Ejemplo n.º 1
 def getPageContextForRequestContext(self, ctx):
     """Retrieve a resource from this site for a particular request. The
     resource will be wrapped in a PageContext which keeps track
     of how the resource was located.
     path = inevow.IRemainingSegments(ctx)
     res = inevow.IResource(self.resource)
     pageContext = context.PageContext(tag=res, parent=ctx)
     return defer.maybeDeferred(res.locateChild, pageContext,
                                                  ctx.tag, path,
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _cbFinishRender(self, html, ctx):
     if isinstance(html, str):
     elif html is errorMarker:
         ## Error webpage has already been rendered and finish called
         res = inevow.IResource(html)
         pageContext = context.PageContext(tag=res, parent=ctx)
         return self.gotPageContext(pageContext)
     return html
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def handleSegment(self, result, request, path, pageContext):
        if result is errorMarker:
            return errorMarker

        newres, newpath = result
        # If the child resource is None then display a 404 page
        if newres is None:
            from nevow.rend import FourOhFour
            return context.PageContext(tag=FourOhFour(), parent=pageContext)

        # If we got a deferred then we need to call back later, once the
        # child is actually available.
        if isinstance(newres, defer.Deferred):
            return newres.addCallback(
                lambda actualRes: self.handleSegment(
                    (actualRes, newpath), request, path, pageContext))

        # FIX A GIANT LEAK. Is this code really useful anyway?
        newres = inevow.IResource(newres)#, persist=True)
        if newres is pageContext.tag:
            assert not newpath is path, "URL traversal cycle detected when attempting to locateChild %r from resource %r." % (path, pageContext.tag)
            assert  len(newpath) < len(path), "Infinite loop impending..."

        ## We found a Resource... update the request.prepath and postpath
        for x in xrange(len(path) - len(newpath)):
            if request.postpath:

        ## Create a context object to represent this new resource
        ctx = context.PageContext(tag=newres, parent=pageContext)
        ctx.remember(tuple(request.prepath), inevow.ICurrentSegments)
        ctx.remember(tuple(request.postpath), inevow.IRemainingSegments)

        res = newres
        path = newpath

        if not path:
            return ctx

        return defer.maybeDeferred(
            res.locateChild, ctx, path
            processingFailed, request, ctx
            self.handleSegment, request, path, ctx
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _cbFinishRender(self, html, ctx):
     if isinstance(html, str):
     elif html is errorMarker:
         ## Error webpage has already been rendered and finish called
         res = inevow.IResource(html, None)
         if res is not None:
             pageContext = context.PageContext(tag=res, parent=ctx)
             return self.gotPageContext(pageContext)
             print "html is not a string: %s on %s" % (str(html), ctx.tag)
     return html
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
        r = self.children.get(segments[0], None)
        if r:
            return r, segments[1:]

        path = segments[0]


        if not self.fp.isdir():
            return rend.NotFound

        if path:
            fpath = self.fp.child(path)
            fpath = self.fp.childSearchPreauth(*self.indexNames)
            if fpath is None:
                if self.allowListing:
                    return self.directoryListing(), segments[1:]
                    return rend.NotFound

        if not fpath.exists():
            fpath = fpath.siblingExtensionSearch(*self.ignoredExts)
            if fpath is None:
                return rend.NotFound

        # Don't run processors on directories - if someone wants their own
        # customized directory rendering, subclass File instead.
        if fpath.isfile():
            if platformType == "win32":
                # don't want .RPY to be different than .rpy, since that
                # would allow source disclosure.
                processor = InsensitiveDict(self.processors).get(
                processor = self.processors.get(fpath.splitext()[1])
            if processor:
                return (inevow.IResource(processor(fpath.path, self.registry)),

        return self.createSimilarFile(fpath.path), segments[1:]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
        """Locate a child page of this one. ctx is a
        nevow.context.PageContext representing the parent Page, and segments
        is a tuple of each element in the URI. An tuple (page, segments) should be
        returned, where page is an instance of nevow.rend.Page and segments a tuple
        representing the remaining segments of the URI. If the child is not found, return
        NotFound instead.

        locateChild is designed to be easily overridden to perform fancy lookup tricks.
        However, the default locateChild is useful, and looks for children in three places,
        in this order:

         - in a dictionary, self.children
         - a member of self named child_<childname>. This can be either an
           attribute or a method. If an attribute, it should be an object which
           can be adapted to IResource. If a method, it should take the context
           and return an object which can be adapted to IResource.
         - by calling self.childFactory(ctx, name). Name is a single string instead
           of a tuple of strings. This should return an object that can be adapted
           to IResource.

        if self.children is not None:
            r = self.children.get(segments[0], None)
            if r is not None:
                return r, segments[1:]

        w = getattr(self, 'child_%s' % segments[0], None)
        if w is not None:
            if inevow.IResource(w, None) is not None:
                return w, segments[1:]
            r = w(ctx)
            if r is not None:
                return r, segments[1:]

        r = self.childFactory(ctx, segments[0])
        if r is not None:
            return r, segments[1:]

        return FreeformChildMixin.locateChild(self, ctx, segments)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _cbFinishRender(self, html, ctx):
        Callback for the page rendering process having completed.

        @param html: Either the content of the response body (L{bytes}) or a
            marker that an exception occurred and has already been handled or
            an object adaptable to L{IResource} to use to render the response.
        if self._lostConnection:
            # No response can be sent at this point.
        elif isinstance(html, str):
        elif html is errorMarker:
            ## Error webpage has already been rendered and finish called
            res = inevow.IResource(html)
            pageContext = context.PageContext(tag=res, parent=ctx)
            return self.gotPageContext(pageContext)
        return html
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def renderResource(self, u):
     request = FakeRequest()
     ctx = context.RequestContext(tag=request)
     return util.maybeDeferred(inevow.IResource(u).renderHTTP, ctx).addCallback(
         lambda r: (r, request.redirected_to))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _cb(xxx_todo_changeme1, ctx):
     (resource, segments) = xxx_todo_changeme1
     assert not segments
     res = inevow.IResource(resource)
     return res.renderHTTP(ctx)