Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_random(num_trees, nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Returns a specified number (`num_trees`) of random trees from the nexus.

    :param num_trees: The number of trees to resample
    :type num_trees: Integer

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader

    :return: A NexusReader instance.

    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    :raises ValueError: if num_trees is not an integer
    :raises ValueError: if num_trees is larger than population
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['trees'])

        num_trees = int(num_trees)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("num_trees should be an integer")

    if num_trees > nexus_obj.trees.ntrees:
        raise ValueError("Treefile only has %d trees in it." %
    elif num_trees == nexus_obj.trees.ntrees:  # pragma: no cover
        return nexus_obj  # um. ok.
        if do_print:  # pragma: no cover
            print("%d trees read. Sampling %d" %
                  (nexus_obj.trees.ntrees, num_trees))
        nexus_obj.trees.trees = sample(nexus_obj.trees.trees, num_trees)
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_deltree(deltree, nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Returns a list of trees to be deleted

    :param deltree: A string of trees to be deleted.
    :type deltree: String

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader

    :param do_print: flag to print() logging information or not
    :type do_print: Boolean

    :return: A NexusReader instance with the given trees removed.

    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['trees'])

    new = []
    delitems = parse_deltree(deltree)

    if do_print:  # pragma: no cover
        print('Deleting: %d trees' % len(delitems))

    for index, tree in enumerate(nexus_obj.trees, 1):
        if index in delitems:
            if do_print:  # pragma: no cover
                print('Deleting tree %d' % index)
    nexus_obj.trees.trees = new
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_random(num_trees, nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Returns a specified number (`num_trees`) of random trees from the nexus file.
    :param num_trees: The number of trees to resample
    :type num_trees: Integer
    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 
    :return: A NexusReader instance.
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    :raises ValueError: if num_trees is not an integer
    :raises ValueError: if num_trees is larger than population
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=["trees"])

        num_trees = int(num_trees)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("num_trees should be an integer")

    if num_trees > nexus_obj.trees.ntrees:
        raise ValueError("Treefile only has %d trees in it." % nexus_obj.trees.ntrees)
    elif num_trees == nexus_obj.trees.ntrees:
        return nexus_obj  # um. ok.
        if do_print:
            print ("%d trees read... sampling %d" % (nexus_obj.trees.ntrees, num_trees))
        nexus_obj.trees.trees = sample(nexus_obj.trees.trees, num_trees)
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 4
def find_constant_sites(nexus_obj):
    Returns a list of the constant sites in a nexus

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :return: A list of constant site positions.
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])

    const = []
    for i in range(0, nexus_obj.data.nchar):
        states = []
        for taxa, data in nexus_obj.data:
            c = data[i]
            if c in ('?', '-'):
            elif c not in states:

        if len(states) == 1:
    return const
Ejemplo n.º 5
def tally_by_taxon(nexus_obj):
    Counts the number of states per site that each taxon has (i.e. taxon 1 
    has three sites coded as "A" and 1 coded as "G") 

    Returns a dictionary of the cognate sets by members in the nexus

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :return: A Dictionary
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block

    e.g. {
        'taxon1': {'state1': ['site1', 'site2'], 'state0': ['site3'], } 
        'taxon2': {'state1': ['site2'], 'state0': ['site1', 'site3'], }
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])
    tally = {}
    for taxon, characters in nexus_obj.data:
        tally[taxon] = {}
        for pos, char in enumerate(characters):
            label = nexus_obj.data.charlabels.get(pos, pos)
            tally[taxon][char] = tally[taxon].get(char, [])
    return tally
Ejemplo n.º 6
def tally_by_site(nexus_obj):
    Counts the number of taxa per state per site (i.e. site 1 has three taxa 
    coded as "A", and 1 taxa coded as "G")

    Returns a dictionary of the cognate sets by members in the nexus

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :return: A Dictionary
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block

    e.g. {
        'site1': {'state1': ['taxon1', 'taxon2'], 'state0': ['taxon3'], } 
        'site2': {'state1': ['taxon2'], 'state0': ['taxon1', 'taxon3'], }
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])
    tally = {}
    for site, data in nexus_obj.data.characters.items():
        tally[site] = tally.get(site, {})
        for taxon, state in data.items():
            tally[site][state] = tally[site].get(state, [])
    return tally
Ejemplo n.º 7
def find_unique_sites(nexus_obj):
    Returns a list of the unique sites in a binary nexus
    i.e. sites with only one taxon belonging to them.
        (this only really makes sense if the data is coded as presence/absence)

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :return: A list of unique site positions.
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])

    unique = []
    for i in range(0, nexus_obj.data.nchar):
        members = {}
        missing = 0
        for taxa, characters in nexus_obj.data:
            c = characters[i]
            if c in (u'?', u'-'):
                missing += 1
                members[c] = members.get(c, 0) + 1

        # a character is unique if there's only two states
        # AND there's a state with 1 member
        # AND the state with 1 member is NOT the 0 (absence) state
        if len(members) == 2:
            for state, count in members.items():
                if state != '0' and count == 1:
    return unique
Ejemplo n.º 8
def count_site_values(nexus_obj, characters=('-', '?')):
    Counts the number of sites with values in `characters` in a nexus

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :param characters: An iterable of the characters to count
    :type characters: tuple

    :return: (A dictionary of taxa and missing counts, and a list of log comments)
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
        iter(characters)  # just check it's iterable. Don't _change_ it to an
        # iterable or we won't be able to compare the characters properly below.
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError("characters should be iterable")

    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])

    tally = {}
    for taxon, sites in nexus_obj.data:
        tally[taxon] = tally.get(taxon, 0)
        for site in sites:
            if site in characters:
                tally[taxon] += 1
    return tally
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run_deltree(deltree, nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Returns a list of trees to be deleted
    :param deltree: A string of trees to be deleted.
    :type deltree: String 
    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 
    :param do_print: flag to print() logging information or not
    :type do_print: Boolean
    :return: A NexusReader instance with the given trees removed.
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=["trees"])

    new = []
    delitems = parse_deltree(deltree)

    if do_print:
        print ("Deleting: %d trees" % len(delitems))

    for index, tree in enumerate(nexus_obj.trees, 1):
        if index in delitems:
            if do_print:
                print ("Deleting tree %d" % index)
    nexus_obj.trees.trees = new
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run_removecomments(nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Removes comments from the trees in a nexus

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader

    :param do_print: flag to print() logging information or not
    :type do_print: Boolean

    :return: A NexusReader instance with the comments removed.

    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['trees'])

    new = []
    for tree in nexus_obj.trees:

    if do_print:  # pragma: no cover
        print("Removed comments")

    nexus_obj.trees.trees = new
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 11
def run_removecomments(nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Removes comments from the trees in a nexus
    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 
    :param do_print: flag to print() logging information or not
    :type do_print: Boolean
    :return: A NexusReader instance with the comments removed.
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=["trees"])

    new = []
    for index, tree in enumerate(nexus_obj.trees, 1):

    if do_print:
        print ("Removed comments")

    nexus_obj.trees.trees = new
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 12
def new_nexus_without_sites(nexus_obj, sites_to_remove):
    Returns a new NexusReader instance with the sites in 
    `sites_to_remove` removed.

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :param sites_to_remove: A list of site numbers
    :type sites_to_remove: List

    :return: A NexusWriter instance
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])

    # make new nexus
    nexout = NexusWriter()
        "Removed %d sites: %s" %
        (len(sites_to_remove), ",".join(["%s" % s for s in sites_to_remove])))
    new_sitepos = 0
    for sitepos in range(nexus_obj.data.nchar):
        if sitepos in sites_to_remove:
            continue  # skip!
        for taxon, data in nexus_obj.data:
            nexout.add(taxon, new_sitepos, data[sitepos])
        new_sitepos += 1
    return nexout
Ejemplo n.º 13
def run_detranslate(nexus_obj):
    Removes comments from the trees in a nexus

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader

    :return: A NexusReader instance with the comments removed.

    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['trees'])
    return nexus_obj
def print_character_stats(nexus_obj, character_index):
    Prints the character/site statistics for a given `nexus_obj` and character index
    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 
    :param character_index: The character index of the character to summarise
    :type character_index: Int or String 
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises IndexError: if character_index is not in nexus data block
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=["data"])

    index = None
    if character_index in nexus_obj.data.characters:
        index = character_index  # string index
            character_index = int(character_index)
        except ValueError:

        if character_index in nexus_obj.data.characters:
            index = character_index

    if index is None:
        raise IndexError("Character '%s' is not in the nexus" % char)

    states = {}
    for taxon, state in nexus_obj.data.characters[index].items():
        states[state] = states.get(state, [])

    for state in sorted(states):
        print "State: %s (%d / %d = %0.2f)" % (
            (len(states[state]) / nexus_obj.data.ntaxa * 100),
        print "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(", ".join(states[state])))

Ejemplo n.º 15
def run_detranslate(nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Removes comments from the trees in a nexus
    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 
    :param do_print: flag to print() logging information or not
    :type do_print: Boolean
    :return: A NexusReader instance with the comments removed.
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=["trees"])
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 16
def binarise(nexus_obj, one_nexus_per_block=False):
    Returns a binary variant of the given `nexus_obj`.
    If `one_nexus_per_block` then we return a list of NexusWriter instances.

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :param one_nexus_per_block: Whether to return a single NexusWriter, or a 
                                list of NexusWriter's (one per character)
    :type one_nexus_per_block: Boolean

    :return: A NexusWriter instance or a list of NexusWriter instances.
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])
    nexuslist = []
    n = NexusWriter()

    for i in sorted(nexus_obj.data.charlabels):
        label = nexus_obj.data.charlabels[i]  # character label
        char = nexus_obj.data.characters[
            label]  # character dict (taxon->state)
        recoding = _recode_to_binary(char)  # recode

        new_char_length = len(recoding[recoding.keys()[0]])

        # loop over recoded data
        for j in range(new_char_length):
            for taxon, state in recoding.items():
                # make new label
                new_label = "%s_%d" % (str(label), j)
                # add to nexus
                n.add(taxon, new_label, state[j])

        if one_nexus_per_block:
            n = NexusWriter()

    if one_nexus_per_block:
        return nexuslist
        return n
def print_character_stats(nexus_obj, character_index):
    Prints the character/site statistics for a given `nexus_obj` and character index
    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 
    :param character_index: The character index of the character to summarise
    :type character_index: Int or String 
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises IndexError: if character_index is not in nexus data block
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])

    index = None
    if character_index in nexus_obj.data.characters:
        index = character_index  # string index
            character_index = int(character_index)
        except ValueError:

        if character_index in nexus_obj.data.characters:
            index = character_index

    if index is None:
        raise IndexError("Character '%s' is not in the nexus" % char)

    states = {}
    for taxon, state in nexus_obj.data.characters[index].items():
        states[state] = states.get(state, [])

    for state in sorted(states):
        print 'State: %s (%d / %d = %0.2f)' % (
            state, len(states[state]), nexus_obj.data.ntaxa,
            (len(states[state]) / nexus_obj.data.ntaxa * 100))
        print "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(", ".join(states[state])))

Ejemplo n.º 18
def shufflenexus(nexus_obj, resample=False):
    Shuffles the characters between each taxon to create a new nexus

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :param resample: The number of characters to resample. If set to False, then
        the number of characters will equal the number of characters in the 
        original data file.
    :type resample: Integer

    :return: A shuffled NexusReader instance
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises ValueError: if resample is not False or a positive Integer
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])

    if resample is False:
        resample = nexus_obj.data.nchar

        resample = int(resample)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('resample must be a positive integer or False!')

    if resample < 1:
        raise ValueError('resample must be a positive integer or False!')

    newnexus = NexusWriter()
    newnexus.add_comment("Randomised Nexus generated from %s" %

    for i in range(resample):
        # pick existing character
        character = randrange(0, nexus_obj.data.nchar)
        chars = nexus_obj.data.characters[character]
        site_values = [chars[taxon] for taxon in nexus_obj.data.taxa]
        for taxon in nexus_obj.data.taxa:
            newnexus.add(taxon, i, site_values.pop(0))
    return newnexus
Ejemplo n.º 19
def binarise(nexus_obj, one_nexus_per_block=False):
    Returns a binary variant of the given `nexus_obj`.
    If `one_nexus_per_block` then we return a list of NexusWriter instances.

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :param one_nexus_per_block: Whether to return a single NexusWriter, or a 
                                list of NexusWriter's (one per character)
    :type one_nexus_per_block: Boolean

    :return: A NexusWriter instance or a list of NexusWriter instances.
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])
    nexuslist = []
    n = NexusWriter()
    for i in sorted(nexus_obj.data.charlabels):
        label = nexus_obj.data.charlabels[i] # character label
        char = nexus_obj.data.characters[label] # character dict (taxon->state)
        recoding = _recode_to_binary(char) # recode
        new_char_length = len(recoding[recoding.keys()[0]])
        # loop over recoded data
        for j in range(new_char_length):
            for taxon, state in recoding.items():
                # make new label
                new_label = "%s_%d" % (str(label), j)
                # add to nexus
                n.add(taxon, new_label, state[j])
        if one_nexus_per_block:
            n = NexusWriter()
    if one_nexus_per_block:
        return nexuslist
        return n
Ejemplo n.º 20
def run_resample(resample, nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Resamples the trees in a nexus

    :param resample: Resample every `resample` trees
    :type resample: Integer

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader

    :param do_print: flag to print() logging information or not
    :type do_print: Boolean

    :return: A NexusReader instance with the given trees removed.

    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['trees'])

    new = []
        every = int(resample)
    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid resample option %s - should be an integer" % resample

    if do_print:  # pragma: no cover
        print('Resampling ever %d trees' % every)

    ignore_count = 0
    for index, tree in enumerate(nexus_obj.trees, 1):
        if index % every == 0:
            ignore_count += 1

    if do_print:  # pragma: no cover
        print("Ignored %d trees" % ignore_count)

    nexus_obj.trees.trees = new
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 21
def shufflenexus(nexus_obj, resample=False):
    Shuffles the characters between each taxon to create a new nexus

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :param resample: The number of characters to resample. If set to False, then
        the number of characters will equal the number of characters in the 
        original data file.
    :type resample: Integer

    :return: A shuffled NexusReader instance
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises ValueError: if resample is not False or a positive Integer
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])

    if resample is False:
        resample = nexus_obj.data.nchar

        resample = int(resample)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('resample must be a positive integer or False!')

    if resample < 1:
        raise ValueError('resample must be a positive integer or False!')

    newnexus = NexusWriter()
    newnexus.add_comment("Randomised Nexus generated from %s" % nexus_obj.filename)

    for i in range(resample):
        # pick existing character
        character = randrange(0, nexus_obj.data.nchar)
        chars = nexus_obj.data.characters[character]
        site_values = [chars[taxon] for taxon in nexus_obj.data.taxa]
        for taxon in nexus_obj.data.taxa:
            newnexus.add(taxon, i, site_values.pop(0))
    return newnexus
Ejemplo n.º 22
def run_resample(resample, nexus_obj, do_print=False):
    Resamples the trees in a nexus

    :param resample: Resample every `resample` trees
    :type resample: Integer

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader

    :param do_print: flag to print() logging information or not
    :type do_print: Boolean

    :return: A NexusReader instance with the given trees removed.

    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `trees` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['trees'])

    new = []
        every = int(resample)
    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError("Invalid resample option %s - should be an integer" %

    if do_print:  # pragma: no cover
        print('Resampling ever %d trees' % every)

    ignore_count = 0
    for index, tree in enumerate(nexus_obj.trees, 1):
        if index % every == 0:
            ignore_count += 1

    if do_print:  # pragma: no cover
        print("Ignored %d trees" % ignore_count)

    nexus_obj.trees.trees = new
    return nexus_obj
Ejemplo n.º 23
def print_taxa_stats(nexus_obj):
    Prints the taxa state statistics for a given `nexus_obj`
    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])
    for taxon in sorted(nexus_obj.data.matrix):
        tally = {}
        for site in nexus_obj.data.matrix[taxon]:
            tally[site] = tally.get(site, 0) + 1
        tally = ", ".join(['%s x %s' % (k,tally[k]) for k in sorted(tally)])
        print taxon.ljust(20), tally
Ejemplo n.º 24
def print_taxa_stats(nexus_obj):
    Prints the taxa state statistics for a given `nexus_obj`
    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])

    for taxon in sorted(nexus_obj.data.matrix):
        tally = {}
        for site in nexus_obj.data.matrix[taxon]:
            tally[site] = tally.get(site, 0) + 1

        tally = ", ".join(['%s x %s' % (k, tally[k]) for k in sorted(tally)])
        print taxon.ljust(20), tally
Ejemplo n.º 25
def multistatise(nexus_obj):
    Returns a multistate variant of the given `nexus_obj`.

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader 

    :return: A NexusReader instance
    :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus
    :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block
    check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data'])
    site_idx = 0
    nexout = NexusWriter()
    missing = []
    charlabel = getattr(nexus_obj, 'short_filename', 1)
    for site, data in nexus_obj.data.characters.items():
        multistate_value = chr(65 + site_idx)
        for taxon, value in data.items():
            assert value == str(value)
            if value in ('?', '-'):
            if value == '1':
                nexout.add(taxon, charlabel, multistate_value)
                if taxon in missing: # remove taxon if we've seen a non-? entry
        site_idx += 1
        assert site_idx < 26, "Too many characters to handle! - run out of A-Z"
    # add missing state for anything that is all missing, and has not been
    # observed anywhere
    for taxon in nexus_obj.data.taxa:
        if taxon not in nexout.data[str(charlabel)]:
            nexout.add(taxon, charlabel, '?')
    return nexout._convert_to_reader()
Ejemplo n.º 26
def combine_nexuses(nexuslist):
    Combines a list of NexusReader instances into a single nexus
    :param nexuslist: A list of NexusReader instances
    :type nexuslist: List 
    :return: A NexusWriter instance
    :raises TypeError: if nexuslist is not a list of NexusReader instances
    :raises IOError: if unable to read an file in nexuslist
    :raises NexusFormatException: if a nexus file does not have a `data` block
    out = NexusWriter()
    charpos = 0
    for nex_id, nex in enumerate(nexuslist, 1):
        check_for_valid_NexusReader(nex, required_blocks=['data'])

        if hasattr(nex, 'short_filename'):
            nexus_label = os.path.splitext(nex.short_filename)[0]
        elif hasattr(nex, 'label'):
            nexus_label = nex.label
            nexus_label = str(nex_id)

        out.add_comment("%d - %d: %s" %
                        (charpos, charpos + nex.data.nchar - 1, nexus_label))
        for site_idx, site in enumerate(sorted(nex.data.characters), 0):
            data = nex.data.characters.get(site)
            charpos += 1
            # work out character label
            charlabel = nex.data.charlabels.get(site_idx, site_idx + 1)
            label = '%s.%s' % (nexus_label, charlabel)

            for taxon, value in data.items():
                out.add(taxon, label, value)
    return out
 def test_valid_NexusReader(self):
 def test_valid_with_required_block_two(self):
     nexus_obj = NexusReader(os.path.join(EXAMPLE_DIR, 'example2.nex'))
     check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, ['data', 'taxa'])
 def test_valid_NexusReader(self):
 def test_failure_on_required_block_two(self):
     nexus_obj = NexusReader(os.path.join(EXAMPLE_DIR, 'example2.nex'))
     with self.assertRaises(NexusFormatException):
         check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, ['r8s'])
 def test_valid_with_required_block_two(self):
     nexus_obj = NexusReader(os.path.join(EXAMPLE_DIR, 'example2.nex'))
     check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, ['data', 'taxa'])
 def test_failure_on_required_block_two(self):
     nexus_obj = NexusReader(os.path.join(EXAMPLE_DIR, 'example2.nex'))
     with self.assertRaises(NexusFormatException):
         check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, ['r8s'])