Ejemplo n.º 1
 def connectTo(self, host, port, timeout, callbackObject, useSSL=False):
     Connects to a remote server using its arguments
     @attention: This is a blocking operation. The calling thread will be blocked until
     the connection is established or until a timeout error is detected.
         host: host IP address
         port: the port where the host is listenning
         timeout: timeout in seconds. 
         callbackObject: the callback object that will process all the incoming
             packages received through this connection.
         NetworkManagerException: If no answer is received after timeout
             seconds, the connection process will be aborted and a 
             NetworkManagerException will be raised.
     if self.__connectionPool.has_key(port) :
         raise NetworkManagerException("The port " + str(port) +" is already in use")
     # The port is free => proceed
     # Allocate the connection resources
     (queue, thread) = self.__allocateConnectionResources(callbackObject)       
     # Create and configure the endpoint
     factory = _CygnusCloudProtocolFactory(queue)
     if (not useSSL) :
         endpoint = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port, timeout, None)
     else :
         keyPath = self.__certificatesDirectory + "/" + "server.key"
         certificatePath = self.__certificatesDirectory + "/" + "server.crt"
         try :
             endpoint = SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port, ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(keyPath, certificatePath))
         except Exception:
             raise NetworkManagerException("The key, the certificate or both were not found")
     # Wait until the connection is ready
     time = 0
     while factory.isDisconnected() and time <= timeout:            
         time += 0.01
     if factory.isDisconnected() :
         raise NetworkManagerException("The host " + host + ":" + str(port) +" seems to be unreachable")
     # Create the new connection
     connection = _NetworkConnection(False, port, factory, queue, thread, callbackObject)
     # Add the new connection to the connection pool
     self.__connectionPool[port] = connection
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def listenIn(self, port, callbackObject, useSSL=False):
     Creates a server using its arguments.
     @attention: This is a non-blocking operation. Please, check if the connection is ready BEFORE
     you send anything through it.
         port: The port to listen in. If it's not free, a NetworkManagerException will be raised.
         callbackObject: the callback object that will process all the incoming
             packages received through this connection.
     if self.__connectionPool.has_key(port) :
         raise NetworkManagerException("The port " + str(port) +" is already in use") 
     # The port is free => proceed
     # Allocate the connection resources
     (queue, thread) = self.__allocateConnectionResources(callbackObject)       
     # Create and configure the endpoint
     if (not useSSL) :
         endpoint = TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, port)       
     else :
         keyPath = self.__certificatesDirectory + "/" + "server.key"
         certificatePath = self.__certificatesDirectory + "/" + "server.crt"
         try :
             endpoint = SSL4ServerEndpoint(reactor, port, ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(keyPath, certificatePath))
         except Exception:
             raise NetworkManagerException("The key, the certificate or both were not found")
     factory = _CygnusCloudProtocolFactory(queue)        
     # Create the connection       
     connection = _NetworkConnection(True, port, factory, queue, thread, callbackObject)
     # Create the deferred to retrieve the IListeningPort object
     def registerListeningPort(port):
     def onError(failure):
     deferred = endpoint.listen(factory)
     # Register the new connection  
     self.__connectionPool[port] = connection