Ejemplo n.º 1
def grid_graph(dim, periodic=False):
    """Returns the *n*-dimensional grid graph.

    The dimension *n* is the length of the list `dim` and the size in
    each dimension is the value of the corresponding list element.

    dim : list or tuple of numbers or iterables of nodes
        'dim' is a tuple or list with, for each dimension, either a number
        that is the size of that dimension or an iterable of nodes for
        that dimension. The dimension of the grid_graph is the length
        of `dim`.

    periodic : bool or iterable
        If `periodic` is True, all dimensions are periodic. If False all
        dimensions are not periodic. If `periodic` is iterable, it should
        yield `dim` bool values each of which indicates whether the
        corresponding axis is periodic.

    NetworkX graph
        The (possibly periodic) grid graph of the specified dimensions.

    To produce a 2 by 3 by 4 grid graph, a graph on 24 nodes:

    >>> from networkx import grid_graph
    >>> G = grid_graph(dim=(2, 3, 4))
    >>> len(G)
    >>> G = grid_graph(dim=(range(7, 9), range(3, 6)))
    >>> len(G)
    from networkx.algorithms.operators.product import cartesian_product

    if not dim:
        return empty_graph(0)

    if iterable(periodic):
        func = (cycle_graph if p else path_graph for p in periodic)
        func = repeat(cycle_graph if periodic else path_graph)

    G = next(func)(dim[0])
    for current_dim in dim[1:]:
        Gnew = next(func)(current_dim)
        G = cartesian_product(Gnew, G)
    # graph G is done but has labels of the form (1, (2, (3, 1))) so relabel
    H = relabel_nodes(G, flatten)
    return H
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_iterable():
    assert not iterable(None)
    assert not iterable(10)
    assert iterable([1, 2, 3])
    assert iterable((1, 2, 3))
    assert iterable({1: "A", 2: "X"})
    assert iterable("ABC")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def grid_2d_graph(m, n, periodic=False, create_using=None):
    """Returns the two-dimensional grid graph.

    The grid graph has each node connected to its four nearest neighbors.

    m, n : int or iterable container of nodes
        If an integer, nodes are from `range(n)`.
        If a container, elements become the coordinate of the nodes.

    periodic : bool or iterable
        If `periodic` is True, both dimensions are periodic. If False, none
        are periodic.  If `periodic` is iterable, it should yield 2 bool
        values indicating whether the 1st and 2nd axes, respectively, are

    create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)
        Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.

    NetworkX graph
        The (possibly periodic) grid graph of the specified dimensions.

    G = empty_graph(0, create_using)
    row_name, rows = m
    col_name, cols = n
    G.add_nodes_from((i, j) for i in rows for j in cols)
        ((i, j), (pi, j)) for pi, i in pairwise(rows) for j in cols)
        ((i, j), (i, pj)) for i in rows for pj, j in pairwise(cols))

    if iterable(periodic):
        periodic_r, periodic_c = periodic
        periodic_r = periodic_c = periodic

    if periodic_r and len(rows) > 2:
        first = rows[0]
        last = rows[-1]
        G.add_edges_from(((first, j), (last, j)) for j in cols)
    if periodic_c and len(cols) > 2:
        first = cols[0]
        last = cols[-1]
        G.add_edges_from(((i, first), (i, last)) for i in rows)
    # both directions for directed
    if G.is_directed():
        G.add_edges_from((v, u) for u, v in G.edges())
    return G
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_graph_iterable():
    K = nx.complete_graph(10)
    assert iterable(K)
    assert iterable(K.nodes())
    assert iterable(K.edges())