Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, config_dir='', offline=False):
            configuration_folder: str
                default is current location for configuration files
            offline: boolean
                Can force to switch off internal server
        #NOTE timezone as parameter
        super(Setup, self).__init__()

        self.configuration_folder = config_dir if config_dir else '/'.join((os.environ['QTRADE'], 'config'))

        # Config data structures
        self.config_backtest    = dict()
        self.config_strategie   = dict()
        self.config_environment = self._inspect_environment()

        # Client for easy mysql database access
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

        self.offline = offline
        if not offline:
            # It makes the entire simulator able to receive configuration and
            # send informations to remote users and other processes like web frontend
            self.server = network.ZMQ_Dealer(id=self.__class__.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, configuration):
     #NOTE Allowing different data access ?
     #self.metrics = None
     #self.server        = ZMQ_Dealer(id=self.__class__.__name__)
     self.configuration = configuration
     if 'quandl' in configuration['env']:
         self.datafeed = DataFeed(configuration['env']['quandl'])
         self.datafeed = DataFeed()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, parameters):
        PortfolioManager.__init__(self, parameters)
        # Database access for symbols retrieving
        self.feeds = DataFeed()

        # R stuff: R functions file and rpy interface
        self.r = robjects.r
        portfolio_opt_file = '/'.join(
            (os.environ['QTRADE'], 'neuronquant/ai/opt_utils.R'))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, country_code=None):
         country_code: str
             This information is used to setup International object
             and get the right local conventions for lang,
             dates and currencies. None will stand for 'fr'
     #self.locatioon = world.International(country_code)
     self.datafeed = DataFeed()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, data_descriptor, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data_descriptor['index'],

        self.data_descriptor = data_descriptor
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids = kwargs.get('sids', data_descriptor['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data_descriptor['index'][0])
        self.end = kwargs.get('end', data_descriptor['index'][-1])

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data_descriptor, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.feed = DataFeed()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, parameters):
            parameters : dict(...)
                Named parameters used either for general portfolio settings
                (server and constraints), and for user optimizer function
        super(PortfolioManager, self).__init__()
        self.log       = Logger('Manager')
        self.datafeed      = DataFeed()
        self.portfolio = None
        self.date      = None
        self.name      = parameters.get('name', 'Chuck Norris')
        self._optimizer_parameters = parameters
        self.connected = False
        #TODO Should send stuff anyway, and accept new connections while running

        self.connected = parameters.get('connected', False)

        # Run the server if the engine didn't while it is asked
        if 'server' in parameters:
            self.server = parameters.pop('server')
            if self.server.port is None and self.connected:
                self.log.info('Binding manager on default port...')
                self.server.run(host='', port=5570)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Remote(object):
    Entry point to remote access to data
    Mainly offer a simpler interface and a dataaccess harmonisation
    Plus symbol check and complete, timezone, currency conversion
    Plus reindexage ?
    def __init__(self, country_code=None):
            country_code: str
                This information is used to setup International object
                and get the right local conventions for lang, dates and currencies
                None will stand for 'fr'
        #self.locatioon = world.International(country_code)
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

    def fetch_equities_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Use Yahoo and google finance service to fetch
        current infromations about given equitiy names
            args: tuple
                company names to consider
            kwargs['level']: int
                Quantity of information level
            snapshot: pandas.DataFrame
                with names as columns and informations as index
        equities = args
        if not equities:
            equities = kwargs.get('symbols', [])
        level = kwargs.get('level', 0)
        symbols = [self.datafeed.guess_name(equity) for equity in equities]

        if not level:
            # default level, the lightest
            snapshot = snapshot_yahoo_pandas(symbols)
        elif level == 1:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_light(symbols)
        elif level == 2:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_heavy(symbols)
            raise ValueError('Invalid level of information requested')

        # Give columns back equities names requested
        snapshot.columns = equities
        return snapshot

    def _localize_data(self, data):
        Inspect data and applie localisation
        on date and monnaie values
        assert isinstance(data, pd.Dataframe) or isinstance(data, dict)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Remote(object):
    Entry point to remote access to data
    Mainly offer a simpler interface and a dataaccess harmonisation
    Plus symbol check and complete, timezone, currency conversion
    Plus reindexage ?
    def __init__(self, country_code=None):
            country_code: str
                This information is used to setup International object
                and get the right local conventions for lang, dates and currencies
                None will stand for 'fr'
        #self.locatioon = world.International(country_code)
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

    def fetch_equities_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Use Yahoo and google finance service to fetch
        current infromations about given equitiy names
            args: tuple
                company names to consider
            kwargs['level']: int
                Quantity of information level
            snapshot: pandas.DataFrame
                with names as columns and informations as index
        equities = args
        if not equities:
            equities = kwargs.get('symbols', [])
        level = kwargs.get('level', 0)
        symbols = [self.datafeed.guess_name(equity) for equity in equities]

        if not level:
            # default level, the lightest
            snapshot = snapshot_yahoo_pandas(symbols)
        elif level == 1:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_light(symbols)
        elif level == 2:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_heavy(symbols)
            raise ValueError('Invalid level of information requested')

        # Give columns back equities names requested
        snapshot.columns = equities
        return snapshot

    def _localize_data(self, data):
        Inspect data and applie localisation
        on date and monnaie values
        assert isinstance(data, pd.Dataframe) or isinstance(data, dict)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class OptimalFrontier(PortfolioManager):
    Compute with R the efficient frontier and pick up the optimize point on it
    def __init__(self, parameters):
        PortfolioManager.__init__(self, parameters)
        # Database access for symbols retrieving
        self.feeds = DataFeed()

        # R stuff: R functions file and rpy interface
        self.r = robjects.r
        portfolio_opt_file = '/'.join((os.environ['QTRADE'], 'neuronquant/ai/opt_utils.R'))

    def optimize(self, date, to_buy, to_sell, parameters):
        symbols     = []
        allocations = dict()

        # Considere only portfolio positions + future positions - positions about to be sold
        positions = set([t for t in self.portfolio.positions.keys() if self.portfolio.positions[t].amount]).union(to_buy).difference(to_sell)
        if not positions and to_sell:
            for t in to_sell:
                allocations[t] = - parameters.get('perc_sell', 1.0)
            return allocations, 0, 1
            self.log.error('** No positions determined')
        if len(positions) == 1:
            return {positions.pop(): parameters.get('max_weigths', 0.2)}, 0, 1
        for p in positions:

        loopback    = parameters.get('loopback', 50)
        source      = parameters.get('source', 'yahoo')
        start       = pd.datetime.strftime(date - pd.datetools.BDay(loopback), format = '%Y-%m-%d')
        date        = pd.datetime.strftime(date, format = '%Y-%m-%d')
        r_symbols   = self.r('c("{}")'.format('", "'.join(symbols)))
        r_names     = self.r('c("{}.Return")'.format('.Return", "'.join(symbols)))
        data        = self.r('importSeries')(r_symbols, start, date, source=source)
        frontier = self.r('getEfficientFrontier')(data, r_names, points = 500, Debug   = False, graph = False)
        if not frontier:
            self.log.warning('No optimal frontier found')
            return dict(), None, None
            mp       = self.r('marketPortfolio')(frontier, 0.02, Debug      = False, graph = False)
            self.log.error('** Error running R optimizer')
            return dict(), None, None
        self.log.debug('Allocation: {}'.format(mp))
        #FIXME Some key errors survive so far
        for s, t in zip(symbols, positions):
            allocations[t] = round(mp.rx('.'.join((s, 'Return')))[0][0], 2)
        er   = round(mp.rx('er')[0][0], 2)
        eStd = round(mp.rx('eStd')[0][0], 2)
        self.log.debug('Allocation: {}\nWith expected return: {}\tand expected risk: {}'.format(allocations, er, eStd))

        return allocations, er, eStd
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, parameters):
        PortfolioManager.__init__(self, parameters)
        # Database access for symbols retrieving
        self.feeds = DataFeed()

        # R stuff: R functions file and rpy interface
        self.r = robjects.r
        portfolio_opt_file = '/'.join((os.environ['QTRADE'], 'neuronquant/ai/opt_utils.R'))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, data=None, flavor='mysql', lvl='debug'):
        #NOTE Allowing different data access ?
        self.data          = data
        if not data:
            self.feeds         = DataFeed()
        self.backtest_cfg  = None
        self.algo_cfg      = None
        self.manager_cfg   = None
        self.monthly_perfs = None

        self.server        = ZMQ_Dealer(id=self.__class__.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data = data
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids = kwargs.get('sids', data['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data['index'][0])
        self.end = kwargs.get('end', data['index'][-1])

        self.fake_index = pd.date_range(self.start,

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.remote = Fetcher()
        self.feed = DataFeed()
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, data_descriptor, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data_descriptor['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data_descriptor = data_descriptor
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids = kwargs.get('sids', data_descriptor['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data_descriptor['index'][0])
        self.end = kwargs.get('end', data_descriptor['index'][-1])

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data_descriptor, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.feed = DataFeed()
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Analyze, self).__init__()

        # MySQL Database client
        self.datafeed = kwargs.pop('datafeed') if 'datafeed' in kwargs else DataFeed()

        # R analysis file only need portfolio returns
        self.returns = kwargs.pop('returns') if 'returns' in kwargs else None

        # Final risk measurments as returned by the backtester
        self.results = kwargs.pop('results') if 'results' in kwargs else None

        # Simulation rolling performance
        self.metrics = kwargs.pop('metrics') if 'metrics' in kwargs else None

        # You better should know what was simulation's parameters
        self.configuration = kwargs.pop('configuration') if 'configuration' in kwargs else None
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, configuration):
            configuration : dict
                Named parameters used either for general portfolio settings
                (server and constraints), and for user optimizer function
        super(PortfolioManager, self).__init__()

        # Easy mysql access
        self.datafeed  = DataFeed()

        # Zipline portfolio object, updated during simulation with self.date
        self.portfolio = None
        self.date      = None

        # Portfolio owner, mainly used for database saving and client communication
        self.name      = configuration.get('name', 'ChuckNorris')
        self.log       = logbook.Logger('Manager::' + self.name)

        # Other parameters are used in user optimize() method
        self._optimizer_parameters = configuration

        # Make the manager talk to connected clients
        self.connected = configuration.get('connected', False)
        # Send android notifications when orders are processed
        # It's only possible with a running server
        self.android   = configuration.get('android', False) & self.connected

        # Delete from database data with the same portfolio name
        if configuration.get('clean', True):
            self.log.info('Cleaning previous trades.')

        # Run the server if the engine didn't, while it is asked for
        if 'server' in configuration and self.connected:
            # Getting server object instanciated anyway before (by Setup object)
            self.server = configuration.pop('server')

        # Web based dashboard where real time results are monitored
        #FIXME With dynamic generation, dashboad never exists at this point
        #self.dashboard = Dashboard(self.name)

        # In case user optimization would need to retrieve more data
        self.remote = Remote()
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data = data
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids  = kwargs.get('sids', data['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data['index'][0])
        self.end   = kwargs.get('end', data['index'][-1])

        self.fake_index = pd.date_range(self.start, self.end, freq=pd.datetools.BDay())

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.remote = Fetcher()
        self.feed = DataFeed()
Ejemplo n.º 17
def smart_tickers_select(tickers_description, exchange=''):
    Take tickers string description and return
    an array of explicit and usuable symbols
    # Informations are coma separated within the string
    tickers_description = tickers_description.split(',')

    # Useful way of stocks selection in order to test algorithm strength
    if tickers_description[0] == 'random':
        # Basic check: the second argument is the the number, integer, of stocks to pick up randomly
        assert len(tickers_description) == 2
        assert int(tickers_description[1])

        # Pick up stocks on specified (or not) market exchange
        tickers_description = DataFeed().random_stocks(
            int(tickers_description[1]), exchange=exchange.split(','))

    return tickers_description
Ejemplo n.º 18
class OptimalFrontier(PortfolioManager):
    Compute with R the efficient frontier and pick up the optimize point on it
    def __init__(self, parameters):
        PortfolioManager.__init__(self, parameters)
        # Database access for symbols retrieving
        self.feeds = DataFeed()

        # R stuff: R functions file and rpy interface
        self.r = robjects.r
        portfolio_opt_file = '/'.join(
            (os.environ['QTRADE'], 'neuronquant/ai/opt_utils.R'))

    def optimize(self, date, to_buy, to_sell, parameters):
        symbols = []
        allocations = dict()

        # Considere only portfolio positions + future positions - positions about to be sold
        positions = set([
            t for t in self.portfolio.positions.keys()
            if self.portfolio.positions[t].amount
        if not positions and to_sell:
            for t in to_sell:
                allocations[t] = -parameters.get('perc_sell', 1.0)
            return allocations, 0, 1
            assert (positions)
            self.log.error('** No positions determined')
        if len(positions) == 1:
            return {positions.pop(): parameters.get('max_weigths', 0.2)}, 0, 1
        for p in positions:

        loopback = parameters.get('loopback', 50)
        source = parameters.get('source', 'yahoo')
        start = pd.datetime.strftime(date - pd.datetools.BDay(loopback),
        date = pd.datetime.strftime(date, format='%Y-%m-%d')
        r_symbols = self.r('c("{}")'.format('", "'.join(symbols)))
        r_names = self.r('c("{}.Return")'.format('.Return", "'.join(symbols)))
        data = self.r('importSeries')(r_symbols, start, date, source=source)
        frontier = self.r('getEfficientFrontier')(data,
        if not frontier:
            self.log.warning('No optimal frontier found')
            return dict(), None, None
            mp = self.r('marketPortfolio')(frontier,
            self.log.error('** Error running R optimizer')
            return dict(), None, None
        self.log.debug('Allocation: {}'.format(mp))
        #FIXME Some key errors survive so far
        for s, t in zip(symbols, positions):
            allocations[t] = round(mp.rx('.'.join((s, 'Return')))[0][0], 2)
        er = round(mp.rx('er')[0][0], 2)
        eStd = round(mp.rx('eStd')[0][0], 2)
            'Allocation: {}\nWith expected return: {}\tand expected risk: {}'.
            format(allocations, er, eStd))

        return allocations, er, eStd
Ejemplo n.º 19
class DataLiveSource(DataSource):
    Yields all events in event_list that match the given sid_filter.
    If no event_list is specified, generates an internal stream of events
    to filter.  Returns all events if filter is None.

    Configuration options:

    sids   : list of values representing simulated internal sids
    start  : start date
    delta  : timedelta between internal events
    filter : filter to remove the sids
    def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data = data
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids = kwargs.get('sids', data['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data['index'][0])
        self.end = kwargs.get('end', data['index'][-1])

        self.fake_index = pd.date_range(self.start,

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.remote = Fetcher()
        self.feed = DataFeed()

    def mapping(self):
        return {
            'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
            'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
            'price': (float, 'price'),
            'currency': (str, 'currency'),
            'perc_change': (float, 'perc_change'),
            'volume': (int, 'volume'),

    def instance_hash(self):
        return self.arg_string

    def raw_data_gen(self):
        current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
        index = self.data['index']
        selector = (index.day > current_dt.day) \
                | ((index.day == current_dt.day) & (index.hour > current_dt.hour)) \
                | ((index.day == current_dt.day) & (index.hour == current_dt.hour) & (index.minute >= current_dt.minute))
        #NOTE Not an equal size issue ?
        for fake_dt, dt in zip(self.fake_index, index[selector]):
            while (current_dt.minute != dt.minute) or (current_dt.hour !=
                current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
                print('Waiting {} / {}'.format(current_dt, dt))
            #for fake_dt, dt in zip(self.fake_index, self.data['index']):
            for sid in self.data['tickers']:
                if sid in self.sids:
                    symbol = self.feed.guess_name(sid).lower()
                    #FIXME Erros because no markets specifie, use light=True and add market
                    #snapshot = self.remote.get_stock_snapshot(symbol, light=False)
                    snapshot = self.remote.get_stock_snapshot(symbol,
                    import ipdb
                    log.debug('Data available:\n{}'.format(
                                   separators=(',', ': '))))
                    if not snapshot:
                            '** No data snapshot available, maybe stopped by google ?'
                    event = {
                        'dt': fake_dt,
                        'trade_time': dt,
                        'sid': sid,
                        'price': float(snapshot[symbol]['last']),
                        'currency': snapshot[symbol]['currency'],
                        'perc_change': float(snapshot[symbol]['perc_change']),
                        'volume': int(snapshot[symbol]['volume']),
                    yield event

    def raw_data(self):
        if not self._raw_data:
            self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
        return self._raw_data
Ejemplo n.º 20
class DBPriceSource(DataSource):
    Yields all events in event_list that match the given sid_filter.
    If no event_list is specified, generates an internal stream of events
    to filter.  Returns all events if filter is None.

    Configuration options:

    sids   : list of values representing simulated internal sids
    start  : start date
    delta  : timedelta between internal events
    filter : filter to remove the sids

    def __init__(self, data_descriptor, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data_descriptor['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data_descriptor = data_descriptor
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids = kwargs.get('sids', data_descriptor['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data_descriptor['index'][0])
        self.end = kwargs.get('end', data_descriptor['index'][-1])

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data_descriptor, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.feed = DataFeed()

    def mapping(self):
        return {
            'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
            'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
            'price': (float, 'price'),
            'volume': (int, 'volume'),

    def instance_hash(self):
        return self.arg_string

    def _get(self):
        return self.feed.quotes(self.sids,
            start_date=self.start, end_date=self.end)

    def raw_data_gen(self):
        self.data = self._get()
        for dt, series in self.data.iterrows():
            for sid, price in series.iterkv():
                if sid in self.sids:
                    event = {
                        'dt': dt,
                        'sid': sid,
                        'price': price,
                        'volume': 1000,
                    yield event

    def raw_data(self):
        if not self._raw_data:
            self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
        return self._raw_data
Ejemplo n.º 21
class DBPriceSource(DataSource):
    Yields all events in event_list that match the given sid_filter.
    If no event_list is specified, generates an internal stream of events
    to filter.  Returns all events if filter is None.

    Configuration options:

    sids   : list of values representing simulated internal sids
    start  : start date
    delta  : timedelta between internal events
    filter : filter to remove the sids
    def __init__(self, data_descriptor, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data_descriptor['index'],

        self.data_descriptor = data_descriptor
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids = kwargs.get('sids', data_descriptor['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data_descriptor['index'][0])
        self.end = kwargs.get('end', data_descriptor['index'][-1])

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data_descriptor, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.feed = DataFeed()

    def mapping(self):
        return {
            'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
            'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
            'price': (float, 'price'),
            'volume': (int, 'volume'),

    def instance_hash(self):
        return self.arg_string

    def _get(self):
        return self.feed.quotes(self.sids,

    def raw_data_gen(self):
        self.data = self._get()
        for dt, series in self.data.iterrows():
            for sid, price in series.iterkv():
                if sid in self.sids:
                    event = {
                        'dt': dt,
                        'sid': sid,
                        'price': price,
                        'volume': 1000,
                    yield event

    def raw_data(self):
        if not self._raw_data:
            self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
        return self._raw_data
Ejemplo n.º 22
class DataLiveSource(DataSource):
    Yields all events in event_list that match the given sid_filter.
    If no event_list is specified, generates an internal stream of events
    to filter.  Returns all events if filter is None.

    Configuration options:

    sids   : list of values representing simulated internal sids
    start  : start date
    delta  : timedelta between internal events
    filter : filter to remove the sids

    def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data = data
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids  = kwargs.get('sids', data['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data['index'][0])
        self.end   = kwargs.get('end', data['index'][-1])

        self.fake_index = pd.date_range(self.start, self.end, freq=pd.datetools.BDay())

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.remote = Fetcher()
        self.feed = DataFeed()

    def mapping(self):
        return {
            'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
            'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
            'price': (float, 'price'),
            'currency': (str, 'currency'),
            'perc_change': (float, 'perc_change'),
            'volume': (int, 'volume'),

    def instance_hash(self):
        return self.arg_string

    def raw_data_gen(self):
        current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
        index = self.data['index']
        selector = (index.day > current_dt.day) \
                | ((index.day == current_dt.day) & (index.hour > current_dt.hour)) \
                | ((index.day == current_dt.day) & (index.hour == current_dt.hour) & (index.minute >= current_dt.minute))
        #NOTE Not an equal size issue ?
        for fake_dt, dt in zip(self.fake_index, index[selector]):
            while (current_dt.minute != dt.minute) or (current_dt.hour != dt.hour) :
                current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
                print('Waiting {} / {}'.format(current_dt, dt))
            #for fake_dt, dt in zip(self.fake_index, self.data['index']):
            for sid in self.data['tickers']:
                if sid in self.sids:
                    symbol = self.feed.guess_name(sid).lower()
                    #FIXME Erros because no markets specifie, use light=True and add market
                    #snapshot = self.remote.get_stock_snapshot(symbol, light=False)
                    snapshot = self.remote.get_stock_snapshot(symbol, light=True)
                    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
                    log.debug('Data available:\n{}'.format(json.dumps(snapshot,
                                                           sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))))
                    if not snapshot:
                        log.error('** No data snapshot available, maybe stopped by google ?')
                    event = {
                        'dt': fake_dt,
                        'trade_time': dt,
                        'sid': sid,
                        'price': float(snapshot[symbol]['last']),
                        'currency': snapshot[symbol]['currency'],
                        'perc_change': float(snapshot[symbol]['perc_change']),
                        'volume': int(snapshot[symbol]['volume']),
                    yield event

    def raw_data(self):
        if not self._raw_data:
            self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
        return self._raw_data
Ejemplo n.º 23
class Simulation(object):
    ''' Take a trading strategie and evalute its results '''
    def __init__(self, data=None, flavor='mysql', lvl='debug'):
        #NOTE Allowing different data access ?
        self.data          = data
        if not data:
            self.feeds         = DataFeed()
        self.backtest_cfg  = None
        self.algo_cfg      = None
        self.manager_cfg   = None
        self.monthly_perfs = None

        self.server        = ZMQ_Dealer(id=self.__class__.__name__)

    def configure(self, bt_cfg=None, a_cfg=None, m_cfg=None):
        ''' Reads and provides a clean configuration for the simulation '''

        if not bt_cfg:
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Backtester module, the terrific financial simukation')
            parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s v0.8.1 Licence rien du tout', help='Print program version')
            parser.add_argument('-d', '--delta', type=str, action='store', default='D', required=False, help='Delta in days betweend two quotes fetch')
            parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithm', action='store', required=True, help='Trading algorithm to be used')
            parser.add_argument('-m', '--manager', action='store', required=True, help='Portfolio strategie to be used')
            parser.add_argument('-b', '--database', action='store', default='test', required=False, help='Table to considere in database')
            parser.add_argument('-t', '--tickers', action='store', required=True, help='target names to process')
            parser.add_argument('-s', '--start', action='store', default='1/1/2006', required=False, help='Start date of the backtester')
            parser.add_argument('-e', '--end', action='store', default='1/12/2010', required=False, help='Stop date of the backtester')
            parser.add_argument('-r', '--remote', action='store_true', help='Indicates if the program was ran manually or not')
            parser.add_argument('-l', '--live', action='store_true', help='makes the engine work in real-time !')
            parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', action='store', default=5570, required=False, help='Activates the diffusion of the universe on the network, on the port provided')
            args = parser.parse_args()

            self.backtest_cfg = {'algorithm'   : args.algorithm,
                                 'delta'       : args.delta,
                                 'manager'     : args.manager,
                                 'database'    : args.database,
                                 'tickers'     : args.tickers.split(','),
                                 'start'       : args.start,
                                 'end'         : args.end,
                                 'live'        : args.live,
                                 'port'        : args.port,
                                 'remote'      : args.remote}
            self.backtest_cfg = bt_cfg

        if isinstance(self.backtest_cfg['start'], str) and isinstance(self.backtest_cfg['end'], str):
            ###############test = pd.datetime.strptime('2012-02-01:14:00', '%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M')
            self.backtest_cfg['start'] = pytz.utc.localize(pd.datetime.strptime(self.backtest_cfg['start'], '%Y-%m-%d'))
            self.backtest_cfg['end']   = pytz.utc.localize(pd.datetime.strptime(self.backtest_cfg['end'], '%Y-%m-%d'))
        elif isinstance(self.backtest_cfg['start'], pd.datetime) and isinstance(self.backtest_cfg['end'], pd.datetime):
            if not self.backtest_cfg['start'].tzinfo:
                self.backtest_cfg['start'] = pytz.utc.localize(self.backtest_cfg['start'])
            if not self.backtest_cfg['end'].tzinfo:
                self.backtest_cfg['end'] = pytz.utc.localize(self.backtest_cfg['end'])
            raise NotImplementedError()

        #if self.backtest_cfg['interactive']:
        self.read_config(remote=self.backtest_cfg['remote'], manager=m_cfg, algorithm=a_cfg)
            #self.server.run_forever(port=self.backtest_cfg['port'], on_recv=self.read_config)

        return self.backtest_cfg

    def read_config(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.manager_cfg = kwargs.get('manager', None)
        self.algo_cfg = kwargs.get('algorithm', None)

        if kwargs.get('remote', False):
            self.server.run(host='', port=self.backtest_cfg['port'])

            # In remote mode, client sends missing configuration through zmq socket
            if (not self.manager_cfg) or (not self.algo_cfg):
                log.info('Fetching backtest configuration from client')
                msg = self.server.receive(json=True)
                log.debug('Got it !')

            # Set simulation parameters with it
            assert isinstance(msg, dict)
            if self.manager_cfg is None:
                self.manager_cfg = msg['manager']
            if self.algo_cfg is None:
                self.algo_cfg    = msg['algorithm']

            # Reading configuration from json files
            config_dir = '/'.join((os.environ['QTRADE'], 'config/'))
                # Files store many algos and manager parameters,
                # use backtest configuration to pick up the right one
                if self.manager_cfg is None:
                    self.manager_cfg = json.load(open('{}/managers.cfg'.format(config_dir), 'r'))[self.backtest_cfg['manager']]
                if self.algo_cfg is None:
                    self.algo_cfg    = json.load(open('{}/algos.cfg'.format(config_dir), 'r'))[self.backtest_cfg['algorithm']]
                log.error('** loading json configuration.')

        # The manager can use the same socket during simulation to emit portfolio informations
        self.manager_cfg['server'] = self.server
        log.info('Configuration is Done.')

    def run_backtest(self):
        # No configuration, no backtest man
        if self.backtest_cfg is None or self.algo_cfg is None or self.manager_cfg is None:
            log.error('** Backtester not configured properly')
            return 1

        #'''_____________________________________________________________________    Parameters    ________
        if self.backtest_cfg['tickers'][0] == 'random':
            assert(len(self.backtest_cfg['tickers']) == 2)
            self.backtest_cfg['tickers'] = self.feeds.random_stocks(int(self.backtest_cfg['tickers'][1]))

        if self.backtest_cfg['live']:
            #dates = pd.date_range(self.backtest_cfg['start'], self.backtest_cfg['end'], freq=self.backtest_cfg['delta'])
            #NOTE A temporary hack to avoid zipline dirty modification
            periods = self.backtest_cfg['end'] - self.backtest_cfg['start']
            dates = pd.date_range(pd.datetime.now(), periods=periods.days + 1, freq=self.backtest_cfg['delta'])
            if dates.freq > pd.datetools.Day():
                #fr_selector = ((dates.hour > 8) & (dates.hour < 17)) | ((dates.hour == 17) & (dates.minute < 31))
                us_selector = ((dates.hour > 15) & (dates.hour < 22)) | ((dates.hour == 15) & (dates.minute > 31))
                dates = dates[us_selector]
            if not dates:
                log.warning('! Market closed.')
            data = {'tickers': self.backtest_cfg['tickers'], 'index': dates.tz_localize(pytz.utc)}
            data = self.feeds.quotes(self.backtest_cfg['tickers'],
                                     start_date = self.backtest_cfg['start'],
                                     end_date   = self.backtest_cfg['end'])
            assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)
            assert data.index.tzinfo

        #___________________________________________________________________________    Running    ________
        log.info('\n-- Running backetester...\nUsing algorithm: {}\n'.format(self.backtest_cfg['algorithm']))
        log.info('\n-- Using portfolio manager: {}\n'.format(self.backtest_cfg['manager']))

        backtester = BacktesterEngine(self.backtest_cfg['algorithm'],
        self.results, self.monthly_perfs = backtester.run(data)
        return self.results

    def rolling_performances(self, timestamp='one_month', save=False, db_id=None):
        ''' Filters self.perfs and, if asked, save it to database '''
        #TODO Study the impact of month choice
        #TODO Check timestamp in an enumeration

        #NOTE Script args define default database table name (test), make it consistent
        if db_id is None:
            db_id = self.backtest_cfg['algorithm'] + pd.datetime.strftime(pd.datetime.now(), format='%Y%m%d')

        if self.monthly_perfs:
            perfs  = dict()
            length = range(len(self.monthly_perfs[timestamp]))
            index  = self._get_index(self.monthly_perfs[timestamp])
            perfs['Name']                 = np.array([db_id] * len(self.monthly_perfs[timestamp]))
            #perfs['Period']               = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['period_label'] for i in length])
            perfs['Period']               = np.array([pd.datetime.date(date)                                      for date in index])
            perfs['Sharpe.Ratio']         = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['sharpe']                  for i in length])
            perfs['Returns']              = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['algorithm_period_return'] for i in length])
            perfs['Max.Drawdown']         = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['max_drawdown']            for i in length])
            perfs['Volatility']           = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['algo_volatility']         for i in length])
            perfs['Beta']                 = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['beta']                    for i in length])
            perfs['Alpha']                = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['alpha']                   for i in length])
            perfs['Excess.Returns']       = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['excess_return']           for i in length])
            perfs['Benchmark.Returns']    = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['benchmark_period_return'] for i in length])
            perfs['Benchmark.Volatility'] = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['benchmark_volatility']    for i in length])
            perfs['Treasury.Returns']     = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['treasury_period_return']  for i in length])
            #TODO Get it from DB if it exists
            raise NotImplementedError()

            data = pd.DataFrame(perfs, index=index)
            import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

        if save:
        return data

    def overall_metrics(self, timestamp='one_month', save=False, db_id=None):
        ''' Use zipline results to compute some performance indicators and store it in database '''
        perfs = dict()
        metrics = self.rolling_performances(timestamp=timestamp, save=False, db_id=db_id)
        riskfree = np.mean(metrics['Treasury.Returns'])

        #NOTE Script args define default database table name (test), make it consistent
        if db_id is None:
            db_id = self.backtest_cfg['algorithm'] + pd.datetime.strftime(pd.datetime.now(), format='%Y%m%d')
        perfs['Name']              = db_id
        perfs['Sharpe.Ratio']      = tsu.get_sharpe_ratio(metrics['Returns'].values, risk_free = riskfree)
        perfs['Returns']           = (((metrics['Returns'] + 1).cumprod()) - 1)[-1]
        perfs['Max.Drawdown']      = max(metrics['Max.Drawdown'])
        perfs['Volatility']        = np.mean(metrics['Volatility'])
        perfs['Beta']              = np.mean(metrics['Beta'])
        perfs['Alpha']             = np.mean(metrics['Alpha'])
        perfs['Benchmark.Returns'] = (((metrics['Benchmark.Returns'] + 1).cumprod()) - 1)[-1]

        if save:
        return perfs

    #TODO Save returns
    def get_returns(self, benchmark=None, timestamp='one_month', save=False, db_id=None):
        returns = dict()

        if benchmark:
            #TODO Benchmark fields in database for guessing name like for stocks
            benchmark_symbol = '^GSPC'
            benchmark_data  = get_benchmark_returns(benchmark_symbol, self.backtest_cfg['start'], self.backtest_cfg['end'])
            raise NotImplementedError()
        #benchmark_data = [d for d in benchmark_data if (d.date >= self.backtest_cfg['start']) and (d.date <= self.backtest_cfg['end'])]
        dates = pd.DatetimeIndex([d.date for d in benchmark_data])

        returns['Benchmark.Returns']  = pd.Series([d.returns for d in benchmark_data], index=dates)
        returns['Benchmark.CReturns'] = ((returns['Benchmark.Returns'] + 1).cumprod()) - 1
        returns['Returns']            = pd.Series(self.results.returns, index=dates)
        returns['CReturns']           = pd.Series(((self.results.returns + 1).cumprod()) - 1, index=dates)

        df = pd.DataFrame(returns, index=dates)

        if save:
            raise NotImplementedError()
            self.feeds.stock_db.saveDFToDB(df, table=db_id)

        if benchmark is None:
            df = df.drop(['Benchmark.Returns', 'Benchmark.CReturns'], axis=1)
        return df

    def _get_index(self, perfs):
        #NOTE No frequency infos or just period number ?
        start = pytz.utc.localize(pd.datetime.strptime(perfs[0]['period_label'] + '-01', '%Y-%m-%d'))
        end = pytz.utc.localize(pd.datetime.strptime(perfs[-1]['period_label'] + '-01', '%Y-%m-%d'))
        return pd.date_range(start - pd.datetools.BDay(10), end, freq=pd.datetools.MonthBegin())

    def _extract_perf(self, perfs, field):
        index = self._get_index(perfs)
        values = [perfs[i][field] for i in range(len(perfs))]
        return pd.Series(values, index=index)

    def __del__(self):
        del self.server
Ejemplo n.º 24
class Remote(object):
    Entry point to remote access to data
    Mainly offer a simpler interface and a dataaccess harmonisation
    Plus symbol check and complete, timezone, currency conversion
    Plus reindexage ?
    def __init__(self, country_code=None):
            country_code: str
                This information is used to setup International object
                and get the right local conventions for lang,
                dates and currencies. None will stand for 'fr'
        #self.locatioon = world.International(country_code)
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

    #NOTE with args and kwargs ?
    def fetch_equities_daily(self, equities, ohlc=False,
                             r_type=False, returns=False, **kwargs):
        if len(equities) == 0:
            return pd.DataFrame()
        if isinstance(equities, str):
            equities = equities.split(',')
        symbols = [self.datafeed.guess_name(equity) for equity in equities]

        if ohlc:
            data = load_bars_from_yahoo(stocks=symbols, **kwargs)
            data.items = equities
            data = load_from_yahoo(stocks=symbols, **kwargs)
            data.columns = equities

            #NOTE Would it work with a pandas panel ?
            if returns:
                data = ((data - data.shift(1)) / data).fillna(method='bfill')
            if r_type:
                data = convert_to_r_matrix(data)

        return data

    def fetch_equities_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Use Yahoo and google finance service to fetch
        current infromations about given equitiy names
            args: tuple
                company names to consider
            kwargs['level']: int
                Quantity of information level
            snapshot: pandas.DataFrame
                with names as columns and informations as index
        equities = args
        if not equities:
            equities = kwargs.get('symbols', [])
        level = kwargs.get('level', 0)
        #TODO Symbols are usualy reused, cach them
        symbols = [self.datafeed.guess_name(equity) for equity in equities]

        if not level:
            # default level, the lightest
            snapshot = snapshot_yahoo_pandas(symbols)
        elif level == 1:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_light(symbols)
        elif level == 2:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_heavy(symbols)
            raise ValueError('Invalid level of information requested')

        # Give columns back equities names requested
        snapshot.columns = equities
        return snapshot

    def _localize_data(self, data):
        Inspect data and applie localisation
        on date and monnaie values
        assert isinstance(data, pd.Dataframe) or isinstance(data, dict)
Ejemplo n.º 25
class Setup(object):
    ''' Configuration object for the Trading engine'''
    def __init__(self, config_dir='', offline=False):
            configuration_folder: str
                default is current location for configuration files
            offline: boolean
                Can force to switch off internal server
        #NOTE timezone as parameter
        super(Setup, self).__init__()

        self.configuration_folder = config_dir if config_dir else '/'.join((os.environ['QTRADE'], 'config'))

        # Config data structures
        self.config_backtest    = dict()
        self.config_strategie   = dict()
        self.config_environment = self._inspect_environment()

        # Client for easy mysql database access
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

        self.offline = offline
        if not offline:
            # It makes the entire simulator able to receive configuration and
            # send informations to remote users and other processes like web frontend
            self.server = network.ZMQ_Dealer(id=self.__class__.__name__)

    def _inspect_environment(self, local_file='~/.quantrade/default.json'):
        Read common user and project configuration files
        for usual environment parameters
        context = dict()
        if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(local_file)):
            log.info('Found local configuration file, loading {}'.format(local_file))
            context = self._read_structured_file(os.path.expanduser(local_file))
        return context

    def _read_structured_file(self, formatfile, config_folder=False, select_field=None, format='json'):
        Map well structured, i.e. common file format like key-value storage, csv, ...,  file content into a dictionnary
        if format == 'json':
                # Read given file in specified format from default or given config directory
                if config_folder:
                    content = json.load(open('/'.join([self.configuration_folder, formatfile]), 'r'))
                    content = json.load(open(formatfile, 'r'))
                log.error('** loading json configuration.')
                return dict()
            #TODO Other key-value file storage style
            raise NotImplementedError()

        # Configuration fields are likely to have several parameter categories
        # If specified, return only 'select_field' one
        return content[select_field] if select_field else content

    def parse_commandline(self):
        Read command lines arguments and map them
        to a more usuable dictionnary
            self.config_backtest: dict():
                Backtest simulator itself parameters
        log.debug('Reading commandline arguments')

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Backtester module, the terrific financial simukation')
        parser.add_argument('-v', '--version',
                            version='%(prog)s v0.8.1 Licence rien du tout', help='Print program version')
        parser.add_argument('-f', '--frequency',
                            type=str, action='store', default='daily',
                            required=False, help='(pandas) frequency in days betweend two quotes fetch')
        parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithm',
                            required=True, help='Trading algorithm to be used')
        parser.add_argument('-m', '--manager',
                            required=True, help='Portfolio strategie to be used')
        parser.add_argument('-b', '--database',
                            action='store', default='test',
                            required=False, help='Table to considere in database')
        parser.add_argument('-i', '--initialcash',
                            type=float, action='store', default=100000.0,
                            required=False, help='Initial cash portfolio value')
        parser.add_argument('-t', '--tickers',
                            action='store', default='random',
                            required=False, help='target names to process')
        parser.add_argument('-s', '--start',
                            action='store', default='1/1/2006',
                            required=False, help='Start date of the backtester')
        parser.add_argument('-e', '--end',
                            action='store', default='1/12/2010',
                            required=False, help='Stop date of the backtester')
        parser.add_argument('-ex', '--exchange',
                            action='store', default='',
                            required=False, help='list of markets where trade, separated with a coma')
        parser.add_argument('-r', '--remote',
                            help='Indicates if the program was ran manually or not')
        parser.add_argument('-l', '--live',
                            help='makes the engine work in real-time !')
        parser.add_argument('-p', '--port',
                            action='store', default=5570,
                            required=False, help='Activates the diffusion of the universe on the network, on the port provided')
        args = parser.parse_args()

        #TODO Same as zipline in datasource, a mapping function with type and conversion function tuple
        #NOTE self.config_backtest = args.__dict__
        # For generic use, further modules will need a dictionnary of parameters, not the namespace provided by argparse
        log.debug('Mapping arguments to backtest parameters dictionnary')
        self.config_backtest = {'algorithm'   : args.algorithm,
                                'frequency'   : args.frequency,
                                'manager'     : args.manager,
                                'database'    : args.database,
                                'tickers'     : self._smart_tickers_select(args.tickers, exchange=args.exchange),
                                'start'       : self._normalize_date_format(args.start),
                                'end'         : self._normalize_date_format(args.end),
                                'live'        : args.live,
                                'port'        : args.port,
                                'exchange'    : args.exchange,
                                'cash'        : args.initialcash,
                                'remote'      : args.remote}

        return self.config_backtest

    def get_strategie_configuration(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Read localy or receive remotely
        strategie's parameters
        if kwargs.get('remote', self.config_backtest['remote']):
            # Get configuration through ZMQ socket
            self.config_strategie = self._get_remote_data(port=self.config_backtest['port'])
            log.info('Reading strategie configuration from json files')
            self.config_strategie['manager'] = \
            self.config_strategie['algorithm'] = \

        # The manager can use the same socket during simulation to emit portfolio informations
        self.config_strategie['manager']['server'] = self.server
        log.info('Configuration is Done.')

        return self.config_strategie

    def _get_remote_data(self, port, host='localhost'):
        Listen on backend ZMQ socket configuration data
        # We need data from network, start the server
        assert not self.offline
        self.server.run(host=host, port=port)

        # In remote mode, client sends missing configuration through zmq socket
        log.info('Fetching backtest configuration from client')
        msg = self.server.receive(json=True)
        log.debug('Got it !')

        # Check message format and fields
        assert isinstance(msg, dict)
        assert 'algorithm' in msg
        assert 'manager' in msg

        return msg

    def _smart_tickers_select(self, tickers_description, exchange=''):
        Take tickers string description and return
        an array of explicit and usuable symbols
        # Informations are coma separated within the string
        tickers_description = tickers_description.split(',')

        # Useful way of stocks selection in order to test algorithm strength
        if tickers_description[0] == 'random':
            # Basic check: the second argument is the the number, integer, of stocks to pick up randomly
            assert len(tickers_description) == 2
            assert int(tickers_description[1])

            # Pick up stocks on specified (or not) market exchange
            tickers_description = self.datafeed.random_stocks(int(tickers_description[1]), exchange=exchange.split(','))

        return tickers_description

    #TODO Handle in-day dates, with hours and minutes
    def _normalize_date_format(self, date):
        Dates can be defined in many ways, but zipline use
        aware datetime objects only
            date: str
                String date like YYYY-MM-DD
        assert isinstance(date, str)
        return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d'))
Ejemplo n.º 26
class QuandlSource(DataSource):
    Yields all events in event_list that match the given sid_filter.
    If no event_list is specified, generates an internal stream of events
    to filter.  Returns all events if filter is None.

    Configuration options:

    sids   : list of values representing simulated internal sids
    start  : start date
    delta  : timedelta between internal events
    filter : filter to remove the sids
    def __init__(self, data_descriptor, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data_descriptor['index'],

        self.data_descriptor = data_descriptor
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids = kwargs.get('sids', data_descriptor['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data_descriptor['index'][0])
        self.end = kwargs.get('end', data_descriptor['index'][-1])

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data_descriptor, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.feed = DataFeed()

    def mapping(self):
        mapping = {
            'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
            'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
            'price': (float, 'Adjusted Close'),
            'volume': (int, 'Volume'),

        # Add additional fields.
        for field_name in self.data:
            if field_name in ['Adjusted Close', 'Volume', 'dt', 'sid']:
            mapping[field_name] = (lambda x: x, field_name)

        return mapping

    def instance_hash(self):
        return self.arg_string

    def _get(self):
        #TODO Test here for one value, make it later a panel
        assert len(self.sids) == 1
        # Try to set quandl api key, stored in default config file

        return self.feed.fetch_quandl(self.sids[0],

    def raw_data_gen(self):
        self.data = self._get()
        sid = self.sids[0]
        for dt, series in self.data.iterrows():
            event = {
                'dt': dt,
                'sid': sid,
            for field_name, value in series.iteritems():
                event[field_name] = value

            yield event

    def raw_data(self):
        if not self._raw_data:
            self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
        return self._raw_data
Ejemplo n.º 27
import pandas.rpy.common as com

from neuronquant.data.datafeed import DataFeed

r = robjects.r
svmforecast_lib = 'e1071.R'
r('source("%s")' % svmforecast_lib)
#quantmod = importr('quantmod')

symbol = 'GOOG'
history = 500
today = datetime.datetime.now()
start_date = today - pd.datetools.Day(history)

#tt = r('get( getSymbols("{}", from="{}"))'.format(symbol, start_date.strftime(format='%Y-%m-%d')))

returns = DataFeed().quotes(symbol, start_date=start_date, end_date=today)
#returns = data.pct_change().fillna(0.0)
returns = returns.rename(columns={symbol: "Close"})
r_quotes = com.convert_to_r_dataframe(returns)
import ipdb
data_matrix = r('svmFeatures')(r_quotes)

#rets = r('na.trim( ROC(Cl({}), type="discrete"))'.format('tt'))

#data_matrix = r('svmFeatures')(tt)

#data_df = pd.rpy.common.convert_robj(data_matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 28
import pandas.rpy.common as com

from neuronquant.data.datafeed import DataFeed

r = robjects.r
svmforecast_lib = 'e1071.R'
r('source("%s")' % svmforecast_lib)
#quantmod = importr('quantmod')

symbol = 'GOOG'
history = 500
today = datetime.datetime.now()
start_date = today - pd.datetools.Day(history)

#tt = r('get( getSymbols("{}", from="{}"))'.format(symbol, start_date.strftime(format='%Y-%m-%d')))

returns = DataFeed().quotes(symbol, start_date=start_date, end_date=today)
#returns = data.pct_change().fillna(0.0)
returns = returns.rename(columns={symbol: "Close"})
r_quotes = com.convert_to_r_dataframe(returns)
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
data_matrix = r('svmFeatures')(r_quotes)

#rets = r('na.trim( ROC(Cl({}), type="discrete"))'.format('tt'))

#data_matrix = r('svmFeatures')(tt)

#data_df = pd.rpy.common.convert_robj(data_matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 29
class PortfolioManager(object):
    Manages portfolio during simulation, and stays aware of the situation
    through the update() method. It is configured through zmq message (manager
    field) or QuanTrade/config/managers.json file.

    User strategies call it with a dictionnnary of detected opportunities (i.e.
    buy or sell signals).  Then the optimize function computes assets
    allocation, returning a dictionnary of symbols with their weigths or amount
    to reallocate.
                                  __________________________      _____________
    signals {'google': 745.5} --> |                         | --> |            |
                                  | trade_signals_handler() |     | optimize() |
    orders  {'google': 34}    <-- |_________________________| <-- |____________|

    In addition, portfolio objects can be saved in database and reloaded later,
    and user on-the-fly orders are catched and executed in remote mode. Finally
    portfolios are connected to the server broker and, if requested, send state
    messages to client.

    This is abstract class, inheretid class will eventally overwrite optmize()
    to expose their own asset allocation strategy.

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    #TODO Add in the constructor or setup parameters some general settings like maximum weights, positions, frequency,...
    #TODO Better to return 0 stocks to trade: remove the field
    #NOTE Regarding portfolio constraints: from a set of user-defined
    #parameters, a unnique set should be constructed. Then the solution provided
    #by optimize function would have to be a subset of it. (classic mathematical solution)
    #Finally it should be defined how to handle non-correct solutions
    def __init__(self, configuration):
            configuration : dict
                Named parameters used either for general portfolio settings
                (server and constraints), and for user optimizer function
        super(PortfolioManager, self).__init__()

        # Easy mysql access
        self.datafeed  = DataFeed()

        # Zipline portfolio object, updated during simulation with self.date
        self.portfolio = None
        self.date      = None

        # Portfolio owner, mainly used for database saving and client communication
        self.name      = configuration.get('name', 'ChuckNorris')
        self.log       = logbook.Logger('Manager::' + self.name)

        # Other parameters are used in user optimize() method
        self._optimizer_parameters = configuration

        # Make the manager talk to connected clients
        self.connected = configuration.get('connected', False)
        # Send android notifications when orders are processed
        # It's only possible with a running server
        self.android   = configuration.get('android', False) & self.connected

        # Delete from database data with the same portfolio name
        if configuration.get('clean', True):
            self.log.info('Cleaning previous trades.')

        # Run the server if the engine didn't, while it is asked for
        if 'server' in configuration and self.connected:
            # Getting server object instanciated anyway before (by Setup object)
            self.server = configuration.pop('server')

        # Web based dashboard where real time results are monitored
        #FIXME With dynamic generation, dashboad never exists at this point
        #self.dashboard = Dashboard(self.name)

        # In case user optimization would need to retrieve more data
        self.remote = Remote()

    def optimize(self):
        Users should overwrite this method

    def update(self, portfolio, date, metrics=None, save=False, widgets=False):
        Actualizes the portfolio universe
        and if connected, sends it through the wires
            portfolio: zipline.portfolio
                ndict object storing portfolio values at the given date
            date: datetime.datetime
                Current date in zipline simulation
            save: boolean
                If true, save the portfolio in database under self.name key
        # Make the manager aware of current simulation portfolio and date
        self.portfolio = portfolio
        self.date      = date

        if save:
            if metrics is not None:
                save_metrics_snapshot(self.name, self.date, metrics)

        # Delete sold items and add new ones on dashboard
        #if widgets:

        # Send portfolio object to client
        if self.connected:
            #NOTE Something smarter ?
            # We need to translate zipline portfolio and position objects into json data (i.e. dict)
            packet_portfolio = to_dict(portfolio)
            for pos in packet_portfolio['positions']:
                packet_portfolio['positions'][pos] = to_dict(packet_portfolio['positions'][pos])

                             type   ='portfolio',

            # Check user remote messages and return it
            return self.catch_messages()
        return dict()

    def trade_signals_handler(self, signals, extras={}):
        Process buy and sell signals from the simulation
            signals: dict
                hold stocks of interest, format like {"google": 0.8, "apple": -0.2}
                If the value is negative -> sell signal, otherwize buy one
                Values are ranged between [-1 1] regarding signal confidence
            extras: whatever
                Object sent from algorithm for certain managers
            dict orderBook, like {"google": 34, "apple": -56}

        self._optimizer_parameters['algo'] = extras
        orderBook = dict()

        # If value < 0, it's a sell signal on the key, else buy signal
        to_buy = dict(filter(lambda (sid, strength): strength > 0, signals.iteritems()))
        to_sell = dict(filter(lambda (sid, strength): strength < 0, signals.iteritems()))
        #to_buy    = [t for t in signals if signals[t] > 0]
        #NOTE With this line we can't go short
        #to_sell   = set(self.portfolio.positions.keys()).intersection(
                #[t for t in signals if signals[t] < 0])

        if not to_buy and not to_sell:
            # Nothing to do
            return dict()

        # Compute the optimal portfolio allocation, using user defined function
        alloc, e_ret, e_risk = self.optimize(self.date, to_buy, to_sell, self._optimizer_parameters)

        #TODO Check about selling in available money and handle 250 stocks limit
        #TODO Handle max_* as well, ! already actif stocks

        ## Building orders for zipline
        #NOTE The follonwing in a separate function that could be used when catching message from user
        for t in alloc:
            ## Handle allocation returned as number of stocks to order
            if isinstance(alloc[t], int):
                orderBook[t] = alloc[t]

            ## Handle allocation returned as stock weights to order
            elif isinstance(alloc[t], float):
                # Sell orders
                if alloc[t] <= 0:
                    orderBook[t] = int(alloc[t] * self.portfolio.positions[t].amount)
                ## Buy orders
                    ## If we already trade this ticker, substract owned amount before computing number of stock to buy
                    if self.portfolio.positions[t].amount:
                        price = self.portfolio.positions[t].last_sale_price
                        price = signals[t]
                    orderBook[t] = (int(alloc[t] * self.portfolio.portfolio_value / price)
                                    - self.portfolio.positions[t].amount)

        if self.android and orderBook:
            # Alert user of the orders about to be processed
            # Ok... kind of fancy method
            ords = {'-1': 'sell', '1': 'buy'}
            msg = 'QuanTrade suggests you to '
            msg += ', '.join(['{} {} stocks of {}'
                .format(ords[str(amount / abs(amount))], amount, ticker) for
                ticker, amount in orderBook.iteritems()])
            self.server.send_to_android({'title': 'Portfolio manager notification',
                                         'priority': 1,
                                         'description': msg})

        return orderBook

    def setup_strategie(self, parameters):
        General parameters or user settings
        (maw_weigth, max_assets, max_frequency, commission cost)
            parameters: dict
                Arbitrary values to change general constraints,
                or for user algorithm settings
        assert isinstance(parameters, dict)
        for name, value in parameters.iteritems():
            self._optimizer_parameters[name] = value

    def save_portfolio(self, portfolio):
        Store in database given portfolio,
        for reuse later or further analysis puropose
            portfolio: zipline.protocol.Portfolio(1)
                ndict portfolio object to store
        self.log.debug('Saving portfolio in database')
        self.datafeed.stock_db.save_portfolio(portfolio, self.name, self.date)

    def load_portfolio(self, name):
        Load a complete portfolio object from database
            name: str(...)
                name used as primary key in db for the portfolio
            The portfolio with the given name if found,
            None otherwize
        self.log.info('Loading portfolio {} from database'.foramt(name))
        # Get the portfolio as a pandas Serie
        db_pf = self.datafeed.saved_portfolios(name)

        # Create empty Portfolio object to be filled
        portfolio = zp.Portfolio()

        # The function returns an empty dataframe if it didn't find a portfolio with id 'name' in db
        if len(db_pf):
            # Fill new portfolio data structure
            portfolio.capital_used    = db_pf['Capital']
            portfolio.starting_cash   = db_pf['StartingCash']
            portfolio.portfolio_value = db_pf['PortfolioValue']
            portfolio.pnl             = db_pf['PNL']
            portfolio.returns         = db_pf['Returns']
            portfolio.cash            = db_pf['Cash']
            portfolio.start_date      = db_pf['StartDate']
            portfolio.positions       = self._adapt_positions_type(db_pf['Positions'])
            portfolio.positions_value = db_pf['PositionsValue']

        return portfolio

    def _adapt_positions_type(self, db_pos):
        From array of sql Positions data model
        To Zipline Positions object
        # Create empty Positions object to be filled
        positions = zp.Positions()

        for pos in db_pos:
            if pos.Ticker not in positions:
                positions[pos.Ticker] = zp.Position(pos.Ticker)
            position = positions[pos.Ticker]
            position.amount = pos.Amount
            position.cost_basis = pos.CostBasis
            position.last_sale_price = pos.LastSalePrice

        return positions

    def catch_messages(self, timeout=1):
        Listen for user messages,
        process usual orders
        msg = self.server.noblock_recv(timeout=timeout, json=True)
        #TODO msg is a command or an information, process it
        if msg:
            self.log.info('Got message from user: {}'.format(msg))
                msg = json.loads(msg)
                msg = ''
                self.log.error('Unable to parse user message')
        return msg
Ejemplo n.º 30
class PortfolioManager:
    Observes the trader universe and produces
    orders to be excuted within zipline
    Abstract method meant to be used by user
    to construct their portfolio optimizer
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    #TODO Add in the constructor or setup parameters some general settings like maximum weights, positions, frequency,...
    def __init__(self, parameters):
            parameters : dict(...)
                Named parameters used either for general portfolio settings
                (server and constraints), and for user optimizer function
        super(PortfolioManager, self).__init__()
        self.log       = Logger('Manager')
        self.datafeed      = DataFeed()
        self.portfolio = None
        self.date      = None
        self.name      = parameters.get('name', 'Chuck Norris')
        self._optimizer_parameters = parameters
        self.connected = False
        #TODO Should send stuff anyway, and accept new connections while running

        self.connected = parameters.get('connected', False)

        # Run the server if the engine didn't while it is asked
        if 'server' in parameters:
            self.server = parameters.pop('server')
            if self.server.port is None and self.connected:
                self.log.info('Binding manager on default port...')
                self.server.run(host='', port=5570)

    def optimize(self):
        Users must overwrite this method

    def update(self, portfolio, date):
        Actualizes the portfolio universe
        and if connected, sends it through the wires
            portfolio: zipline.portfolio(1)
                ndict object storing portfolio values at the given date
            date: datetime.datetime(1)
                Current date in zipline simulation
        self.portfolio = portfolio
        self.date      = date

        if self.connected:
                              type    = 'portfolio',
                              channel = 'dashboard')

            return self.catch_messages()
        return dict()

    def trade_signals_handler(self, signals):
        Process buy and sell signals from backtester or live trader
        @param signals: dict holding stocks of interest, format like {"google": 567.89, "apple": -345.98}
                       If the value is negative -> sell signal, otherwize buy one
        @return: dict orderBook, like {"google": 34, "apple": -56}
        orderBook       = dict()

        # If value < 0, it's a sell signal on the key, else buy signal
        to_buy          = [t for t in signals if signals[t] > 0]
        to_sell         = set(self.portfolio.positions.keys()).intersection([t for t in signals if signals[t] < 0])
        if not to_buy and not to_sell:
            # Nothing to do
            return dict()

        # Compute the optimal portfolio allocation, using user defined function
        alloc, e_ret, e_risk = self.optimize(self.date, to_buy, to_sell, self._optimizer_parameters)

        #TODO Check about selling in available money and handle 250 stocks limit
        #TODO Handle max_* as well, ! already actif stocks

        ## Building orders for zipline
        #NOTE The follonwing in a separate function that could be used when catching message from user
        for t in alloc:
            ## Handle allocation returned as number of stocks to order
            if isinstance(alloc[t], int):
                orderBook[t] = alloc[t]

            ## Handle allocation returned as stock weights to order
            elif isinstance(alloc[t], float):
                # Sell orders
                if alloc[t] <= 0:
                    orderBook[t] = int(alloc[t] * self.portfolio.positions[t].amount)
                ## Buy orders
                    ## If we already trade this ticker, substract owned amount before computing number of stock to buy
                    if self.portfolio.positions[t].amount:
                        price = self.portfolio.positions[t].last_sale_price
                        price = signals[t]
                    orderBook[t] = (int(alloc[t] * self.portfolio.portfolio_value / price)
                                    - self.portfolio.positions[t].amount)

        return orderBook

    def setup_strategie(self, parameters):
        General parameters or user ones setting
        (maw_weigth, max_assets, max_frequency, commission cost)
            parameters: dict(...)
                Arbitrary values to change general constraints,
                or for user algorithm settings
        for name, value in parameters.iteritems():
            self._optimizer_parameters[name] = value

    #TODO Still need here this dict = f(ndict)
    def save_portfolio(self, portfolio):
        Store in database given portfolio,
        for reuse later or further analysis puropose
            portfolio: zipline.protocol.Portfolio(1)
                ndict portfolio object to store
        self.log.info('Saving portfolio in database')
        self.datafeed.stock_db.save_portfolio(portfolio, self.name, self.date)

    def load_portfolio(self, name):
        Load a complete portfolio object from database
            name: str(...)
                name used as primary key in db for the portfolio
            The portfolio with the given name if found,
            None otherwize
        self.log.info('Loading portfolio from database')
        ## Get the portfolio as a pandas Serie
        db_pf = self.datafeed.saved_portfolios(name)
        ## The function returns None if it didn't find a portfolio with id 'name' in db
        if db_pf is None:
            return None

        # Creating portfolio object
        portfolio = zp.Portfolio()

        portfolio.capital_used = db_pf['Capital']
        portfolio.starting_cash = db_pf['StartingCash']
        portfolio.portfolio_value = db_pf['PortfolioValue']
        portfolio.pnl = db_pf['PNL']
        portfolio.returns = db_pf['Returns']
        portfolio.cash = db_pf['Cash']
        portfolio.start_date = db_pf['StartDate']
        portfolio.positions = self._adapt_positions_format(db_pf['Positions'])
        portfolio.positions_value = db_pf['PositionsValue']

        return portfolio

    def _adapt_positions_type(self, db_pos):
        From array of sql Positions data model
        To Zipline Positions object
        positions = zp.Positions()

        for pos in db_pos:
            if pos.Ticker not in positions:
                positions[pos.Ticker] = zp.Position(pos.Ticker)
            position = positions[pos.Ticker]
            position.amount = pos.Amount
            position.cost_basis = pos.CostBasis
            position.last_sale_price = pos.LastSalePrice

        return positions

    def catch_messages(self, timeout=1):
        Listen for user messages,
        process usual orders
        msg = self.server.noblock_recv(timeout=timeout, json=True)
        #TODO msg is a command or an information, process it
        if msg:
            self.log.info('Got message from user: {}'.format(msg))
        return msg
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def __init__(self, data=None):
     #NOTE Allowing different data access ?
     #self.metrics = None
     #self.server        = ZMQ_Dealer(id=self.__class__.__name__)
     self.datafeed = DataFeed()
Ejemplo n.º 32
class Simulation(object):
    ''' Take a trading strategie and evalute its results '''
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        #NOTE Allowing different data access ?
        #self.metrics = None
        #self.server        = ZMQ_Dealer(id=self.__class__.__name__)
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

    #TODO For both, timezone configuration
    def configure(self, configuration):
        Prepare dates, data, trading environment for simulation
            configuration: dict()
                Structure with previously defined backtest behavior
        data = self._configure_data(tickers=configuration['tickers'],

        context = self._configure_context(configuration['exchange'])

        return data, context

    #NOTE Should the data be loaded in zipline sourcedata class ?
    #FIXME data default not suitable for live mode
    def _configure_data(self,
        if live:
            # Default end_date is now, suitable for live trading
            self.load_market_data = LiveBenchmark(
                end_time, frequency=freq).load_market_data

            #dates = pd.date_range(start_time, end_time, freq=freq)
            #NOTE A temporary hack to avoid zipline dirty modification
            #periods = end_time - start_time
            #dates = datautils.filter_market_hours(pd.date_range(pd.datetime.now(), periods=periods.days + 1,
            dates = datautils.filter_market_hours(
                #TODO ...hard coded, later: --frequency daily,3
            import ipdb
            #dates = datautils.filter_market_hours(dates, exchange)
            if len(dates) == 0:
                log.warning('! Market closed.')
            #TODO Wrap it in a dataframe (always same return type)
            data = {
                'stream_source': exchange,
                'tickers': tickers,
                'index': dates
            # Use default zipline load_market_data, i.e. data from msgpack files in ~/.zipline/data/
            self.load_market_data = None

            #TODO if start_time is None get default start_time in ~/.quantrade/default.json
            assert start_time
            # Fetch data from mysql database
            data = self.datafeed.quotes(tickers,
            if len(data) == 0:
                log.warning('Got nothing from database')
                data = pd.DataFrame()
                assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)
                assert data.index.tzinfo

        return data

    def set_becnhmark_loader(self, load_function):
        self.load_market_data = load_function

    #TODO Use of futur localisation database criteria
    #TODO A list of markets to check if this one is in
    def _configure_context(self, exchange=''):
        Setup from exchange traded on benchmarks used, location
        and method to load data market while simulating
            exchange: str
                Trading exchange market
        # Environment configuration
        if exchange in datautils.Exchange:
            finance_context = TradingEnvironment(
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Because of computation limitation, trading worldwide not permitted currently'

        return finance_context

    def run(self, data, configuration, strategie, context):
        #___________________________________________________________________________    Running    ________
        log.info('\n-- Running backetester...\nUsing algorithm: {}\n'.format(
        log.info('\n-- Using portfolio manager: {}\n'.format(

        backtester = BacktesterEngine(configuration['algorithm'],
                                      configuration['manager'], strategie)

        #NOTE This method does not change anything
        #TODO A new command line parameter ? only minutely and daily (and hourly normally) Use filter parameter of datasource ?

        # Running simulation with it
        with context:
            sim_params = create_simulation_parameters(

            results, monthly_perfs = backtester.run(data,

        #return self.results
        return Analyze(results=results,
Ejemplo n.º 33
class QuandlSource(DataSource):
    Yields all events in event_list that match the given sid_filter.
    If no event_list is specified, generates an internal stream of events
    to filter.  Returns all events if filter is None.

    Configuration options:

    sids   : list of values representing simulated internal sids
    start  : start date
    delta  : timedelta between internal events
    filter : filter to remove the sids

    def __init__(self, data_descriptor, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data_descriptor['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data_descriptor = data_descriptor
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids  = kwargs.get('sids', data_descriptor['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data_descriptor['index'][0])
        self.end   = kwargs.get('end', data_descriptor['index'][-1])

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data_descriptor, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.feed = DataFeed()

    def mapping(self):
        mapping = {
            'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
            'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
            'price': (float, 'Adjusted Close'),
            'volume': (int, 'Volume'),

        # Add additional fields.
        for field_name in self.data:
            if field_name in ['Adjusted Close', 'Volume', 'dt', 'sid']:
            mapping[field_name] = (lambda x: x, field_name)

        return mapping

    def instance_hash(self):
        return self.arg_string

    def _get(self):
        #TODO Test here for one value, make it later a panel
        assert len(self.sids) == 1
        # Try to set quandl api key, stored in default config file

        return self.feed.fetch_quandl(self.sids[0],

    def raw_data_gen(self):
        self.data = self._get()
        sid = self.sids[0]
        for dt, series in self.data.iterrows():
            event = {
                'dt': dt,
                'sid': sid,
            for field_name, value in series.iteritems():
                event[field_name] = value

            yield event

    def raw_data(self):
        if not self._raw_data:
            self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
        return self._raw_data