Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test__update_router_provider_invalid(self):
     test_dc = driver_controller.DriverController(self.fake_l3)
     with mock.patch.object(test_dc, "_get_provider_for_router"):
         with mock.patch.object(
             "_ensure_driver_supports_request") as _ensure:
             _ensure.side_effect = lib_exc.InvalidInput(
                 None, None, None, None,
                 None, {'name': 'testname'},
                 {'flavor_id': 'old_fid'}, None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _validate_router_interface_plugin(self, context, router_plugin,
     is_port, is_sub = self._validate_interface_info(interface_info)
     if is_port:
         net_id = self._get_port(context,
     elif is_sub:
         net_id = self._get_subnet(
             context, interface_info['subnet_id'])['network_id']
     net_plugin = self._get_plugin_from_net_id(context, net_id)
     if net_plugin.plugin_type() != router_plugin.plugin_type():
         err_msg = (_('Router interface should belong to the %s plugin '
                      'as the router') % router_plugin.plugin_type())
         raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _validate_network_plugin(
     self, context, network_info,
     """Make sure the network belongs to the NSX0-V plugin"""
     if not network_info.get('network_id'):
         msg = _("network_id must be specified")
         raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource=bgp_ext.BGP_SPEAKER_RESOURCE_NAME,
     net_id = network_info['network_id']
     p = self._core_plugin._get_plugin_from_net_id(context, net_id)
     if p.plugin_type() != plugin_type:
         msg = (_('Network should belong to the %s plugin as the bgp '
                  'speaker') % plugin_type)
         raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _update_router_provider(self, resource, event, trigger, context,
                                router_id, router, old_router, router_db,
        """Handle transition between providers.

        The provider can currently be changed only by the caller updating
        'ha' and/or 'distributed' attributes. If we allow updates of flavor_id
        directly in the future those requests will also land here.
        drv = self.get_provider_for_router(context, router_id)
        new_drv = None
        if _flavor_specified(router):
            if router['flavor_id'] != old_router['flavor_id']:
                # TODO(kevinbenton): this is currently disallowed by the API
                # so we shouldn't hit it but this is a placeholder to add
                # support later.
                raise NotImplementedError()

        # the following is to support updating the 'ha' and 'distributed'
        # attributes via the API.
            _ensure_driver_supports_request(drv, router)
        except lib_exc.InvalidInput:
            # the current driver does not support this request, we need to
            # migrate to a new provider. populate the distributed and ha
            # flags from the previous state if not in the update so we can
            # determine the target provider appropriately.
            # NOTE(kevinbenton): if the router is associated with a flavor
            # we bail because changing the provider without changing
            # the flavor will make things inconsistent. We can probably
            # update the flavor automatically in the future.
            if old_router['flavor_id']:
                raise lib_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=_(
                    "Changing the 'ha' and 'distributed' attributes on a "
                    "router associated with a flavor is not supported"))
            if 'distributed' not in router:
                router['distributed'] = old_router['distributed']
            if 'ha' not in router:
                router['ha'] = old_router['ha']
            new_drv = self._attrs_to_driver(router)
        if new_drv:
            LOG.debug("Router %(id)s migrating from %(old)s provider to "
                      "%(new)s provider.", {'id': router_id, 'old': drv,
                                            'new': new_drv})
            _ensure_driver_supports_request(new_drv, router)
            # TODO(kevinbenton): notify old driver explicitly of driver change
            with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                self._stm.del_resource_associations(context, [router_id])
                    context, plugin_constants.L3, new_drv.name, router_id)
    def _validate_port_vnic_type(self, context, port_data, network_id):
        vnic_type = port_data.get(pbin.VNIC_TYPE)

        if vnic_type and vnic_type not in SUPPORTED_VNIC_TYPES:
            err_msg = _("Invalid port vnic-type '%(vnic_type)s'."
                        "Supported vnic-types are %(valid_types)s."
                        ) % {'vnic_type': vnic_type,
                             'valid_types': SUPPORTED_VNIC_TYPES}
            raise exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
        direct_vnic_type = vnic_type in VNIC_TYPES_DIRECT_PASSTHROUGH
        if direct_vnic_type:
                context, network_id)
        return direct_vnic_type
Ejemplo n.º 6
def convert_to_boolean(data):
    """Convert a data value into a python bool.

    :param data: The data value to convert to a python bool. This function
        supports string types, bools, and ints for conversion of representation
        to python bool.
    :returns: The bool value of 'data' if it can be coerced.
    :raises InvalidInput: If the value can't be coerced to a python bool.
        return strutils.bool_from_string(data, strict=True)
    except ValueError:
        msg = _("'%s' cannot be converted to boolean") % data
        raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def process_create_address_scope(self, plugin_context, data, result):
        if (data.get(cisco_apic.DIST_NAMES)
                and data[cisco_apic.DIST_NAMES].get(cisco_apic.VRF)):
            dn = data[cisco_apic.DIST_NAMES][cisco_apic.VRF]
                vrf = aim_res.VRF.from_dn(dn)
            except aim_exc.InvalidDNForAciResource:
                raise n_exc.InvalidInput(
                    error_message=('%s is not valid VRF DN' % dn))

            # Check if another address scope already maps to this VRF.
            session = plugin_context.session
            mappings = self._get_address_scope_mappings_for_vrf(session, vrf)
            vrf_owned = False
            for mapping in mappings:
                if mapping.address_scope.ip_version == data['ip_version']:
                    raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=(
                        'VRF %s is already in use by address-scope %s' %
                        (dn, mapping.scope_id)))
                vrf_owned = mapping.vrf_owned

            self._add_address_scope_mapping(session, result['id'], vrf,
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _test_fixed_ips_for_port(self, context, network_id, fixed_ips,
                                 device_owner, subnets):
        """Test fixed IPs for port.

        Check that configured subnets are valid prior to allocating any
        IPs. Include the subnet_id in the result if only an IP address is

        :raises: InvalidInput, IpAddressInUse, InvalidIpForNetwork,
        fixed_ip_set = []
        for fixed in fixed_ips:
            subnet = self._get_subnet_for_fixed_ip(context, fixed, subnets)

            is_auto_addr_subnet = ipv6_utils.is_auto_address_subnet(subnet)
            if ('ip_address' in fixed
                    and subnet['cidr'] != n_const.PROVISIONAL_IPV6_PD_PREFIX):
                # Ensure that the IP's are unique
                if not IpamNonPluggableBackend._check_unique_ip(
                        context, network_id, subnet['id'],
                    raise n_exc.IpAddressInUse(net_id=network_id,

                if (is_auto_addr_subnet and device_owner
                        not in constants.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS):
                    msg = (_("IPv6 address %(address)s can not be directly "
                             "assigned to a port on subnet %(id)s since the "
                             "subnet is configured for automatic addresses") %
                               'address': fixed['ip_address'],
                               'id': subnet['id']
                    raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
                    'subnet_id': subnet['id'],
                    'ip_address': fixed['ip_address']
                # A scan for auto-address subnets on the network is done
                # separately so that all such subnets (not just those
                # listed explicitly here by subnet ID) are associated
                # with the port.
                if (device_owner in constants.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS_SNAT
                        or not is_auto_addr_subnet):
                    fixed_ip_set.append({'subnet_id': subnet['id']})

        self._validate_max_ips_per_port(fixed_ip_set, device_owner)
        return fixed_ip_set
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _get_allocate_mock(self, subnet_id, auto_ip='',
        def allocate_mock(request):
            if isinstance(request, ipam_req.SpecificAddressRequest):
                if request.address == netaddr.IPAddress(fail_ip):
                    raise exception
                    return str(request.address), subnet_id
                return auto_ip, subnet_id

        return allocate_mock
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _process_provider_segment(self, segment):
        (network_type, physical_network,
         segmentation_id) = (self._get_attribute(segment, attr)
                             for attr in provider.ATTRIBUTES)

        if validators.is_attr_set(network_type):
            segment = {ml2_api.NETWORK_TYPE: network_type,
                       ml2_api.PHYSICAL_NETWORK: physical_network,
                       ml2_api.SEGMENTATION_ID: segmentation_id}
            return segment

        msg = _("network_type required")
        raise exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def create_wan_tc(self, context, wan_tc):
        LOG.debug('got WAN_TC: %s' % wan_tc)
        wan_tc_req = wan_tc['wan_tc']

        filter_db = self.get_wan_tc_filters(
            context, filters={'network': [wan_tc_req['network']]})
        if filter_db:
            raise exceptions.InvalidInput(
                error_message='Network already has limiter')

        network = self._core_plugin.get_network(context, wan_tc_req['network'])
        if network['provider:network_type'] != 'vxlan':
            raise exceptions.InvalidInput()
        vni = network['provider:segmentation_id']
        tc_class = {
            'wan_tc_class': {
                'direction': 'both',
                'min': wan_tc_req['min']

        if 'max' in wan_tc_req:
            tc_class['wan_tc_class']['max'] = wan_tc_req['max']

        tc_class_db = self.create_wan_tc_class(context, tc_class)
        tc_filter_req = {
            'wan_tc_filter': {
                'protocol': 'vxlan',
                'match': 'vni=%s' % vni,
                'class_id': tc_class_db['id'],
                'network': network['id']
        tc_filter_db = self.create_wan_tc_filter(context, tc_filter_req)
        tc_filter_db['min'] = tc_class_db['min']
        tc_filter_db['max'] = tc_class_db['max']
        return tc_filter_db
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _validate_network(self, context, net_data):
     network_type = net_data.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
     network_type_set = validators.is_attr_set(network_type)
     segmentation_id = net_data.get(pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID)
     segmentation_id_set = validators.is_attr_set(segmentation_id)
     if not context.is_admin:
         err_msg = _("Only an admin can create a DVS provider " "network")
         raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
     err_msg = None
     if not network_type_set:
         err_msg = _("Network provider information must be " "specified")
         raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
     if (network_type == c_utils.NetworkTypes.FLAT
             or network_type == c_utils.NetworkTypes.PORTGROUP):
         if segmentation_id_set:
             err_msg = (_("Segmentation ID cannot be specified with "
                          "%s network type"), network_type)
     elif network_type == c_utils.NetworkTypes.VLAN:
         if not segmentation_id_set:
             err_msg = _("Segmentation ID must be specified with "
                         "vlan network type")
         if (segmentation_id_set
                 and not utils.is_valid_vlan_tag(segmentation_id)):
             err_msg = (_("%(segmentation_id)s out of range "
                          "(%(min_id)s through %(max_id)s)") % {
                              'segmentation_id': segmentation_id,
                              'min_id': constants.MIN_VLAN_TAG,
                              'max_id': constants.MAX_VLAN_TAG
         err_msg = (_("%(net_type_param)s %(net_type_value)s not "
                      "supported") % {
                          'net_type_param': pnet.NETWORK_TYPE,
                          'net_type_value': network_type
     if err_msg:
         raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _get_subnet_for_fixed_ip(self, context, fixed, subnets):
        # Subnets are all the subnets belonging to the same network.
        if not subnets:
            msg = _('IP allocation requires subnets for network')
            raise exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

        if 'subnet_id' in fixed:

            def get_matching_subnet():
                for subnet in subnets:
                    if subnet['id'] == fixed['subnet_id']:
                        return subnet

            subnet = get_matching_subnet()
            if not subnet:
                subnet = self._get_subnet(context, fixed['subnet_id'])
                msg = (_("Failed to create port on network %(network_id)s"
                         ", because fixed_ips included invalid subnet "
                         "%(subnet_id)s") % {
                             'network_id': subnet['network_id'],
                             'subnet_id': fixed['subnet_id']
                raise exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
            # Ensure that the IP is valid on the subnet
            if ('ip_address' in fixed and not ipam_utils.check_subnet_ip(
                    subnet['cidr'], fixed['ip_address'])):
                raise exc.InvalidIpForSubnet(ip_address=fixed['ip_address'])
            return subnet

        if 'ip_address' not in fixed:
            msg = _('IP allocation requires subnet_id or ip_address')
            raise exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

        for subnet in subnets:
            if ipam_utils.check_subnet_ip(subnet['cidr'], fixed['ip_address']):
                return subnet
        raise exc.InvalidIpForNetwork(ip_address=fixed['ip_address'])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def query_with_hooks(context, model, field=None):
    """Query with hooks using the said context and model.

    :param context: The context to use for the DB session.
    :param model: The model to query.
    :param field: The column.
    :returns: The query with hooks applied to it.
    if field:
        if hasattr(model, field):
            field = getattr(model, field)
            msg = _("'%s' is not supported as field") % field
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
        query = context.session.query(field)
        query = context.session.query(model)
    # define basic filter condition for model query
    query_filter = None
    if db_utils.model_query_scope_is_project(context, model):
        if hasattr(model, 'rbac_entries'):
            query = query.outerjoin(model.rbac_entries)
            rbac_model = model.rbac_entries.property.mapper.class_
            query_filter = (
                (model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id) |
                    [constants.ACCESS_SHARED, constants.ACCESS_READONLY]) &
                 ((rbac_model.target_tenant == context.tenant_id) |
                  (rbac_model.target_tenant == '*'))))
        elif hasattr(model, 'shared'):
            query_filter = ((model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id) |
                            (model.shared == sql.true()))
            query_filter = (model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id)
    # Execute query hooks registered from mixins and plugins
    for hook in get_hooks(model):
        query_hook = helpers.resolve_ref(hook.get('query'))
        if query_hook:
            query = query_hook(context, model, query)

        filter_hook = helpers.resolve_ref(hook.get('filter'))
        if filter_hook:
            query_filter = filter_hook(context, model, query_filter)

    # NOTE(salvatore-orlando): 'if query_filter' will try to evaluate the
    # condition, raising an exception
    if query_filter is not None:
        query = query.filter(query_filter)
    return query
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def validate_obj_azs(self, availability_zones):
        """Verify that the availability zones exist, and only 1 hint
        was set.
        # For now we support only 1 hint per network/router
        # TODO(asarfaty): support multiple hints
        if len(availability_zones) > 1:
            err_msg = _("Can't use multiple availability zone hints")
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)

        # check that all hints appear in the predefined list of availability
        # zones
        diff = (set(availability_zones) - set(self.get_azs_names()))
        if diff:
            raise az_exc.AvailabilityZoneNotFound(availability_zone=diff.pop())
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _validate_multicast_ip_range(self, network_profile):
        Validate multicast ip range values.

        :param network_profile: network profile object
            min_ip, max_ip = (network_profile['multicast_ip_range'].split(
                '-', 1))
        except ValueError:
            msg = _LE("Invalid multicast ip address range. "
                      "example range:")
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
        for ip in [min_ip, max_ip]:
                if not netaddr.IPAddress(ip).is_multicast():
                    msg = _LE("%s is not a valid multicast ip address") % ip
                    raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
                if netaddr.IPAddress(ip) <= netaddr.IPAddress(''):
                    msg = _LE("%s is reserved multicast ip address") % ip
                    raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
            except netaddr.AddrFormatError:
                msg = _LE("%s is not a valid ip address") % ip
                raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
        if netaddr.IPAddress(min_ip) > netaddr.IPAddress(max_ip):
            msg = (_LE("Invalid multicast IP range '%(min_ip)s-%(max_ip)s':"
                       " Range should be from low address to high address") % {
                           'min_ip': min_ip,
                           'max_ip': max_ip
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def create_network_precommit(self, context):
        """Allocate resources for a new network.

        :param context: NetworkContext instance describing the new

        Create a new network, allocating resources as necessary in the
        database. Called inside transaction context on session. Call
        cannot block.  Raising an exception will result in a rollback
        of the current transaction.
        network = context.current

        # TODO(rtheis): Add support for multi-provider networks when
        # routed networks are supported.
        if self._get_attribute(network, mpnet.SEGMENTS):
            msg = _('Multi-provider networks are not supported')
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

        network_segments = context.network_segments
        network_type = network_segments[0]['network_type']
        segmentation_id = network_segments[0]['segmentation_id']
        physical_network = network_segments[0]['physical_network']
        LOG.debug('Creating network with type %(network_type)s, '
                  'segmentation ID %(segmentation_id)s, '
                  'physical network %(physical_network)s' %
                  {'network_type': network_type,
                   'segmentation_id': segmentation_id,
                   'physical_network': physical_network})

        if network_type not in [plugin_const.TYPE_LOCAL,
            msg = _('Network type %s is not supported') % network_type
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _validate(self, context, subport):
        # Check that the subport doesn't reference the same port_id as a
        # trunk we may be in the middle of trying to create, in other words
        # make the validation idiot proof.
        if subport['port_id'] == self.trunk_port_id:
            raise trunk_exc.ParentPortInUse(port_id=subport['port_id'])

        # If the segmentation details are missing, we will need to
        # figure out defaults when the time comes to support Ironic.
        # We can reasonably expect segmentation details to be provided
        # in all other cases for now.
            segmentation_type = subport["segmentation_type"]
            segmentation_id = (
        except KeyError:
            msg = _("Invalid subport details '%s': missing segmentation "
                    "information. Must specify both segmentation_id and "
                    "segmentation_type") % subport
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
        except n_exc.InvalidInput:
            msg = _("Invalid subport details: segmentation_id '%s' is "
                    "not an integer") % subport["segmentation_id"]
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

        if segmentation_type not in self._segmentation_types:
            msg = _("Unknown segmentation_type '%s'") % segmentation_type
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

        if not self._segmentation_types[segmentation_type](segmentation_id):
            msg = _("Segmentation ID '%s' is not in range") % segmentation_id
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

        trunk_validator = TrunkPortValidator(subport['port_id'])
        return subport
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def _validate_network_segments(self, network_segments):
     for network_segment in network_segments:
         network_type = network_segment['network_type']
         segmentation_id = network_segment['segmentation_id']
         physical_network = network_segment['physical_network']
         LOG.debug('Validating network segment with '
                   'type %(network_type)s, '
                   'segmentation ID %(segmentation_id)s, '
                   'physical network %(physical_network)s' %
                   {'network_type': network_type,
                    'segmentation_id': segmentation_id,
                    'physical_network': physical_network})
         if not self._is_network_type_supported(network_type):
             msg = _('Network type %s is not supported') % network_type
             raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_lb_flavor_size(flavor_plugin, context, flavor_id):
    if not flavor_id:
        return lb_const.DEFAULT_LB_SIZE
        flavor = flavors_plugin.FlavorsPlugin.get_flavor(
            flavor_plugin, context, flavor_id)
        flavor_size = flavor['name']
        if flavor_size in lb_const.LB_FLAVOR_SIZES:
            return flavor_size.upper()
            err_msg = (_("Invalid flavor size %(flavor)s, only 'small', "
                         "'medium', or 'large' are supported") % {
                             'flavor': flavor_size
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _process_provider_create(self, network):

        net_type = network.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
        if not validators.is_attr_set(net_type):
            return None

        if net_type == m_const.TYPE_MIDONET:
            return None

        if net_type != m_const.TYPE_UPLINK:
            msg = _('Unsupported network type %(type)s detected '
                    'in a create network request.') % {'type': net_type}
            raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

        return net_type
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _process_ext_policy_create(self, resource, event, trigger, context,
                                object_type, policy, **kwargs):
     if (object_type != 'network'
             or policy['action'] != 'access_as_external'):
     net = self.get_network(context, policy['object_id'])
     if not context.is_admin and net['tenant_id'] != context.tenant_id:
         msg = _("Only admins can manipulate policies on networks they "
                 "do not own.")
         raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
     if not self._network_is_external(context, policy['object_id']):
         # we automatically convert the network into an external network
                                 net, {external_net.EXTERNAL: True},
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def _get_lb_flavor_size(self, context, flavor_id):
     if not flavor_id:
         return vcns_const.SERVICE_SIZE_MAPPING['lb']
         flavor = flavors_plugin.FlavorsPlugin.get_flavor(
             self.flavor_plugin, context, flavor_id)
         flavor_size = flavor['name']
         if flavor_size.lower() in vcns_const.ALLOWED_EDGE_SIZES:
             return flavor_size.lower()
             err_msg = (_("Invalid flavor size %(flavor)s, only %(sizes)s "
                          "are supported") %
                        {'flavor': flavor_size,
                         'sizes': vcns_const.ALLOWED_EDGE_SIZES})
             raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def convert_string_to_case_insensitive(data):
    """Convert a string value into a lower case string.

    This effectively makes the string case-insensitive.

    :param data: The value to convert.
    :return: The lower-cased string representation of the value, or None is
    'data' is None.
    :raises InvalidInput: If the value is not a string.
        return data.lower()
    except AttributeError:
        error_message = _("Input value %s must be string type") % data
        raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=error_message)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def convert_to_boolean(data):
    if isinstance(data, six.string_types):
        val = data.lower()
        if val == "true" or val == "1":
            return True
        if val == "false" or val == "0":
            return False
    elif isinstance(data, bool):
        return data
    elif isinstance(data, int):
        if data == 0:
            return False
        elif data == 1:
            return True
    msg = _("'%s' cannot be converted to boolean") % data
    raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def _validate_vnic_type_direct_passthrough_for_network(
            self, context, network_id):
        supported_network_types = (c_utils.NsxVNetworkTypes.VLAN,

        if not self._validate_network_type(context, network_id,
            msg_info = {
                'vnic_types': VNIC_TYPES_DIRECT_PASSTHROUGH,
                'networks': supported_network_types
            err_msg = _("%(vnic_types)s port vnic-types are only supported "
                        "for ports on networks of types "
                        "%(networks)s.") % msg_info
            raise exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def convert_to_positive_float_or_none(val):
    # NOTE(salv-orlando): This conversion function is currently used by
    # a vendor specific extension only at the moment  It is used for
    # port's RXTX factor in neutron.plugins.vmware.extensions.qos.
    # It is deemed however generic enough to be in this module as it
    # might be used in future for other API attributes.
    if val is None:
        val = float(val)
        if val < 0:
            raise ValueError()
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        msg = _("'%s' must be a non negative decimal.") % val
        raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
    return val
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def validate(self, context, basic_validation=False, trunk_validation=True):
     """Validate that subports can be used in a trunk."""
     # Perform basic validation on subports, in case subports
     # are not automatically screened by the API layer.
     if basic_validation:
         msg = validators.validate_subports(self.subports)
         if msg:
             raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
     if trunk_validation:
         trunk_port_mtu = self._get_port_mtu(context, self.trunk_port_id)
         return [
             self._validate(context, s, trunk_port_mtu)
             for s in self.subports
         return self.subports
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def add_bgp_peer(self, context, bgp_speaker_id, bgp_peer_info):
     # speaker & peer must belong to the same driver
     if not bgp_peer_info.get('bgp_peer_id'):
         msg = _("bgp_peer_id must be specified")
         raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='bgp-peer', msg=msg)
     peer_driver = self._get_driver_by_peer(context,
     speaker_driver = self._get_driver_by_speaker(context, bgp_speaker_id)
     if peer_driver != speaker_driver:
         msg = _("Peer and Speaker must belong to the same plugin")
         raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
     with locking.LockManager.get_lock(str(bgp_speaker_id)):
         speaker_driver.add_bgp_peer(context, bgp_speaker_id, bgp_peer_info)
         return super(NSXBgpPlugin,
                      self).add_bgp_peer(context, bgp_speaker_id,
Ejemplo n.º 30
def convert_cidr_to_canonical_format(value):
    """CIDR is validated and converted to canonical format.

    :param value: The CIDR which needs to be checked.
    :returns: - 'value' if 'value' is CIDR with IPv4 address,
              - CIDR with canonical IPv6 address if 'value' is IPv6 CIDR.
    :raises:  - InvalidInput if 'value' is None, not a valid CIDR or
                invalid IP Format.
    error_message = _("%s is not in a CIDR format") % value
        cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(value)
        return str(convert_ip_to_canonical_format(cidr.ip)) + "/" + str(
    except netaddr.core.AddrFormatError:
        raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=error_message)