def testReplayCache003(t, env): """Send two unsuccessful idempotent compounds with same seqid FLAGS: sequence all CODE: SEQ9c """ c1 = env.c1.new_client(env.testname(t)) sess1 = c1.create_session() res1 = sess1.compound([op.putrootfh(), op.lookup("")], cache_this=True) check(res1, NFS4ERR_INVAL) res2 = sess1.compound([op.putrootfh(), op.lookup("")], seq_delta=0) check(res2, NFS4ERR_INVAL) res1.tag = res2.tag = "" if not nfs4lib.test_equal(res1, res2): fail("Replay results not equal")
def lookup_obj(sess, path): compound = [op.putrootfh()] compound += [op.lookup(comp) for comp in path] compound += [op.getfh()] res = sess.compound(compound) check(res) return res.resarray[-1].object
def use_obj(file): """File is either None, a fh, or a list of path components""" if file is None or file == [None]: return [] elif type(file) is str: return [op.putfh(file)] else: return [op.putrootfh()] + [op.lookup(comp) for comp in file]
def testLongName(t, env): """LOOKUP should fail with NFS4ERR_NAMETOOLONG with long filenames FLAGS: lookup longname all CODE: LOOK4 """ c1 = env.c1.new_client(env.testname(t)) sess1 = c1.create_session() res = sess1.compound([op.putrootfh(), op.lookup('abc' * 512)]) check(res, NFS4ERR_NAMETOOLONG, "LOOKUP with very long component")
def testZeroLength(t, env): """LOOKUP with zero length name should return NFS4ERR_INVAL FLAGS: lookup all CODE: LOOK3 """ c1 = env.c1.new_client(env.testname(t)) sess1 = c1.create_session() res = sess1.compound([op.putrootfh(), op.lookup('')]) check(res, NFS4ERR_INVAL, "LOOKUP with no zero-length component")
def testNoFh(t, env): """LOOKUP should fail with NFS4ERR_NOFILEHANDLE if no (cfh) FLAGS: lookup emptyfh all CODE: LOOK1 """ c1 = env.c1.new_client(env.testname(t)) sess1 = c1.create_session() res = sess1.compound([op.lookup(env.testname(t))]) check(res, NFS4ERR_NOFILEHANDLE, "LOOKUP with no <cfh>")
def testNonExistent(t, env): """LOOKUP with non-existent components should return NFS4ERR_NOENT FLAGS: lookup all CODE: LOOK2 """ name = env.testname(t) c1 = env.c1.new_client(name) sess1 = c1.create_session() res = sess1.compound(env.home + [op.lookup(name)]) check(res, NFS4ERR_NOENT, "LOOKUP with non-existant component '%s'" % name)
def testRequestTooBig(t, env): """Send a request bigger than session can handle FLAGS: sequence all CODE: SEQ6 """ c1 = env.c1.new_client(env.testname(t)) # Only allow 512 byte requests attrs = channel_attrs4(0, 512, 8192, 8192, 128, 8, []) sess1 = c1.create_session(fore_attrs = attrs) # Send a lookup request with a very long filename res = sess1.compound([op.putrootfh(), op.lookup("12345"*100)]) # FIXME - NAME_TOO_BIG is valid, don't want it to be check(res, NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG)
def testOpenLookupClose(t, env): """test current state id processing by having OPEN, LOOKUP and CLOSE in a single compound FLAGS: currentstateid all CODE: CSID5 """ sess1 = env.c1.new_client_session(env.testname(t)) fname = env.testname(t) open_op = open_create_file_op(sess1, fname, open_create=OPEN4_CREATE) lookup_op = env.home + [op.lookup(fname)] res = sess1.compound(open_op + lookup_op + [op.close(0, current_stateid)]) checklist(res, [NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID, NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID])
def testXdev(t, env): """LOOKUPP with dir on different fs FLAGS: special CODE: LKPP4 """ c1 = env.c1.new_client(env.testname(t)) sess1 = c1.create_session() ops = [op.putrootfh(), op.getfh()] op_pairs = [(op.lookup(component), op.getfh()) for component in env.opts.usespecial] ops += [op_pair[i] for op_pair in op_pairs for i in range(2)] ops += [op.lookupp(), op.getfh()] res = sess1.compound(ops) check(res) fh1 = res.resarray[-5].object fh2 = res.resarray[-1].object if fh1 != fh2:"file handles not equal")