Ejemplo n.º 1
 def tabbedPane(self, ctx, data):
     tab_names = [element[0] for element in data]
     return t.invisible[
             [t.li(id_="tab-"+name.replace(' ', '_'))[name] for name in tab_names]
         [t.div(id_="page-"+name.replace(' ', '_'))[fragment] for name, fragment in data]
     t.inlineJS('setupTabbedPane(['+','.join([le.flt(le.js['tab-'+name.replace(' ', '_'),'page-'+name.replace(' ', '_')], quote=False) for name, junk in data])+']);')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def tabbedPane(self, ctx, data):
        tab_names = [element[0] for element in data]

        return t.invisible[t.div(class_='tabbedPane')[t.ul(class_='tabs')[[
            t.li(id_="tab-" + name.replace(' ', '_'))[name]
            for name in tab_names
        ]], [
            t.div(id_="page-" + name.replace(' ', '_'))[fragment]
            for name, fragment in data
                           t.inlineJS('setupTabbedPane([' + ','.join([
                               le.flt(le.js['tab-' + name.replace(' ', '_'),
                                            'page-' + name.replace(' ', '_')],
                                      quote=False) for name, junk in data
                           ]) + ']);')]
Ejemplo n.º 3
class tabbedPaneGlue:

    _css = util.resource_filename('nevow.taglibrary', "tabbedPane.css")
    _js = util.resource_filename('nevow', "js/Nevow/TagLibrary/TabbedPane.js")

    fileCSS = static.File(_css, 'text/css')
    fileJS = static.File(_js, 'text/javascript')
    fileGlue = (t.link(rel='stylesheet',
                t.script(type='text/javascript', src='/tabbedPane.js'))

    inlineCSS = t.style(type_='text/css')[t.xml(file(_css).read())]
    inlineJS = t.inlineJS(file(_js).read())
    inlineGlue = inlineJS, inlineCSS
Ejemplo n.º 4
class progressBarGlue:
    _css = util.resource_filename('nevow.taglibrary', "progressBar.css")
    _js = util.resource_filename('nevow.taglibrary', "progressBar.js")
    fileCSS = static.Data(_css, 'text/css')
    fileJS = static.Data(_js, 'text/javascript')
    fileGlue = (
        t.link(rel='stylesheet', type_='text/css', href='/progressBar.css'),
        t.script(type_='text/javascript', src='/progressBar.js')
    inlineCSS = t.style(type_='text/css')[ t.xml(file(_css).read()) ]
    inlineJS = t.inlineJS(file(_js).read())
    inlineGlue = inlineJS, inlineCSS
Ejemplo n.º 5
class tabbedPaneGlue:
    Record which holds information about the Javascript & CSS requirements
    of L{TabbedPane} and L{TabbedPaneFragment}.

    @type stylesheetPath: C{str}
    @ivar stylesheetPath: Filesystem path of the tabbed pane stylesheet.

    @type javascriptPath: C{str}
    @ivar javascriptPath: Filesystem path of the tabbed pane Javascript

    @type fileCSS: L{static.File}
    @ivar fileCSS: Resource which serves L{stylesheetPath}.

    @type fileJS: L{static.File}
    @ivar fileJS: Resource which serves L{javascriptPath}.

    @type fileGlue: Stan
    @ivar fileGlue: Stan which, when placed in the <head> of an HTML document,
    will include the required CSS & Javascript.

    @type inlineCSS: L{t.style}
    @ivar inlineCSS: <style> tag containing the tabbedpane CSS inline.

    @type inlineJS: L{t.script}
    @ivar inlineJS: <script> tag containing the tabbedpane Javascript inline.

    @type inlineGlue: Stan
    @ivar inlineGlue: A tuple of L{inlineCSS} and L{inlineJS}.
    stylesheetPath = util.resource_filename('nevow', 'css/Nevow/TagLibrary/TabbedPane.css')
    javascriptPath = util.resource_filename('nevow', 'js/Nevow/TagLibrary/TabbedPane.js')

    fileCSS = static.File(stylesheetPath, 'text/css')
    fileJS = static.File(javascriptPath, 'text/javascript')
    fileGlue = (
        t.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='/tabbedPane.css'),
        t.script(type='text/javascript', src='/tabbedPane.js')

    inlineCSS = t.style(type_='text/css')[ t.xml(file(stylesheetPath).read()) ]
    inlineJS = t.inlineJS(file(javascriptPath).read())
    inlineGlue = inlineJS, inlineCSS
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def tabbedPane(self, ctx, data):
        tab_names = [element[0] for element in data]

        return t.invisible[
                t.ul(class_="tabs")[[t.li(id_="tab-" + name.replace(" ", "_"))[name] for name in tab_names]],
                [t.div(id_="page-" + name.replace(" ", "_"))[fragment] for name, fragment in data],
                + ",".join(
                        le.flt(le.js["tab-" + name.replace(" ", "_"), "page-" + name.replace(" ", "_")], quote=False)
                        for name, junk in data
                + "]);"
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_inlineJS(self):
        # there is a tendency for people to change inlineJS to something like this:
        #   return script(type="text/javascript")[xml('\n//<![CDATA[\n'), s, xml(\n//]]>\n']
        # however, this is broken because it replaces & < and > with entities,
        # which is wrong. If the CDATA thingers are omitted, then it is correct
        # by the XML spec, but not in reality, because browsers do not resolve
        # entities in script tags for historic reasons, and the content of
        # script tags is defined to be CDATA by XHTML, even without CDATA
        # directives.
        # Anyway, the end result is that & becomes &amp; resulting in a syntax
        # error.

        ctx = context.WovenContext()
        tag = tags.inlineJS('correct && elegant;')
        flatted = flat.flatten(tag, ctx)
        self.failIf('&amp;' in flatted)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_inlineJS(self):
        # there is a tendency for people to change inlineJS to something like this:
        #   return script(type="text/javascript")[xml('\n//<![CDATA[\n'), s, xml(\n//]]>\n']
        # however, this is broken because it replaces & < and > with entities,
        # which is wrong. If the CDATA thingers are omitted, then it is correct
        # by the XML spec, but not in reality, because browsers do not resolve
        # entities in script tags for historic reasons, and the content of
        # script tags is defined to be CDATA by XHTML, even without CDATA
        # directives.
        # Anyway, the end result is that & becomes &amp; resulting in a syntax
        # error.

        ctx = context.WovenContext()
        tag = tags.inlineJS("correct && elegant;")
        flatted = flat.flatten(tag, ctx)
        self.failIf("&amp;" in flatted)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def tabbedPane(self, ctx, data):
        name = data.get('name', 'theTabbedPane')
        pages = data.get('pages')
        selected = data.get('selected', 0)

        def _():
            for n, (tab, page) in enumerate(pages):
                tID = '%s_tab_%i' % (name, n)
                pID = '%s_page_%i' % (name, n)
                yield (t.li(class_='nevow-tabbedpane-tab', id_=tID)[tab],
                             id_=pID)[page], flt(js[tID, pID], quote=False))

        tabs, pages, j = zip(*_())
        if selected >= len(tabs):
            selected = 0

        return t.invisible[t.div(class_='nevow-tabbedpane', id_=name)[t.ul(
            class_='nevow-tabbedpane-tabs')[tabs], pages],
                           t.inlineJS('setupTabbedPane([' + ','.join(j) +
                                      '], %i);' % selected)]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def render_glue(self, ctx, data):
     "All in one glue!"
     stans = []
     stans.append(T.script(src="liveevil", language="javascript"))
     stans.append(T.script(src="js/codehack.js", langauge="javascript"))
     js = """
     function onLoad(){
       var isrunning = %(isrunning)s;
       if (isrunning){
          time_start(%(age)s, %(duration)s);
     age = None
     if self.mind.isrunning:
         age = self.mind.avatar.contest.getContestAge()
     info_dict = {"isrunning": self.mind.isrunning and "true" or "false", "age": age, "duration": self.mind.duration}
     stans.append(T.inlineJS(js % info_dict))
     return stans
    def tabbedPane(self, ctx, data):
        name = data.get('name', 'theTabbedPane')
        pages = data.get('pages')
        selected = data.get('selected', 0)

        def _():
            for n, (tab, page) in enumerate(pages):
                tID = '%s_tab_%i'%(name, n)
                pID = '%s_page_%i'%(name, n)
                yield (t.li(class_='nevow-tabbedpane-tab', id_=tID)[tab],
                       t.div(class_='nevow-tabbedpane-pane', id_=pID)[page],
                       flt(js[tID,pID], quote = False))

        tabs, pages, j = zip(*_())
        if selected >= len(tabs):
            selected = 0

        return t.invisible[
                t.ul(class_='nevow-tabbedpane-tabs')[tabs], pages
            t.inlineJS('setupTabbedPane([' + ','.join(j) + '], %i);'%selected)
Ejemplo n.º 12
from nevow import tags as t, static, livepage as le

def _locateFile(filename):
    import os.path
    dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    return os.path.join(dirname, filename)

_tp_style_fn = _locateFile("tabbedPane-style.css")
_tp_layout_fn = _locateFile("tabbedPane-layout.css")
_tp_JS = _locateFile("tabbedPane.js")

tabbedPaneStyle = t.style(type_='text/css')[open(_tp_style_fn).read()]
tabbedPaneLayout = t.style(type_='text/css')[open(_tp_layout_fn).read()]
tabbedPaneJS = t.inlineJS(open(_tp_JS).read())

tabbedPaneHeadInline = t.invisible[tabbedPaneStyle, tabbedPaneLayout,
                                   tabbedPaneJS, ]

tabbedPaneStyleFile = static.File(_tp_style_fn, 'text/css')
tabbedPaneLayoutFile = static.File(_tp_layout_fn, 'text/css')
tabbedPaneJSFile = static.File(_tp_JS, 'text/javascript')

tabbedPaneHeadFiles = t.invisible[
    t.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='/tabbedPane-style.css'),
    t.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='/tabbedPane-layout.css'),
    t.script(type='text/javascript', src='/tabbedPane.js'), ]

class TabbedPane(object):
Ejemplo n.º 13
    import os.path
    dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    return os.path.join(dirname, filename)

_tp_style_fn = _locateFile("tabbedPane-style.css")
_tp_layout_fn = _locateFile("tabbedPane-layout.css")
_tp_JS = _locateFile("tabbedPane.js")

tabbedPaneStyle = t.style(type_='text/css')[
tabbedPaneLayout = t.style(type_='text/css')[
tabbedPaneJS = t.inlineJS(

tabbedPaneHeadInline = t.invisible[

tabbedPaneStyleFile = static.File(_tp_style_fn, 'text/css')
tabbedPaneLayoutFile = static.File(_tp_layout_fn, 'text/css')
tabbedPaneJSFile = static.File(_tp_JS, 'text/javascript')

tabbedPaneHeadFiles = t.invisible[
    t.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='/tabbedPane-style.css'),
    t.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='/tabbedPane-layout.css'),
Ejemplo n.º 14
    node.style['width'] = val+'%';
_progress_css = """
.progressbar {
    width: 50%;
    height: 15px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 1px;
.progressbar div {
    height: 15px;
    background-color: #aaaaaa;
progressGlueJS = static.File(_progress_glue, 'text/javascript')
progressGlue = t.inlineJS(_progress_glue)
progressCSSFile = static.File(_progress_css, 'text/css')
progressCSS = t.style(type_='text/css')[_progress_css]
class ProgressBarComponent(object):
    def progressBar(self, ctx, data):
        name = data.get('name', 'progressbar')
        start_perc = data.get('start', 0)
        bar = t.div(id_=str(name), class_="progressbar")
        meter = t.div(id_="%s_meter" % str(name))
        return bar[meter(style="width:%s%%" % (start_perc))]
progressBar = ProgressBarComponent().progressBar
__all__ = ["progressGlueJS", "progressGlue", "progressBar",
           "progressCSS", "progressCSSFile"]
Ejemplo n.º 15
    """Calculate and return the full path to the liveevil glue JavaScript.
    import os.path

    dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    return os.path.join(dirname, "liveevil.js")

    _glueJS = _locateGlueJS()

    # A static.File resource that can be used from a <link>
    glueJS = static.File(_glueJS, "text/javascript")

    # Inline JavaScript glue. TODO: deprecate this.
    glue = tags.inlineJS(open(_glueJS).read())

    # Glue which tells livepage to only allow clientToServer events, not async serverToClient events
    inputOnlyGlue = tags.inlineJS(
        "var auto_open = false; var liveevil_unload = true;\n" + "".join(open(_glueJS).readlines()[1:])
except EnvironmentError:
    glueJS = inputOnlyGlue = glue = None
    warnings.warn("Could not open liveevil.js")

ctsTemplate = "nevow_clientToServerEvent('%s',this%s);%s"
handledEventPostlude = " return false;"

class strWithCallit(str):
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _locateGlueJS():
    """Calculate and return the full path to the liveevil glue JavaScript.
    import os.path
    dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    return os.path.join(dirname, 'liveevil.js')

    _glueJS = _locateGlueJS()

    # A static.File resource that can be used from a <link>
    glueJS = static.File(_glueJS, 'text/javascript')

    # Inline JavaScript glue. TODO: deprecate this.
    glue = tags.inlineJS(open(_glueJS).read())

    # Glue which tells livepage to only allow clientToServer events, not async serverToClient events
    inputOnlyGlue = tags.inlineJS(
        "var auto_open = false; var liveevil_unload = true;\n" +
except EnvironmentError:
    glueJS = inputOnlyGlue = glue = None
    warnings.warn("Could not open liveevil.js")

ctsTemplate = "nevow_clientToServerEvent('%s',this%s);%s"
handledEventPostlude = ' return false;'

class strWithCallit(str):
Ejemplo n.º 17
_progress_css = """
.progressbar {
    width: 50%;
    height: 15px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 1px;
.progressbar div {
    height: 15px;
    background-color: #aaaaaa;

progressGlueJS = static.File(_progress_glue, 'text/javascript')
progressGlue = t.inlineJS(_progress_glue)

progressCSSFile = static.File(_progress_css, 'text/css')
progressCSS = t.style(type_='text/css')[_progress_css]

class ProgressBarComponent(object):
    def progressBar(self, ctx, data):
        name = data.get('name', 'progressbar')
        start_perc = data.get('start', 0)
        bar = t.div(id_=str(name), class_="progressbar")
        meter = t.div(id_="%s_meter" % str(name))
        return bar[meter(style="width:%s%%" % (start_perc))]

progressBar = ProgressBarComponent().progressBar