Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.owner_guid = 0
     self.fields_size = 0
     self.fields_type = None
     self.update_timestamps = []  # Timestamps for each field once it's touched.
     self.update_values_bytes = []  # Values bytes representation, used for update packets.
     self.update_values = []  # Raw values, used to compare current vs new without having to pack or unpack.
     self.update_mask = UpdateMask()
Ejemplo n.º 2
class UpdatePacketFactory(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.fields_size = 0
        self.update_timestamps = []
        self.update_values = []
        self.update_mask = UpdateMask()

    def init_values(self, fields_size):
        self.fields_size = fields_size
        self.update_timestamps = [0] * self.fields_size
        self.update_values = [0] * self.fields_size

    def reset(self):

    def has_pending_updates(self):
        return not self.update_mask.is_empty()

    def reset_older_than(self, timestamp_to_compare):
        all_clear = True
        for index, timestamp in enumerate(self.update_timestamps):
            if timestamp == 0:

            if timestamp <= timestamp_to_compare:
                all_clear = False

        return all_clear

    def update(self, index, value, value_type):
        if value_type.lower() == 'q':
            self.update(index, int(value & 0xFFFFFFFF), 'I')
            self.update(index + 1, int(value >> 32), 'I')
            self.update_timestamps[index] = time.time()
            self.update_values[index] = pack(f'<{value_type}', value)

    def compress_if_needed(update_packet):
        if len(update_packet) > 100:
            compressed_packet_data = PacketWriter.deflate(update_packet[6:])
            compressed_data = pack('<I', len(update_packet) - 6)
            compressed_data += compressed_packet_data
            update_packet = PacketWriter.get_packet(
                OpCode.SMSG_COMPRESSED_UPDATE_OBJECT, compressed_data)
        return update_packet
Ejemplo n.º 3
class UpdatePacketFactory(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.fields_size = 0
        self.update_values = []
        self.update_mask = UpdateMask()

    def init_values(self, fields_size):
        self.fields_size = fields_size
        self.update_values = [0x0] * self.fields_size

    def reset(self):

    def update(self, index, value, value_type):
        if value_type.lower() == 'q':
            self.update(index, int(value & 0xFFFFFFFF), 'I')
            self.update(index + 1, int(value >> 32), 'I')
            self.update_values[index] = pack(f'<{value_type}', value)

    def compress_if_needed(update_packet):
        if len(update_packet) > 100:
            compressed_packet_data = PacketWriter.deflate(update_packet[6:])
            compressed_data = pack('<I', len(update_packet) - 6)
            compressed_data += compressed_packet_data
            update_packet = PacketWriter.get_packet(
                OpCode.SMSG_COMPRESSED_UPDATE_OBJECT, compressed_data)
        return update_packet
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self):
     self.fields_size = 0
     self.update_timestamps = []
     self.update_values = []
     self.update_mask = UpdateMask()
Ejemplo n.º 5
class UpdatePacketFactory(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.owner_guid = 0
        self.fields_size = 0
        self.fields_type = None
        self.update_timestamps = []  # Timestamps for each field once it's touched.
        self.update_values_bytes = []  # Values bytes representation, used for update packets.
        self.update_values = []  # Raw values, used to compare current vs new without having to pack or unpack.
        self.update_mask = UpdateMask()

    def init_values(self, owner_guid, fields_type):
        self.owner_guid = owner_guid
        self.fields_type = fields_type
        self.fields_size = fields_type.END.value
        self.update_timestamps = [0] * self.fields_size
        self.update_values_bytes = [b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'] * self.fields_size
        self.update_values = [0] * self.fields_size

    def _load_encapsulation(fields_type):
        # We just build encapsulation once per update field type, then share the same dictionary reference for all
        # other update fields of the same kind.
        if fields_type in FIELDS_ENCAPSULATION:
            return FIELDS_ENCAPSULATION[fields_type]

        # Initialize encapsulation dictionary for this type of fields.
        FIELDS_ENCAPSULATION[fields_type] = {}

        # Initialize encapsulation information for this type of fields.
        # Holds the index, the field names and encapsulation flags.
        # Great for debugging.
        ENCAPSULATION_INFORMATION[fields_type] = {}

        # What other UpdateFields are involved, e.g. PlayerFields [ObjectFields -> UnitFields -> PlayerFields]
        update_field_types = []

        # The UpdateField we stand on before looping through.
        field_type = fields_type

        # Loop through until we visit each parent and find root. (ObjectFields)
        while True:
            update_field_types.insert(0, field_type)
            if field_type == ObjectFields:
            field_type = field_type.parent_fields()

        # Extract encapsulation flag for all affected UpdateFields.
        for index, _type in enumerate(update_field_types):
            # _type represent an UpdateFields type [UnitFields, PlayerFields, ItemFields, ContainerFields, etc]
            for update_field in _type:
                # How many integers do this field represents.
                for _index in range(update_field.size):
                    # Hold the update field index, name and flag.
                    ENCAPSULATION_INFORMATION[fields_type][update_field.value + _index] = f'[{update_field.value + _index}] {update_field.name}_{_index} - [{update_field.flags.name}]'
                    # { index : encapsulation flag }
                    FIELDS_ENCAPSULATION[fields_type][update_field.value + _index] = update_field.flags

    def is_dynamic_field(self, index):
        if not self._validate_field_existence(index):
            return False

        return FIELDS_ENCAPSULATION[self.fields_type][index] == EncapsulationType.DYNAMIC

    def has_read_rights_for_field(self, index, requester):
        if not self._validate_field_existence(index):
            return False

        if FIELDS_ENCAPSULATION[self.fields_type][index] == EncapsulationType.PRIVATE and requester.guid != self.owner_guid:
            # self._debug_field_acquisition(requester, index, was_protected=True)
            return False

        # self._debug_field_acquisition(requester, index, was_protected=False)
        return True

    def _validate_field_existence(self, index):
        if self.fields_type not in FIELDS_ENCAPSULATION:
            return False

        if index not in FIELDS_ENCAPSULATION[self.fields_type]:
            return False

        return True

    # Debug what UpdateFields players sees from self, other player, units, items, gameobjects, etc.
    def _debug_field_acquisition(self, requester, index, was_protected):
        update_field_info = ENCAPSULATION_INFORMATION[self.fields_type][index]
        result = {'[PROTECTED]' if was_protected else '[ACCESSED]'}
        Logger.debug(f"{requester.player.name} - [{update_field_info}] - {result}, Value [{self.update_values[index]}]")

    def reset(self):

    def has_pending_updates(self):
        return not self.update_mask.is_empty()

    def reset_older_than(self, timestamp_to_compare):
        all_clear = True
        for index, timestamp in enumerate(self.update_timestamps):
            if not timestamp:
            if timestamp <= timestamp_to_compare:
                all_clear = False

        return all_clear

    # Check if the new value is different from the field known value.
    def should_update(self, index, value, value_type):
        if value_type.lower() == 'q':
            field_0 = int(value & 0xFFFFFFFF)
            field_1 = int(value >> 32)
            return self.update_values[index] != field_0 or self.update_values[index + 1] != field_1
            return self.update_values[index] != value

    def update(self, index, value, value_type):
        if value_type.lower() == 'q':
            self.update(index, int(value & 0xFFFFFFFF), 'I')
            self.update(index + 1, int(value >> 32), 'I')
            self.update_timestamps[index] = time.time()
            self.update_values[index] = value
            self.update_values_bytes[index] = pack(f'<{value_type}', value)

    def compress_if_needed(update_packet):
        if len(update_packet) > 100:
            compressed_packet_data = PacketWriter.deflate(update_packet[6:])
            compressed_data = pack('<I', len(update_packet) - 6)
            compressed_data += compressed_packet_data
            update_packet = PacketWriter.get_packet(OpCode.SMSG_COMPRESSED_UPDATE_OBJECT, compressed_data)
        return update_packet