Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self, ni, nh, no):
		"""Creates a new network with ni input nodes, nh hidden nodes,
		and no output nodes"""
		self.ni = ni + 1  # +1 for the bias node (to be replaced in the future)
		self.nh = nh
		self.no = no
		# create the node objects
		self.ai = np.ndarray(self.ni, object)
		self.ah = np.ndarray(self.nh, object)
		self.ao = np.ndarray(self.no, object)
		for x in xrange(self.ni): self.ai[x] = node()
		for x in xrange(self.nh): self.ah[x] = node()
		for x in xrange(self.no): self.ao[x] = node()
		# create the weight matrices and set them to random values
		self.wi = np.ndarray( (self.nh, self.ni), object )
		self.wo = np.ndarray( (self.no, self.nh), object )
		for x in xrange(self.nh):
			for y in xrange(self.ni):
				self.wi[x,y] = edge(random.rand(), self.ah[x], self.ai[y])
			for z in xrange(self.no):
				self.wo[z,x] = edge(random.rand(), self.ao[z], self.ah[x])
		# create hidden weight matrix, a symmetric matrix with all diagonal
		# entries equal to zero
		self.wh = np.ndarray( (self.nh, self.nh), object )
		for i in xrange(self.nh):
			for j in xrange(i, self.nh):
				if i == j: self.wh[i,j] = edge(0, self.ah[i], self.ah[j])
				else: self.wh[i,j] = self.wh[j,i] = edge(random.rand(), self.ah[i], self.ah[j])
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def update(self, inputs):
		"""Updates the value of the neuron activations based on the given
		if len(inputs) != self.ni - 1:
			raise ValueError, "wrong number of inputs"
		# set input node activations
		for c, v in enumerate(inputs):
			self.ai[c] = node(v)
		# set hidden node activations
		for c, n in enumerate(self.ah):
			n.update(np.dot(self.wi[c], self.ai)
						+ np.dot(self.wh[c], self.ah))
		# set output node activations
		for c, n in enumerate(self.ao):
			n.update(np.dot(self.wo[c], self.ah))
		return self.ao