Ejemplo n.º 1
def filterTest(debug=False):
    Tests to see if a network can filter negative numbers using a gating mechanism.

    x - (gate)
    |   /

    network = Network(1,1)
    gateLayer = network.createLayer(1, name="gate")

    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, network.outputLayer, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, gateLayer, interconnected=True)
    network.gateIncomingConnections(network.outputLayer, gateLayer)


    def genData():
        return [[2 * (random.random() - 0.5)] for _ in xrange(20)]
    def genExpected(x):
        return [val if val[0] > 0 else [0.0] for val in x]
    def calcDiff(x,y):
        return sum([abs(a[0]-b[0]) for a,b in zip(x,y)])

    runTest(network, genData, genExpected, calcDiff, 100, 10, 200, debug=debug)


    print("=" * 80)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def simpleRecall():
    network = Network(5, 4)

    memoryLayer = network.createLayer(4, name="memory")
    inputGateLayer = network.createLayer(4, name="inputGate", bias=True)
    forgetGateLayer = network.createLayer(4, name="forgetGate", bias=True)
    outputGateLayer = network.createLayer(4, name="outputGate", bias=True)

    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, memoryLayer, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, inputGateLayer, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, forgetGateLayer, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, outputGateLayer, interconnected=True)

    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, inputGateLayer, recurrent=True, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, forgetGateLayer, recurrent=True, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, outputGateLayer, recurrent=True, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, network.outputLayer, interconnected=False)

    network.addSelfRecurrence(memoryLayer, forgetGateLayer)

    network.gateIncomingConnections(network.outputLayer, outputGateLayer)
    network.gateIncomingConnections(memoryLayer, inputGateLayer)


    inputSet = []

    # Create set of input sequences.
    for _ in xrange(200):
        length = 15
        # Fill 10 blank vectors.
        inputSequence = [[0.0 for _ in xrange(5)] for __ in xrange(length)]

        # Add one relevant vector.
        relevant = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        relevant[random.randint(0, 3)] = 1.0


        # Add prompt
        inputSequence.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        # Create output sequence.
        outputSequence = [[0.0] * 4] * (length + 1)
        #outputSequence = [None] * 11
        expected = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        expected[relevant.index(1.0)] = 1.0

        inputSet.append((inputSequence, outputSequence))

    testSet = inputSet[:20]
    inputSet = inputSet[20:]

    def calcDiff(x,y):
        diff = 0.0
        zipped = zip(x,y)
        for actual,expected in zipped[:-1]:
            for a in actual:
                if a > 0.5: diff += a
        actual,expected = zipped[-1]
        for a,e in zip(actual, expected):
            if e == 1.0 and a < 0.5:
                #print(a, " != 1")
                diff += 1.0 - a
            elif e == 0.0 and a > 0.5:
                #print(a, " != 0")
                diff += a
        return diff

    beforeDiff = calculateDiff(network, testSet, calcDiff, printValues=False)
    print("Before diff: %f" % beforeDiff)

    #for _ in xrange(100):
    iterations = 0
    while True:
        print("Iteration %d" % iterations)
        iterations += 1
        for inputSequence, outputSequence in inputSet:
            output = network.learn(inputSequence, outputSequence)
        diff = calculateDiff(network, testSet, calcDiff, printValues=False)
        if diff < 1: break

    afterDiff = calculateDiff(network, testSet, calcDiff, printValues=False)
    print("Before diff: %f" % beforeDiff)
    print("After diff: %f" % afterDiff)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def forgetTest(debug=False):
    Tests to see if a network can remember a value and then forget it.
    Input sequences contain one value and two signals.
        The first signal indicates that the value should be let into the
            memory cell and remembered.
        The second signal indicates that the previously remembered value
            should be forgotten.

    (memory) ) -- (forget)
    |                 |
    x ---- (gate)     |
    |         |       |
    (input) (input2) (input3)

    network = Network(3,1)
    gateLayer = network.createLayer(1, name="gate", activationFunction=activation.TanH)
    forgetLayer = network.createLayer(1, name="forget", bias=True)
    memoryLayer = network.createLayer(1, name="memory", activationFunction=activation.Identity)

    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer[:1], memoryLayer)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer[1:2], gateLayer)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer[2:3], forgetLayer)

    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, network.outputLayer)

    network.gateIncomingConnections(memoryLayer, gateLayer)
    network.addSelfRecurrence(memoryLayer, forgetLayer)


    def genData():
        length = 50
        start = random.randint(0, length-2)
        end = 0
        while end <= start: end = random.randint(1, length-1)

        sequence = [[random.random() - 0.5, 1.0 if _ == start else 0.0, 1.0 if _ == end else 0.0] for _ in xrange(length)]
        return sequence

    def genExpected(sequence):
        expected = []
        toRemember = 0.0
        for val,remember,forget in sequence:
            if remember == 1.0: toRemember = val
            if forget == 1.0: toRemember = 0.0

        return expected

    def calcDiff(x,y):
        return sum([abs(a[0]-b[0]) for a,b in zip(x,y)])

    runTest(network, genData, genExpected, calcDiff, 100, 10, 100, debug=debug)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def memoryTest(debug=False):
    Tests to see if a network can remember a value.
    Input sequences contain one value and one signals.
        The signal indicates that the value should be let into the
            memory cell and remembered.

    (memory) )
    x ---- (gate)
    |         |
    (input) (input2)

    network = Network(2,1)
    gateLayer = network.createLayer(1, name="gate", activationFunction=activation.TanH)
    memoryLayer = network.createLayer(1, name="memory", activationFunction=activation.Identity)

    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer[:1], memoryLayer)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer[1:2], gateLayer)

    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, network.outputLayer)

    network.gateIncomingConnections(memoryLayer, gateLayer)


    def genData():
        sequence = [[random.random() - 0.5, 0.0] for _ in xrange(20)]
        if random.random() < 0.8:
            sequence.append([random.random() - 0.5, 1.0])
            sequence.append([random.random() - 0.5, 0.0])
        return sequence

    def genExpected(sequence):
        val = None
        index = None
        for i, s in enumerate(sequence):
            if s[1] == 1.0:
                val = s[0]
                index = i

        expected = [[0.0] for _ in xrange(len(sequence))]
        if val is not None:
            for i in xrange(len(sequence) - index):
                expected[i + index] = [val]
        return expected

    def calcDiff(x,y):
        return sum([abs(a[0]-b[0]) if b is not None else 0.0 for a,b in zip(x,y)])

    runTest(network, genData, genExpected, calcDiff, 100, 10, 100, debug=debug)

Ejemplo n.º 5
def distractedRecall():
    network = Network(10, 4)

    memoryLayer = network.createLayer(8, name="memory")
    inputGateLayer = network.createLayer(8, name="inputGate", bias=True)
    forgetGateLayer = network.createLayer(8, name="forgetGate", bias=True)
    outputGateLayer = network.createLayer(8, name="outputGate", bias=True)

    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, memoryLayer, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, inputGateLayer, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, forgetGateLayer, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(network.inputLayer, outputGateLayer, interconnected=True)

    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, inputGateLayer, recurrent=True, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, forgetGateLayer, recurrent=True, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, outputGateLayer, recurrent=True, interconnected=True)
    network.connectLayers(memoryLayer, network.outputLayer, interconnected=True)

    network.addSelfRecurrence(memoryLayer, forgetGateLayer)

    network.gateOutgoingConnections(memoryLayer, outputGateLayer)
    network.gateIncomingConnections(memoryLayer, inputGateLayer)

    inputSet = []

    # Create set of input sequences.
    for _ in xrange(100):
        length = 10

        # Create input sequence.
        inputSequence = []

        # Fill random distractors.
        for _ in xrange(length):
            inputVector = [0.0 for _ in xrange(10)]
            inputVector[random.randint(4,7)] = 1

        # Select two random vectors and inject random target symbols.
        firstIndex = random.randint(0,length-1)
        secondIndex = firstIndex
        while secondIndex == firstIndex: secondIndex = random.randint(0,length-1)
        if firstIndex > secondIndex:
            temp = firstIndex
            firstIndex = secondIndex
            secondIndex = temp
        firstTarget = random.randint(0,3)
        secondTarget = random.randint(0,3)
        #print(firstIndex, secondIndex)
        #print(firstTarget, secondTarget)

        inputSequence[firstIndex] = [1.0 if x == firstTarget else 0.0 for x in xrange(10)]
        inputSequence[secondIndex] = [1.0 if x == secondTarget else 0.0 for x in xrange(10)]

        # Add prompts
        inputSequence.append([1.0 if x == 8 else 0.0 for x in xrange(10)])
        inputSequence.append([1.0 if x == 9 else 0.0 for x in xrange(10)])

        outputSequence = [[0] * 4] * length
        #outputSequence = [None] * length
        outputSequence.append([1 if x == firstTarget else 0 for x in xrange(4)])
        outputSequence.append([1 if x == secondTarget else 0 for x in xrange(4)])
        #for line in inputSequence: print(line)
        #for line in outputSequence: print(line)

        inputSet.append((inputSequence, outputSequence))

    testSet = inputSet[:10]
    inputSet = inputSet[10:]

    def calcDiff(x,y):
        diff = 0.0
        zipped = zip(x,y)
        for actual,expected in zipped[:-1]:
            for a in actual:
                if a > 0.5: diff += a
        actual,expected = zipped[-1]
        for a,e in zip(actual, expected):
            if e == 1.0 and a < 0.5:
                print(a, " != 1")
                diff += 1.0 - a
            elif e == 0 and a > 0.5:
                print(a, " != 0")
                diff += a
        return diff

    beforeDiff = calculateDiff(network, testSet, calcDiff, printValues=False)
    print("Before diff: %f" % beforeDiff)

    #for _ in xrange(10):
    iterations = 0
    while True:
        print("Iteration %d" % iterations)
        iterations += 1
        for inputSequence, outputSequence in inputSet:
            output = network.learn(inputSequence, outputSequence)
        diff = calculateDiff(network, testSet, calcDiff, printValues=False)
        if diff < 1: break

    afterDiff = calculateDiff(network, testSet, calcDiff, printValues=True)
    print("Before diff: %f" % beforeDiff)
    print("After diff: %f" % afterDiff)