Ejemplo n.º 1
def _kernighan_lin_sweep(edges, side):
    This is a modified form of Kernighan-Lin, which moves single nodes at a
    time, alternating between sides to keep the bisection balanced.  We keep
    two min-heaps of swap costs to make optimal-next-move selection fast.
    costs0, costs1 = costs = BinaryHeap(), BinaryHeap()
    for u, side_u, edges_u in zip(count(), side, edges):
        cost_u = sum(w if side[v] else -w for v, w in edges_u)
        costs[side_u].insert(u, cost_u if side_u else -cost_u)

    def _update_costs(costs_x, x):
        for y, w in edges[x]:
            costs_y = costs[side[y]]
            cost_y = costs_y.get(y)
            if cost_y is not None:
                cost_y += 2 * (-w if costs_x is costs_y else w)
                costs_y.insert(y, cost_y, True)

    i = totcost = 0
    while costs0 and costs1:
        u, cost_u = costs0.pop()
        _update_costs(costs0, u)
        v, cost_v = costs1.pop()
        _update_costs(costs1, v)
        totcost += cost_u + cost_v
        yield totcost, i, (u, v)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _kernighan_lin_sweep(edges, side):
    costs0, costs1 = costs = BinaryHeap(), BinaryHeap()
    for u, side_u, edges_u in zip(count(), side, edges):
        cost_u = sum(w if side[v] else -w for v, w in edges_u)
        costs[side_u].insert(u, cost_u if side_u else -cost_u)

    def _update_costs(costs_x, x):
        for y, w in edges[x]:
            costs_y = costs[side[y]]
            cost_y = costs_y.get(y)
            if cost_y is not None:
                cost_y += 2 * (-w if costs_x is costs_y else w)
                costs_y.insert(y, cost_y, True)

    i = totcost = 0
    while costs0 and costs1:
        u, cost_u = costs0.pop()
        _update_costs(costs0, u)
        v, cost_v = costs1.pop()
        _update_costs(costs1, v)
        totcost += cost_u + cost_v
        yield totcost, i, (u, v)
        i += 1