId)
        self.Dialup.save(conf, self.DeviceId, self.oldname)

    def createDialup(self):
        create a ModemDialup instance for self.Dialup
        if (self.Dialup == None or (not isinstance(self.Dialup, ModemDialup))):
            self.Dialup = ModemDialup()
        return self.Dialup

    def getDialog(self):
        returns a gtk dialog
        dialog = _devModemDialog(self)
        if hasattr(dialog, "xml"):
            return dialog.xml.get_widget("Dialog")

        return dialog

    def getWizard(self):
        returns a gtk wizard
        return _devModemWizard

    def isType(self, device):
        check if device is of type MODEM
        if device.Type == MODEM:
            return True
        if getDeviceType(device.Device) == MODEM:
            return True
        return False

    def getHWDevice(self):
        get the Hardware Device this Interface belongs to
        if self.Dialup:
            return self.Dialup.Inherits

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 17
class Dialup_base(Gdtstruct):
    "Dialup structure"
                          ('Hostname', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('ProviderName', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Login', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Password', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Authentication', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('MSN', Gdtstr, 'VALUE="0"'),
                          ('Prefix', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Areacode', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Regioncode', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('PhoneNumber', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('LocalIP', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),        
                          ('RemoteIP', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),        
                          ('Persist', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
                          ('DefRoute', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Inherits', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('ChargeHup', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('ChargeInt', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Ihup', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('DialMax', Gdtint, 'VALUE="3"'),
                          ('Layer2', Gdtstr, 'VALUE="hdlc"'),
                          ('Layer3', Gdtstr, 'VALUE="trans"'),
                          ('Mru', Gdtint, 'VALUE="0"'),
                          ('PPPOptions', PPPOptions, "Test doc string"),
                          ('StupidMode', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
                          ('DialinServer', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
                          ('ChannelBundling', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
                          ('EncapMode', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('HangupTimeout', Gdtint, 'VALUE="600"'),
                          ('DialMode', Gdtstr, 'VALUE="manual"'),
                          ('SlaveDevice', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('EthDevice', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),    
                          ('ServiceName', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),    
                          ('AcName', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),    
                          ('SyncPPP', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),    
                          ('InitString', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Secure', Gdtbool, "Test doc string"),
                          ('PhoneInNumber', Gdtstr, "Test doc string"),
                          ('Callback', Callback,  "Test doc string"),
                          ('Compression', Compression, "Test doc string"),

    def __init__(self):
        super(Dialup_base, self).__init__()
        self.Hostname = None
        self.ProviderName = None
        self.Login = None
        self.Password = None
        self.Authentication = None
#        self.MSN = "0"
        self.MSN = None
        self.Prefix = None
        self.Areacode = None
        self.Regioncode = None
        self.PhoneNumber = None
        self.LocalIP = None        
        self.RemoteIP = None        
        self.Persist = None
        self.DefRoute = None
        self.Inherits = None
        self.ChargeHup = None
        self.ChargeInt = None
        self.Ihup = None
#        self.DialMax = "3"
        self.DialMax = None
#        self.Layer2 = "hdlc"
        self.Layer2 = None
#        self.Layer3 = "trans"
        self.Layer3 = None
        self.Mru = None
        self.PPPOptions = PPPOptions()
        self.StupidMode = None
        self.DialinServer = None
        self.ChannelBundling = None
        self.EncapMode = None
        self.HangupTimeout = 600
#        self.HangupTimeout = None
#        self.DialMode = "manual"
        self.DialMode = None
        self.SlaveDevice = None
        self.EthDevice = None    
        self.ServiceName = None    
        self.AcName = None    
        self.SyncPPP = None    
        self.InitString = None
        self.Secure = None
        self.PhoneInNumber = None
        self.Callback = Callback()
        self.Compression = Compression()

    def createCallback(self):
        if not self.Callback:
            self.Callback = Callback()
        return self.Callback
    def createCompression(self):
        if not self.Compression:
            self.Compression = Compression()            
        return self.Compression
    def createPPPOptions(self):
        if not self.PPPOptions:
            self.PPPOptions = PPPOptions()
        return self.PPPOptions