Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_rules_from_netstat():    
    ns = netstat.netstat()
    #print ns.keys()
    for k in ns.keys():
        v = filter(lambda x: not netstat.is_localhost(x[1]) and not netstat.is_localhost(x[3]), ns[k])
        if v :#and driver.is_logged(k):
            for stream in v:
                pid = k
                src = stream[1]
                dst = stream[3]
                sport = stream[2]
                dport = stream[4]
                #print 'iptables -I OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -m owner --socket-exists --source %s --destination %s -p tcp --sport %s --dport %s' % (src,dst,sport,dport)
                #print "rule is gonna be created %s" % [src,dst,sport,dport]
                # rule = iptables.create_rule_output_accept(dport, src, dst, sport)
                # '''check if the rule does not exists'''
                # if not any([iptables.compare_accept_rules(rule, existing_rule) for existing_rule in iptables.get_output_accept_rules()]):
                #     rule = iptables.set_output_accept_rule(src,dst,sport,dport)
                # try:sta
                #     rules[pid].append(rule)
                # except KeyError:
                #     rules[pid] = [rule]
                # except Exception, e:
                #     #print e
                #     #logger.log_error(e)
                #     pass
    return rules
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fetch_process_network_counters(pid):
    res = []
    ns = netstat.netstat()
    v = filter(lambda x: not netstat.is_localhost(x[1]) and not netstat.is_localhost(x[3]), ns[pid] if pid in ns.keys()  else [] ) 
    if v and driver.is_logged(pid):
		for stream in v:
			src = stream[1]+"/"
			dst = stream[3]+"/"
			sport = stream[2]
			dport = stream[4]
			for rule in iptables.get_output_accept_rules():
				if rule.src == src and rule.dst == dst:
					tcp_match =[match for match in rule.matches if match.name == 'tcp']
					if len(tcp_match) > 0:
						match = tcp_match[0]
						if match.parameters['sport'] == sport and match.parameters['dport'] == dport:
							#print "%s:%s -> %s:%s"%(src,sport,dst,dport),"%s packets, %s bytes" % rule.get_counters()
		return res
		return "%s not logged in"%pid