Ejemplo n.º 1
    def child(self, context, n):
        args = []
        if n.find(' ') != -1:
            name, args = n.split(None, 1)
            args = [arg.strip() for arg in args.split(',')]
            name = n

        callable = getattr(self, 'data_%s' % name, None)
        ## If this page doesn't have an appropriate data_* method...
        if callable is None:
            ## See if our self.original has an IContainer...
            container = inevow.IContainer(self.original, None)
            if container is None:
                    "ERROR: The data named '%s' was not found in %r." %
                    (name, self))
                callable = lambda context, data: context.tag[
                    "The data named '%s' was not found in %r." % (name, self)]
                ## And delegate to it if so.
                return container.child(context, n)

        if args:
            return callable(*args)

        return callable
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def postForm(self, ctx, bindingName, args):
        """Accept a form post to the given bindingName. The bindingName
        can be dotted to indicate an attribute of this Configurable, eg
        addresses.0.changeEmail. The post arguments are given in args.
        Return a Resource which will be rendered in response.
        from formless import iformless
        from nevow.tags import invisible
        request = ctx.locate(inevow.IRequest)
        pathSegs = bindingName.split('.')
        configurable = self

        cf = ctx.locate(iformless.IConfigurableFactory)
        ## Get the first binding
        firstSeg = pathSegs.pop(0)
        binding = configurable.getBinding(ctx, firstSeg)
        ctx.remember(binding, IBinding)
        ctx.remember(configurable, IConfigurable)
        ## I don't think this works right now, it needs to be fixed.
        ## Most cases it won't be triggered, because we're just traversing a
        ## single binding name
        for seg in pathSegs:
            assert 1 == 0, "Sorry, this doesn't work right now"
            binding = configurable.getBinding(ctx, seg)
            child = self.boundTo
            if not isinstance(binding, GroupBinding):
                accessor = inevow.IContainer(configurable.boundTo, None)
                if accessor is None:
                    child = getattr(configurable.boundTo, binding.name)
                    child = accessor.child(ctx, binding.name)
            ## If it's a groupbinding, we don't do anything at all for this path segment
            ## This won't work right now. We need to push the previous configurable
            ## as the configurableFactory somehow and ask that for hte next binding
            ## we also need to support deferreds coming back from locateConfigurable
            assert 'black' is 'white', "Deferred support is pending"
            configurable = cf.locateConfigurable(ctx, child)
            ctx = WovenContext(ctx, invisible(key=seg))
            ctx.remember(binding, IBinding)
            ctx.remember(configurable, IConfigurable)

        bindingProcessor = iformless.IInputProcessor(binding)
        rv = bindingProcessor.process(ctx, binding.boundTo, args)
        ctx.remember(rv, inevow.IHand)
        ctx.remember('%r success.' % bindingName, inevow.IStatusMessage)
        return rv