def cK(cid, seed, fmt, run_t, tstep, rE, rI, testLinear, testBilinear, plotSindivid, plotBindivid, newSv, sender): directory = str(seed) g0 = 32.0 * 6e-4 #testLinear = True # initialize cell #locE = np.array([60],dtype='int') #locI = np.array([14],dtype='int') locE = np.array([60, 72, 78, 84, 90, 98], dtype='int') locI = np.array([14, 28, 30], dtype='int') #gE = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) * g0 #gI = -g0*np.array([10.0, 10.0, 10.0]) #locE = np.array([79, 82, 83, 98, 120, 124],dtype='int') #locI = np.array([14, 28, 40],dtype='int') gE = np.array([0.6, 0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.15, 0.6]) * g0 gI = -g0 * np.array([6.0, 10.0, 8.0]) posE = np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2]) posI = np.array([0.7, 0.2, 0.5]) gE = gE[:locE.size] gI = gI[:locI.size] posE = posE[:locE.size] posI = posI[:locI.size] pos = np.concatenate((posE, posI)) loc = np.concatenate((locE, locI)) gList = np.concatenate((gE, gI)) vrest = -70.0 vThres = -54.0 alphaR = True run_nt = int(round(run_t / tstep)) + 1 n = loc.size cell, vSL, sL, _ = prepCell(gList, loc, pos, n, vrest, alphaR) # population events rE = rE / 1000.0 rI = rI / 1000.0 rates = np.empty(n) rates[:locE.size] = np.random.randn(locE.size) * rE * 0.1 + rE rates[locE.size:] = np.random.randn(locI.size) * rI * 0.1 + rI print rates np.random.seed(seed) spikeTrain = np.empty(n, dtype=object) IDs = np.empty(n, dtype=object) activePeriod = run_t / 3.0 for i in xrange(n): if rates[i] <= 0.0: spikeTrain[i] = np.array([run_t + 1]) continue ts = 0 events = [] while ts < activePeriod: tt = np.random.poisson(1.0 / rates[i], 1) if tt > 0: ts += int(round(tt / tstep)) * tstep events.append(ts) print str(i) + 'th synapse:', len(events), 'spikes' spikeTrain[i] = np.array(events) RList = np.zeros((n, 2)) dendVclamp = np.zeros(n) + 1000 for i in xrange(n): IDs[i] = i + np.zeros(spikeTrain[i].size, dtype=int) IDs = np.hstack(IDs) spikes = np.hstack(spikeTrain) indSorted = np.argsort(spikes) sortedID = IDs[indSorted] sortedSpikes = spikes[indSorted] itsp = np.round(sortedSpikes / tstep).astype(int) if testLinear: plotLinear = True else: plotLinear = False if testBilinear: plotBilinear = True else: plotBilinear = False if not os.path.exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) directory = directory + '/' # run simulation v0 = vrest trans = 0 t0 = 0 oneGo = True getDendV = True monitorDend = False pas = False plotSlice = True tref = 10.0 vBack = vThres - 2.0 simv, _, _, _, dendv = proceed(cell, v0, sL, RList, vSL, spikeTrain, n, trans, run_t, vBack, tref, vThres, oneGo, t0, tstep, loc, pos, dendVclamp, alphaR, getDendV, monitorDend, pas, plotSlice, fign=directory + 'simvOnly') # run linear if testLinear: liv = np.zeros(run_nt, dtype=float) + vrest liv0 = np.zeros(run_nt, dtype=float) + vrest liv1 = np.zeros(run_nt, dtype=float) + vrest tol = True basic_run_t = 1 for i in xrange(sortedSpikes.size): it = itsp[i] sel = [sortedID[i]] if sortedSpikes[i] >= run_t: break if i == 0: v0 = vrest else: v0 = liv[it] ## liv tsp = np.array([[0]]) cpi = False sv, _, dendv = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, basic_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if it + sv.size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - it else: et = sv.size sv = sv[:et] - v0 dendv = dendv[:, :et] - v0 liv[it:it + et] += sv if plotSindivid: fign = directory + 'liv' + str(i) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(np.arange(sv.size) * tstep, sv) ax.plot(np.arange(sv.size) * tstep, dendv.T) pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) ## liv0 tsp = np.array([[0]]) cpi = False v0 = liv0[it] sv, _, dendv = bproceed(cell, vrest, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, basic_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if it + sv.size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - it else: et = sv.size sv = sv[:et] - vrest dendv = dendv[:, :et] - vrest liv0[it:it + et] += sv if plotSindivid: fign = directory + 'liv0' + str(i) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(np.arange(sv.size) * tstep, sv) ax.plot(np.arange(sv.size) * tstep, dendv.T) pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) ## liv1 tsp = np.array([[0]]) v0 = liv1[it] print 'liv1' + '-' + str(i), v0 cpi = True cell.set_volt(v0) sv, _, dendv = bproceed(cell, vrest, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, basic_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if it + sv.size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - it else: et = sv.size sel = [] tsp = np.array([[]]) leaky_run_t = (et - 1) * tstep leakyV, _, leakyDendV = bproceed(cell, vrest, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, leaky_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi) sv = sv[:et] - leakyV dendv = dendv[:, :et] - leakyDendV liv1[it:it + et] += sv if plotSindivid: fign = directory + 'liv1' + str(i) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(np.arange(sv.size) * tstep, sv) ax.plot(np.arange(sv.size) * tstep, dendv.T) pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) # run bilinear if testBilinear: tol = True biv = np.zeros(run_nt, dtype=float) + vrest biv0 = np.zeros(run_nt, dtype=float) + vrest biv1 = np.zeros(run_nt, dtype=float) + vrest nonv = np.zeros(sortedSpikes.size, dtype=float) + vrest nonv1 = np.zeros(sortedSpikes.size, dtype=float) + vrest sv = np.empty(sortedSpikes.size, dtype=object) sv0 = np.empty(sortedSpikes.size, dtype=object) sv1 = np.empty(sortedSpikes.size, dtype=object) for i in xrange(sortedSpikes.size): if sortedSpikes[i] >= run_t: break it = itsp[i] sel = [sortedID[i]] if i == 0: v0 = vrest else: v0 = biv[it] nonv[i] = v0 cpi = False tsp = np.array([[0]]) sv[i], _, dendv = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if it + sv[i].size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - it else: et = sv[i].size sv[i] = sv[i][:et] - v0 dendv = dendv[:, :et] - v0 biv[it:it + et] += sv[i] if plotSindivid: fign = directory + 'biv_' + str(i) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(np.arange(sv[i].size) * tstep, sv[i]) ax.plot(np.arange(sv[i].size) * tstep, dendv.T) pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) for j in xrange(i): jt = itsp[j] if jt + sv[j].size < it: continue if sortedID[j] == sortedID[i]: sel = [sortedID[j]] tsp = np.array([[0, sortedSpikes[i] - sortedSpikes[j]]]) else: sel = [sortedID[j], sortedID[i]] tsp = np.array([[0], [sortedSpikes[i] - sortedSpikes[j]]]) idt = it - jt b_run_t = sv[j].size * tstep v0 = nonv[j] bv, _, dendv = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, b_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if jt + bv.size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - jt else: et = bv.size bv = bv[:et] - v0 dendv = dendv[:, :et] - v0 if sv[j].size > et: s1t = et else: s1t = sv[j].size if newSv: sel = [sortedID[i]] tsp = np.array([[0]]) sv2, _, dendv = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, (et - idt) * tstep, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi) sv2 = sv2 - v0 else: sv2 = sv[i] if et - idt > sv2.size: s2t = sv2.size else: s2t = et - idt print 's2:', it, ', ', s2t, '<=', sv2.size print 's1:', jt, ', ', s1t, '<=', sv[j].size, 'kv start:', idt kv = bv.copy() kv[:s1t] -= sv[j][:s1t] kv[idt:idt + s2t] -= sv2[:s2t] addv = np.zeros(bv.size) addv[:s1t] += sv[j][:s1t] addv[idt:idt + s2t] += sv2[:s2t] biv[jt:jt + et] += kv if plotBindivid: fign = directory + 'biv' + str(i) + '-' + str(j) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) t = np.arange(bv.size) * tstep ax.plot(t, bv, 'b') #ax.plot(t,dendv.T) ax.plot(t, kv, ':k') ax.plot(t, addv, ':g') ax.plot(t[:s1t], sv[j][:s1t], ':r') ax.plot(t[idt:idt + s2t], sv2[:s2t], ':b') pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) v0 = biv0[it] sel = [sortedID[i]] tsp = np.array([[0]]) sv0[i], _, dendv = bproceed(cell, vrest, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if it + sv0[i].size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - it else: et = sv0[i].size sv0[i] = sv0[i][:et] - vrest dendv = dendv[:, :et] - vrest biv0[it:it + et] += sv0[i] if plotSindivid: fign = directory + 'biv0_' + str(i) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(np.arange(sv0[i].size) * tstep, sv0[i]) ax.plot(np.arange(sv0[i].size) * tstep, dendv.T) pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) for j in xrange(i): jt = itsp[j] if jt + sv0[j].size < it: continue if sortedID[j] == sortedID[i]: sel = [sortedID[j]] tsp = np.array([[0, sortedSpikes[i] - sortedSpikes[j]]]) else: sel = [sortedID[j], sortedID[i]] tsp = np.array([[0], [sortedSpikes[i] - sortedSpikes[j]]]) idt = it - jt b_run_t = sv0[j].size * tstep bv, _, dendv = bproceed(cell, vrest, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, b_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if jt + bv.size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - jt else: et = bv.size bv = bv[:et] - vrest dendv = dendv[:, :et] - vrest if sv0[j].size > et: s1t = et else: s1t = sv0[j].size sv2 = sv0[i] if et - idt > sv2.size: s2t = sv2.size else: s2t = et - idt print 's2:', it, ', ', s2t, '<=', sv2.size print 's1:', jt, ', ', s1t, '<=', sv0[j].size, 'kv start:', idt kv = bv.copy() kv[:s1t] -= sv0[j][:s1t] kv[idt:idt + s2t] -= sv2[:s2t] addv = np.zeros(bv.size) addv[:s1t] += sv0[j][:s1t] addv[idt:idt + s2t] += sv2[:s2t] biv0[jt:jt + et] += kv if plotBindivid: fign = directory + 'biv0_' + str(i) + '-' + str(j) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) t = np.arange(bv.size) * tstep ax.plot(t, bv, 'b') #ax.plot(t,dendv.T) ax.plot(t, kv, ':k') ax.plot(t, addv, ':g') ax.plot(t[:s1t], sv0[j][:s1t], ':r') ax.plot(t[idt:idt + s2t], sv2[:s2t], ':b') pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) sel = [sortedID[i]] if i == 0: v0 = vrest else: v0 = biv1[it] nonv1[i] = v0 cpi = True cell.set_volt(v0) tsp = np.array([[0]]) sv1[i], _, dendv = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if it + sv1[i].size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - it else: et = sv1[i].size leaky_run_t = (et - 1) * tstep sel = [] tsp = np.array([[]]) cell.set_volt(v0) leakyV, _, leakyDendV = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, leaky_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi) sv1[i] = sv1[i][:et] - leakyV dendv = dendv[:, :et] - leakyDendV biv1[it:it + et] += sv1[i] if plotSindivid: fign = directory + 'biv1_' + str(i) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(np.arange(sv1[i].size) * tstep, sv1[i]) ax.plot(np.arange(sv1[i].size) * tstep, dendv.T) pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) for j in xrange(i): jt = itsp[j] if jt + sv1[j].size < it: continue if sortedID[j] == sortedID[i]: sel = [sortedID[j]] tsp = np.array([[0, sortedSpikes[i] - sortedSpikes[j]]]) else: sel = [sortedID[j], sortedID[i]] tsp = np.array([[0], [sortedSpikes[i] - sortedSpikes[j]]]) idt = it - jt b_run_t = sv1[j].size * tstep v0 = nonv1[j] cell.set_volt(v0) bv, _, dendv = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, b_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi, tol) if jt + bv.size >= run_nt: et = run_nt - jt else: et = bv.size leaky_run_t = (et - 1) * tstep sel = [] tsp = np.array([[]]) cell.set_volt(v0) leakyV, _, leakyDendV = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, leaky_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi) bv = bv[:et] - leakyV dendv = dendv[:, :et] - leakyDendV if sv1[j].size > et: s1t = et else: s1t = sv1[j].size if newSv: sel = [sortedID[i]] tsp = np.array([[0]]) v0 = bv[idt] cell.set_volt(v0) sv2, _, dendv = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, (et - idt) * tstep, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi) leaky_run_t = (sv2.size - 1) * tstep sel = [] tsp = np.array([[]]) cell.set_volt(v0) leakyV, _, leakyDendV = bproceed(cell, v0, vThres, sL, gList, vSL, tsp, n, sel, leaky_run_t, tstep, '', pos, loc, alphaR, cpi) sv2 = sv2 - leakyV else: sv2 = sv1[i] if et - idt > sv2.size: s2t = sv2.size else: s2t = et - idt print 's2:', it, ', ', s2t, '<=', sv2.size print 's1:', jt, ', ', s1t, '<=', sv1[j].size, 'kv start:', idt kv = bv.copy() kv[:s1t] -= sv1[j][:s1t] kv[idt:idt + s2t] -= sv2[:s2t] addv = np.zeros(bv.size) addv[:s1t] += sv1[j][:s1t] addv[idt:idt + s2t] += sv2[:s2t] biv1[jt:jt + et] += kv if plotBindivid: fign = directory + 'biv1_' + str(i) + '-' + str(j) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) t = np.arange(bv.size) * tstep ax.plot(t, bv, 'b') #ax.plot(t,dendv.T) ax.plot(t, kv, ':k') ax.plot(t, addv, ':g') ax.plot(t[:s1t], sv1[j][:s1t], ':r') ax.plot(t[idt:idt + s2t], sv2[:s2t], ':b') pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) # plot and compare t = np.arange(run_nt) * tstep fign = 'compare' + str(seed) fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8, 4)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax1.plot(t, simv, 'k') if plotLinear: ax1.plot(t, liv, 'r') ax1.plot(t, liv0, 'g') ax1.plot(t, liv1, 'm') if plotBilinear: ax1.plot(t, biv, 'b') ax1.plot(t, biv0, 'c') ax1.plot(t, biv1, 'y') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) if plotLinear: ax2.plot(t, simv - liv, ':r') ax2.plot(t, simv - liv0, ':g') ax2.plot(t, simv - liv1, ':m') if plotBilinear: ax2.plot(t, simv - biv, ':b') ax2.plot(t, simv - biv0, ':c') ax2.plot(t, simv - biv1, ':y') pyplot.savefig(fign + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=900) datafn = directory + 'data.bin' write_one(datafn, np.array([]), 'wb') write_one(datafn, simv) write_one(datafn, np.array([])) if testLinear: write_one(datafn, liv) write_one(datafn, liv0) write_one(datafn, liv1) write_one(datafn, np.array([])) if testBilinear: write_one(datafn, biv) write_one(datafn, biv0) write_one(datafn, biv1) print cid, 'finished' sender.send(np.array([cid, datafn], dtype=object))
#gI = -g0*np.array([6.0, 10.0, 8.0]) posE = np.array([0.3,0.3,0.9,0.6,0.4,0.2]) posI = np.array([0.7,0.2,0.5]) gE = gE[:locE.size] gI = gI[:locI.size] posE = posE[:locE.size] posI = posI[:locI.size] pos = np.concatenate((posE, posI)) loc = np.concatenate((locE, locI)) gList = np.concatenate((gE, gI)) vrest = -70.0 vThres = -60.0 n = loc.size alphaR = True cell, vSL, synList, _ = prepCell(gList, loc, pos, n, vrest, alphaR) #vRange = np.array([-74,-70,-66,-62],dtype='double') vRange = np.array([-74,-70,-66],dtype='double') dt = 10.0 theme = 'test' datafn = 'leakySingle-' + theme + '.npy' # linear and leaky plotLeakySingle = False t = np.arange(run_nt)*tstep cpi = True nv = vRange.size if not loadSingle: V = np.empty((run_nt,n,nv)) dendV = np.empty((run_nt,n,n,nv)) tMax = np.empty((n,nv))
seed = 231271 np.random.seed(seed) locE = np.array([60, 72, 78, 84, 90, 98],dtype='int') locI = np.array([14, 28, 30],dtype='int') g0 = 32.0*5e-4 gE = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) * g0 gI = -g0*np.array([10.0, 10.0, 10.0]) posE = np.array([0.3,0.3,0.9,0.6,0.4,0.2]) posI = np.array([0.7,0.2,0.5]) pos = np.concatenate((posE, posI)) loc = np.concatenate((locE, locI)) gList = np.concatenate((gE, gI)) v0 = -70 n = loc.size alphaR = True cell, vecStimList, synList, distance = prepCell(gList, loc, pos, n, v0, alphaR) sel = range(n) vecTuple = [np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1])] #vecTuple = (np.array([0,330,run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([run_t+1]),np.array([0,660,run_t+1])) #RList = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],dtype='double') RList0 = np.zeros((9,2)) #dendVclamp = np.array([1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]) dendVclamp = np.array([-50, -50, -50, -50, -50, -50, 1000, 1000, 1000]) t0 = 0.0 tref = 13 vThres = -65.0 #v_pre = -70 v_pre = vThres vBack = -61.0
def generateSvData(datafn,alphaR,vRange,gList,loc,pos,vrest,vThres,run_t,tstep,fmt,theme,normVrest=False): run_nt = int(round(run_t/tstep))+1 nv = vRange.size n = loc.size cell, vSL, sL, _ = prepCell(gList, loc, pos, n, vrest, alphaR) V = np.empty((nv,n,run_nt)) dendV = np.empty((nv,n,n,run_nt)) tMax = np.empty((nv,n),dtype='int') sFire = np.empty((nv,n),dtype='int') if normVrest: leakyV = np.empty((nv,run_nt)) leakyDendV = np.empty((nv,n,run_nt)) print 'get Leaky' jobs = [] receivers = [] for vi in xrange(nv): receiver, sender = mp.Pipe(False) job = mp.Process(target=getLeaky, args = (vi,vRange,cell,vThres,gList,loc,pos,sL,vSL,n,tstep,run_t,alphaR,sender)) jobs.append(job) receivers.append(receiver) job.start() gather_and_distribute_results(receivers, jobs, getLeaky.__name__, nv, 0, leakyV, leakyDendV) fign = 'leakyV' + theme fig = pyplot.figure(fign, figsize=(8,4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) ax.plot(np.arange(run_nt)*tstep,leakyV.T,'k') prop_cycle = pyplot.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] colors = prop_cycle.by_key()['color'] for vi in xrange(nv): ax.set_prop_cycle('color',colors) ax.plot(np.arange(run_nt)*tstep,leakyDendV[vi,:,:].T,':') pyplot.savefig(fign+'.'+fmt,format=fmt,bbox_inches='tight',dpi=900) print 'get singlets' jobs = [] receivers = [] for vi in xrange(nv): receiver, sender = mp.Pipe(False) if normVrest: lV = leakyV[vi,:] lDV = leakyDendV[vi,:] else: lV = [] lDV = [] job = mp.Process(target=getSingletsV, args = (vi,vRange,cell,vThres,gList,loc,pos,sL,vSL,n,tstep,run_t,run_nt,alphaR,sender,normVrest,lV,lDV,fmt)) jobs.append(job) receivers.append(receiver) job.start() print 'waiting for all jobs' try: gather_and_distribute_results(receivers, jobs, getSingletsV.__name__, nv, 0, V, dendV, tMax, sFire) except EOFError: print "尼玛" else: print "finished" if normVrest: write_one(datafn+'.bin',V,mode='wb') write_one(datafn+'.bin',tMax,mode='ab') write_one(datafn+'.bin',sFire,mode='ab') write_one(datafn+'.bin',leakyV,mode='ab') write_one(datafn+'.bin',dendV,mode='ab') write_one(datafn+'.bin',leakyDendV,mode='ab') #with open(datafn+'.npz', 'w') as leakySingleData: # np.savez(leakySingleData, V0=V, dendV0=dendV, tMax0=tMax, sFire0=sFire, leakyV0=leakyV, leakyDendV0=leakyDendV) else: write_one(datafn+'.bin',V,mode='wb') write_one(datafn+'.bin',tMax,mode='ab') write_one(datafn+'.bin',sFire,mode='ab') write_one(datafn+'.bin',dendV,mode='ab') #with open(datafn+'.npz', 'w') as leakySingleData: # np.savez(leakySingleData, V=V, dendV=dendV, tMax=tMax, sFire=sFire) return V, tMax