Ejemplo n.º 1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Code example of a minimal digit span task.
Authors: Dominique Makowski
Copyright: The Neuropsydia Development Team
Site: https://github.com/neuropsychology/Neuropsydia.py
import neuropsydia as n  # Load neuropsydia
import numpy as np  # For generation of random sequence

n.start()  # Initialize neuropsydia
n.instructions("Listen to the experimenter.")  # Display instructions

# Initialize values
number_of_fails = 0  # Initial number of errors
span = 2  # Initial span

while number_of_fails < 3:  # Do it while the number of errors is smaller than 3
    sequence = np.random.randint(10, size=span)  # Generate sequence of size span with ints ranging from 0 to 9
    good_answer = ""  # Initiate an empty good_answer

    for digit in sequence:  # For every digit in the sequence...
        good_answer = good_answer + str(digit)  # Add the current stimulus to the good answer
        n.newpage("grey")  # Load a grey background
        n.time.wait(250)  # Display an empty screen for 250 ms
        n.newpage("grey")  # Load a grey background
        n.write(digit, size=3)  # Load the stimulus
        n.refresh()  # Display the stimulus on screen
        n.time.wait(1000)  # Wait 1000 ms
Ejemplo n.º 2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import neuropsydia as n


n.scale(title="Is Python great?",
        anchors=["", ""],
        edges=[1, 5],
        labels=["not at all", "not really", "maybe", "quite", "totally"],

n.scale(title="How is neuropsydia?",
        edges=[0, 100],
        anchors=["atrocious", "brilliant"],
        separation_labels=["Bad", "Good"],

Ejemplo n.º 3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import neuropsydia as n



response = n.choice(["Yes", "No"], y=5, title="Isn't it easy?")

response = n.choice(["Hell no", "Nope", "Dunno", "Sure"],
                    title="Am I better looking?",
                    boxes_background=["red", "amber", "teal", "blue"],
                    help_list=["means not at all", "means no", "means you don't know", "means yes"])

Ejemplo n.º 4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Code example of a minimal Stroop task.
Authors: Dominique Makowski
Copyright: The Neuropsydia Development Team
Site: https://github.com/neuropsychology/Neuropsydia.py
import neuropsydia as n  # Load neuropsydia
import numpy as np  # Load numpy
import pandas as pd  # Load pandas

n.start()  # Start neuropsydia

# Initialize data storage
data = {"Stimulus": [],
        "Stimulus_Color": [],
        "Answer": [],
        "RT": [],
        "Condition": [],
        "Correct": []}

# Part 1: Denomination

n.instructions("Press LEFT when RED, DOWN when GREEN and RIGHT when BLUE.")

n_trials = 10
for trial in range(n_trials):
    n.newpage("grey")  # Neutral grey background
    n.write("+")  # Fixation cross
Ejemplo n.º 5
from unittest import TestCase

import neuropsydia as n

class TestColor(TestCase):
    def test_is_string(self):
        c = n.color("w")
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, tuple))
Ejemplo n.º 6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Code example of a minimal go/no-go task.
Authors: Dominique Makowski
Copyright: The Neuropsydia Development Team
Site: https://github.com/neuropsychology/Neuropsydia.py
import neuropsydia as n  # Load neuropsydia
import random  # Import the random module
import pandas as pd  # To manipulate and save the data
import numpy as np  # To do some maths

n.start()  # Start neuropsydia
n.instructions("Goal: Hit SPACE whenever a GREEN circle appears. \nWhen it is RED, don't press anything.")  # Display instructions and break line with \n
n.newpage("grey")  # Fill the screen
n.countdown()  # Display countdown

# Initialize the data storage with a dictionary containing empty lists
data = {"Trial": [],
        "Stimulus": [],

for trial in range(5):  # Iterate over the number of trials
    stimulus = random.choice(["green", "red"])  # Select a stimulus type
    ISI = random.randrange(start=500, stop=2000, step=500)  # Select the inter-stimuli interval (ISI)

    n.newpage("grey")  # Fill the screen
    n.write("+")  # Fixation cross
    n.refresh()  # Diplay it on screen
Ejemplo n.º 7
        1: "I feel calm.",
        2: "I feel secure.",
        3: "I am tense.",
        4: "I feel strained.",
        5: "We're not allowed to reveal all the questions :("  # As it is the last dict item, no comma after that.
    "Reverse": {
        1: True,
        2: True,
        3: False,
        4: False,
        5: False

n.start()  # Initialize neuropsydia

participant_id = n.ask("Participant ID:", order=1)  # Get participant id
participant_gender = n.ask("Gender:", order=2)  # Get participant's gender
participant_age = n.ask("Age:", order=3)  # get participant's age

df = n.questionnaire(questions_dictionary,  # The questions
                analog=False,  # Lickert-like
                edges=[1, 4],  # Values underneath
                labels=["Almost never", "Sometimes", "Often", "Almost always"],
                style="blue",  # The cursor's color
                instructions_text="A number of statements which people have used to describe themselves are given below. \nSelect the number that indicate how you feel right now, that is, at this moment. \nThere are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any one statement but give the answer which seems to describe your present feelings best.")  # Add instructions at the beginning

# Scoring