Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_submission(title, url, text):
    This will check a submission for errors and return
    a string containing the first error found, or '' 
    if there are no errors.
    if not valid_title(title):
        return 'Title must be between 1 and ' +  \
                str(news_settings.NEWS_MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) + ' characters'

    if not url and not text:
        return 'Enter url or text'

    if url and text:
        return 'Only url OR text (not both)'

    if url and not valid_url(url):
        return 'URL not valid'

    if text and not valid_text(text):
        return 'Text not valid'

    # no error
    return ''
Ejemplo n.º 2
def user(request, username):
    View for a user.

    On GET it shows the user profile (which is editable if 
    the user is logged in and looking at their own profile.)
    On POST it tries to update the user's profile.

    userprofile = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, user__username=username)

    next = reverse('news.views.users.user', args=(userprofile.username,))

    if request.method != 'POST':
        posting_error = get_from_session(request, 'userprofile_posting_error')
        email_address = get_from_session(request, 'userprofile_email')
        website = get_from_session(request, 'userprofile_website')
        about = get_from_session(request, 'userprofile_about')
        return render_to_response('news/user.html',
                {'viewing_userprofile': userprofile,
                 'next': next,
                 'posting_error': posting_error,
                 'error_email': email_address,
                 'error_website': website,
                 'error_about': about},

    # don't allow users to POST without being logged in.
    # Also make sure the the user trying to post is the
    # one that is logged in.
    assert_or_404(request.user == userprofile.user)

    email_address = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'email_address')  
    website = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'website')  
    about = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'about')  
    option_show_email = request.POST.get('option_show_email', False)
    option_use_javascript = request.POST.get('option_use_javascript', False)
    option_show_dead = request.POST.get('option_show_dead', False)

    # there shouldn't be a problem with option_show_email
    # or option_use_javascript, or option_show_dead, 
    # so we can go ahead and set them
    if option_use_javascript == False:
        userprofile.option_use_javascript = False
        userprofile.option_use_javascript = True

    if option_show_email == False:
        userprofile.option_show_email = False
        userprofile.option_show_email = True

    if option_show_dead == False:
        userprofile.option_show_dead = False
        userprofile.option_show_dead = True
    if email_address and not valid_email(email_address):
        request.session['userprofile_posting_error'] = "Email address too long"
        request.session['userprofile_email'] = email_address
        request.session['userprofile_website'] = website
        request.session['userprofile_about'] = about
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.users.user',

    if website:
        website = improve_url(website)
        if not valid_url(website):
            request.session['userprofile_posting_error'] = "URL not valid"
            request.session['userprofile_email'] = email_address
            request.session['userprofile_website'] = website
            request.session['userprofile_about'] = about
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.users.user',

    if about and not valid_text(about):
        request.session['userprofile_posting_error'] = "About not valid"
        request.session['userprofile_email'] = email_address
        request.session['userprofile_website'] = website
        request.session['userprofile_about'] = about
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.users.user',

    userprofile.website = website
    userprofile.about = about
    userprofile.user.email = email_address


    return HttpResponseRedirect(
            reverse('news.views.users.user', args=(userprofile.username,)))