Ejemplo n.º 1
def measure_passive (gid, pop_name, v_init, env, prelength=1000.0, mainlength=2000.0, stimdur=500.0, cell_dict={}):

    biophys_cell = init_biophys_cell(env, pop_name, gid, register_cell=False, cell_dict=cell_dict)
    hoc_cell = biophys_cell.hoc_cell

    h.dt = env.dt

    tstop = prelength+mainlength
    soma = list(hoc_cell.soma)[0]
    stim1 = h.IClamp(soma(0.5))
    stim1.delay = prelength
    stim1.dur   = stimdur
    stim1.amp   = -0.1

    h('objref tlog, Vlog')
    h.tlog = h.Vector()
    h.tlog.record (h._ref_t)

    h.Vlog = h.Vector()
    h.Vlog.record (soma(0.5)._ref_v)
    h.tstop = tstop

    Rin = h.rn(hoc_cell)
    neuron_utils.simulate(v_init, prelength, mainlength)

    ## compute membrane time constant
    vrest  = h.Vlog.x[int(h.tlog.indwhere(">=",prelength-1))]
    vmin   = h.Vlog.min()
    vmax   = vrest
    ## the time it takes the system's step response to reach 1-1/e (or
    ## 63.2%) of the peak value
    amp23  = 0.632 * abs (vmax - vmin)
    vtau0  = vrest - amp23
    tau0   = h.tlog.x[int(h.Vlog.indwhere ("<=", vtau0))] - prelength

    results = {'Rin': np.asarray([Rin], dtype=np.float32),
               'vmin': np.asarray([vmin], dtype=np.float32),
               'vmax': np.asarray([vmax], dtype=np.float32),
               'vtau0': np.asarray([vtau0], dtype=np.float32),
               'tau0': np.asarray([tau0], dtype=np.float32)

    if gid in env.biophys_cells[pop_name]:
        del env.biophys_cells[pop_name][gid]
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 2
def passive_test(template_class, tree, v_init):

    cell = cells.make_neurotree_cell(template_class, neurotree_dict=tree)

    h.dt = 0.025

    prelength = 1000
    mainlength = 2000

    tstop = prelength + mainlength

    stimdur = 500.0
    soma = list(cell.soma)[0]
    stim1 = h.IClamp(soma(0.5))
    stim1.delay = prelength
    stim1.dur = stimdur
    stim1.amp = -0.1

    h.tlog = h.Vector()

    h.Vlog = h.Vector()

    h.tstop = tstop

    neuron_utils.simulate(v_init, prelength, mainlength)

    ## compute membrane time constant
    vrest = h.Vlog.x[int(h.tlog.indwhere(">=", prelength - 1))]
    vmin = h.Vlog.min()
    vmax = vrest

    ## the time it takes the system's step response to reach 1-1/e (or
    ## 63.2%) of the peak value
    amp23 = 0.632 * abs(vmax - vmin)
    vtau0 = vrest - amp23
    tau0 = h.tlog.x[int(h.Vlog.indwhere("<=", vtau0))] - prelength

    f = open("HIPPCell_passive_results.dat", 'w')

    f.write("DC input resistance: %g MOhm\n" % h.rn(cell))
    f.write("vmin: %g mV\n" % vmin)
    f.write("vtau0: %g mV\n" % vtau0)
    f.write("tau0: %g ms\n" % tau0)
