Ejemplo n.º 1
def bipartition(T, e):
    # make a copy of T and remove e, dfs on both end-vertex of e to find all leaves in each component
    T = T.copy()
    A = set(dfs.dfs_preorder_nodes(T, e[0]))
    B = set(dfs.dfs_preorder_nodes(T, e[1]))
    # returns the bipartition if both sides are non-empty or None otherwise
    return (frozenset(A), frozenset(B)) if bipartition_is_valid(
        (A, B)) else None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def verify_graph(aut, roots, graph):
	from networkx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search import dfs_preorder_nodes
	for i, root in enumerate(roots):
		for node in dfs_preorder_nodes(graph, root):
			for source, target in graph.out_edges_iter(node):
				data = graph[source][target]
				assert aut.repeated_image(source.extend(data['start_tail']), data['power']) == target.extend(data['end_tail'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def _potential_conjugators(self, other, roots, graph, choices, type_c, verbose=False):
		log = get_logger(verbose)
		#1. Flatten and glue the graph components together to form the ladder
		from networkx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search import dfs_preorder_nodes
		ladder = []
		for root in roots:
			ladder.extend(dfs_preorder_nodes(graph, root))
		log("ladder is:")
		log(*ladder, sep="\n")
		#2. Define the test function. See the docstring for maps_satisfying_choices
		deduce_images = partial(image_for_type_b, roots=roots, graph=graph, aut=other)
		#3. Now the hard part---the iteration.
		for images in maps_satisfying_choices(ladder, choices, deduce_images, verbose):
			domain = Generators(self.signature, sorted(images))
			range = Generators(self.signature, (images[d] for d in domain))
			log("deducing images for type C words")
			#Add in type C images to domain and range
			for word, data in type_c.items():
				img = image_for_type_c(word, data, images, other)
				rho = Automorphism(domain, range)
			except ValueError as e:
				log("This didn't define an automorphism")
				log("These images DID build an automorphism")
				rho.add_relabellers(self.domain_relabeller, other.range_relabeller)
				yield rho
    def test_graph_shortest_path_method(self):
        Test Dijkstra shortest path method

        from networkx.algorithms.shortest_paths.generic import shortest_path
        from networkx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search import dfs_preorder_nodes

        print(shortest_path(self.nx, 8, 10))
        print(list(dfs_preorder_nodes(self.nx, 8)))

        # In a mixed directed graph where 7 connects to 8 but not 8 to 7
        self.assertEqual(dijkstra_shortest_path(self.graph, 8, 10),
                         [8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10])
        self.assertEqual(list(dfs_paths(self.graph, 8, 10)),
                         [[8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]])
        self.assertEqual(list(dfs_paths(self.graph, 8, 10, method='bfs')),
                         [[8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]])

        # Fully connect 7 and 8
        self.graph.add_edge(8, 7, directed=True)
        self.assertEqual(dijkstra_shortest_path(self.graph, 8, 10),
                         [8, 7, 6, 9, 10])
        self.assertEqual(list(dfs_paths(self.graph, 8, 10)),
                         [[8, 7, 6, 9, 10], [8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]])
        self.assertEqual(list(dfs_paths(self.graph, 8, 10, method='bfs')),
                         [[8, 7, 6, 9, 10], [8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def merge_subgraph(self, subgraph=None, source=None):
     if type(subgraph) not in [Rag, Graph]:  # input is node list
         subgraph = self.subgraph(subgraph)
     if len(subgraph) > 0:
         node_dfs = list(dfs_preorder_nodes(subgraph, source))
         # dfs_preorder_nodes returns iter, convert to list
         source_node, other_nodes = node_dfs[0], node_dfs[1:]
         for current_node in other_nodes:
             self.merge_nodes(source_node, current_node)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def merge_subgraph(self, subgraph=None, source=None):
     if type(subgraph) not in [Rag, Graph]: # input is node list
         subgraph = self.subgraph(subgraph)
     if len(subgraph) > 0:
         node_dfs = list(dfs_preorder_nodes(subgraph, source)) 
         # dfs_preorder_nodes returns iter, convert to list
         source_node, other_nodes = node_dfs[0], node_dfs[1:]
         for current_node in other_nodes:
             self.merge_nodes(source_node, current_node)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def dump_graph(roots, graph):
	from networkx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search import dfs_preorder_nodes
	for i, root in enumerate(roots):
		print('component', i, 'with root', root)
		print('type B elements:')
		for node in dfs_preorder_nodes(graph, root):
			print('\tEdges out of', node)
			for source, target in graph.out_edges_iter(node):
				data = graph[source][target]
				print('\t\tto', target, 'with data\n\t\t\t', fmt_triple(data))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_dropoff_ordering_steiner(self):
        mst = self.get_steiner_tree()
        preorder_nodes = dfs_preorder_nodes(mst, source=self.start_loc)

        preorder_nodes = list(preorder_nodes)

        final_order = [n for n in preorder_nodes if n in self.homes]


        return final_order
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def calculate_all_micas(self):
     Calculate the MICA (Most Informative Common Ancestor) of every class-pair
     G = self.G
     ics = self._information_content_frame()
     classes = list(dfs.dfs_preorder_nodes(G))
     #mica_df = pd.DataFrame(index=classes, columns=classes)
     #mica_ic_df = pd.DataFrame(index=classes, columns=classes)
     ncs = len(classes)
     ic_grid = np.empty([ncs, ncs])
     mica_arrs = []
     logging.info('Calculating ICs for {} x {} classes'.format(ncs, ncs))
     for c1i in range(0, ncs):
         c1 = classes[c1i]
         logging.debug('Calculating ICs for {}'.format(c1))
         ancs1r = self._ancestors(c1) | {c1}
         c2i = 0
         mica_arr = []
         for c2i in range(0, ncs):
             c2 = classes[c2i]
             # TODO: optimize; matrix is symmetrical
             #if c1i > c2i:
             #    continue
             ancs2r = self._ancestors(c2) | {c2}
             common_ancs = ancs1r & ancs2r
             if len(common_ancs) > 0:
                 ic_cas = ics.loc[common_ancs]
                 max_ic = float(ic_cas.max())
                 ic_micas = ic_cas[ic_cas >= max_ic]
                 micas = set(ic_micas.index)
                 #mica_grid[c1i, c2i] = micas
                 #mica_grid[c2i, c1i] = micas
                 ic_grid[c1i, c2i] = max_ic
                 #ic_grid[c2i, c1i] = max_ic
                 ic_grid[c1i, c2i] = 0
                 #ic_grid[c2i, c1i] = 0
                 # TODO: consider optimization step; blank out all anc pairs
     logging.info('DONE Calculating ICs for {} x {} classes'.format(
         ncs, ncs))
     #self.mica_df = pd.DataFrame(mica_grid, index=classes, columns=classes)
     self.mica_df = pd.DataFrame(mica_arrs, index=classes, columns=classes)
     self.mica_ic_df = pd.DataFrame(ic_grid, index=classes, columns=classes)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_relaxed_solution(self, model): 
   vars_names = model.get_variables_names()
   list_of_vars = []  
   obj = model.get_objective_coefficients()
   dvars = {"$1":0, "$2":0}
   for ii in range(len(vars_names)):
     list_of_vars.append([vars_names[ii], 0, 0]) # name, weight, times
     dvars[vars_names[ii]] = ii
   G = nx.DiGraph(self._tree)
   for node in dfs_preorder_nodes(G, self._tree.get_root()):   
     m = self._tree.get_model_by_name(node)
     kvars, coeffs, krhs, w = AddOnsMPM().to_knapsack(m) # function, 4 - Sobj/Scon
     con_sum, obj_sum = 0, 0
     for i in range(len(kvars)):
       k = dvars[kvars[i]] # dvars - dictionary: key - index
       obj_sum += obj[i]
       con_sum += coeffs[i]
       list_of_vars[k][1] += krhs*obj[k]/coeffs[i] #w*krhs*obj[k]/coeffs[i]
       list_of_vars[k][2] += 1
   for v in list_of_vars:
     v[1] /= v[2] # making weights of shared_vars comparable to other vars
   list_of_vars.sort(key = it(1), reverse = True)
   res_list = []
   mm = len(list_of_vars)
   num_rows = model.get_num_rows()
   lhs = [0]*num_rows
   mtrx = model.get_rows_coefficients().toarray()
   fbool = False
   for jj in range(mm):
     for ii in range(num_rows):
       lhs[ii] += mtrx[ii][dvars[list_of_vars[jj][0]]]
       if lhs[ii] > model.get_rows_rhs()[ii]:
         fbool = True
     if fbool:
   return res_list
Ejemplo n.º 11
def bfs_check(graph, n, check_result = False):

    start = time.time()
    # Explore the graph DFS:
    traversed_n = list(dfs_preorder_nodes(graph, 0))
    # Check connectivity:
    check = True if len(traversed_n) == n else False

    tot_time = time.time() - start
    if check_result:
        return [tot_time, 'Connected' if check else 'Disconnected']
        return tot_time
Ejemplo n.º 12
def __increment_alien_nodes(g, depth, max_generation_gap):
    '''Try to satisfy parent depth >= child depth - max_generation_gap by appropriately
    incrementing the depth of alien nodes (people that married into the pedigree but have no
    parent information so look like founder nodes); this feature is disabled if
    max_generation_gap is set to 0.'''            

    # Identify pairs: alien node (people with no parent info that married into the
    # pedigree) + the other parent of a child they had together
    def aliens():
        for node in g.nodes_iter():
            if (g.out_degree(node) > 0):
                children = g.successors(node)
                # Node is more than max_generation_gap apart from all of its children
                if (depth[node] < min(depth[child] for child in children) - max_generation_gap):
                    # If at least one of the children has another parent from which we can infer 
                    # the proper depth, return the alien and that parent
                    for child in children:
                        if g.in_degree(child) > 1:
                            for parent in g.predecessors(child):
                                if (parent != node):
                                    yield (node, parent)
    # Decrement the depths of each alien and its ancestors to match the other parent's
    # depth whenever possible
    h = g.reverse(copy=True)
    for (alien, parent) in aliens():
        # We have information to update the alien node; see if we can actually increment its depth
        increment = depth[parent] - depth[alien]
        if (increment > 0):
            # Visit ancestors in depth-first-search pre-ordering (each ancestors is
            # processed before its parent)
            for ancestor in dfs_preorder_nodes(h, alien):
                new_depth = depth[ancestor] + increment
                if (g.out_degree(ancestor) == 0) or (new_depth < min(depth[node] for node in g.successors(ancestor))):
                    # Not violating topological order ==> update this ancestor
                    depth[ancestor] = new_depth
    return depth
    def solveSteinerTreeDTH(self):
        print("start node: ", self.start_loc)
        print("home nodes: ", self.homes)
        # print("Traversal actual with homes: ", traversal_ordering)
        leaf_homes = self.getLeafNodes()
        preorder_nodes = dfs_preorder_nodes(self.steiner_tree,
        traversal_ordering = [n for n in preorder_nodes if n in leaf_homes]
        print("Traversal ordering of the leaf: ", traversal_ordering)
        # """Remove non-leaf nodes from the order."""
        # for home in traversal_ordering:
        #     if home not in leaf_homes:
        #         print(home)
        #         traversal_ordering.remove(home)
        # current_loc = self.start_loc
        # """ Needs to start and end at root"""
        # print("Traversal_ordering: ", traversal_ordering)
        # # traversal_ordering.insert(0, current_loc)
        # # traversal_ordering.append(current_loc)
        """Hash map of the dropoffs"""
        dropoffs = dict()
        for i in range(len(traversal_ordering) - 1):
            current_leaf_home = traversal_ordering[i]
            next_leaf_home = traversal_ordering[i + 1]
            """Shortest path between current and next leaf home on the graph"""
            shortest_path = netx.shortest_path(self.netx_graph,
            print("Shortest path between ", current_leaf_home, " and ",
                  next_leaf_home, shortest_path)

            for node in shortest_path:
                """Check if any node in the shortest node is a part of the Steiner Tree """
                if node != current_leaf_home and node != next_leaf_home and node in self.steiner_tree:
                    #print("Node : ", node)
                    """Shares a common ancestor."""
                    """Drop off curr_node at curr->parent"""
                    #print("Steiner tree: ", set(self.steiner_tree))
                        "Dfs ",
                    dropoffs[current_leaf_home] = networkx.dfs_predecessors(
        print("Dropoffs ", dropoffs)

        new_candidate_dropoff = set()
        for home in self.homes:
            if home in dropoffs.keys():
        print("homes ", self.homes)
        new_candidate_dropoff = list(new_candidate_dropoff)
        """Add source to the candidate dropoff list to create the steiner tree."""
        #print("Candidate_dropoffs ", new_candidate_dropoff)
        steiner_tree_candidate_dropoffs = steiner_tree(self.netx_graph,
        preorder_nodes = dfs_preorder_nodes(steiner_tree_candidate_dropoffs,
        preorder_nodes = list(preorder_nodes)
        final_order = [
            n for n in preorder_nodes if n in steiner_tree_candidate_dropoffs
        #print("final order pre", final_order)

        for elem in final_order:
            if elem in dropoffs.values():
                keys = [k for k, v in dropoffs.items() if v == elem]
                if elem in self.homes or elem == self.start_loc:
                    for i in keys:
                            final_order.index(elem) + 1, elem + " " + i)
                    index = final_order.index(elem)
                    for i in keys:
                        final_order[index] = elem + " " + i
                        index = index + 1
        print("final order ", final_order)
        return self.get_cost_params(final_order)
 def getOrdering(self):
     steiner_tree = self.steiner_tree
     preorder_nodes = dfs_preorder_nodes(steiner_tree,
     final_order = [n for n in preorder_nodes if n in self.homes]
     return final_order
Ejemplo n.º 15
for n in g.node:
    g.node[n]['name'] = n

outputs = [
    #     'science-pack-1',
    #     'science-pack-2',
    #     'science-pack-3',
    #     'fast-inserter',
    #     'filter-inserter',
    #     'fast-transport-belt',
    #     'long-handed-inserter',
    #     'assembling-machine-2',
    #     'rail',

nodes = set()
for o in outputs:
    for n in dfs.dfs_preorder_nodes(g, o):
factory = g.subgraph(nodes).reverse()
                 os.path.join(basedir, 'factory.graphml'),
    nx.drawing.nx_agraph.view_pygraphviz(factory)  # , prog='fdp')
except ImportError: