Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):


    Initializes a simple network, with 196 input nodes,
    10 output nodes, and NO hidden nodes. Each input node
    should be connected to every output node.

        super(SimpleNetwork, self).__init__()

        # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel.
        for i in range(36):
            self.network.AddNode(Node(), 1)
        # 2) Add an output node for each possible digit label.
        for i in range(1):
            node = Node()
            self.network.AddNode(node, 3)
            for j in range(36):
                node.AddInput(self.network.inputs[j], None, self.network)
        self.network.complete = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self):


    Initializes a simple network, with 196 input nodes,
    10 output nodes, and NO hidden nodes. Each input node
    should be connected to every output node.
    super(SimpleNetwork, self).__init__()
    # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel.    
    for i in range(196):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.INPUT)

    # 2) Add an output node for each possible digit label.
    for i in range(10):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.OUTPUT)

      for i in range(196):
        toAdd.AddInput(self.network.inputs[i], False, self.network)

  def __init__(self):


    Initializes a simple network, with 196 input nodes,
    10 output nodes, and NO hidden nodes. Each input node
    should be connected to every output node.
    super(SimpleNetwork, self).__init__() # < Don't remove this line >

    # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel.
    for i in range(36):
      new_input = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(new_input, NeuralNetwork.INPUT)

    # 2) Add an output node for each possible digit label.
    for i in range(2):
      new_output = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(new_output, NeuralNetwork.OUTPUT)
      for input_node in self.network.inputs:
        new_output.AddInput(input_node, None, self.network)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        super(CustomNetwork, self).__init__()

        for i in range(400):
            self.network.AddNode((Node()), NeuralNetwork.INPUT)
        for j in range(60):
            self.network.AddNode((Node()), NeuralNetwork.HIDDEN)
        for k in range(53):
            self.network.AddNode((Node()), NeuralNetwork.OUTPUT)
        for output in self.network.outputs:
            for hid in self.network.hidden_nodes:
                output.AddInput(hid, None, self.network)
        for hid in self.network.hidden_nodes:
            for inp in self.network.inputs:
                hid.AddInput(inp, None, self.network)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, number_of_hidden_nodes=10, number_of_layers=2):
    number_of_hidden_nodes : the number of hidden nodes to create per layer (an integer)
    number_of_layers : the number of layers of hidden nodes

    Your pick

    Network with multiple hidden layers, all of the same size.  All layers fully connected.
        super(CustomNetwork, self).__init__()

        # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel
        for i in range(36):
            self.network.AddNode(Node(), 1)
        # 2) Adds the first hidden layer
        for i in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
            node = Node()
            self.network.AddNode(node, 2)
            for j in range(36):
                node.AddInput(self.network.inputs[j], None, self.network)
        # 2) Adds the next hidden layer(s)
        for k in range(number_of_layers - 1):
            for i in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
                node = Node()
                self.network.AddNode(node, 2)
                for j in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
                        self.network.hidden_nodes[number_of_hidden_nodes * k +
                                                  j], None, self.network)
        # 3) Adds an output node for each possible digit label.
        for i in range(1):
            node = Node()
            self.network.AddNode(node, 3)
            for j in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
                    self.network.hidden_nodes[number_of_hidden_nodes *
                                              (number_of_layers - 1) + j],
                    None, self.network)
        self.network.complete = True
  def __init__(self, number_of_hidden_nodes=15, learning_rate = .1, edge_probability = 1.0):

    number_of_hidden_nodes : the number of hidden nodes on one layer
    learning_rate : the learning rate that we start at. this decays every time we enter a new epoch
    edge_probability : probability that a node will have an edge with its parent node


    Our custom network uses two new strategies for generating hypothesis.
    Firstly, it uses a decaying learning_rate. After every epoch, we decrease
    the learning rate. We give it a lower bound of .0001 Secondly, every time
    we generate a new hidden node our output node, we set a probability p that
    it is connected to any one of its potential parent nodes. We no longer
    have a connected graph, but by reducing the complexity we can potentially
    reduce overfitting.

    super(CustomNetwork, self).__init__() # <Don't remove this line>

    self.learning_rate = learning_rate

    # every epoch, we reduce the learning rate
    def DecayingLRateTrain(network, inputs, targets, learning_rate, epochs):
      for e in range(epochs):
        for input, target in zip(inputs, targets):
          Backprop(network, input, target, self.learning_rate)
        self.learning_rate = max(self.learning_rate - (self.learning_rate/25.), .0001)

    # new training function uses decaying learning rate

    # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel
    for i in range(36):
      new_input = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(new_input, NeuralNetwork.INPUT)
    # 2) Adds the hidden layer
    for i in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
      new_hidden = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(new_hidden, NeuralNetwork.HIDDEN)
      for input_node in self.network.inputs:
        if random.random() < .9:
            new_hidden.AddInput(input_node, None, self.network)
    # 3) Adds an output node for each possible digit label.
    for i in range(2):
      new_output = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(new_output, NeuralNetwork.OUTPUT)
      for hidden_node in self.network.hidden_nodes:
        if random.random() < .9:
            new_output.AddInput(hidden_node, None, self.network)
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def __init__(self, number_of_hidden_nodes=160):
    number_of_hidden_nodes : the number of hidden nodes to create (an integer)


    Initializes a network with a hidden layer. The network
    should have 196 input nodes, the specified number of
    hidden nodes, and 10 output nodes. The network should be,
    again, fully connected. That is, each input node is connected
    to every hidden node, and each hidden_node is connected to
    every output node.
    super(HiddenNetwork, self).__init__()

    # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel
    for i in range(196):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.INPUT)
    # 2) Adds the hidden layer
    for i in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.HIDDEN)

      for i in range(196):
        toAdd.AddInput(self.network.inputs[i], False, self.network)

    # 3) Adds an output node for each possible digit label.
    for i in range(10):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.OUTPUT)

      for i in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
        toAdd.AddInput(self.network.hidden_nodes[i], False, self.network)

    print "weights len: " + str(len(self.network.weights))

Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, number_of_hidden_nodes=10):
    number_of_hidden_nodes : the number of hidden nodes to create (an integer)


    Initializes a network with a hidden layer. The network
    should have 196 input nodes, the specified number of
    hidden nodes, and 10 output nodes. The network should be,
    again, fully connected. That is, each input node is connected
    to every hidden node, and each hidden_node is connected to
    every output node.

        super(HiddenNetwork, self).__init__()

        # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel
        for i in range(36):
            self.network.AddNode(Node(), 1)
        # 2) Adds the hidden layer
        for i in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
            node = Node()
            self.network.AddNode(node, 2)
            for j in range(36):
                node.AddInput(self.network.inputs[j], None, self.network)
        # 3) Adds an output node for each possible digit label.
        for i in range(1):
            node = Node()
            self.network.AddNode(node, 3)
            for j in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
                node.AddInput(self.network.hidden_nodes[j], None, self.network)
        self.network.complete = True
  def __init__(self, number_of_hidden_nodes=30):
    number_of_hidden_nodes : the number of hidden nodes to create (an integer)


    Initializes a network with a hidden layer. The network
    should have 196 input nodes, the specified number of
    hidden nodes, and 10 output nodes. The network should be,
    again, fully connected. That is, each input node is connected
    to every hidden node, and each hidden_node is connected to
    every output node.
    super(HiddenNetwork, self).__init__() # < Don't remove this line >

    # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel
    for i in range(36):
      new_input = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(new_input, NeuralNetwork.INPUT)
    # 2) Adds the hidden layer
    for i in range(number_of_hidden_nodes):
      new_hidden = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(new_hidden, NeuralNetwork.HIDDEN)
      for input_node in self.network.inputs:
        new_hidden.AddInput(input_node, None, self.network)
    # 3) Adds an output node for each possible digit label.
    for i in range(2):
      new_output = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(new_output, NeuralNetwork.OUTPUT)
      for hidden_node in self.network.hidden_nodes:
        new_output.AddInput(hidden_node, None, self.network)
Ejemplo n.º 10
  def __init__(self, firstlayer=15, secondlayer=15):
    Your pick.


    Commented out code trains a single hidden layer with a large number of hidden units. Alternate code trains two hidden layers.
    super(CustomNetwork, self).__init__()

    # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel
    for i in range(196):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.INPUT)
    # 2) Adds the hidden layer
    for i in range(183):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.HIDDEN)

      for i in range(196):
        toAdd.AddInput(self.network.inputs[i], False, self.network)

    # 3) Adds an output node for each possible digit label.
    for i in range(10):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.OUTPUT)

      for i in range(183):
        toAdd.AddInput(self.network.hidden_nodes[i], False, self.network)

    # 1) Adds an input node for each pixel
    for i in range(196):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.INPUT)
    # 2) Adds the first hidden layer
    for i in range(firstlayer):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.HIDDEN)

      for j in range(196):
        toAdd.AddInput(self.network.inputs[j], False, self.network)

    # 3) Add the second hidden layer
    for i in range(secondlayer):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.HIDDEN)
      for j in range(firstlayer):
        toAdd.AddInput(self.network.hidden_nodes[j], False, self.network)

    # 4) Adds an output node for each possible digit label.
    for i in range(10):
      toAdd = Node()
      self.network.AddNode(toAdd, NeuralNetwork.OUTPUT)

      for j in range(firstlayer, firstlayer+secondlayer):
        toAdd.AddInput(self.network.hidden_nodes[j], False, self.network)
