Ejemplo n.º 1
    def check_metric(self, metric_name, thresholds):
        """ Check one specific metric against a list of thresholds. Updates self.status() and writes to summary or longout as appropriate.

          metric_name -- A string representing the name of the metric (the label part of the performance data)
          thresholds  -- a list in the form of [ (level,range) ] where range is a string in the format of "start..end"

        >>> thresholds = [(warning,'2..5'),(critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> p.check_metric('load15',thresholds)

        metric = self.get_metric(label=metric_name)

        # If threshold was specified but metric not found in our data, set status unknown
        if metric is None:
            self.add_summary("Metric %s not found" % (metric_name))

        metric_status = -1 # by default assume nothing
        metric_was_outside_ok_range = False # Will go to true only if ok range is specified
        highest_level = ok # highest threshold range seen
        for level, threshold_range in thresholds:
            highest_level = max(highest_level, level)
            if metric.warn == '' and level == warning:
                metric.warn = threshold_range
            elif metric.crit == '' and level == critical:
                metric.crit = threshold_range
            if new_threshold_syntax.check_range(metric.value, threshold_range):
                metric_status = max(metric_status, level)
                self.debug('%s is within %s range "%s"' % (metric_name, state_text[level], threshold_range))
                self.debug('%s is outside %s range "%s"' % (metric_name, state_text[level],threshold_range))
                metric_was_outside_ok_range = True

        # If no thresholds were specified, lets put state to OK
        metric_status = max(metric_status, OK)

        # If an ok range was specified, and value was outside of it,
        # we should return critical if warn or crit were specified:
        if metric_was_outside_ok_range == True and highest_level == ok:
            metric_status = max(metric_status, critical)
        # OK's go to long output, errors go directly to summary
        message = '%s on %s' % (state_text[metric_status], metric_name)

        # Errors are added to the summary:
        if metric_status > 0:

        if self.verbose == True:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def check_metric(self, metric_name, thresholds):
        """ Check one specific metric against a list of thresholds. Updates self.status() and writes to summary or longout as appropriate.

          metric_name -- A string representing the name of the metric (the label part of the performance data)
          thresholds  -- a list in the form of [ (level,range) ] where range is a string in the format of "start..end"

        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> thresholds = [(warning,'2..5'), (critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        'Unknown -'
        >>> p.add_metric('load15', '3')
        >>> p.check_metric('load15',thresholds)
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        "Warning - Warning on load15 | 'load15'=3;2..5;5..inf;;"

        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> thresholds = [(warning,'2..5'), (critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p.add_metric('load15', '3')
        >>> p.verbose = True
        >>> p.check_metric('load15',thresholds)
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        "Warning - Warning on load15 | 'load15'=3;2..5;5..inf;;\\nWarning on load15"

        Invalid metric:
        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> p.add_status(ok)
        >>> p.add_summary('Everythings fine!')
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        'OK - Everythings fine!'
        >>> thresholds = [(warning,'2..5'), (critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p.check_metric('never_added_metric', thresholds)
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        'Unknown - Everythings fine!. Metric never_added_metric not found'

        Invalid threshold:
        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> thresholds = [(warning, 'invalid'), (critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p.add_metric('load1', '10')
        >>> p.check_metric('load1', thresholds)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        SystemExit: 3

        metric = self.get_metric(label=metric_name)

        # If threshold was specified but metric not found in our data, set status unknown
        if metric is None:
            self.add_summary("Metric %s not found" % (metric_name))

        metric_status = -1 # by default assume nothing
        default_state = 0 # By default if no treshold matches, we assume OK
        highest_level = ok # highest threshold range seen
        # Iterate through all thresholds, and log down warn and crit for perfdata purposes
        for level, threshold_range in thresholds:
            if metric.warn == '' and level == warning:
                metric.warn = threshold_range
            elif metric.crit == '' and level == critical:
                metric.crit = threshold_range
            if level == ok:
                default_state = 2

        # Iterate all threshold and determine states
        for level, threshold_range in thresholds:
            highest_level = max(highest_level, level)
            # If ok threshold was specified, default state is critical according to spec
            # If value matches our threshold, we increment the status
                in_range = new_threshold_syntax.check_range(metric.value, threshold_range)
            except PynagError:
                    "Could not parse threshold %s=%s for metric %s" %
                                 (state_text[level], threshold_range, metric_name)
                self.set_long_output("Thresholds should be in the format metric=<metric_name>,ok=0..90,warning=90..95")
                self.add_long_output("Example: ")
                self.add_long_output("--th metric=load,ok=0..1,warning=1..5,critical=5..inf")
            if in_range:
                metric_status = max(metric_status, level)
                self.debug('%s is within %s range "%s"' % (metric_name, state_text[level], threshold_range))
                if level == ok:
                    self.debug("OK threshold matches, not checking any more thresholds")
                    metric_status = ok
                self.debug('%s is outside %s range "%s"' % (metric_name, state_text[level],threshold_range))

        # If no thresholds matched, set a default return code
        if metric_status < 0:
            metric_status = default_state

        # OK's go to long output, errors go directly to summary
        message = '%s on %s' % (state_text[metric_status], metric_name)

        # Errors are added to the summary:
        if metric_status > 0:

        if self.verbose == True:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def check_metric(self, metric_name, thresholds):
        """ Check one specific metric against a list of thresholds. Updates self.status() and writes to summary or longout as appropriate.

          metric_name -- A string representing the name of the metric (the label part of the performance data)
          thresholds  -- a list in the form of [ (level,range) ] where range is a string in the format of "start..end"

        >>> thresholds = [(warning,'2..5'),(critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> p.check_metric('load15',thresholds)

        metric = self.get_metric(label=metric_name)

        # If threshold was specified but metric not found in our data, set status unknown
        if metric is None:
            self.add_summary("Metric %s not found" % (metric_name))

        metric_status = -1 # by default assume nothing
        default_state = 0 # By default if no treshold matches, we assume OK
        highest_level = ok # highest threshold range seen
        # Iterate through all thresholds, and log down warn and crit for perfdata purposes
        for level, threshold_range in thresholds:
            if metric.warn == '' and level == warning:
                metric.warn = threshold_range
            elif metric.crit == '' and level == critical:
                metric.crit = threshold_range
            if level == ok:
                default_state = 2

        # Iterate all threshold and determine states
        for level, threshold_range in thresholds:
            highest_level = max(highest_level, level)
            # If ok threshold was specified, default state is critical according to spec
            # If value matches our threshold, we increment the status
            if new_threshold_syntax.check_range(metric.value, threshold_range):
                metric_status = max(metric_status, level)
                self.debug('%s is within %s range "%s"' % (metric_name, state_text[level], threshold_range))
                if level == ok:
                    self.debug("OK threshold matches, not checking any more thresholds")
                    metric_status = ok
                self.debug('%s is outside %s range "%s"' % (metric_name, state_text[level],threshold_range))

        # If no thresholds matched, set a default return code
        if metric_status < 0:
            metric_status = default_state

        # OK's go to long output, errors go directly to summary
        message = '%s on %s' % (state_text[metric_status], metric_name)

        # Errors are added to the summary:
        if metric_status > 0:

        if self.verbose == True:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def check_metric(self, metric_name, thresholds):
        """ Check one specific metric against a list of thresholds. Updates self.status() and writes to summary or longout as appropriate.

          metric_name -- A string representing the name of the metric (the label part of the performance data)
          thresholds  -- a list in the form of [ (level,range) ] where range is a string in the format of "start..end"

        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> thresholds = [(warning,'2..5'), (critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        'Unknown -'
        >>> p.add_metric('load15', '3')
        >>> p.check_metric('load15',thresholds)
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        "Warning - Warning on load15 | 'load15'=3;@2:5;~:5;;"

        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> thresholds = [(warning,'2..5'), (critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p.add_metric('load15', '3')
        >>> p.verbose = True
        >>> p.check_metric('load15',thresholds)
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        "Warning - Warning on load15 | 'load15'=3;@2:5;~:5;;\\nWarning on load15"

        Invalid metric:
        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> p.add_status(ok)
        >>> p.add_summary('Everythings fine!')
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        'OK - Everythings fine!'
        >>> thresholds = [(warning,'2..5'), (critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p.check_metric('never_added_metric', thresholds)
        >>> p.get_plugin_output()
        'Unknown - Everythings fine!. Metric never_added_metric not found'

        Invalid threshold:
        >>> p = PluginHelper()
        >>> thresholds = [(warning, 'invalid'), (critical,'5..inf')]
        >>> p.add_metric('load1', '10')
        >>> p.check_metric('load1', thresholds)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        SystemExit: 3

        metric = self.get_metric(label=metric_name)

        # If threshold was specified but metric not found in our data, set
        # status unknown
        if metric is None:
            self.add_summary("Metric %s not found" % (metric_name))

        metric_status = -1  # by default assume nothing
        default_state = 0  # By default if no treshold matches, we assume OK
        highest_level = ok  # highest threshold range seen
        # Iterate through all thresholds, and log down warn and crit for
        # perfdata purposes
        for level, threshold_range in thresholds:
            if metric.warn == '' and level == warning:
                metric.warn = threshold_range
            elif metric.crit == '' and level == critical:
                metric.crit = threshold_range
            if level == ok:
                default_state = 2

        # Iterate all threshold and determine states
        for level, threshold_range in thresholds:
            highest_level = max(highest_level, level)
            # If ok threshold was specified, default state is critical according to spec
            # If value matches our threshold, we increment the status
                in_range = new_threshold_syntax.check_range(
                    metric.value, threshold_range)
            except PynagError:
                    "Could not parse threshold %s=%s for metric %s" %
                     level], threshold_range, metric_name)
                    "Thresholds should be in the format metric=<metric_name>,ok=0..90,warning=90..95")
                self.add_long_output("Example: ")
                    "--th metric=load,ok=0..1,warning=1..5,critical=5..inf")
            if in_range:
                metric_status = max(metric_status, level)
                self.debug('%s is within %s range "%s"' %
                           (metric_name, state_text[level], threshold_range))
                if level == ok:
                        "OK threshold matches, not checking any more thresholds")
                    metric_status = ok
                self.debug('%s is outside %s range "%s"' %
                           (metric_name, state_text[level], threshold_range))

        # If no thresholds matched, set a default return code
        if metric_status < 0:
            metric_status = default_state

        # OK's go to long output, errors go directly to summary
        message = '%s on %s' % (state_text[metric_status], metric_name)

        # Errors are added to the summary:
        if metric_status > 0:

        if self.verbose is True: