def rule_manager(): filtable = Table('filter') firewalliot.block_rules() db.create_all() db.session.query(AuthConns).delete() db.session.commit() open('/var/log/firewall', 'w').close() while True: for row in db.session.query(AuthConns): if int(row.sessiontime) <= int(time.time()): try: rule0 = Rule( jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr))]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule0) except IptablesError as e: pass db.session.delete( AuthConns.query.filter( == elif not row.fw_status: rule0 = Rule( jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr))]) filtable.prepend_rule('FORWARD', rule0) cwfwrule = AuthConns.query.filter_by( cwferule.fw_status = True elif not row.ip_port: log_lookup() manage_logging() else: pass db.session.commit() time.sleep(15)
def unblock_outgoing_packets(proto, ipsrc=None, portsrc=None, ipdst=None, portdst=None): """ Unblocks outgoing packets coming from the kernel using iptables command. """ matches = [] if portsrc: matches.append(Match('tcp', '--sport ' + str(portsrc))) if portdst: matches.append(Match('tcp', '--dport ' + str(portdst))) rule = Rule( #in_interface=interface, protocol=proto, source=ipsrc, destination=ipdst, matches=matches, jump='DROP') table = Table('filter') try: table.delete_rule('OUTPUT', rule) except IptablesError: print("Unknown rule !", proto, ipsrc, portsrc, ipdst, portdst)
def block_rules(): nattable = Table('nat') filtable = Table('filter') filtable.set_policy('INPUT', 'ACCEPT') nattable.flush_chain('POSTROUTING') filtable.flush_chain('FORWARD') filtable.flush_chain('OUTPUT') filtable.flush_chain('INPUT') #nattable.delete_chain() rulessh = Rule(protocol='tcp', matches=[Match('tcp', '--dport 22')], jump='ACCEPT') filtable.append_rule('INPUT', rulessh) rulecs = Rule(in_interface='wlan0', out_interface='eth0', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dport 32100')], jump='ACCEPT') filtable.append_rule('FORWARD', rulecs) rulefreturn = Rule(in_interface='eth0', out_interface='wlan0', jump='ACCEPT', matches=[Match('state', '--state RELATED,ESTABLISHED')]) filtable.append_rule('FORWARD', rulefreturn) rule0 = Rule(jump='ACCEPT', matches=[Match('state', '--state RELATED,ESTABLISHED')]) filtable.append_rule('INPUT', rule0) rule1 = Rule(out_interface='eth0', jump='MASQUERADE') nattable.append_rule('POSTROUTING', rule1) rule2 = Rule(out_interface='wlan0', jump='ACCEPT') filtable.append_rule('OUTPUT', rule2) rule3 = Rule(out_interface='eth0', jump='ACCEPT') filtable.append_rule('OUTPUT', rule3) rule4 = Rule(in_interface='wlan0', jump='ACCEPT') filtable.append_rule('INPUT', rule4) rule5 = Rule(in_interface='lo', jump='ACCEPT') filtable.append_rule('INPUT', rule5) rule6 = Rule(out_interface='lo', jump='ACCEPT') filtable.append_rule('OUTPUT', rule6) filtable.set_policy('FORWARD', 'DROP') filtable.set_policy('INPUT', 'DROP') filtable.set_policy('OUTPUT', 'DROP')
def setDefaultPolicy(self): self.printMessage("set default policy", None) self.filter.set_policy('INPUT', 'DROP') self.filter.append_rule( 'INPUT', Rule(matches=[Match('state', '--state ESTABLISHED,RELATED')], jump='ACCEPT')) self.filter.set_policy('OUTPUT', 'ACCEPT') self.filter.set_policy('FORWARD', 'DROP') self.filter.append_rule( 'FORWARD', Rule(matches=[Match('state', '--state ESTABLISHED,RELATED')], jump='ACCEPT'))
def force_add(ip_addr): filtable = Table('filter') rule0 = Rule(jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + ip_addr)]) filtable.prepend_rule('FORWARD', rule0) rule1 = Rule(jump='LOG', protocol='udp', matches=[ Match('udp', '--dst ' + ip_addr), Match('limit', '--limit 1/hour --limit-burst 1') ]) filtable.prepend_rule('FORWARD', rule1)
def testMatchTcpNotFlags(self): rule = Rule(protocol='tcp', jump='ACCEPT') rule.matches.append(Match('tcp', '--tcp-flags ! ACK,SYN ACK')) self.assertEqual(rule.specbits(), [ '-p', 'tcp', '-m', 'tcp', '--tcp-flags', '!', 'ACK,SYN', 'ACK', '-j', 'ACCEPT' ])
def block_icmp_port_unreachable(): """ Blocks ICMP port unreachable packets sent by the kernel when a UDP port is hit without any service listening. """ match = Match('icmp', '--icmp-type port-unreachable') rule = Rule(protocol="icmp", matches=[match], jump='DROP') Table('filter').append_rule('OUTPUT', rule)
def addFilter(self, start, end, destination, duration, message): if debug_cleanup: duration = 10 with self.lock: ip = toips(start) l = end - start + 1 slash = tobits(l) for s, e in self.rules: if start >= s and start <= e: print 'overlapping rule ignored (start) %s/%d' % (ip, slash) return if end >= s and end <= e: print 'overlapping rule ignored (end) %s/%d' % (ip, slash) return rule = Rule(protocol='tcp', source='%s/%d' % (ip, slash), matches=[Match('tcp', '--destination-port 587')], jump=Target(option['jump'], '--to-destination %s' % destination)) if not self.debug: self.table.append_rule(option['chain'], rule) self.database.insert(start, end, duration, message) self.rules[(start, end)] = rule print "added %s/%d" % (ip, slash)
def testMatchMultiportDports(self): rule = Rule(jump='ACCEPT') rule.matches.append(Match('multiport', '--dports 20,21,22,80,25,1720')) self.assertEqual(rule.specbits(), [ '-m', 'multiport', '--dports', '20,21,22,80,25,1720', '-j', 'ACCEPT' ])
def testMatch(self): rule = netfilter.parser.parse_rule( '-m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED') self.assertEqual( rule, Rule(matches=[Match('state', '--state ESTABLISHED,RELATED')])) self.assertEqual(rule.specbits(), ['-m', 'state', '--state', 'ESTABLISHED,RELATED'])
def redirectHttp(self, interface, proxy_port): if self.__ipv6: return self.printMessage("redirect HTTP to port %s" % proxy_port, interface) self.nat.append_rule( 'PREROUTING', Rule(in_interface=interface, protocol='tcp', matches=[Match('tcp', '--dport 80')], jump=Target('REDIRECT', '--to-port %s' % proxy_port)))
def force_remove(ip_addr): filtable = Table('filter') try: rule0 = Rule(jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(ip_addr))]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule0) except IptablesError as e: pass try: rule1 = Rule(jump='LOG', protocol='udp', matches=[ Match('udp', '--dst ' + ip_addr), Match('limit', '--limit 1/hour --limit-burst 1') ]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule1) except IptablesError as e: pass
def unblock_icmp_port_unreachable(): """ Remove the rule that blocks ICMP port unreachable. """ match = Match('icmp', '--icmp-type port-unreachable') rule = Rule(protocol="icmp", matches=[match], jump='DROP') try: Table('filter').delete_rule('OUTPUT', rule) except IptablesError: print("Try to remove unexisting icmp port-unreachable")
def set_rule(self, in_int, port, src_ip): ''' Make netfilter rule. -I INPUT -i $int_in -p tcp --dport $port -j ACCEPT ''' rule = Rule(in_interface=f"{in_int}", source=f"{src_ip}", protocol="tcp", matches=[Match("tcp", f"--dport {port}")], jump="ACCEPT") return rule
def acceptProtocol(self, interface, protocol, ports, destination=None, source=None): port_str = ','.join(ports) self.printMessage( "allow selected %s INPUT (ports: %s)" % (protocol, port_str), interface) self.filter.append_rule( 'INPUT', Rule(in_interface=interface, destination=destination, source=source, protocol=protocol, matches=[ Match('state', '--state NEW'), Match('multiport', "--destination-port %s" % port_str) ], jump='ACCEPT'))
def manage_logging(): filtable = Table('filter') for row in db.session.query(AuthConns): if row.ip_port and not row.port_status: rule0 = Rule(jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[ Match( 'udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr) + ' --dport ' + str(row.ip_port)) ]) filtable.prepend_rule('FORWARD', rule0) try: rule1 = Rule(jump='LOG', protocol='udp', matches=[ Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr)), Match('limit', '--limit 1/hour --limit-burst 1') ]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule1) except IptablesError as e: pass try: rule2 = Rule( jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr))]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule2) except IptablesError as e: pass row.port_status = True else: pass
def add_rule(chain, source, to): """Adds a rule to the given table.""" rule = Rule(protocol='tcp') if chain == 'PREROUTING': interface = outbound_network_interface() rule.in_interface = interface else: rule.out_interface = 'lo' interface = 'lo' rule.matches = [Match('tcp', '--dport {0}'.format(source))] rule.jump = Target('REDIRECT', '--to-port {0}'.format(to)) table.prepend_rule(chain, rule) log.debug('Added a redirect for %s to %s on %s.', source, to, interface)
def acceptIcmp(self, interface=None): self.printMessage("allow selected icmp INPUT", interface) if self.__ipv6: self.filter.append_rule( 'INPUT', Rule(in_interface=interface, protocol='icmpv6', jump='ACCEPT')) else: types = [ 'echo-request', 'network-unreachable', 'host-unreachable', 'port-unreachable', 'fragmentation-needed', 'time-exceeded' ] for type in types: self.filter.append_rule( 'INPUT', Rule(in_interface=interface, protocol='icmp', matches=[Match('icmp', "--icmp-type %s" % (type))], jump='ACCEPT'))
def testRewriteDestPorts(self): print('Runnning Test Rewrite Dest Ports...') match = Match('multiport', '--destination-ports 1,2,3') print('\tMatch: ' + str(match)) self.assertEqual(match.options(), {'dports': ['1,2,3']}) print('...Done')
def testRewriteDestPort(self): print('Running Test Rewrite Dest Port...') match = Match('tcp', '--destination-port 1234') print('\tMatch: ' + str(match)) self.assertEqual(match.options(), {'dport': ['1234']}) print('...Done')
def testRewriteSourcePort(self): print('Match Test Case Set:\nRunning Test Rewrite Source Port...') match = Match('tcp', '--source-port 1234') print('\tMatch: ' + str(match)) self.assertEqual(match.options(), {'sport': ['1234']}) print('...Done')
def testRewriteDestPorts(self): match = Match("multiport", "--destination-ports 1,2,3") self.assertEqual(match.options(), {"dports": ["1,2,3"]})
def testRewriteDestPorts(self): match = Match("tcp", "--destination-port 1234") self.assertEqual(match.options(), {"dport": ["1234"]})
def testRewriteDestPorts(self): match = Match('multiport', '--destination-ports 1,2,3') self.assertEqual(match.options(), {'dports': ['1,2,3']})
def createRules(s, clients): # Create firewall rules for all connections for key in clients: # Get robot by anchor r = s.db.query(Robot)\ .join('container')\ .filter(Robot.anchor==key)\ .first() if not r: # robot doesn't exist - skip s.log.critical('Robot {0} does NOT exist'.format(key)) continue # Get virtual address of client from dict vaddress = clients[key]['Virtual Address'] # Gen WebSocket port r.wsport = s.ws_port.gen() s.log.debug('Gen WebSocket port {0} for robot {1}'.format( r.wsport, key)) # Save container external WebSocket port in database s.db.add(r) s.db.commit() # Make client firewall rules'Create firewall rule for: {0} -> {1}'.format( vaddress, r.container.address)) client_rule = Rule(protocol='tcp', destination=r.container.address, source=vaddress, in_interface='tun0', jump=Target( 'DNAT', '--to-destination {0}'.format( r.container.address))) # Make container firewall rules'Create firewall rule for: {0} <- {1}'.format( vaddress, r.container.address)) container_rule = Rule(protocol='tcp', source=r.container.address, destination=vaddress, in_interface='veth.{0}'.format(r.anchor), jump=Target( 'DNAT', '--to-destination {0}'.format(vaddress))) master_rule = Rule( protocol='tcp', source=r.container.address, destination=GATEWAY_ADDRESS, in_interface='veth.{0}'.format(r.anchor), matches=[Match('tcp', '--dport 11311')], jump=Target('DNAT', '--to-destination {0}:11311'.format(vaddress)))'Create firewall rule for: WebSocket -> {0}'.format( r.container.address)) websock_rule = Rule( protocol='tcp', matches=[Match('tcp', '--dport {0}'.format(r.wsport))], jump=Target( 'DNAT', '--to-destination {0}:9090'.format(r.container.address))) # Append rules to table s.table.append_rule('PREROUTING', client_rule) s.table.append_rule('PREROUTING', container_rule) s.table.append_rule('PREROUTING', master_rule) s.table.append_rule('PREROUTING', websock_rule) # Append rules to internal list s.rules[r.anchor] = { 'client': client_rule, 'container': container_rule, 'master': master_rule, 'websock': websock_rule }
def testMatchMark(self): rule = Rule(jump='ACCEPT') rule.matches.append(Match('mark', '--mark 0x64')) self.assertEqual(rule.specbits(), ['-m', 'mark', '--mark', '0x64', '-j', 'ACCEPT'])
def testRewriteSourcePort(self): match = Match('tcp', '--source-port 1234') self.assertEqual(match.options(), {'sport': ['1234']})
def testRewriteDestPorts(self): match = Match('tcp', '--destination-port 1234') self.assertEqual(match.options(), {'dport': ['1234']})
def testMatchState(self): rule = Rule(jump='ACCEPT') rule.matches.append(Match('state', '--state ESTABLISHED,RELATED')) self.assertEqual( rule.specbits(), ['-m', 'state', '--state', 'ESTABLISHED,RELATED', '-j', 'ACCEPT'])
def testRewriteSourcePorts(self): match = Match('multiport', '--source-ports 1,2,3') self.assertEqual(match.options(), {'sports': ['1,2,3']})
def testRewriteSourcePort(self): match = Match("tcp", "--source-port 1234") self.assertEqual(match.options(), {"sport": ["1234"]})
def testRewriteSourcePorts(self): match = Match("multiport", "--source-ports 1,2,3") self.assertEqual(match.options(), {"sports": ["1,2,3"]})
def testMatchTos(self): rule = Rule(jump='ACCEPT') rule.matches.append(Match('tos', '--tos 0x10')) self.assertEqual(rule.specbits(), ['-m', 'tos', '--tos', '0x10', '-j', 'ACCEPT'])
from netfilter.rule import Rule, Match from netfilter.table import Table x = 0 while x == 0: table_name = input('table_name : ') chain_name = input('chain_name : ') rule = Rule( in_interface=input('in_interface : '), protocol=input('protocol : '), matches=[Match(input('name : '), '--dport ' + input('dport : '))], jump=input('jump : ')) table = Table(table_name) table.append_rule(chain_name, rule) y = input('Do you want Exit ?') if y == 'yes': x = 1
def testMatchTcpSport(self): rule = Rule(protocol='tcp', jump='ACCEPT') rule.matches.append(Match('tcp', '--sport 1234')) self.assertEqual( rule.specbits(), ['-p', 'tcp', '-m', 'tcp', '--sport', '1234', '-j', 'ACCEPT'])