Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_buildAll(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} calls L{NewsBuilder.build} once for each
        subproject, passing that subproject's I{topfiles} directory as C{path},
        the I{NEWS} file in that directory as C{output}, and the subproject's
        name as C{header}, and then again for each subproject with the
        top-level I{NEWS} file for C{output}. Blacklisted subprojects are
        builds = []
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        builder.build = lambda path, output, header: builds.append((
            path, output, header))
        builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'

        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()

        coreTopfiles = project.child("topfiles")
        coreNews = coreTopfiles.child("NEWS")
        coreHeader = "Twisted Core 1.2.3 (2009-12-01)"

        conchTopfiles = project.child("conch").child("topfiles")
        conchNews = conchTopfiles.child("NEWS")
        conchHeader = "Twisted Conch 3.4.5 (2009-12-01)"

        aggregateNews = project.child("NEWS")

            [(conchTopfiles, conchNews, conchHeader),
             (conchTopfiles, aggregateNews, conchHeader),
             (coreTopfiles, coreNews, coreHeader),
             (coreTopfiles, aggregateNews, coreHeader)])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_buildAll(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} calls L{NewsBuilder.build} once for each
        subproject, passing that subproject's I{topfiles} directory as C{path},
        the I{NEWS} file in that directory as C{output}, and the subproject's
        name as C{header}, and then again for each subproject with the
        top-level I{NEWS} file for C{output}. Blacklisted subprojects are
        builds = []
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        builder.build = lambda path, output, header: builds.append(
            (path, output, header))
        builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'

        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()

        coreTopfiles = project.child("topfiles")
        coreNews = coreTopfiles.child("NEWS")
        coreHeader = "Twisted Core 1.2.3 (2009-12-01)"

        conchTopfiles = project.child("conch").child("topfiles")
        conchNews = conchTopfiles.child("NEWS")
        conchHeader = "Twisted Conch 3.4.5 (2009-12-01)"

        aggregateNews = project.child("NEWS")

        self.assertEqual(builds, [(conchTopfiles, conchNews, conchHeader),
                                  (conchTopfiles, aggregateNews, conchHeader),
                                  (coreTopfiles, coreNews, coreHeader),
                                  (coreTopfiles, aggregateNews, coreHeader)])
Ejemplo n.º 3
class NewsBuilderTests(TestCase, StructureAssertingMixin):
    Tests for L{NewsBuilder}.
    skip = svnSkip

    def setUp(self):
        Create a fake project and stuff some basic structure and content into
        self.builder = NewsBuilder()
        self.project = FilePath(self.mktemp())

        self.existingText = 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n'
            self.project, {
                'NEWS': self.existingText,
                '5.feature': 'We now support the web.\n',
                '12.feature': 'The widget is more robust.\n',
                '15.feature': (
                    'A very long feature which takes many words to '
                    'describe with any accuracy was introduced so that '
                    'the line wrapping behavior of the news generating '
                    'code could be verified.\n'),
                '16.feature': (
                    'A simpler feature\ndescribed on multiple lines\n'
                    'was added.\n'),
                '23.bugfix': 'Broken stuff was fixed.\n',
                '25.removal': 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.\n',
                '30.misc': '',
                '35.misc': '',
                '40.doc': 'foo.bar.Baz.quux',
                '41.doc': 'writing Foo servers'})

    def svnCommit(self, project=None):
        Make the C{project} directory a valid subversion directory with all
        files committed.
        if project is None:
            project = self.project
        repositoryPath = self.mktemp()
        repository = FilePath(repositoryPath)

        runCommand(["svnadmin", "create", repository.path])
        runCommand(["svn", "checkout", "file://" + repository.path,

        runCommand(["svn", "add"] + glob.glob(project.path + "/*"))
        runCommand(["svn", "commit", project.path, "-m", "yay"])

    def test_today(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._today} returns today's date in YYYY-MM-DD form.
            self.builder._today(), date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))

    def test_findFeatures(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._FEATURE}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of
        features = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._FEATURE)
            [(5, "We now support the web."),
             (12, "The widget is more robust."),
              "A very long feature which takes many words to describe with "
              "any accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior "
              "of the news generating code could be verified."),
             (16, "A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added.")])

    def test_findBugfixes(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._BUGFIX}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of
        bugfixes = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._BUGFIX)
            [(23, 'Broken stuff was fixed.')])

    def test_findRemovals(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._REMOVAL}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions
        as a list of two-tuples.
        removals = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._REMOVAL)
            [(25, 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.')])

    def test_findDocumentation(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._DOC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of documentation ticket numbers and descriptions as a
        list of two-tuples.
        doc = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._DOC)
            [(40, 'foo.bar.Baz.quux'),
             (41, 'writing Foo servers')])

    def test_findMiscellaneous(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._MISC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions
        as a list of two-tuples.
        misc = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._MISC)
            [(30, ''),
             (35, '')])

    def test_writeHeader(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeHeader} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing and a header string and writes out a news file header to it.
        output = StringIO()
        self.builder._writeHeader(output, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
            "Super Awesometastic 32.16\n"

    def test_writeSection(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeSection} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned
        by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}) and writes out a section header and all
        of the given ticket information.
        output = StringIO()
            output, "Features",
            [(3, "Great stuff."),
             (17, "Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly "
              "without end until suddenly without warning it does end.")])
            " - Great stuff. (#3)\n"
            " - Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly "
            "without end\n"
            "   until suddenly without warning it does end. (#17)\n"

    def test_writeMisc(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeMisc} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned
        by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} and writes out a section header and all
        of the ticket numbers, but excludes any descriptions.
        output = StringIO()
            output, "Other",
            [(x, "") for x in range(2, 50, 3)])
            " - #2, #5, #8, #11, #14, #17, #20, #23, #26, #29, #32, #35, "
            "#38, #41,\n"
            "   #44, #47\n"

    def test_build(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.build} updates a NEWS file with new features based on the
        I{<ticket>.feature} files found in the directory specified.
            self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
            "Super Awesometastic 32.16")

        results = self.project.child('NEWS').getContent()
            'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe '
            'with any\n'
            '   accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior '
            'of the\n'
            '   news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n'
            ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was '
            'added. (#16)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            '\n\n' + self.existingText)

    def test_emptyProjectCalledOut(self):
        If no changes exist for a project, I{NEWS} gains a new section for
        that project that includes some helpful text about how there were no
        interesting changes.
        project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted")
        self.createStructure(project, {'NEWS': self.existingText})

            project, project.child('NEWS'),
            "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
        results = project.child('NEWS').getContent()
            'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            '\n' +
            self.builder._NO_CHANGES +
            '\n\n' + self.existingText)

    def test_preserveTicketHint(self):
        If a I{NEWS} file begins with the two magic lines which point readers
        at the issue tracker, those lines are kept at the top of the new file.
        news = self.project.child('NEWS')
            'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n'
            'Blah blah other stuff.\n')

        self.builder.build(self.project, news, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")

            'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n'
            'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe '
            'with any\n'
            '   accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior '
            'of the\n'
            '   news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n'
            ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was '
            'added. (#16)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            'Blah blah other stuff.\n')

    def test_emptySectionsOmitted(self):
        If there are no changes of a particular type (feature, bugfix, etc), no
        section for that type is written by L{NewsBuilder.build}.
        for ticket in self.project.children():
            if ticket.splitext()[1] in ('.feature', '.misc', '.doc'):

            self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
            'Some Thing 1.2')

            'Some Thing 1.2\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')

    def test_duplicatesMerged(self):
        If two change files have the same contents, they are merged in the
        generated news entry.
        def feature(s):
            return self.project.child(s + '.feature')

            self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
            'Project Name 5.0')

            'Project Name 5.0\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5, #15, #16)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')

    def createFakeTwistedProject(self):
        Create a fake-looking Twisted project to build from.
        project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted")
            project, {
                'NEWS': 'Old boring stuff from the past.\n',
                '_version.py': genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 3),
                'topfiles': {
                    'NEWS': 'Old core news.\n',
                    '3.feature': 'Third feature addition.\n',
                    '5.misc': ''},
                'conch': {
                    '_version.py': genVersion("twisted.conch", 3, 4, 5),
                    'topfiles': {
                        'NEWS': 'Old conch news.\n',
                        '7.bugfix': 'Fixed that bug.\n'}}})
        return project

    def test_buildAll(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} calls L{NewsBuilder.build} once for each
        subproject, passing that subproject's I{topfiles} directory as C{path},
        the I{NEWS} file in that directory as C{output}, and the subproject's
        name as C{header}, and then again for each subproject with the
        top-level I{NEWS} file for C{output}. Blacklisted subprojects are
        builds = []
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        builder.build = lambda path, output, header: builds.append((
            path, output, header))
        builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'

        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()

        coreTopfiles = project.child("topfiles")
        coreNews = coreTopfiles.child("NEWS")
        coreHeader = "Twisted Core 1.2.3 (2009-12-01)"

        conchTopfiles = project.child("conch").child("topfiles")
        conchNews = conchTopfiles.child("NEWS")
        conchHeader = "Twisted Conch 3.4.5 (2009-12-01)"

        aggregateNews = project.child("NEWS")

            [(conchTopfiles, conchNews, conchHeader),
             (conchTopfiles, aggregateNews, conchHeader),
             (coreTopfiles, coreNews, coreHeader),
             (coreTopfiles, aggregateNews, coreHeader)])

    def test_buildAllAggregate(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} aggregates I{NEWS} information into the top
        files, only deleting fragments once it's done.
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()

        aggregateNews = project.child("NEWS")

        aggregateContent = aggregateNews.getContent()
        self.assertIn("Third feature addition", aggregateContent)
        self.assertIn("Fixed that bug", aggregateContent)
        self.assertIn("Old boring stuff from the past", aggregateContent)

    def test_changeVersionInNews(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._changeVersions} gets the release date for a given
        version of a project as a string.
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'
        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()
        newVersion = Version('TEMPLATE', 7, 7, 14)
        coreNews = project.child('topfiles').child('NEWS')
        # twisted 1.2.3 is the old version.
            coreNews, "Core", Version("twisted", 1, 2, 3),
            newVersion, '2010-01-01')
        expectedCore = (
            'Twisted Core 7.7.14 (2010-01-01)\n'
            ' - Third feature addition. (#3)\n'
            ' - #5\n\n\n')
            expectedCore + 'Old core news.\n', coreNews.getContent())

    def test_removeNEWSfragments(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildALL} removes all the NEWS fragments after the build
        process, using the C{svn} C{rm} command.
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()

        self.assertEqual(5, len(project.children()))
        output = runCommand(["svn", "status", project.path])
        removed = [line for line in output.splitlines()
                   if line.startswith("D ")]
        self.assertEqual(3, len(removed))

    def test_checkSVN(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} raises L{NotWorkingDirectory} when the given
        path is not a SVN checkout.
            NotWorkingDirectory, self.builder.buildAll, self.project)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class NewsBuilderTests(TestCase, StructureAssertingMixin):
    Tests for L{NewsBuilder}.
    skip = svnSkip

    def setUp(self):
        Create a fake project and stuff some basic structure and content into
        self.builder = NewsBuilder()
        self.project = FilePath(self.mktemp())

        self.existingText = 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n'
            self.project, {
                'NEWS': self.existingText,
                '5.feature': 'We now support the web.\n',
                '12.feature': 'The widget is more robust.\n',
                '15.feature': (
                    'A very long feature which takes many words to '
                    'describe with any accuracy was introduced so that '
                    'the line wrapping behavior of the news generating '
                    'code could be verified.\n'),
                '16.feature': (
                    'A simpler feature\ndescribed on multiple lines\n'
                    'was added.\n'),
                '23.bugfix': 'Broken stuff was fixed.\n',
                '25.removal': 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.\n',
                '30.misc': '',
                '35.misc': '',
                '40.doc': 'foo.bar.Baz.quux',
                '41.doc': 'writing Foo servers'})

    def test_today(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._today} returns today's date in YYYY-MM-DD form.
            self.builder._today(), date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))

    def test_findFeatures(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._FEATURE}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of
        features = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._FEATURE)
            [(5, "We now support the web."),
             (12, "The widget is more robust."),
              "A very long feature which takes many words to describe with "
              "any accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior "
              "of the news generating code could be verified."),
             (16, "A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added.")])

    def test_findBugfixes(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._BUGFIX}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of
        bugfixes = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._BUGFIX)
            [(23, 'Broken stuff was fixed.')])

    def test_findRemovals(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._REMOVAL}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions
        as a list of two-tuples.
        removals = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._REMOVAL)
            [(25, 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.')])

    def test_findDocumentation(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._DOC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of documentation ticket numbers and descriptions as a
        list of two-tuples.
        doc = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._DOC)
            [(40, 'foo.bar.Baz.quux'),
             (41, 'writing Foo servers')])

    def test_findMiscellaneous(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._MISC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions
        as a list of two-tuples.
        misc = self.builder._findChanges(
            self.project, self.builder._MISC)
            [(30, ''),
             (35, '')])

    def test_writeHeader(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeHeader} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing and a header string and writes out a news file header to it.
        output = StringIO()
        self.builder._writeHeader(output, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
            "Super Awesometastic 32.16\n"

    def test_writeSection(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeSection} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned
        by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}) and writes out a section header and all
        of the given ticket information.
        output = StringIO()
            output, "Features",
            [(3, "Great stuff."),
             (17, "Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly "
              "without end until suddenly without warning it does end.")])
            " - Great stuff. (#3)\n"
            " - Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly "
            "without end\n"
            "   until suddenly without warning it does end. (#17)\n"

    def test_writeMisc(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeMisc} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned
        by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} and writes out a section header and all
        of the ticket numbers, but excludes any descriptions.
        output = StringIO()
            output, "Other",
            [(x, "") for x in range(2, 50, 3)])
            " - #2, #5, #8, #11, #14, #17, #20, #23, #26, #29, #32, #35, "
            "#38, #41,\n"
            "   #44, #47\n"

    def test_build(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.build} updates a NEWS file with new features based on the
        I{<ticket>.feature} files found in the directory specified.
            self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
            "Super Awesometastic 32.16")

        results = self.project.child('NEWS').getContent()
            'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe '
            'with any\n'
            '   accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior '
            'of the\n'
            '   news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n'
            ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was '
            'added. (#16)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            '\n\n' + self.existingText)

    def test_emptyProjectCalledOut(self):
        If no changes exist for a project, I{NEWS} gains a new section for
        that project that includes some helpful text about how there were no
        interesting changes.
        project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted")
        createStructure(project, {'NEWS': self.existingText})

            project, project.child('NEWS'),
            "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
        results = project.child('NEWS').getContent()
            'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            '\n' +
            self.builder._NO_CHANGES +
            '\n\n' + self.existingText)

    def test_preserveTicketHint(self):
        If a I{NEWS} file begins with the two magic lines which point readers
        at the issue tracker, those lines are kept at the top of the new file.
        news = self.project.child('NEWS')
            'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n'
            'Blah blah other stuff.\n')

        self.builder.build(self.project, news, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")

            'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n'
            'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe '
            'with any\n'
            '   accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior '
            'of the\n'
            '   news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n'
            ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was '
            'added. (#16)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            'Blah blah other stuff.\n')

    def test_emptySectionsOmitted(self):
        If there are no changes of a particular type (feature, bugfix, etc), no
        section for that type is written by L{NewsBuilder.build}.
        for ticket in self.project.children():
            if ticket.splitext()[1] in ('.feature', '.misc', '.doc'):

            self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
            'Some Thing 1.2')

            'Some Thing 1.2\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')

    def test_duplicatesMerged(self):
        If two change files have the same contents, they are merged in the
        generated news entry.
        def feature(s):
            return self.project.child(s + '.feature')

            self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
            'Project Name 5.0')

            'Project Name 5.0\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5, #15, #16)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')
Ejemplo n.º 5
class NewsBuilderTests(TestCase, StructureAssertingMixin):
    Tests for L{NewsBuilder}.
    skip = svnSkip

    def setUp(self):
        Create a fake project and stuff some basic structure and content into
        self.builder = NewsBuilder()
        self.project = FilePath(self.mktemp())

        self.existingText = 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n'
            self.project, {
                'We now support the web.\n',
                'The widget is more robust.\n',
                ('A very long feature which takes many words to '
                 'describe with any accuracy was introduced so that '
                 'the line wrapping behavior of the news generating '
                 'code could be verified.\n'),
                ('A simpler feature\ndescribed on multiple lines\n'
                 'was added.\n'),
                'Broken stuff was fixed.\n',
                'Stupid stuff was deprecated.\n',
                'writing Foo servers'

    def svnCommit(self, project=None):
        Make the C{project} directory a valid subversion directory with all
        files committed.
        if project is None:
            project = self.project
        repositoryPath = self.mktemp()
        repository = FilePath(repositoryPath)

        runCommand(["svnadmin", "create", repository.path])
            ["svn", "checkout", "file://" + repository.path, project.path])

        runCommand(["svn", "add"] + glob.glob(project.path + "/*"))
        runCommand(["svn", "commit", project.path, "-m", "yay"])

    def test_today(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._today} returns today's date in YYYY-MM-DD form.

    def test_findFeatures(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._FEATURE}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of
        features = self.builder._findChanges(self.project,
        self.assertEqual(features, [
            (5, "We now support the web."), (12, "The widget is more robust."),
            (15, "A very long feature which takes many words to describe with "
             "any accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior "
             "of the news generating code could be verified."),
            (16, "A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added.")

    def test_findBugfixes(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._BUGFIX}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of
        bugfixes = self.builder._findChanges(self.project,
        self.assertEqual(bugfixes, [(23, 'Broken stuff was fixed.')])

    def test_findRemovals(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._REMOVAL}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions
        as a list of two-tuples.
        removals = self.builder._findChanges(self.project,
        self.assertEqual(removals, [(25, 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.')])

    def test_findDocumentation(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._DOC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of documentation ticket numbers and descriptions as a
        list of two-tuples.
        doc = self.builder._findChanges(self.project, self.builder._DOC)
        self.assertEqual(doc, [(40, 'foo.bar.Baz.quux'),
                               (41, 'writing Foo servers')])

    def test_findMiscellaneous(self):
        When called with L{NewsBuilder._MISC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
        returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions
        as a list of two-tuples.
        misc = self.builder._findChanges(self.project, self.builder._MISC)
        self.assertEqual(misc, [(30, ''), (35, '')])

    def test_writeHeader(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeHeader} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing and a header string and writes out a news file header to it.
        output = StringIO()
        self.builder._writeHeader(output, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
            output.getvalue(), "Super Awesometastic 32.16\n"

    def test_writeSection(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeSection} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned
        by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}) and writes out a section header and all
        of the given ticket information.
        output = StringIO()
            output, "Features",
            [(3, "Great stuff."),
             (17, "Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly "
              "without end until suddenly without warning it does end.")])
            output.getvalue(), "Features\n"
            " - Great stuff. (#3)\n"
            " - Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly "
            "without end\n"
            "   until suddenly without warning it does end. (#17)\n"

    def test_writeMisc(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._writeMisc} accepts a file-like object opened for
        writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned
        by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} and writes out a section header and all
        of the ticket numbers, but excludes any descriptions.
        output = StringIO()
        self.builder._writeMisc(output, "Other",
                                [(x, "") for x in range(2, 50, 3)])
            output.getvalue(), "Other\n"
            " - #2, #5, #8, #11, #14, #17, #20, #23, #26, #29, #32, #35, "
            "#38, #41,\n"
            "   #44, #47\n"

    def test_build(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.build} updates a NEWS file with new features based on the
        I{<ticket>.feature} files found in the directory specified.
        self.builder.build(self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
                           "Super Awesometastic 32.16")

        results = self.project.child('NEWS').getContent()
            results, 'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe '
            'with any\n'
            '   accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior '
            'of the\n'
            '   news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n'
            ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was '
            'added. (#16)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            '\n\n' + self.existingText)

    def test_emptyProjectCalledOut(self):
        If no changes exist for a project, I{NEWS} gains a new section for
        that project that includes some helpful text about how there were no
        interesting changes.
        project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted")
        self.createStructure(project, {'NEWS': self.existingText})

        self.builder.build(project, project.child('NEWS'),
                           "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
        results = project.child('NEWS').getContent()
            results, 'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            '\n' + self.builder._NO_CHANGES + '\n\n' + self.existingText)

    def test_preserveTicketHint(self):
        If a I{NEWS} file begins with the two magic lines which point readers
        at the issue tracker, those lines are kept at the top of the new file.
        news = self.project.child('NEWS')
            'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n'
            'Blah blah other stuff.\n')

        self.builder.build(self.project, news, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")

            'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n'
            'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe '
            'with any\n'
            '   accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior '
            'of the\n'
            '   news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n'
            ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was '
            'added. (#16)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            'Blah blah other stuff.\n')

    def test_emptySectionsOmitted(self):
        If there are no changes of a particular type (feature, bugfix, etc), no
        section for that type is written by L{NewsBuilder.build}.
        for ticket in self.project.children():
            if ticket.splitext()[1] in ('.feature', '.misc', '.doc'):

        self.builder.build(self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
                           'Some Thing 1.2')

            self.project.child('NEWS').getContent(), 'Some Thing 1.2\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')

    def test_duplicatesMerged(self):
        If two change files have the same contents, they are merged in the
        generated news entry.
        def feature(s):
            return self.project.child(s + '.feature')


        self.builder.build(self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
                           'Project Name 5.0')

            self.project.child('NEWS').getContent(), 'Project Name 5.0\n'
            ' - We now support the web. (#5, #15, #16)\n'
            ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
            ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
            'Improved Documentation\n'
            ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
            ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
            'Deprecations and Removals\n'
            ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
            ' - #30, #35\n'
            'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')

    def createFakeTwistedProject(self):
        Create a fake-looking Twisted project to build from.
        project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted")
            project, {
                'NEWS': 'Old boring stuff from the past.\n',
                '_version.py': genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 3),
                'topfiles': {
                    'NEWS': 'Old core news.\n',
                    '3.feature': 'Third feature addition.\n',
                    '5.misc': ''
                'conch': {
                    '_version.py': genVersion("twisted.conch", 3, 4, 5),
                    'topfiles': {
                        'NEWS': 'Old conch news.\n',
                        '7.bugfix': 'Fixed that bug.\n'
        return project

    def test_buildAll(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} calls L{NewsBuilder.build} once for each
        subproject, passing that subproject's I{topfiles} directory as C{path},
        the I{NEWS} file in that directory as C{output}, and the subproject's
        name as C{header}, and then again for each subproject with the
        top-level I{NEWS} file for C{output}. Blacklisted subprojects are
        builds = []
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        builder.build = lambda path, output, header: builds.append(
            (path, output, header))
        builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'

        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()

        coreTopfiles = project.child("topfiles")
        coreNews = coreTopfiles.child("NEWS")
        coreHeader = "Twisted Core 1.2.3 (2009-12-01)"

        conchTopfiles = project.child("conch").child("topfiles")
        conchNews = conchTopfiles.child("NEWS")
        conchHeader = "Twisted Conch 3.4.5 (2009-12-01)"

        aggregateNews = project.child("NEWS")

        self.assertEqual(builds, [(conchTopfiles, conchNews, conchHeader),
                                  (conchTopfiles, aggregateNews, conchHeader),
                                  (coreTopfiles, coreNews, coreHeader),
                                  (coreTopfiles, aggregateNews, coreHeader)])

    def test_buildAllAggregate(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} aggregates I{NEWS} information into the top
        files, only deleting fragments once it's done.
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()

        aggregateNews = project.child("NEWS")

        aggregateContent = aggregateNews.getContent()
        self.assertIn("Third feature addition", aggregateContent)
        self.assertIn("Fixed that bug", aggregateContent)
        self.assertIn("Old boring stuff from the past", aggregateContent)

    def test_changeVersionInNews(self):
        L{NewsBuilder._changeVersions} gets the release date for a given
        version of a project as a string.
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'
        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()
        newVersion = Version('TEMPLATE', 7, 7, 14)
        coreNews = project.child('topfiles').child('NEWS')
        # twisted 1.2.3 is the old version.
        builder._changeNewsVersion(coreNews, "Core",
                                   Version("twisted", 1, 2,
                                           3), newVersion, '2010-01-01')
        expectedCore = ('Twisted Core 7.7.14 (2010-01-01)\n'
                        ' - Third feature addition. (#3)\n'
                        ' - #5\n\n\n')
        self.assertEqual(expectedCore + 'Old core news.\n',

    def test_removeNEWSfragments(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildALL} removes all the NEWS fragments after the build
        process, using the C{svn} C{rm} command.
        builder = NewsBuilder()
        project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()

        self.assertEqual(5, len(project.children()))
        output = runCommand(["svn", "status", project.path])
        removed = [
            line for line in output.splitlines() if line.startswith("D ")
        self.assertEqual(3, len(removed))

    def test_checkSVN(self):
        L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} raises L{NotWorkingDirectory} when the given
        path is not a SVN checkout.
        self.assertRaises(NotWorkingDirectory, self.builder.buildAll,