Ejemplo n.º 1
def topological_sort(graph):
    Yield the nodes in topological order.

    Faster than the networkx version. When fully iterated, raises an exception if the graph contains a cycle.
    # Kahn's algorithm
    pred = graph.pred
    succ = graph.succ

    pred_count_mapping = {}
    q = []
    for node in graph.nodes:
        pred_count = len(pred[node])
        if pred_count:
            pred_count_mapping[node] = pred_count

    while q:
        node = q.pop()
        for successor in succ[node]:
            pred_count_mapping[successor] -= 1
            if pred_count_mapping[successor] == 0:
        yield node

    if any(pred_count_mapping.values()):
        raise nx.HasACycle("The graph contains a cycle.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def dag_to_branching(G):
    """Returns a branching representing all (overlapping) paths from
    root nodes to leaf nodes in the given directed acyclic graph.

    As described in :mod:`networkx.algorithms.tree.recognition`, a
    *branching* is a directed forest in which each node has at most one
    parent. In other words, a branching is a disjoint union of
    *arborescences*. For this function, each node of in-degree zero in
    `G` becomes a root of one of the arborescences, and there will be
    one leaf node for each distinct path from that root to a leaf node
    in `G`.

    Each node `v` in `G` with *k* parents becomes *k* distinct nodes in
    the returned branching, one for each parent, and the sub-DAG rooted
    at `v` is duplicated for each copy. The algorithm then recurses on
    the children of each copy of `v`.

    G : NetworkX graph
        A directed acyclic graph.

        The branching in which there is a bijection between root-to-leaf
        paths in `G` (in which multiple paths may share the same leaf)
        and root-to-leaf paths in the branching (in which there is a
        unique path from a root to a leaf).

        Each node has an attribute 'source' whose value is the original
        node to which this node corresponds. No other graph, node, or
        edge attributes are copied into this new graph.

        If `G` is not directed, or if `G` is a multigraph.

        If `G` is not acyclic.

    To examine which nodes in the returned branching were produced by
    which original node in the directed acyclic graph, we can collect
    the mapping from source node to new nodes into a dictionary. For
    example, consider the directed diamond graph::

        >>> from collections import defaultdict
        >>> from operator import itemgetter
        >>> G = nx.DiGraph(nx.utils.pairwise("abd"))
        >>> G.add_edges_from(nx.utils.pairwise("acd"))
        >>> B = nx.dag_to_branching(G)
        >>> sources = defaultdict(set)
        >>> for v, source in B.nodes(data="source"):
        ...     sources[source].add(v)
        >>> len(sources["a"])
        >>> len(sources["d"])

    To copy node attributes from the original graph to the new graph,
    you can use a dictionary like the one constructed in the above

        >>> for source, nodes in sources.items():
        ...     for v in nodes:
        ...         B.nodes[v].update(G.nodes[source])

    This function is not idempotent in the sense that the node labels in
    the returned branching may be uniquely generated each time the
    function is invoked. In fact, the node labels may not be integers;
    in order to relabel the nodes to be more readable, you can use the
    :func:`networkx.convert_node_labels_to_integers` function.

    The current implementation of this function uses
    :func:`networkx.prefix_tree`, so it is subject to the limitations of
    that function.

    if has_cycle(G):
        msg = "dag_to_branching is only defined for acyclic graphs"
        raise nx.HasACycle(msg)
    paths = root_to_leaf_paths(G)
    B = nx.prefix_tree(paths)
    # Remove the synthetic `root`(0) and `NIL`(-1) nodes from the tree
    return B