Ejemplo n.º 1
class RegexMatcher(object):
    """ A basic regex parser for ascii characters -- initialize with a
        pattern passed to either the class constructor or set_pattern
        Use match* functions to find matches in input strings
    def __init__(self, pattern):
        # pass

# generates the state machine for the regex specified by pattern
    def setPattern(self, pattern):
        self.pattern = pattern
        self.stateMachine = NFA(pattern)

    def findLongestMatch(self, inStr, i):
        j = i
        prevFinishedIndex = -1
        while j < len(inStr) and self.stateMachine.advanceStates(inStr[j]):
            j += 1
            if self.stateMachine.finished():
                prevFinishedIndex = j

        if prevFinishedIndex != -1:
            return inStr[i:prevFinishedIndex]
            return ""

# returns a tuple of (int, str) that contains the integer of the index
# of the first char matching the pattern in input string and the str that
# matches the pattern
# if no match if found, returns a () empty tuple
    def matchFirst(self, inStr, searchStart=0):
        for i in range(searchStart, len(inStr)):
            match = self.findLongestMatch(inStr, i)
            if match:
                return (i, match)
        return ()

# same as matchFirst, except returns a list of all (int, str)
# pairs that match the pattern sent to set_pattern
# if no matches returns []
    def matchAll(self, inStr):
        result = []
        prevMatch = self.matchFirst(inStr, 0)
        while prevMatch:
            startIndex, match = prevMatch
            iOfLastMatch = startIndex + len(match)
            prevMatch = self.matchFirst(inStr, iOfLastMatch)

        return result

    def __str__(self):
        return self.pattern + "\n" + str(self.stateMachine)