Ejemplo n.º 1
def simple_cycles_as_edges(G):
    cycles = list(simple_cycles(G))
    def c2e(c):
        for i in range(len(c)):
            n1 = c[i]
            n2 = c[(i + 1) % len(c)]
            yield n1, n2

    return set([tuple(c2e(c)) for c in cycles])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def simple_cycles_as_edges(G):
    cycles = list(simple_cycles(G))
    def c2e(c):
        for i in range(len(c)):
            n1 = c[i]
            n2 = c[(i + 1) % len(c)]
            yield n1, n2

    return set([tuple(c2e(c)) for c in cycles])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dpgraph_(name2dp, connections, split):

        connections = set(connections)
        check_connections(name2dp, connections)

        G = get_connection_multigraph(connections)
        cycles = list(simple_cycles(G))
        if not cycles:
            res = dpconnect(name2dp, connections, split=split)
            assert isinstance(res, SimpleWrap), (type(res), name2dp)
            return res

        # At this point we never resort to the rest -
        # this is always called without cycles
        assert False

#         c = choose_connection_to_cut1(connections, name2dp)
#         other_connections = set()
#         other_connections.update(connections)
#         other_connections.remove(c)
#         def connections_include_resource(conns, s):
#             for c in conns:
#                 if c.s1 == s:
#                     return True
#             else:
#                 return False
#         # we have to make sure that the signal that we need is not closed
#         if connections_include_resource(other_connections, c.s1):
#             split1 = [c.s1]
#         else:
#             split1 = []
#         split1.extend(split)
#         ndp = dpgraph(name2dp, other_connections, split=split1)
#         # now we make sure that the signals we have are preserved
#         ndp.rindex(c.s1)
#         ndp.findex(c.s2)
#         l = dploop0(ndp, c.s1, c.s2)
#         l.rindex(c.s1)
#         if c.s1 in split:
#             return l
#         else:
#             F = ndp.get_rtype(c.s1)
#             term = dpwrap(Terminator(F), c.s1, [])
#             res = connect2(l, term,
#                            set([Connection("-", c.s1, "-", c.s1)]), split=[])
#             return res
    except DPSemanticError as e:
                      'Error while calling dpgraph().',
                      names=format_dict_long(name2dp, informal=True),
                      connection=format_list_long(connections, informal=True))
    except DPInternalError as e:
                      'Error while calling dpgraph().',
                      names=format_dict_long(name2dp, informal=True),
                      connection=format_list_long(connections, informal=True))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def dpgraph_(name2dp, connections, split):

        connections = set(connections)
        check_connections(name2dp, connections)

        G = get_connection_multigraph(connections)
        cycles = list(simple_cycles(G))
        if not cycles:
            res = dpconnect(name2dp, connections, split=split)
            assert isinstance(res, SimpleWrap), (type(res), name2dp)
            return res

        # At this point we never resort to the rest -
        # this is always called without cycles
        assert False
#         c = choose_connection_to_cut1(connections, name2dp)
#         other_connections = set()
#         other_connections.update(connections)
#         other_connections.remove(c)
#         def connections_include_resource(conns, s):
#             for c in conns:
#                 if c.s1 == s:
#                     return True
#             else:
#                 return False
#         # we have to make sure that the signal that we need is not closed
#         if connections_include_resource(other_connections, c.s1):
#             split1 = [c.s1]
#         else:
#             split1 = []
#         split1.extend(split)
#         ndp = dpgraph(name2dp, other_connections, split=split1)
#         # now we make sure that the signals we have are preserved
#         ndp.rindex(c.s1)
#         ndp.findex(c.s2)
#         l = dploop0(ndp, c.s1, c.s2)
#         l.rindex(c.s1)
#         if c.s1 in split:
#             return l
#         else:
#             F = ndp.get_rtype(c.s1)
#             term = dpwrap(Terminator(F), c.s1, [])
#             res = connect2(l, term,
#                            set([Connection("-", c.s1, "-", c.s1)]), split=[])
#             return res
    except DPSemanticError as e:
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, 'Error while calling dpgraph().',
                      names=format_dict_long(name2dp, informal=True),
                      connection=format_list_long(connections, informal=True))
    except DPInternalError as e:
        raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, e, 'Error while calling dpgraph().',
                      names=format_dict_long(name2dp, informal=True),
                      connection=format_list_long(connections, informal=True))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dependency_graph(df, clean_graph_loops=True):
    """Generate the dependency graph of the coq files.

    :param df: the DataFrame of all the files tokens.
    :param clean_graph_loops: remove cyclic dependencies in graph
    :return: DiGraph with files id as nodes and dependencies as
    :rtype: networkx.DiGraph
    def linker(from_node, to_nodes):
        """Return a list of networkx formatted edges.

        Those edges represents the dependencies in the coq files.
        :param from_node: id of the dependent node
        :param to_nodes: list of ids of required files
        :return: list of networkx formatted edges.
        :rtype: list of tuple (int, int)

        ..note: linker is also in charge of removing the
                unknown dependencies represented by `-1` in
                the `to_nodes` list.
        return map(lambda x: (from_node, x), filter(lambda x: x != -1,

    def indexer(d):
        return [x[1] for x in sorted(d, key=lambda x: x[0])]

    file_ids = df['file_id'].unique()

    G = nx.DiGraph()

    print('Generating dependencies labels for nodes')
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as executor:
        # list of slices of pandas dataframe, each containing the
        # tokens of an unique file
        file_datasets = list(
            map(lambda x: (x, df[df['file_id'] == x]), sorted(file_ids)))

        # list of labels of the files dependencies
        labels_futures = list(
            map(lambda x: (x[0], executor.submit(deps_for_file, x[1])),

        # list of relative folder to include in the file PATH
        # for imports
        loadpath_futures = list(
            map(lambda x: (x[0], executor.submit(create_file_path, x[1])),

        def extract_res(x):
            r = x[1].result()
            return x[0], r

        labels = list(map(extract_res, labels_futures))
        loadpaths = list(map(extract_res, loadpath_futures))

    # Sorting the results
    labels = indexer(labels)
    loadpaths = indexer(loadpaths)

    # Creating dependency dataset (one row / file)
    deps = df[['file_id',

    deps['deps_labels'] = labels
    deps['deps_path'] = loadpaths

    dependencies_list = list(
            (resolve_dependencies_labels(deps, x)
             for x in ('/HoTT/theories', '/UniMath/UniMath'))))

    edges = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
        map(lambda x: linker(*x), dependencies_list))

    if clean_graph_loops:
        for c in al.simple_cycles(G):
            print('Cycle detected:', c)
            cycle_edges = [(c[x], c[(x + 1) % len(c)]) for x in range(len(c))]
            print('Removing edges:', cycle_edges)

    return G